Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Monday 10 January 1916, page 4

Lady Galway performed the official cere-mony in connection with the opening of the new soldiers' hut at Henley Beach on Saturday afternoon. On Tuesday His Ex-cellency the Governor (Sir Henry Galway) will inspect Roseworthy College. The arrangements of the Prime Minister (Mr. Hughes) for his departure for Eng and are now- almost complete. He will leave for Sydney by boat on Saturday neat, and'aftetf'a: few days in- the New South Wales capital will return to Mel -qurne, and wiill travel overland to Ade laide to join the R.M.S. Osterley. The members of .the Federal Cabinet have pre sented Mr. and Mrs. Hughes with a hand some suit case each. The presentation was made on Saturday by the Minister for External Affairs (Mr. Mahon), who is the only Minister wlb was a member of the first Watson Labour Minieitry. The Attorney-General (Hon. ' J. H. Yaughan)) who has been spending a holi day m Tasmania, will return to Adelaide on Tuesday. The Hon. Staniforth Smith (Adminis-trator of New Guinea) has decided to enlist in the A.I.F. as. a private. He left for Western Australia for that purpose by the steamer Indarra on Saturday afternoon. Chatting with a reporter just before the steamer sailed, Mr. Smith said — 'I enlisted in the Commonwealth force for home defence at Port Moresby as soon as war broke out. With others at Port

Moresby, I volunteered for service ia any part of the world, but was informed that it was very necessary to defend our wire-less stations against raids, and that we could best serve the Empire by remaining where we were. When the German war-ships in the Pacific were destroyed, the necessity for defence of our station at Papua was removed, and I obtained per-mission from the Minister to enlist as a private in the A.I.F. Although I am 46 years of age, I was only 45 when I joined the force at the outbreak of war. I have decided to join as a private, rather than go into the officers' training camp, and I asked that I should, enlist in Western Australia, because that was the State which returned me for the Federal Parlia-ment at the head of the poll, and at various other elections for which I stood. I feel I owe everything to the people of Western Australia. I have leave of ab-sence for the duration of the war as Ad-ministrator of New Guinea, and intend to go back there if I return safely from the front.' Col. Lewis George Madley, LS.O., V.D., formerly Comnrfesi-yner of Police in Soulii Australia, died on Saturday at WarrimfUa, Park terrace, Wayville. at the age of 71 years. The late Col. Madley was born near Turtern, Monmouth a!iire;:ritt -18&. He was . educated at St. Mary's School, Cardiff, and Highbury Col lege, London. In I860 he proeeeded to Sydney to control the St. James's Model and Training School in New South .Wales. In 1873 lie became head master :o£ tbe Grote Street Model School, Adelaide: where

he reniained for two and a half years. He was subsequently appointed principal of the Training Cbllege for Teachers. In 1896 he succeeded the late ilr. W. J. PeterewaM as. Commissioner of Police in this F-iate. in which position he reihained until he resigned on account of ill-health in 1907. Col. Madley was a military enthusi ast. He identified himself with- the volun teer movement- immediately on his -arrival in the State. Jn 1877 he joined the in fantry as' a private, and in 'tihree years gained rapid promotion to the ran-k of major. Ie 1882 he was made a lieutenant colonel of the let Regiment. On ttie re tirement of Col. Owen. OoL Madley was offered the positron of Oimnrandant of the South Australian forces, which position, however, he did not accept. He became a cornel in 1SS6, and was an honorary aide de-camp to- several State Governors. Mr. W. J. Sowden will leave Adelaide to-day by the mail steyner ILarniiila lor ?Melbourue and Sydney. While in the eastern. States he will enquire regarding the working of Returned Soldiers Asso ciations and the methods employed for providing cheer for soldiers an camp. Sir. Sowden will also enquire . 'regarding the feasibility 'of. a scheme which has been, projected with a view to extending the value of Federal art exhibitions. By reason of the retirement from 'the Head Mastership of St. Peter's College of Canon Girdlestohe, M.A., the cnlidraent of Capt. Freeman and. Mr. J. H. flUl in the Australian expeditionary forces, the absence on leave «f Mr.'W. M. Hole, Mua., Baff.^ and (the resignation of Mr,. A. J,;Iv. Baker, igKA'v .ihe '-cb%cil. of the: school.' has ; been:'$p*d 'ft' nrake several eha'iigeSt.jn: the :persjpnnel (ff tbe iteaclHnRvEi^afl..;.-;AB. previously; announced hi -Tlitf ' Register, Mr. T. Aiaslie Caterer, B.A., has been apporated acting head master, a, position he has formerly filled to' the satisfaction of the council of governors. ? Mr. -A: G.'. Bice, B-A: (Magdalen College, Oxford)-, an old St. Peter'ts boy, will go into residence. He has1 .gained valuable teaching expe rience at {Sberborne, one of the hig Lng ilaSi.' public schools. Mr. R. Pavia, ISA., -Adelaide, who will join the staff as a. resi dent .master, has Deen working, at the Adelaide High School, and he brings yr£h him high references as a successful tea&her. ' Mr. W. Sharpe, MA. (SydneyJ has been appointed a non-resident master. He had a brilliant university career, and in- his finals he gained first-class honours: in mathematics, Latin, and French. For seven years he had charge of the highest ?mathemafrical work at Scatch College, Melbourne, a school which las' been singu larly successful in its public examinations, and to which success his personal efforts contributed in a marked degree. Mr. Frank R. Bennett- has also been appointed a resi dent master. He will resign as first assis tant at the Burme School, Tasmania, to come to South Australia, and wifl leave the Education Department (there for .the wider eervkc of Australian public school life with the strongest recommendationR. He T-a«sed thrown the Trainine College.

Hobart, and completed his final y?ar with honours. He is a keen and vigorous athlete, senior criebpfc representative, and sender fddtiiall/and one'of tbe finest anift:, teur.runnets/ m .Tasmania. ? In all these spbrtshe' has gained considerable experience in coaching. He has also held a commission with tbe Senior Cadets. Tbe council of the school 'proposes to appoint a resident house chapuun, and the announcement of its choice ia this matter will be made at an eariy date. When this has been done' the school will start the work of the' new year fully and efficiently staffed. Mr. A. E. Davey was welcomed by mem bers of tho Adelaide Chamber ot Cum merce, at a meeting on Friday, upen hie return to South Australia after visiting England. The President (Mr. F. W. Vaeev) referred to Mr. Davey as art old friend arid an ex-President whom they were all pleased to Eee back. Responding to the compliment, Mr. Davey remarked that he had seen many interesting things and many great people during his -etay_ in the nerve centre 01 the Empire. THe feeling of the people of Great Britain regarding the war was one of gallant opti mism. The old country -was out to win, and the people of Australia would do their, share to bring that about. I met Mr. W. Copley, ex-M.P., and Minister of the Crown, in the street on Thursday, and I could not help congratu-lating him on his remarkably hale and hearty appearance (writes 'Rufus,' in Saturday's Journal). "Well, I was 70 years old last birthday," re-marked the gentleman from Blackrock, "and I am not likely to forget it, because it was April 25, Anzac Day." Mr. Arthur Searcy happened along, and I mentioned to him that I had been congratulating Mr. Copley on his youthful appearance. "He looks a lot younger to-day," observed the Chairman of. ihe Harbours Board, "than he did many years ago, when he was sitting in the stern of the Governor Musgrave off Streaky Bay, and praying for me to put him ashore. I will never forget how he said, in pitiful tones, 'If you put me ashore, Searcy, I'll give up the Chief Secre-taryship, and walk home to Orroroo.'" 'That's a fact,' commented Mr. Copley; 'and all our ill luck with the weather was due 4o Searcy shooting a porpoise.' Messe. W.- Copley and Arthur Seatcy could have recalled another incident, which concerned the pulling down of a flag at- Go-vernment 'House, but that ie another story, a3 Kipling says. - Before we 'parted we wished Mr.1 Seaixgr 'M*ny;! happy -returns of the day,' because it- was his birthday, but he did not tell us how old he was. The following wilk of last week are ex tracted from the weekly gazette of the Mercantile Trade Protection Association:— Probates.— Thomas Brook,- Hill Farm, near Dritten, £10,700; George Octavius Da&y, Gawler Soutii, £450; David 'Amos Ewers, 'West Adelaide, ; £1,300; John Hennessy, Woodville, £3,806; Rebecca . Hynes, Henley Beach, £2,820: Charles Ebenthaheir Jolly, Stans bury ? £700: Stanlgr .William McGargill, Welland, &53O;- 'Walter Pnxohffle, Wirra bara, £12,605. Letters of Administration. —Thomas Henry Bowyer, Yankalilla, £125; Lillian Pearl Cherry, New Parkside, £270: Thomas Fmcent MaJoney, ? Mopckra, £3.300. - ? ? ' ' ' .^

. At.a.meeitinff of the Adelaide Chamber of Commerce on Friday, Mr. C. T. Mc Glew forwarded his resignation as rppre sentative of the Port Pirie Chamber en . ??- ? the council, owing to his enlistment with -the expeditionary forces. Appreciation ct. Mr. McGlew's patriotic sacrifice of busi- . jiesg and family interests to serve bis .. , country was' expressed, by the President .. of the Chamber (Mr. F. W. Vaeey). It was resolved to dispatch a 'message' to that ' effect 'to the gentleman concerned. Mr. E. E. Cleland, K.C., accompanied, by Mrs. Cleland and two daughters, left Ade laide by the Melbourne express on Satur day for the eastern States. Mr. Cleland \ expects to be ajbsent about three weeks, '? the greater portion of which will be' spent in Tasmania. . ,'?..-The third annual conference of Justices* . Associations will 'be iheld in Sydney, com mencing on January 17. The delegate? re presenting the South Australian Aseocia- v ' tkm will be the President-- (Mr. .J.-..-T. K«vetn)i Messrs. H. D- 'GeH^Herbert Soloi v maii. 55- Solombiis;' 'W: H. ?Wad^yV and^J, , Charles Genders. ^ if ' ''; -Xf\ .* ';_ ?'.' -: Seventy-four years'''agb li--iSay tjannary 10, 1842), Mr. W. Mnnson. M31», of Siyden ham road, Norwood, enUsted in England in tbe 3rd Light Dragoons. In May 'of the same year he volunteered to join the 9£h Lancers, who were about to proceed to India, and was accepted. In '1345,. while his regiment was quartered at Meerut, the Skhe declared war against, the British, and orders were at once given for the 9th to leave for the Pnnjaub. The ' regiment, owing to some delay in tb« re ceivings of despatches, waa' not- able to reach Moodkee in time . to' take fcatfc in resisting^ the attack, made, by . the .Hvshs on Sir Hugh Gottgh's forces on Decera-ber 18. in which battle the British lost 87i killed and wounded, among tbe former being that great hero of the Afghan ware, Sir Robert Sale— 'Fighting Bob.' The 9th Lancers therefore ' remained at £?--braon, and on the morning .of: Februarr 10, ait 1 a-m., ,the regiment .was .ordered^- ?-to march at sunrise and engage the enemy. The Sikhs, who were strongly ' entrenched on the Sutlej, were 25,000 strong. Sir Hugh Gough, who had 15,000 Briifeh under his command, succeeded,- ' with .. , felimed attacks on the enemy's centre, and right, in pushing home his assault on their ; left, andj after nard fighting, drove the de fenders into the river,' where [many x perished. The British lost about' 2-.500. and the Sikhs about 8,000. The battle of t Sobraon ended an the total defeat of the ? , Sikhs, and this concluded the campaign' of .. '' the Sutlej. Mr. Mills possesses a.,,wondert ful memory, and. in course of conversation-' with a representairve 'of -The Register; 'he; ''?? remiarked— 'We crossed the Rivrf/'Pntlci -on €he 12th, and'on the -14th:-I well ire member that, as I was - dn outlying;picket -duty^ the young ruler .of the'- SiSis,. the1 Maharajah Dhuleep Singh,. 'came, into; onr lines and -was taken, to the Commander- ' in-Chief. Ifest day I: was one' of' We -. .? escort that accompanied Sir Henry -Har- ? dinge, the Governor-General,1 and- Sir Hugh Gough, the 1 CommandeT-in-Chief.- to take formal possession of Ignore.' The 9tJi was -Uren' ordered back to' 'Meerut, r ' where they remained until' :thc -eecorid' ?Sakh war broke out -in rlSffi.- ..-. Mr^ . Milis .? . paiftdcipated in. .tha^t c&mpuign uLjo,. -and. was present at the' battfeg 4of CbjjUhn-'* ' walkh and Gooperaj^ He -was 'awarded * two medals, and.two clasps for- 4is -sCTvicee.' -Tn 185^r-five years before the outbreak of ^ the Indian Mntiny^-Tpr: ' MiBs/ who ? had loet the- eight of ?one..€ye,.lwa6vjnr;; . : valided home, and received his di.^charse*.; at Maidstone on: August ,12, 1852. -The old. .-genHeman is, with, the exception tf. $nr-':-geon-Major Hinton, who wm be 103;this '?'? year, the oldest member of the SwA.JDorps . 1 of VeteraiiB. and , takes the greatest' -in-. :;? teresfc in the doings, of its membeTB.v.He '-has been unable to leare his homeTfor,-- !v some trime. but, despite his great /^age,..-^ nothHig pleases him beWer flian to con-' V ? jnre- up recollections pf the past.- ,W3»tnv^ -. ; Lord Kitchener was 'here heinspec^itbe ? ;~: Corps of Veterans; ? :Cate&mc: si^itAof .,i' Tpr. Milk's medals, r we* walked' r-owriito'- -the old gentleman, - and^ '.shaking -.hin- ? i' warmly by the bAndi--wmark*d'-v'Bpigi|jn{ ;»i: My 'wpid, y«n old boys arei. getting scarce^gi, ? ^