Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (NSW : 1860 - 1870), Saturday 18 July 1863, page 2


ÍJSVOI» BelVs Life in London.)

The DERBY STAKES of 60 sovs eaeh, li ft, for threo year

olds ; colts 8st 101b, fillios 8st 61b ; tho second re-ceived 100 sors out of tho stakes ; ono milo and a half; 255 subs.

Sir It. o. Naylor'« br c Macaroni, by Sweetmeat out of Jocoie,

8»t 101b.Cliolloncr 1 Lord St Vincent's b e Lord CUHfn, by Newminster, 8st 101b

O. Fortlllam Î

Cord Glasgow'« ra c Rapid Rhone, by Y. Melbourne, Sit 101b

J. Do) le 3 Copt D. Lane's b c Blue Mantle, by Kingston, 8st 101b . Ljnch 4 {.ord Glasgow's brc by Young Melbourne out of Vhyaalts. Jjst

101b .." .T..Wltlilngton 0 Lord Glasgow's b c Ciatior, by De Clare, 8st Iolb . .. T. Aldcroft 0 «tr llowei's gr c Early Pur!, li) Chanticleer, 8<t lOlb.T. Ailunall 0

II. J. Smith's eli f Avondale, by llatau, 8st sib.J. Mann 0 Salca's br c -'nfeguaid, by Touclntone, Bst 101b Covey 0 Naylor'« bro Aggrcaaor, by Daniton, Sit 101b .Ferry 0 II. tiavtle'a br c 'I he Hanger, by Voltigeur, 8st lOlb.J Goater 0 a. nryan's b c Fantantlc, by Hesperus, 8«t 191b . distance 0 Lord l'almeraton'a eli c llnlclwln, by Rataplan, Bal 101b ...O O ray 0 Count Uatthyniiy'a eli c Tambour Major, by .Halapian, Bat lolb

Wolla P

Sir F. rolinstono'a b c Tho Gillie, by Tatlmor, 8at lOlb.J. Adams 0 Lord Durham'» b c Kiicliaol Scott, by Weit Australian, Sit 101b

IV. Boj co 0 Lord Strathmore'! br o Saceliaromcter, by Bwcotmoat, Bat lolb

U. >U|ilies 0 Lord Stamford'» br o Oneaandor, by Newminster, Sat lolb

A. Edward» 0 Jlr Whittaker'» br c King of Utapia.'by King of Trumps, 8a1101b

U Grimshaw 0 Count Lagrange'» b c Uoanodar, by Monarque, 8»t lolb

, A Watkins 0 Count Lagrange'»b o Jarnlcoton, by Faugh a Balla,li, Bit 10 b ..

Hunter 0 Count Honckel'i b c Olio» the First, by St Ullci, 8st 101b.

£. Sharp 0 Baron Ilotlticlilld'« b c King of tho Vale, by King Tom, 8»t lulu

J. Daley 0 Mr E. Urayloy'» b e Tom Fool, by King Tom, Bat 191b.

A. Cowley O Ii. llolilnsoW» br c Donnybrook, by Sprig of Bhlllelagli,

8»t 101b.8 Roger» 0 Beaumont's eli c Golden Pledge, by Daniel O'ilourkc, 8«t iblli

J.Osborne 0

Cnrtwrt.'lit'» b fi Scamander, by Voltigeur, 8st 101b.Drew 0 -Wntt'a b c National Guard, by Rltlemaii, Bst 101b .

E. Harrison 0 \V. lloboitson'« elie Dunkeld, by Dramour, 8st tall».

llrowtey 0 Lord Bateman'» b o Trojanut, by fandango, Bat lolb "Mldgoloy 0 Mr Capel'a br o Bright Cloud, by Swcatmeat, 8st 101b.

J. Reeves .0

Dotting t 4 to 1 agst Lord Clifden ; 9 to 1 each agst Hospedor and Gellie ; 10 to I cadi nutt' Macaroni and Saoaharomotor t 18 to 1 agst King of tho Vale ¡ 100 to 7 agst Fantastic j 15 to 1 agst Scamander ; 20 to 1 agst

National Guard i 25'top. agst Tom Fool ¡ v40 to 1 agst ,Early l'url i 50 to lenah agst Baldwin, Blue Mantle, King of Utopia, Avondale, and Golden Pledge ; 1,000 to 10 oncb ag»t Onesander and Trojunus i and 60 to 1 ?igst Lord Glasgow's lot. In fairness to au always activo ollicial it should be mentioned that tho longest recorded dolay in bringing oil' the great ovont of tho year was in no way chargeable to Mr Manning, whoso weighing mid telegraphing was completed, as usual, half an hour before tho appointed timo. Tim horses, not-withstanding, wore fifteen minutes lato in reaching the post, where thoy were detained full forty more by no fewer than thirty-two failures, principally caused by Ditto Mantle breaking nway and refusing to come bock in front, und by Tambour Major still moro obstinately declining to go up in tho rear. In both casos tho heavy " dogger " wua administered behind, which, while oper-ating successfully on Captain Lauo's oolt, though not without considerable irritation, mid, consequently, a damnging effect on his chance, was of no avail in persua-ding Count Batthyany's horse, whoso kiokiug and plunging only increased with the flagellation and a freo application of tho " prickors." A number of opportu-nities were thus frustrated in gotting the lot away in capital order, which, however, was evonfually effected at fifty-six minutes aftor threo o'olook, by leaving Tambour Major at tho post, who, to the disgust of his owner and a host of backers, took no port in tho raco. Immediately tho flag was lowered, the colours of Lord Glasgow on Clarior woro seen in advance, followed by Early Purl, who directly aftovwards took up tho rnnniug, only, how

ovor, for tho first threo hundrod yards, vvhon Bright Cloud, insido, showed hi tho van with a clear lead. Uis immediate followers comprised Sacoharometor, Tom. Fool, Fantustio, King of tho "Valo, Ranger, The Gillio, and King of Utopia, with Donnybrook, tho favorito, and Maccaroni lying moro in the centro of tho courso_ about about ovon with them. Next, extending to the right or clustering at thoir quarters, wera Bluo Mantle, Rapid Rapid Rhone, Avondale, Aggressor, Giles the First, and

Sacanmndcr, who eventually headed the second division, I including Oncsander, Safoguard, Golden Pledge, Early Purl, and Aggrossor ; while Dunkold at tho tail of tho ruck was succeeded by the Physalis colt, last ofT, and bringing up tho oxtromo rear. Entering tho milo oourse, Bright Cloud, evidently not recovered from his accident at Bath, was in troublo, and dropping back loft Donny-brook in front with Lord Clifden at his side, tho Cloud following thom to tho six furlong post, when ho swerved in a further retrogrado uiovoment, and brought down Sacoharometor, who struck into his beela. Fantastic, coming noxt, bounded over tho fallon animal, but "nosed" tho turf on landing, and throw Custtmco on to his neck, in which position ho rejnainod somo timo oro regaining the saddle. King of tho Valo, in Fantastic'« track, rolled over Lord Strathmoro's horse, and riding, went on without his rider ; King of Utopia, closo to whom was Ranger, having miraculously escaped by crossing Sacoharomctor's quartors. Thence Lord Clifden slightly headed Doimyorok round Tottenham Corner, Toni Fool lying third, succeeded in a body, as thoy carno down the bill, by Tho Gillio, Macaroni, King of Utopia, Scamander, Bangor, Onosaudcr, Safeguurd, Blue Mantle, and rapid Rhone ; the latter, contrary to calculation, turning out to bo the best of Lord Glasgow's seeing that Clarior now figured with tho compounded lot, most prominent among which woro National Guard, Count Lagrango's two, Avondale, Aggrossor, Michael Scott, tho Physalis colt, and Trojan us Directly nftor ontoriug tho straight, whore Donnybrook was beaton, Tho Gillio, noxt the rails, looked formidable for a few strides, but out 'it tho moment ho was called upon, and Macaroni, with Tom Fool at his side, bocamo tho attendants of tho favorite, still in command. Upon the retirement of Tom Fool within the distnnco, King of Utopia rushed up on the right, and for a moment appeared to have a shado tho best of it, his advantage,

however, as speedily subsiding at tho Stand, opposito which Lord Clifdon looked like going in on easy winner, but changing his log immediately Chnllonor sot Macaroni going, tlio lattor reached bim at last, and won on the post by a head. Rapid Rhona, overhauled Mr Whittakers colt in tho last dozen yards, finished third, half a longth off, ahead in advance of Bluo Mantle, coming with a rattloontho lowor ground, as far from King of Utopia was fifth, boating Ranger, by tho same, Onosander being seventh, nt his girths, Safeguard and Scamander finishing so eloso up with the last-named pair as to rondor doubtful their exact positions. Early Purl, Clarior, Golden Plcdgo and Oilcs tho First woro noxt, and nftor thom Fantastic broken down badly in the off fore log. Tho hindmost lot comprised Dunkeld, Baldwin, Trojanus, Bright,

Cloud, and Avondale ; the absolutely last boing Aggressor -the stable companion of tho winner. Neither Hughes nor Daley were injured in their fall, the former remount-ing Saccharomotor and -wnlking him in from near tho spot whero the contretemps took _plnqo. Run in 2min -SOiram-.-Nctmitne-oT tho stakes £7,000."


The OAKS STAKES of 50 sovs cadi, h ft, for threo year old

fillios ; 8st 101b each ; the second received 100 sovs out of tho stakos ; ono milo and a half; 188 subs.

Mr T. Valentino'» b Queen Bertha, by Kingston, 8at

101b.'.Aldcroft 1 Mr Hargreavo'a eli MarUold, by Teddington, 8st 101b...J. Doyle 1 Count Lagrange*» bk Vivid, by Vedette, 8«t 101b ...A. Watkins S Mr Parr's eli Isoliue, by Etholbert, 8st 101b.C. Marlow. 4 llr Move's b Old Oraiwo Girl, by Kingston, Bat 101b...Aahmaii 0 Mr Ward'« b Spitfire Kitty, by Mirayaa, 8st 1010...II. Grlmsliow 0 Lord Stamford'» eli Lady Augusta, by Stockwell, 8st

101b.Custance 0 Lord Stamford's br Sea Nymph, by Weatherblt, 8at

lolb.-.A. Edward« 0 Mr 1'Alison's li Dnrclias, by Newminster, Bat 101b.Clinlloner 0 Mr Saxon'» b Countess, by Stockwell 8at lolb.Mlilgcley 0 Lord Exeter's br Amelia, by Ambrose, 8at 101b.S. Rogers 0 Mr F Watt's b Miss Armstrong, by Rifleman,8at 101b

J Snowden 0 St Vincent'» br Tho Orphan, by Frogmore, 8st 101b

J, Reeve» 0

Mr Boyce'» br Fantail, by Wood Pigeon, Bat 101b.W. Boyeo 0 Lord Anglesea'» eh c Cadetu, by Chevalier d'luduattlo. Sat lolb

. J. Daley 0 Mr Ten Broeck'a b Tornado, by Wild Dayrell, 8st 101b .

G. Fordham 0

Fleming;'» br Gold Dust, by Newminster, 8at 101b ..Norman 0 - W. Robinson's b Gratitude, by Newminster, Sal 101b...Wells u Lord Covcutry'a b Thalcstrls, by Kingston, 8st 101b ...J. Adams 0 Mr Braylcy's b Golden Dust, by West Australian, 8s*. 101b.

A. Cowley 0

Betting : 5 to 2 nest Boroalis ; 5 to 1 agst Lady Augusta ; 7 to 1 oaoh agst Marigold and Soa Nymph (with whom Lord Stamford declared to win) ¡ . 10 to 1 agst Tornado ; 15 to 1 each agst Isolino and Miss Arm-strong ; 20 to 1 each agst Vivid and Gratitudo ; 25 to 1 each agst Fantail and Amolia ; 33 to 1 agst Countess j I and 40 to 1 oaoh agst Cadau and Quoon Hertha. Two

or threo failuros proceded a capital stnrt, whioh took place precisely at sixteen minutes aftor* threo o'clock. The first lot showing in advance comprised Countess, Orphan, Golden Dust, and the favourite, tho former slightly loading. She, however soon fell back, and Golden Dust took up the "mining, having Queen Ber-tha, Miss Armstrong, and Fantail for her immediate at-tendants to the furzes, whoro Marigold and Vivid occu-pied tho contre of tho ruck, whippod in by Old Orango Girl. At tho milo post, Sea Nymph took tho lend from Mr Brayloy's maro, Gold Dust going on third, BUCcoedod-nearly abreast-by Fantail, Tho Orphan, Thalestris, Miss Armstrong, Queen Bertha, and Isolino, with Boroalis lying well up to tho left of them on rounding Tattonham-cornor. Sen Nymph, hovvover, retained her advantage to tho straight, whero sho was beaton, after which Lady Augusta, by no means in a good placo at starting, lind now so far improvod her position, that for n timo she looked dangerous. At tho upper end of tho Stand, howovor, Marigold gradually creeping up from tho turn with Vivid nnd ÏBoline, doprirod Lord Stamford's mnro of tho command, - immediately upon whioh Aldoroft brought up Queen Bortha, and 'catching Marigold, who Bhut up the instant she was collared, boat hor by a head. Vivid finishing'as far from tho socond with an advantage) of half a length over Isolino. About threo lengths off tho favourite was fifth, Old Orango Girl sixth, Lady Augusta scvonth, Fantail eighth, Miss Armstrong ninth, Golden Dust and Tor-nado noxt. The last two boing Cudoau and .Countess. Run in 2 min'51 seo. 'Nett valuó of the Stakes,-£5,050.