Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (NSW : 1860 - 1870), Saturday 2 May 1863, page 2



PATnox.-Tho Right Honorable Sir John Young, Bart.,

K.Ü.H., G.O.JT.G-., &c. ic.

PansiDBKT.-Tho Honorablo E. Deas Thomson, Esq.,

O.B., Sea., &o.

-YicB-'PnEsrDEKT.-iVlfrod Ohobko, Esq. ;

STIÎWAHDS.-Hon. E.. BoaB Thomson, Esq., C' B. ;

Hon. W. Arnold, Esq., M.P.; David Boll, Esq., M.P.; Alfred Clieeko, Esq. ; Alox. Huckollar, Esq.

JUDOE.-John Lackey, Esq., M.P. ^ TBEASUBEII AKD STAHTKU:-Ohnrles Mortyn, Esq. CLBUK OV THE COURSE.-W. G.'Honfroy, Esq.

Hos. SEOBBTAKV/.-Buchan Thomson, Esq.

THE opening clay of the Metropolitan Autumn gathering was ushered in with tolerably fine weather, and as a consequence the muster at the course was both large and brilliant.- In thcearly part of the morning, and again towards- the after-noon, there were indications of a damp being thrown on the sports by an unwelcomed rainfall ; but fortunately for all interested, the threatened visitation did not come off ; one' solitary shower, extending over two or three' minutes only, being

the extent of the inconvenience to- which visitors

were subjected. Inter in the evening-that, is, nfter the races were over and people were re-turned to their respective homes, the rain set in pretty heavily at intervals, just as though the clerk ol the weather desired to lend his aid iii pre-paring the course for the events of the morrow,and that mythical functionary certainly did good service in the matter, for it was just the one thing necessary to put the track in first-class' trim. The management of the meeting was in every respect, creditable to the stewards. The ground was well kept ; and punctuality was the order of the day with respect io the starting-two con-siderations which are indispensable in, the carry-ing out of a race mei-ting. " His Excellency the Governor in Chief,, together .whit Lady Young and suite, honoured tho'Club with.their presence, and remained nearly the whole day watching the sport 'Ay i di apparent "interest.; mid we wer?; also much gratified to see Many members of » both bouses and a goodly number of country residents amongst the occupants &f tlier.Grand Stand. The booth-keepers did a fair stroke of business, and ns it rule they deserved to do so, for they were well stocked, hot. only with the 'best*of liquids, but also with the substantial* that - consti-

tute a properly supplied feeding department. At 'the Grand Stand booth, O'Brien, .ns usual, had : a first-class lay . out ; .one in

fact that' would gladden the . heart of the most fastidious gotu'inauu-the tables', literally bonding beneath tho weight of tho " nxhis," which he had provided for his patrons mid friends.. ..Wc need scarcely say that thu best of order prevailed on thu ground ; hore and títere, perhaps, might be soon a solitary disciple of the jolly god, but sobriety and good feeling wero tho prominent characteristics of ,'tlic gathering. : In fact had it'not been that their ¡¡issistnnco.was vnhmblo in keeping unclear course,: arid oo-openitiiig wiib our friend Stubbs iii miiuagr iiig -?his"', business "at; the gates,''Um services "'of'.tho

pol ico might, haye been dispensed with altogether, sq orderly and wèll-disporied/wus' tho assemblage We hope nil future. meeting.-', will, be marked by Bhnilar dcconiui, because ic cannot fail*to. show-that thorin vers of national pastime are not thu dissipated ^reckless persons that-!" unco guid"- folk havo occa-,

sionnlly endeavoured, to make "thom out. ..With, regard to tuo rucing itself) it will hq .soeu .fróñí^thi»

report apponilcMl tlm't tlïwo was a bit of air upsotv iu soma of tho events. Iii the Trini Stakes,j.for -jhistance, old Bun Holt «ns backed freely, nt seven to four against the field, lint ince a bowl over at thc hands of Tarragon, who lind hardly been, nwnied in.thc ring, Presto mini big third, next to the old horse, just ns ,wo spotted, them in o jr tip of last week.

Tho exclusion of Mr Hassall's. nominations for the Second Biennial, again, made a groat difference in that race, inasmuch, as it reduced the entry to fours starters out ol'the,'original sixteen contributors to the Btiiko. Lady Mary,' belonging to Mr Town, mid Duchess,.tho property of Mr Tait, .Vero the animals that found most favour with backers, but hero again opinion was at fault, tho race being won cloverly by young Pifsfwd, whoso DUBUT between tho rails proved him possessed of undoubted pluck arid pace. In tho Grand Handicap, for which Moss Roso carno with a tremendous rush in tho betting on Wednesdny evening, thero was another bowl over. The maro took ono of her lazy fits, refused to go a

yard nt anything like her natural speed, and was i literally nowhere at tho close. . Her stable com?pauioti Lsunstina. however, ran splendidly, to the groat surprise of her owner, and well nigh pulled off the prise from tho victor, Traveller. Poor old Zoe had heaps of friends who stuck to her nt 3 to 1, but it was no go against Traveller, who disposed of the lot without materially distressing himself-his only exertion hoing confined to a rattling spurt at tho finish witlrLam-istiiin. " The succeeding race, tho Third Biennial, rcsnltodina sort of ,walk over, the oulj starters being Kelpie' and Rnmorniè," both entered by ono owner, who doclä and won with tho former. Eor tho Squatters' Purse, Ada was thc fiivouritfe and successful competitor, Mr Eales' colt, tho Dutchman, making a good race of it the whole way. Wo subjoin theparticulars of thc running in

each event :

. FinsT DAT, TnunsiiAT, Amii, 30 m.

First Kace.-Tlio TJUAT. STAKES bf 3 sors each, with

60 sovs ndded, for oil horses ¡ weight, for age ¡ onco 'round and n distnnco, Tho winner to bo sold by imo. tión immediately niter tho racé for £75; any stun realised in excess of that amount to" go io the rnco fundi if entered not to bo sold to carry 7lbs extra. -Mt W. Town's li li Tarragon, 4 yr« Ost 0 His fnot> to lie uolil)

(tllRKernon) -.1 C, AV. Single's c g Hen Dolt. ORCd, 9 st 8 lbs (not to lie «old)

íTi.oniíun) .v ... " ? ... 2 i .Tno. Taifa li R Presto, ascii. 0 st 1 lb .'3 H. T. Jenkins'« eli g Uilemlcrra, nueil, 0 >t I lb

J. tîregary'» ch c Pilot, :! yrs 8 nt 0 lbs f not to bo sols)

i P. J. Mo calls (cr's b g Dixpntcli, nged, tl it 8 lbs mot to be


Betting : 7 to C on Ben Bolt. Tlio Dutchman was drawn, und Miss Dixon's horso, Kildare, arriving Into in tho yard, was, shut'.out of tho contest. A very, good start was effected,' Tarragon and Presto lending the way, with tho others in n cluster about two lengths behind. At. tho rocks turn tho rear division closed up, nnd the paco increased, old Bon walking forward in fina stylo,witli Dispatch in oloso ottendnncoj followed by Pilot nnd Oilenderra. In tho run nlong tho Whiskor flat tho struggle commenced, and in a low moments it beenmo apparent that tho race lay botweon throe, old Bon, IVos'to, and Tarragon. Tho latter, who was running strongly, had about a longth the boat of it, and kept this nd vantage till rounding tho Derby corner, when a- spion.did rush was mada, mid the other two closing in on him,

the threo swept into tho straight nbronst amid great oxoitomont. Hearing tho diatauco Ben forged uhoad of Presto, and a desperate sot-to ensued botweon tho- old horse and Tarragon. Tho 7 lbs pennlty, however, told in tho struggle, anti tho bravo old nag was defeated by rather botter than n longth. Timo, 2 min 42 soconds.


BrEíCíiAfc, for throo-yr-olds} li milo ; IC nomina-


Hr O'Xlaltey'sch Htifbrd, hy Pltsford " ..- ... . ' ... Cutt« I

W. Town's br f Iiaily Jlary, Uy Warwick, ont of Marlon

Thomson 2

J. TnltVb f Duchess, liy Magus out ofSt John's Uucon t ll. Rlcliarrts's o o Ululer, hy Milgun out of Georgiana

Betting-3 lo 2 on thu field. The nico lay between four nniinnls only, tho original 16 nominations having .dwindled down to that number from various CHUSOS. Young 1'itsford fed, followed by Jtiotor nnd Duchess, -lindy Mjvry fourth. At tho huck Duchess put on steam, mid tnndo a bid for front placo, but won unablo;to-gct Aip,Vltioter ot the samo timo. drawing forward «»"'if to disputo' tho front pírico with tho cliosnut. On passing ¿lie D->rbv corner, nnothor lino spurt was mode,.by Lail.y Mary and Hiotor, tho former running up to Pitsford, while Riotor bid tho Duchess good byo so far u3 second or third placo was concerned. Turning into the straight run, Pitsford was still loading, nnd despito a very gamo oíl'ort. on thc part of the mare, ho wns ltuidod n winner by n hoad-tho last few Btrides alono scouving him tho victory, Timo, 3 minutes.


25 sovs caoh, with 250 govs added. Two miles.

Mr Ryun's ell g Travcllor, 4 yrs. Sst loin .. .Holmes I

li. Do Mcstrc's b rn r.nurlitln.i, aged, Dst .Lamond 2 A. Checke'* ch in Zoe, aj,reil, Dst .Mb .. - . ... 3 Nassau's li ni Mass Kore, ti yrs, Vit Spencer's ch c Scamp, -I yr«, 6*1 71b

Batting-2 to 1 cuoh ngst Zoo, Travcllor, nnd Moss Roso; from 3 to 5 to 1 against tho others. This was the grand ron test of tho day, nnd exeitod moro than usual iutorcst from tho .appearance of Zoo, nftor her long retiromont from public lifo. Moss Roso was a redhot favorito for tho, but hor running proved how terribly misplaced tho conßdonco of her supporters was. At tho fall of tho Hug Scamp and Traveller rushed to tho fore, old Zoo lying third and Po Bistro's bruce fourth and fifth respectively ns tho lot passed tho stniul. Jfothing material occurrod (¡ll roachiilg Ibo bank alrotch,

when tlie favourite Moss Roso wns called upon by Cutts," but called in vain j for the visen refused to take any part

in tho struggle, nnd subsided nt oneo into n rear place. Old üoo nnd Lauristina, lioworer, ran very gamoly, «nd in tho second turn round, Lamond finding that it was all U.V. with tho Roso, immediately commenced busi-ness on his own account, and his ranro responding wil-lingly, ho ran up past Zoo and Scamp and challenged Traveller who was still bowling along in front.? For sonio timotho'issmi of tho fltrugglo was very doubtful, but n few pounds in weight coupled with Ivs splendid position, sufltoed to givo Traveller tho victory, nnd ho ran in nearly two lengths ahead. Timo 2 min. 42 secs: Thoro was rn objection madu by tho owner of Zoo,- that tho winner Travollor was wrongly doscribeff, and consoquontly.that his nomination wrs invalid. Tho owners ,of tho second horse, rofused to join in it-,, ho wovor, and "si^bsequontly Mr Clicoko witlidrow tho protest. f_Wo may romnrk in i-eforonco to this matter, {hat in onr opinion tho stewards woro wrong in permitting tho with-drawal. Having bean mudo, it scorns to us that it bocamp public property, ' and .that thoy woro bound to inquiro into and decido tho objection in justice to tho public] %


BlEXsrAr.8 for two-yr-olds j î milo; eighteen nomi-


Hr A. Checke'» ch c Kelpie, liy Kelpie (Imported) Zíngara

Driscoll )

. A. ClirokeV l> c Ramornie, by Pitsford out of Cassandra

_Z-'..: ? - ?" 1 ' -"<8cotcliie ' 2

. Tho only'slnrtors for this wore Ramornj^rnnd-.Kelpie, and Mr Checke having- dcelurod to udj^vitli the latter, tho raco wns.siinply a quiet onntor r0Rnñ for tho two'.

Fifth Hace.-SimíjJKits' Vvusw of 50 sovs, with a

swccp\of 3 sovs. oacÄnjdcd^^or all horses that havo novoi-;won a prizo exoeoSj^jíi¿jQ_¡sots at tho time of entrance ; weight for ago ; I i"l li'mnii iTd and a dis-tance. Mnidons ok/Starting nUowocT'Slbs. Second hoi-so lo rocoivolöiova from tho prizo. *v^w_

»Ir Kerwin's clim Ana,-lyra, Sit loibs . .Brlstoll 1

Jno. Enies'«Junr. b li Tho Dutchman, 3 yrs, 7it 7II»...Wood"' 2 M.rry'n bli Twatty, 4 yr«, 8«t I «Jiu ... .. ._i Bettina-2 to 1 on Ada. Tho' favorito nulled off tliis

ovcnt very cloverly,- malting n üospornto paco lor ino first hnlf-nillo, shu gavo Twntty Ins gruel, mid tlion slackening book to ÜutcJimnn, maintained au average speed till ontoring tho rails for tho fiui*h, when she bid tho yoiingstov good bye, and ron hoine'to tho post a .winner by two longths.


Tho second dny, tliougli not So numerously attended, whs nevertheless equally successful with tho opening day-tho weather" being remarkably uno, and the racing of first-class character. -Tho 'Hamo' good,order prevailed, and nothing in tho. shapo of n hanley'or disputo cunio tinder oni\notieo during ;tho day. .;VAti-.two o'clock, nil tho 'preliminaries '.being adjusted, '. the bell rung,- and tho horses eiuue to tho post for tho/ .

Ifirnt Itnoo.-To start-at 2. MüTnororjTAN .? MAlDEîf'l'liA.TB of-'5 spvs onoh, with 100 BOV» lidded

. . from the*fund, for all.horses that have novur won mi *- advertised prizo at tlitf timo' of entrance (winnora of : two-yr-old stakes, óxoeptod) ',- weight for ugo j no ?"? maiden nllowanco ; If nillo. Srfeohd horso to rooeivo ; 20 BOVdi . ISntraiico, C6; . Winners of CO sovs nt sturt

." . '*»'

' . lng to carry Gibs ostra ¡ of 100 sovs nucí upwards,' 71bs

extra, Penalties nut «eniniîulative. ^ Wini>oin ol' twoyoar old stakes to .carry_tjie iibovo pninltios in addiI... tion to tho oxtra weight for winning-a two-yr-uld

J " sinke. .

Mr O. Baldwin*! li f Atalanta, 3 yrs dst tOlli... UUImii I

Ashw rill's K f? Forester, A yrs, Ost... ... ' .. Ashwoitli 2

J. Oroiïory'i ch c l'Ilot, 3yrs, ?st 121b . S . J. Partrur.'s eli m Flotilla, A yr» Pal J Ul»

C. Ileol's rli Wonder, 4 yrs Hal nib

J. Unus'sbh KiiFllccr, a yrs, 7¡,t Ililli

A. Itowrnan's K f Unknown, a yrs, Jut I2!b

Waldron'* ch r Maid of Hrln, I yrs, /st 101b Jos. Kerwin's ch li l'ltstbrd.3 yrs, tat lïlb

Betting : Eren ogst Atnlniita ; 2 to 1 agst Forester ¡ S to 1 each ngst Unknown, Pilot, and Unid of Erin ¡J 6 to 1 agst Flotilla. Mino horses came to Ibo pus!. A good start wag oll'oclod, Atalunta leading by half« length with tito othors all in a cluster. Along tho flat tit the back,"tho paco> was-improved, and sotno.changes took pince ia the position of tho horsos, Forester, Pitsford and Pilot drowning forward, but none hoing ohio to get to tho farorito'a hoad. At tho turn into tho straight, tho roar division worked forward, and tho whole came round into the rails so close that they might hnro boon blanketed. Tho favorite was not to bo collared, howovor, and though Ashworth displayed splendid jockoyslup 'in

Mu» run homo, tho maro secured tho raoo by upwards i of a length ; Pitsford'llnidhing third, mid Flotilla fourtfl. Titno, 3 min ?i-'J sees.

Second Itaco-Tho "WAVBHWÎV Stakes of 3 SOVB

each, with 50 sovs added, for nil horcos j weight for ago ; onoo round and lr distance; seoond horse to raccivo 10 sovs from tho prize. Tho winner to ho sold hy auction immediately, after tho rnoo for iElOO ; ? if ontered to bo sold for £80 allowed 71bs ¡ if for £60 121bs ; if for £10 lOlbsj if for £2n 281bs ¡ any sum realised in excess of thoso respectivo amounts to go to tho race fund ¡ nb other nllownnco.

Mr ll. »tomi« !>r rr George tho First, O yrs, 8 st 2 lb (£80) ?

. (Scotcho). ? ... 'T.. 1

w. Tnwii'b|.:ii II TrniMlt 5 yrs, 8st8 lb (£80) (Illgperson) ... i J. T. Ryan's bmMlsj Rose, nsoJ, 7-si {tia) ... ... S llotting: a to i on Miss i»oao. This raoe resulted in ono of the most perl'eot howls over witnessed on Rand-wick ; nnd tho issuo very easily toidi Transit and Miss Hose haring " ont each others throats" with n series of'bursting spurte Georgo tho First, who ha'd been lying by; wnitini', liko Micawber, for something to turn up, made n grand rush on turning inlo thosti'aight. nnd went by tho pnir liken shot, to tho great surprise of Higgorson, who had disposed of tho muro nt Iho distnhco, and rogardod t Ho contest as all ovor. Tho marc finished about two lengthsbcliind Transit. Timo, 2 minutes 45 seconds. Tho winnor waa put up to auction after tho race, and

knockod down for £77 to tho ownor.


sovs each, with 100 sovs added, for 3 year olds j lif milo; colts 8st' lOibs ; fillies 8st71bs; second horde to roceivo 30 sovs from the prize.

Slr (V. Town's b h Rcgno ? ... .!lII(rgcrson I

P.'-J. ÎPAlister'* li li Mnctnon .' ...«'Allster 2 O. lliilit\vlu'» 1> f Amianta .- ... ... 3 J. Kales'junior, b c The Dutchman

Betting-a to 2 on tho field. Itegno lcd from tho

sturt, followed by Atalanta and Dutchman-Atnoinon, who got tho -worst of It in getting away,' being n coiiplo of lengths behind as tho lot passed tho stand. These positions were lccpt along the flat , nnd until nearing tho turn nt ? tho Derby cornor, whon Atalanta and Mnomon rondo play, tho latter ovontunlly passing tho former nnd challenging for first placo with Itegno. Higgorson, however, still prcsoi'vod his position, nnd a fino race lioino terminated in his favor by a length ¡ 'Atalanta third, and tho Dutchman fourth. Timo, 3 min

30 sccs.

Fourth Koco-Hunnv Scnnnr STAKES of 2 snvs onoh,

with 20 sovs added, for all horses i weight for ago ; onco round. Tho winnor to bo sold by auction im-mediately after the race for £25, any surplus over Hint amount to go to tho fund.

Mr J. Driscolls ch K Cnnute, oped .DrUcoll

H. Illcliards's li ni (lucen of Trumps, aged.M,Grath 2

This rnco wns splondidly contorted, the bny nm-o making fine running, and closing the run homo with a dead bent, tho finish hoing most exciting. In running tho ovent ottT, sha kept tho lead for half tho distance, when Canuto collared and passed hor, winning by five or six lengths.

This brought to a closo tho second day's sport.