Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (NSW : 1860 - 1870), Saturday 10 May 1862, page 2




P iTK0M-í*-S¡r John Young, Burt K.C.I!, G.C.M.O. STEWA1JD3 .--lion. W. M. Arnold, R. Jones, A. U.

Cox, A. Checke, D. Bell, Esqw.

.TniriR :-J. Lackey, Esq., M.L.A.

STAUTEH :-Ü. Marlyn, Ei-q.

Ci.KltK OF Tim Coulisn:-W.'G. llonfrev, Esq.

HON. SEC :-S. C. Burt, Esq.

lÎEFOHi- proceeding to chronicle the closing- (lay's sport at Rantin ick, we have to apologise for, and coirect, ntl error which occurs in oin teport of the second day's vumimg. We allude to a tiansposititm in i ho placing of the hoises for the City Plate ; Ben li->lt being inadvertently represented as second luirse, when it should have been Gi asshopper, «s the description ol'the race itself sheivs. The excitement and bustle incidental tu attendit!« the meeting each day, mid having also to put in an appearance at the Jockey Club Banquet on Friday night, lo say nothing of us being oin " public-ilion dai"-are the only rateiiuntinr circumstances that ivu can plead for having suf-fered this w'siake to pa>s. Having said thus lunch, ive feel assured our readers will readilt excuse the blunder to which we have referred.

With re'emiee to the thiid day's sportv, we can only say that while the same ¿lonou» «eather prevailed/ that had marked the preceding two days, the attendance was greatly in excess ol either. The anticipated contest for the Queen's Pinte, coupled with the oppoitunity afforded by elie half-holiday had, no doubt, it ^rt-at deni to do viitb the augmented muster, but whether this ita-, the case or not, the attendance was really, to tis-» the language of the play nibs, "immense." It was, moreover, in the fullest sen-,e of the word, respectable; Corin addition to all the usual patrons of sport, it included numbers who perh.ip-» never befoie visited a race-course, or enteicil so fully into the enjoyment of the great national amuse-ment. The grand stand was u perfect picture to look upon, ciowded a-, it was with yoir.h, bejuty,

and fashion-tier iltei tier of the richest silk.-* ititi sttins, decorating the stiuctiirc, and sliming it once ho« consummate is the tiste of the l.tdic-, and how endles-, tie nnett, of fabrics to be lound at Giless, launer ami I'unters, Chisholm s and oth i gieat emnoriuin-t ol fashion m the iii) Hie Go\einor nnd suite, t tth i large pvrty, wert pie«ent in the % c ie"*d hov, and i e ilsi noticed the lion irable President ol the Council, Mr Wentvtoith (long life tu In i) tit o or three ol the Mnnsteis, and v tuons mein

Inr-of the Assembly o( j,ri 'ter or les:» influence in the community Amongst the crowd on the course and between the r ids, the utmost good feeing put ailicl, tiid it is ¿ra if ung lo reflect tint ulule th booth holdeis appen id to be ding t fun unouut of biisine s, there, wete len

'cn inst ince s of drunkenness to he met with One or ttvoiiidiistuo is i idiMclunls endeavoured to

m?ki i note or tvio bj me ins of tint mtere tm^ pet lui nautc knott n as ' Hide the Jick, hut du little gime iv mihi not go do vu, md the pioiessor1t king i hu t fioin the police, icit, quietlj departed with their tools of ti ide in quest of a mote prolifu fishing ground Hie " under set cn or o\ er set en'

mstoniii«, too, loin d then occupation ulm ist .cone at the pic-suit nieetiug-fl its being rim irk

iblv sen ce I he young gentlemen beloi'L,! ig to the Heading'em < ollege opened a class at the baek

of the bon'1 -i l c even the*e .»"?" >lI*> ""' "compli lied youths «ere not permitted to eni >\ themselves I heir studies, in f iel, wore mtei

mp id m i most ludicioits ni nnei, not bl, tin hobble« actunlli, hu bl a nuked 'c-iid of t!n laces bot, sliontn g !?, he cime up, ' look out hen s ti e tup 1 lie darm not co del 'nie be ii "lien -it i linne ni >pp n une im ment, ii r it hip pencil iii it then ti is nde<l of mon j doun «ud in t lie uri nble ulm li ensued sime ol ile ii itcinty puked tip mote th m tliei threw, while inin^ made a lew li llf-irotvns by the npicluy ol then

¿rab. Iliebainej itbieh ensued was loud .uni long, but no satisfactory atljustment ol the fiuuK «as armed at, so fai as vie could leam. I ut ite do not pul pose, botte ver, to give an account of all the little doings ti at caine ui der oin obsiitation \nd s» premising iliac fun anti __fro'ic, jrmd hiiinoiii and ¡.ood filling pi evaded, ive at onto hark back to our mote imnieib uo duty, that of cliinnicliiig the day's i icing. 1 ho spnit itsill vt as good upon lite whole, but tie fed bound io state that there «as a dei! ol giuimlmg nuent the running in some of the eients. Theefloit ol Voliinteci in the Randwick Plate was a fett openly pionotmced to be a sham, and rum ins thai there iias something crooked with lcgmd to Erin-go hragb's i mining, weie freely circulated in anything but whispers. Vi hellier the oncle was itorked or not, it is of course impossihbli to say. \t anj' late there ivas nothing that the stewards could get hold ol ; or they would at onie hive interfered. I he bungle winch occuned in the Champagne Stakes, by which tu > animals were shut out if the race, was .-motin r occurrenie that occasioned considerable IIKSIIISf.ictlo I, espicially to those uho hail tikcuihe long odds about II lining three 01 tnore wiiuieis. Hie fault of tue thing rested, however, not with the starter, but ti ith the persons in chatge of the two animals that weie omitted. 'I he bell ran.; as usual, .md all the pi eliniin mes tv Inch precede a race had been concluded ; so ti at the delay on the part of Haidee and Mi Rouse's colt cannot he charged on the staitei , notnuhstandng it having been insinuated that Mr Maityn felt peckish, anil .tasín a burry to fall foul of O Biien's roast duck-. md gieen pea» in the luncheon room. Before pt oceeding to record the day's races, ne would take this opportunity of eulorsing the meed of praise awarded by our daily contemporary the II menai to Mr Stubbs and the police authorities for the admirable mannet in ii huh the ground was kepi and accidents on the load obviated. J heir duty was a difficult one, hut it was performed mtli much consideration and firmness. VVc subjoin

the running :

First Race to start at 1'15 p.m.-Tho RANDWICK PÍATE

of GO Bovi, with a sweep of 5 sovs ndclcd for 3 und 4 yv old«, li mile. Weight for ago. Entronco, £3.

Second horse £10 from t ho stake.

Mr. T. Ivory's b li William Tell, 4 yrs. Hut 1211».Holmes 1

J. t 'obcroft's lire Volunteer, 3 yrs 7s tullin . 2 Mylne'ach f Ada .1 yrs, "st lulus .di» C. li. Nichols's Trliicuinalec, 3 yrs. 'st I Ullis Waldron'* M las Tempest, 3 yis, 7st

J. J Kotiert'* ch li TrouUadour, 3 yrs, 7«t I21bl IleCloueli's eli r li l'oslin, 1 yra, Bal l'ilbs W. Town'» eli li Transit, 4 yrs, Kal liilbs

A. Cliee-ke's lir f Lady .lane, 3yrt. 7»t lOlbs J. Tntfs b li Alfred, 1 j rs Sst lülln

Betting 3 to 1 euch agst William Tell, Troubadour, Ada, ¡md Volunteer ; 4 to 1 tigst lJaslui ¡ -I to I ugHt Traitait ; 5 to 1 each agst the others. Volunteer was well backed for thii race, and great discontent was caused ut the way in tvlu'eh lie ran, many in fact declar-ing in the yaiil that the horse tviw " roped." Volunteer and Paulin led from the t-tnrt, Alfred holding the third placo, mid Volunteer last, four or fivo lenuths behind everything. At the back William Tell went forward, na did also Troubadour, and the ttv-o were making gooil run-ning when the latter made a clean bolt, and nt once destroyed his chance. Apuronohiiig the Derby corner, little Ada made a splendid rush, passed Alfred like a

shot, ancl before reaching Hie turn at the rails had got to tim gb til* of William Toll, who waa now leading at ti killing pace, the other favourite, Volunteer, still be-hind. Xhu tiuHel now begun for the win, Toll und Ada leading past tim stand close together, four lengths in ad-

vance of the Voliintwr. The two first mentioned

animals were both at their best, mid a most ex citing i-aeu to the post terminated in favour of Tell by three purls of n length; Volunteer finishing third j" Time, ii min. C4 seconds. On entering the yard to weigh, Holmes and Bishop (who rode Ada) severally bore murks of blood on their faces, mid it transpired (hat a regular set-to willi whips had occurred us the} rounded the turn. An investirai ion ivaa' iiniiicdiately in-itil tited, and evidence having been taken, Bishop ivas huid to bo in fault, and Ada was disqualified ; Volunteer being atviii'ded second pluee».

Second Race to sturt at 2 p.m.-The CnMMP.tQNE

STAKKS of 3 sovs each, with 50 sors added, for 2 yrs old, one mile ; colts 8st 7lb, (lilies and geldings 8st .lib j second horso 10 sovs from tho prize j entrance,

£2 10s.

Mr c:. ii. Nichol* br f The .lau», S.t 4111.Smith 1

(¡. Utiiise'i. li C-, 2 yrs, N»t 71b Dt-llcstn-'x «li f Haidee. ?> yrs, Sst lib

Mia» Dixon':, eli f Zenxbift, 2 j re, »»' 41b.

Uetting: 3 to 1 on Haidee. The favourite und the buy colt vvcro just preparing to leave the saddling yard, when the sturt was made, to the surprise of ninny persons, nilli only two uniuinls, The Jndn and Zenobia. Before I liey had gone three hundred yards tho latter ran till' the course to the training ground, mid The Jade cantered in without opposition. A protest tvus al once lodged by the owner of Ilaidcc, but on consideration it vus re-jected, unel the prize awarded to The Jado-the starter iivcrriug that it was past the hour when tho hornes went, and Hint he had waited to see if any moro were coining. Third Ruce to start, nt 3-15 p.m.-QITKX'SI Pr.tTE of

200 sovs (freufrom deduction) ; for nil horses, ii miles ; 2 yrs old n feather, 3 yrs old 7»t 21b, 4 yi-s list tub, 5 yrs lOsr, ti yrs and ugod lOst -lib ¡-mures and geldings allowed 31bs ; entrance, 5 sovs each, to be given as u prize to the second horse.

vr Ilcvieniru'« li li Archer. S yrs loat .Cutt! 1

UcMcHiro's .b in Moss Hose, .1 yrs, 0-t 1 liba.lliggcratiii 2

S. leimcr'a br c Kyogle, 3 yr», Tat 2lb. U (liegory'D ch c Scamp, 3 yr«, 7»t 21b

.1. T. Hynn li» li R Union Jack, ï yrs, feBther T. Leu'» eli a New I'liuin, 4 yia, 3»t l.llbs.

I3ettiug G to AvAulici, i to 1 v Scamp, 3 to ] i Mogil , G to 1 v I mon .Tucl. Mi ]>"Mcstic dcclaied to tim, if possible, tvith Aichci Siniup led mid ..hewed the vi ni ut n rattling puce pnst the stund, Pilton Jack second, Rto.,le thud, tin " boonu i next, und Mot* Rose last Al the Rock-- turn the pate mipi ned and ten ooon told on the lomig'itnsui ti out, both of vv bom ii tn ed ¿îviiij; place to Al elm, Kyogle, and Mos* Roto, it ho um in the Oidci mimed tillug mi teaching the '.ti light, nilen a'lei ti fine eontevt, ilo-.s Ho«o pus-ed ICyo^le', the big horse having ni the meantime tal en up his quuilcr* tour or fite length4 in alliance ot eiii^thin^ J he .. imcouici «us maintained to tho end, foi although Jcihunv HIL.

¿01*011 made tin attempt to citch Itchn, he lound it trmtlcss, the bi^'im iini-hm^ »it hi-lennie two lengths in nlv»ließ ol the mue', Kvogle the sumo di-lunic behind AIo«s Rose lune, Gunn* - s<cs

rfouith Rue to -tint nt J pm-Vi'iNci ol' AVAIIS

SrAKl s ot 3 sov- eieh, with 60 sot* added, loi all horse*, 1 milo and thiec quuteis, second horse, 10 sots fiom the pu/e , tho tvimici lo be «old bv auction nniiiediiteli aftoi the rute for -t.100 , if entoied to be sold loi XsO, allowed 71hs , it for ±,70, lilbs , ir foi tOO, l'llbs , if foi L50, 2Slbs , no othei allow mee» , lill sm plus realised by tho sale ovet the amount foi tillie h the hoi-eis intend to be sold, to go to the nie lund , any other 1 oi^c is liable to be claimed foi the puce toi vvliuh he ii entered to be «old and the amount of the fctake , oiilrnme, £3 MrT Ivor) sell in Hjlnu I) e, ají I 7st lib (£53; Kane 1

I Ivorj'iChrfl'eer'l'ossiim ßjrf, 8st 81b (£70) Holmes J t rnll« b te l'rcslo ascd, 7sl llu (i.50) . 1 A Cheel es1 t. icldlngiuii 5 v r«( Sst alb (£70) I).. Mesiro s eli c P neittuie ¿i", « »t iib (£S0) i' lecxbhst vi m li i, li j ra 7st rib (£BUJ

t, MiitthiK's elie brlii II -llra"li 5 jrs, 8<t"lb, (¡ESO) T J Itu crt si rump Oaril, i yrs ist (£10))

J 1 lljmisb in vi las Komi " vr», 7st lib (ioCO

'Hie Doe and 1 nu go Bindii weie the animal* m di

Uland ttir tin* t ice, tin luttei berne, «eil «uppoited lit 2 to 1, ni ¡le the ioiinei lind alto main fu ml Alter one ful e .-( ni, the ni 4* weie ¿ot o(T (ault leeiflin, and ran pit the stand all tvell up, l'os-atin and jtikui0toi

lcudm¿ Vi tin bick, liotictei, the })a put in stcini, i u-ilicd pi st evi i tilling, mid mi in an eu=i tv i ner by ti o or thieo Jen0tli-, 1 second m ti 1 le lo thud J une, S mm 2 ¿ secs As no hutt J'U ult min lioncd above, thir tu« a dial til gillinbin^ iftn tin ince with lclcicnie to the nu nina; el larnoo J HIS I, .,0111c ol those who lind lucked lum declaring then bel it

Unit Die nil ni wile 1 ->ell

filrh Knoo to »tin I nt 5 p 111 -i'oittKii TI IM ictr of 3

soi» c ich, tv it li .10 sovsaddid, lot-ill tunnel* Oiit-~. «l r^i «lia-ninnir ortliiTÜ M old lae , tile lluirv Scurtj, and nil be itcu ho ~a, 1Á mile , 110 tunnel to paj to 5s to the club "So cntiaiic

lir Futon s « ¡i t.rTiUiiipi ~ M % ititi 1

Ile Uestresb III MO« KI 1 J A Lu 1er 9 1 itmvurth 3

The foil living bundie up wa* issued - \rihci, 0 I U'b, lal'evrind, I'-t «lb , Inmivnil'i, bst , flying Hot, 7 t 12 h, Gia«shoppii, 7*t 81b, Willmin lill, 7*1 7H', uoomeiiinu, 7-1 21b , Alfn d, 7 t 21b , Txt Ici, t. 11 Jib , Rubina, 0 tSlb, J nu ¿o I.i i"'h, 7 I lib , linn te 5*1 .¡lb, The .Tide, 1st 101!,, LIHOU ,Ti"\ l'í 121b, IMei

Possum, 8*t 21b, Iauiutic Ost Clb, nnd Moss lu i, 8st 41b Of tin* lot the onlv ncceptors were Iniittoitb, filing Doe, Giiv-hoppci, Boonunang, Alfied, liubm i, Ulm go Bl t¿h, and Uns- Hose lhogiov hoiocttol the leid dom 'he -t ut, und tv us nciei nltrrwticN hcade 1 Moss Rose bciting lnrivioith in the race home bt biltii thnn i lent,tli J in , 2 mm 53 su * lins nee con eluded tho iioitjof Hie meeting, which notvuth-fi uling one or two little hi iln* and dinnbitk«, was ti eil ilh

ono of the mo*t *ucci **nd und b «t attentltd t'itl wt .emombor to h i~e se« i ..mee th» ucvi com*e vu .< opened