Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (NSW : 1860 - 1870), Saturday 11 May 1861, page 2


I . _

I However satisfactorily the two first days of tho meet-

ing" might havo been gat through, they wero in every way oclipscd by tho third. Saturday, as a day, was all that could bo desired ; and soon aftor breakfast timo, the stir in tho streets of old Sydney, told that our citizens meant to seo the races, in very largo numbers. It was noon however before any very gonoral oxodu? wns mani-fested ; and oven up to tho timo for tho second raco tho course waa not us numerously peopled as, ve expected. The receipts at tho gato and grand Stand must hnvo boon beyond tho usual avorago; and wo should estimate tho number of visitors on the course at about twelvo or fourteen thousand. .

His Ejicclloncy and Lady Young, with thoir suite, ar-rived at the Stund before the first race, and remained till lato in tho afternoon. Talk of " beauty and fashion"-all tlio aristocracy of-tho colony were on tlio Stand. Tho two bouses of Legisluturo lent thoir aid, and furnished many a bright specimen of political learning ; while law and physio were of course numerously represented. Tho ladies, bloss their little hearts, wera thcro too, in goodly numbers and many a pair of bright oyes beamed for Httlo " Battye" as ho landed Peter Possum and Tal-leyrand first pa-it the chair.

Tho business of the day was well got through ; punc-tually it «as obsorvod as far as practicable, and wo aro bound to say that sonio improvement was visible in the starting ; although " Koh-i-Ifoor" mnde a fulso start, and ran nearly a quarter of a milo boforo, ßho was stop-ped. Mr C'harlo3 Henfrey, tho Secretory of Tattersall'» new Club, efficiently did tho very neccssiiry business of neighing-, as of course ho would, seeing that ho comes of right good Bpprling stock, and hails front the equ'illy "sporting shire of Northampton- , i

Previous to touching upon. $10 actual races thonwcl vos, wo must refer to one or two matters in tho general ar-rangements, applying equally to the three days, but which wo-find wo omitted in our roport of the first two.

In the first place wo may say that wo novor saw a course bettor kept ; everything and ovorybody wero quiet and.orderly, hardly an instance of tho too active influence of the " rosy god" could, be soon, and the po lico wero only onco or twico called upon to exert their authority and assort tho majesty of the law. There- was ono thing wo cortninly looked upon as a nuisance, and that was tho band stationed where it was, so immediately, under tho stand, and playing just ab tho start- for each race, so that tlioso who hud business to do, could not possibly make themselves hoard.

In summing up this very successful mooting, wo must not forget tho " fooding" arrangements. Wo had a sly poep into the Stowards luncheon room, and right royally indeed .must they havo feasted, whose privilege it was to take tangible as well as ideal cognizanco of tho good things wo saw BO daintily displayed. From having mudo considerable havoc among the poultry, in our own proper person!Wo aro in a position to declaro that tho luncheon daily provided by Cunningham for tho general publie, in the grand stand, was of tho most recherche description, and wo envy not ÄW hump of gastronomy who could not thora havo indulged to tho full of his bent.

Of the actual racing, the running of old Teno deserves especial mention j with Johnny Cutts " up," on Saturday, ho ran quite in his wonted stylo, and drow down tromon dons plaudits fromliis adrairors, whoso name is, of course, legion. And while spenking of Tono, wo may en passant say a word about tho seale of woights, at present in use. Wo have before called attention to the difficulty of get-ting light boys to rido throoyear old weights, and we ean-> not help again remarking, that tho samo scarcity of good light weights, frequently nullifies a handicap altogether, by poinpolliug the " feather»," oither io bo badly ridden, or to carry lumps of ovor-woight. Tliis would bo obvi-ated, did our woights descend from ton stone.

Wo must confess to somo disappointment in the .per-formances of tho Melbourne naga ; and wo cannot look upon Mormon as a three iniler. At the samo timo, v, o fully appreciate tho trouble and labour that has boen bo stowed upon tho horses, and cannot help wishing tlioy had had botter luck, j That-tho groy, -would havo run ¡a m'uoh better horse, boforo the poitponoment, wo fool con-vinced j and equally so*aro wo tlint, lind Mr ICoIgltran's horse buen ablo lo havo a gallop or two on the course, ho would ha\ erunvery dilferently. Wo havo alrondysaid that Mormon did his trainor every credit ¡ wo think so tlio moro, because wo do not funoy the horse to .bo exactly *'the tiling the doctor ordered," whorolbi'o nu wore tho moro pleased with the way in which Tfnyes brought him np hi tho threo mile handicap, although ho twico appeared beaten, and was carrying the top weight. Our sympa-thies woro with Veno, but wo must still do justice to a '?worthy opponent.

^Mr Do Mcstro's stable was in great force, and A» eil ho deserves a good BIICO of luok. Wo must give every credit to a gontleman who devoten so much time und . energy to tile sport, not ouly for his staunch support of

the turf but also for the Bkill ho displays in bringing lils horses out fit to run j appearing to iininomio

advantage* even" ,-when compared?with .professional trainers who have been all their lives attempting lo oc quire the knowledge of an nrt.wliich not one in twenty of them eau practise with any success,.' . » ' ? .

' Saturday's racing commeuued with the four yea¿ old Triennial, * for. which they laid 2 to~l on Moss Boso against Mirzettu, and the favorite, net looking as cool and collected as on Thursday, won us shepUujed. Then carno tho Randwick Pinte for " throes and fours," and it was about oven bettiug ou Archer, who won na he liked from end to end. The lad on Mira, seemed to have a wholesome dread of her, after her fall of the previous day with poor Dick Snell, and she never went much faster than you could "kick a hat." The Prince of Wales Stakes followed, and was another blow to the Holders, the winner us well as the favorite being found in Peter Possum j who was bought for £107 by Tom Ivory, who got all his money back by winning the Forced Handicap. For tho "Cbninpagno," Exeter was as good a favorito us anytliiiig, and fidly justified the confidence of his friends ; getting u- fair start and challenging The Nuu coming iuto the " straight," ho defeated lier with-out much trouble, and won very cloverly by'two lengths. The gronderont of the meeting waa next on the card nnd brought six to tho post, Talleyrand being premier with C to '1 only agnlnst bun. Both tho Victorians wero in, and both started; but had to sucoumb to tho light weight, and also to old Veno, who was only beaton by Tulle} n»nd by two loftsths otter ii splendid race. The Forced Handi-cap with twelve atnrtors, won by Holmes on Ivory's new purchase, wound up tho meoting, mid wo wero not sorry to lenvo the " gay and festive scone." Tho rush ut the gates was " a caution," and there waa any amount of sticking tip on tho hill. Some of tho Boones bafilo our descriptive powers ; but wo aro glad to know, that no accident of a serious naturo occurred throughout tho day.

Tho week's racing was fraught with disastrous con scquonccs to both Melbourne horses ; " the QafTor" hav-ing fallen very lamo in the ForcedHundlcap, and "Mor-mon" being considerably shaken by his collision with " Archer" in tho Australian Pluto ; the effects of which his subsequent rueca did not tend much to remoro. In both eases the horses havo buen suffering from consider-able lameness siuuu Saturday, and great attention has been required to get thorn round. Both must now be treated to a "spell;" in tho case of Mr Cowell's horse, no fear n long one, while in that of "Mormon," as his shoulder appears to bo tho injured part, liis recovery of " form" caiuiot bo very »peedy. We can only hope that whou next ve seo our Melbourne neighbours bring horses to Sydney, they may have better success than

has over hitherto attended their efforts in New South


On Friday'hi the race week, Mr M'Gowan's " Spin-ster" dropped dead in tho stable, immediately on her arrival thoro aftor running for the Biennial.

First Kaco.-To start at i past 1 o'clock- Tho Third Year

of the Finsr TWE.VMAX STAKES of 100 BOVB, added to a sweepstakes of 10 sovs each ; 5 sovs forfeit ; no en-trance foo ; 4t yrs old, 9st ; th'reo miles j fillips allowed 4 lbs ; the Recomí horse to roceivo 10 and the third 5 per cent on the gross amount of the prise.

Mr T. J. Ilohert»' Most lloae. hy William Tell .Cutt» 1

siiGowui's Mirzctla, by Caisnck.Uri»coll 2

6 to 4 on Moss Roso oirered. MIr/ctta was first off, but remained not long in front, before she was passed by tho favourite, w ho wont on at bor own pace and won a very slow raco in the commonest of canters by three lengths; Driscoll having never boon able to moko even a show of challenging.

Second Race.-Tho RANDWICK PLATB of 10O sors, with

a sweep of 3 suvs added, for 3 and -1 j ear olds ; li mile ; a year olds, 7i>t 71bs; .! year olds, 8st 121bs. Allowance to marea and geldings as per scale En

tranco £5.

Mr De Mcatre's h e AYelicr, -I vrs..:.Cutts 1

1'. M. Doj lc's c c Warrior, 4 yrs.Welsh 2 Tcmn'ic c Transit, 3 yr».Peril S «'Kellar'« b t Heather Helle ,1 yr«.

(ïorrick'a b f Mira, -tyra , Young'» c ni Koh-i-noor, 4 > ra

liven betting between Arehor and the fiolct- After ono fulso sturt in w hich Koh-i-Noor ran to the stand. Transit took tlio lend, Arehor lving third, and Mira out-paced from the jump. Opposite tho stand Johnny Cutts took the big horso to tho iront, eut down his opponents' in n few strides, mid was never afterwards approached. Warrior worked forward into second place at the far bide of tho course, und i cmaincd there to the omi, boing beaton by two long lengths, and in thejend bcatingTrariBit after u good struggle for second piuco by about half that

distance. .

Third Race.-Tho Pitisoß OP WALES STATOI3 of 2

sovs eacli, with 00 sovs «Mud,- for -all ~bo»es,~ M. P. O. Tho second to receive 10 sovs. Tlio ?winner to bo sold by auction immediately aftor tho race, upset nrico £100 ; if entered to bo sold for £80, allowed 71bs ; if for £70. 121bs ; if for JCGO, 191bs ; if for £50, 281bs ; any surplus Tealisod by the sale of tho animal oycr the amount for which he is entered to bo sold, to go to the race fund. . Any other horse is liable to lie claimed for the price for which ho is ontorod to be sold, nnd the amount of tho stake. No allowances to maidens, maros, or goldings. Entrance, £3.

Mr. Lee'» eli h retir I'ossum, 6 yr», 6»t 12rbsi£50).tlattyo 1

Rutter'« 1) B Warrior, a<ed, 6»t 13lbs (AiO).Fame 2 Loaer!* og Tamworth, 4 )r>,7st Jib» (COO).Ryan 3 Deal's c g Euclid, mea. S»t talus (£">ü,)

>M'J),TMIUU'3 Irl.h Knie, oued, Ost 131b« (CAO)

2 to 1 agst Peter Possum ; 3 to 1 cooli agst Warrior and Tamworth. A good start was effected,1 Warrior at once rushing to tho front, and leading, round tho lower turn and past tho stand to tho rocks, whore Tamworth made an ullin t to go up. On tho fur sida of the course the favorito and Mr Rutter'» nag wore in tho ' van, n.ud tho raco lay betw con thom for the rest" of the journey ; tlio chestnut winning uftor a good set-to, cloverly by a length, und finding a now owner at JÜ107 immediately after, thus putting £57 hito the oxclicquor of tho


Fourth Race.-The CnjHPAONE STAKES of 75 sovs, with

a sweepstakes of 3 sovs oa eh; for all two year olds; five furlongs ; colts, 8st 7,1b, fillies and goldings, 8st .lib, ; second horse to i-ccoivel5 sovs. , entrance, £3


Mr. Du Metter'» c e Exeter ......{....»..r'utts I

H'Kcltnr's b e K>o|tle.~.Holme» 2 Loder'» br f Tint Mun.-...G. Thompson 8 ' Toil's bcStoik

halt's hrf Lnily Jane

ltlehara's b f Blrdswlng Be-il's Wonder,

Exeter, Kyoglo, and Tho Nun, -wore about equal favor-ites ; the stttblo believing that Exe tor would hare won on the provious day had ho got away. On tho fall of tho flag, tho " black and all black" showed in advance, but nt tho top of tlio hill " Tho Nun" had obtained tho pre miershap, whbh sho hold until the turn was rounded, and the straight run was commonced. Hero Exeter came again, had not much difficulty in settling tho ' littjo maro's pretensions, and won very cloverly by a couple- of, lengths. Holmes carne at the last on the insido, and succeeded in boating tlio filly for second place in tho run homo from the distnnco, Birdswlng being fourth, fol-lowed closely by Mr Tait'» two. . . ' .

Fifth Raco.-Tho AUSTRALIAN JOCKETOMJB HANDICAP ' of 130 sovs, added to n sweep stakes of 5 sov'a eaoh ¡ for

all ages ; 3 milos ; tho second horse to reoolve 25 sors. Entrance, £6 10s. for all acceptors. . .

Mr Garrick'» c g Talle)rand,-I yrs, GttlOlbs .Battye 1

HlBiieraon'a c g Veno, aged, Ott 21b.Cutt» 2 Ilunderaon'a br h Mormon, J yr», 9»t 21b .Hayo» 3 Cowell'» g g Qaflbr Grey, aged, Sat 121b». ' Mount's b g tibcet Anchor, A yrs, Sst 21ba llutlor'» b g Warrior, aged 7st 2H».

Ç to 4 on tho field ; '5 to 2 atzet Ga flor Grey. Although bqpkcd, as a certainty for 'iaUa.u-aud, this, the great Handicap of,tho week, caused a large amount of intorost, and much curiosity was manifested as \o tho meeting of the Melbourne oraoks, with old Vono ¿ver tlireo miles. All got well away, the light weight with" Mormon, and Warrior at his boals, making the-running; and Sheet Anchor taking up a good sight seeing position. Passing the rocks Mormon was sent to the front, "the Gaffer"

at the same time retiring to the rear. Veno took second place, on rising the hill but Talley-rand made a run in the straight, and, on passing the stand, was waiting on Mr Keighran's nag, Veno be-ing third, in which order they ran round the turn. Here Mormon sensibly declined, and Carter went up with the Grey, but only succeeded in reaching the third-place, where he went on in waiting on tho two chestnuts.. Rounding tho last turn Gafier Groy was beaton, and the race seemed over, -when Hayes brought Mormon again to the front, and seemed likely by biri Bplcndid rush up tlio distuneo, to wrost second honors from the gaJJant old Veno. Hud tho Melbourno nag run straight, he would havo drawn tin» "pony," but instead of doing sohomndoa serios of shift« whenever he was called upon, and 10 raaincd third to the end ; the four year old winning very olovorly by two longths. Gnffor Grey fourth, mid Sheet

Anchor last.

Sixth Raco.-The FOB-ODD HANDICAP of BO sovs, with

à swoopstiikcs of 5 sovs each addod ; for ni! winners ; Hurry Scurry, Champagne, Biennial, Triennial, und Reaten Horses, optional j l*r milo ; to bo handi-capped by tho stewards ; the winner to pay £5 6s to the Club. Entrant», free.

Sixteen horses wore handicapped for tills race, of which Archer, MOBS Rose, Sheet Anchor, nud Exctor woro drawn, and the event carno off aa follow a ¡

Mr. Ivory's eli li Peter Possum, ft yr» 8at.Holme» I . Town»' bite g Stranger, Hit 21b.Ford 2

Doyle'» eli li Warrior, 7»t.Thompson 3 Gatter Groy, 8at 10 ; Talloyraud, 8st<llb ; Swindler, 7st 101b . Flying Doo, 7st 71b j Calypso, 7at 71b . Alfred, 7st

, ' , . .1 "*ä . 4- -t-t-t^i .*' í'- >' -e \

,6lb ; Koh-i-noor, 7st'dib ; Kow Obum, Gst,4H> -»Oho Nun, ,o feather. ."?"* " + i" a* -? »?»"".-..- ;

; At tho fall of the flag, Mr Talt's colors at onoo allowed inadv'BUi.o, Alfred .making play at a good pace,'and con ?thudtig'hv, front^tiutif *ncurlyi''a' milo had.b'eenAcevered. Here Peter Possum aiid tlio Stmngor deprived the " young 'un" of his load, tlio rest being all hi close ordor. At the commencement of the Btroight run, a slashing " set to" commenced between the two leaders ; but tho Bath-urst horse carried too many guns, and in tho end, The Stranger wat beaten by a length. Warrior rail home third, and Calypso, struggled to the finish, and headed the îuok past* tlio chair.

This wound up-tho meeting, which even the oppon-ents of Randwick must allow to hare bton a> success.

TJIE SETTLISO NIOHT.-Tlúa i very necessary ndjuuot to a race mooting carno off on Monday night at Tatter sail's. Up-stairs the lace committee made thoir disburse-ments in the ahapo of stakes to tho lucky winners, while in tho subscription room below, the business of paying and receiving bets as well as handing over tho money for the various ''swoop«) " was curried »on with considerable aothity. . . ~ . » '?"

A good deal of curiosity has been oxcited, and no little dissatisfaction expressed, at the course adopted by the nice coinmitteo, in pnjing over the stakes privotoly, instead of, as of yore, in the long -room of "Tattursalls." What wero the motives for this departure fiom tho hithorto in-variable custom, we aro not in a position to say : but wo search our knowledge on such matters in vam for tho discovery of any, which, to our mind, couïd^bo weighty onough to give sufflciont cause for it. Tho nature of Abo Jockey Club und TiittersaU'sronders itmostimportanttHat good fooling should exist between thom ; and we trace in tho conduct of tho former bodjMinont the matter in ques-tion, the germs of an nntagonisiifott thoir part, wliioh can only give riso to one, of ten fold strength on that of Tat tersull's. If, indiod, tho intention of this c-ccltmvo moda ¡ of sottling was not illiberal, it had certainly tlio appear-

ance of being so ; and ovou this should, at all times, bo

avoided in such mutters.

Everything « ont smoothly ; wo heard of no comv plaints, nor was auy extraordinary "tightness" in the money market observable. Thosa who had money to draw looked of courso, quito jolly, while tho losors ac-quitted themselves much aftor tho stylo of " Mm k Tap-ley." Neither individual gains nor losses wore heavy ; tha "'Pulley rand"' party netted, a good stake, and seta good example,, (which however Mas not foliowod) to othor w innovs, by shoaling tlio usual supply of O'Brien's " sparkling." Financial arrangements having boon con-cluded, tho Queensland great raco was spoken of; but that was all, and the members quietly separated without any transaction that wo heard of havlug takon placo. Arrangements wero made for tho diuiior ; willoh took place on Thursday, and of which an account will be found below.

FINALE, ASD DEÏABTUKES:.-On Tuesday, Sydney lost most of hor racing visitors, both biped i und quadruped. Tho steamers took awuy largo living freights, and horses wero stnrted to nil tho points of the compass ; some to Maitland, soino to Braidwood, and same to Queen*. -land. Among tho movements, wa may moñtion "Euolid" and " Jemmy Jonkor " te-Brisbane ; "Veno" mid "Arehor" to Maitland, as well aa tho nags moro especially belonging to that district ; and " Moss Roso" and " In-heritor" to DÇruidwood. Tho Melbourne nags, wo believe, will bo put on board steamer far home this day, mid wo . heartily wish thom ion voyage. Othor arrangements are ' in prospect. Johnny Uiggerson goes to Queensland to

ride Eclipse for the Champion Eaco ; and Vono has boon added to Sir lío Mostro's "string."

EOTEBTAlSMkNT TO TJTE ME1B01JBÎÎ1I VlBITOItS.-On. Tuesday, previous to his doparturo for Queensland, Mr Tm't entertained tho Molbowne' gentlemen who visited Sydney for the races, at lunch, at his rosidenco in AVill ium1 1 »trout. - This compliment was paid our visitors to mark ' tho appreciation, by their entertainer, of the reception ho

and othor New South Wales sportsmon havo uniformly met with in Victoria ; and we- need hardly say that this ontortalnmcnt was worthy of tho occasion. Wo soroly rogrettcd our uttor inability to accept Mr Tait's invitation to meet his guests, but from those who wero prcsont, wo know that they all came away delightod with tho kind-ness of their host, mid wishing him every success in tlio trip ho was about starting on. In this wo heartily con ourrod, and when wo shook hands with our gopd, friend lato ii» the evening, wo- woro convinced that-'no true sportsman of Now South Wales or Victoria,ididiiot give his best^wlshe* for the snecoss ot tho beautiful"Zoo.