Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (NSW : 1860 - 1870), Saturday 22 December 1860, page 4

Wewinarket First. October Meeting.


' ' Tirs HOPEFUL" STAKEÏ of 40 sovs'oáeh, li ft, for two year

olds¡ colts fist fib, flllio3 8st" Elby winnora extra s the ? - "recourt to reçoive 50 so vs out of tho states-; tho .lust

half of Ab.ftT. (3rur 217vds)t 27 subs. . : *K**!

Mr. Merry's Dundee, bv Loni or the Ute», Dst 21b (Including Otb \ ? ... extra).-,....distance |1 . Lord Stamford'« b fThc Little Lady, Sat.Bib (IncjudliurMbextra) !

? ? !- ... - .". A: Edward« 2

. Lard Stamford's br 'c- Walloon,'. Sat lalb . (Includlñp; Olb'éxtra) '

. . .. . . .. . ' , . ... A. French |S Ilaron Rothschild's b'fOuccn of-the Vale, 8at lllb (Including ;

... . oibextra)..,.-.:.v.v..^..f........'.,...,.,..;:...":.-.'."Welli '4 ? Mr. lt..Teu'Uroeckí'EVénliañcl, Sst 71b.-..,., '*

Tho betting"!o]ie$bd'ht ovens ón. hut 'at 'tlie elostJB'to^ ' -ivas ottered againsf^urirlèb, 6'to2-"ngst;'Walloon, .and 7

to 2 agst Chicon Of thornie. .Aftersovérol failures ïhoy < got'nwiy togother, ana^Walloon,:\quiökosl~oii- his-logs,

looii'hnd;a"lead of two or tliree.longtlis'pTJlieVBUtlc » ..Tiady lny second, with Quoon of tho Vole nt her neckband . Dundoo s head was cló'so^to. Wells'- knee,'Ev'enhand, bul-.

paced fróm'tho' sfárt,' boíngsoon out öf.tUÄ-ruco; ' At tho Iludios tho;Bároñ's filly'dropped'on^';ahd'-Wallooh:coin-. .iS'bu'nding'-nt.ovoBiy stride'in descending thfcJuUl was pnssod f."-"beforo" entenhçH-heV- cords byjphis.stnblb&ciirhpninon and

tho favourilo,r,'Tlie''pittlo Eo'dy .having 'ft1'slight'load, . which'she rottined^fttillwiUtin^siv'stridoa^of tho^cliaij1, .'--whend3und'oivcullnrod lier, ond çînriin'stholoBgest,-wpjv

" nn exciting rnce'by a neck. Walloon, was baaton'i;thrq'o i- length's, and thVothcrtwo nearly n hundred yards. Eiin

. in G3sec. ?..'?*.? * '.' -.- '!

<- The OnAND'iDuKB.BrrorrA'Kt. STAKES of 50 sovs oacli,;' fdr.

: three year bids, colts 8at 71b, fillies 8sfr 91b t: winner of '." -the Two Thousand Guineas orTJcrby; 71b- extra ; ' tito.

. second to rocoivo 100 sors ; A.Fv (lm 2 fur 73yds) ¡ 23

. . subs. . ¡

Mr.' A. Nichol's bc Thc Wizard, by IVeit Australian', dat (in- I

dudln« 71b extra).....G, Fordham il ..Merry'* Thormanby, 9at (Inc 71b extra).,.Veils 2 '.'C.'Alcxander'a ch c Thunderbolt. 8»t71b ...............H. Sharp 'S

llowes's Donner und Blitz, Sst 71b....Aldcroft ,4 J-...' : GratwlckeîslAUlngton, Sst Sib.J.Daley, s

( Jaques'. Illili Treason, Bat 71b ...Uu|lock S

,a ' Jléttirig: 2'tö,l agst High Tronson,,'l, agst Thor

ni'anby, 5 to'I cadi agst'Wizard and'Dbnner uuçL.Blitî,,8,agst.Thundcrholt. Thc running, wits inndh

by High'Tt-ea'sph, elbsoly attended on tho. loft and .riglit by Bonnor, und Blitz and The-" Wizard,.''Allington .lying ! next, 'and iTliundorbolt'nnd..Tliornianby' several' lengths

olT, thb'Derby winner having a'clear berth to himsplf on tho whip-hand. . At.tho.. Bushes HighVTWiison^'was in trouble, and resignirig'tho lead nt' the top of tho hill tb jrñ'Bowos's'horse," the latter was instantlyjoinod by Tho I, Wizard, Thunderbolt ariel Thormanby ht tho sarao, trays ;jjdrawiñ¿ ujjitó.tbe'latter's . qunrtóra, and. in, this Mordor

/ they remained into tho bottonir ivhon tho Wizard! carno

.out, piulirig double, and won in a canter by. two lehgtlit, ^.Thprmanby. beating^Thunderbolt for 'second' .money, .by ~'.'thrco?quartóra'pf 'a lengths . Bonnor -mid Blitz, finished '.I'two. lengths from Tliuhdorbblti and tho . othors. _ wore' . separated as far." ~B,uri ih 2tnin 18sec. '., ' I