Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (NSW : 1845 - 1860), Saturday 28 November 1846, page 2

... *o correspondents.

'Amelia COLONISE-Should hnvo poid the poBtnpp. We cannot nndertnko fo nnswnr Corrosnomloutu

who sign themselves "Conslnnt Benders," "Subscribers, &c. &c., tho reason is obvions.


'.Tne-DsnnT.-Pyrrhai tho First is ,a chestnut ' ivrit, by Epinm, ont of Fortress (Old 'England's

dam}, hy Defence- her dam, Jewess, by Moses (the «inner of thc Darby in 18221-Calcrrdnlaj, by Caroerlon-Snowdrop, by TTigliTnnd Fling. Daisy, by Buzzard-Tulip, by Damper-'Eclipse

? -.'narlty, by Mntrhnm-Snapdragon, by Snap. Regulus-? Bartlett's Childers-IToncywood's

Arabian-dam of tho two True Dines. Thc total amount of stakes wns Ü5,ö00. Thc race .was run

in 2 min. 7 secs.

PEDianER OP MENDICANT.-Mendicant is a brown

filly, by Touchstone, out of Lady Mooro Carew. ? Pyrrhus tho First li«9 raised himself to a degree

of estimation which, if reports be true, wnslittlo expected rt short time-bank, seeing that he was ofTercd to Mr. Clifton for JCSOO. ; but n preference was shown to Old England, who was purchased nt tho price.

ENQUIRER.-Deaf Burke's Inst fight was willi Bob

Caskes, nt Hainham Ferry.

JUSTUS.-Yon may refuse to «ive a character.

It. T.-Wc do not profess to be skilled in the veto

nnary art ; npply tn Mr. Armstrong.

CHADS,-" Stunning Jae Banks" is thc soubriquet

of n person in nclunl existence, mid withal n very respectable man. We believe Joe is nt pre-

sent thc landlord of " Tho Crown" in Cranbourne Passage, Leicester Square, London.

VICTIM.-The expense of a license to keep a Bil-

liard Table in England is six SHILLINGS, and is to be obtained by application to thc Magistrales of tho District at tho usual Licensing Meeting. We aro nwnrc of thc hardship» imposed upon Publicans in this Colony, mid have nlrcndy more

than once alluded to them.

OLD CHAP. Wiudsor, where is thy grey goose quill? NEMO.-Tho principal amusement of tho Cana-

dians Is hunting. Deer are very plentiful-so

arc wolves and foxes.

Q. '/.., Berrimn:-feet. To thc second qucsr

ton-A is a native, and C wins.

Tnioosn.-A mlss-Dre, by the Bod House Rules,

is a lost bird nt Pigeon Shooting.

TOMMY.-A two year old cock or sta j, is correct.

"J. P. lt.-Tlic^-Dirooloro in Moorgntc-strcet wonld

probably bc disgusted to hear of such amorous ^_intriguen. - Ttio'-twrrlj-Mios-Cin-ncy-aoes'TesIde

iii Cumbcrlnnd-strcet, where, as It appears, she rcreircs visiis from no y OUR ABLE MEMBERS Thc doggrcl rhyme ol

.' Sister Snrnh nrt thou willing,"

. is not without POINT, but evidently unsuited.

C. C.-We quito ngreo with C. C. that it would bo - difficult lo comprehend the drift of Mr. John - Dillon's lucid argument (',) in the case of Atcho

Bon v. Atchesou, nt tho Police Offlco, on Tues

dny. If it had any menniug nt nil, it must ltnvo^ . been something of a character with tht-'fülTow

' ing lines : -

He needs no napkin for his hands His finger ends to wipe,

Who keeps his kitchen in a box, And roast meat in o pipo.