Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (NSW : 1845 - 1860), Saturday 16 August 1856, page 2



THU TKADKSMBN'6 PLATE of 200 sovs in specio,

ndded to a Handicap of 25 sovs ouch, 15 ft, and 5 only if declared ¡ the second to ruceivo 61)

sovs ont of tho stakes, mid tho winner to pay 60 sovs towards expenses of the judge, starter, &c } winners of either tho Northomp. tonsliirc: Stakes, Doncaster Handicap, Metro.

SbliUB SttUjTffc fc'paom. Newmarket Haa

icap, or the threat Northern at York, in the present year. Xl0, the Bccond in either Sib, . and the winner of any other handicap ' race,

. after the publication of tho weights, of the

vahío of ¡ÍU0 sovs, including tho winner*» own stiiko Sib extra, but not to bo accumu-lative for hoing second in any of tho above . specified handicaps, as well as being tho win-

ner of 200 sovs ; Cup Course (uhout two miles and u quarter) ; 106 subs, 22 of whom pay 5 sovs each, and three did not name.

Mr Parker's b f Ono Act, 3 yrs, -1st 1311» (Inc

101b extra';,'carried 5st llb . ...Ilibbord 1 Mr Howard's eh c Yellow Jack, 3 yrs, 5st 81b 2 Lord Chesterfield's b ra Typee, 0 yrs, 8»t .. 3 Mr J Osborne's gr c Yorkshire Grey, 4 yrs,

SstlOlb......*.,. . 4 Mr Uawdou's b c Courtenay, 4 yrs, Cst Gib.. 0 Mrs Osbaldeston's b c Rifleman, 4 y rs, 8st71b Û Mr. E R Clark's b h Mr Sykes (h I.) 6 yrs,

Sst 21b. ."... 0 Mr Howard's b h Scythian, 5 yrs, 7st 121b... o Baron Rothschild's ch h Hungerford, aged,

TsilOlb.,. 0 Mr Copperthwaite's b It The Early. Bird, ;

5 yrs, 7st 101b.". 0 Capt Lane'» ch h Kpatmnondns, S yrs, 7st 21b 0 Mr|J Osborne's b f La-iy Totton,4'yrs,6st 12lb 0 Lord Clifden's br h Poodle, aged, 6st 101b... 0 Mr O'Reilly's bo Vandyke, 4 yrs. 6st 101b... 0 Mr Bennett's hr g Cardsharper, 5 yrs, Sst Sib 0 Mr Greville"»ch h Quince, 5yrs, 6st81b...... 0 Mr Bmhor's br h Goorkah, 6 yrs, Cst Olb. O Mr Fisher's b g New Brighton, 6 yrs, Ost 41b 0 Mr Rigby's br f Imogene, 4 yrs, tist 4lb. 0 Mr Parker's b h A ld ford, 8 yrs, 6st. (carried

6st Sib) . ,...;_;... 0 j Mr J M Stanley's b m Mishap, 5 yrs, 6st...... O Mr T Parr's b e Fatalist, 4 yrs, 6st .0 . Mr Robinson's b c Siding, 4 yrs, '6st 81b (inc

101bex) .......o'.... 0 Mr E Parr's br-e Stork, 3 yr?,- 5st 6lb. 0 Mr Sidebottom's bó Aleppiv; 3 yrs, Sst Sib.. 0 Mr Ridley's bro Hospitality, 3 yrs, 5st 2lb

(inc sib ex);;. 0 Sir J Hawley's ch'f .Redan, 3 yrs, 4st 71b. 0 Mr J Wood's ch f Vine (h b), 3 yrs, 4at 71b

(carried 4st l0lb)- ..;....... 0 ?Mr'T W Kedheàd's b c Van Dunck, 3 yrs,

4st 61b. 0 Mr Morris's b C Bubble, 3 yrs, 4st 6lb, (car

4st lOlh) ..'.;. 0 Betting t 5 to' 1 agst Yellow Jack, 7 to I ngst Yorkshire Grey, 7 to 1 agst Imogene, 10 to 1 agst Stork, 12 to 1 agst One Act, 15 to 1 agst Typee, 100 to 6 ngst Courtenay, 20 to 1 agst Fatalist; 25 to I each agst Lady Tatton and Tho Early Bird, 30 to 1 each against Hungerford, Hospi-tality, and Quince, 40 to 1 each agst Aleppo and Mishap, and 50 to 1 each agst Scythian, New Brighton, and Goorkah. Thc start took place at precisely len' minutes past four, and was accomplished after 'ono slight failure. Stork immediately tonk a clear lead, followed by the Early Bird «nd Bubble, Cardsharper lying fourth, Hospitality fifth, Ono Act and Aldford next, sido by side, and Imogene and Mr. Sykes close up with them at the head of the ruck,'in the rear of which were Goorkah. Rifleman. Fatalist, Mis-hap, Aleppo, and Vandyke. In pretty nearly this order they passed thc Stand the first time, but owing to a great'many of the light weights, including Stork, Bubble, and Hospitality, run-ning out towards tho entrance gate, the front rank presented several changes after rounding the workhouse turn.' On the retirement of Stork, tho Early Bird was left with the lead, and,' boing joined by Cardsharper, the two drew six or bight lengths in advance of Hospitality, who went on third to the half-mile post, whore ho was re-passed by Stork, Ono Act now lying fifth, Siding sixth, and Typee seventh, with

wide intervals between each. Then followed a

cluster of some dozen, amongst which were Jack, tho Grey; Imogene, and Courtenay ; and behind them the remainder presented one of the most extraordinary " tail»" wo ever re-member to have seen in this race nt so early a portion of it-the best proof of tho severity of tho pace. As they approached the bridge turn, Cardsharper headed Tho burly Bird, and tho paco slackening a little, the others got close together in the straight running to commence the second round. At this point Hospitality dis-appeared from' tho. front, and on re-passing tho Stand, One. Act was at Early Bird's side ; Imogene, Stork, and Yellow Jack (who had gradually emerged from the ruck, follow-ing closo at their heels. Typee succeeded them, and next to the old mare, who looked as' ferrnidablo os anything, ' wero Courtenay, Yorkshiro Grey, Quince, Hungerford, New Brighton, and Poodle. What followed wo shall not nttoinpt to specify, nor did wo notice how far some of the stragglers were beaten at this point, though between the first and last horses there could have been little short of a quar-ter of a mile! About fifty yards beyond tho Workhouse Turo, ' Stork ran against the Early Bird, and drove him against the rails, upon which the horse balanced fur an instant, got rid of Aldcroft, who was fortunately thrown to the other side, and then recovered himself, not without creating a little confusion, however, amongst those immediately behind him, of which Flatman immediately took advantage by se-curing a good berth for Typed. Tliis coritreltmps left One Act in attendance upon Cardsharper and Stork became third. Imogene fourth, Yellow Jack fifth, Hungerford sixth.and Typee seventh; but immedintely afterwards Yorkshire Grey began to improve his condition, and, half way along the Deo side, he "passed the two old-uns,

and laid at tho heels of the favorite. At the Castle Pole, the last time, Cardsharper resigned the lead to Ono Act and tmogene.who looked w ll

for a few strides at tho commencement of tho tum, but giving way in tho bend of it, Stork be-came the immediate follower of the Woodyeate's mare into tho straight,'where the latter. Yellow Jack, Typee, Yorkshiro Grey, and Courtenay wore tho only lot left, with a chance. Aftor passing the Grosvenor post, Stork beat a retreat, and Yellow Jack and.. Ty pee coming together, drow up to Ono Act's «ide nt tho distance, the Grey, having met with disappointment in getting through just before, bsing at their heels,'hemmed in by Courtenay, so that Bearpark was unable to get through or go round his horses. Inside tho distance the three leaders-One Act boing next tho rails. Yellow Jack ¡ in tho middle, and tho old mnro on tho outside-closed, and ran a most magnificent va Co homo;'Ono Act without being fairly collared, winning Lby a- head, and Yellow Jack heating Typee for tho second money by tho samo; Yorkshire Grey, who finished two lengths from Lord'Chesterfield's mare, having ad vantage of a length over Courtenay./; Imogeuo was sixth about a length from tho fourth, and Poodle seventh, close up with her, Scythian being eighth and Cardsharper, Mr Sykes' Stork, and Mishap next in ad vaneo, pf the-"stragglers." The last lot included VniuDunck, Vandyke, Lady Tat-ton, Hospitality, .Rifleman, Góorkah, and Ald-ford, the latter threo walking in a long way be-hind, Bartholomew haviug.somo timó previously jumped blT his horse! "'who broke down very badly in tho near forc-le"gVat the railway bridge, in the last round. '- Aldford, who kicked his jockey off whilst walking up to tho post before starting, ran against .a:man towards the close of tho race, und fell, giving Alder a very severe shaking. Aldcroft waH.curried off the course to his lodgings, apparently much hurt. Hun in

4 m in 24SCCB, Nott value of the stakes £2645.

The CiibeniuK WSMUU Cve. of loo sovs, the

rest in specie, by subscription of 20 govs each, li ft, witb 50 added; gentlemen riders ; Jockeys 51b extra;' tho winner of any handicap of the valuo of 100 sovs clear ofter tho publication of the weights 51b, and the winner of the Trades' Cup 101b extra, lint nut to bo accumulative; tho winner to givo two dozen of champagne ti> tho members of this,race; Grosvenor Course; 21 sobs, 8' of rffwm declared, and . poy 5 sovs each. !

Mr Morris's ch b Eulogist, 'by Birdcatohor, 0

yrs, list 7ib (including 51b extra)

(Mr G. G. S. Thompson). 1 Parker's b f Ono Act,. 3 yrs. «st 81b (in :

?101b extra).2 Lord Wilton's b g Shoreham, 4 yrs, lOst llb

(includingSib extra) ..i............-....;.. 3. Mr Barber's br Ir Goorkah. 0 yrs, lOst Gib .. 4

J. Davis' ch g Titterstone; h b, aged, llBt

6lb..V-.'...;;«..... . 0 , Pringle's b g Blarnoy (u b),' aged. lOst

101b ........ O' Slr T. Kurko's. ch b Morgan Rattler, S yrs.

lOstlOlb. 0 Mr S. Abel's b g Cavendish, aged, lOst I3lb,

(including Sib extra).? 0 E. J. Irwin's cb. h Simon Pure,-S^yrs, 1 Ost

. »

Ub (including 51b extra) ....... .... O H. Lane's ch h, 5 yrs, lOst 51b 0 Betting-Even on One Act, 6 to 1 against Eulogist, «fud 7 to 1 agstQoorkah.

The DEV; STAKER of 10 sovs each, with £200

added b> tho Grand Stand, proprietors, for 3 year olds; colts 8st 71b, fillies 8st 4lb; the second to receive 50 sovs out of the stakes, and tho winner to pay 25 sovs towards ex-penses; Grosvenor Course; GO subs.

Mr Cookson's br c Bird-in-Hand, by Bird

catcher. 8st 71b.(Bartholomew) 1 Admiral Harcourt's br o Ellin «ton, Bst iib 2 ' Mr Grat wick's b c Miscount, 8st 71b . 3

H. Hill's ch c Stanhope.'8st 71b . 3 Copperthwaite's b c Tho Wild Irishman,

8st 71b . 0

, Dawson's br c Bobby B, 8st 71b. 0

Hope's b c Omar Facha, 8st 71b . 0 J. Osborne's b c Night Hawk,8st 7lb. 0 Howard's b e Tho ltosult, 8st 71b . 0

Capt Christie's b o Lawn. Sst. 71b. 0

Betting-6 to 4 on Ellington, 4 to 1 agst Stanhope, and 100 to 15 agst Bird-in-Hand.Urti'M Life in ijopdon, JJav ll/ft._