Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 6 September 1880, page 6




Great excitement was occasioned in Mel-bourne on Saturday morning when the news of the disaster to the Sorata was supple-mented by the information that a large vessel had been totally lost on the Otway reef. The news of the disaster was telegraphed from the lighthouse which had been signalled by the steamer Dawn outward bound to Warrnam-bool and Portland. The Dawn signalled that she had some of the survivors on board but she did not supply the name of the vessel, and consequently much anxiety was felt by all persons interested in overdue ships. A rumour generally credited was that the vessel was the steamer Europa with the Italian exhibits on board, and it was not until the afternoon wore on that the dis-covery of axe handles, kerosene cases and other American cargo gave a clue to the nationality of the wreck, and only when the Dawn reached Warrnambool was it ascer-tained that the vessel was the Eric the Red. The first message received was from Queens-cliff, as follows :—"The Dawn steamer signalled at 9 o'clock that a vessel is wrecked on the coast off Cape Otway. Portion of the wreck and part of the crew are picked up. A large piece of wreck is now awash on the north east corner Otway Reef. The light-house keeper is examining the beach." The following was the next message received -"The lighthouse keeper's assistant has re-turned. Portions of the vessels's sides were found eastward of Point Franklin. Quantity kerosene, cases nearly all destroyed, axe handles, clothes pegs, American toys, and por-tion of white boat, clinker-built. No bodies."

Subsequently we received telegrams from our correspondents at Warrnambool and from our reporter, who proceeded to the scene of the wreck, giving full particulars of the occurrence and of the loss of life which had taken place. We subjoin the narrative. The ill-fated vessel was an American ship of large tonnage and is said to have been an excellent specimen of the mercantile marine of the United States. She waa built at Bath, State of Maine, in 1871, by Messrs. E. and A. Sewall, who are also the owners. Her dimensions were as follow - Length, 198ft 7in , beam, 41ft lin , and depth of hold, 20ft lin , the gross measurement being 158O tons . She was classed for 11 years when launched and was on the highest list in the Record, and also in Veritas her distinction in the latter being 33 L 11. She was remetalled in March, 1879 and was then in first class order, and because of her good sailing quali-

ties and general seaworthiness, as well as her roomy cargo space, she was selected to bring out to this port a very large portion of goods for the Interna-tional Exhibition Several of these were of considerable cash value, and the disaster will be a grievous loss to all concerned. Her freight comprised a largo assortment of manufactured goods of various descriptions

furniture, ironmongery &c. The bulk of her cargo was for Melbourne, and the balance for Sydney.

The Commissioner of Customs informed the American Consul last night that he had received a telegram from the chief harbour master stating that if a vessel were sent without delay to Cape Otway a large quan-tity of goods might be saved. The Govern-ment steamers Pharos and Victoria were engaged in clearing the sailing track of wreckage and could give no time to the saving of property.

Owing to the non arrival of certain papers the particular nature of the American ex-hibits lost in the ship cannot yet be given. About a third of the total collection was on board, and the goods were of a varied descrip-tion. Many articles, however, have already arrived by other routes, so that the American court will not be empty on the opening day. It is singular that mishaps should have occurred both to the exhibits that Vic-toria sent to America and to the exhibits forwarded by America to Victoria. An attempt was made to scuttle the Skerry-

vore, which did not reach New York until May 5 or only five days before the Centennial Exhibition was opened. A large portion of the goods was damaged and some wholly destroyed. In the present case, through accident all the exhibits sent by the vessel specially selected seem to bo hope-lessly lost, Mr Pickering the executive commissioner for the United States, arrived overland from Sydney on Saturday evening but he had the bulk of his papers forwarded by the Leura which only reached Hobson's Bay yesterday afternoon, and he will not be able to get them until to day. Without the papers there is no means of accurately stating the exhibits as some have been ad-dressed to the care of agents and others are not minutely described in the manifest. The special collection sent by Connecticut is, un-fortunately, amongst the lost cargo. A space 40ft by 40ft, had been reserved for it in the American court. It contained a representa-tion of all the important manufacturing industries of Connecticut, got together with great care at the expense of the State Government. There was also a large exhibit of bronzes, chandeliers and lamp ware, by the Bradley and Hubbard Manu-facturing Company. The shipwreck will greatly retard operations in the American court, but not prevent the commissioners from ultimately making a complete display because, we are informed, telegrams regard-ing the disaster will be sent to New York

forthwith, and duplicates obtained by steamer by way of London. They cannot arrive however, before the end of Novem-ber or middle of December. Already a number of packages have been de-livered in the building and unpacking has only been delayed pending the arrival of Mr. Pickering, who is the only authority em-powered to allot space. The plotting out was done by him en route but as the plan of the court furnished to him from London has been completely upset by the Executive Com-mittee of the Exhibition, the work will have to be done over again. In the original scheme of distribution, America occupied a different position in the central avenue from what it does now and the form of the court has been changed. The United States exhibitors have been doubly unfortunate, for some of their shipments are also in the Sorata The Waltham Watch factory have two cases on board that vessel ; but even if they should lose their consignment, they have received enough goods by way of Sydney to make a fair display. There is another sailing vessel afloat with exhibits, the Willard Mudgett

bound from Boston to Melbourne, but not due for a fortnight yet. She left Boston on June 22.



Captain Jones, of the s.s. Dawn reports that he cleared Port Phillip Heads at half-past 9 p.m. on Friday, at half past 4 a.m. on Saturday—Cape Otway bearing west about six miles, the weather fine, with a haze over the land—the watch on deck fancied they heard cries from a number of people. The cries came from shorewards. He ordered the engines to be stopped, and shortly after wards a boat came alongside containing three seamen. They reported that they had been wrecked in the ship Eric the Red, of Bath, at half past 1 o'clock that morning Captain Jones immediately caused the Dawn's life-boat to be lowered, and also the dingy. The chief and second officers were sent in charge of the boats to search for the remainder of the crew. A number of rockets were sent up and bluelights burned to attract attention. The boats had been away a considerable time when the second

mate (Mr Christie) returned with one man he had picked off some floating wreckage. He was taken on board, and the boat was sent off again in search. The boat subse-quently returned with another man who had been found on some floating cargo. It was getting daylight then and the Dawn steamed close into the shore, but did not see any more of the crew for a while. She steamed about for some time in different directions and presently a large piece of wreck was ob-served well in towards the shore. There appeared to be a number of persons clinging to it and Captain Jones steamed closo up to it. The second mate was sent with a boat and he brought off in two trips Captain Allan and 17 of the crew. The chief officer of the Dawn (Mr S Port) in the meantime pulled away with the lifeboat towards the Cape thinking to find the main portion of the wreck. He did not succeed in finding any traces beyond tho floating pieces and cargo so he determined to return. On his way back he searched all the creeks and corners but found no trace of any of the missing men He reached the Dawn at 9 a.m. The boats were hoisted in and the steamer proceeded slowly along the shore to the eastward but finding no trace of the men she steamed slowly back again through tho floating cargo without success. Finding that no more as-sistance could be rendered, the Dawn pro ceeded on her voyage to Warrnambool where sbe anchored shortly after 4pm having signalled the disaster at Cape Otway.

The wrecked vessel proved to be tho ship Eric tho Red, 1 580 tons register built in 1871 belonging to Bath, America, Captain Z Allan bound from New York to Melbourne and Sydney. She was 85 days out, and had a cargo of exhibits for the Melbourne Exhi

bition and a general cargo for Sydney. Tbe ship is completely broken up and the sea in the neighbourhood is covered with floating wreckage and cargo. Three of the crew are badly hurt, the cook being seriously injured. All the men were pretty well exhausted when taken on board the Dawn, where every attention was paid to their wants.

The wrecked ship had a crew of 25

and two saloon passengers, one of whom is supposed to have been drowned together with the carpenter, steward, and one of the sea men. The following is a list of the saved :-Captain Z Allan, J Darcy (chief mate) J M'Lawrance (second mate) N Sewell (third mate) C Nelson sailmakor' C W New (passenger), Dickinson, J Black Denis Vi hite, C Herbert, C Thompson A Brooks D Wilson J EUIB, Q Thompson C New man, W Paul, J Davis M Horeneleng J Ogduff, T W Drew (able seamen) and J Trench (cook). Supposed lost-J B Vaughan (passenger), G Daghlgine (car penter), H Ackman (steward), and De Silva (seaman )

The crew of the Eric the Red speak very highly of the conduct of Captain Jones and the men of the Dawn in saving their lives and paying them every attention Several of the crew of the Eric are injured, having been knocked about in the wreckage. They came ashore at Warrnambool, but Captain Allan has injured his leg and was unable to come ashore here. He goes on to Portland, and will then proceed by railway to Melbourne.


Captain Allan when interviewed on board the Dawn, stated that he made Cape Otway light exactly as he expected at half-past 11 last night, and shaped his course according to his sailing directions. The night was clear, but there was a slight haze on the land. Five minutes before the ship struck he judged he was six miles off the light, his bearings showing east by north. He had taken his bearings on the chart, and had just come out of the com-panion-way when she struck. In 10 minutes she had broken up, and he could not under stand how everyone was saved. The toa was rolling over the mizzentop. He never saw anything like it in his life. The Eric had a valuable cargo of exhibits on board. He did not know if they were insured but the ship was not insured for a dollar, Her draught was 22ft 9in. He could only account for the wreck by the haze over the horizon which would make the light further off than it was. He was as confident every thing was as right as if he had been on the open sea. His sailing directions said it was desirable to pass within three miles of the shoal but he intended to give it four or five miles berth, instead of which he went right on top of it. With all the wreckage round he did not know how a living soul got out of the scrape. He was himself holding on to wreckage, side by side with the owner's son when a fearful sea came, washing off the lad, whom he gave up for lost. He afterwards learned from Captain Jones that it was through this lad that the alarm was given to the Dawn. It was the quickest 10 minutes work he ever saw.

Captain Allan does not know positively that the missing men are drowned, but thinks they had no chance. He noticed the passen-ger Vaughan clinging to the wreckage with boots and overcoat on, and therefore con-siders it impossible that he could have




J F Lawrance second mate of the Eric the Red states that on Friday night at 20 minutes past 11, the Otway light was sighted. When he took charge at 12, the night was clear and starlight. When the vessel struck the captain ordered the helm to be put hard up, thinking she might be got off. All hands were called up, and shortly afterwards a heavy sea broke over the quarter-deck and carried away all the steering gear. The ship was hard and fast on the reef by the middle. She canted off, and swung round with her stern to the southward and then shipped a tremendous sea, which swept every thing before it. Tho mizzontopmast came down by the run. The next heavy roller broke the ship amidships, the mainmast going over tho side. The foremast went with the fore part of the vessel which plunged bows first into deep water. The foreward house went adrift with three of the crew on it. The long-boat which was stoved in at the bows was also on it, and the three men suc-

ceeded in launching it. This was the boat which afterwards hailed the Dawn the men having succeeded in keeping it afloat by bailing. The captain, second

mate, and others stuck to the mizzen-mast which shortly afterwards went by the deck, taking them over with it. Vaughan was washed away. Sewell, the owner's son was also washed off, but succeeded in holding on to a kerosene case, from which he was picked up by one of the Dawn's boats. The cap-tain and others, after a great struggle, got on to the other house which was afloat, and where the remainder of the survivors were. The steward was drowned in his cabin and the two other missing men were washed off

rom the wreckage

The passenger C. H. New states that he was in his bunk at the time the ship struck and was thrown out by the force of the shock. The cabin was half full of water, and he managed to scramble out with scanty clothing on to the afterhouse.

The survivors are without means, and were indebted to Captain Jones, of the Dawn, for much of the clothing they are now4 wearing. They all speak highly of the kind treatment received on board the Dawn. Of the three men in the hospital, French appears to have received some internal injury, The two others are progressing favourably.


Captain Jones thinks a good deal of the wreckage may drift to Apollo Bay, but is of opinion that a steamer should be sent at once from Melbourne to look after the wreck age which is now dangerous to steamers


In replies to inquiries why he had not signalled the name of tho ship from Cape Otway, Captain Jones said he had sent up rockets from half-past 4 this morning, and got no answer from the Cape. He had also run up the number of the Eric for 20 minutes,

and got no answer, and he then signalled that there was a shipwreck on the Otway reef. _


The mayor and town clerk of Warrnam bool boarded the Dawn on her arrival here, and offered hospitality to the captain and crew of the shipwrecked vessel. Three of the crew have been sent to the hospital, and, at the invitation of the mayor, the rest pro-ceeded to the Olive Branch hotel, where they are now staying, and will be well treated. On leaving the Dawn tho poor fellows, who looked much battered and exhausted, gave a cheer for the Dawn.



On Saturday morning tho Government steamer Pharos, Captain Anderson, left Mel

bourne for the purpose of taking the Munster of Public Works, Commissioner of Customs, and some officials, including Captain Payne, chief harbourmaster, on a tour of inspection round the defence works near Port Phillip Heads. When the steamer neared Queens cliff she was boarded by a messenger, who brought a sheaf of telegrams containing news of the wreck of a large vessel, the name of which was not given, off Cape Otway. It was immediately decided to send on the Pharos to tho scene of the catastrophe, and after stopping sufficiently long at Queenscliff to take on board provisions, the Pharos started for the west, all her passengers, with the exception of Captain Payne and two representatives of the press remaining at Queenscliff. The Pharos left Queenscliff at 3 p m on Saturday, and at 10 p m arrived at Apollo Bay, where she an-chored for the night It was considered that no advantage could have been gained by

proceeding further at that tlme, and more-over, there was only one engineer on board the steamer, and he had been at work from

an early hour that morning.

At 6 o'clock a. m. on Sunday the anchor was weighed and the steamer resumed her journey. A light north-easterly wind was blowing, and the sea was calm. The steamer's head was turned seaward in order to round some reefs jutting out beyond Apollo Bay, and immediately after starting a large piece of wreckage was seen about a mile and a half from the shore. This was made for, and it was discovered to be the midship deckhouse evidently of a large vessel. The deck was almost flush with the water, which was slightly washing over it, and strangely enough, there was a large quantity of loose wreck-age on it. The debris in question con-sisted of bits of common American chairs, timber belonging to the ship, a ladder, a large nest of boxes and a variety of other articles, and the sea being calm these had not been washed overboard. The deckhouse was of a large size and about 10ft deep in the water, and consequently would have en dangered vessels if left floating about, espe-cially as it was near the fairway. Therefore it was resolved to tow it ashore. A boat was lowered, Captain Payne taking charge of it, and a hawser having been fastened to the deckhouse it was towed in to the bight between Bunbury and Storm Points, just beyond Apollo Bay, and kept adrift within 40 yards of the beach. What wind there was would blow it ashore, and there would be no chance of it drifting outside the bight again. It may be added that the deck house had kept well together, none of the planks having started. It would have made a capital raft, and as the wreck is that of an American vessel, it is just possible that the deckhouse was constructed with

a view to such an emergency. Such a notion, at all events, is not repugnant to one's idea of Yankee ingenuity. As it was evident that the deck-house had floated with the current from the scene of the wreck, a sharp look out was kept up for other dangerous débris, and including the articles taken from the deck-house the following were picked up before reaching Blanket Bay :-Six miles north east from Cape Otway a few boxes containing Wheeler and Wilson's sewing-machines, one or two nests of boxes, some bottles of Bristol's sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a thresher (Wheeler's patent), a sailor's chest, with "A. James'

on -J-^pnt, and a flag board. The latter,

which was found on the deckhouse, bore the words " Eric the Red," and from it those on board the Pharos learned for the first time the name of the wrecked vessel. On search ing the register for 1877 she was discovered to be an American vessel of 1,580 tons, be longing to Bath, State of Maine, and com-manded by Captain Small.

We reached Blanket Bay about 11 o'clock, but before getting there we had seen the steamer Otway, bound from Adelaide to Mel bourne, apparently picking up flotsam off the Cape, and we had also spoken a boat belong ing to the Government steamer Victoria which vessel was lying off and on searching for wreckage. From tho crew in the boat we heard for the first tune, that a boat with four men from the wrecked ship was missing; also that one of the masts was floating about. Captain Payne sent instructions to Lieutenant Heathcote in command of the Victoria to find the missing boat if possible, and to tow ashore such wreckage as might endanger navigation. The chief harbour master himself, with the two newspaper reporters, landed at Blanket Bay about noon to day. Blanket Bay is the place at which the stores for the Otway lighthouse are landed, and Captain Payne's object in going ashore there was to make for the light house and obtain the latest information. He gave instructions to Captain Anderson to search the coast as far as the Otway reef, and tow dangerous wreckage ashore.

We reached here about 2pm, and at once were informed that none of the shipwrecked people had landed, and that no bodies had been washed ashore. Portion of the wreck however, could still be seen on the reef where the vessel struck. Cape Otway, which, with the exception of Wilson's Promontory, is the most southerly point in Australia, is a bold head-land whose sandstone cliffs slope gently from the top down to the beach. The human race knows of no land between this Cape and the South Pole, and the Southern Ocean is always breaking with a heavy swell here. Even when the wind is off the land the ocean sends in the never-ceasing majestic rollers, but when southerly or south-westerly winds lash the sea, it becomes

furious and breaks with a mighty roar

and tremendous surf on the coast. The stores for the lighthouse were at one time landed at the Parker River, three miles easterly from the Cape, but as that landing place was very dangerous, Captain Payne selected instead Blanket Bay, where there is a tolerably safe inlet. But it is seldom in-deed that one could land in safety near the lighthouse. Not only is the beach there pro-tected by reefs plainly visible at low water, but about three quarters of a mile out there is the Otway Reef, never above water, but with a constant surf on it. This reef runs almost east and west, and is of course marked on all charts of that

locality. There is a deep channel be-tween this reef and the shore, but captains seldom dream of using it. Certainly no vessel of the size of Eric the Red has ever been taken through it. It is inside this reef that the Eric the Red was wrecked, and a por-tion of her hull-the bow-was lying there at sunset on the hidden rocks. The report of the captain may explain how it was that the vessel got inside this reef. Captain Payne states that she should not, under ordinary circumstances, have come within five miles of the Cape. The weather was fine, and con-sequently she could not have been driven ashore. The Otway light is of the first class, and can be seen upwards of 20 miles off That the Cape is not a dangerous point generally speaking, may be inferred from the fact that the last wreck here took place at Point Franklin, three miles east from the

lighthouse, upwards of 20 years ago. The vessel which then came to grief was a |

schooner called the Martha, and I saw a bit of her chain cable to-day.

No one at the Cape knew of the fate that had befallen the Eric the Red until Saturday morning. Mr Martin, lightkeeper, who keeps a wind and weather record, gives the following report -"On Friday, at half past 4am, the wind was N W and moderate, and there was a misty horizon. At half past 9a.m. wind the same, overcast,and hazy,mode rate sea ; at 3p.m. , the same ; at 8p m , wind still the same, bright sky, hazy, moderate sea. On Saturday, at 4am, same as before. At 9 am on Saturday the wind had veered round to the west." Mr Martin further states that he went to bed at half-past 11 p.m. on Friday. He had seen no ship either before or after dark, nor did he hear anything during the night. He was up at 4 a.m. on Saturday morning, but still saw no sign to show the fate that had be-fallen the vessel. His attention was first called to the wreck about 9 o'clock in the morning. Mr. J. E. Kelsall, manager of the telegraph station, was the first here to see the wreck. He states that he turned in about 11 o'clock on Friday night, and, like Mr Martin, he had seen no vessel before or after dark. About half past 5 o'clock on Saturday morning he rose. There was then a haze over the water and a heavy sea all along the coast, but not much wind, what there was being off the land. He saw the wreck at about 9 o'clock in the morning when signalling the steamer Dawn, which told him of the catastrophe which had occurred. Immediately it was known that a wreck had occurred search parties were organised at the Cape, and sent out east and west along the coast. But, as has been stated, no one belonging to the vessel, and no bodies were seen. Mr. Fisher, lessee of Cape Otway run, searched on Saturday morning between the Aire River and the lighthouse, a distance of seven mlles, and found no wreckage, nor anything to denote that there had been a wreck. To-morrow morning he purposes resuming the search in a westerly direction, and going about 15 mlles. In the easterly direction the search has been extended as far as Apollo Bay, but no signs of the men said to be missing were discovered. With regard to the portion of the wreck lying inside the Otway Reef, Mr Kelsall states that it presented much the same appearance at sunset to-day as it did this morning. On Saturday morning when he first saw it there was much more visible. If, as is said here, the vessel was wrecked at half-past 1 o'clock on Saturday morning, she must have broken up very quickly, but no one who has seen the reef and the sea breaking over it would

wonder at that.

No wreckage came ashore at the Cape Carried by the current and propelled by the wind, the remaining portions of the hull and an immense quantity of wreckage floated on to Point Franklin. I visited that point in the afternoon and saw a melancholy spectacle. This point is low land, and the beach was covered with debris piled several feet high, kerosene tins and timber being the most prominent objects. The ground is almost white with kerosene tins. There was a strong smell of kerosene, and the water lying in holes amidst the boulders bears on its surface much oil. Some of the cases, but not many, came ashore intact, and there is an immense quantity of unbroken tins lying high and dry. It is surprising how so many escaped being smashed on this rocky coast. Tho kerosene is " Diamond Oil," and the cases bear the brand of " R W Cameron and Co, New York." The cargo com-prised many planks of red pine, of which much has been washed ashore. As to the hull, there is a whole side lying on the rocks with the seas breaking over it. The outside is lying uppermost, and the copper has been stripped off in several places. Three large pieces of the other side of the hull are also ashore, to-gether with some of the vessel's yards and portions of her masts. There are pieces of the mainmast, from which an idea of the force of the waves can be gathered. The mast is about 2ft 4in in diameter, and it has been broken into short lengths. Attached to the yards and masts are pieces of canvas showing that the vessel was under sail when she struck. There are several tons of miscellaneous goods ashore, such as kegs of nails, sewing-machines, rolls of wire bicycles, clocks, axe handles, and scythe handles. I found three new Douay Bibles and several croquet balls and mallets and rat traps. The kegs of nails are branded "A. T. and Co.," and are from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts. Several of the sewing machines seem to have been consigned to Long and Co. Some of tho rolls of wire are branded " J. S. and Co. , Mel bourne. There are two fly-wheels about a yard in diameter, with the word "Sydney" painted on them, and a box of axle arms bears the brand "A. A. over "C. M." and the word "Melbourne." I was told by a gentle man who visited the point yesterday that the quantity of wreckage there has decreased considerably, much of it having been carried out to sea again by the tides. I saw no personal luggage and no clothing, but I did see portions of a small white boat, and also a large oar, which had evidently seen much use. If a boat with men is missing, it can be ascer tained whether she answers to that de scription. Much of the wreckage is pretty safe where it is for a few days longer, should the wind continue from a northerly direction, but if it comes round to south or east the goods will either be smashed or taken out to

sea again.

Up to sunset the Pharos was seen lying off and on, apparently amongst the wreckage, of which there is an immense quantity afloat. The latest news from Apollo Bay states that a vast quantity of debris has come ashore there, and that the deckhouse, which was towed there by the Pharos this morning, has broken up. The Pharos has returned to Apollo Bay for the night. Captain Payne will search the coast in an easterly direction to-morrow morning.

Captain Levick, of the s. s. Otway, which arrived from Adelaide yesterday, reports -

"At half past 6 a m on the 5th inst, was hailed by H M C S Victoria, off Cape Otway, wishing to know if we had a shipwrecked crew on board, and if we were from Warrnam bool. At 7 am passed through a quantity of wreckage, includingship's lowermast, stopped and lowered a boat to endeavour to find out wrecked vessel's name, but did not succeed. Picked up a case marked F. G. and Co. over M in triangle, and top of a skylight, &c. Vessel evidently, by wreckage floating about, from American port."

There were on board the wrecked vessel a number of exhibits for the Melbourne Inter national Exhibition. Those consigned to the United States commissioners are de scribed as follows in the manifest ;-1 combination desk, Moore Combination Desk Co , 9 cases wheels and materials, Hooper Brothers, Darlington ; 3 cases wine M. Poeschel Scherer, and Co. ; 1 case plate glass, Eagle Loch Co. ; 3 cases merchan dise, per S. and S. ; 9 cases medicinal plasters, 1 case (sign), Seaburg and Johnson 2 cases stamped ware, U. S. Stamping Co.

20 cases exhibits, Connecticut Board of Managers , C cases globes, Jaret and Co.

The following ia the general manifest of tho vessel -12 cases merchandise, James M Ewan and Co , 15 cases axes, Edward Keep and Co , 15 cases axeB, Alfred Shaw and Co , 9 cases drugs, Rocke, Tompsitt, and CCo. ; 50 cases grease, Isley, Doubleday, and Co.;

251 cases sewing machines and parts Long and Co , 32 cases, M'Lean Bros and Rigg , 2 cases games, &c , 1 case hardware, American Novelty Company ; 1 box empty bottles, Rocke, Tompsitt, and Co , 21 cases medicine, W.W Couche and Co,; 2 cases paper boxes, Bright Bros and Co , 25 cases axes, James M'Ewan and Co , 1 box, 1 winnower, 4 wheels, 1 bundle poles, George Roy, 5 casks steel broom wire, Osborn, Cushing, and Co. ; 3 cases shoe lasts, Ullathorne and Co , 82 cases sewing machines, M'Lean Bros nnd Rigg , 1 case merchandise, Permewan, Wright nnd Co , 40 quarter tierces 00 three quarter boxes 231 cases manufactured tobacco, 17 tierces ship tobacco, Dalgety, Blackwood, and Co , lO hhds. 74 tierces 3 boxes 6 cases leaf to bacco, 311 cases manufactured tobacco, 4hhd

ship tobacco,1 case show cards. W. W. Couche and Co , 9 cases smoking tobacco, 10 boxes show figures, Heinecke and Fox ; 23 cases tobacco cuttings, lO hhd, tobacco strips, 13 cases tobacco leaf, 1 package watch springs, 2 cases liquorice, 1 case watch keys, 1 case hardware, 71 boxes clocks, 1 box toys, L Gerschcl, 9 cases slates, 2 casea cards, G. Robertson and Co, 1 case machinery, H B Couche, 2 boxes rattan goods, Osborn, dishing, and Co , 1 threshing machine (boxed), G Westinghouse; 1 case whipsticks, M'Lean Bros and Rigg, 1 trunk, F R Pickering, 15 cases mer-chandise, M'Lean Brothers and Rigg , S cases and 1 package merchandise, 65 kegs nails, 1 case merchandise, James M'Ewan and Co , 1 case Brown's troche, 10 cases Winslow's syrup, 1 case Brandreth's pills, 360 oars, 750 cases spirits turpentine, 15,000 cases kerosene oil, W W Couche and Co.; 400 cases turpen-tine, Henry Brooke and Co.

The following goods were shipped by the firms mentioned, and as they were con signed to order, the names of the con-signees here do not appear on the ship's manifest; -1 case hardware, 1 cases lawn mowers, 1 package handles, 1 cases wringers, 2 cases hardware, 1 COBO saws, 2 cases var nish, 1 cases burners, 4 cases Beales, 2 cases hardware, IG caaeB 2J kegs 3 caaea greaso, 5 casks lampblack, G trunks 2 cases hammers, 2 cases hardware, 1 caso boltB, 7 cases hard ware, 1 caso wrenches, 5 kegs nails, 1 case hoes, 1 caso s iws, r> cases hardware, 2 cases wiro goods, 10 kegs washboards, 2 caaes hardware, 4 cases wringers, 1 caso agricul

tural implements, 1 case forks, 1 case hoca, 2 caaes hardware, 5 caaes hatchets, 5 caaea handled axes, 10 cases axes, 1 case wood spoons, 1 case soap dishes, 1 case wire goods, 1 case hardware, 1 case scythes, 3 casea wringers, lease mousotrapa, 21 cases axle grease, 2 caaea wirewood, 10 ca3ea clocka, 1 caso 1 package 2 boxea woouenware, 1 cage BOW mg machine attach ¡¡nts, 1 can« hard w are, 1 taao locks, 1 case saws, 1 case hard Ware, 1 case sundries, 1 ease electtotypo, 100 packages turpentine, 13 casea ahovelB, 300 casea turpentine, 20 packages merchandise, S casca hardware, 1 packago 2 boxes hardware, 1 crate, 12 oars, 1 case forks, 23 cases 3 barrels carnogo hardware, 4 cases leather, 1 bundle mouldiiii,B, Arkell, Tufts, and Co 2 casea whiffles, Lambertvillo Spoko Company, 129 cases handles,Mailler and Quereau ; 1 tierce 6 cases 3 casks glassware, Rochester Tumbler Co.; 300 boxes grape sugar, Glen Stowe Starcu Company , 25 packages 91 cases drugs, Barclay and Co , 3 cases hardware, Hayden and Smith ; 2 barrels 2 boxes lampware, Eric Miller and Co. ; 1 box washers, 1 case hard case hardware, 3 case "'-, 12 bundles ware, G cases whitewood plank,"SV.'JI., _>>afts

poles, 1 bundle circle bars, 7 bundles shafts '"" 6 cases spokes, rims, &c , l8 cases hard-ware, 1 case spindles. 1 case whiffle-trees, 9 bundles bars, 2 bundles rubber packing, 1 package moldings, 3 cases

spokes and hubs, 6 bundles rime, 4 cases hardware, E W Page and Son, 9 cases spokes, hubs, and rims, 24 bundles rims,

bundles poles, 1 bundle circles, 14 bundles shafts, 4 bundles bars, 12 bundles shafts, Lambertville Spoke Company ; 8 casks glass ware, 3 cases handles, 24 cases slates, 25 barrels glassware, H M Woolf and Co ; 10 kegs staples, 2 boxes pincers, 213 reels fence wire, 20 kegs barbs, Washburn and Mower Manufacturing Company ; 3 cases plated ware, Simpson, Hall, Miller, and Co , 3 cases carriages, J F M'Coy, 16 boxes groups, John Rogers , 1 case hardware, Russell and Erwin Manufacturing Company ; 2 boxes machinery, Colt's Patent Fire Arms Com-pany, 1 case containing exhibits, Alfred H

Hall ; 2 boxes sample oil, 11/2 barrels engine oil, F S Pease, 9 cases dental goods, trustees of Samuel White ; 6 packages, 3 boxes paper, Scott Paper Company ; 2 cases

cages, John A Ten Eyke ; 10 casks, 3 boxes, 1 barrel, Edward Miller and Co , 8 cases exhibition goods show-cases, E W Page and Son, 3 cases goods, F B Pedder and Co , 142 barrels plaster, 500 cases kerosene oil, 100 cases lard oil, R W Forbes, 326 cases chairs, Walter Hey-wood Chair Company ; 1 case rubber, 2 cases axles, 2 cases oilcloth, 1 case spokes, 6 cases hardware, 4 cases wringers, 2 cases handles, 2 cases hardware, 1 bundle snaiths, 1 case wrenches, 1 case tools, 1 case saddles, 1 case saws, 4 cases handles, 3 boxes hatchets, 6 cases axes, 8 cases slates, 1 case locks, 1 case handles, 1 case wrenches 1 case handles, Alfred Field and Co , 7 barrels lagar beer, 1 case furniture, Chas P Thore ; 3 samples model circulars, Stewart Hartshorn ; 2 exhibits, Ives and Miller ; 22 cases 1 crate merchandise, 53 cases 8 bundles merchandise, 3 packages 2 boxes merchandise, 1 crate 10 reels fence wire, 3 boxes 1 crate and 1 bundle rods, W H Cross man and Brothers ; 1 case exhibits, Winstead Manufacturing Company ; 1 case exhibits, Jacob O Seaming ; 2 cases stamped ware, for Exhibition, United States Stamping Com


lu addition to the above cargo, the Eric the Red had almost as large an amount of goods on board shipped for Sydney from New
