Mail (Adelaide, SA : 1912 - 1954), Saturday 18 October 1913, page 6

NIGGER JUS. FINE SPORTING FILM. .. The new Star Theatre iave got a real winner in 'Nijorer Jim.' a thrilling sporting drama, to; be presented next Wednesday. Apart from being remarkably well constructed in the matter of plot, this photo play has for its main feature a great racecourse, which we have on tbe word of the .management to be the finest of its kind ever filmed. From end to end it is all excitement, and so vividly depicted that the spectator is completely carried off his feet with excitement. All that is wanted to make the illusion complete are a few bookmakers in the auditorium callintr the odds. Ye? even they may not be lacking, for the management of the Star are energetic enough to entice a few actors to dress tip and call the odds. Truly, there is no_ telling what the management of some picture houses will do in these days. The Lincoln-Cass Films Proprietary. Limited, have opened an office at Younpfs Chambers, 256 Pitt street, Sydnev. This company is producing distinctively Australian films. Their first Sydney release will be '?The Road to Ruin.' dealina with social life in Melbourne. The company have already placed their films with the showmen of Victoria, South Australia, and Tasmania, and are sparing no expense or pains to pfff.oi.-t their productions. Mr. J. K. Russell (late of thp J. ?\ Williams Company) is in charge of the ' firm's ? Looking arrangements.