Mail (Adelaide, SA : 1912 - 1954), Saturday 6 December 1913, page 2

ENGAGEMENTS. PYBUS-CCMIKG. The engagement is announced of Miss Doris Marjorie Pybus, voungest daiighter of 3£r. W. R. PybuB. flinders street, to Mr. Arthur Cumins, third son of Mrs. R. Burns Cuming, Lnley Park. PHILLIPPS— DEAN The engagement is announced of Miss Kathleen Phillipps, second daughter of Mr. W. Herbert Phillipps, of Craigmellan, Edwin terrace, Gilberton. to Mr. William Svdney Dean, eldest son of Col. and Mrs. G. H. Dean. WEDDINGS. NiakOLS-EIGGS. At the Gawler Methodist Church »n Saturday, November 29, Mr. Arthur E. i Nichols of Kent Town, and Mies Cla.-a ] B. Riggs. daughter of the late Mr. H. -T- 1 Biggs, of Bentlev, Gawler, were married. I The weather was unpleasantly hot, and it I was a distinct tribute to the popularity! of the bridal couple that so many of their \ friends undertook the journey to Gswter, , compartments having been reserved for them on ihc J.20 p.m. tram. Complete arrangements Had beon made for their conveyance to and from teh railway station and the church. The ceremony, was performed by the Bev. J. H. XieH (brother-in-law of the bride), and E. 0. Piper, and Mrs. G. Fergusson acted as organist. The bridegroom was supported by hig brother (Mr. 0. F. Xichole ) ami the bridesmaids were Misses Florrie Addis, Margaret Cmmingham. and A. Mar, nieces of the bride, who was given away by her brother (Mr. A. H. Riggs). The bride's wedding frock was of whito ?Swiss lace and insertion over Japanese ! hIk slip, touches of satin and orange t blossom, white chip hat -trimmed with { tul!e and feathers, lined with pale-pink j ninon. Her travelling costume was a I cream cloth coat and skirt, black veiv-t f-ollar, \rith black and white pearl buttons, Panama hat swathed with creim »lk. crimson sunshade. VMies F. Adtlis wore white Swiss muslin, daintily trimmed with Val lace, pale-blue ninon belt and sash, white muslin and lace hat. with pale bine ribbon and pink and bine posiev. She carried a pink bouquet and streamers, and wore a turquoise pendant, the gift of the bridegroom. The other two tittle bridesmaids were sweetly dressed. Each of them received from the bridegroom a turquoise and pearl .circle brooch. After the ceremony the guests adjourned to the residence of the bride. Mars HilL where refreshing relief from the heat was obtained, and a felicitoun hour or two ?was spent. The usual to^st I list was honoured, and the wedding gifts I were greatly admired. Among those pr«| sent were: — Miss F. Riege, Mrs. A. ! Nicholls, Miss and Mr. FT J. Nichols, j Mr. A. Cjrnish, Masters Gordon and D. Cornish. Mrs. D. Gooch and Miss Gooeli. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Rig**, Master FJI dred and Mies Margaret Biggs, Mr. and

Mi*. S. H. Bischoff. Mr. W. J. May, Mr. , K. Mav Miss Marjorie May Rev. Mr. and Mrs. 'J. H. Nteld, Mr. and . Mrs. Bsnnett, Mrs. Addis, Mr. C. and the Misses Addis, Mr. Cunningham, Mr. L. and Miss Evelyn Cunningham. Rev. and Mrs. G. K. Haslam, Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Piper, Mr. and Mrs. Dawkins. Col. and Mrs. Roberts. Misses A. and E Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Collev. Mr. and Mrs. , Laflsr. Mrs: A. H. Harris and Miss' Syh-»- Hr_ris, Mr. and Mrs. M. «. Smith, Drs. T-bin, J. S. Terco. and A. H. Dawes, Mrs. W. T. Verco. Misses .Verco. Mr. and Ms. F. A. Rice. Miss Gwen Verco. Mr. and Mrs. H. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Robertson. Mr.; Mrs., and Miss Farrant, Mrs. R- Cockbum, Mr. and Mrs. Hackett, Mr. and Mrs. A. AVeidenhofer, Mr. Rudall. M.P., Mrs. S. B. Rudall. Mr. Pouder. M.P., Mrs. W. and Miss Harris, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fergusson. Mrs. and Misess Bamet, - Mr. Frank Stevens, Mrs. iod Miss Ponder, Misses W. L. Bird, Clutterbuck (3), Casley, K. Lewis, D. Wflcos, and FerguEEon. ? (Continued on Page 4 )

r Caller (viewing -^Oie' ? 6abji— ©o --vjoa thinkt he is goinp to Aesemble Ijis AUier? M^otber— T shouldn't be surprised 'i 'lit keeps me up even now. : First Rustic BragKer-T-Tater*! WKy, I've got plenty as is too tne to go into * quart pot. . Second Ditto pitto^-Why, bleES.'ee: that'e nowt. I've :ad to lift a lot o' mine ovcr-iiho wall- into the barrer, bein9 too bit to to tiroudi the sate- . 'Poo'r.'Mre. Jawler! ' I Bear she's com-* . pletdy lost her mind.' 'Yes, die's been giving a piece of it to cperybo^ ' she'a contact -with for years.' '''What is the meaninK of that big 1^ oh die . dnstinli?'. asked the - new. eervant, Tlife Jxna&iiy-foat&iazi replied- 'Damsel, the U' displayed on the dustbin denotes, that the despainifg domestics of thfe detached domicile ,4lesiFc tlxat'j-the doservinc dustmen daring their daily' diversions wm deem it their delightful dnty to dislodge deliberately and defty the dirt and du^t deposited in. that disagreeable dustbin.'