Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), Sunday 14 January 1951, page 27

Woldfields Personals

IVrthur Matthews, of

St., Kalgoorlie, luis inding a fortnight in ropolitan area. * + *

md Mrs. George of Circle Valley, have sit from their daugh, Behsman, jnr., of


?* .¥ .¥

T. Oliver, MLA for spent the week on fields. He returned to - Friday's express. He :end an executive meeting of the AWU ey later this month, irtly after will take

the union's annual on in Sydney. AfterÄr. Oliver will visit ¡nd to study the i of the Workers' tatton Act in that +

or Woods, of Norse¡pending annual holiuAiifs vu Esperance.

?¥ .¥

! Mr. Robert Money, of 'Perth, has been spending a week in Leonora. During that time be visited Weebo Sta-rtion.

U*. * * *

ß>';.*rs. M. M. Bairstow, of Es-perance, and. small son were

¿ in Norseman during the week rn a shopping trip.

* * *

r Mr. Les Purdy, of Leonora, mas been on a short visit to

Lfverton. He intends to settle jr* frn anent ly in Victoria soon. * + -je -fe

ÍMrs. A. C. Jones, of Piesse St. Boulder, and daughter Beverley, have been holiday-ing at Fremantle and at Yal-lingup. They expect to return , home at the end of the

, month.

, * * *

Mr. Fergus Wake, of r.»iMirke St., Kalgoorlie, and daughter Iris, are spending a holiday at Esperance.

* * *

Mr. and Mrs. J. Holmes

and daughter Margaret, of Davis St., Boulder, are spend-ing a month at Fremantle.

?fc .¥ -#t

i Mr. and Mrs. Jim Layman left Norseman last weekend lor^ 3 weeks' holiday in Perth. ?Mr. Layman is manager of ;Norseman branch of the E.S. and A. Bank, and he is being relieved by Mr. H. Edmeadcs. of Perth.

* * * ?

Coolgardie is saying fare-well to a respected resident in Mrs. Elsie Gear who has

keen licensee of the Railway Wf-Gtet for 16 years. Mrs. Gear has taken a prominent part in women's activities in the district, and she will be greatly missed. As treasurer of Coolgardie branch CWA she has been farewelled by thùÉt' body. State president, SJffs. Foxton, made a special erip from Kalgoorlie to atfend. Mrs. Gear has also been

farewelled by the golf asso-¡ ciates, and she is yet to have goodbye said to her officially by the RSL Women's Aux-iliary.

Pc Bill Francis, of Boulder, left on Thursday for Darling-ton, where his 79-year-old father died suddenly this week.

-K * *

Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Brevet, of Norseman, entertained Mr. ¿nd Mrs. Greig Compton, of Kalgoorlie', and their children at dinner at Norseman Railway Hotel on Wednesday night.

?K * *

Mr. Peter Joyce, well known I during his several years' ser-vice at Kalgoorlie Railway [Institute, is back again. He it relieving for 3 months, after which he will return to Perth.

+ * *

Mrs. A. Matthiessen had her nephew, his wife and family visiting her, at Norseman, this week.

* * *

Eyre Highway graziër, Robert Mackie- this week was taken to Norseman HOE pita' seriously ill with hear t trouble. Since he opened Madura Station, 360 miles east of Norseman, as a mote', for overlanding motorists. Mr. Mackie has not been in the best of health. Four overlanding nurses, who were coming to this State for a ¡conference brought him to hospital.

?K "K ie

Mr. and Mrs. Alf Lydon, of Dugan St., Kalgoorlie, are spending a holiday at Vic-toria Park! Later, they will visit their son Ron at Harvey.

* * *

Miss Phyllis Tindal, of Clancy St.. Boulder, is plan-ning a holiday in the Eas* with other members of her family later this month. She will leave Kalgoorlie next Saturday on 35 weeks' annual leave to join her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tindal, and sister Dorothy in Melbourne The family will then tour Tasmania.

?fc * -K

Mrs. Mick Burke, of Ora Banda, left last week for a holiday at Esperance. She is staying at the CWA seaside"ottage. .j

* + *

Mr. F. Mayberry has re-turned from a week at Es-


v ?¥ -fe -k

Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, of Marvel Loch, are spending a fortnight in the metropolitan


+ * ?¥

Assistant Conservator of Forests George Brookway was a visitor to Kalgoorlie during the week on routine business. Kalgoorlie Forestry Officer P. Barrett made a trip during the week to Laverton with

! Mr. C. N. Taylor, who repre-

sents a Perth firm of sandal-wood buyers. .

?k * -k

Mr. Len Bethel, of Yandal Station, east of Kathleen Valley, left Leonora on Thursday for a holiday in the metropolitan area.

.J * M -k

Mrs. A. E. Bolitho passed, through Norseman on yester-day's diesel en route to Es-perance to join her second eldest daughter and son-in-¡ law Mr. and Mrs. George Barker, on annual holidays at that popular holiday re-sort. She was joined at Norseman by Mrs. G. Sanger and two children who on ar; rival at "The Bay" will com-plete the holiday party. Her son-in-law carries on the good work of her late hus-band, "Ted" Bolitho in run-ning the local Group of the Boy Scouts-perhaps one of their reasons for camping!

o * ?* *

Mrs. H. Budd and son Kevin departed Norseman last Sunday for the metro-politan area where Kevin is to have a holiday at the Crippled Childrens' home by

the sea.

o * * *

! Among Kalgoorlie and Boulder folk holidaying in Bunbury during the week were:- Mr. and Mrs. Mick Rudwick, Mr. and Mrs. L. I Cooper and family. Miss V. ! Koetsveld, Mr. W. Willcocks,

1B. Osmettî, Mr. and Mrs. ¡ Gordon Berry, and former

Victoria Hotel licensee, W. "Icy Cold" Graves, Mr. and Mrs. S. Feldman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Young, Jack Carrott. Mrs. Rex. Mitchell,

o * + *

Mrs. Bryant, wife of Rev. E. Bryant, of Busselton, and formerly of the Congrega-tional Church, Kalgoorlie for 17 years, was in Bunbury on Thursday, and together with Mrs. E. B. "Gran" Clarke, wishes to be remembered to all goldfields friend.

Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Sale of Dugan St., Kalgoorli have returned home after 4000-mile car trip which toe them as far as Northamptc in the north and to tl South-west.

I Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Elliot of Ward St.. Kalgoorlie, le by car during the locek for holiday at the coast.

o * * *

.Marvel Loch State batter manager Joe Chegwiddenan family left last weekend, for weeks' fishing holiday a Yunderup, near Maimurah During his absence, Mr. Erni ? Stumian, manager of Cool 'gardie battery, loill supervis j operations.

* * +

Marriage was celebrated a ! Port Pirie on Tuesday of Mi I Frank Thornton, Supt. of th« Goldfields YMCA. Mr. Thorn ton has been in Kalgoorli« only a"few months. He cam« from Port Pirie YMCA t< take charge of the new. Mem-orial Hall. He mar riet Miriam, eldest daughter o: Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Parker well-known residents of Pori Pirie, in rhe Salvation Armj


* * *

Mrs. Bob Cassin. of Ora Banda, has returned after a month's holiday at the coast

* * +

Eastern Goldfields Trans- port Board manager Alan Tie has been in Perth all this week on business.

J * * *

Mrs. P. Espie passed through Norseman on Thurs-day on her way to Esperance. Her daughter is expected to arrive tram the East today, and will join her mother at Esperance.

o * * *

Inspector R. M. Broun, bf Perth, is relieving Inspector Stan Anderson, of Kalgoorlie police district, for about 14

weeks. Inspector Anderson I motored this week to Carnar

I von, where he is visiting his

I family.

! o * * *

Mr. and Mrs. Bill D'Arcy) celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary with a small din-ner party at Norseman Hotel last Sunday.

a * * *

Mr. Jack Platt, 'of the

¡PWD. Kalgoorlie, was a

visitor to Leonora this week on departmental business.