Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Saturday 23 July 1881, page 8


¡ The Argus Office, Friday Evening.

In the import markets buBÎneaa remains quiet, and inquiries do not yet appear to have assumed an OBpect likely to lead to much activity, though an improved tone has been experienced to-day, Breadatuffs are going off very slowly, and beyond actual trade require-ments no transactions have been recorded. Flour is quoted at £11 to £U 5a., but sales are unimportant. Wheat maintains an almost nominal quotation of Da. 2d. to b3.3d., but buBineas in the market is almost at a stand-still. Feeding grainu are likewise Blow, and operationsof no accountwhatever. Quotations for oats range from 3s. Id. to 3s. 4d. for feeding and 3s. 5_d. to 3s. Cd. for mill-ing. Maize is quoted at 3s. 9_d., but eales are limited to supplying actual wants, Good Victorian malting batley con

firmes to meet with a moderate trade de mand at 3s Cd Sugars are ffrm, but not much can be done, owing to the paucity of supplies Sales of browns and counters arc mentioned at up to £29 On Tuesday, about 2,300 bags and pockets Mauritius and Yengcne Queensland refined quality will be sold publicly leas are moving offsteadily for trade purpose« Sales of fine KaisQW buds aro mentioned at Is 5_d m quarter chests Telegrams from Sjdiiej state that the Hun ganan is rapidly discharging the New South Wales portion of the cargo, and will leave for Melbourne tomorrow Swiss milk milk maid brand, is going off in parcels at prices supporting the trade quotation of 7s Go. In tobaccoes no note a steady demand forre quirementa, Raven Twist and Two Seas have fair business Ibe timber sales comprise ¿ 600,000ft Norwegianilooring Aconsiderable business in liquids comes under our notice Privately a parcel of bulldog ale has been placed at 10s 9d A line of Anglo Bavarian nie has also been quitted at Ila 2j0 cases boars bead stout have changed hands at 9a 9d A line of 100 cases Roval Blend whiBky has been placed at 19s Cd Sales of R \V P rum are making at 3o Od An offer of 3a 4_d for a large parcel lias been refused The latest advices from London report a further advance of 2d per gallon on rum In brandies we note the sale of BOO cases Hennessy's at 36s A line of 50 quarters common brandy bas been taken up at 4a Gd The auction sale this forenoon resulted m the quittance of 182 quarters of brandy at 4a 3d toGs Gd to 8a 10_d , and up to 10s , according to brand Port sold at £24 to £45, le

Messrs Hardie and" Gorman, Sydney, re port, by telegraph, the sale to day of a block of cit} property, 44ft frontage, in Pitt-street, Sydney, near the City Bank, at £18,500-a price equal to £420 per foot Mr James R Fairfax was the purchaser

Messrs Macdermott Bros and Scarr report having sold, on account of Messrs Kilgour and Woodhouse, their Brunette Downs Sta-tion, 2,000 square miles, in the Northern Ter-ritory of South Australia, price £4,000, Mr. Walter Douglas being the purchaser

The following auctioneers' reports have

been received -

Mesero Greig and Murray 6old this da) at their rooms under instructions from McBsrs J W Ploos van Amstel and Co , Wm Croah} and Co , and othor importers, 182 quarter casks brand}, realising for good brands 9s Od to 10a medium, 8s 3d to 8s lo.d , ordinary 5s 8d to 08 Od common, 4a 3d 57 qr casks wine at £24 to £46 per pipe champagnes, 35s to 77s 00 per caso , caso whisky, 13s to 488 do , rum, 32s , 1 p , orango wino 45s

Messrs Gemmell Ttickott and Co sold at auction, this day, at the Australian Wharf, ex various vossols, cedar logs, 82s to 45b per 100ft super Ex Holms dalo, 11 x 3 Baltic red dc-vlB, K brand, at 4Jd per foot, 0 x 3, at tho south eldo of tho Yarra Tito cargo of Norwegian T and G timber, ox Star of Peace, 2 491 003ft at (or four out white weatherboards 89 per 100ft lineal 0x9 white boidod T and G , 6a 3d to 6s. OJd , 0 x J do Os Od do , Q x J do , 7s Od to 7s Od do , 0 x 9 boaded do , 7s to 0a Od do 0 x ¿ T and G , 108 Od to 108 do , 0 x ljd , 11s 3d do , four out red weatherboard 8a Gd to 8a 3d do

0 x i red T and G beaded 0s Od to 0s Od do Ox. red r and G , 7s Od do , 0 x jj do beaded, 7b 3d do , Oxjrcdl ando,l18 do ,0 x ljdi, 129 Od to 129 Od do , ex Florence Treat-100 700ft. Ixl white 1 and G , 4S do , ex Scaniha-50 000 4 x J whlto T and G , 3a ed to 3a 8d do 28 000 0 x 8 do beaded, 7a do , 20 COO 6 x ä red do , 7s do

MesBrs Lord and Hughes Bold to day at the Mol

bourne Exchango auction room, tho barque Nardoo, with all lier tackle, apparel, and furnlturo, as sho now lies lu tho \arra, tor tho sum of £2 450

Messrs Barnard and Myers Bold this day, at their roome, tho insolvent stock of a grocor, consisting of teas, BUgare coffee, hams, bacon, pickles vestas ¿se , at iho following prices -Ex Klllarnoy, toa from l8. 3d lois 7d per lb , Claverhouse, tea,from Is 3Jd to la lid per lb, whito sugar, from 3jd to 4d per lb , brown sugar, from 2Jd to 3. I per lb , coffee, from 1b to Is. 3d per lb , wax vesta? from 4a toOa por gross , sperm candles, from Od to 7Jd per lb , yellow soap, from OJd to 8d per bar, bluo soap, from 6jd tD OJd per bar, red horrtngs, from Is 7d to la Oil per tin dessert biscuits, from 5Jd to 7d per lb

Messrs W Adamson and Co report that they held i sale of dalry produce at tholr rooms to day, and append tho following list of prices roaliacd -Ohecso is without chango, 4Jd to 6d being obtained for prime, and 3d to 3Jd for modium Potted buttor, primo now, 9d to lid primo old, 7d to 8Jd , medium and inferior at lowor ratos Fresh Buttor -Wo sold 180 cases, from Corop, at l8 to la 2d for beat lota , 80 cases, from various districts from la to la 2d (collectors and storekeepers pareóla), Boroo off primo lots Bold at lower rates Eggs, la 8d to 1b Od , guaranteed lota Other pro luce roalised similar prices to thoeo quoted on Wodncsday

The Customs revenue collected at the port of Melbourne this day amounted to £0,0^4, Ile Gd , pilotare, £101 2s Id

The drawbacks passed for payment at the Customs this day amounted to £1,498 2s.

lid , Wo report aa follow s of the stock and share

market, and append lists of sales by members |

of the Stock Exchange -

The bUBlness of the mining market continues to in crcaso a Btrong speculative feeling is generativ preva lent, and largo rues lu prices aro frequent No doubt in many eases there are good reasons fur tho advanced rates, hut In the case of many of tho now vouturcs, with all the work }ct to bo dono, and numerous calla to be provided, thoro will probably ho much dlaap pointmcnt and many fluctuations botero success Is attained For Invcatmcnt stocks thero ia also a strong market, with upward tendoncy Australasian Agency Bold over }c8tcrdaya prices, a good number changing hauds, but Bharea did not sustain top rates Debentures -Victoria Government six per couts , duo 1885, wanted at £108 10s , do Ovo per cents , due 1391, bad sailor at £110 10a do four per contB (stock) placed at £103 10a. Banks -Australasian Agency and Banking Corporation changed handB at 51s to 62a Cd ox dlv , closing sellor 01b Od Colonial, 1 nycr £8lOe , seller £9 Commercial Bold at £5 0s Od to £5 10s City of Holbourne bu}er 80s., Boiler 01s, and Bold at 00s Od Land Mortgage, hujer 479 8d , seller ?10a. Land Credit, buyer 239 National, Melbourne register, placed at £8 10a, and National, Adelaldo register, at £8 13s National, Quconaland, sold at £9 6a New South Wales wanted at £61 New Zealand

had buyer at £24, and Oriental at £25 Union in the market at £08 Victoria, buyer £37 15a , Boiler £33 5s Gas -Bendigo wanted at £0 10s Dlxon's had a sale at 89e Metropolitan placed at £8 0s Insurance -ColonlalMutualFiro,buycrGs 3d ,eellcr0a Od National Flro wanted at 17s Od Southern, buj cr 20s , seller 2 Lu Miscellaneous-Australian Mortgage and Agency changed bands at 00s to 01s Coffee Tavern buyer 50b Mutual Storo Bold at 50a to 59s Od M Culloch Insurance had buyer at £23 Tramway and Omni hue offered at 79a. Truattrea, Executors, and Agoucy wanted at 80s Victoria Coffeo Palaco, seller 20a Gd Mines-Ballarat, o.e.-Australasian Extended buyer 429 Od , sellor 44s Band and Albion Consols Bold at £9 188 Od , closing seller £9 17a Ban! and Barton's United placed at 21s 3d to 21a Od Berry Consols sold at 77b Berry No 1 at 9s to 10s

Carisbrook, bu}or 27b, seller 27s Od City of Ballarat placed at £0 12s Od lo £0 15s Clover hill wanted at 13s Jd , seller 14b Coppers Freoholdaold at 7s Davies' Freehold wanted at 51s 6d Davies Stone barn placed at 10s Od to 17s Gd Djtke had sales from 08a to 75s Earl of ButconsOeld dealt In at 10s

Egerton wanted at £6 18s Gd Elliss Freehold offored at 17s Od Gladstono placed at 13s Od. to 15a Haddon Valley sold at 9a 3d Hepburn Home Paddock buyer £7 17a Od Hepburn Consols placed at 57s, and Hepburn Consols No 2 and 3 at 32s Hepburn bátate had a very large builnceB, eales from 10» Od to 29s tg 23a io 253 Jingellic Tin sold at On Od to 10a Ironstone hill offered at 7s Kong Meng improved, and placed from 81s. to 41s 6d Long Tunnel, buyer £97 10', Boiler £99 Lung Tunnel Extended changod hands at £21 58 to £22 Loughlln s In the market at £9 10a Lord Harry placed at 45s to 52a Montague Tin sold at 35s Mount Greenock place 1 at £5 2a Od Newlug ton, paid up, buyer 5s , Boiler Ga 6d , do ,new In the market at la New Australasian sold at £10 10 J New Lothair wanted at 12; North Australasian ch_ged hands at 72s to 76a North Birthday, bu} or 7s 3tl, seller 8s North Long Tuunol changed hands at 8b Od to 0s Queen s Birth la) placed at £23 toa to £23 12s Od Hlotoil changed hands at £9 53 to £9 10s. Seven Hills Extended sold at 58s to 03s Seven hills Eetatc, buyer £27, Bcller £'0 Spring hill Leads sold at 17s. 8tanhopo Tin offered at £6 Smeaton Kcserve placed at 7b Od to 8s Victoria Tin placed at Ob Od to Gs 7_d Working Miners bad sales up to £7 10a, closing with buyers at £7 5s, do No 2 Bold at 2a 4d Sandhurst

-Acadia placed at 17s Belmont and Saxby sold at 87s. Od to 89a , closing seller 38a. Craven s wanted at 10b Gd , eellor 11b Od Empress of India quitted at 4b 7Jd to 6a Eastwood s sold at 21s Ellenborough placed at 8Sa to 34s. Od Ellcsmoro No 1 chantred hands at 45s Garden Gully United wanted at £0 7a Gd , seller £0 Ils G G Consolidated, sellor 10a

Golden Fleece offered at !a Johnson and Webster s Bold at 0s 3d to 0s Gd , and Lady Barkly at 17s to 17s Dd Napoleon UriltcdquUtcdatOs 4Jd NowUhum and Victoria sold at 13s Od New Chum Consolidated placed at 57s to 589 New Chum United wanted at 81b, seller 318. Now St Munga had sales from 09 7d to 78 Now Victoria Catherine quitted at 3' lOd , and North Empress at Is 8d PJonour (Koch a) bad buyer at 08 Pearl wanted at 4» , seller 4a Gd Princess Dagmar changed hands at 9a Od to 10s Od Sadowa had salo at 30s , but closing Boiler 20a Gd Shenandoah wanted at 10a South Bt Mungo dealt In at 13s 01 to Me 3d South Dovoualilro had business at 0s 7i I to Ob Od St Mungo eold at 23s United Dovonahlro placed at 20s 9d to 21s

MciBrB Clarke and Co report sales of

"Victoria Government four per cont stock, £103 10s, Commercial Bank of Aus> ralla £5 10a, Quoona lane) National Bank, £0 0s , National Bank of Austral asia, £8 10a , Australasian Agency and Banking Cor poratlon, 61s to 62s , Australian Mortgage aad Agency, 01b , Metropolitan Gas, £8 Ga, Jlngollic Tin, 10s , Long Tunnel Lxtendcd, £21 16a , £22, North l,ong Tunnel, 8s 01, Da New Kong Meng, 40a , 42a Duke, 08b , 71s , Gladstono 16a , Hepburn Estate, 20s to 27« , Smeaton lloservo, 7s. Od to 8s 3d , North AUBtralsaia 72s to 70s , Berry No 1,10s , 0a

lord Harry. 45a , 60s , Band and Barton, 24a Od , Belmont and Saxby, 88s 3d , 89s , Acadia Catherine 17s, Ellenborough, 33s 0d,3lB Od , Eastwood, 21s , Lady Barkly, 17s, 17s Od , South St Mungo, 14s, 14s Gd , Now St Mungo, 0s Od , 78 , Unltod Devon shire, 20s Od , Now Chum and Victoria, 13s Od , Princess Dagmar, 10s , 10s Od , Napoleon United, 0s 4Jd, Sadowa, 80s '

MeBBrB Willder and Griffiths report sales


"Commercial Bank (Limited). £5 08 Od , Dixon" j Gas, paid up, £110«, Australasian Agency an 1 Bank log Corporation, £211s., Victoria Tin, Ga Od , Spring hill LcadB, 17b , Long Tunnel Extended, £2i 12a Gd , £21 16b , City of Ballarat, £6 12s Od , Now Kong Meng, £2 OS Gd , Cooport Freehold, 7s , Hop bum Estato, 10» Od to £1 2s. Od , Queen s Birthday, £23 12s (k1, Lord Harry, £2 6s, Alstori, £9 109 ,

1 Johnson and Webster, 5a 3<l, Carisbrook Unlleil, £1

7s , North Johnson e, 4a. Id

Messrs J. B Wera and Son report Bales


"Australasian Agency and Banldnc Corporation (Limited), £2 lia. ed to £2 12a 6d. Australian Mortgago and Agency Company (Linn .ed), £3 to £3 l8, Long Tunnel Extended, £21 6a to £22 City ot Ballarat, £0 15b North Long Tunnel, B9 Od Hepburn Estate, £1 is Cd to £1 Oa. Seven hills Lot tended, £3 8s Queer: s Birthday £23 10a , Davies Stonobarn, 17a

Messrs Gavin G Brown and Co report

ealea of

.' Australian Agency and Banking Corporation 61b Metropolitan (las £8 C9 Belmont and ¡jaxb}, ita Carisbrook Ui ltcd, 27« lluko Mar} I orough "-a, 76s ^neilborough 33s 33s 0J Ellesmere I*o 1 45s Hepburn hílalo 27a , "5! Jil gellie rio 10s , Johnson and Webster a ra Od Lady Dirklv l"s Od Lonj, Tunnel Extended £22 , Lurd Harry 60b he« C1 uni Consolidated 67a Now St SIun_o Ol' Od 0a Od , Rlstorl Free) old £0 03 St Mmij,o "3a Smeaton Hearne, 7a 0J , 7a 0d , South St

Mungo Ila 3d

McBSrs V llhara Noall John Watson, B Sprague, J Hindson, T \V Howard, J Hood J Goodall, E B Tirebrace, E B Cropper, J E DobBoti, O E Clarke, J Smith, J Han sen E B Hickling, W J Coburn, B Severa andW Slade, of the Melbourne Stock Ex change, report following eales -

' Austialasian Agency and Banking Corporation £2 Ile to £2 12a. 0d ex dir , National bank £8 10s , do

Adelaide register £813a, Australian Mortgage and Agcnc), £3 Mutual Store £2 10a 0d , City ol Mel bourne Bank, £3 0s Cd , Ban 1 and Albion Consols £9 18a Cd , Bard and Barton a United £1 4a 3d, Berry Consols £3 17a, Dukes £3 10s to £3 12a, Belmont and Saxby, £117a Od to £110f, Earl c1 Bcaconsfltld, 10s Gladstone s, 13a Od, Hepburn Pstate £1 2s Od to £1 0a, on terms £1 10a, Jil gellie I in 0s Od. 10s Haddon Valley, 0 j 3d, Acadia Tribute 8jd Lord Barr}, £2 10a to £2 12s , Loi g Tunnel Extended £212s Od to £21 12s Od , Montague Tin, £1 16s Now Kong Meng 401,, 41s 0d î.orth Australasian £3 16s, Illstorl £0 6a to £0 0s , Lades Stoneham, 10s Od to 17s Od .Smeaton Roseric 8s Mount Greenock £6 28 Od , Now Chum Consolidated £217s South St Mungo, 14a , South Devonshire 7s to 7s ljd , Hepburn Consola £7 17s , Ne« Austialasian, £16 10s , Spring bill Loads, 17s , United Devonshire, £1 la New Victoria Cathorinc. 3s lOd , Victoria 1 lu, 6s Cd to 6s 7jd , Belgian and lorsoi cráneo, la Empress of India, 4a Od to 4a Od , Si:\ei> hills Extended, ti 18s Hepburn Noa 2 and 8 £1 12a , New St. Mungo, 0s 7d to Os Od, Woiklng Miners, £7 10s, do No 2, is. ia

Our Sandhurst correspondent reports -

'*Tbo market oponed vor} atroDg in ali leading stocka to dn}, but closed under top ratea genorally Tbo exceptional stocka on the contrary hav*ng im proved supportât the closo wero Shenandoti ,pirl baldl, Dagmar, Johnson s and Webster's, doldcn Ago, North Johnsons NO United NO Consolidated and Ellenborough Latter roport over 1 SOOoz ama! cam inclusivo oí 400oz. from copper plates Extoudod St Mungo In sinking baie root «1th a large body of quartz showing gold at SOOft Extensive Ealea aro reported In most of tho stocks quoted below -Acadia changed hands at 16s Od , Arcadian Tríbulo, at Od CJd , Belmont at 37a Cd to 30b Od, 87a Od, 88a , Oatberino United, at 20s Od , Confldenco at 10a , Cravon b, "t Ila, Duchess at 17e 3d, 17s Od Duko at 2s Od, 2s lOJrt , Eastwood, at 20s 20a. Od 19a Od , Ellen borough, at 33a 3d to 34s Od Ellesmere had buter at 84a Empresa of India eold at 6a , Extended Hustler's Freehold at la Extended St Mungo, at 8a lid to 6a to 4b (id , Extended South Dovon, at la Od , Gorden United at £0 7a £0 8a Od Garibaldi at 32s Gd lo 33s Golden Age atOa 0d 0a Od , Great Britain at 3a 7d Imperial U G , at Is Od l8 lOd , Is 7d Johnson s and Webster s at 6a Od 0a 4d,0a La Belle at 17s Od 18s Lidy Barkly at 10a 01 to 18a 3d to 168 Od , Morning Light at2a 6d bap loon at lOd , la , Napoleon United at 0s N C Consol! latcd at 6 8 , and herd for 00a NC United aold at 3la Od to 328 Od , New Ho| cful at 3d 4d No» St Monto at Os 4d , Os Od North Hat sel Monday at la OJ , Is 8d , la OJd North Johnson s at 4a 3d Is Od

North Shenandoah at 8a Id 8s 2d Princesa Aloxandra, at 8s Od 4s , Princess Dagmar at 10a 4¡d , 10a Od , Sadowa at 20a Od , 2tfs Od , St Mungo at 22s Od Shenandoah at 10a Od tolls. 0i South Dei on, at 7a, 7a Gd South Pearl 4id 4d

South St Mungo, at 14a 13a Od Specimen hill United, la 2d to Is. Od , Unicorn at 2a Id ¡s 9d do Tribute, at 4b , 4s 4d , 4s United Devon at 2la

to 10a Od Victoria Cathorinc at Sa Gd, 3a Od , \ork and Durham, at 16a to 15s Od


Fnoii Observations Recorded at tux MbIiBodbnb

Obsbkvatout at 9 a.m Yksterdat

ill Perth

(2) Kg G Sound ¡8) Eucla

(4) Capo Borda (6) Adelaide , (0) Bobe

(7) Portland (8) Otway

(0) Melbourne

(10) Wilson s Pro-


(11) Gabo Island (12) Edon.

(l8) Jervis Bay (14) Svdnoy

(16) Newcastle

(10) Pt Macejuarii (17) CapeMoreton (18) Brisbane

(19) I ort Darwin (20) Alice Springs (21) Deniliquin (22) Wentworth (23) Echuca

30-00 80 00 30 16 29 00




0 00 0 07 0 17 0 22 000 0 03 0 01

(1) Cloud} , sea smooth

("j Barometer rising Fine, clear v3j Baiometor rising (4) Uarometor riBli t (6) Barometer falling (0) Barometer falling (7) Barometer tailiug (8) Baromotor failli g Bea slight

(9) Baromotor falling (10) Barometer fa Hog west sea moderato

(11) No report lino Interrupted

(12) Barometer falling Fino c ear, sea smooth

Cloudy Squally

Overcast, dull


Fine, clear, sea smooth

Overcast, threatening rain,

Tine, clear sea smooth I? ino clear, aoa amooth Fino clear, sea Bmootb

Overcist,dull, Bcasmooth (13) Barometer falling (Iii Barometer lallinc (16) Baromotcr falling (10) Barometer falling (17) No report (18) ïvo report (10) No report

("01 Parameter falling Fine clear

(211 Barometer falling Threatening rain. (22) Barometer falling Heavy rain

(2d) Barometer tailing Threatening rain


Booro Coast -King Goorgo s Sound to Port Phillip -Barometerrising to Borda, falling oast of it, iroBh and moderate N , N W, and westerly winds, and generally cloudy weather, threatening rain from Port lal d eastward, slight sea at the Otway Port Phillip to Capo Howe-Barometer falling, modorato N N E wind u ith tho upper current from west, cloudy, dall, and threatening weather, with molerato sea

Caris Hows -No roport, Uno interrupted

EA8T Coast-Cape Howo to Sydnoy-Baromotor falling, moderate and light N and N W winda, flue clear weather and smooth sea. Sydnoy to Cipo Moreton-Baromotcr falling light N W wind and fine, dear weather at Nowcastlo, fresh S W wind and cloud} dull weather at Port Macquarie, smooth sea


ImiAsd -Moderate N W and wostorly winda, and cloudy, dull weather, threatening rain


Sooth Coast -Portland to P rt Phillip-Baromotor falling mo icrato northerly winds, fino but cloudy weat! cr, with slight sea Port Phillip to Wilsons Promontory-Baromotor falling moderate N W wind, cloudy Bqually, and Bhowery weather, with modorato


It has boon announced that malls will bo modo np as follows at the General Post offlco -

* Bbltast -Nelson, July 26 8 p m " POBTLAhD -Nolson, July 20 3 p m

PoiiTBBA -Queenscliffe, July 26, 9 SO a ni. * WAltnNi UBOOC-NclBon, July 20, 3 p m

AnntAins.-Penola this day, 12 noon, Cuzco, July 26, 9 h ni, Victorian, July 25,12 noon

Beachport -Ponola this day, 12 noon HiKOBTON -Penola, this da>, 12 noon

Port MacDomckll.-Penola, this day 12 noon

Hobart -Flinders, on arrival of English mall, Southern Cross July 20 11 a.m

Lausckbton - Flinders on arrival of English mall, E( uthern Croea July 20 11 a m

* íjtdnbt -Ly ee mool, this day, 12 noon Barra loo!, July 26 12 noon , City of Adelaido July 27, 12 noon, Itodondo July 27, 12 noon, Konoowarra, July 20 12 noon

New Zkai aso, via East Coast -To Anau, July 27

10 SO a m

Umied Ki.vdDOM, ¿.e - B M.B Venetia, August 1, 8


Lokdon, via -Cuzcot, July 26, 0 a m

Calcutta -Cingalese4, this day, 8am, Strath earn' thin da} 3pm

* Correspondence will bo forwarded to these places overland unless specially marked tor transmission by

above named VesBela

f Correspondence Intended for transmlaalon by this icsEel must bo specially endorsed with tho name of the ship

Noto -Newspapers must bo posted ono hour, and registered letters half an hour, prior to timo appointed for closing as above Late letters received half an hour otter abovo times, provldod full postago and late fco of 2d bo prepaid in stamps


For Adelaide malls are despatched overland dall}, closing at 6 46 a m For S>dnoy and Queensland, via Sydney on Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thura day, and Friday, at 6 80 a.m , and Saturday, at 2 p m For New Caledonia, via Sydnoy, on Thursday, July 28, at 6 80 a.m



The Royal mall steamship Venetia will bo de spatcbed with malla, for South Australia, Wostem Australia, Cotton, India, China, and tho Fast, Aden, Mauritius, Réunion, tho Mediterranean Ports the Continent of Europe, tho United Kingdom (via Brindis!) and British colonies and foreign countries (via Brlndial and the United Kingdom), on Tuosday,

2nd Aucust at 7 a m

Tho times appointed for closing aro -

For money ordem atlpm on Monday IstAuguBt For registered lottere, at 0 p m ou Monday, 1st


For ordinary Utters, at 8 pm on Monday, lat


For newspapers at 8 p m. on Monday, 1st August


Malla for tho United Kingdom per Cuíco, will bo closed at tho General Postónico, Molbourna, as oIIowb -Registered lottere 6pm, Saturday, July 23 rewBpapers 8 o-m., Monday Inlv 26 , and ordinary I tters and packets at 9 a.m , Monday, July 26

Correspondence must bo epoclally ondoraod "Per
