Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 4 August 1879, page 6



The first and second prize designs for the new bridge over the Yarra at Swanston-street will be open to public inspection at the Public Works office, Treasury-gardens, to-day. The takers of the first prize—Messrs Jenkins and Granger—have drawn a simple, substantial and at the same time admirable bridge, one which in character appears to have some resemblance to Waterloo-bridge, London, and therefore ought to be worthy of Melbourne. There will be three spans of 100ft each over the river and the flat on the south bank, and two land openings at each end, the one on the north being 36ft. wide and the one on the south 60ft. On the south side there is an extension of the bridge having two openings of 72ft., and also some details in the way of exten-sive cellarage, which are not likely to be carried out. The height of the roadway above the summer level of the river will be 40ft., and of the key of the arch 35ft. It is proposed to support the superstructure on abutments and piers of brick and stone In

the abutments several sorts of stone will be introduced. For example, the cornice of the pilaster will be of freestone the frieze of red granite and the die of grey granite. Each span will consist of wrought iron ribs with cast iron spandrils, wrought iron buckle plates on wrought iron cross girders, and for ornament there will be a wrought iron cornice and parapet. The bridge will cross the river on the skew, and the first pier will be erected between mid stream and the north bank; the second pier will stand on the south bank, but it is taken for granted that in course of time the Yarra will be widened from abutment to abutment, so ultimately both piers will be in the river. The plans have been very care-fully prepared, even in minute matters. One feature of the superstructure deserves to be specially pointed out, as it has commanded the approbation of the officers of the Public Works department. Long straight lines have been avoided in the parapet line (where they would be objectionable, because apt to become bent) by the introduction of projecting stand-ards, which break the line at short intervals. In the estimate which has been sent in with the design, it is stated that the work can be carried out for £89,800, but £100,000 may be regarded as the probable minimum cost. The total length of the bridge and ap-proaches is 550ft. Should the bridge be built in accordance with the prize designs there need be no doubt that it will be a credit to the metropolis and the colony. The sug-gestion having been made that as the esti-mated cost of the bridge will exceed the sum of £60,000, which has been borrowed for con-

structing it, the cost might be lessened by reducing the width from 99ft. to 66ft., it may be pointed out, in addition to what we have already said on the subject, that the same amount of money will have to be spent on coffer dams (which are required in con-nexion with erecting the piers), and on

ornamental work for the sides of the bridge, whether it be 99ft. or 66ft. wide; the saving, at the outside, will hardly be more than 15 per cent. The present is a singularly opportune time to carry out an undertaking of this sort, because iron, masonry, and brickwork are at a low price. Mr. Granger (who is understood to be principally concerned in preparing the designs) has been about three years in the colony. He came from the office of Mr. Wilson, the well-known engineer of the Metropolitan District Railways, London; and with him, iron bridge-making has been a special study. Since he has settled in Vic-toria he has designed a number of bridges for

the Governments of South Australia and Western Australia; and he has also furnished designs to the Richmond Town Council for the proposed bridges over the River Yarra at Swan street, and at Simpson's-road.

The second prize design, by Messrs Tem-perley, Edwards, and Henderson, provides for a bridge of three spans (and elliptical arches), one of 85ft. and two of 80ft each, with land arches at each end of 30ft. width. Both ribs and spandrils are of wrought iron. Stone piers and castiron parapets appropriate to stone work are proposed; indeed, the bridge has been made to look as much like masonry, except in the form of the arches, as possible, and therefore has an appearance of great solidity. No less than seven flood arches have been introduced on the south side but they have been excluded

from the calculations of the board of


The board has not thought it proper to place the rejected designs on exhibition and therefore the public will miss the opportunity of seeing the elaborate plans which were sent in from the Railway department.