Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 2 July 1879, page 4


The Government, it is announced, has determined to withdraw from the North-Eastern District the special force of police and military which has been stationed there for the protection of the inhabitants and with the object of bringing the Kelly gang to justice. It is further stated that should the people of that district be dissatisfied with such protection as the ordinary police may be capable of affording, it will rest with them to make provision for a larger force by means of funds to be locally raised. This, it seems to us, is working alto-gether from the wrong end. It is not a question as to whether property in a cer-tain locality is to be guarded from depre-dation, but whether a band of atrocious criminals who have outraged the com-munity and defied the law shall be brought to justice or not. The Kelly gang must be pursued wherever they go at any cost and at all hazards. The central power must use all the means at its disposal for the purpose of tracking these miscreants, and bringing them to punishment. If it has been ascertained that they are not now in the North-Eastern district, the maintenance there of a large force of police is no longer necessary, and the inhabitants need suffer no anxiety as to their own safety. But if, as seems to be the general opinion, the outlaws are in their old haunts still, the step which is about to be taken is practically an abandonment of the pursuit. The adoption of such a course cannot be justified on any ground whatever. It is one of

the first duties of the state to

put down crime ; and there should not be

a moment's relaxation in the exertions made to capture ruffians like the Kelly gang. The chief governing body must act in matters of this sort on behalf of the whole community, and the respon-sibility must not be transferred to the shoulders of any section of the popula-tion. Should difficulties be thrown in

the way of the officers of justice by the people of any particular district, they would be justly punished by being made to pay a large portion or even the whole of the cost of the pursuit. But no state-ment or report has been placed before the public to show that the residents of the North-Eastern district generally have shown any disposition to ob-struct the police or shield the crimi-nals. The KELLYS, it is true, have numerous associates and accomplices – misdescribed as "sympathisers" – for they extend not sympathy merely but active aid to the outlaws; but these men and women belong to the criminal class as much as KELLY, HART, or BYRNE, and are as distinct from the general population as are the inmates of Pentridge from the law-abiding people of Mel-bourne. Unless, therefore, it can be shown that the inhabitants of the dis-

trict in question are abetting the crimi-nals or withholding from the police in-formation or other assistance, it would be highly unfair to saddle them with the cost of maintaining an extra force. On the other hand, if the people really do sympathise with crime or are so craven-hearted as to fear to give what aid is within their power, let the fact be pub-lished, so that they may receive the oppro-brium which they merit, and be made to pay for their guilt or cowardice, as the case may be. At present nothing of the sort has been shown to exist, and we look in vain for any justification of the measure which we are told has been decided upon.

We object to the Government proposal on two grounds. In the first place, it is a condemnation of the district without evidence, and in the second it gives a discretion when no discretion should be allowed. If the residents are satisfied with things as they are, or rather with things as it is in-tended to leave them, they will be in no hurry to improve them. If they are friendly to the out-laws, why should they tax them-selves to get rid of them ? Nothing could be more absurd than to expect them to do so. It comes to this, then, that either a district is to suffer a cruel wrong, or brigandage is to have a free field. In whatever way the proposal is looked at, it must be condemned. With-out positive proof of disaffection, the district cannot justly be called upon to raise a special force, while, if it is really delinquent, it should be allowed no choice in the matter. For it is the whole colony, and not any one portion of it, that is concerned. What could be more injurious to the public welfare than to permit the existence of a sort of nursery of bushrangers, a retreat in which bands of ruffians would be orga-nised to sally forth at every favourable opportunity, extending their ravages far

and wide ?

The action which the Government is about to take, exhibiting, as it does, an utter inability to cope with the difficulty, will cause universal disap-pointment and dissatisfaction. The means which were being employed to secure the scoundrels whose deeds have excited horror and indigna-tion throughout the country having failed, it is time to reconsider the

position, and endeavour to devise some other and more effective plan. If the men employed have been useless for the special purpose of scouring the ranges, nothing could be said against their recall, but a complete surrender of the contest, which the Government apparently con-templates, cannot possibly be suffered. There seems to be only one course to adopt. The executive authority having failed, it will become the duty of the Legislature to take the subject in hand. The first object should be to obtain in-

formation as to the real state of the dis-strict, and then to pass such a measure as will be calculated to put an end to the career of the gang which now menaces life and property, and to render the formation of others impossible. The law to which we have alluded on former occasions, under which, in certain proclaimed districts, arms and horses can only be held by the express permission of the authorities, might be put in force, or the expedient of sus-pending the Habeas Corpus Act might

be tried. If the circumstances war-ranted it, the districts which it was decided to proclaim might also be called upon to bear the extra cost which would be entailed. Action of this sort would be intelligible and equitable, but the proposal of the Government is

neither one nor the other.

On Saturday last " the Major" was in his glory. In compliance with an in-vitation from certain grateful directors to whom he had been instrumental in making a present of public money, the hon. and gallant gentleman visited Springdallah, and witnessed the starting of some machinery recently erected by the Golden Belt Company. After the interesting ceremony there came of course the interesting luncheon, and the equally interesting speeches. What part this distinguished officer and most eminent statesman took in setting the machinery agoing, and what sort of appetite he brought to the discussion of the subsequent repast, we are not in-formed. But luckily for ourselves and posterity, an account has been preserved of his efforts in the oratorical line, and these we find to have been, like him-self, great, or perhaps we should say, stupendous. Owing to his peculiar idiosyncraoies, it was altogether in his favour that his task involved the greatest difficulties. He had deliberately taken upon himself to prove that a sum of money – large if considered by itself, but ridiculously inadequate if compared with the purpose it was designed to serve – which was alleged to have been wasted in corruption, had been beneficially expended, and that the company the directors of which he was addressing was a signal in-stance of what had been effected by the liberality of Parliament and the far-sighted wisdom of the best of all possible Ministries. Ordinary men would have either shrunk from such an undertaking, or have broken down in the middle, under the influence of shame or laughter. It was not so, however, with our Major. He went bravely on to the end, making the most ludicrous assertions and highly imagina-tive statements with the same intre-pidity with which he would doubtless mount the deadly breach, or lead the Ballarat Rangers to seek the bubble reputation in the tented field.

As our readers are aware, Parliament some time ago voted £20,000 as a sop to the mining interest. This sum was thrown to a board consist-ing, as Major SMITH pointed out, wholly of members of Parliament, who "worried" it handsomely. Each man knew, of course, that his standing with his constituents depended on his securing a share of the plunder. In some way or other, which it is needless to speculate upon, the Golden Belt Company managed to capture £300, and it was upon this miserable little pittance that the Minister of Mines on Saturday founded an oration de-signed to vindicate the policy of the grant in aid of prospecting, &c. Here is a choice specimen of the hon. gentle-man's reasoning :–

" Pioneer companies in each district had been chosen as recipients under the vote, and he thought the Golden Belt was a pioneer company. They were there where not many years ago was the centre of a large mining district, and he was informed by one of the members of the mining board that some halt-dozen companies along the lead, after paying working expenses, had paid £40,000 each in dividends to their share-holders-a fact which showed that in help-ing tbiB new company the Government was endeavouring to develops the resources of the


Pioneer companies, it appears, are those which establish themselves in country proved to be auriferous and partly worked out-that is to say, of course, if their directors and shareholders hold " correct " opinions." They would be something entirely different, we imagine, under other circumstances. But the cream of the joke lies in the assumption that the opening of the mine in question ever depended in the slightest degree on the paltry grant of ¿6300. Any one who knows the cost of conducting mining operations on a large scale is aware that such a sum could not pos-sibly have any influence in encouraging people to embark in such enterprises, or in deterring them from so doing. Why it would scarcely buy a rope and a bucket for a deep shaft. Driblets of the sort must always be frauds upon tho public Treasury, and neither more nor less than bribes or rewards to those receiving them. No one who lacked the daring of the gallant Major could stand up in the face of the colony and defend the barefaced corruption of which they are the outward and visible signs. We shall take another oppor-tunity of referring to the hon. gentle-man's remarks with regard to the con-nexion between the revival of our gold industry and the present Ministry.

The result of the election for East Melboumo yesterday may not be alto-gether a political triumph, but neverthe-less the very large majority secured by Mr. Zox is not without significance. The constituency has shown clearly that it will not countenance adventurous candi-dates who are prepared to contest any seat at a moment's notice, and to trim their opinions to suit the circumstances in which they happen to find themselves. It has also shown in the moat forcible manner that it is useless for a. man to solicit its suffrages who is devoid . of kindly feeling, and who will contest

a scat vacated under conditions which , should have disarmed opposition. It has,. moreover, plainly evinced, à decided re-pugnance to mere party tricks, and no matter how great the lovo of a

portion of it may bo for our prcsout rulers, comparatively few, wo aro gl»4 to say, were found willing to subordi-nate their senso of tho proprieties of life to the convenience of Mr. BEUEV and his colleagues. But as tho Govern-ment would havo Mr. LKVI ' thoy

must also sharo to some extent in the ignominy of Ina defeat. Ho wa» openly announced as tho Govern mont candidate, and no oxcoptioa waa taken to the statement that ho appealed to tho electors in that capacity. Tlicro was every reason fop disowning liirn, aa his position as a cou tractor with the Board of Land and Works was vory equivocal, and his can didaturo littlo else than ludicrous, if there had not been the serious element of the outrago on good fooling. As, however, lie was not repudiated, tho Ministry must bo held rosponsiblo for their part in his appearance on the stage, and Bhaio with him the discredit that at-taches to tho signal failure. Mr. Zox'v supporters may bo congratulated on tho way in which thoy worked for him, and wc trust thal tho concorn manifested in his caso is an earnest of that greater interest in electoral matters which must bo displayed if tho country Li ever to be act upon its feot again.

Tho principal item in Mi Bi i uv -, speech last night at the banquet given by the Isntional Reform League in Km honoiu vías a stalo tnado ngiinafc tins join nil Tho Premier, m common with his colleiguos and the leidmg members of tho Mnnsteiiil paitj, aro desnous of ti msfoiring tho lcsponsibihty of having depicciatcd tho ci edit of tho colon) from their ow n shoulders to mm, and the) seem to think that thoy hive only got to go on asset tmg that wo ire to blamo m oidei to altet the facts of lustoiy Reilly, the attempt is so ridiculous, md 1 as bcui so often exposed, that w o Bhould feel inclined *o let it pass in silonce w ore it not foi the disposition ovmced by m my people to tike Btitoments as acknowledged unless they aie chillengcd vftei e\erj îepeti

tion Onco moio wo would ask any sonsible person whit wo have dono to make us responsible for any injurj the colon) lias rccoivod since tho advent of the Berry Cabinet to ofbee 1 The Go v eminent has been guilty of many i evo-lutionary acts, and its individual mem-bers hine at vanous times given uttoi

ance to ie\olutionnry and disloyal senti-ments As in duty bound we hive duly chronicled the objectionable pioceedmgs, and neem itoly reported tho violent lui guage Wo hav e also, m the furthci d13 charge of oui public obligations, com mented upon both one and the other In so doing, w herein did wo transcend our functions ? The ictions have nevci boon domed, nor havo tho uttennccs been repudiated They aro then acknowledged facts, nnd to my that a journal has compromised the ui tercsts of tho community because it has told the ti util is neither moio 1101 leas than to talk nonsense A child may seo that icsponsibdity foi consequences lies, not with thoso vOio report 01 cntieise the w olds or deeds of public mon, but vvittv the public men who gno use to the leports md critieisms It is veiy ovi dent th it if tho Bony Administration hid not dono the things and had not used the revolutioniry languigo which have cnised so much haim, we could neither have reported nor condemned them We would point out, moreover, tint wo hi\o not stood alone 111 holding up the misdeeds of oui Ministiy to public reprobition Wo hate quoted it in-tervals extracts from neaily every paper of my stinduig throughout the Ana hall 111 colonies, nil commenting on tho excesses of the Victorian Cibmot with 1 seventy quite equal to oui own If the Cluef Secretary would onlj consider w li it is the only inference to be di iw 11 f 10m his perpetual allusion to the pait we havo tiken m connexion vuth the tioublcs ho has brought upon the countij, w 0 think he would abstain in future fiom lepeat nig his silly chaige The lion gentleman does not deny the truth of oui state ments, but simply siys-so fir is wo can undcrstiud him-that they ought to hive been suppressed, beciuso the matters to which they rofoi are inimical to tho public credit This, wo submit, is tintamount to acknowledging that his pokey has been and is so vicious, and his language so ínllammato' y, that they must prejudico our position 111 tho eyes of the woild unless the Victonan journals agree to a conspiracy of silence We can-not understand how it is that the Minis tenilists themselves do not see the absurdity of tho position

When tho Goiornment as a whole de termmed in a moment of inspiration to mm tho district represented by Mi. GILLIES by placing an export duty on ledgum tunber, Mi LokonouE decided to play an independent hand in the busi-ness Accordingly, ho issued regulations varying the conditions on which fell ing would bo allowed m futuio, which seem to havo been about as effec-tive m doing harm as any of tile ukases he has issued since he abandoned

the task of spoiling a coal mino for the moio congemal occupation of mismanag mg a state department It is not our in-tention to comment on the policy of these rules at present. Suffice it to say, that according to a deputation which waited recently on the hon gentleman, they have caused "a great deal of distress," and that the Commissioner of Lands has announced his intention of altering them Wo need not be surprised at either of these facts, as oui present rulers havo done little else but produce evils in haste, and try to remedy them at leisure Our object m drawmg attention to tho mattor is to ask what has been

done since the redgum question was first mooted to prevent the coming scarcity o£ this timber wluch was relied on as justify-ing legislative mterfeience I Have any effectual steps been taken to replace tho valuable trees wluch have gone into con-sumption? The Government depart-ments are not given, as a rule, to ludo then lights under bushel measuron, BO, as wo havo not heard of any active steps in this direction, wo may rest assured that the progress made has not boen vory 10 maikable Tho fact is that we play at forest management m this countiy, and some day we shall bitterly reglet our folly. Tho establishment considered sufficient to undortako tho control and renewal of the state forests is ludicrously inadequate foi the purpose, and although, complaints of neglect are fiequently heard, both m and out of Parhamont, no attempt is made to place things on a really satisfactory footing We suppose that as the proper conservation of forests is calculated to promote the well being and increaso the wealth of a community, it is a subject which has no attraction for ardent souls who aro always burning to regenerito mankind by schemes of reform and abstract legislation of an heroic lund If Mr LONGMORE, wlulo taking all reason-able precautions to prevent waste so far as our present store of red gum is concerned, would hasten planting oper-ations on a large scale, he would do some good Ko solicitude that can be shown for the proper utilisation of the existing supply can prevent this timber from soon disappearing if the work of renewing the forests be not vigorously prose-cuted _

The steamship Kent, of Messrs Money Wigram and Bon's line, arrived yesterday afternoon from London, with a full comple ment of passengers and cargo. The voyare bas been completed m a little over 49 da's, although a good deal of contrary weatiet

mu met with after passing tho Cap of Good Hope The Kent brings new paper dates to Moy 12, or threo day later than those brought by tho las .Suez mail Amongst tho passengers wh -have como out by her is Mr Williar II Culloch, who has brought out a large add tion to his Glenroy herd, besides two valuabl gre} hounds for Btud purposes, and also

quantity of prize poultry Mrs Mártir -widow of tho lato Dr Martin, of Collins .street has also como out in the Kent Ei tracts from tho files received by the Kent ar ¡riven elsewhere.

Yesterday being tho anniversary of th separation of this colony from New Soutl Wales, was observed as a holiday by th .Government offices, banks, and insuranc companies Business in tho city wa .only partially suspended, tho hoisting o Hie (lag at the Town hall being the onl public act commemorating the biston event The only outdoor amusements pro iided for those who could make holiday wer the intercolonial football match and th Caulfield Haces, and both were lirgel patronised

A Cabinet meeting was held yestordaj, am Ministers were occupied for two hours witl the discussion of measures which must b ready for Parliament next week lhere is i large amount of business still in arrear, bu e\ery exertion will be made to get througl with it before Tuesday next.

The dinner given to Mr Berry by tin Reform I en_uo in the Athen turn hall, Ins nipht, as a welcome to lum nu his returi from his political mission to England, wai attended by nearly 400 persons In reply ti the toist of Our Guest, Mr Berry spoki for an hour, cluellj upon tho performance! of tho embassy and the successes it hat von Ile interpreted the despatch of thi Secretary of blate to nmount to a victory foi the Liberal pnrtj in the colony,which ho said had tho support of all parties in England The companj was not told what sort o measure the Government intended to foum on the despatch but entertained insteat tilth Borne lively attacks upon Ihc Argis m somewhat old fashioned phrases X lu recent speech of Mr Service at Mildoi was characterised simply us an attemp to throw duBt in peoples e}es Mr Derrj called upon his supporters to slant together and not allow jealousies or localism! to divide them The watchword must bl subBtantial constitutional reform whicl would enable the people to control their owr affairs and until the} obtained that he hopee theyviould support the mon m whom the. "had confidence Of the gathering before lum «lie thought a great deal for it was a greal representative meeting and all had come al their own expense The other leading toasl ?was Our Cause coupled with the Ministr}

and the chairman Oír Tisher) in proposinj it commended Sir Br}an OLoghlen for th« numerous sacrifices he had made in the in terests of the people since the last general


The election for East Melbourne jesterdaj resulted in the return of Mr ¿ox by the over whelming majont} of 1237 over the Govern ment candidate Mr N Levi the numbers beins-/ox 1854 Levi, C17 The total number of votes polled was 2 471 or GIG less than at the general election o£ 1877 On that occisión, however, it, must bo remembered that there were fiv e candidates each of whom of course worked to bring his supporters to the poll Yesterday, too being a Govern ment and bink holiday no doubt a good many electors did not come into town and under the circumstances the poll

mg maybe considered very fair, Mr Zoxs supporters having in many cases put thom selves to considerable inconvenience to record their vot"S On the declaration of the poll Mr Levi precisely in the same manner as Mr

Knipo on his deieat by Mr Murraj Smith at Boroondara denied that he was the Govern ment candidate The denial hovvev or, came rather late to receive much credence

The Harbour Trust commissioners will meet to day at 2 p m The notice paper in eludes certain questions which were post poned at last meeting, the principal of which ire the recommendation of tho W orks Com-mittee to repair the wharf approaches and the recommendation of the Legislative and Lands Committee to issue licences to certain persons for the occupancy of lands on pay ment of certain fccB mentioned in tho com mittee s recommendation The Works Com mittee recommend the acceptance of Mr M Tord s tender io supply rook drilling appa ratus for £3&> and the tender of Mr W Holmes to cleanse Sandridge town pier for a jear for £o0 With regard to the proposed extension of the South Bank Wharfs tho WorkB Committee re port that having carefully considered the position of the Trust in respect to Sir John Coode s report and the necessary amending bill they are of opinion that it would $be unwise to interfere with tho existing résolu tion of tho commissioners The Tinance, and Stores, and Legislative, and Landa Com mittces make several recommendations or a routine character The sub committee re salaries report that, after giving careful con Bideration to the rmestion, the harbour master being present they recommend that Captain Scott be stationed at Williamstown and that he be given jurisdiction over the has, Sandridge, and Williamstown, also that Captain Tickell be removed to Melbourne, that the services of Captain Thrussell be dispensed with, and that a junior clerk at a salary of say £50 per annum be appointed to assist the harbourmaster in his office. There are also to be considered a number of motions of which notice has been given. The Commis-sioners will hold a special meeting at 7 in the evening to consider and order on the amend monts necessary to introduce in an amending bill to be brought before Parliament during

the next session.

The committee appointed by the subscribers to the Melbourne Benevolent Asylum to inquire into the management of that institu tion, commenced their investigation yes

tcrday The superintendent (Mr Howlett), and an inmate named George Watson, who had been employed in the dispensary and used as a messenger by the resident medical officer, were examined Amongst other things elucidated were the facts that tho stock book was never audited, that there was an apparent saving last year in tho main tenance of over £800, to which no reference was mado m the last annual report, and that the resident medical officer had a private wine cellar of his own in the asylum The inquiry was adjourned until Tnday next, when the late dispenser will probably be


The eighth anniversary of the Young Men s Christian Association was celebrated last evening by mirée m the Town hall There was a very large attendance, and besides the BiBhop of Melbourne a large number of clergymen of vanouB denominations were present on the platform The Bishop de-livered an address warning young men against taking for granted the assumptions of materialists in respect to the relations of mmd and matter The Rev S C Kent, alluding to the East Melbourne election, spoke of the necessity of young men educat mg themselveB politically,, and exercising the franchise The Hon J Balfour, M L C , de1 vered an address on the progress recently made in mission work in England and Scot-


The monthly meeting of the Presbytery of Melbourne was held yesterday, the Rev W G fraser being moderator pro (em. A com-mittee, consisting of the Revs W. G Fraser, M Macdonald, A. M'Vean, J. Ballantyne, andD H Ballantyne, was appointed to visit the congregations of Oakleigh, Dandenong, And Berwick on the 8th inst, and to report as to their positions and requirements The appointment of the Reva D. M'Kenzie and F R M Wilson as chaplains to the Yarra Bend and Kew Lunatic Asylums was re-affirmed The Rev S Robinson submitted the draft of a constitution for a proposed associa-tion to provide for the visitation of the bene»olent institutions, which, with some slight amendments, was approved of. The Rev, C

Strone gave the following notice of motion for next meeting -"That this presbytery discountenances the employment by our con gregatlons of ministers not m connexion with this church, us being unfair to our own licentiates, and as leading to the introduc tion of undesirable persons into our pulpits, and endangering the peace of the church '

A meeting of Section A of the Royal Society will be held this evening Mr Tilery will exhibit a new instrument for obtaining um form rotation, and Mr Sutherland will read notes on the application of mathematics to political economy

The usual weekly meeting of tho committee of management of the Melbourne Hospital took place yesterday afternoon, Mr Plunket occup}ing the chair Tho business was of a pure)} formal nature The secretary re ported the state of the house to be as foi lows -Week ending 28th Juno-Admitted, in patients, 74 , new cases out patients 190, do , casualties, 1G1, total for the week 425 , deaths, 12 discharges, 50, number of patients in hospital, 349

Ihe council of the Zoological and Acclima tisation Society held a meeting on Monday afternoon at the office, G9 Temple court Tho following members were present -Mr Ken dall (president), Mr Officer, Colonel Hutton, Mr \ enables, and Mr Graves M L A An interesting letter was read from Mr S IT Officer, of the Murray Downs relative to tho society s ostriches under his charge, and anticipating a very sue cessful future for this new industry A large expenditure baa already been in curred m providing suitable accommodation for the increasing flock Ihe increase in the flock of Angora goats has also this year been very satisfactory, and there has been a con sidcrable demand for the }oung bucks for improving the common breed of goats The Zoological gardens were reported to bo in excellent order, and the stock therein gene rally healthy

The Reform League Conferenco met j es terday, at the Temperance hall It consists of the members of the council of tho National Reform and Protection League and of delegates from the branch leagues Between 70 and 80 persons were present The lion T Long more presided The consideration of " the new platform of the party, which has been approved of b} the council of the Central League, was submitted to the confer ence for its consideration and confirmation 1 o use the phraseology of the conference, the first "plank in this platform is "constitu tional reform ' Mr Mirams, M L A, moved the adoption of this plank, which was agreed to A resolution w as also passed to the effect that the Government must provide for tho suppression of the Councils veto and for securing the exclusive power of the purse for the people through the Legislative Assembly Another plank adopted was "a progressive land ta\ The land question was under consideration when the conference adjourned until this morning

The unemployed again besieged the Rail way Office yesterday m considerable num bers during the earl} part of the day, and the names of applicants for employment con tinued to be taken down An additional number of men were taken on at the dock workB at the West Melbourne swamp, where the ground is now becoming in a fit con dition for work Some further ticl ets were also issued for stonebreaking and quarrjint at Tootscra}, Yarraville, and Williamstown Junction, ana a few men were franked up countr} To day employ ment will be offered to a few men at Spottis woode Terr} Notwithstanding all Mr W oods s efforts, howev er, to afford employ ment to the most deserving and destitute of those out of work, it is evident that the openings which can be made in his depart ment bear but a very small proportion to the number of applicants, and of course each day s w ant of work means increasing distress to the men themselves and their wives and families Subscriptions iro being collected by a committee appointed by the unemployed to relieve the immediate wants of the most destitute and all receipts to the fund will be publicly acknowledged

A meeting of the relief committee ap-pointed to deal with tho distress in Colling wood, was held at the rreoMedicalDispensary }esterday afternoon, when it was resolved, in order to meet the wide spread distress exist-ing, to take the boot factory of Messrs Batt and Tmery as a central depot, at which a sub committee should meet daily in the after noon to receive personal and written applica tions for relief, the applicants to be visited promptlj, and aided if their cases were found to be genuine It was thought undesirable to open soup kitchens at present, but several respectable grocers, bakers, and butchers were communicated with who agreed to supply orders at wholesale prices The committee expressed an earnest desire to co operate with and assist the ladies of the Benevolent Society m their work of mercy The secretary was requested to ask, through the press, for gifts in kind, such as bread, meat, groceries, boots and shoes, clothing, but especially blankets, and to thank the public for their generous and hearty responso to the appeals which had been made The committee meets weekly

The Melbourne Fishmongers' Company, which has recently been established for the purpose of supplying Melbourne and the country districts with fresh fish daily, opened its depot yesterday, at 21 Swanston street, opposite St Pauls Church The premises are being subdivided into a dining hall, oyster saloons, and a fish Bhop, where all descrip-tions of seasonable fish can be obtained The company purposes supplying a want which has long been felt, by waiting on customers regularly each morning with fresh fish The company is also making arrangements with the fishermen on the various fishinggrounds for a supply of fresh fish daily up to 20 tons per week, which will bo sold at prices about one half of the usual cost of that item of food, at the same time making it a more profitable business for the fisher-men than it has hitherto been A large number of agents have already been ap pointed in the country towns, so that the residents of those places will have the same advantages as the inhabitants of Melbourne The patronage bestowed on the company during yesterday was very large.

The raco meeting held yesterday by the Victoria Amateur Turf Club on the Caulfield course was a most enjoyable affair The weather was all that could be desired, and the attendance was good considering the many at-tractions elsewhere Tho Hurdle Race was won by Nimrod, with Veno second, and Carlisle third The three quarters of a múe flat race was won easily by Bar One Little Queen was second, and Sunnyside, who got away badly, was third. The Victoria Gold Cup was won very easily by Goulburn, Ab dallah was second, and Midnight third Pyrrhus won the Caulfield Handicap after an interesting race with Rangatira Timothy waa third Goulburn won the Steeelechase, beating his stable companion easily at the finish. Nothing else was near Red Iron was a poor third. The racing concluded with the Corinthian Cup, which waa won by Jokes Palmerston was second, and Revenue third

Quite a shipment of live stock has arrived by the steamship Kent, the greater portion of which has been brought out by Mr Wm M'CulIoch, for his herd at Glenroy. This ia the fourth consignment of the Bates short-horn cattle which has arrived for Mr. M'Cul-Ioch, and so far as breeding is concerned they are Baid to be the finest ever seen in Australia They compnse one Durham, five Oxfords, and two others, and three of the eight cost over £6,000 m England The moBt valuable one is the young Duchess bull Duke o£ Elmhurst, a very handsome calf not X2 months old until 5th mat He is a rich roan, and looks a splendid animal. Duke of Oxford Slst is a very grand bull, five years old, bred by the Duke of Devon-shire He is also a rich roan The third is a rich roan boll calf four months old, bred by Mr M'CulIoch, and named Grand Dake of Oxford The cows

aro Grand Duchess of Oxford, Oxfords Duchess 2nd, Georgia Oxford, Nelly Non such, and Lady Rachel Grand Duchess of Oxford is the cow Mr M'Cnlloch paid 2,100 Ruíneos for at the Duke of Devonshire s sale in September last Mr M'Culloch has also imported a fine lot of Leghorn fowls, the first which havo ever been un ported to this colony They are said to bo wonderful layers, and the breed have only been introduced into England some four or fi\ e years, but are now great favourites and command high prices Eggs from one of the pens sold in England at 20s per dozen, and tho firBt prize birds at the Crystal Palace and other shows last season were bred from this pen Mr M'Culloch has also imported two ver) fine gre) hounds-Peasant Boy, who was twice runner up for tho Waterloo Cup, and Shaster, a white first season bitch, who ran into tho lost fours m Hie Champion Puppy Stakes at Newmarket (01 dogs), and won two courses in tho last Waterloo Cup Several valuable rams have also been brought out in

the Kent.

Lieutenant Trank Haslewood, of the Ad miralty Survey Service, who was here under Captain Stanlej, is a passenger by the Kent, and is en loutc to Queensland on similar duty

A favourable opportunity was afforded early jeaterday morning for observing the unusual conjunction of Saturn and Mars, the weather being most propitious anditho atmo Bphere quiet Trom 4 a ra till near sun nee measures and comparisons were made at the Melbourne Observatory with both north and south equatorial, as well as the great telescope Tho final results, which are not yet completo, will be given in next weeks noteB This much, however, can now be said -1 he nearest approach took place at Dh 8m um, when the distance between the centres of the two planets was 883ec of arc The colour of Saturn appeared of a do cidedly greenish tinge (corroborating the state ments previously made to that effect), and in marked contrast to that of Mars, which was of a red orango tint The calculations upon the data obtained by the observations have not jet been made, but, as far as can be ascertained, tho results would indicate that the planetary tables of tho lato Mons. Le Verrier are moro accurate than those at present in use The conjunction was clearly apparent to the naked eye, and what would strike the ordmarj observer moro particu-larly was the modifying influence which the light of the planet Saturn had upon the usual ruddy tint of Mars At the time of nearest approach, the two planets could not be separated without the aid of powerful mstru


Intending nominators for the Adelaide and Railway Stakes run for in connexion with the Australian Coursing Club, should bear in mind that their applications, accompanied with entries, must be in the hands of the secretary before 3pm to morrow The draw will take placo at 4 p m the same day

The statement made by a contemporary yesterday to the effect that Kate Kelly had interviewed the captain of the Victoria Cross with regard to the passage of some persons to California is without foundation. Not only did Kate Kelly never see the captain, but no one in any way connected with the outlaws ever did so. Nothing further in con- nexion with the gang has yet transpired.

The following cases of accident were ad mitted to the casualty wards of tho Mel-bourne Hospital jeBterday, viz -Thomas Southan, aged three years, living with his parents at Kensington hill, Buffering from a severe scalp wound, caused by his being kicked by a horse , Mary Ann Stokeham, aged Bix 5 ears, living in Abbotsford street, suffering from internal injuries, caused by her being run over by a spring cart at the mterBection'of Abbotsford and O Shanasay streets, Ralph W bitten, a resident of Little Eliza-beth street, Richmond, having the bones of bia leg fractured through falling over a foot bridge at Collingwood , John Vaughan, aged 59 j ears, residing in Barklej street, Cailton, suffering from injuries to his ankle, caused by his foot doubling under him when jumping out of a lorry , and Henry Oakley, aged 40 >cars, living on the Plenty road, suffering from a fracture of tho lower end of the thigb, caused by his being run over by a dray when attempting to jump on to the shaft while the vehicle was in motion.

A children's festival to celebrate the pro clamation of Prahran as a city was held j es terday at that place, and proved a grea success The day having been proclaimed a holiday, business was almost entirely suspended At an early hour about 5,000 children attcndine the different state schools m the district were formed into one large pro-cession over a mile in length, and being headed by a good band, were marched through the different streets to the local town hall, where they saluted The proceBBion then marched to the Mount Erica paddock, where the mayor of the city read the order in council dated 27th of May, 1879, in the presence of about 8,000 persons Cheers were then given for the mayor and the city, after which the children sang the National Anthem, under the leadership of Mr A 6. Lang, the music instructor for the diBtnct, The children were then provided with luncheon, after which the sports pro-gramme was earned out, the different prizes offered being well contested for A move homeward was then made, after a very enjoyable day had been Bpent

In the evenuig a torchlight procession con-sisting of the local fire brigades, headed by the major and councillors, marched through the variouB streets to tho Town-hall, which was illuminated The mayor again read the proclamation, which terminated the day's amusement. It may be mentioned that the coBt of the festival will be defrayed out of a Bum of £300 which waa subscribed for the purpose by the residents of tho district, who took every pains to make the affair a success On Thursday evening, abanquet and ball will be held in the local town hall.

The reports of the fearful distress at pre Bent prevailing among the pooro_ rlnssea in Cornwall, consequent upon the failure oi two fishing seasons and the general depression m the mining interest, has attracted the atten-tion of some of the leading Cormahmen residing m Melbourne A meeting to con-sider the best means to adopt for the purpose of raising funds in aid of the fund now in course of subscription in England was held at the Brunswick Hotel, Fitzroy, last night, Mr Thomas Howe occupying the chair. About 50 gentlemen were present. It was resolved that a circular should be iBsued calling atten-tion to the urgent nature of the case, and th Bov W. H, Hosking and Messrs, E Del. bridge, Jos Thomas, Wm. Nankervis, T. Delbndge, W. R Bennetts, J.P , R. T. Rowe, and the chairman, were appointed as an executive committee to supervise the under taking. Subscriptions amounting to £00 were handed in at the meeting.

Efforts aro about to be made by the Prah ran City Council to obtain the co operation of the various suburban councils for the pur-pose of urging the Government to insert a clause in the new Municipal Bill giving loc 1 councils the power of adopting (inter alta J the whole of port 10 of the 13th schedule of the Local Government Act Section 210 of the above act prevents local councils within a radius of eight miles of the city of Mel-bourne and town of Geelong from adopt-ing as a b'yelaw any part of the first or second subdivision of part 10 of the 13th schedule of the said act. It ia thought that the bul should be so framed as to give each mnmcipal conned the power of licensing vehicles, instead of allowing the Melbourne City Conned to have full power over all hcences for hackney carriages It ia considered that if euch a clause was inserted it wonld assist the connella to provide a sub-stituto for tolls.

At the usual monthly meeting of the Gee-long PreBbytery yesterday it was arranged that the induction of the Rev. A Davidson,

of John Knox Church, Melbourne, to Ryrie-, Btreet Church, Geelong, should take placel 1 on the 15th mat, the Rev. T. M'KerW

I Fraser to preach, and the Rev M Gardiner,

of Queenscliff, to give the cliargo to the people

The Geelong Time» appeared as a morning paper for tho first time yesterday

"Last week," the Gippsland Mercury States, " Superintendent Kabat, in his capa city as inspector of fisheries, visited Bairns dale and the Lakes to investigate certain mat ters relative to the Lakes fisheries Super intendent Kabat is favourable to the reserva tion of the greater portion of Reeves River, and the prohibitionof fishing operations during certain periods of the year This latter sug gestion, however, it would appear, is dis approved of by the local fishermen, who state that if it be acted upon it will do them a great amount of injury, and be to all in tents and purposes favouring fishermen at a distance, who are in the habit of flying about to the various fishing grounds, and to whom i sdue in a great measure the destruction of a largo number of small fish

Mr D M DavieB, M L A , met with a nasty accident when returning to Ballarat from the starting of the machinery of the Golden Belt Compan}, at Springdallah, on Saturda} evening He was riding (saj a the Ballarat Slat) a hired horse, which fell down with bim in Skipton street, close to the Atlantic Hotel, and he struck tho ground hcavil} with his loftshoulder Ho carno into town in the vehicle comejing Major Smith and other gentlemen and waa attended bj Dr Nicholson who found that, though no bones were broken, the arm was very much bruised, and required binding up Mr Davies went home to Buninjong the same night, suffering a good deal of pain from the accident

A vessel arrived at Adelaide, on Trida} last, after a vo}age of unusual duration The Ilegislei BtatcB that the Emma a ship of 714 tonB, Bailed from Uudiksv al m the Baltic on August 28, 1878, but dunngpic passage of the North Sea she had a very severe handling and on reaching down Channel was found too leaky to proceed, so she put into Talmouth The cargo was discharged and the v easel dry docked for repair The refit having been completed, her cargo of deals and battens was again Btowed and another start was made on lebruar} 12 The remainder of the pas sage was of the ordinary character

The Sydney Echo writes -"Tho unem plo}ed have been at Mr Berry again They are cr} ing for bread, and he is giving them Btones It is v et} well now for Mr Berry to saj that it is unreasonable for the people to expect the Gov ernment to find work for all men out of employment Ho has raised a devil that he cannot get rid of The ' success of the embassy will not do, and oven the Bolemn threat of taking possession of the Riverina part of New South Wales has fallen quite flatly on the people They have been cajoled and flattered too long, and now they want to see some little realisation of those ' smiling homes and happy hearths that Mr Berrj can so glowing!} picture, but has failed to call into existence

Owing to the pressure upon our space we are obliged to hold over our law and police reports the proceedings of the National Re form League Conference, and tho Young Mens Christian Association, and other


"M has8entusl0s for the Ladies'Bene volent Society

W o hav e recen ed 20s from ' Sympathy '

and 10s from"R M for tho family of 1 rancis Sharp, whose case of destitution was men tioned m yesterday s Aigm

Tor Dr Singletons fund for the distress in Colhngw ood the following sums havo been forwnrded to UB -Mrs J L Roberts, 20s , Miss Bennett, 20s , "M , 10s , Mrs E Ploos Van Amstel. 21B , A Kind Tnend, 5a

Dr Bromby will deliver his entertaining lecture on " The Moon at St Mary s, Caul field, to night, at 8 o clock

We aro requested to draw attention to an advertisement notifying that entries for the Richmond Canary, Pigeon, and Poultry Show on 3rd, 4tb, and 5th July, will close at 12 to day _