Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Saturday 31 May 1879, page 6

SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1879.

The committee of the Melbourne

Benevolent Asylum appears determined

to merit all the disparaging remarks

which have been made from time to time concerning bodies of a similar nature. It is displaying an utter in-capacity to educe anything like order out of the chaotic confusion which has evidently crept into the management of the institution under its control, and is outraging public decency and com-

mon justice by the gross favouritism displayed in its dealings with its officers. At the last meeting it was determined that a month’s notice of dismissal be given to Mr. POWELL, and it was said by one of the speakers that another witness against the protégé of the majority, Dr. HEATH, is to receive her congé at an early date. Now, we should have no objection to the dis-charge of the servants if the committee had shown by its actions that it had been actuated throughout solely by a desire to promote the interests of the charity. It might not be an expedient proceeding,

for reasons which Mr. BEAUCHAMP has pointed out, but we hold that in cases of the kind, where honesty and trustworthiness are involved, the claims of expediency have no right to a hear-ing. It is necessary sometimes to make sacrifices for principle, if a correct

standard of conduct is to be maintained. When, however, we see that the princi-pal reason for sending Mr. POWELL about his business, is vexation felt at his inconvenient rovcl.itions, and not righteous indignation at his culpablo reticence, our confidence in the com-mittee's fitness to mete out justice is completely shaken. Under the cir

cunistance3 wo have no assurance that we are in possession of the whole facts necessary to form an impartial judg ment, and therefore we deprecate the hasty infliction of such a severe punish-


Mr. POWELL, in his letter to the committee asking to be retained in its service, urges that " as regards many " things taken by the doctor for his own " and family's use, I [the dispenser] " should not receive blame, as ho con " sidered he was entitled to them, and it " seems his predecessors had some of " them, and even uowseveral of the com " mittee have regarded the matter as " very frivolous." If we give all the weight we possibly can to the excuse, we do not see that it lessens, in any material degree, the blame which attaches to Mr. POWELL. While it is possible that ho might have thought that Dr. HE mi was entitled to supply his wants, or even those of his family, from the ordinary stores of the institution, it is difficult to imagine that ho did not know ho (Dr. HEATH) had no right to order things, such as flea powder, hair oil, (ile, specially for his own use. Had the irregularities brought to light occurred in connexion with any woll-ordered establishment, there cannot be a doubt that instant dismissal on discovery would have been no more than a fitting penalty. But this young man seems to have been placed in a position where everything

around him was in more or les3 con-fusion, and some allowance must there foie be made for shortcomings. When he saw most people doing pretty well what was right in their own eyes through the neglect of the committee to exercise proper control and supervision, he can hardly be blamed for having thought that a responsible official like the resi-dent medical officer was entitled to a little extra license.

It is when wo come to compaie the treatment accorded to the dispenser, a mero secondary offender, with the sen-tence pronounced upon Dr. HEATH, the principal culprit, that the unfitness and unfairness of the committee become plainly apparent. The managers are either so absorbed in asserting the pre-dominance of their respective cliques, or so utterly incapable of grasping the situation, that they do not appear to understand how the matter presents it-self to disinterested observers. They appear to forget, or to purposely over-look, what it is that Dr. HEATH is charged with. According to the evi-dence given before the sub-committee, that gentleman lias been guilty of flagrant dishonesty. He has converted goods belonging to the institution to his own private use, and, as we have already said, has had the audacity to order things specially for his own household at the cost of the charity. But this is not all. On Thursday last Mr. HAR-COURT told the committee that Mrs.

POWELL (mother of the dispenser) stated to him-after being cautioned to be careful about what she was saying that Dr. HEATH had not been con-tent to take goods for home consumption only. " I can prove," she asserted, " that Dr, HEATH has sold property " belonging to the Benevolent Asylum." As, however, this last charge was not before the committee when it arrived at its decision with respect to Dr. HEATH, wo may set it aside for the nonce, merely remarking in passing that if the managers will not investigate the accu-sation it is to be hoped the police will. Taking merely the evidence given before the sub-committee, we have a charge of fraud presented to us. It was so spoken of by various members of the committee during the discussion last week, and as the accused sits cmietly down under the damning imputation, and makes no sign, what can we do but conclude that ho admits its truth 1

But apparently Dr, HEATH'S friends on the committee think little or nothing of his eccentricities. A mero dispenser, whose sole offence is withholding in-formation until it was asked for, in-stead of volunteering it, as he should have done, is dismissed with a month's notice, but the gentleman, for withhold-ing information against whom he is dismissed, is courteously informed, in an indirect way, lest his finer feelings .should be hurt, that he must positively find other employment at the end of three months. The resolution is not, on the face of it, directed against him personally-that would have been far too cruel and ' vigorous a step for the majority of the committee. Neither is it dismissive in it?,language. It will stand on the records as a simple declara-tion that, for the space of three months from the 1st June, the services of the present medical officer will be retained under any circumstances. Is this fair play as between man and man, or conduct calculated to command respect ? We venture to think that no public body, even the most corrupt, has ever attempted to "make fish of one and '' flesh of another " in a more barefaced and uiibhiB-ing manner. No doubt it is difficult to forget the pleasant converse of the doctor's room, and the asylum grog which Mr. FARMER says was dis-tributed in that sanctum, but the public Í3 not concerned with these softening reminiscences, i An ordinary committee, in order to avert unpleasantness from themselves and their protegí, would sus-pend the doctor at once, and institute a rigid inquiry into his conduct -without . delay; but after the Q__ibition on

Thursday it is osöloss to exp'Ct tiiit tbis committee will adopt such & course Under the circumstances wo eau ouly appeal to the subscribers to bestir them-selves with a view to rescue the charity from the clique which at present mis manages its affairs Unless some active steps bo taken to induce a general io signatiou, wo may íest assured that, as Dr. BROMBY has pointed out, the institu-tion will suffer materially through the withdrawal of public support ________________________________________

Lord HARRIS’S letter to a friend in England, describing the unfortunate scene which took place on the Sydney Cricket-ground in February last, which was published in the London papers received by the mail, has created as much dissatisfaction in the Australian colonies as it appears to have done at home, though in a different way. The letter was written in the heat of the moment, when resentment was strong upon the writer’s mind, and, under these circumstances, the affair has been unduly magnified. It is not that the actual facts have been mis-represented. There undoubtedly was a disturbance, in which the English cricketers were disgracefully assailed. No one in Australia has attempted

either denial or extenuation. It is the tone of Lord HARRIS’S letter to which exception is taken. From the manner in winch he describes the occurrence, and dwells upon the indignity to which he and his friends were subjected, the impression is given that the disturbance reflected the feelings and prejudices of a community, instead of a small band of rowdies. That this is the case is shown

by the severe — we may say, un-generous — comments of the London press. The Daily Telegraph, for example, plainly accuses the Austialians of in-gratitude, discourtesy, and want of hospitality. Our cricketers are described as being good winners but bad losers, and as being treacherous in their conduct. The sporting newspapers, which seem to have been glad of an excuse for attacking Australian cricketers and Australian colonists, have descended to coarse abuse, which most Englishmen must have

been ashamed to read. Lord HARRIS has, of course, no sympathy with attacks such as these, but, at the same time, it was his manner of stating the case which appears to have excited


The assumption at home appears to be that the disturbance was the outward manifestation on the part of Aus-

tralins of a feeling of hostility or enmity against their visitors. To correct this impression we cannot do better than take the opportunity afforded by the departure of the Northumberland to recall the circumstances. These, we may say, were accurately described m the newspaper accounts transmitted to England at the time, but the

letter of Lord HARRIS has had an exciting effect upon the London press, and the true position of matters has not been grasped. The facts are that at a critical stage of the game, COULTHARD, the umpire brought by the English team from Melbourne, gave a decision which appeared to be doubtful to the spectators, against MURDOCK, a favourite New South Wales player, who was at the wickets at the time, and scoring rapidly. A cry of unfairness was raised in the pavilion, and then ensued the discreditable scene which formed the subject of Lord HARRIS’S complaint. But the disturbance was encouraged by only a small section of those on the ground. The attendance numbered over 10,000, and of this large number only a few hundreds sided with the ob-jectors. Those who were actively violent were fewer still, and they were kept in check by the better-

disposed of the crowd. Lord HARRIS and Mr HORNBY were struck at once or twice, but they sustained no injury, and they not only got back from the middle of the ground to the pavilion with scarcely a scratch, but conveyed with them as a prisoner the assailant of Lord HARRIS. It is, of course, scarcely necessary to point out that had there been anything like a widespread feeling against the Englishmen, they would never have been permitted to make the capture. That they were enabled to do so was owing to the ready help which they received. The moment violence was attempted there w as prompt and vigorous interposition. The Sydney Morning Herald, m its account of the affair, the accuracy of which has never been ques-tioned, states that “ a number of gentle-“ men from the pavilion and grand-“ stand (including the trustees of the “ ground and members of the Cricket “ Association) hurried to the assistance “ of the English team ” The English “ team were “ escorted into the pavilion, “ and Lord HARRIS’S assailant was “ locked up in one of the committee “ rooms.” The rowdyism was, in fact, limited to a few roughs, such as might be found amongst any Australian or English crowd, and was utterly discountenanced by 99 out of every 100 persons present. With regard to the umpire’s decision being first questioned from the pavilion, and the obtrusion of the betting element into the game, explanations have been given which put the matter in a diffeeent light from that in which Lord HARRIS seems to have seen it. The outcry cer-tandy did originate in the pavilion, but it came not from the occupants generally but from the betting men, a number of whom had been incautiously admitted to the privileges of membership, and their

adherents. This mistake has been rectified, the Association having caused the retirement from its ranks of all persons connected with betting pur-


We have gone through these details in order that the matter may be better understood at home, where a significance has been given to the incident which it by no means possesses. It was a momen-tary outburst, excited by a combination of circumstances which might never occur again, and it nowhere caused more indignation than in the colony in which it happened. The feeling was participated in by every colony of the Australian group, and the outrage was denounced in every place where the opinion of the community could find ex-pression. The English cricketers were regarded as the guests of Australia, and they were everywhere cordially wel-comed, as were the teams which had preceded them. Nowhere but in Sydney did the slightest unpleasantness arise, and none would have happened there but for the exciting nature of the contest and

the doubt which was raised as to the justice

of the umpire’s verdict at the turning point of the game. Half a dozen Eng-lish teams had made the tour of the Australian colonies before the advent of Lord HARRIS and his colleagues, and the record of each visit is the same. The representatives of English cricket were enthusiastically welcomed They were not grudged their victories, and they were subjected to no unfair practices either by their opponents or by the Australian public. Such was the treatment accorded to Lord HARRIS’S eleven except in one isolated and ex-ceptional case, and such we are sure will ever be the spirit in which visitors from the mother country, in whatever repre-sentative capacity they may come, will

be received. _________________________________

\estcidij was agreit day m connexion with the Coffee Tavern movement The Codeo lav em Company held its first kalf jcailj meeting, ind tho foundation »tono of the Collingwood Coíleo Palaco ind v\oikmg Mm a Clubhouse was Lud m Smith sheet by Mi MATTIII VI BUUNFTI

The îepoit submitted at the former t, Ltheimg nnj be considered satisfactory I wo suitable sites hive been secured foi bu&iiicsa pulposos, and wo may hopa sor uto lie ii that opct liions have been commenced One 13 in 1 lindéis street lmmediatelj weat of Km0 sheet, and tho othoi in Bmike street, just cist of Swanston sheet It will be aeon tint both are in nci.hbouihoods vvlieie people con0ii0ate- wluif libomeis, sailors, i\.c in one direction, ind miscellaneous ciovvds in the olliei-so tint tho expert ment will be conducted undoi fur con ditton». As to tho suitability of Hie position in Smith sheet, nothing need be slid It is ploxsmg to find that pi ichcal woik his bellin, md wo sincerely ti list tint good fortune maj ittend the efforts of the slnrcholdeiî both in Melbourne- ind Collingwood to benefit the misses on sound coniruercul pimciples It must be lcmcmbeied that theie is to bo notl mg savouiing of chanty ibout these institutions As tlio chiirmin of the company's meeting said on Thursdaj, " ^\ hilo it was their um to " lender i service to society, by provid " ing a counter attraction to the hotels, it "was not theu intention to add anotli i " to the already long list of chanties, " but to found commercial establish " ments for the supply of non intoxicating ' . refreshments it the lowest rémunéra " tue pnces ïho only way m which the well wishers of the labouring classes aie asked to issist is by taking share« Both the Melbourne company and the Collingwood association aio hampered ui then operations by the want of an ade-quate shire cipital, md gentlemen who can spire £100 or £200 might try these coflec tav cmsas in niv cstmont If wo may judge bj what has been done clsewhoro the} wiU piovo piying concerns, yielding handsome div ldends, but of course those who hive little do not like to risk it ona novcltj By ind bj o when then financial success has been demolishated, money will How in îeidily enough They only need the help of lai0e capitalists while ni the cqciimentil sti.e, and we would isle the well to do to um i little risk foi the Bil c of promoting i public good

After the temporary interruption on tua Port Darwin line communication was re stored yesterday The delaj we are in formed was caused bj the cable ship re piirir g a fault near Port Darwin and layiu» down a new shore end The fact that further reinforcements ire being despatched to Natal does not promise well for an early termination of the Zulu war 1 rince Lo banoff is to succeed Count Schouv aloft" al liusamn Ambassador in London tho Utter

probably being required at St Petersburg to

succeed the veteran Prince Gortschaltofl as chancellor A naval engagement has taken place off the Peruvian coast between two Chilian wooden war vessels and the ironclad frigate Independencia of 14 guns, which resulted in the sinking of all three vessels The Independencia was built at Poplar, Lon-don, in 1865 and had a stern constructed as a ram. Her armament consisted entirely of Armstrong guns : 12 70-pounders, of four tons each, on the main deck, and two pivot guns, weighing seven tons each, on the upper


The Derby race which wa3 run on the ] psom course on A\ ednesday last has been won by an outsider and the other placed horses Palmbearer and Visconti singularly enough have never been quoted in the betting so far as we are able to ascertain from our latest files Sir Bevys the winner ilthough entered in the name of Lord Norreys is owned bj Mr Acton and lins victor} m securing the blue riband of the turf furnishes nnother instance of the un> certainty attending horse racing Sir Bevys ran at the Ncwmarl et Tirst October Meeting in September last 3 ear, and won a Selling Ivace the stake m which was onlj worth £187 The colt ran second m the Ditch Mile Nursery Handicap at the Second October Meeting andwasunplacedmtheTvvo year old Stakes at New market and the lernhill Stakes

at Ascot

Major Smith delivered his long expected addreBS to his constituents at Ballarat hut evening and met with a hearty re ception The Mechanics Institute, where the meeting was held, was crowded to the doors and on the platform were a largo number of members of Parliament and several members of the Alelbourne league, who had been brought up by special tram Major Smith a speech occupied two hours and 20 minutes He replied to Mr Services charge of legislative incapacity by stating that the present Government had passed more practical legislation in one session than am previous Government had m two He admitted that the land tax had not realised the rev ernie expected from it but stated that it was the intention of the Government to ask Parliament to amend that measure m the right direction, ao that it would bring 111 the original amount expected The machinery of the tax would be improved and it would be made more progressive Referring to the Black Wednesday dismissals he claimed that although those dismissals were forced on the Government by the Legislative Council, they had resulted in a permanent sav ing of £C0 000 a j ear to the country while the public service was being more efli

ciently carried on now than it ever had been before Instead of the p-i- pie condemmnfe Black 'Wednesday, he je heved the great majority would desire to see one or two more of them Vi ith regard to the loan, he maintained that but for Mr Berry s presence in London tho price realised would not have been more than £9J 10s or £06 He then referred to the prouts made by the Associated Banks out of floating the loans, and stated that there was a growing belief that the Government ahonld consider the banking question generally ¡jj this colony A Royal commission would probably be appointed to inquire as to how the banks used the money which they 00 tuined from the Victorian public By an ingenious calculation Major Smith attempted to show that the Berry Government, during the two years they had been in ofhee, bad made savings which when capi-talised would amount to £2,164,8^0 He admitted his calculation would probably be looked upon as a grim joke of tho Major a, but nevertheless he had a portfolio full oE figures to maintain it when challenged Béfenme to the reform question, ne contended that the embassy had J>eea a real sncceBS, because Mr Berry had privately informed him before lea» ing for England that the utmost he ex pected to gat was a promise that wa Imperial ParUament would interféra ft««1

< the decision of the people of the colony «rua rgiveri on the subject of reform. Im con -elusion, he condemned Mr, Service's modifi-

cation of the Norwegian scheme (m re i gard to which ho omitted the proposed

increase in the number of electors for the Upper House), and called on tho people of the colony to support the Liberal party. Messrs Patterson, Longmore, Deakin, and others also spoke.

The special correspondent of the South Australian Regida comments in tho follow ing lonna upon the letters which havo ap-peared in The Times on the subject of the embassy, and which aro published in another column -"It muBt often be galling to the plenipotentiaries to read the logical and crushing exposures to which they aro e\ posed m the principal organs of opinion here, and to feel that their mock dignity shuts their mouths 'they should havo had a phalanx of pamphleteers and literary swords-men with them to parry these blows Hie men who make tho attempt are generally anonymous punejors of showy language They exhibit a certain acquainttncc with tho details of past skirmiBhing, m which we have not the slightest interest on this Bide, liut they can never state lucidlj and tcrselj, as Mr Haddon has done, the real issues of the conflict Mr Iladdon elicited one very fair rejoinder from a well known man, Mr George Baden powell Though evidently instigated bj strong sympathj with the embassy, it makes admissions which show that the ambassadors fear they have entered on a losing game It commends Mr Haddon for prominently re stating that in England sufficient attention is not paid to the fact that the " Opposition

in Victoria is a great and growing power, and that there is for the present, at all events,

every prospect of a proximate reversal of I partj Bitpremacj Nevertheless Mr Baden Powell considers that the ambassadors are engaged in a great and good work, which could not bo accomplished anywhere so well as at Downing street lor an advanced

Liberal he IIOB dev eloped an ama/nig conti ' dence in a deua curnadinia Buntem of Im

penal government Sir Michael Hicks Beach, I he thinks, has onlj to Bay a word, and the stonn will calm itself The correspondent

adds -"These communications from Mr ' Haddon cannot fail to bear good fruit m neutralising Mr Berry s misrepresentation of the situation in Victoria '

Persons entitled to vote for the Assemblj, and who arc not on cither tho ratepajing or the manhood suffrage roll, are again reminded that to secure a vote in the event of a gene ral election occurring this year, they must bo placed on either the supplementary manhood

suffrage or general roll, which will be made |

up after Mondaj next The registrars and their deputies have been directed to keep open their offices for the issue of electors rights from C o clock p m to 0 o clock p m to day and on Monday All information ug to the registration of electors maj be had, free of charge, at the office of the National Registration Society, 77 Collins street west, which office will be open on Saturday after noon, and on Monday also

Hie intercolonial eight oar rowing match, between crews representing >.evv South Wales and Victoria, to be rowed this afternoon on the u*ual champion course, Parramatta, has excited much interest among rowing men Notwithstanding that Kemp, No C m the Victorian crew, strained his back severely on Sundaj laBt, the Victorians are the moat fancied, and the latest bettnif. was 5 to 1 on them The race will stait punctually at 1 o clock this afternoon, and as only two steamers will be allowed to follow the race, the crews will hav c a fair field 1 he lion G flhoniton, M L C , will act as umpire, Mr GHI it/hardinge is the starter, and Mr 1Ï

A Clarke thojudj,e The Victorian crew will row ni the Otford blue, and their opponents in the Cambnd0c blue, as at the last eight oar race The crews are -New South Wales-W Cope, 10st , C Mod calle, lOst 101b , MKunsej, list Gib

J Arthur, list Gib W Analovv, list 101b, T. Strange, 13st A 1 inlajson, 13at and Lord (stroke), list 41b Victoria-I Booth, list, lib , T IT "Voting, 12st 51b , A\ Kemi), 12st Gib ,1V II Tuckett, 12st 21b , A loughnan, list Mb Pearson, Hat 21b , J L Irvine, list lib , and A R Tunbridge lost r)lb Oin Sjdncy telegrams inform us that the Victorians are still the favourites

In the Supreme Court jesterdaj, before the Chief Justice and junes of six, an action was tried of Ryland v Hi i tsclt The plaintiff and defendant are farmers residing near each other at Boroondara On the 10th Tebruurj last the plaintiff w as mending a hedge bound ing his ground, when the defendant came up Somo words pas°cd between them, and at last,according to tho plaintiffs statement, the defendant threw some load metal at lum, which bioke his jaw The defendant asserted that the plaintiff lirst began the quarrel bj throning portions of tho hedge on to his ground, that he (defendant) threw it back and that it was by an accident that tlie plaintifl was hit ihe jurj gave a verdict for the plaintiff, damages £2"> In the case of imith v Goulstone, an action for breach of promise of marriage, the plaintiff .withdrew the record Snart v Rmj was an action tried before Mr Justice Barry and a jury of six, in which the plaintifl, Robert Snart, sued the defendant, Michael King, for damages for slander, in stating that the de fendant had made a falso declaration relating to some land which he had selected in 1870 and that he would lag him for it lhe defen-dant denied having used the words, but also asserted that if he had used them they were true, inasmuch as the plaintiff had not made the improvements that he declared he lied ti lie jury gave a verdict for the plaintifl

damages £10 His Honour refused to certify for Supreme Court costs Louch % Ball, vv as an action to recover £40 for the use and occu pation of some premises at Benalla The defendant denied that he was a tenant of the plaintiff's, or had made any baigain to pay him rent The question was reserved for the lull Court as one of law, and, subject to it a verdict was recorded for the plaintifl for the amount claimed

A petition was presented to his Honour Mr. Justice Molesworth jesterday, by Mr De Verdon, on behalf of the English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered Bank, praying for the winding up of theProvincialandSuburban Bank The petition stated that there was a sum of £12,700 immediately due to the TJnglmli, Scottish, and Australian Chartered Bank, and there was also a contingent in debtedness of £1,900 It also set out the pro ceedings at the late meeting of shareholders, Btated that the l'rov incial and Suburban Bank had failed to meet its liabilities, and urged that it would be more advantageous to have a wind ing np under the order of the Court than a voluntary winding up by the shareholders DIB Honour accepted the petition, and ap pointed Thursday, the 19th June, as the day on which it should be heard, dnecting notice tobe given to the Provincial and Suburban Bank, and advertisements tobe inserted in tho newspapers, so that those interested might appear, and show cause why the prayer of the petition should not be granted

Inquiries are still being prosecuted under the direction of the Government as to the exact note >Bsue of the Provincial and Suburban Bank, in order to protect the re venue Some of the shareholders have made xepresentations to the Government with a view to measures being taken against the manager and directors, and it is understood that the Government will be guided in this matter to Borne extent by the action of the shareholders It is proposed to appoint three liquidators at the meeting of shareholders to ko held on the 9th prox There are four candidates for the office, viz, Messrs D Elder, G. Vallentine, W E Adcock, and R Mackay. The committee appointed at the Tecont meeting of shareholders have held Bev eral meetings daring the week They are examining thoroughly into the securities and affairs of the bank, with a view to having a «port ready on the 9th prox The proposed aiarudatton Is likely to prove an expensive

^ itnatter. The committee have already received

an account from Mesara Elder and Vallontïno for a sum of £141 for their Bcrviccs in ¡in-

vestigating the affairs of the bank. There is a strong feeling that all shareholders should personally attend the next meeting if pos-sible, and refrain m the meantime from giving proxies to any of the applicants for appoint-ment to the liquidatorship

A rumour was current on Thursday that

Mr Willis, of the Provincial and Suburban ' Bank, bid had a paralytic stroke It appears that he has been confined to his houae for a few days with rheumatic gout, but ia now


In the Land Tax Court yesterday, the hear-ing of tho appeal of the lion W Campbell against the placing of his estate of 10,350 acree, county of Rodney, m the third class, was concluded, and judgment was reserved 1 he ni peal of Thoa Robertson (estate 5 088 acres, counties of Bendigo and Rodney, placed m the first class) was next proceeded with, Mr A E Mooro appearing for the appellent

The commissioners reduced the estatoto the second class, but refused to allow costa Mr R W alsh conducted the proceedings for the Crown in both cases ïhe Court at its rising adjourned until next Wednesday morning, vv hen a number of rcserred judgments will bo

giv on

The hearing of the appeals from (lie recom-mendations of the special board on the Kerang land casca waa resumed yesterday, in the boaidroom of the Landa department by the Munster of Landa, the secretary of landa, and the assistant surveyor general Dr Madden continued his address for the appel 1 nits He contended that there had been no attempt at dummy ism, and affirmed that Mr Cormnik, in idvancin¿ money to the aelec tors had no intention or desire to obtain pos-session of their landa He then proceeded to review the different casca scualtm, and ha I not concluded his speech when the board ad-journed until W edneaday, at 10 o clock

At the ícquest of Mr Mason, M L A , the secretary of the Education department yes-terday promised to hive a portable school erected at Rock Cutting, near Drouin, on the Gipps Land railway line

Tenders wore opened yesterday for the election of tho Jung Tung railway station, and that of Messrs Pritchard and Blackwood, amounting to £303 19s lOd , waa accepted

Tendera have been called for ploughing the ground lying along the railway line between Birregurra and Geelong, with a view to sow-ing wattle aeed there The Colac Ha aid states that " the wattles nlanted between Colac and Birregurra aro doing spien* didly

In consequence of the Town hall being otherwise enga"ed thore will be no per-formance by the city orgamat this evening

An ordinary meeting of the City Couucil will take place on Monday afternoon, when the I manee Committee will recommend pay-ment of accoun's amounting to £2 712 0a Ihe other busmeaa to betrnnaacted includes the election of a member of the Market Com-mittee in the place of Alderman Aarona, resigned, and the consideration of a number of reports from comnutteea upon various sub-jects of ordinary importance

We have received Part IV of Volume 4 of the ViUonan Law Repot te This number eompktea the reporta for the year 1878 'Ihe delay m the publication of this number lina been occasioned principally by the neceaaity lo compile the index and digest of caaea

The annual general meeting of mci ibera of the Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society was held yesterday 'lhere waa a very large attendance, and among thoae preaeut were rej reaentativ es of the society from New South Wales, Queensland, and South Australia 'Ihe Rev Henry Plow Kane presided and in moving the adoption of the report, eongratu lated the members on the progresa that had been made by the society During the paat year they had lo regret the losa of one who had taken "reat interest in the society-Sir Maurice O Connell His place, however was now filled by the lion Joshua Peter Bell He concluded by moving the adoption of the ícport Mr 1 1 Beaver seconded it, and the motion waa carried 'Ihe election of directora waa then proceeded with, and resulted m the election of the Rev Henry l'Iovv K me, Meaara T V Beaver liainea Waite Dickaon, and Henry Byron Moore Mr Bhahl i aug geated that it would be well to conaider the desirability of altering the articlea of asaocia tion with the view of providing that one director shall retire every year, and not be eligible for re election Ihe lion J 1 Burna

of New South W ales, opposed the sugestión, na by that means the directorate mijit lose perhaps ita moat useful member

Messrs John M'Donald and Alex Galt were re electea uuditors, and it was resolved that their remuneration be 100 guineas each for the present year Ihe proceeding wore concluded with votea of thanka to the di rectoi a the chainr an, and the reprcaentativea of the 80ciety m the neighbouring coloniea

'the concluding Crown landa aale oí the week was held yeaterday at Meaara Byrne, A ale, and Co s rooma, Collina atreet eaat The land catalogued included town lota at Buny ip and Drouin, suburban lots at Bunyip, and country lot3 in the panahea of Warra-gul, Pakenham, and W annaeue Most of tho town lota at Bunyip and Pakenham were Bold, some realising a considerable advance on the Btartmg price Tor the suburban lota there waa little or no competition, only three being dispoaed of at the upset price, while the balance were passed in for want of an offer _ho country lots at Warragul found purcbaaera at an advance of about 50 per eent on the upaet price of £3 per acre, and of the others only one realised a tnile over the upaet The total proceeds amounted to


On account of the long and aevere lllneas of the Lady Superior of the Melbourne Sisters of Mercv, the usual bazaar m aid of St A inccnt de Paul s Orphanage, Emerald hill, will not be held this year, but an art union diavvmg will bo substituted matead The Chriatinn Brothers, who manage the boyB department of the orphanage, will undertake the work, and as the institu-tion ia one which has the beat wiahe3 of all claaaea and creeds m the community it is to be hoped their efforts will be successful

During next week one of the brothers will wait on some of the principal residents of tho city and Buburbä, in order to aecure prices for the draw ing

Mr George Lindsay Skinner, solicitor \.c , of 99 Coll na atreet weat, has been appointed a perpetual commissioner for taking ncknovv

ledgmenta of married women under the Transfer of Land Statute

Letters patent were granted by the Attor ney General yeaterday to Mr Charlea Brown, of Down atreet, Collingwood, foran mven tion of improv ementa in adv ertiam¿ and newa kioBks, in which the upper half is made separate from the lower, and so as to revolve automatically for any length of time lina upper half ia divided into glass panela, and being illuminated at night will prove an attractive medium for advertising Mr Waters conducted tho application Letters patent were also granted at the same time to Meaara Heath and Parris, of Fitzroy, for certain improvements in machinery for tenon ingand dovetailing Mr Rasche appeared for the applicants

i The stakes for the V C C Derby and Oaks

Stakes were paid over to the succesaful com-petitors at tho office of the club, Market buildings, yesterday The following aro the principal prire takers -Derby Stakes Mr W H Rocke, the vv inner with Rev olver, £70, Mr W J Clarke, the runner up with Carhst, £35, Mr Ritchie, £10 Oaks Stakes Mr W B Rounsevell, the winner with Roay 1 awn, £70, Mr C Pierce, the runner up with Polly Perkins, £35, Mr J M'Culloch, £20 Theae sums, with Bmaller prizes, mike up the pri/o money to £300 After the atakeB were paid, success to the club and the healths of the winners and losers were drunk The run off between the winners of the Derby and Oaks Stakes will be held at the West Bourke Plato meeting, to be held on the 19th June and fol-lowing days

It is generally believed that the major portion of the remainder of the 5,000 sove

reigns stolen from the s e Avoca is ajtlll concealed m the vicinity of the Tarwin Itiief,

and the discoveries made by Detective Edel eton, who returned from Waratah Bay j es terdaj, would tend to confirm that convie tion Detective Ldelaton, in the course of the inquiries which ho has been making in the district dunng the past few dajs has succeeded in collecting evidence of an ira portant character the nature of which can not however at the present stage bo made public The gun which W eiberc, waa known to havo concealed in the vicinity of the spot at which he was arrested was found in the scrub near \V aratah Baj It vv as loaded, and was at full cock Detectiv e I delston has also succeeded in discovering W ciberas rev oh cr Inslmte and a telescope the latter instrument having evidently been UBCd bj the fugitive to observe the shipping eomint. into W aratah Baj An examination of the locahtj frequented bj W eiberg during the time ho succeeded in ev admg re arrest re veals the fact that he must have been in constant dread of capture and that ho must have undergone considerable pri

vation and hardship Traces havo been found of primitive shelters constructed of trees and branches m which he had evi dentlj slept while one rude habitation made of sacks laid over branches and skilfullj concealed from observation was discovered which had apparently been used moro than the others as in it were found a number of coi íes of an Tindish illustrated journal and copies of the metropolitan daily newspapers of Tebruarj last One of the most important discoveries made by De tectivo Ldelston was a parcel of so ve reignB not however of ver j large amount which liad been planted in the scrub ni such a manner as to lead to the belief that the plunder has been divided into small portions and Becteted in various parts of the bush The search is still being continued bj the local police and probablj m the course of a few dajs further discoveries will be made Detective I delston brought to town with him the nile revolver and other proi ertj he had


Martin Weiberg was again brought up on remand at the City Police Court yester day but on this occasion he was ac-companied by James Pearce a hunter from Kings Island who is charged with being an accessory to the robbery of the 5 000 sovereigns from the s s Avoca in August 1877, after the fact. Weiberg was charged with stealing the sovereigns on the original warrant while the charge against Pearce was that he had feloniously harboured and maintained Weiberg knowing at the time that W eiberg had committed the felony in question On the application of Detective Mackaj who stated that witnesses had been sent for both from Galle and W aratah Bay both pnsoncrs were remauded for seven dajs As the witnesses from Gulle are believed to be coming in tho SB Tanjore which is not expected to reach Hobsons B ij until the 18th of June further remands until that date at anj rate will become neces


A case presenting features of a somewhat ui usual nature inasmuch as the prosecution arose out of the appropriation of some pro pert j which had been lost bj the owner carne before the Bench at the Citj lolice Court yesterdaj A joung man named 1 redende Manning was charged with stealing two hats the property of Miss ¡Margaret Corbett of Brighton She stated that about the 14th of Januarj last sho left Brighton for Melbourne intending, to take steamer for W arrnambool at the Australian W harf On entering the train she had with her a large tin box and a hat box con tammi, a brown straw hat and a bonnet valued m the aggregate at£l At the Hob son s Bay Station she took a cab to the wharf and it v as not until some hours after leaving Melbourncw henon boardthe steamer that she missed her hat box On reaching Warrnain bool she telegraphed the fact of the loss to her father but nothing was heard of the missing propertj until the 12th of May when Miss Corbetts sister saw a woman getting into the tram at Brighton at the Bay street station wearmj, the miBSing hat Mr Corbett who was with her at the time waited until the train arrived at Hobsons Bay and then questioned the woman as to where she had obtained it Hie wearer said that her hus band had given it to her and tint he was then in the hospital suffering f rum a gunshot w ound in the leg Mr Corbett subso piontly v isited the accused in the hosi ital ward and he at first denied having found the hat but said he had bou_,ht the one he gave to his wife at a store up countrj Hie next morning however he received a letter from Manning m which he expressed his regret for not having said at once where he got the hat and stating that he had picked it up wrapped in a news paper in St Kilda some time at the end of January last Ho had given it to his wife w ithout telling her that he had foun 1 it but he had no intention of stealing it It tran spired during the hearing of the case that the feather out of the bonnet which was lost at the same time had been pawned by Mrs Manning for 3s Mr Kane who appeared for'the defence on finding thut the Bench did not intend to discharge the prisoner against whom he contended there was no case refused to allow the matter to be dealt with summanlj and the evidence having been gone into de novo and taken down as depositions the accused was committed for


The Government analyst has furnished a report to the Government on some articles submitted to his examination in connexion with the Monk inqniry. He states that the bullet removed from Monks saddle is marked at the broad end as though it had been more than once struck by some hard instrument haviang a netted surface such as the face of some hammers. "The hole in Monk's saddle when examined by a magí-fying glass Mr Johnson says. "appears to have been cut by a sharp instrument about half way round and afterwards en-larged by a blunt instrument, as the re-mainder of the edge is more or less ragged. The hole is also much larger than the hole made by a shot in the saddle marked 'A' be longing to the police as well as differing from it in character. The flap remains over the hole in Monk's saddle and does not offer any appearance of indentation in its centre, as I should have expected to find if the hole was made by a shot. Round the hole in Monks saddle I scraped off a little black powder, which was all alkaline to test paper, gave a precipitate of chloride of burmm, and forms numerous crystals with tartaric acid, proving the presence of sulphur in a condition precisely símilar to that produced by the ex-plosion of gunpowder."

A sudden death occurred j estcrdaj morn ing On lueBday last an aged inmate of the Benevolent Asjluin named Schloteski left the institution on leave for the purpose of passing the Jewish holidays (to which per suasion he belonged) with his friends He 6tayed at rd ward Dojles Coopers Arms Hotel Stephen street and although ho was known to bo unwell it was not supposed that an j thing seriotiB wa3 the matter with lum Yesterday morning however he was found to be in a djmg condition and although at once put into a cab and taken to the Melbourne Hospital he expired before he reached that institution An inquest will be held upon the remains

An interesting cereinonj in connexion w ith the Independent Order of Oddfellows took place at the Oddfellows hall, Victoria street, on Thursday evening, when the degree «t Rebekah was conferred on a number of ladies Ibis is an extra degree of the order, msti

tutcd by the late Vice president Colfax of America as a means of mcludmg the wives of the members in the organisation with the view of Oddfellows rendorme, them assistance in times of need or when travel ling if thej made known their claims in the manner set forth in the degree Twenty four ladies carno up to be initiated in the injste ties of the degree, which was conferred by the groud secretary, J H B, Curtis, assisted

by P O M Gane, as deputy-degree master

P G Collu, as conductor, and G M Judge, as warden, POM'« Kidston, Batchcldor, and Wright also assisting m the arrange mente. About 150 Oddfellows were present, and at the conclusion of the ceremony au ad joumvnent was made to the Horticultural

hall adjoining where the company and a number of their friend- indulged m a pleasant evenings dancing

Meetings of local manufacturera and in tending exhibitors generally will be held hy tho manufacturers committee of tho Mel

bourne International 1 xlubition in several leading Buburba during the coming weel

Ihe first meeting will bo held in the Colling wood Court house on W cdncäday cv enmg, at 8 o clock manufacturera from the contiguous diatricta of Titi-roy and Northcote being in vitcd to participate as the committee find the time too limited to permit of each being visited separately Tho mayor of Colling wood w ill preaide On the following night a meeting for tho manufacturera of Sandridge and I merald hill will be held in the council chamber of the latter town and onTriday night the adjourned meeting of Richmond manufacturers will be held in the local town hall at half past 7 o clocl I urther particu lars appear in another column

An lntercatmg picture ia on view in the window of Mr Glen, the musicseller It represents the Nelson before that grand specimen of naval architecture was ruth lessly cut down for the Bake of furnishing emi loy ment to some of Mr Clarks con stituents at Williamstown and she ia de picted aa 8he appeared m company with the Hy ing squadron when it went through ita cv olutiona in Hobson a Bay The artist Mr Jimea Robertson has painted the picture from original sketches, which he made at the time from one of the boats of the Cer berus and the work ia oi e which mdepen dently of its uitrinBic merita, possesses an historical interest on account of the event it portrayB and as preserving tho original aspect of the noble vessel which has since undergone auch a deforming mutilation

During the gale of _ huraday night and ye3 terday morning a large gum tree was blown down on the railway line on this side of Gordons -ho obstruction wa8 diacovered and removed before the morning train passed

A demonstration in favour of carry ing out the excellent Bchcme of harbour improve menta proposed by Sir John Coode is (says the II ai > nambool Slandai I) about to be made by the W arrnambool Borough Council

They propose sending a deputation on the subject to Melbourne , but beforo doing so they will solicit the co operation of the W orr nambool Shire Council, the koroit Borough Council, and tho Vilhera and Heytesbury Agricultural Association They have there fore resolved to invite thoao bodiea to meet on 1 nday the 0th June, when measures will be concerted

The Daylesfoid Mercwa saya, "In nothuij, does the conduct of our rulera contraat more unfavourably with that of public men m the mother country than in the treatment which the Opposition press has experienced from the Ministry lo do Mr Berry justice, w e think him hardly capable of abusing the power which accident has placed in Ins banda to the aame extent aa tho Acting Chief Secretary Sir Bryan O Loghlen to borrow the slang of the ring has indeed been handled without gloves by Ihe Aijus and the lelcgraph, but even those who were inclined to be lenient to him aa a member of a learned profeaaion and a man who by hirth and training should have the inatiiicta of i gentleman muat abandon him to bia euemiea

The handing to the Ajcoiñy of the report of Mr Panton P M on the Monk case ia the latest case of Government tip to that newspaper Although the document waa public property, and procured it the cost of the Treasury, the information waa kept back from the two other Melbourne journals to increase the sale of the Ministerial one 'the act waa almost aa direct a bribe ns if money from the Treaaury had been given to the pro pnetor of the Ajc Men like Su Bryan OLoQhlen are impossible m tho mothei country, because neither aide in the House of Commons vv ould tolerate them fora moment

Ihe Oieiw and Muna/ Adoeilii i 3tutea that when the deciaion of the 1 \ecutive Council that the aentence of death pasaed on 1 homna Hogan at the laat Beechw oi th aaai/ea ahould be carried out waa communicated to the wretched criminal he aaid nothing but assumed the same stolid indifference to Ina aurroundmga which he has ever displayed aince Ina trial 1 he Rev 1 ather O Connor a minister of the Roman Catholic Church, waa in attendance on lum immediately afterw irda to offer him spiritual consolation and en deavour to bring his mind into a Gtatatoof repentance and prepare lum to meet the awful doom which awaits him with aome de tree of compoaure

' At the Central Criminal Court Sydney on Tucaday Thomaa Maguire a respectable looking man waa, aajs the Sydney Moin >i 11 lei aid ' charged with hav mg murdered Sarah Maguire his wife It was alleged that they lived m Prince atreet and had been quarrelling and that Mrs Maguire ran in a fiieplace to protect herself fiom her hua band s v lolenco She would not leav e it and her husband placed a piece of lighted paper to her clothes which set them on fire and eventually caused her death Hie prisoner was partially under the mlluence of liquor at the time His son waa the principal vvitneBB against him and he appeared so much moved by the remembrance of Ina mother a dreadful death that it waa with great difficulty he narrated the facts of the caac Mr W ant appeared for tho defence and contended that the prisoner intended merely to frith ten his wife, and never con tempi ited killing her Hie jury found the prisoner guilty of manslaughtei Ho waa sentenced to two years’ imprisonment. ____________________________________

On the subject of Lord Harris’ recently published letter, the Sydney Morning Herald remarks :— “ Lord Harris has certainly made the most of the disturbance which took place during the last match with his eleven and the eleven of New South Wales. His letter on the subject is the utterance not of his wisdom, but of his passion ; and though perhaps not materially incorrect so far as it relates to the main facts of the case, it certainly fails to give more than one side of those facts. Lord Harris writes like a man who is not sorry that he has found a quarrel has been thrust upon him ; and he spares no pains to make the worst of the affair which has given every-body so much regret. He takes care to re-member the courtesy which was due to him and his men as our guests, but he evidently forgets that there was any call for courtesy on the other side. That the affray was most discreditable to those who started it, and kept it up, we freely admitted at the time. The conduct of the mob and of the few betting men who for the most part got up the excite-ment in the pavilion waa condemned, not only by the press but by the bulk of the community.” The Herald also points out that on the 10th February Lord Harris as-sured a deputation who waited on him in Sydney that he did not for a moment sup-pose that the cricket association or the cricketers of the metropolis were at all to blame for what had occurred, while in his letter, which is dated the 11th February, he severely censures the association in connexion with the matter. The journal regrets “ the want of straightforwardness which seems to characterise all this.” ______________________________________

Mr Lingard s benefit at the Theatre Royal last night attracted a moderately well filled house, for whose entertainment a diversified bill had been prepared A petite drama a series of sketches and impersonations, a two act comedy, a farce, and the last act of " Our Boys, ' eonstituted as good a programme aa could he desired while it also aerved to exhibitthe v oraatihty of the benefician e This was more especially shown in the monologue in which Mr Lingard Bucceasf ally and sue

cesan ely sustained the characters of a mill I tary officer, "full of strange oaths, and bearded Uko a nard. of a blooming widow.

"fat fair, and forty, of a Frenchman, with a fanatical passion for. vocal music, of a lady on the look out for au eligible partner in life at a masked ball, and of a muddle headed old gentleman who gets up to make an after dinner speech and straightway loses himself m a wilderness of irrelevant and in coherent verbiage. Lach of the changes was rapidly made and each of the person ages represented was clev erly discriminated These character sketches were followed by half a dozen living photographs of famous peoi le vv lth Borne of whom-as for example, the Rev Ifenrj W ard Beecher President llajefl and General Grant-the majority of the audience were unfamiliar Tho counter feit presentment of tlie late G V Brooke was warmly applauded and that of the Prince of Wales which was very vi a sen liable was received v lth still greater fav our In the sparkling comedy of Naval Euga"c menta and in the mirth mov mg farce of

Peter White Mr and Mrs Lingard were seen and heard to the utmost advantage and the enjojment of the audience expressed itself in peals of laughter and the heartiest of plaudits Of Our Boj a it is unnecessary to speak Mrs Lingard will bo permanently associated m the minds of Melbourne plas

goers with the part of Mary Melrose and when i eoi le think of her husband a vision of the divertmglj vulgar cheesemonger will bo

certain to rise before them

Hie management of the Opera house has been compelled in consequence of the illness ofSignor laladim to reproduce 'Carmen

which has been proved bj along way to be the most successful opera of the season It is one of the mjstenes of management to get at the reason whj it was taken oil in the full tide of Buccess Carmen was per formed last night before an audience greatly in excess of the number vv Inch w ltnessed the pro duction of 1 aust on the preceding evening and there can belittle doubt that if it be left to run its own career there is a vost amount of public curiosity as jet unsatisfied about it which should be good for business The cast last night was the same as usual and the effect as smooth as ever-even better than ever to those who have become familiar with tlie work for there is nothing which has been produced of late j ears which so grows in favour upon acquaintance as this opera of Bidets Carmen will be played awaiti to night

Mr Rignold as Henrj V Btill continues to draw large audiences at the Princess si lieatre TI is spectacular piece has evidently caught the public taste

lhere was again a large attendance at St Georges nail last night when the amusing

Rainbow Revels was given for the last time by the Stewart faunlj This evening will be performed for the first time m Mel bourne a burlesque entertainment entitled

If or An Old Gem Reset by Mr Garnet Walch ThiB clever family work so well together and are so perfect in all they under take tliut they havo deservedly secured tho public fav our

ii his evening Mr G S Titheradgo vv ill ap pear at the Academy of Music as David G irrick in the plaj of that name Mr Titheradge has made this representation one of his greatest successes and on more than one occasion during his stay in India it was selected bj the A iceroy of India to be plaj ed on a command nifeht

Hie chief concert event of this jear will take place to night at the Town hall tho occasion being for the benefit of Miss Al co Rees the young lady whose musical talent is likely to rellcct credit on this her native country The particulars of the concert will be found m another column

1 he success that attended the Moore Celo bration has induced Mr W It Turlong the musical director to arrange to roi eat with the same artists the programme that was performed at the lown hall last W eduesdaj

The performance will tal o place at the

| Athen turn hall on Juno 9

Hie I j nch I amily of Bellringers and troupe leave Melbourne this morning ou a tour through Sojth and West Australia I ho companj proceed overland to Port Augusta and from thence take steamer to Pei th

W c liav e rfccu ed 5a from I II for Dr Su tleton in aid of the coffee rooms ho pur 1 oses oi eniii0 in the city

We have received the followin" sums on behttlf of the \ ictorian Ladie3 \\ ork Vs30 ciation -Messrs Cameron £2 2s the MisseB Macdonnell £1 Mrs W idsworth 10s Mrs W Offcer. 10s. Mrs T B Law renee 103 Ihe depot at 2J Collins street east is now open for the reception of work

Xhehon treasurer of the Dean of Melbourne Testimonial ruud acknowledges the follow subscriptions -I Catto £_2s Mrs Catto £2 2s I rancis Henty £J 5s V W Uther S dnej ti Is Hickman Molesworth £1 Rev J Freeman 10s T Anstin £1 "vi m J I His £1 1B pei Mr Cornelius Johnson Woodend lrs

The bon treasurer of the Ernest Ifutchseon rund acknowledges the follow ing a Iditional donations - Judfco î\olan £2 2s Professor Andrew ii (annual) Mrs David Moore, £1 1 rienda £1 3s

We havo received Messrs Sands and M Dougall s Pocket Diarj for June

We are desired to mention that the Gis borne coursing meeting has been postponed

until the 0th lune

Hie usual weeltlj Peoples Concert will be piv cn in the Temperance hall Russell street this evening

A bazaar m aid of the Last Melbourne Congregational Chinch will be opened on Monday afternoon m the schoolroom behind the church

In tho report of the meeting of the Coffee Taverns Company held on Ihursdaj the name of Mr \\ ilham M Loan was omitted from the list of the new board of directors

1 he first anniversary of the opening of the Carlton Mechanics Literarj Institute and I ree I ending room v ill be celcbt vted bj a concert and social gathering in the C irlton Hall on Tuesdaj evening next

Anniversa-y sermons will be preached to morrow m the Weslejan Church at Bala clava m tho morning bj the Rev W II 1 itcliett L V and in the evening bj the Rev Jas W Crisp Plie tea/ and annual meeting is to be held on tuesday evening

1 he usual half j earl j meeting of tho share

holders of the 1 ourtli "v letona Permanent 1 ropertj Building and Investment Society took place at the offices 111 hzabeth street j esterday afternoon 1 he abstract of receipts and paj ments for the half j ear ending 23rd April was reeeived and adopted

A musical and elecutionaij entertainment is to be given m thelemi er mee hall RusaoU street on the night of Monday 'lth June for the benefit of Mastei William Hogg who Ins lost his right arm by an accident in the machine« at Messrs 1 ergusson and Mitchell s establishment

A reception meeting lo Mr Matthew Bur nett is to be held m the Hotham Town hall

this evening to inaugurate the work upon which Mr Burnett is entering in that suburb All the local ministers of religion and the membeis of Parliament for the dis

tncthavo I eon invited to take part and brief addiesscs aro tobe given bj representatives from ench of the temperance societies by whom the meeting has been arranged The muted choirs led by Mr C Hill will give suitable selections of music Mr Burnet will deliver an address and inform the audi euee of his plan of operations for the month His worship the mayor (Councillor Rejnolds)

will take the chair at S o clock Mr Burnett will speak tomorrow evening in the North Melbourne W csloyan Church at 7 o clock

On lhursdny evening last the members and friends of the Kensington Cricket Club Bat down to dninei at the Newmarket Hotel Hie annual report and balance sheet showed the club to have passed through the season satisfactory j, and to be now in a good posi

tion financially The presentation of prises wnB next proceeded with as follows -Mr H Quarrj s prize a bat for the highest indi

vidual scorer first eleven to A 1 Bra¡*ge , Mr D W Dawson s pn/e a gold medal, for best average batsman second eleven to J V heller Sir I BlanBhard s prize a bat foi highest lhdiv rdual scorer second eleven to J W heller club s prize a gold medal for best average batsman firsteleven, to A F Braggo

Mr Durham s pnzo a ball foi the best averago bowler first eleven to. G Hoxter

Mr J W hellers prize a ball for tho best average bowler second eleven, to J William^ son _____________-«.-?-,