Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Thursday 18 October 1877, page 4

The Argus


'* I am In the place where I ara demanded of conscience

to ppeak the tniUi, and, therefore, the truth I speak, I m pu «n It wheeo Met**


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The time of the Assembly was wholly taken np yesterday in diaouaaing the ex-traordinary report agreed to by the Elections arid Qualifications Committee, declaring the "election for Bodney to " be wholly void." It appears that the majority of this accompliahed body was in such a hurry to complete the sacrifice on which it had determined, that ita members could not prevail upon them-selves to take time to draw up an intelli-gible deliverance. No sooner had the document been presented than the Speaker stated that, owing to the form adopted, he must ask the House to guide him in coming to a conclusion as to whether ho was to consider both seats for the district in question vacant or only one. This, no doubt, ia in itself a Email point, but we think that when a decision was arrived at, care might havo been taken to confine the injustice it involved to the single member it was intended to affect. We can understand, however, that the gentlemen responsible for this most unrighteous verdict were anxious to get rid of the unclean thiag with as much speed as possible, and therefore we cannot wonder at any technical mistake or absurdity into which they were hurried.

Mr. Kerfukd, taking it for granted that there was a motion to lay the report on tho table, moved as an amend-

ment :

"That inaemnoa as the Committee o! Elections and Qualifications have reported in the matter of the petition against the return ol the Hon. D. Gillies for Rodney, that the petition had failed to prove that Mr. Gillies was guilty of bribery or undue influence, either by himself or bia agenta, during the late election for Bodney, bat, nevertheless, on a ground wholly irrelevant, declared the election to be wholly void, tbia House resolves that auch report be referred back to the committee for reconsidera-


The bon. gentleman, in the course of his remarks, went over a good deal of the ground we-eccupied yesterday. He showed that, in accordance with pre cedents, petitions should contain specific allegations, and argued that election committees must confine themselves to the offences charged. It is very evident that the particular committee with which this colony is at present bleased did not consider itaelf bound by this reasonable rule. Mr. Gillies was accused by Mr. Shackell of using undue influence by himself, his agents, or other persons on his behalf (which phrase, according to the canoDB of interpretation, is only another way of putting " authorised "agents"), and on this charge he was fully acquitted. But the majority of the committee was not to be baulked of its prey by such a paltry fact as this. Mr. Gillies had to be turned out, and if the terms of the petition afforded no good grounds for unseating him, something must be im-ported into the case in order to give the neceEEary excuse. Mr. Lalok men-tioned as a reason for the judgment, that

tioiied as a reason for the judgment, that although tho evidence went to show that Mr. Gillils waa ignorant of the exer-tions stated to have been made on his behalf by indiscreet subordinates, he ought to have known what was going on. Some authority, he stated, was submitted to the committee to show that if a man was in a position to know what waa being done on his behalf, or if it could be said that it was his duty to inform himeelf on the point, he must be held responsible. This may be admitted in a general way, but we submit that although Mr. Gillies waB undoubtedly in a position to ascertain what wa3 going on in his department, it is not to be supposed that he was required to go out of his way to do ao, unless Bomothirjg occurred to arouse his suspicion, or that he was under aDy obligation to make special in-quiries as to the issue of leases when he had every reason to suppose that the work of hÎB office was going on in the ordinary way. But if the argument is worth anything, it only goea to prove that the verdict is entirely wrong, for if the late Minister of Lands ought to have been aware of what was taking place, then he must be held to have

had a constructive knowledge of the way in which the Issue of leases to the electors of Rodney was being expedited, which in itself would be sufficient to establish agency. WLen Mi. Lalor next undertakes to defend his conduct in this matter, wo would recommend him to consider before-hand the effect of any statement ho may

intend to make.

But the ingenuity of tbo majority waa not exhausted by the discovery of a mlo which, aa we have shown, it care, fully ignored in itB report. Things wera petting serious, when, as it appears, Mr. Jeremiah Dwyer entered fully into the possession of an idea. What motive prompted thisgentleman to under-take the labour of gettingit into his head we cannot undertake to say. It may have been tho novelty of the operation, or it may have been something else, but tho anxiety ho displayed last night to explain all about it leads us to conclude that he suffers from an uneasy feeling that it never ought lo have been there. Having been enabled by a providential interposition to discover that the statu-tory enactment dealing with election peti-tions would not serve his purpose, ho fell back in a moment of inspiration upon the common law. Fortune or come friend brought a little book called Clerks Law and Fraclice of Elections and Qualifications Committees under his notice, and therein ho discovered a para-graph on " general corruption," which compelled him reluctantly-Oh ! ao re luctantly-to pronounce againat his dear fiierid, tho late member for Bodney. But finding a paragraph and understand-ing it are two different operations. Any dispassionate person, wo think, reading this authority will admit that the sort of

" corruption" therein alluded to as abso-lutely vitiating an election consista of tu cb acts as would interfere with the

personal freedom of electora in recording Iheir votcB, to wit, " a rush," intimida-tion by a mob, <fec. There ia no pre-tence, however, that there waa anything of tho sort at the Rodney election, therefore it appears to us that the common law dues not help the com-mittee in the slightest degree. In fact, the bon. members who carried this re-port will have great difficulty in per-suading the public that tho reaort te common iaw waa not a mero pretence to give some sort of justification to a fore-gone conclusion.

The debate, as was to be expected, led to no immediato result, but wa do not think that the time spent over it was wasted. The law saya that the decision of an Elections and Qualifica-tions Committee shall bo final, and the House, under the circumstances, would have done wrong to interfere with the verdict. But tho evidence afforded of what such committees are capable cannot have been without its effect on hon. members, and we shall be very much surprised if some other tribunal be not epeedily created for the trial of all matters appertaining to disputed elections. Mr. Service's re-marks will not soon be forgotten. " I believe," said the hon. member foi Maldon, " the decision to be utter y " wrong, opposed to all law, an outrage " on common eenee, and a violation of " all principle which should guide " members in coming to a deciaion of a " judicial character." Mr. Muneo did not believe that seven other men could be found in the House who would arrive at a similar conclusion,whileMr.MACKAT described thereport as ' 'an outrage on com "mon seDse and ordinary propriety." A great deal of noneenso waa spoken about the rights of the constituencies, and the "higher law" which concerns the purity of election, but how can the righta of the people be conserved by the infliction of wrongs on their representatives, and how can purity of election be promoted by the perpetration of the foulest injus-tice 1 The only consolation wo can offer Mr. Gillies under what is very near akin to persecution, is the thought that his misfortune may lead to a better state of things.

In Tlie Day Dreams of a Sleepless ¿Ian, by Mr. F. I. Scudamore, an in-teresting and instructive account íb given of what is being done by a number of patriotic moD, throughout tho length and breadth of France, to make the soil which is left to her compensate by its increased productiveness foi that which has been lost They perceive that agriculture is the greatest, most pre-cious, and most durable of the pro-ductive forces of the nation ; that it is by the industry and thrift of its huBbaud men it has been enabled to emerge with bo little injury from the terrible criais of 1870-1 ; and that its future pros-perity must largely depend upon tha more successful, because moro intensive,

cultivation of the soil. Hence the

supreme importance which every lover of his country attaches to agricultural instruction, as part and parcel of tha general system of education. Mr. Scuda-more tells ua that there are 28,000 primary and normal schools in France, and that to each of these a garden ia attached, in which, under the care of the master, a knowledge of the first principles of agriculture and horti-culture is imparted to the pupils ; while it has been recently de-cided by the Minister of Public Instruction that no one shall be ap-pointed master of a primary school unless he ia qualified to teach boys and girls the proceeeea of culture and the pheno-mena of plant-life. "While the little " British Corydon ia scratching his head " in despair as he 'strictly meditates' on " the date at which the potato waa in " trodnced into England, le jeune Alexis " of France is shown the soil which best

" suits that widely travelled tuber, and " íb made to preparo it for planting, to " plant it, to free it from weeds, to waga " war againBt the grubs who would " assail it, and finally to observa

"and record in his little cahier " the results which have followed from " the selection of a special soil, or tha " application of a new manure, or the " variation of the time of planting." And into thia sort of schooling, at onca bo valuable and bo interesting, we may be certain that the pupils entei wita the utmost zest. It ia education in the best sense of the word. It edwes the latent faculties of their minds. It ac cuBtoms them to observe, reflect, compare, deduce, foresee, remember, and record. The difference between book learning and object lessons may bo illustrated by a reference to the employment of colour for decorative purposes in architecture. A man may study the beat treatises

on the subject, both in relation to theory and practice, hut he will ia the end comprehend lesa of both than he will learn by a fow Lourß' careful investigation of the excmi

site decorations of the court of tho Alhambra in the Crystal Palace, at Sydenham, with ita lovely fantasies of melodious colouring, resembling "the ' brightening of a rainbow growing to ita " perfect glory." And so with the more homely Eubjects of planting cabbages and growing potatoes. The boy ot girl who haB prepared the ground, sown tha seed, or dibbled in "the eye," has watched the growth of the plant, has ascertained its natural enemies, aud has observed tho influence upon it of light'and heat, and of cold and moisture, is much better informed than the lad who could pass an examination in the article " cabbage" or "potato," aB defined in an encyclopedia. The young husband-man ia owner of a stock of ideas on the subject which will bo always available in after-life, whereas the more scholarly boy is merely master of a certain amouat of acquired information which will pro-bably fade out of his mind before he i»

many years older.

"The little French peasant," writes Mr. ScüDAMOKE, "carries the habits of " his école pi maire back to hia paronta' " cottage, and playB for their benefit tha " part which he has rehearsed atachool. " Hence it is that while the ambition of " an English cottager, with a liberal " allotment of garden ground, soars no " higher in summer than the scarlet ' ruriner, and in winter ia content to " creep along the ground with collards " and Scotch kale, the garden of the " French peasant ia made to produce " from season to season a variety of " vegetables fit foi a rich man's table.

But the French schoolboy and sohool girl are taught something moro thau

horticulture. The management of booB, the rearing of poultry, and the cultiva-tion of sugar producing roots likewise enter into the course of inatruction com-municated in the primary school? ; and .periodical examinations are held for tha double purpose of testing the progress of the scholars and the capacity of tho j0>, teachers. These things will help to 1 .-explain tho immense productiveness /»«' of bo many branches of French

ff agricultural industry, and why, after ! '/providing for thoii own wanta, the

French people can spate ovory year jutter of the value of two millions * Bterling, and eggs of tho value of

,£1,400,000 for exportation to the United Kingdom alono.

There ia ono other point to which we anay direct attention in connexion with the training of the young, and that is, .that French boya have been induced to leapect birds' nests, to protect birds' .eggs, and to devote their onergios to 'the destruction of insects noxious to vegetation; although the latter is a task which migbt be much more safely left to insectivorous birds, if the latter .were safe from the fowling-piocea of *' sportsmen " in that country. Societies for the preservation of birds''nests have been formed in many of tho rural dis-tricts, in which the Behool children are enrolled, and thus

" The winged wardens of onr farms,

* Who from the corn, fields drive the insidious


And from onr harvest keep a hundred


are placed under the protection of tho young, who soon learn to recognise them ? aa their future allies, instead of wantonly - deBtroyiDg them aa natural enemies.

?"They ordor this mattei bettet in '"France," said Sterne, apro]>os of nothing in particular; but the remark ia quite applicable to primary education in


Sir John O'shanassy-although pro ? ïmbly without intending It-made a good point In favour of the Education Act towards the close of bia speech on Tues-day evoning in the Assembly, whon ho askod the following queations :

" Looking forward to tho fatare of these - colonies, he would ask, what possible bond conld there be if, on a subject of this kind, there were divisions among them ? Ought it 'Hot to tie their earnest deBire to pall togothor

sa far rta possible-to merge their politics! ?differences, and to unite together for the common good ? Divisions and disagreements on a subject of this kind would go far to re 'taid the general progress."

'Our state-school system has for its object to do away with these "divisions," to «nable raen and women of all religious denominations "to pull together as far " SB possible," by bringing them into close and friendly relations while they -are young, and by abolishing in the .schoolroom those "divisions and dls " agreements " which necessarily grow lip under a denominational system of pubEo instruction. That system would -merely perpetuate the discords and con-troversies which have been productivo of such infinite mischief and bloodshed in tho old world, where the animosities of creed have been far more bitter and -venomous than those of race. When the ?Protestant and Roman Catholic child alt

sido by Bide on the same form, learn from the same books, and are associated in the same playground, thero ia every probability of their aervlceable co-opera-tion in after life. Neither will think of -the "Papistry" or the "hereay" of the otlior. Thoy will have learned to like and respect each other upon personal grounds, altogether apart from theological beliefs, and will exhibit mutual considera-tion for religioua convictlona which are toneatly entertained ; and thone con-victions will bo most influential for good, and will command the greatest homage, which are found to bear the choicest fruit in the shape of an upright and beneficial life. Our Education Act ia founded upon ?tho Tory principle eulogised by Sir John O'shanassy, Its aim ia to "units " together" citizens of all creeda "for tho "common good," by instituting that union in the schoolroom ; and it excludes Toligloua teaching, because experience has shown that this unhappily promotes dis-union, and splits up society Into hoBtlle


There la a general agreement as to the importance of the Riverine trade to "Vic-toria, but the intimate connexion which exista between the well-being o£ that ter-ritory and our own proBperity ia fully 'realised by the few rather than tho .many. Instruction on this point may bo gained from what la now taking placo on the Echuca railway. It will doubtlesa bo remembered that at about this time last year complainta of the inadequacy of the Tolling-stock wero constant and bitter. Tilla yoar, whon, owing to the extension of the línea, an aggravation of tho grievance might naturally havo been looked for, nothing is heard of It. What la the reason ? Not any material aug-

mentation of the rolling-stock, for that I ia yet to come ; nor yet the restloss energy of tho new Minister. Tho aimplo fact ia that the.traffic on this par-ticular line, which is at its maximum during tho wool aoason, has sorlously fallen ofl'. LaBt year it waB an every-day

occurrence to boo 200 or 300 trucks stand- j ing loaded at one timo on the Echuca -wharf, while this year the numbor has Jiover exceeded 30. The traffic, lot it bo underatood, haa not been dherted into other channola, though recont legislation has had a discouraging tendency-it has simply waned. Tho causo ia to bo found in tho drought which has so sovoroly tried tho station-holders on tho othor aido of the

Murray. _ Tho untoward aeason haa operated in a twofold manner. In tho hrat placo, by reducing tho flocks and interrupting tho navigation of tho rivera it haa diminished the quantity of wool despatched to Molbourno, as shown by tho fact that during tho month of Sop

tembor the numbor of baloa forwarded j -waa Iosb by 4,000 than tho numbor sont down during tho corresponding month of 1870. But this only partially accounts ior tho falling off in the traille. Othor circumstances como into account. Tho difficultiea which tho drought ha3 brought upon tho squattera haa ob-liged them to auspond or forogo the

improvement of their stations, and the » material winch they are accustomed to re / ¡^eive has not beon ordered. Our railway ç^taaflîc accordingly declinoa, and our re ; *&rùcnB at the end of the year may bo ox

"* pectod tooxhibitacorreapondlngdecroaso.

Sot, all that Victoria has done to en-courage and stimulate the trado has been tho imposition of a vexatious stock tax. Thus, while wo should do our outmost to draw Riverina noaror to us, ?wo are apparently endeavouring to keep her at arm a length.

When events of emoh Importance are trans-piring in Europe, tho prolonged interruption of the overland telegraph line natural!; cnnBOH impatience. The break, as previomly Stated, is somewhere north of Alice Springs, about half-way between Adelaide and Port Darwin, We have no information as to the precise locality of the fault, bat as the next stage, Barrow's Creek, ia 171 miles distant bom Alice Springs, the repairing parties, Who, according to practice, start aimai taneously from both stations, ma; both <]hava bad a long distance to travel. However, aa more than four days has now elapsed .siiice the interruption waa announced, the

restoration of communication may be mo-mentarily expected.

The Tasmanian cable, which was an nonnced yesterday as interrupted, is noir working intermittently. This unusual condi-tion of tho line is accounted for by the pecu-liar nature of the fault The cause of cable interruption ia generally the destruction of the insulating material or gutta percha sheath, in which case communication ceases absolutely, but m the presont instance it is not the covering, but the copper wire, which baa given way. It happens that as the cable is moved about by car rents of wator, the enda ot the wire are from time to time brought temporarily into contact, and during thoso intervals commu-nication is re established The situation of the break ia Bupposod to be about a mile and a half from the shore end at rjindera, ond Mr. W. Worroo, who haa come over from Tasmania for the purpose, left for Westorn Fort Bay last night by the steamer Black Eagle to pick up and repair the cable.

It was expected that the message of the Legislative Assembly to the Legislative Council, diaagrceiDg with the amendments made by the latter m the Railway Construe tion Bill on tbo ground that they were in-fractions of the privileges of the Assembly, would have beon taken into consideration by the Legislative Council at its meeting yesterday, but when the ordor of the day was called on, Mr Anderson asked for a postponement, principally on the ground that it was nececsary for hon. members to con-sider a return just printed, but not circulated, concerning the mode in which the House had dealt with money billa since 18S8 air Cath. bert agreed to the postponement and the question was then adjourned to the following Tuesday.

At the sitting of the Legislative Council yesterday, Mr Sargood gave notice that on the following Tuesday he would move for leave to introduce a bill to amend the Inaol

voncy Act The Parliamentary Coata Bill

and the Waterworks Act Amendment Bill were each read a third time and passed. The Inebriates' Asylums Bill waa read a second time and passed through committee, and the National Insurance Company's bill waa passed through committee The House, at its rising, adjourned until Tuesday next,

A conference of the membBrs of the L»gi8 lative Council waa held yesterday to consider the line of action which should be adopted with regard to the Ballway Construction Bill

There waa alargo attendance, including the Postmaster General, The decision waa neirly unanimous that as a quoation of privilege had been raised, the Council had but one course before it, namely to return the bill to the Assembly with reasons fonts action.

The Assembly was wholly occupied yes-terday with a discussion on the decision of the Llectioiia and Qualifications Committee m the Rodney cano The business paper was not touched Private buaineas, which his precedence on Wednesdays, waa set aside. The half finished Lducation debate was peat

nnnnrl nnrl tinrlicinrl nrlAntinn war» hnarnwnrî

poned, and undivided attention was beatowed upon the one absorbing subject The issue itself waa very perplexed The Speaker and he could not understand tbe report for it declared the election for Rodney void and he wished to know whether both seats wore vacant or only one Mr Giunson de-sired to submit a motion to seat Mr, Sbackell Mr Keiferd proposed a mo-tion, declining to receive the report be cause while acquitting Mr Gillies in his own person and that of bia agenta, it unseats bim on totally irrelevant grounds, and Mr Macpherson wished to put on record a pro teat which would leave the finding to stand. The debate waa ultimately taken on Mr Kerferd s proposition. It was defended on the ground that there was not a word ia the Electoral Act which declared or implied that it waa an offence for any person to use undue influence on behalf of a candidate, and that it waa necesaary for agency to be established before undue influence could be considered Mr Berry nhile contending that the finding of the committee was fully justified, sub-mitted that whether it was right or wrong, that decision was final He had declined to review the committee's verdict m the Ma cartney case though he believed it to be entirely wrong, and though a largo majority ia the HouBe wished it set aBide, and m the same manner the present finding ought to be ac cepted as the verdict of tho sworn body to whom the House had remitted the issue The latter portion of Mr Berry a argument found favour on both Bides of the House, and Mr Macpherson s Mr Kerferd s and Mr Gaunson'a propositions were ia turn negatived without a division Toe donbta of the Speaker aa to whether the two seats were vacant were sot at rest by an assurance from the chairman of the committee (Mr Lalor) that only the one seat waa referred to, and the hon gentleman then intimated that he would to-day take the preliminary stops for the issue of a writ for theelection of a member in place of Mr Gillies

The Assembly, at ita rising yesterday adjourned until Tuesday in order to enable the Ministry and hon members to attend the National Agricultural Inhibition at Stiwoll A special train, conveying the Parliamentary party, will leave Spencer street at 10 minutes to 8 o clock this morning

The expulsion of Mr Gilhea from the House has certainly cauaed a deeper sensa-tion than any other political event of the eesBion Hon members on the Government Bide were in many instances as emphatic in their condemnation of the injustice done the bon, gentleman as members on the Opposi tlon aide Mesare Nimmo and Munro in par ticular speaking strongly on the point. And general testimony was borne to the lo«s which the House baa sustained. The ey m patby ia to take a practical form, aa arrange

menta have been made to start a subscription to reimburao Mr, Gillies his election ex-


Sir Charles MacMahon appealed to hon. members yesterday whether undue indaonco bad not been exerted on their behalf at one and all of their elections. "I could tell tales," said Sir Charles MacMahon, "of the money some hon, members spent to socare their election." "Hear, hear," ejaculated Mr, Fergusson. "Yea, the hon. momber for one," continued Sir Charles MacMahon, "and I shall be prepared to prove so before a com-mittee," Mr, Fergusson allowed the conver-sation to abruptly drop.

One wholosome result of the repeated fiascos of the preaeut Elections and Qualiû tiona Committoo is that there is a general

expression of opinion that it should bo tho . oat of theäo bodies. Sir John O'ShauasBy who, at the beginning of the session, ex prcescd himself decidedly against giving the Supreme Court jurisdiction, announced bim Belt yesterday as' a convert to the doctrine The events of the session have compelled the member for Belfast to change his opinion, and ho announced yesterday that ho thought the transfer a matter of necessity. A number of members endorsed these viows, bat the Ministry reserved their views on the subject. The most emphatio condemnation of the de ciaion of the Elections and Qualifierions Committee in the Rodney case was pronounced by Mr. Service. The member for Maldon says he differs from it aa much as night differs from day. Ile considers the finding an outrage upon the constitution and au out. rage upon common sense, and a violation of the principle that a man should be tried by the standard which the persons trying him would like to be tested by themselvea. As to the House, however, reviewing the de-cision of the Elections and Qualifications Committee, that, according to Mr. Service, would be jumping out of the frying-pan into the fire. The only way out of the difficulty, according to Mr, Service, is to alter tho tri-


Mr. Dwyer came in for severe criticism yesterday ia the Assembly with regard to his action on the Elections and Quali-fications Committee. Mr. G. P. Smith oharged him with having voluntarily addressed Mr. Gillios, and telling that bon, gentleman that thero was not the shawdow of a case against him, and that his

vote could be depended upon, and with atf. vising Mr Gillies to drag the case out until he could get back from Warrnambool Mr Dwyer, according to Mr Smith, told tho same tale to many members, and the bon. gentleman ib anxious to know the reason of tbia Budden chango Mr Dwyer did not deny the accusation, bat ho contended that his remarks applied solely to the M'Kenzie and not to the general case, and that his decision on the latter point was guided by respect to justica and to common la-v. "I challenge the hon member," aaid Mr. G, P. Smitb, "to eay that he limited his remarks to thi| M'Kenrie case He did nothing of tho sort, and he knows ho did nothing of the sort ' "It is grossly oat of order,' inter fered the Speaker, " for one hon member to flatly contradict another " At a later period of the evening, Mr. Dwyer aaid that the event bad taught him a lesson He cer-tainly should not speak his mind while a pe-tition waB proceeding, and heshouldnotagain allow his personal predilections for the sitting member to struggle npamst Ins convictions. Indeed, the deliberate decision of Mr. Dfryer is that he will never sit ou an Elections and Qualifications Committeo again It chosen be will decline and he inviteB other members to follow this marnpie, and so compel the House to transfer the jurisdiction.

A return has been printed by order of the Legislative Council, in continuation of a pre-vious return, ehowiog the Money Bille re-jected, or laid aside, or not proceeded with by the Council since the 10 th October, 1807, with tbe reasons (if any) given for the do cuuon arrived at, also of Money Billa amended by tho Legislative Council during the same period, also of billa incidentally involving taxation amended by the Council during the same period, distinguishing the billa in which a free gift preamble waa used from those introduced with the ordinary preamble. The Money Bills rejected or laid aside were the Consolidated Revenue Bill, 1867; Payment of Members Bill, 1807, State Aid to Keligion Abolition Bill 1809 The money billa amended were as follows -Railways Loan Bill, Public Works Loan Bill, Abattoira Bill County Courts Law Amendment Bill, Local Government Act Amendment Bill, Fisheries Act Amendment Bill, Coroners Statute 18G5 Amendment Billi LandsCompeuBation Bill, Scab Bill, Aboriginal Natives Protection Bill Insolvency Law Amendment Bill, Stamps Bill, Municipal Cor porations Law Amendment Bill, Census Bill, Wines, Beer, and Spirits Sale Statute lSul Amendment Bill, Sbires Statuto Amendment Bill Post-office Statute Amendment Bill Sbirea Statute Amendment Bill, Impounding L»w Amendment Bill, Wine, Beer, and Spirits Sale Statuto Amendment Bill, Scab Bill, Per mipBive Liquor Sales Bill Diseases in Stock Bill, Permissive Liquors Sale Bill, Education Bill, Waterworks Statute 1865 Amendment Bill, Markets Law Amendment Bill, Local Governing Bodies Loan Bill, Savings Banka Law Amendment Bill, Tishenes Bill Impounding Bill, Market Laws Amend, ment Bill, Supreme Court Bill, Looal Go-vernment Laws Consolidation and Amend-ment Bill, Local Government Act Amend-ment Bill, Melbourne Harbour Trust Bill, Pharmacy Bill, PublichouBes Bill, Lical

Government Act 1871 Amendment Bill, Mel-bourne General Market Site Bill, Local Government Act 1874 Amendment Bill (2),

State Forests Bill.

The Elections and Qualifications Com-mittee decided yesterday to make no order as to coatB in the caae of Shaekell v. Gillies. The petition of Mr. J. B. Crews against the return cf Mr. James Fergusson for South Bourke, on the gronnd that the sitting member had by himself or bia agenta corruptly supplied electors with refreshments, and that he was interested in a Government contract, was then proceeded with. Evidence waa given that on the election day at Mulgrave votera were supplied with light refreshments free of charge on the order of Mr. Fergusaon's com-mittee. Farther witnesses will be examined on Tuesday.

On Saturday and Sunday next, the annual collections for the medical charities will be made. The Southern District Band will on Saturday afternoon give a concert in the Botanical-gardens in aid of the object, and other arrangements are in progresa. On Sunday the claims of the institutions will be advocated at several special services, in addition to the services in the churches. A service will be held at the Sandridge railway pier, when the Sandridge Artillery, under the command of Captain Swallow, will attend and make the usual collection.

A special meeting ot the Melbourne Har-bour Trust was held yesterday afternoon. Mr. Lorimer occupied the chair. The tender of Messrs. Carter and Dalgleish, ot Emerald hill, for making the extension to the south bank wharf waa accepted at the Bum of £5,827 3s, Id. The charter of a steam tug was left to the Works Committee. The report of the WorkB Committee on the dredging require-ments of the port, was adopted with a few


The committee on the Metrópoli tau Gas Bill have nearly concluded their labours. Many important amendments have been made, with the conaent of the companies.

The initial price ia to be 7s. Gd. for the first five years, and 7s. afterwards. The standard (dividend is to be 10 per cent,, which can be incroaeod provided the companies lower their prices in proportion. The appointment of an official auditor is provided for. The radius of the company's operations is to be eight miles from the Post-office, instead of 20 miles, as firBt proposed in the bill. A few postponed clauses will have to be dealt with on Tuesday, and probably the new bill will be brought before the House on Wednes-day.

A conference of the representatives of

A conference of the representatives 01

bodies interested in the erection of a new bridge over the Yarra, in place of Prince's bridge, will be held this afternoon, at the Town-hall, at 3 o'clock. A deputation from the City Council and other bodies waa to have waited on tho Chief Secretary yesterday on the subject, but asno definite scheme had then been agreed on to submit to him, it was ar-ranged to postpono the deputation for a


Tho commissioners for the Philadelphii Exhibition have received information that the medals for tho Victorian exhibitors were despatched on the 15th Auguat by way of Liverpool, and may be expected to arrive in about a month, By the same opportunity, diplomas for tho members of the Victorian Bille team who visited America last year have been forwarded to Melbourne.

The new public offices will be ready for occupation very soon, The permanent heads of the various departments which aro to b3 accommodated in the new building have consulted as to the allocation of the offices, and a plan has been deter-mined on. The departments to be in-cluded are the Lands, Works, Education, Mines, Law, and Treasury, Notwithstanding tho Bizo of the new offices, aome difficulty has been experienced in arranging for the inclu-sion of all these departments, wbica number a total o£ over COO officers. It has been found necessary to abolish the kitchen and luncheon rooms which were to have been established in a portion of the upper stories. By this means it has been found poEBible to allow an area of about 10 feet square for each officer, the total superficial area, deducting special rooms, snob as the board-room of the Lands office, and the pay-room of the Treasury department, being 77,000ft. The number of officers in the different departments to be accommodated, inclusive of the poli-tical and permanent honda, who, of course, are provided with special roomp, aro as follows :-Treasury--12 special, 41 crdinary. Lands-4 special, 300 ordinary; Education-14 special, 89 ordinary. Minea 2 special, SO ordinary. Law-4 special, 23 ordinary. Works-22 Bpeoial, 72 ordinary. The original intention was to include the Police department, and not the Eduoation, but the latter department was found to be so overcrowded in ita present office that a change waa absolutely necessary. The

police will therefore bo provided for in th) picaont Treasury buildings

An express train at pieaent leaves Mel-bourne for Stawell every evening at 7 o clock, etopping at Geelong Ballarat, and a fow other intermediate stations Great offence, it appears, has been given to the residents of Ballarat East because the train does not stop th«re, and a deputation was yester-day introduced to the Minister of Kail ways by Mesera Brophy and James M L A s, to nrge that the express should stop nt Ballarat 1 »st, aa well aa at Ballarat Weat Tho chief ground of the op plication was that the tram conveyed o large quantity of fish from Geelong and the fish merchants of Ballarat Last were put to considerable inconvenionce by having to cart their fish from the Ballarat West station Mr, Woods in reply, pointed out that if ox press trama were to have any value at alt-or were indeod to be worthy of the name they could not stop at a largo number of stationa cn route, and if this application were acceded to, there was no reason why similar applications from all the other intermediate stations should not bo granted, and then the train would be no lorjger an exptees train

at all.

The Minister of Landa waa yesterday re quested by a deputation of formera from I'chuca to appoint a herdsman to attend to the cattle allowed to grazo on the timber reserves in the locality Mr Longmore aaid that the application would be dealt with on the same terms as regarded fees aa those on which herdsmen were appointed on


The attention of the Commissioner of Public Works was yesterday called by a depu-tation to the extremely bad state of a portion of the road between Mornington and Frank-ston and it was asked that the Government should provide the money to raise and widen the road, one of the landowners agreeing to give the land required for the widening of the road gratuitously. Mr Patterson expressed his opinion that this was one of those works which peculiarly pertained to the local body to carry out, but be promised to send an officer of tbe department to inspect the road and report upon it, when he would consider tho application.

In reply to a deputation from St Kilda I eeterday, Mr. Longmore aaid be would con sider the question of allowing the local council to continue the depositing of night soil in a reserve near Blessington street. The residents in the vicinity complained that the depcsita caused a great nuisance, and Mr. Longmore stated that if the council were allowed to continne throwing nightsoil ia this place, it would be only on atnngont con-ditions which would provide for the sanitary etate of the neighbourhood

The Chief Secretary yesterday, on the appli

cation of 6 deputation from the shire council of Colee consented that a gran t of £o00 should be made out of the vote for charitable msti tutione in aid of the building fund of the proposed cottage hospital at Colao.

'Hie committee of the Ballarat Orphan Asylum asked tbo Chief Secretary yesterday for a grant of £750 to provide for additional accommodation required, Mr. Berry said I that the money at his disposal for Buch pur-

poses was limited, whilst the applications were numerous, but he would try to grant cne-balf of the amount this year, and the other moiety next year.

| The Minister of Mines was applied to yes-

terday by a deputation from Sandhurst to piovide additional tunda for the purpose of completing the reticulation of the city for water supply. It was pointed out that there were 103 miles of streets of which only 81 miles were reticulated, and the money now available £4 500 would not serva for more than a tenth of the balance Mr. R Clark stated that if the Coliban Bcheme, which was to be completed, he understood, in a fortnight, were to return a fair revenue, it w»"W ^necessary ti at the etty should be thorouguly retiou. lated Major Smith said that? reticulation was also required at Ballarat, Geelong, Tal bot Clunes and other places, and that it wonld be necesaary to provide for all theae worka by loan.

The Commissioner of Public Works yester-day received a deputation from Sandhurst, introduced by Mesara Mackay, M'lntyre, and Clark, M L A 'a, who asked that the Government would bsar half the coat ot re-constructing the maia channel to the Ben-digo Creek through Sandhurst The eati

mated coat of the work was £12 000 and it was urged that tho Government would bs jus-tified in contributing as asked because it had received a large amount of money from the Bale ol land right up to the creek. Mr. Patterson replied that he would oak the Treasurer whether he was in a position to supplement to some extent the money expended by tho local body on this work. The Government might possibly ba able to contribute a small amount, say £1000, and he did not see how the council could be able to spend moro than that sum with their own contribution on this work during the present financial year, oven if they received it

A deputation from Eohuca introduced by Mr. Casey, M L A, yeatorday waited oa the Commissioner of Public Works to recom mend that the snagging boats now employed on the nver Murray might be removed to the Goulburn to clear it of sne-ga Mr Patter-son said he was at present considering the question of taking steps to clear the Goal burn, and he would take the suggestion of the deputation into consideration The same deputation asked that a sum of £200 might be granted to construct a 8mall wharf at Shepparton, and Mr Patterson promised to ConBult the Treasurer on the subject.

A deputation from Colac yesterday waited on the Minister of Lands to ask that the Colocpark, which had been recently vested


in trustees, should partake in the Govern-ment vote for parks and gardens. Mr. Long-more said the application was too late for this year's vote, but in next year's estimates this parkwonld receive ita fair share.proportionate to the amount which had been locally raised and expended on it during the preceding 12


Mr. Trench (tho Attorney General) and Sir Bryan O Loghlen, two of tho land tax com miBsionera, took the oaths of office yesterday before his Honour Mr. Justice Folio wa.

Inclusive of the earn of £10 Ga sent yes terday to The Aigus, the Indian Famine Relief Fand now amoauta to 13,011 10j


We have reooived from Messrs. Batcholdor and Co and Mr. C Hewitt some more pho-tographe illustrative of tha frightful condi-tion of attenuation to which the sufferers by the Indian famine have boen reduced. Tnoy plead for the unhappy people with a pathetic eloquence more moviug than any words Dante'e picture of Count U^ilino s lint up ia the Torre di Tame, at Pisi, with bia four Bon3 and watching them pine away from hour to hour, is not more terrible than the portrait of the two mothers, each holding a withered infant-a living akoleton-ia hor arms, and looking upon the shrunken limbs and prematurely old and haggard face of the fleahless little one, with countenances in which pity, anguish, and despair stnuglo for

the mastery, while the contour of their o ivn ,

ghaatly figures is Bharply accentuated by the '

clinging robe which constitutes their only garment. In another photograph there are U famine smitten victima in the last stage of emaciation, for it ia impossible to imagine it carried further. One boy, whose ribs ore almost protruding through bia skin, aud whoBo arma and legs have dwindled away to merely skin and bono, aeema to havo sunk into a comatOHo condition through sheer ex-haustion ; whilo a younger ahild ia clinging pitifully to the mother's breast, and the help less parent looks stupefied by sorrow and privation. Art has often ministered, and ministered largely, to human en-joyment, bat in the present caso it becomes the handmaid of ohanty, for no one can look upon theso painfully real and indisputably accurate photographs of the appalling atate of inanition to whioh not merely hundreds of thousands but mil-lions of our feliow-aubjccta have been reduoed in, India, without feeling thftt {heir wretched,

ness is our opportunity, and that Oo stupen-dous a calamity must be met by eliot *8 for its alleviation which shall be in some di>groe commeniurato with the magnitude of the disaster,

A meeting waB convened by the mayor of Brighton last evening in the Council ohambars for the i nrpose of devising means to assist the Indian Famine Relief 1 una The attend ance was from some cauee or other very email A resolution was passod appointing a committee couBiBting of the clergy of the district, the mayor and borough council

Messrs Casey Orford, and such gentlemen as would volunteer to assist The first meet-ing of tbe committee ia to take place on Inda; evening ut 7 o clock A public meeting for the same purpose convened by the presi dent of tho shire of Merriang, Dr Wilson, was also held at the Bbire office, Beveridge on Tuesday evening the ICth mst Dr Wilson consented to act as bon treasurer, and Mr Kelly as bon secretary The attendance waa small Subscription hats wore propared, and over £20 collected m the room

Triday JNovember 2 haa been fixed for the United Public Schools Athletic Sports The Grammar Schools of Melbourne and Geelong and the Wesley and St Patrick s Colleges are the competing schools this year The sports will be held on the Melbourne ground

A preliminary meeting waa held at the Athen mm last evening for the parpoao of taking steps to present Mr H R Harwood, who is about to sover his connexion with the Theatre Royal, with a fitting testimonial m recognition of bia sterling qualities both as manager and private citizen Mr. William Gillbeo occnpiod the chair. It waa decided that the présentation Bbould be made at the Theatre Royal on Monday evening next when Mr Harwood takes his farewell beneGt As the attendance was rather limited it waa considered ad. visable to adjourn the meeting till Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, when the form of presentation will be determined upon Before the meeting separated a considerable sum was raised towards the object in


The trial of the four men-William Asho, Robert Smith Charles Thompson and Thomas Elkin-charged with stealing jewel-lery from Mr M Goldsterne shop on the night of the 31st May last, waa concluded in the Criminal Court yesterday The coun-sel for the accused addressed the j ury, con-tending that Rowley and the man Bcitchenor, who had left the colony, were tue real cal

puts, and that Rowley had invented tlie atory against the p* »onera Mr Jas ico Tel lows recommended the jury to acquit! Han ob tho evidence of Rowley as to him was not corroborated The jury accepted the recom mendation and acquitted Llkia bat found the other prisoners guilty Kia Honour sentenced them to 10 years hard labour, but intimated that if they would tell what had become of the property not recovered he would recommend a mitigation of the punishment. Thereupon Thompson declared that Rowley had all the jewellery Rowley who was next pat m the dock having pleaded guilty to receiving solemnly de-clared that Thompsons statement was un true and that ho knew nothing of any of the Roods except what he had given up to the police His Honour aaid that as Rjwley had been received by the Crown ns an approver he would not sentence him then bat w-raid direct bim to enter into recognisances for £ 00 to appear for judgment when called upon , ti o sentence would bo held in reserve Rowley profeased his willingness to enter into the recognisances and he was removed to gaol pending the preparation of the neces Bary documents

Tranz August Poppler the German who discharged a revolver at bia head in Kitz a wine shop, Bourke street, on the 24th of last month, having recovered from hia self m flit/led injury under the treatment he re ceived at the Melbourne Hospital, waa 1 rought before the City Benoh yesterday, charged with having attempted to commit Buicide. Mr William A Brahe, the German Consul, appeared on his behalf, and in-formed the magistrates that the accused had committed the rash act in a fit of de spondency, consequent on want of em ployment and reduced means He promised to send the prisoner to Adelaide where a situation would be provided for him in a mercantile establishment The prisoner was then discharged

With reference to the recent robbery of S 000 sovereigns belonging to tho Oriental Bunk, while m transit from Sydney to Galle a reward of £o00 ia offered for such informa tion as shall lead to the conviction of the offender and recovery of the amount A proportionate reward is offered on the «cover; of a portion of the sum stolen. An official announcement on the subject is published in our advertising columna

An inquest was held yeaterday by Mr. Candler, the district coroner, at Brighton on the body of Mr Jno Alice a very old reel dent who died very suddenly on Mon day evening The deceased had driven a friend out from Molbourno in the after noon and had afterwards drank a glass of brandy and water with him at his own house On his friend a departure be accom-panied him aa tar as the gate, and on returning to the house ho fell into a sort of fainting fit, recovering from which ho went to his bed-room and ttBked that the window should be opened His medical adviser had; in the meantime been sent for, but did not arrive until after he was dead Mr C J Tovell made a post mortem examination, and stated

mactm puai,

the cause of death to be disease of the heart A verdict was given to that effect. The deceased waB G7 years of age

Some mischievous individual travelling on the Williamstown railway yoaterday cut the cushion of the handsomely upholstered saloon car which has only been placed on tbe line very recently The offender deserves severe punishment.

The Melbourne correspondent of the Bal-larat Conner mentions that Mr Thomas Adamson consul general for the United States in Australia, docs not expeot to reach Victoria until the end of December next Mr Adamson would it seems havo left the Slates at an earlier date than he now pro-poses to do but for the death of his


Writing about the diminished wool yield in Riverine the Border Post Bays -' The Bensons clip will ba the smallest that has been exported from this district for years, 1 he abearmg ia the moBt miserable apology for ti at usually animated and prosperous annual event that can be imagined Although nearly every station is buey denuding the eheep o£ tbeir lleeceB wool cornea in very slowly aud little if any, difference ia perceptible in the trade of the town as ia usually the case Shearers are scarce there is no water to wash with, a prospect of another dry summer, and everything calculated to discourage thoaa engaged in pastoral pursuits. Ga a rough calculation we ore justified in statins; that a falling off of 15 000 0001b weight of wool will take place in Riverina m comparison with last year s clip Another Dcasou like the last and tbo decrease in our annual export of wool will be more than doubled

We havo intelligence from New Zealand to the 8 h inst. The following are some of the items - Large quantities of wreokage and ship s atores still continue to ba washed aehore on the beach between Titai and Terawiti, comprising a miscellaneous collec tion of articles, euch as kegs of brandy, boxes of candles, parts of tables chairs, and other furniture, fragments ol pianos La. The legality of Messrs. Reed and Fenwick dis missing the Daily 1 imes literary stall on a weeks notice will be tested in a court of law, as all its members have claimed a months notice, A man named Daniel Sal livan has been sentenced to pay a fino of £25 or in default imprisonment for two months for lying across the rails in front of on approaohing engine on the Mount Roch, fort line He did it for a lark, '

The Governor of Fiji, we leam from the Fi)t Times of September 12 had been Buffer-ing for a week from a severo attack of illness ?l»s §ams kiwi si th9 mh statoá that Hi«

1'icellcncy bad so far recovered as to be able I to go on a visit to Navuloa

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle for the 19th August; has published a two-column review of the poems of the late Adam Lindsay Gordon. The writer suggests that an Ameri can publisher may with propriety reprint the stirring ballads written by on author whom it deems itself fortunate to first make familiar to the American public. The editor acknowledges his indebtedness to Miss AIice Dunning Lingard for the copy of the book upon which h.a criticism is founded. Apropos of Australian poets and Australian scenery, the reviewer says-" The mind naturally specu lates upon the literature which such natural surroundings will prodnce, when Anglo Saxon sentiment is harmoniously attuned to its influences'. The article ia highly lauda-tory of Mr Gordon's genius.

"An interesting operation waa recently performed at the quarries of Messrs. Saun dera and Jordan, Pyrmont," the Sydney Morning Herald atatea, " in the presence of a number of gentlemen interested m quarry, ing, and other persons A hole five inches in diameter had previously been driven to a depth of CSft bin in a solid wall of rook which formed a boundary betwoon two quar-ries. Tbe hole waa filled with blasting powder, three ' exploders' being placed at in-tervals between the bottom and top-one 5ft from the bottom, tho next 12ft higher np, and the third 21ft. above the first Altogether 3cwt of powder was put into the hole which Ulled it to within about 18ft of the top The magnetic machine, which waa m the skilful hands of Mr. Kopscb, of the Llectnc Telegraph department, waa about 15 yards or ao from the mouth of the hole, and waa connected with the 'ex plodora' by an 'electric faae'-a fuse that has been lately introduced to the colony by Mr KopBch, for exploding purposes The mass of stone which it waa sought to remove or loosen waa estimated by the owners of the quarries to weigh upwards of 30 000 tons Everything being roady, the current was made perfect, and, without either noise or smoke, and without the usual shock that accompanies blasting operations' the ponderous tobbs waa detached, and moved silently and bodily out of ita position fully 2ft. Gin. The rock was not even splintered by the blast, but stood upright, and, as a quarry man would aay, 'roady for work' The complete success of the operation is attri

buted to tbo use of the peculiar kind of fuse employed, and to its being connected with the three 'exploders' which it fired simul-taneously " [Mr Kopsch, who directed the operations, was for several years an officer of the Victorian Telegraph department ]

The programme of the concert which ia to be Riven in the Town hall to morrow even ing by the artists of the Italian Opera Com-pany and their friends m aid of the Famine Relief Fund, appears in our advertising columns this morning. The concert ia an-nounced under the patronago of His Excel-lency the Governor and Lady Bowen, the Mayor of Melbourne, and the committee of the Famine Relief I and, and will be con ducted by Signor Zelman, whose name ia a guarauteeof the high character of tho enter tainment. The programme is ample and full of variety, embracing Borne of tho most effective colo and concerted pieces from the works of Roaeini, Gounod, Donizetti, Verdi, and others in which the well known and diatinguiahed artists of the Italian Opera Company-Signore Guadagmni, VenoBta, and Carantt Vita, and Signon Paladmi, Camero, Gambetta, Cesan, Orlandini, and Tessada- will take part. The instrumental numbers are a special feature in the programme, comprising two solos by Signor Giammona, whose excellence as a flautist the public have loDg recognised, a piano solo by Signor Bonaccorti(bis first ap-pearance) , a violin solo by M. Caron, already most favourably noticed in those columna, und a solo for the contrabaaso by Signor Ctscbmo, whose command over that un-wieldy instrument is said to be marvellous, and to revive the memory of the feats of EotteBini. The muBic loving public havo a Bplendid bill of fare provided for to-morrow evening, and the generona manner in which theBe accomplished artists have voluuteered their services to augment the fund for the relief of the sufferers in India deserves the appreciation which can best be testified by a crowded audience at their concert. Tha plan of the hall is at the warehouse of Messrs Nicholson and Aacherberg, where eeatB may bo reaerved.

To night Miss Docy Stewart, who has been long connected with the Melbourne stage, receives her benofit at the Theatre Royal The entertainment will commence at a quarter to 8 o clock with the drama "Across the Continent," which will be followed by the burlesque entitled "La Vivandière, or True to the Corps," with the bénéficiaire as


Mr. Creswick will make his first appear-ance m comedy at the Academy of Music to-night, as Mr. Oakley, m the "Jealous Wife ' Mrs, Lewis will sustain the part of Mib. Oakley.

Mr. Creswick will shortly give a privato morning reading of selections from Shak speare, by the request of one of our ohurch dignitaries, who ia doBirous both for himself and for the clergymen who act under his direction, that Mr, Creswick's fine perform-ances should not be entirely lost to them.

We have received £3 from " Nap," and £L from " Delta," for Samuel Cramer, the old man of.war's man.

We bave received from Mr, A J. Smith, of Swanston Btreet, the ¿¡linday Magasine for


The final rehearsal by the Melbourne Oratorio Society of Spohr'a 'Tall of Babylon" will take place at the Town-hall to-night.

The Young Men's Christian Association Debating Society meeta to night, whon Mr, C J. Cottell will deliver an essiy on "Mjstio Babylon."

A lecture on the "Scottish Covenantors," interspersed with music, will ba delivered this evening in the new school room con

IU1Ö UVDUIU(S AU ,UD uuiT avuw. &W.UU. wu

neoted with the Wealeyan Church, Emerald


A musical and literary entertainment will be given this evening in St, Matthew's schoolroom, Prahran, to commence at 8 o'clock. Several ladies and gentlemen from Melbourne have given their services,

eluding Mr. T. P. Hill, who will both read

and recite.

In yesterday's Aigus it was stated that letters patent, hud been granted to Mr Rasche tor an invention of improvements ia his direct acting battery for quartz crushing It should bave been for improvements ia chamber ventilators, for the better ventila tion of tooma and other purposes.

By an advertisement in anothor co'umn those who are willing to assist in carrying out a concert at Collingwood for the benefit of the Indian Famine Relief Fund are invited by the mayor to attend a meeting to bs held at the court-house, Johnston street, this evening, at 8 o'clock Heir Elsassor has kindly consented to give bia eorvicea aa con-


At the commencement of the football aeaBOD, tbe members of the Metropolitan Artillery formed themselves into a football club boon afterwards, at a match, one of tbo members got a severe fall, and broke his collarbone, and was laid np for some months The members ot the battery, in a spirit of comradeBhip, determined to get up an entertainment for his benefit, and with such good results, that after Friday's parade the committee requested Major Clarke to hand the handBome Bum of £22 to their comrade, who ia now quite recovered, and who ex-pressed his grateful acknowledgements. Major Clarke, on the occasion, Bpoko in tho bigbeat terms of the good feeling and csprti

de corps that manifestly pervaded all J


At a general meeting of the membera of the Yarra Yarra Rowing Club, the following crewe were seleoted for the annual trial fours -Purse (stroke). Wooka (No. 3), Allen iNo 2), Cooke (bow), O'Neil (stroke). Callen (No 3) Rosa (No 2), Sands (bow), Holloway stroke), Thornhill (No 3), JohuBon (No. 2), Brooke (bow) ; Corría (stroke), WilBon (No. 3), Crowe (No 2), Grant (bow) ; Kortlan« (Htroke), Bently (No. ¿), Jeffenea (No 2), Word (bow), Brown (stroke), Tait (No 3),

Deeban (No 2), Gnnn (bow) ; M'Alliat^r (atroke) Chalmers (No 8), Chalmers (No.. 2). Lee (bow); Betberas (stroke), Fitzgerald (No 3), Curtie (No 2), Scott (bow); tfaulk ner (stroke), Buckle; (No 3), Grant (No. 2), Short (bo» ; Temple (atroke), Taylor (No.

3),EkJnalKo,2),PowhjiS(<l}íítli ^