Mail (Adelaide, SA : 1912 - 1954), Saturday 14 August 1915, page 9

Results of Matches.

_\ GRADE, Goodwood, T soak; Sturt, 3 goals. . Univcrsitv —6 ^goala; List Torrens, 6 coals. B gSade. Pbrt^ Adelaide, 9 6dSl*i ^Vest Torreiifi, 5 goalf. Jius. . Torrens, 10 goaH; \\e& Hin-inian-]j, 3 ccbIf. ' . - - »??? ? -?- ? ' f?iurt B won en forfeit 'fNSm Holdfaft Bay. Goodwood B forfeited to Universit* t(. ? C-GBADE._ .....„? .... Start C won on. forfeit from East- Torrens C. rniversity C won. on .fprfcit from' West Tor rens C. - ' ' i '.;#.'- . -'' t c- ^ i £ ^ i A GRADE. East Torreoj ... 11 8 1 2 V6 39 18 Stun ? 11 7 3 1 77 S3 15 University _..U 6 4 169T0J3 Goodwood .. ..11 3 8 — 5i 78 6 Holdfast Bav „ 41 2 9 — 32 T6 * B GRADE. East Torrene .. U 11 ? — ?? — 34S 29 22 Weit Hindmarsh U 8. 2 - -1--W-38 ir Sturt B ? 11 6 4 1 76 76 13 West TorrenE A TO 5 4 l 66 70 11 Port' Adelaide ..10 5 4 1 CS 74 11 Holdfast Bav B 11 4 6 — 35 52 * I'nftwiirr B .. 11 3 7 1 32 205 7 Goodwood B--11 2 8 133 76 5 C GRADE. Sturt C ...... 11 11 — — 105 22 52 Vert:TreraiR~B -.10 5 5 — 6 44 10 llnivereity C..9 4 t 1U3S 9 Goodwood C .. .9 3 5 J.16S6 7 East Torrens C . 11 — 11 — i I — Goodwood v. Sturt. 'WeH.done, Goodwood! You have everj reaeon to be pleased -with your perform ance' agaiaet w rod'nuhtiiH'g dmihw.Wir^-: 'Ehe improvement in st]je -iobdwcbdl coni bination lias been most merked, and now that there is more systematic and less in di'-itial pky I think that the high opinion formed1 some time ago regarding this team '3 caDabilitieg is justified. E. Far-reE has gradually got las men into a iiusinesstike method; and is to be congratulated) upon the result of his work. The jstickwork. formerly a weak feature, has improved tremendously, ^and tie sid-.' has evidently taken full advantage of riw iessbn?! taught by competing against seassn cd play-ers. On Saturday they won nwst decisive!}-, and held an advantage thr--u»h-out the contest. E. Farreli was at Ije best, and besides I«wiaig.-lii6 .*n*ri- vaost efficientb' h-e scored '3' jg^k^fn.that form which ga-ined' ]ihn a place :n ihe 1912 Stat? team. One goal over the vrfong shoulder literally brought down the house. Kabbah put up a great game on Kevr bon. and had tde better of the deal. He netted one goal and hit the post twice— very hard luok indeed. H. Clarke was use ful in combined1 work, but was too well held by Woodhead to assist by gpalthrow ing. (.'. West and; C. U'ills - w-ere well matched, with honours ^eS^^Ea^hiSiehKd. his side considerablv. E. ilcLeay as usuai was a shining light, thougii.-iie^iad a worthy foeman in the younger -cfclariie. Wicks and Baker were two eapibil centre men. For the first half the' Goodiwood centre Lad the better ot' his experienced rival in the face-off. After the long journment, however, the wary Hicks tumbled to his inefhods and 'checkmated Baker's efforts. Roy FJett and H. R. Tre oouth fought many a. ? good battle, and were always to the fore.. Trenouth. is a great asset to -j0c»iwood. and was paid a tine compliment in being selected to lool; ftfter-Flet-t,- \rbet. -however, made some first rate dasher. Raglcss was too good for Brookes, amj: set up a solid defence. Harry Thomson has never been 'seen to greater advantage. He was eure with Iiis stick, .his passing* was accurate, and his jjidjment in dashinq- out to intercept ' and forwarding

the rubber to his comrades was faultless. \V. Crundweil failed .altogether, and. lost several good -opportunities.-- Tamtin6on scored' a neat brace of Roa Is,- despite ,the vigilance' of Clarke. V. Selth was * up against. Xorman Tonkin in a merry vein, and the .Sturt forward was unable to get in. .Tonkin checked him most euccess ftiUy.' and' thereby rendered has «idc »re mendous assistance. J. H. McDonaH was a capita) keeper' for th« -losers.- while Rose was the strong net defender for the win ners. Mr. .J. Larner hatl' a busy after noon a.= adjudicator, ami emerged' vrith great credit to himself after impartially eonducrins a ecntest in wicch club rivalry is ?Jtronf, thougU absoluteh- sportsmanlike. The progress oi GootJwood for the re mainder of tiis aeaeon will doubtless be closely watohedby fpliowerfi of the game. I venture to eay that they may upset' the calculations of the leading teams eie tiie prograirjiie be concJud'Xl. University v. East Torrens. The mee.tmcs of the above teams have always prod'icc-d good exhibitions, and on Saturday a most exciting game resulted. From the beginning the atucfenis attacked, and they quickly gained a lead. At half

time . (they , had stored 5 goals'. to 2,, and.' led 6 to 3 at three-quarter' time. The Toj-rens captain, veteran F. Da-videon, changed his men somewhat at the opening of the last term, and 'the manoeuvre Hid the' de^ sired effett. for his team added 3 goals tj nil and nearly made a probable defeat into a brilliant victory. The students' performance -k*s rentiers! more creditable on account of ike fact Vfeatherall ahdl Hamilton were unable to p-ay. The inclusion of ? last year's caj* tain. Lou Whitington. however, strength ened.' them wonderfully, for, . despite his absence from the game since last year, Vyiitington was in fine fettle, and gave no quarter to his opponent. ? -For the students Yuill-tept goal we*!, but he certainly left lis net too much, con sidering the importance of the game. C Abbott was a. shining light on the back Kne. as Laurie Oke found to his cost. H. Pavy. too, aided the defence division well, and although M. Oke scored two goal* Pavy did a great amount of good work. Wellington was too strong for Gordon Oke, and it was a stroke of bad luck for 'Varsity that he had to leave the field in the last quarter, taking Oke off with. him. It probably gave the easterners a better show, as it made the coat more open. V «u-der was always prominent, as he pare the epeedy Stunners plenty to -io, £n'd succeed ed in throwing a couple -of goals. Wien Smith was fairly useful at times, but was certainly not dangerous. Nigel- Abboti .gave a fine spectacular display — easily one of his best of the season. He passed un erringly and caught the rubber 'when in any position. The pky pf N. Abbott and ICHealy was a revelation of what two players who understood each other's me thods can do. H. ParneH was not at his best in goal, and apparently got bustlei when there was not any need for it. He has done so well for Bast Torreris and haa played' such a large part in 43iis year's suc cess that he may be excused for am 'off day.' . . Parsons, Davidson, Koach. Hocking, and Bruer formed a strong rear line, and all the goals scored against it were well de served. Holthouse 'was not at his best, although he 'put in' well. Kranz wag particularly active, and his goals were briJ-Jiant efforts. The Oke brothers would have been of greater service if they bad been not quite so unmindful of the fact that others were at times in better posi tions to score goalp. - They must realise* that combined methods '.win out eveny time, and if East Torrens aJ5^*» go toj---?ftjCrpatr-deel ^iULdep^v^n--iia^--A. Tvord in season may remedy Bttf fault in this direction; ? ' r '? Mr. E. D. -XifihoIaK pleased Wh side9 by bis reads' and imrartial decisions. Curtailment of A Grade Programme. -! The committee of the S.A.L.A. has. de cided that as the matches originally ect down for August 14 could not affect, tie positions of the first four teams, the eenfi rinals should be played on that day. East Torrens (minor premiers) and University (third) would p|ay on the Victoria Parti Racecourse, and .Sturt and Goodwood at Medindie. East Torrens has gained the minor premiership by first-rate lacrosse,, and should be a good tip for the premier ship. In 1909 they gained the minor hon our, but were twice defeated by North Adelaide in the final and nlay^eff, and lost their oportunity to head the S.A.L.A. Jist. .'-'kipper Davidson has great ? con fidence in his men, and will leave no stone unturned to ensure success for his side. Mr. Nicholas will referee the Victoria Park engagement, and Mr. Darner -wiD act in a similar capacity at Medindie. B Grade. The East Torrens B team has gained the minor premiership in the junior divi sion by most consistent lacrosse, as every match played has resulted in a substantial victory for the red and blues. i*n Shut t'eworth has been organiser and captain, and to him is due a. large amount of the credit of the performances. West Hindmarsh are to be congratu lated upon having climbed to second posi tion — a wonderfully good achievement for a first season's work in a higher grade. The third and fourth positions wiU not be decided until West Torrens and Port Adelaide piay their postponed match. This has been arranged for Saturday, and ther result -will be known before these notes appear in print. . Lacrosseurs for the Front. The Jamestown Club has sent a formid-able quartet to camp during, the week, viz., Elliot Brooks, a dashing and clever forward, R. Moore (centre), Harfield, and R. Burford. C. Powell and D. Bradley, of the East Torrens B team, have also volunteered and been accepted. J. A. Yuill, who, it will be remembered, was a strong Holdfast Bay back man a few years ago has returned from New South Wales, and has gone into camp in Adelaide. Items of Interest. Congratulations of all lacrosseurs arE forwarded to Lieut. G. C. Campbell, who was married last Saturday afternoon. Norman Moffat, who is stationed at Eu-dunda, met with a painful accident a few days ago, which caused a broken wrist. I hope the injury will soon be righted, and that there will not be any permanent disablement.