Mail (Adelaide, SA : 1912 - 1954), Saturday 28 August 1915, page 2


'P.LA1--0FF HATCH. ' STDRT \WK PREHtKBSHIP. The Sturt and East Torrens teams met on tile Komood Oral this afternoon to play off for 'the premiership ' of South Australian lacrosse. . Mr. E. D. Nicholas - was referee, and the teams were as follow:— East Torrcnf.-^Goal, B. Parncll; point, F. Davidson; cover, F. L. Parsons; third, H. Bock$ag; defence, V. Roach; defence, C. Braer; centre, t&diflolthousc; attacks, G. Oke and X. Kranz; Sdrfl'Jiome, W. Ehinsers; second home, Ji. Oke; feet hmt, p. Oke. !r^Brt;S5k»l, 4. U. McDonald: point, B. WoodJiB^^coverKH. Holnies; third, V. Kewbon; S^£w. 'JLJnMr; defence, P. Robins; centre, ttickwork nothing was done^BMBSMMIiMlljlMH spoiled by Flett, who sent tftg|H|H^8B^B ward, onlv to i-c returned, vtnfHHHH Oke teas well taken bv NcDonald^WHSHl his goal well. Tlie Sturt defence TSgekgS woridng well together, and withstood ^6|5a|k tackt, and Woodhead rflone among the reds, -?#(? scut well out of danger. A scramble iu front of the net 'resulted in. Flett eecurjnf. He paeeeJ to Xoblet, who; 1 hough hard pressea. knocked the sphere in, and registered the first goal -of the day. The Sturt catching and 40s&ng were superior to that of the Torrens men, who were mulling 'their chances by faulty ttickwork. At last Sbinneis gained possession, and ,bot wide from a fairly long distance L'pmd-don-n play followed, until Holthonte ran down :he field and served G. Oke without result: ! R. Flett was doing grand work for Shirt, and

fully repelled a Start rush, and forwarded wellj down the field- M. Oke missed a grand oppor- J runity of passing to a loose dnbmate and Stnrt cleared and forwarded to Xoblet, who skilfully scored Tuimber two. Give-and-take play followed, without either tide scoring, until the quarter ended. Sturt— 2 gpale. liast Torreno— Xil. After the change .of ends Torrens attacked, but without system, and the tenjporarv advantage was lost. At last Tomlinson broke aww and served Flett, who with Xoblet exhibited some fine combined play. By tkiUul fmesillK Sturt retained possession, and -v'oblet. j£»in proved his worth. This time fin empff .* ^goal. gave him hie chance. Snortlv after ie';%au) shot, but Parnell was safe, acd 'cleared weH..'.^-good, long pass bv Kranz, and East Xsrrens&it--tacked for a. change. Han-v Holincs Saved Se position, and ajrain bis side srronglv attacke-i, ?only to tee Parnell attdi a hot tiiot io' his erosse. The East Torrens homes apparcntlv'xound difficulty iu keeping their feet on the ilippcry grata. Their great fault was iu not picking out a. man to pats to, but serving the ball swav anj-wher? without direction. M. Oke had a shot from close in, which went wide. McDonald was very active 'and ture in goal, andj made no mistake;. Kast Torrens had plenty of the play in front of goal, but failed I again and again b-- faulty paffing and bad t=hooting. The play was now all over the field and very even. Each man put in his 'hardest, and West put up a good run on the wingl The quarter ended with- Sturt holding a commanding advantage. Half-time: — Sturt— S goals. East Torrers— Xil. ? After the long interval G. Oke was back in his old place, and Shinners wai played on the attack. The Sturts attacked, and after several attempts Xoblet had a dhot, which Parnell had no difficulty in stepping. A strong eastern attack followed, led b_v Shinners and L. OUc. but quelled by McDonald. All combined in a further effort, and crowded the Sturt' goal too

much to do anv good. Players mx now going -their bardobt, and the game was fall of vim. McLeay from close in hit Pamell'b body, and the Torrens attacked without luck. PanjeU . was x host 'in himself , and was pUying a fine, game. Unluckily a pas meant for Tomlineon caught the keeper napping, and went into tie net. With 4 to nit the leadens vent away . in great heart. Three-quarter time:— Stnrt — 1 goals. ' ' ' . ' East Torrens— Nil: . ??.'?' Holtbouse secured from the face-off, and passed to SL Oke, and McLeay tpoUed it.; Dp and down all over the field, and Srinnere had a. long* -shot, wbicb, «£ OEual, -wenc -wide. X~ Oke then had » try, but snoceeded only, in hitting a side of the net. The play was now very fast, and Sturt. through the agency ? of Selt-h, shot over Bobins tried, and. then Parriell £cnt fot»d to Boadi. Bade agaia, and Davidson saved. .? . Sturt vcre more than holding their own. ' Seltli had a eiot from a. free, srlricb Parnell deflected. Wicks made a fine run, but -spoiled .the ieffoit by a. bad pass. The game was now -practically over, and Stnrt ' ?Kith their fifth consecutive premierdiip secure took niore risks, and Nevfaon brought down the house- by a. characteristic piece of fpectanilar work. Final:— ... Stort-4 goals. ??: Eaet Torrens— ifiL ? ' . , Best Playere.— Winnens— Xoblet (3 coals), Tom- -. . linson -U). Wbodhead, Flett, McLeay, Wtckj, , , | West, and McDonald. East Torrens.— PamdL ._- ;g Rocking. Roach. Kranz, C. Oke. and PaxsOc*. ., , Jfe; mfjL D. Kichotas acted as ntoee ausfiin-%** jB3BfcM-R-. SEMI-FIKALE. f ?''.? 'V.- --%. ~ ' ? ?? LJJlSraifaili^ 18 goals, beat Start &.-- '-'*£*.£& '. \ *%B£mh&J--:&*]^ beat ..Port AdeUid^^' ': then the WBtoaai&to3gm$$3SBBP*'^-*&&. -#, * poals before the ^^m^WtrssoOar^*^lM this -marter m^^4^^SB%ecmA;^mf^p started hy B. BishOB, .-nefflfi^^ goal ior -«iod--'. marsh. J3. Hil^^pna^S^Then tte ^Bfisg: . put in a elaiWlpFSwrea - Coals. By very fast and cleanH-pUJF'S' Hills netted three more -goals for ljSfc5w»£';The haif-timfe Ecore -was ? , . 9 to 4. -pWppw rile.' third quarter only two goals were't«Bmrti,1*oth being aoored by the Porfewjrho wert^#laying a nne eame. Tie -last - anaf|x9;^wasV; 'opened bt- H. Bishops again ecorin^^ofc&roamarEh. The last goal of the mafdjreWaeTwicn thrown ' by- frinnarc, - of the -Ports, 'rnaldEtr the final scores— West Hrndmarsh, 10 -' sous; tort Adelaide, 7 snals. Mr. A. Oanuolfy had diarse of the game, and proved .1 . 0 ' , ExtMactory referee. Goalthrowers:— West. Hipdmrsh— S. Hills 5. H. Bishop 4, AV. Coe 1; PprtSdeUide, L. Williams S, Mitchell I. Eta- ' piljB 1, Claj-er -i. Brock X. ^