Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Saturday 11 May 1878, page 7



' (FBOKO-B OWN ccraB-spornwarrs.)'

CLUNES, r_iD\r.

A case of concealment of birth occupied the Police Court for some hours to-day. The prisoner is a young woman named1 'Julia. Rjun. On the ¡nth vit. she went to an, hotel at Clunes, and represented herself' os su m_rlicd woman, and stayed the' night. Ths next day the body of a male child was discov cred in her bedroomt. She admitted the matcrnitj-, and said she -fid been confine! during the night The child' had' partially breathed, but the medical evidence Bhowed that death occurred from'.' asphyxiât Conse-quent upon the twisting of- tho umbilical cord round the neck. The r-riBoner waa com-mitted for trial, and bnil allowed. Mr. Thompson, P.M., was on thwbendh'Cor tho first time here.

COK-AO; Fnnw-r.

The new state school, No». _W, was opened to-day at noon by the Minis ter of' Education and the Minister for Lands, in the presence of a small number of ;pereor_,> moetljr childrcn. There wns little in tercstshown in the proceedings, and the speechjs-f'Major Smith, Mr. Long_iore,fand îitr. C-Tea; were short, and not novel. Afterwl irds the Minis» tera were entertained at lum 'heon',at An-thon}'s lioj'al Hotel, the em tire company numbering only 14 in all. TI io usual loyal toasts were formally given and at lUnoviiedged, and after a brief stay the Minia tera retunieil to town at 25 minutes past 3.


At the assizes George Bishop, Robert Young, and Thomas Whyte were again placed in the dock this morning, charged on the

first count with indecently assaulting Mary Ann McDonald. There was a second count of common assault. Young was found guilty on both counts, and received 17 months hard labour. Whyte was found guilty of common assault, and sentenced to nine months'. Bishop, for common assault, re-ceived 12 months', and each to find recog-

nisances at the end of their sentences to keep the peace towards all Her Majesty liege subjects. James Reade, found guilty of an attempt at rape, was sentenced to six years hard labour, and the Court then ad- joumed. si ne die




Notice has been given in the Assembly »f . resolutions in favour of negotiating with ths» Home Government for the exclusive use »E an ironclad vessel, the maintenance to be de-frayed out of the consolidated revenue.

The Assembly adjourned early. Mr. Davies's i motion to rescind tho resolution in favour of ? opening the Library and Museum on Sundays was rejected by a large majority.

Mr. Greenwood lina given notice of motion .

that the reorganisation of the volunteer force -should be proceeded with as a matter of i urgency, and that similar provisions and re- -gulations to those adopted in Sj-dney be ex- . tended to the chief centres of .population hroughout the colony.

It is understood that immediately on tlippa8B¡ng of the Appropriation Bill steps wüt t be taken to reorganise the forces tho Govern- >. ment are now maturing.

The Customs revenue receipts for the paafc_ four months show an increase of £29,-18 on* the corresponding period of last year.

A review of volunteers and permanent ar-. tillery takes place on thcQuecn'a Birthday,

The Government intends toappoint a Royal* commission to inquiro into the treatment oft prisoners in Berrima Gaol.

Flags on all the vessels in harbour, and. buildings in the city wore ,ha] jout of respect to the late Mr. T. S. Mort.

Refeieuce waa made to. Mr.'Mort's death,

in the Assembly, mid much regret expresse* ,

at his decease.

The Aveather is cold and wet.

Hector Gillies, charged at Wagga with ih» murder of Raj'mond laiyard, has .been. (..


Two boys have been remanded atW/aß-*charged with post-offine robberies. The. evi-dence went to show that Clime, the e.ldo_ -boj-, had opened the Urana,mail-bag and appro-priated money letters. About. £250'., wa» taken, the greater portion of which koa. been


Maize has taken a Budden rise, nnd-is now quoted at 3a. Od. to 4a.

Ariived.-Barrabool, s.S., BlaçkhttdM8.s., from Melbourne ; Tasman, frei? Jlobart


Sailed.-You Yangs, a.s ,.for Malbqiirne.



Adelaide town floor, £14 lbs, te) £10 10s. ; country, £13 15s. to £14 5s.;', wheat, ôs. 3d.

Victorian flour, £13 10s. to f_A; wheat, 6a.; maize, Sa. Cd., with an upward.,tendency. Tin-sales at £58, but little offering.



The Government have determined to-erect " line of telegraph, with, iron, poles, fro» Kapunda to the North'West Bend,,on the river Murray.

A deputation from, the Quimber of Manuacturcs waited on the Chief,Secretary this morning, tequesting. th^t-somc alterations should be made in' the. Patent Act. They urged that the pla», of referring all applica-

tions for patents to. examiners was A hardship^, and inimical to the usefulness, of the net. They also requested the Government to intro-duce a bill for th,e registration of trade designa. The Chief Secretary sîid they, already bael resolved to introduce o,bill to i>rovide for the rcgistratioftof trade. dsBigns, hut in regard t» the other matter lia promised, to consult his ctfleagues.

The Commissioner of Public Works cclohiated the opening of tho continuation of the Burra Railway to Hellet to-day. The length is IS} milos.

Thc firpt of the cheap concerts in the Towu-lmll, inaugurated hy tho maj'or, takes place to-morrow night.

A piece of land in Hindlcy-strcct realised the satisfactory pi ice of £05 per foot, hy


Wheat firm at 5s. 10d.; town (VW, AIS 10s.; country flour, £12 15s.'


(llCUTEn'S T-LEl-ftlMB,),


Mr. Malle reports ttifif, Mr. James Glasu has purchased Mr. Henry Thorn's Bnrnclintli Station at a satisfactory figuic.

Townsend,, in connexion with tho bank robbery, waa committed foc trjal, at the sittings, of the Supreme Court, to be held

next week.

Six thousand ounces of gold are awaiting

escort from the Palmer.

Sentence of death, passed on M'Laghlan at tho lntc Rockhampton assizes, far the murder of Whittingham, has been com-muted to penal servitude for life.

Gold has been discoveied at the Eastern Fall, Bjcrstovvn.

The crushings nt the Gympie gold-fields for the past week amounted to l,(i39oz. from

314 tons of quaitz.

Leave was given in the Assembly last night for the introduction of a Permissive


It is not the intention of the Government, to renppoint imniigiutiou locturors in Ireland

or Scotland.

The second course of free popular lecture* in connexion with the Emerald-Uill Mechanics' Institute will commence shortly. The opening leotuio will be delivered on the 27th mat. by Mr. Langton, the subi-cLbeing-" hue and WritingB of Sydney
