Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Friday 16 March 1877, page 4

FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1877.

With the price of the 4lb. loaf at 8d. consumers may well ask the question why quotations for wheat and flour re-main at such a high level, now that the harvest has been gathered in, and the new grain brought to market. They will also be disposed to inquire what probability there is of lower rates ruling. It is possible, we think, to find answers to both questions. The high price of Californian wheat at the beginning of

the season and the small harvest in South Australia are influences which, of course, have had their effect on the Melbourne market, but neither cause, nor both combined, can fully ac-count for the fact that breadstuffs in Melbourne are now at rates which are not usually reached until September. The production of wheat in this colony is equal to about nine-tenths of the consumption, so that unless our harvest should be an extraor-dinarily poor one, the introduction of the new wheat into the market is gene-rally the signal for a decline in the prices. This year, however, although the harvest has been at least up to the average, and the influx of grain into the Melbourne market has been unprece-dently rapid, high rates have been con-tinuously maintained. A few figures will explain the position. The transport of wheat from the country districts to Melbourne begins with the year, or nearly so, and continues during several months. Up to the end of the ninth week of 1876, 13,540 bags of flour and 122,366 bags of wheat had been brought to Melbourne by rail, while the quantities for the corresponding period of this year are 22,169 bags of flour and 179,602 bags of wheat. In fact, during the first nine weeks of the year there has come to Melbourne from the country two-thirds of the quantity of wheat and flour which we may expect to receive alto-gether.

With the market thus amply supplied, it seems curious that prices should have

shown no abatement, and without a knowledge of certain operations which have been quietly going

since the commencement of harvest time, the anomaly would be incapable of explanation. The in-formation in our possession, however, enables us to throw a little light on the subject. The Melbourne millers at the commencement of the season, believing from the aspect of the Californian grain market that importations from thence would only be made at a very high figure, began to buy up Victorian wheat

as fast as it was threshed out. Each member of the trade endeavoured to secure as much grain as he could, and the growers experienced an unwontedly brisk competition for their produce. Nearly every wheat-growing district was visited, and its cereal trea-sures bargained for, the result being that the millers became virtually the possessors of the harvest, and the arbiters of the market. Having in their eagerness to fill their granaries paid a high price for what they bought, they are naturally desirous of sustaining the market, and it thus happens that we have at one and the same time plen-tiful supplies and high rates. But water will find its level, and with an overstocked market daily receiving fresh supplies, the holders of grain cannot expect to maintain their position in-definitely. Already symptoms of weak-ness are apparent. Prices in the Cali-fornian and other foreign markets are declining, and with prospective impor-tations from abroad, rates here show a tendency to go down. That there will be a substantial alteration in favour

OÍ the consumer before long, there can be little reason to doubt, notwith-standing all the efforts in a contrary direction which the present rulers of the market may make. They are, of course, doing their beat to arrest the threatened fall. While they have already more grain in their possession than they know what to do with, they are daily adding to their stores by purchasing small parcels of wheat in the market, with the view of keeping up prices. But manipulation of this sort will not be successful beyond a certain point, and we may look forward with confidence to the speedy restoration of the grain

market to its normal condition.

The discomfiture of the millers will

not excite any poignant or widespread sorrow, for the return to reasonable prices will mean a cheap loaf, and no one will deny that its present cost is much higher than it ought to be in this land of plenty. Protection has suffi-ciently enhanced the cost of living without other influences being brought into play, and little sympathy will be felt for any class to whose operations the com-munity may be indebted for dear bread. Even the " free breakfast table" which we hear so much about, would not make up for an extra penny or two in the price of the 4lb. loaf. And talking about this " free breakfast table" de-lusion, we would like to ask Mr. Berry if it has ever occurred to him to pro-pose the removal of the grain duty. As long as there is a tax upon an article from which the chief constituent of the matutinal meal is obtained, we can scarcely have a free breakfast table, but we are not aware that Mr. Berry has ever gratified his agricultural consti-tuents by proposing the abolition of the duty on wheat. If he is really in earnest about his " free breakfast table," let him do so now. Returning to the millers, and concluding with them, we can only express a hope that they will be more cautious in their proceed-ings next year, so that they may neither incur losses nor deprive the community of its cheap loaf.

The report submitted to the sub-scribers to the SailorB* Home a short

time ago was of the UBual encouraging character. Everything appears to be goiDg on well. Some improvement in the accommodation has been rendered possible by the removal of the shipping office to the building near the Custom-house ; the home has been largely patronised, and the operations of the year leave a clear profit of £26 1B. lid. It will thus be seen that the institution is something more than self-supporting. The following remarks, made by Sir WILLIAM STAWELL, who pre-sided, show a satisfactory Btate of affaira :-" Although the inmates had " not been BO numerous as in the " preceding year, the amount of money " deposited in the savings bank had " been as large, and-what he con" sidered a matter of much greater im" portance-the amount remitted by " sailors to persons to whom they " wished to remit money had been " nearly double that of the previous

year." We trust that tho facilities for exercising thrift which are afforded may gradually have effect, and leaven the whole seafaring population fre-quenting this port, and we congratulate the gentlemen whose donations provided the building in connexion with which such excellent resulta are attained. But gratifying aB all this undoubtedly ic, we miss an assurance that the defects in management pointed out by "A "Vagabond," in September last, have been remedied. Our contributor spoke of bedrooms with floors and wnlls " not " very clean-duBt and cobwebs being

plentiful j" of dirty sheets, towela used in common, and rough cookery, which imparted to everything a taste of grease and onions. We trust that all these things were set right long ago, but think some allusion might well have been made in the report to any reforms that may have been effected.

There is one point, however, of much graver importance, to which " A Vaga"bond" called attention, concerning which it is evident that nothing has been done. We allude totheproviaion of proper machinery for renewing the managing body of the institution from time to time. Originally the members of com-mittee were elected by the annual sub-scribers and life membere, but, now the institution is self-supporting, there are

no annual subscribers to act. The con-sequence is, that there are only some 20 life members to watch the doings of the committee, and when these gentlemen die, as they must do some day or other, in the ordinary course of events, the committee will be a body with perpetual succession and complete irresponsibility. It will fill up vacancies in its own ranka as they occur, and BO continue entire master of the situation.

We pointed out, when " A Vagabond's" paper on the Sailors' Home appeared, that the gentlemen who at present con-duct the affairs of the institution are everything that could be desired. They are earneBt in their work, they are iden-tified for the most part with the ship-ping industry of the port, and are in every way the very men for the posi-tions they hold. " But," we went on to Bay, " it ia just because "we have at present such a satis" factory body of governors that no " time should be lost in effecting any " alterations in the rules which may be " necessary in order that when the in" evitable time comes for parting'they * may have worthy successors. Wo " are reminded how Sir CHAULES " DILKE's recent exposures of chari" table corporations in the House of " Commons show how irresponsibility '' may degenerate through ages into " abuse and corruption." Tf steps be taken by the existing committee to place mattera on a proper footing, we have no doubt that the arrangements made will be satisfactory and equitable, but we cannot be sure that the suc-cessors of the present members will be equally trustworthy. While we canretaln thecommitteemenwho are acting now, the absence of suitable rules to provide for and regulate elections is of little import-ance, but the day must come when a change in the personnel will be unavoid-able, and we Bhould do well to provide now for future contingencies.

Some difficulty will doubtless bo experienced should the matter be taken in hand, in providing a suit-able constituency for the committee of management, but this ÍB no reason for refusing to entertain the ques-tion. Sooner or later some action will have to be taken, and ire cannot see that

tiny difficulties which stand in the way are likely to« be diminished by the lapse of time. Without committing ourselves absolutely to the idea, we would suggeBt that the shipowners qualified to vote for members of the Harbour Trust might safely be entrusted with the duty of electing the committee of the Sailors' Home. If this suggestion should not commend itself to the judgment of the managers, it would not be difficult to amend it. The great thing is not to leave things in the unsatisfactory condition in which they are at present, and therefore we trust that when the next annuul report is published it will contain an an-

nouncement that matters have been

placed on a different footing.

Fending the election of a Harbour TruBt, our department of Public Works bas been pushing on its operations for the improvement of the Yarra with commendable vigour. The navigable channel has been widened to about 300 feet nearly as far down as the Mel. bourne Gas Company's manufactory, with a rather notable exception, to be referred to hereafter. Dredging aud bluBting are in progress at the spot at which a belt of basaltic rock intersects the Btream, diagonally, between the atone portions of the north and south wharves, respectively. This work is necesaarily tedious, and if it costs Is. a lb. to get the rock out, as Mr. WOODS Btated ia his place in Parliament, it by no moans follows that the price is too high, siaco it is absolutely indispensable to the elliciencj of the Yarra, as a port, that the reef in queation should be removed. The navigable capacity of a river is, of course, the capacity of its shallowest part, and the shallowest part must be deepened, at whatever cost. Recent ex-tensive works in the Yarra have been planned with a view to its having ulti-mately a depth of 22ft., but a depth of 18ft. will probably meet all the require-ments of trade for many years. To this depth its rocky bed will be excar vated before the operations now being executed are completed, and then nothing more will have to be done for a long time in tho way of deepening

the river.

But there ia something amiss about the widening of it. There are ahips afloat now that could come up the Yarra as far as tho Fall's-bridge, but could not be got down again un-ices they were towed stern foremost. They could not turn round in the river. The ships of the White Star Company's Atlantic fleet are 450ft. long. Other companies have ahips 400ft. long. Steamers that have visited Hobaoa's Bay are 320ft. and 350ft. in length. But the Yarra, except in the pool oppo-site the Custom-house, is only 300ft. wide, and at one spot it is little more than half that width. This spot is opposite the Australian wharf, a few chains down Btream from the inlet known as the new dock ; and here, for tome unexplained and difficult to be imagined reason, a promontory has been permitted to run out nearly to mid stream, for the past l8 months or so. Above and below the projection the river has been widened, but the public is denied the advantage of the improve-ments effected through the impediment in question being permitted to remain. Usually one of Captain HOWARD SMITH'S large steam colliers is berthed in this narrow part of the river, and to turn her round when about to proceed to sea ia a tedious and difficult procese, through the narrowness of the water in which the operation has to be performed. And, woree than this, the turning pro-cesa is not altogether unattended with danger when wind or tide is unpropitious.

The only cause of this Btrange delay in the works in progress for the improvement of the Yarra is one that requires a good deal of explanation. At the narrow part in the stream, Mr. WRIGHT'S graving dock juts into the river, and it would seem that the whole trade of the port of Melbourne ia hindered and impeded, in order that ho may be saved the inconvenience of moving inland 100 or 150 feet. Duke's Dock, adjoining, opens into the river at a distance of about 300ft. from the north wharf, and Mr. WRIGHT has long been ready to move out of the way, since he has land enclosed inside his present dock site, into which to carry it when compelled so to do. But naturally he does not do so until he is compelled. Moat people would a*ct like him, and defer as long as they could the expenditure of two or three thousand pounds for which they could not expect any direct return. Tho department of Public Works, however, owes a duty to the mercantile com-munity, and should long since have insisted upon Mr. WRIGHT'S moving in. Large sums of money have been spent on the Yarra, and mora judiciously than the money entrusted to the Public Works department is sometimes laid out ; but in con-sequence of the extraordinary in-dulgence shown to an individual, as already described, the outlay ÍB in great part unproductive. Why Mr. WRIGHT is permitted thus to obstruct the navi-gation of the Yarra we have no means of knowing ; but this much ÍB clear, that he ought not to be per-mitted to do so any longer. To enable him to defer an outlay which, eooner or later, he must certainly make, the navi-gation of the river is rendered un-necessarily difficult and dangerous, and that at a time when it would steadily and rapidly increase if only it had fair play, through the extension of our railway t-vstcro, which in effect places the river m direct communication with all parts of the colony.

Wo aro glad to reçoive the Kur. J. C. SYMONS as a recruit into the army which ¡B fighting for a sober, rational, anti re-creativo observance of the first day of tho week. He told tho meeting at the Tonipernnce-hall tho othor evening, that " it "would be far better if mon went out "with their familios on Sundays and "breathod freBh air, instead of- spending " their time in a publichouse." We entirely agree with him, and for that reaaon we have always advocated the pro-vision of harmloBB and beneficial counter

attractionB to tho liquor-shop. There l8 a largo soctlon of our population which never enters a place of worship on a Sun-day, and all experience goes to show that it cannot be induced to do BO by either persuasion or coeroion. But timo hangs heavily on the hands of suoh people, ttnd the more active tholr minds, the moro wearisome and oppressive ia the blank vsouity of the day of rest. Li it to be wondered at that they fly for ex-citement to the bottle, and for some kind

.of mental stimulus- to the society which they find In tho back parlour of a publio ïiouBO 1 For Buch persons, wo ask that iho Public Library, tho Picture Gallery, and the ruuBeums should be opened on a Sunday, and that excursion traîna should run in tho morning and ovonlng of that day during the summer months. As tho ïlov. STOI-FORD BROOKE, ono of the QUEEN'S chaplains, observed In a recont pormon on this Biibject, " The main point e> is, that man Bhould rest his body and re *' cruitblflBtrongth, and indoingsokeophis *' Sabbath. That is what GOD wishes him "to do, and tho statornont disperses at " once the Sabbatarian notions which, In , " restraining men by religious terror

"' from all bodily exercise on the Sabbath, " drive them often into gross physical *' Bin ; which unchrlstianlae the worklng " mon and the ahopboys who go to tho el country on Sunday, fix on thom the " name of Sabbath-breakers, shut them ," out from OhriBtian communion, and *' often, when the men aro weak, drive " thom into an evil life by giving them a *' bad name. The men are not breaking " the Sabbath ; they are keeping it by ct taking refreshment." This is tho language of common sense and of OhriB-tian feeling, and it has the sanction of CHRIST and the approbation of PAUL.

The Cabinet decided yesterday that the '{stone to be used in the erection of the new Daw courts should be a Tasmanian stone. A memorandum received by the Minister of icbllo Works from the stone board of in-quiry waa submitted, which stated that the Symptoms developed in the Mount Abrupt [[Hamilton) stone were such as would not «arrant them in recommending its adoption in preference to Tasmanian stone, ita coat Biso being very largely in excess. They recommended that the building be faced with Tasmanian stone of the quality of the sample Ko. 2, Spring Bay, Tasmania, which waa reported by Mr. J. Cosmo Newbery to have {been not acted on by the air or rain. The recommendation of the board waa adopted ¡by the Cabinet, and the tender of Messrs. Pearson and Downie for tbe buildings in {brickwork, faced with white Tasmanian Btone, £239,438, will therefore be accepted. In accordance with another recommendation of the board, Mr. Newbery will be Bent to Tasmania to visit the quarries, with the view of pointing out the beds from which the Btone should be selected. The work will ¡be proceeded with without delay.

The attention of the Government having [been directed to the refusal of the Ballarat Water Commission to furnish a complete Jbalance-sheet, showing the exact financial ¡position of the commission, and to the -very suspicious reticence displayed

this ,point, it has intimated its intention to refuse further advances to the com-mission until the Treasurer has been satisfied that the financial condition of the commission is satisfactory. We believe that the commission is desirous of obtaining a further advance of £40,000. It will be necea* Cary, however, to have the accounts properly audited, and the works executed under the commission inspected by the engineer of «rater supply, before farther advances are


Reporta concerning the accident which ¡happened on the main line of railway on February 13 have been received by the Minister of Railways from the assistant traffic manager, Mr. Anderson, and from the resident engineer, Mr. W. H. Greene. Mr' Anderson states that it was a most fortunate circumstance that the line gave way when it did, as some short distance further on the culvert was totally swept away, and if the train had gone over there the consequences would have been much more disastrous. Mr. Greene held an inquiry into the canses of the accident. He states that the flood ivas unusually heavy, and the railway calvert at Sandy Creek was not sufficient to carry off all the storm water. Investigation ¡into the conduct of the men employed ¡n the maintenance of that portion of the line showed that gross neglect had

J>een shown by Ganger Gregory, who did J not examine the line after the storm, as he ehonld have done, and by two of the labourers, Mathison and Boyd. TheBO men iiave been discharged, and Mr. Greene states that but for the legal difficulties in the way lie would recommend Gregory being prose-cuted for neglect of duty. Ganger Norris, Who examined part of his length, bat not all, »as fined £5 for neglect of duty.

At the instance of the Crown Law officers a summons has been issued against Dr. Steeves, requiring bim to appear at the City ÜPolice Court on Monday next to ana iver a «barge of having received a lunatic into his private hospital in Stephen-street, in con. travention of the 11th section of the Lunacy Statute. The information was sworn by Detective Kennedy, who was entrusted with the Bervice of the summons,

Major H. A. Clarke will be nominated by the Free-trade League for North Melbourne. SMr. Thomas Shaw informs us that, in order to simplify the issue for the electora of Ripon and LTampden at the approaching election, lie has decided to withdraw his candidature. The Hon. D. Gillies was at Heathcote on ¡Monday and Tuesday, and received the moat Satisfactory assurances of support in his candidature for Rodney Mr. J. B. Patterson twill address the electors of Castlemine on the 24th ¡nat.

A meeting of Mr. G. D. Carter's friends and Supportera was held at the court-house, Prahran, last night, to enable Mr. Carter to -explain his reasons for coming forward as a candidate for St. Kilda. Mr. Carter justified 3his candidature at some length, and ex-pressed his intention of going to the poll. Ho explained that he had not announced him-self as a candidate until MesBrs. Jeffray and Williams had refused to stand, and these ¡gentlemen bad promisod him their support The meeting unanimously agreed to support the candidature of Messrs R. Murray Smith

and G, D. Carter.

Mr. Fausset addressed the electors ot Emerald-hill at tho Mechanics' Institute jeeterday evening. He announced himself to be a freetrader, in favour of a land-tax such as that proposed by Mr. Service, and as an advocate of a paeseuger-warrant ByBtem of immigration. Ho gave expression to his views in a blunt, outspoken manner. There waa a number of noioy mon and boys present, who xegBrding the meeting as an amuaemïnt Sept up a constant How of interruptions. A vote of confidence was moved, and also au amendment declaring the demeanour and speech of the candidate to be such that it was advisable for him to move on to the ~ext constituency. The amendment was carried, a result brought about in some mea-sure by a piece of bad taste on the part of the candidate himself. A lame man came on to the platform to oak a question, and laid Icia stick down beside him. Mr. Fausset, pre-sumably in joke, walked over and kicked the alick on to the floor. This proceeding natu "o'!» eicitod disapprobation, and WÍB not ' suh'iut its eiiect on the vote.

I. : ,) ¡.nii'H Douglass Lindens met about 40 ..of the electors of East Bourke last evening, at the Foreotete' hall, Preston. He spoke lot about an hour, and when he concluded Councillor Elliston moved, and Councillor Hutton seconded, "That a vote of thanks te accorded to Mr. Landells for his address, and that this meeting declines to express au opinion as to his fitness to represent this «diatrict in Parliament." Councillor Mitchell supported the resolution. Mr. Landells said tbe vote of thanks " WBB only a side-wind ; it waa not honest." He wished to have an expression of opinion one way or the -other. After a groat deal of uproar and con-tusion Councillor EllisBon withdrew hil motion. A vote of confidence was then moved by Mr. Standwedge, and seconded by Mr. Dunstan, and, on being put, 15 hands were held up for it, and the chairman (Mr. Clinch) declared it carried. A vota of thanks to the chairman brought the pro-ceedings to a olose.

At the meeting held by Mr. Landolla last sight at Preston, Mr. Mitchell nonplussed

the candidate by propounding the follow-ing interrogatory : - " Would Mr. lyn-della favour as with bis opinion regarding the unearned increment of land?" The candidate looked at his questioner, and BBked, "Regarding the what?" to which Mr. Mitchell blandly replied, " The unearned increment of land." The candidate paused, and then again aeked, "The unearned whatl" Mr. Mitchell again explained. "Ob," Baid Mr. LandeUs, "I don't want to make a fool of myself ; I don't understand what

yon mean."

The asnal weekly meeting of the Connell of tho National Reform and Protection League was held laßt evening, Mr. Berry ia the chair. Mr. Mirams reported that branch leagues had been established in the following localities :-Buninyong, Smythesdale, Scars-dale, Carngham, Happy Valley, Grenville, Rokewood Junction, and Barham Lead, and arrangements were being made to organise branches at Castlemaine, Bray-brook, Lintons, Staffordshire Reef, Yarra* ville, and Gordons. Correspondence had been received from a large number of constituencies in reference to the selection of candidates, and nnder the direction of the executive replies bad been forwarded convey-ing the views of the Central League.

The uBual weekly meeting of the Richmond branch of the Free-trade League was held on Wednesday evening, Mr. Aepinwoll was in the chair. Several new members were en. rolled, and their subscriptions were handed in. The secretary reported that canvassers were actively engaged in the various portions of the district collecting names and sub scriptlons to the league. Several matters of importance were disposed of, and the meet, ing adjourned nntil the following Wednes-day evening, when arrangements will be made for the forthcoming elections,

Much activity appears to prevail amongst the various candidates for a seat on the now Barbour Trust Commission. Several gentle-men have delayed their candidature in the expectation that the Government would have announced the names of their three nomi-nees, but as it has been determined to with, hold those names nntil the close- of the other elections on Good Friday, further hesitancy would evidently be useless, But for this considération is is said that the names of Mr. W. W. Conche, the president of the Chamber of Commerce ; the Hon, F. T. Sar-good, another activo member of the chamber; and Mr, C. E. Bright, one of the former pre. sidents, and chairman of one of the Royal Commissions on harbour improvements would have been announced earlier. Nomi-nation papers in favour of those gentlemen have, we hear, been extensively Bigned.

The combination cricket match, Australia v. England, was commenced yesterday, on the Melbourne cricket-ground. The Australian team was at the wickets during the whole of the afternoon, and when the stumps were drawn had made 166 runs with the loss of six wickets. Of this score Bannerman (not out) made 126, by the finest play ever seen in Australia. Between 4,000 and 5,000 people were on the ground. The game will be resumed today at half-past 12 o'clock. In addition to the silver cup presented by the proprietors of /The Australasian/ to the best bowler, a gentleman who does not wish his name to be disclosed, will give a prize worth £5 5s. to the highest scorer.

The programme of the All-England Eleven has been so altered that they will not revisit Sydney, and Mr. Evans will be disappointed of his hoped-for opportunity to bowl them out. They have determined, instead, to play a return match against 15 of Victoria at Easter, on the MCC ground, and to visit Ballarat, Sandhurst, and probably Ararat and Castlemaine before they leave Melbourne for England. The financial prospects of the team, it is believed, will be better in this colony than in New South Wales, and they will be saved the unpleasantness of the sea trip to and from Sydney, which they might possibly have to make in stormy weather.

The Board of Land and Works yesterday accepted the following tenders :-Fencing and gates, Sandridge-bend, W. Byrnes, £418 ; alterations and additions, post and telegraph office, Avenel, George Gordon, £163 10a. Cd.

work «i at powder magazine, Saltwater River, J. W. Linacre-in stone £3,808 14a. Gd., in brickwork £3.006149, Cd.; furniture, hospital for (insane, Beechworth (lowest tender not fipned, but deposit Bent in), £173 7s.; sundry works, farm buildings, industrial schools Royal-park, Herbert Hart, £70 10s ; fencing powder magazine, Geelong, Anthony Kelly,


The March sittings of the Central Criminal Court were commenced yesterday before his Honour the Chief Justice. Mr. C. A. Smyth acted as Crown prosecutor. The calendar for the present sittings is a light one, comprising only six cases, three of which were disposed of yesterday. George Lewis, indicted for a burglary at Bourke street on the 26th January last, and Francis Hawthorn, charged with burglariously entering the house of H. J. Mays, in Latrobe-street, on the morning of the 4th inst., were both found guilty and remanded for sentence. Jane Dicker pleaded guilty to a charge of unlaw-fully wounding her husband at Gold-street, Collingwood, by slightly cutting his throat with a razor. As there was no desire to deal severely with the woman, she was ordered to enter into recognisances to come up for judgment when called upon. Charles Watson, a wharf labourer, was found guilty of an attempt to commit an unnatural offence, and was remanded for sentence. The Court adjourned until 10 o'clock this morning.

The Railway Inquiry Board met yesterday morning at half-past 9. Mr. Hardy, ohairman of the directory of the Pheonix Foundry Com pany, and Mr. Shaw, manager of the com-pany, were in attendance to give evidence. At Mr. Hardy's request the board, after a brief consultation, permitted that gentleman to be present at the examination of witnesses connected with the company. The examina-tion of Mr. Shaw was conducted witli rete ronce to some Bpecimens of defective ma. terials and workmanship, taken from engines manufactured at tbe Pheonix Foundry, and obtained from the Williamstown work«' ris, and it was, therefore, of a purely technical character. Some of the company's engines were aleo inspected. The board adjourned at half-post 5 o'clock. The weighing of the locomotive engines and tenders ÍB being pro-ceeded with, and very useful information ia thus obtained, not only for the board, but for the Railway departmont. The weighing apparatus consists of several very neat port-able machines, one of whi^h ¡g applied to each of the wboels, BO that when adjusted tho whola weight of the engine is lifted off the rails, and rests on the levers of the machines. Each machine indicates the weight of the wheel to which it ia applied, and BO reliable aro they, that in several trials with the same engine the total weight was found not to vary by more than lewt These machines are the invention of a Ger man engineer, and were courteously lent to our Railway department for the purposes of this inquiry by the Sonth Australian Go vernment, at the BuggeBtion of Mr. Wil Ham Thow, ita accredited member at the


Judgment was given by Mr. Jastico Molos, worth yesterday in the suit of White v 'I'lte London Chartered Baitk. The suit waa insti-tuted to define the rights of the plaintiff, the bank, and Messrs. Blackwood and Ibbotson relative to his stations in New South Wales, named Clare and Nouramie. The bank waa a first mortgagee of both stations, which had been assigned to it by the late Mr. Hngh Glass. The plaintiffs were second mortgagees over one Btation, and Blackwood and Ibbot-son over the others. His Honour made a decree for the taking of accounts, allowing .he bank certain sums it claimed, and dis-allowing others.

The will of the late Samuel Ramsden waa proved in the Supreme Court yesterday. The amount of the eatote in Viotoria waa sworn at £160,000. The exeoutora oppolnted are three of bia sons. ; - ¡<.

In the Equity Court yesterday, an applica

tion was made to Mr. Justice Molesworth to supersede the injunction declaring Edwin Trenery to be of unsound mind. A jury had found in May lost that Trenery was not capable of taking care of himself, but latterly be has quite recovered, and Dr. Youl and Messrs. Gillbee and Beaney had made affidavits that the cure is likely to be per-manent, The application was granted, so that Trenery will now be released from sur-


An application was made yesterday to the Chief Justice by Mr. Welsh, attorney, for a mandamus to compel the registrar of the Court of Mines at Heidelberg, to register an application by one Lawler to a mining claim. The matter in disputo had been already several times before tbe courts. Lawlor had applied to the warden for an order for for-feiture of the claim, which was held by one Stiggants, but the application had been dis-missed, and an appeal is now pending against the decision to the District Court of Mines. Pending the appeal, Lawlor marked out the claim, and applied to have it registered. The registrar refused to accede to the re-quest, on the ground that the claim bad already been registered in the name of another person. There is a bye-law of the Castlemaine district which provides that where an application is made for registra-tion, and any person objects, the objector must take proceedings within seven days againBt the claimant, and if that ia not dono, the objection lapses, and the claim must be registered. The objector in this case did not take any proceed-ings within the time, and, therefore, Lawlor urged that he was entitled to regis* tration. As the registrar refused to recognise the demand, this application to the Supreme Court for a mandamus was made. Mr. Casey, for the respondent, pointed out that by seotion 16G of the Mining Statute, power was given to a judge of the Conrt of Mines to Compel an officer to perform his duty, and therefore the Supreme Court ought not to interfere by a mandamus. The Chief JaBtice agreed with this view, and refused the application.

The Jfisi Prius Sittings of the Supreme Court before Easter term were brought to a close yesterday, the lost case tried being Williamson and Others v. Langley. The plaintiffs are executors of the late Charles WilliamaoD, of Tecameron, and they claimed £49514s. lid, for money due by the de-fendant to the estate. The defendant denied hie liability, but the jury gave a ver-dict for the plaintiffs for £321 Us. lid.

The annual show (tbe fourth) of the West Bourke Agricultural Society was held yester-day, in the grounds presented to the society by their president, Mr. W. J. Clarke. In honour of the occasion, His Excellency the Governor went by the ordinary midday train, and after formally opening the Bhotv, was entertained at luncheon, returning to town by the special train in the evening. The exhibition was by far the best the society has held. The draught and thoroughbred horse sections were numerously, and also in quality, well supported. The cattle sections, short-horns especially, were also of superior


The committee appointed to promote the erection of a cathedral bave made arrange* ments for holding a public mooting at the Town-hall, Melbourne, on Monday evening next, at 8 o'clock. The Bishop will preside, and it is expected that the Dean, Sir William Stawell, Mr, Justice Fêlions, Dr. Bromby,

the Rev. Robert Potter, and Mr. Rusden, wal

take part in the proceedings. Advantage will be taken of the occasion to present an address to the Bishop of Sydney, who will b) the guest of the Bishop of Melbourne at the time;; and probably the Primate will use the opportunity to recount the benefits derived from a cathedral establishment in the sister diocese. His lordship arrived from Sydney late last night

The nsual weekly meeting of the com-mittee of the Benevolent Asylum was held at the institution yesterday afternoon. Mr. Harcourt presided, and the other members preeent were Messrs. Ashley, Birren, Crouch, Hill, Hunt, irving, and Zevenboom. The superintendent reported that the number of inmates was 627, viz,, 413 males and 214 females. There were'vacancies for four men and one woman, which were ulled by the committee. The resident medical officer's report stated that the number of inmates in the hospital was 173-80 males and 03 females, and there were under treatment not in hospital 45 moles and seven females, making a total of 225 inmates under treatment. There had been three deaths anting the week, viz.:-Oa the 10th inst, Richard Marston, native of Hereford, Eng-land, of old age, aged 78 years, had been an inmate for 9J years ; on the 14th inst, Daniel Levy, native of London, England, of chronic pye ti tis, aged 54 years, bad been an inmate for C^ years ; on the 13th inst, Jane Arch-deacon, native of Dublin, Ireland, of hepa. titis, aged C9 years, had been in residence for four years and ten months. Tenders were opened for the painting of the exterior of all the windows in the main building. The lowest of 22 tenders sent in was that of William Collie, of South Yarra, at £34 Con-siderable doubt was expressed, however, as to whether the work could be dono for this amount, sa the tender was very largely below the average of the other tenders, and the work would include the painting (with three coate) of over 300 windows. Inquiries were

ordered to be made as to the tenderer, the _ superintendent being empowered to accept the next lowest tender if the result were not satisfactory

A meeting of the committee of manage, ment of the Victorian Shipwreck Relief Society was held at the offices, Spencer-street, on Wednesday afternoon. Present-Jonkheer J. W, Ploos van Ametel, Captain Wra Howard Smith, Messrs. Henry Capel Pigott]

Hugh R, Reid, Wm. Strachan, Lieut-Colonel Gardner, Messrs.David Masterton and Jame? Lorimer, As Mr. Hugh R. Reid was retiring from the office of treasurer to the society, whioh he had held since its inception, the corr mittee took the opportunity of expressing to him the sense of his invaluable services in assisting to found the society, and they con-sidered tbat the whole community ia Victoria owed him a great deal for the establishment of it, and having brought it to its present issue. The retiring chairman, Jonkhocr J. W. Ploos van Amstel, also recoived the thanks of the committee for his regularity of attendance at its meetings and the harmony which had prevailed at all the meeting) under his chairmanship. They wishod him,

with Captain Smith, bon voyage on their intended tour to Europe. The hon. secretary was also thanked for his services. Mr, Lori-mer gave notice of the following motion, to be discussed nt the next meeting:-"That means be adopted for increasing the funds of the society."

From the reports submitted to the Rich-mond Town Council last evening, it would appear that in several of the wards typhoid and scarlet fever are now prevalent. Severa1 of the cases have proved fatal, and although the local health officer reports that all the necessary measures are being adopted to prevent the spread of infection, the inapector of the south ward confesses that " the prevention of members of the family in which the disease exista from mixing with the public seems quite impracticable under present circumstances." Perhaps it would be advisable it the Central Board of Health made inquirios, with the view of discovering tbe number of cases under treatment, and estimating the dimensions which the epi-demic has attained throughout the munici-pality.

From a letter whioh was read at the meet, ing of the Richmond Town Council last evening, the lineB of the dwellers on the batiks of the Yarra, within the bounds of the municipality, have not fallen in pleasant places. It seems that the margin of the stream ie haunted from morning to night, by hordes of unsavoury, foul-mouthed youths, who while away the hours with bathing, dog-fighting, gambling, and other kindred amusements. One resident com. pleins that some, of, the more enterprising among these worthies are in the habit of

swimming across to his garden, entering it in a state of nudity, plundering the fruit-trees, UBing obscene language when remonstrated with, and generally conducting themselves as if the place and all it contained had been made over to them in fee simple. The chief commissioner of police, who haa been com. municated with, Buegests that the Richmond Council Bhoald pass a bye-law similar to that adopted by the Melbourne Council, pro-hibiting persons from bathing within the bonn dB of the municipality, except before certain stated hoard in the morning. The matter waa roferred to the Specifications Committee, with the view of taking the necesBary steps to put a stop to the


Mr. J. M. Feeblea, the spiritualistic lee turor, having revisited the colony after an absence of over four years, was given a public reception by the Melbourne spiritual-ists at the Temperance-hall last night. The attendance was limited. Mr, J. M'llwraith presided. The proceedings were com-menced by a scries of caliafchenic exer. cisea by the children of the Lyceum, under the direction of Mr. Terry, and the exhibition waa not of an unpleaaing nature. An addreaa of welcome to Mr. Peebles waa afterwards read, in which the rapid strides of spiritualism and free thought all over the world were dwelt on, and the lecturer was congratulated upon the valuable service he had rendered to the cause. The chairman, in presenting the address, also extolled Mr. Peebles' talents as a lecturer, and said he felt certain that there waa enough of toleration and good feeling in Melbourne to secure for him a fair hearing, however the majority of bia hearers might differ from the views enunciated. lu fact, he (Mr. M'llwraith) could safely say that in all bia travels he had mot no more free-thinking city than Melbourne, although the citizens allowed themselves to be controlled by a small clique, Mr. Peebles, in replying to the address, acknowledged the kindness of the reception accorded to him. Since hia last visit be bad travelled round the world, speaking wherever an opportunity offered what he believed to be the burning living truth, which he would continue to do whilst he bad life. Some musical selections were credit-ably rendered, after which there waa a fruit soirée, bringing the meeting to a close.

In the Prahran police court yesterday, John Donnelly, of the Loughmore Hotel, was fined £3 for permitting liquor to be drunk on his premises on Sunday, the llth inst. W. Weaver, of the Railway Tavern, was charged with selling beer on the same day. A man was discovered leaving the de-fendant's premises with a bottle of beer in his possession. The Bench inflicted a fine of 20s. in this case. William Keogh, of the Windsor Castle, and Joseph Kirkham, of the Telegraph Hotel, were each fined 20s. for permitting liquor to be drunk on theic pre-mises on Sunday last.

A case of some interest to seafaring men was beard in the Sandridge Police Court yes-terday. A Bailor named David Connora, belonging to the British Bliip Steinvora, was charged with continued acts of disobedience BB a Bailor on board the ship. Mr. D. Gaun eon, who appeared for the defence, argued that the defendant waa not legally bound to the ship, and in proof of this quoted from the articles signed by the sailor, by which he en-gaged to trade between any ports in the United Kingdom and the Canadian ports, the United States of America, and the ports in the Indian and Chinese Seas. Aa the Australian portB were not included in the seas mentioned in the articles, he considered it waa a divergence from the agreement, and that the defendant waa thereby releaaod from bia articlea. The magistrates, the mayor (Mr. T. D. Burroughs), and Mr. A. E. Aitkin considered that no proof had been given of a divergence, and that the defend-ant waa bound to obey the ordera of hia Buperior officer. The defendant waa sen-tenced to three months' imprisonment.

Ascencio De Frietas, landlord of the Mechanics' Hotel, Bourke-street east, was summoned by Constable Lavie, at the Dis-trict Court yesterday, for pumping water having an offensive smell from his premises into the street. The offence was proved by the police, and the defendant was fined 10s.,

with 20s. costs.

Yesterday morning, at a quarter to 10 o'clock, a well-dressed woman, apparently hbout 26 years of age, entered the ladies' waitingroom at the Hobaon's Bay Railway Station with a boy about three years of age and an infant Bil weeka old. She desired the attendant, Luoy Swan, to take charge o' the infant until ehe should go to give the boy a drink. The attendant, having no sus-picion that anything wrong waa intended, complied, and the woman with the Hy left Time wore on, but the woman never re' turned, and on search being made it waa discovered that she had deserted the infant. The matter having been then placed in the

banda of the police, the infant waa Bent to ' the Children's Hospital, while a warrant was issued for the woman's arrest.

A young man named Charles Johnston, residing in Cardigan-street, Carlton, when sitting on the limb of a tree looking at the All England v. Australia cricket match yesterday, lost his balance and fell a distance of 25ft. to the ground. He sustained severe injuries to his back, and had to be conveyed to the Melbourne Hospital for treatment.

A lecture in aid of the building fund of the Young Men'a Christian Association was de-livered in the Collins-street Baptist Churoh last night by the Rev. W. Kelynaok, the subject being " George Stephenson." There was a very large attendance, and the dean of Melbourne occupied the chair. At the conclusion Mr. A. J, Smith, president of the Young Men's Christian Association, proposed a vote of thanks to the lecturer, which waa warmly accorded.

Tie courageous conduct of a constable in Bourke-street on Wednesday last is worthy of notice, A horse in harness, and with the shafts of a buggy dangling behind, came galloping furiously along SwanBton-Btreet. After coming into contact with a oart it turned up Bourke-street, which waa at the time crowded with all kinds of vehicles, and a serious accident seemed imminent. Con. stable Walsh, who waa on duty between Swan-ston and Russell streets, rushed forward, and at great personal risk seized and stopped the uniuonl. - HI'B conduct waa admired by many onlookers, and it has been brought nnder tbe notice of hia superior olncera. It appears that the horse belonged to Mr. Swindle?, who resides in Emerald-hill, and that it waa being driven in a buggy on the St Kilda road, when it bolted in tbo direction of Mel-bourne. Near the Immigrants' Home the vehicle waa thrown violently against a fence, and the shafts breaking it waB there left behind, whilst tho horse pursued hia course acrosB Prince'a.bridge and into the city. No

one wea injured.

At the Fitzroy Police Court yesterday, Mr Jamea R. Lyona, a Btorekeeper, carrying ou bueineBS in Brunswick-atreot, was summoned for having stored on bia premiaos a quantity of powder in excess of tho amount allowed by the act. Mr. Hood appeared for tho police in support of the prosecution, and Mr. O'Logblen for the defence. This case waa brought before tho court originally in Auguat last, and waa then diamisaed on the ground that the defendant waa a manu-facturer, and therefore not amenablo to tho provisions of the statute. Against tbia deci-sion the prosocution appealed to the Supreme Court, which directed the re-hearing of the case. The matter came before the Fitz roy Court the second time in January last, and waa again dismissed upon a tech-nical objection. Yesterday, for the third time, the case waa brought before the Court. Tbo evidence showed that in Auguat last 784¡¡lb. weight of blaBting powder waa aeized in Lyone'a store, Brunawick-atreet, by Con-stable Cahill upon information supplied by a man named M'Inerney. There waB no diaputo as to the powder being there contrary to the act, but the defence waa that the owner-ship waa not proved. The Bench held that tbo evidence waa satisfactory, and iuliictid a fine of Sa, for every pound of powder ia

excess of the authorised quantity of 251b., amounting to a total of £18917s. Gd. The defendant was allowed a week to pay the penalty. .

A flower show was opened at Geelong yes-terday, in connexion with the Yarra-street Wealeyan Sunday School, which is said to be the first of the kind held in the colony. His worship the mayor opened tho exhibition, which was a great success, the entries being very numerous and ore. ditable to the exhibitors. The object of the exhibition is to foster a taste for the cultivation of plants and flowers, to provide pleaeant employment and recreation for leisure hours, and to develops in friendly com-petition the Bkill and invontive faculties of those connected with the school. Prizes to the number pf over 150, of the value of 2s, Cd,, 5s., and 10s,, were awarded for exhibits of plants in pote for teachers and for scholars, aleo for cut flowers, &a, and extras.

The Ballal al Queuing Post understands that Mr. John W. Gray, returning officer, received instructions on Thursday from the Chief Secretary to have all arrangements for the ensuing elections perfected previous to the dissolution of the Assembly-to select the depnty returning officers and poll clerks conditionally, engage polling rooms, and have every preparation made for fitting them up This seems to indicate that the dissolution of Parliament is not far distant, and will no doubt be the eignal for intending candidates to buckle on their armour for the coming fray.

"TheBishop of Melbourne" says the if. A. ¿Jail, " bas arranged to visit Castlemaine on the 12th April, and remain till the


It nas been decided to issue a warran1; against Mr. F. Wheeler, the late hospital collector. The Ballarat Star says:-"Ata meeting of the committee of the institution, held on Wednesday, 15th March, a letter wai read from the local agent of the Australian Alliance Assurance Company, promising to arrange for payment of the amount of defal-cation, but insisting that the committee should issue a warrant against the late col-lector on three separate charges of embezzle-ment It was agreed that the warrant should issue, and it was arranged that the hon. solicitor, Mr. C. Salter, should at once take ate; s to carry out the matter,"

The Locomotive Board of Inquiry (writes the Ballarat Star) has forwarded to the Fhonix Foundry Company 36 complaints preferred against the engines turned out by them, or a little more than one complaint for each of the 35 engines supplied to the Govern-ment from the foundry. Here the complaints are looked upon as frivolous in the extreme, and one of the Government officials, who has already given evidence bofore the board, ex. presses his opinion that his answers to the board bave disposed of 35 of the above com-plaints.

The Portland Guardian of Tuesday re-ports:-"Between4 and ö o'clock yesterday two railway trucks, laden with building stone from the forest quarry about three miles from town, came rattling down the incline front-ing Bentinck-street at a farious pace. The guard was standing on the break of the hind tiuck about a foot above the rails, but bis weight was not sufficient to stop the truck, which dashed into the main drain now being constructed to carry off the surface water in the channel in Bentinck-street. When the front truck ran into the drain, the hind part rose a number of feet into the air, when the stones it contained were projected with great force a considerable distance in front on the rail which had been removed from over the drain so OB not to interfere with the masons and workmen now employed in the construction. Of course the hind truck ran against the one that had come to grief in tbe drain, and the concussion was so great that the coupling waa unfastened and tho hind truck ran backward for some dis-tance on the line, only a few of the building stones it carried being displaced. The driver stuck to the break till the tracks came within a perch or two of the drain, when he jumped off without injury, so that beyond the damage to the first truck, broken wheels, &&, no injury is done. From the first day it was known that the trucks and engines would be run down an immense incline into a hole at the bottom, it was predicted that accidents muBtoccur, and now this is the first dangerous accident to show that the predictions were well founded. Fortunately in this case there is no IOSB of life, but who can say what will happen next? The rail, way cutting in Bentinck-street is one of those stupid engineering blunders for which the Railway department is alone responsible. The original survey of the line tunnelled the hiil between Percy and Bentinck streets, and brought engines and tracks on a level on the northside of the new jetty, making accidents nearly impossible. This plan was altered to the present abortion, the danger of accidents increased one hundred fold, and the espla-nade spoiled. It would not bs yet too late for the borough council and townspeople to appeal to the engineer-in. chief to have the first plan carried oat, and the present danger trap closed for ever. It mast bo altered at some time ; why not before the country may be involved in the loss of thousands of pounds damages for accident to life and limb all but

inevitable ?"

Concerning the illness of Arohbishop Folding, the Sydney Morning Herald of Monday has the following:-"The illness from which this venerable prelate is suffer, ing bos varied little during the last two days, and his friends are still alarmed at its seriousness. The foi m of his complaint at present is principally congestion of the lungs. He bos been ailing for about four months, although it is only since his visit to the Blue Mountains, about three months ago, that much anxiety existed on his bahalf. Dr. Milford and Dr. Bennett have been attending hit», sim ííOul the first, named gentleman we learned at a late hour last night that the archbishop during yester-day was free from pain, and had slept several hours. The affection of the langs had improved sufficiently to allow him to partake of nourishmont, and at night, as compared with the morning, his general condition had somewhat improved. The doctors affirm that reBt and quietness is ab-solutely requisite in his present state of ill. ness, as the slightest excitement oauses un.


At the last annual commencement of the Melbourne University, observes the Teacher, the undergraduates indulged in fun of an unusually boisterous nature, for which they wore rather roughly handled by the colonial press. Compared, however, with the manner in which students conduct thomselves on such occasions in home universities, their behaviour was mild and orderly. An amusing account is given iu the Glasgow papers of the opening of the winter session of the univer-sity in that city. The lower hall of i he College Museum WOB used on the oc. caBion. When the benches set apart for the general public had filloa!, tho students opened the ball with a ringing chorus, and otherwise conducted themselves in a "somewhat nu seemly manner." The authorities had anti cipated a recurrence of the uBual scene, and ProfeBBors Veitch, Gairdner, R unsay, Black, burn, and Caird were stationed throughout the hall, and they ondeavourod, with bat Blight euccees, to maintain order. Mr. Glad-stone's name was received with cheers and hisses. To that of "Dizzy" a similar recep-tion was given, accompanied by the strains of a Jew's harp. The time not occupied in those manifestations of political feeling was de-voted to tbo singing of noisy choruses. One venturesome nndergrad., brimful of fun, had ensconced himself in tho pulpit at the end of the room, and from time to time caused great merriment by addressing himself in pantomime to his fellows. The appearance of the principal, preceded by the mace bearer, and followed by the eenatus, waa the signal for deafening cheers. As the proces-sion passod down the middle of the hall the students mounted the seats and waved their caps. On prayers having been said, the chorus "For he's a jolly good follow" was immediately sung, and it was left

to the ingenuity of the listeners to discover who waa tho jolly good fellow alluded to. Amidst considerable con-fusion, cheers were given alternately for Dr. Anderson Kirkwood and the Lord Advo. cate. The principal who had meanwhile been standing, romarked that he thought they bad gone far enough. To this, the only reply vouchsafed waa a continuance of the din. The principal commenced hia address, but hia voice waa lost in the tumult of aound. " Three cheers for the principal," cried the student who bad taken possession of the pulpit, and the principal sat down while cheers were given for himself, " The ladies," " Dr. Slade,", " Professor Nichol," and "All the professors." Order having been to some extent restored, he again rose, when he waa greeted with the air, "For he's a jolly good fellow." After a while he succeeded in getting a hearing, and dolivered an interesting address on "The ProgreBBiveneaa of Art." Towards the close of the address the students'conduct became If GB boisterous, and, although the sound of castanets could almost constantly be heard, tbe principal waa listened to with more at-tention than had been manifested at the outset

The Sydney Echo ia "glad to be able to state that arrangements are now being made for a trial shipment to England of Mr Mort'a frozen meat. That gentleman, after overcoming difficulties that conld not have been foreseen, bat which it required the utmost forbearance and peraeverauce to sur-mount, boa at last seen hia way clear to commence operations on a practical scale. Hehas purchased 500 hoad of the celebrated fat bullocks from Mr. White's Martindale Estate, near Muswellbrook, and the carcasea, after being duly frozen, will bo shipped on boord the Northam, a certain portion of that vessel-7,000 cubic feet-now being specially fitted up for the purpose. The Northam will probably Bail in the courso of next month."

The Paria correspondent of the Sydney Morning Herald writes:-"The musical world of Paris baa juat experienced a ' sensa-tion.' At the benefit juBt given in favour of an excellent actor, Laurent, who ia retiring from the stage, a young violinist named Den. gremont, only nine years of age, made his first appearance, and will certainly become one of the musical celebrities of the age. He ia of French origin, but waa born in Brazil, and is said to bave played the violin a'most from bia cradle with the Bama facility as the birds Bing, that ia to say, without a teacher. Sivori took bim aa a pupil for ,a short time, and he has since been for three months under the care of the violinist Leonard. When the little childish figure waa aeon to enter upon the stage in his costume of black velvet, wearing the silver croea of a Brazilian order, and hia little violin nnder bia arm, a murmur of sar prise ran through the house. But this aa toniBhment aoon gave way to amazement and admiration, for the boy ia not only ' a won. derfnl player for bia age,' he ia, in the fulleBfc acceptation of the term, a great artist, and bids fair to become the leading violinist of the day."

"Mr. John Rose, the hapless Englishman who fell into the clutches of the Sicilian brigand Leone," writes the Daily Telegraph, " has at length made good bia deliverance, although, it ia stated, at the coat of £4,000, paid aa a ransom. Considering that tbia gentleman waa no leas than eight or nine days in the nanda of the captors, whom tbe troopa were all that time vainly pur-suing, that Leone effected the seizure ia broad daylight, and in the presence of many other persons, and that thia happened, not in Attica, or Thessaly, or Bulgaria, but ia presumably civilised Italy, which is so anxious to introduce security for life and property into the dominions of the miaba*

Sieving Turk, the sum claimed by the

Sicilian bandit can hardly be termed ex-orbitant. In other respecta be seems to have behaved fairly well to hia pri-soner, and if not exactly, like Haidee's father, 'the mildest-mannered man that ever scuttled Bbip or cut a throat," he waa, at all events, gentlemanly and civilised com-pared with Takoa Arvanitaki and the band of ossasBinB who murdered poor Mr, Herbert and Mr. Lloyd almost within Bight of Marathon. During the eight daya and nights they went about the Sioilian bandits never ill naed their priaoner, but gave bim a full share of what they had to eat and drink themaelvea, and, if they deprived him of a night's reat by marching almost inoee Bently, they shared that hardship with him, which was very kind of them. Leone, in short, seems to bave been a croea between gentlemanly footpada of the Paul Clifford type, and bandita like Fra Diavalo, after that worthy renegade monk bad become Royalist, and colonel in the Neapolitan army. Never, theless, this amenity did not Báltico to diminish the ultimate loss to Mr. John Rose or the scandal to the Kingdom of Italy which is involved in the existence of auch possi-bilities as the kidnapping of quiet merchants and the defiance of the officers of justice It ia a scandal to Italy that a brigand should be able alono to terrorise an entire community, and even a worse disgrace that the outragea ho commits should be uniformly successful, and a source of profit to himself, accompanied by absolute im-munity. Leone will now be able to retire with a handsome fortune and a whole skin, blessing the administrative neglect which left him the run of all Sicily for lucrative de-predation. But what ia co be thought of the rule that baa rendered tbia possible? What has tbe Government been about that it did not years ago extirpate the last remnant of brigandage, and make Sicily as aafe as Sar.


The performances at the Opera-houao this evening will be for the benefit

Miss Ada Ward, when "Danicheff" will be performed for the last time, The even-ing's entertainment will commence with " The Happy Pair," ia which Miaa Ward will take the part of Mrs. Honeyton. The per-formances ore under the patronage of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Bowen, who will attend tbe theatre.

" Tutti in Masohera " waa BucceBBfulIy re-peated at the Theatre Royal last evening. To-night "Fauec" will bo produced.

Twelve-and-sixpenny court fee stamps are now on Bale at the General Post-office.

A class for instruction In telegraphy will commence at the Industrial Museum on Tuesday, 20th inBtant, at half-past 4 p.m.

Wo have received £2 2a. from "A Sym pathieer" for the lad O'Brien, who was dis-abled for life by an accident in a boot factory.

The drawing for the prizes in the Art Union of Victoria will take place at 2 o'clock to-day, in the upper hall of the Melbourne


JobnBon'o City of Collingwood Br»9B Band baa received permission from Mr, Wooda to play once a week on tho top of hia now tower at the Yorkshire Brewery, Wellington street, Collingwood, aa Boon as the Baine

shall have been finished.

We ere requested by the Rev. R, B. Barlow to acknowledge tho recefpt by him of the fol-lowing donations to the building fund of the Protestant Female Refuge:-.!. C. T, £2; FranciB and Swilt, £1 la.; R, W. Dickaou, £2 2e. : J. W. H., £2 2s. ; J. Finlay, £2 10s. ; Sjmpotby, £1 la. ; P. Z , £2 2s. ; Mra. Grice,


The monthly meeting of the County of Bourke Building Society waa held at the Bociety'e office, 81 Collins-street west, on Wednesday evening; last, the treasurer (Mr. Taylor) in tho chair. The receipts for the month amounted to £1,0-15 8s., and advances on freehold security to £2,765. Four applica-tions (or loans were received and granted.

The bishop of Melbourne presided last evening at the monthly meeting of the com mittee having tho control of the mission to the Chinese in Victoria. Tho treasurer re-ported that the receipta since the 18th of January amounted to £66 CB,, and the ex. penditnre to £78 Ile, 4d. in the same period. The salary of one of the Chinese teachers waa Brightly advanced, and Borne amounts voted for the repairs and construction of places of wotahip through the diggings dis-tricts._

A NEW Berne Musicale i3 announced to be ÏubliBhcd at Conntantinoole, whioh is to con ain especially pieces composed by tho amateurs of the Turkish Empire,