Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), Friday 14 July 1916, page 2


In these dayt of poverty and Etrlfe H It Indeed pleartntr to finfl & mn hod or dlvcQver u. secret of How to GetRichQuick, the recipe was aeddetilhlly dfs

covcred hy one J. Tlvtut XVaV,ir.gtoT& at the little connlry town of QaiUesburff. With hlB companion Blacks Daw. hp^oes thither in search of Boob« (l.f-. murs). and ibIIr thpm ifairei In a company which he has promoted for manuCacliarlnc covered carpet tacka. the product of Walllneford'i own fertile brain. Not for one ?Nond does h« Intend that the udc Khali ever be manufactured. but «b he renarkD. 'we v.lll collect « quarter of a million dollar*, take the (tat (Kin *croa* the border and let them figure It out for themselvet*. when the gong ring$ for iireftkiflit.*' Fate here robes a bit of hand Jo the game, and when Wallinffftrd and tilt companion ore about to skip, news arrive? that the t*ck has been taken by some -of the big .hardware houeu of New York and orflaw ron in In hundreds. i*ove also plays a part In WalUiujford** lite, the ' typist whom h« tiad enraved at Battled but* «vantaaJlr becomes hi* wife, alIhDVEh jheiorurtciJly denounced him I as a, CToofcJTh* «boT* la a skelttai |s]c*tcb«f,fliei-lbt of 'OeURioh-Quiak-Wtlllnffff*' which will be «rodu-w4

created, when tlie vUve was produced with Mr Fred Niblo in the till' role. The porartes to hand Fpcak very highly of Coiinor, who labt'j* th*1 leacfini; part of end Mies I«fci L*pjnit Is iHpo nuitably , tltwii. Mcsfni VrnnU HaMns. Otorsr recond Mr O'Connor In hi.« pffVrts, and . ih« other niembcrs of tile cump&ny wl11 iif good clc'n ctiinedy rl.oy!d not jniFt 'Get-riich-Qulck WcViinpf^rd.' which ciwvo::yVcavfsto-r,i'rrow for' lirls