Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), Sunday 6 March 1938, page 6


. FOR pies, tarts, puddings and desserts, meringue gives just that finish and flavor so desir-able in making these dishes attractive and appetising. Macaroons, too, may be intro-duced with equally satisfactory


Macaroon Meringue Pie

Ingredients for Pastry: 1 table-spoon butter, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 egg, pinch salt, 1 heaped cup selfraising flour.

For Filling: 1 cup milk. 1 table-spoon arrowroot, 6 macaroons (crushed). 1 cup castor sugar, 1 tablespoon butter. 2 eggs, è table-spoons blanched chopped almonds.

Method: Cream butter and sugar, gradually add beaten egg, sifted flour and salt, mixing to a firm paste. ' Roll on lightly floured board, llné a but-tered piedish or deep tart-plate with pastry, prick centre or fill with rice in buttered paper to prevent centre rising, and bake in a moderately hot oven for about 10 minutes. Remove rice in paper, leave pastry shell in for for a few minutes to dry the cen-tre. Blend arrowroot smoothly with some of the cold milk, beat remain-der in saucepan, add blended arrow-root and stir till mixture bolls and

thickens. Arid i run sn erar with the

egg yolks, butter and crushed maca-roons; mix thoroughly and pour into baked pastry shell. Whisk the egg whites to stiff froth, gradually add i cup castor sugar, mix lightly, and heap the meringue on top of the macaroon niling. Sprinkle blanched chopped almonds, and bake slowly till meringue is set and lightly brown. ed. Serve hot or cold.

Raspberry Macaroon Tarts

Ingredients for Pastry: 6oz. flour, i teaspoon baking powder, pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon strained lemon juice, Zoz. butter or good shortening, about 2 tablespoons cold water.

For Filling: 2oz. butter, i cup cas-tor sugar. 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons corn-flour, I cup desiccated cocoanut, few drops of almond or lemon essence, raspberry jam, blanched halved al-monds.

Method: Sift flour, baking powder, and salt into basin, rub in shorten-ing till mixture resembles crumbs, and if liked add a dessertspoon sugar. Mix to a stiff paste with lemon juice and sufficient cold water, added grad-ually, knead till smooth on lightlyfloured board, and roll thinly. Line tartlet tins with pastry, and place about i teaspoon jam in centre of each. Cream the butter and sugar, add egg yolks, essence, sifted corn-flour, desiccated cocoanut, mix thor-oughly and lightly fold in the stifflywhisked egg whites. Cover the jain with about a teaspoon of thé mixture, place a halved almond on top of eacbv brush surface with a little beaten egg and bake in a moderately hot oven for IB to 20 minutes.

Alternate Filling:: Whisk 2 egg whites to stiff froth, gradually add 4 oz. castor sugar, 2oz. ground, sweet

almonds and 1 teaspoon sifted rice flour. Mix evenly and use as an al-ternate filling for the tarts, baking as previously described.

Varióos Meringo es

Ingredients: 4 egg whites. 8oz. cas-tor sugar, few drops coloring and flavoring as required, sweetened whipped cream, fruits, nuts, icecream or sauces as desired.

Method: Whisk the egg whites to a very stiff froth, very gradually add two-thirds of the sugar, and continue whisking till mixture holds tts shape,

add flavoring and coloring as re-,

quired, then fold to the "remaining



[Filling baked pie case with

macaroon filling before cover-

ing with meringue.



sugar. Shape with a dessertspoon or <.

force meringue through a bag and ' tube on to oiled, thick greaseproof paper on a baking tray or board. Bake very slowly for 60 to 60 min-utes till firmly cooked and the mer-ingue readily leaves the paper. The meringue may be served plain or joined with sweetened flavored whip-ped cream just before serving.

Meringues Glaces.--Bake merin-gues as previously on a wet board covered wtih greaseproof paper, and when cooked crush the centre or re-move the soft centre with a spoon, leaving meringue in oven to thor-oughly dry. When cold fill one with ice cream, cover with a second mer-ingue and serve with fresh crushed strawberries or chocolate or other suitable sauce.

Nut Meringues. - Add blanched chopped almonds, Brazil nuts, pea-nuts or assorted nuts to meringue mixture before shaping and baking

as previously described. Finely chop- , ped dates, chopped crystallised cher-ries or other fruits-may be added as


Cocoanut Meringues.-Add 1 cup of desiccated cocoanut with the final addition of sugar and proceed as for plain meringues.

Mushroom Meringues.-Shape plain meringue mixture through a bag and plain tube on greaseproof paper over a wet board, forming small rounds the size of mushroom caps. Sprinkle with powdered chocolate, cocoa or finely grated chocolate. Form short lengths through plain tube to resem-ble mushroom stalks. Bake slowly, and when cold place the stalks on the ? ' caps.

Almond »Macaroon»

^ Ingredients: 2 egg whites, 602.

castor sugar, 4oz, ground sweet almonds, íéyr blanched whole almonds.

Method^ «Mix sugar and ground

almonds in basin, gradually add un-beaten egg whites and mix to a smooth paste, the. quantity of egg whiie ' required depending on the

dryness of the almonds. Arrange mfccture In small round shapes on wafer paper. Moisten top of each lightly with cold water or egg white, place a blanched almond in centre and bake slowly for SO to 40 minutes

till crisp. St'orei the cold macaroons 1 in a greaseproof-paper-lined airtight tin to retain their crispness.

Chocolate Macaroon!

Ingredients: 2 egg whites, fox.

..castor sugar, Soz. powdered on»

finely-grated chocolate, Soz. ground sweet almonds, los. rice flour or ground rice, i teaspoon vanilla


Method: Whisk egg whites to very stiff froth and stir in the vanilla, sugar, ground almonds, chocolate and sifted rice flour, mixing to a smooth paste. Form into small balls, place some little distance apart on wafer or rice paper on a baking tray, and bake slowly for about 4Ç minutes till crisp.

Macaroon Cream

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon pow-dered gelatin, $ cup cold water, 1 tablespoon melted chocolate (op-tional), 2 cups milk, i cup sugar, 2 eggs. * cup crushed macaroons. | teaspoon vanilla essence, whipped cream and macaroons tor garnish.

Method: Moisten gelatin with cold water. Mix egg yolks, sugar and chocolate with wooden spoon in basin or upper portion of double saucepan, gradually add milk, and stir over boiling water till mixture coats spoon. Remove from heat, dis-solve moistened gelatin over bot water and gradually add to custard mixture. Add vanilla,.crushed mac-aroons and stiffly whisked egg whites. Pour into wet mould and leave tm firmly set before turning on to serving dish. Garnish with pale pink whipped cream and small macaroons, or with chopped jelly.

Meringue Cream Cake

Ingredients: 8 large or 4 small egg whites, 8oz. castor sugar, 1 dessert-spoon cornflour, 1 dessertspoon vinegar, i pint cream, 1 tablespoon castor sugar, i teaspoon vanilla essence, fresh strawberries, 'sliced peaches or few drained cherries, 4 or 6 pistachio nuts.

Method: Whisk egg whites to very stiff, dry froth, gradually add llb. castor sugar, whisking constantly, ?? fold In sifted cornflour, and when

evenly mixed stir in the vinegar. Oil or butter a cake pan (eight or nine inches in diameter), using unsalted butter, and sprinkle surface lightly with sifted cornflour, shaking out any surplus. Bake meringue mixture in prepared pan slowly for about 1}

hours (temperature 260 degrees Fabr.). Add a tablespoon castor sugar with the vanilla to cream, whip lightly till thick, place in forelng bag fitted with tube, and decor-ate the cold meringue. Garnish with fresh strawberries, sliced peaches or drained cherries and sprinkle with, blanched chopped pistachio nuts. Serve cold as a dinner or supper


French' Meringnet *

Ingredients: 2 cups crystal sugar, . 1 cup water. 6 egg whites, i tea-

spoon vanilla essence, i teaspoon lemon essence.

Method: Heat sugar and water in saucepan slowly till dissolved, then boil without stirring till syrup forms a Arm ball when tested in cold water. Whisk the egg whites to stiff froth, very gradually add the hot syrup, whisking egg whites constantly. Place pan in basin of Ice-water, add flavoring essence and beat for Ave minutes, then cover with cloth and leave for IS minutes. Oil and sprinkle a baking tray with corn-flour, shape meringue with a des-sertspoon or forcing bag with tube, and bake slowly for about 40 minutes till Arm,and dry.

Italian Meringae

Ingredients: J cup crystal sugar, i

cup water, 5 egg whites, i pint , cream, 1 dessertspoon vanilla es-sence, i teaspoon powdered gelatin.

Method: Moisten gelatin with a j

tablespoon cold water, and place re-mainder in saucepan with sugar.

Heat slowly till dissolved, then boil I without stirring for five minutes. Add moistened, gentian, and stir till dissolved, whisk egg whites to very stiff froth, gradually add the hot syrup, whisking constantly till mix-ture ls cold. Whip the cream lightly . and add with vanilla, folding in

lightly. This meringue may bte served chtUeg (unfrozen) with various Ice creams, parfaits, charlotte russe or fruits, or. served frozen, as the centre mixture of a moulded ice or bombe.