Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Monday 21 October 1912, page 4



An interesting, and successful lecture on Capt. Sturt was given - under the aus-pices of the League of the Empire and Overseas Club by Rp. Gordon at the Insti-

tute, North terrace, on Saturday evening. Mr. Owen Smyth. I.S.O., (Vice-President of tbe League of the Empire) occupied the chair. The Chairman said it was his privilege as well as his pleasant duty, to introduce any person who would intelligently speak on the subject of Capt. Sturt— one of the men who in the early days made it pos-sible for South Australia to be colonised. Next time any of them were at the Grange they could view the modest house on the banks of the creek where Capt. Sturt lived at one time. There, on many an afternoon, Sir Robert Torrens, ac-companied by his dogs, and carrying his gun, used to stroll in and give the ex-soldier and explorer a few brace of quail which he had shot on his perambulations across the plains. The public of South Australia were always deeply interested in their explorers. Already they had seve-ral monuments, tablets, &c., as indications of their regard for past explorers, and it was now proposed to have a monument erected in Victoria square in memory of Capt. Sturt. The Government already had promised a certain amount, and money had also been received from the public. It appeared, however, that the axle wheels of the vehicle still wanted a little greas ing, so to speak, and he trusted that this effort of Miss Rees George, who was the life and soul of the League of the Empire in South .Australia, would meet with the success it deserved. Rp. Gordon, after having paid tribute to the Australian explorers and their work, traced the life and labours of Sturt, and placed emphasis on his four main expedi-tions, particularly his record voyage down the Murrumbidgee and the Murray, and bis work in Central Australia in tbe forties. A fine series of lantern elides illustrative of the subject matter added to the enjoy-ment of the evening. Mr. Gordon is the Secretary of the Sturt Statue Fund, and, while tbe lecture was given out of compliment to the league and its work, opportunity was taken to stimulate inte-rest in the fund. It was stated that about £400 had been raised by private subscrip-tions, and the Government had promised to subsidize at the rate of pound for pound. Mr. Gordon was heartily thanked.