Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 14 August 1872, page 4


The opportunity for which Mr. Duffy has been sighing so long was afforded him yesterday evening, whon, pursuant to notice, the Treasurer brought the Californian mail contract, negotiated by the late Government, under the con-sideration of the Assembly. The hon. gentleman, prior to and ever since his expulsion from office, has been most oracular in his deliverances in con-

nexion with this crowning effort of his diplomatic genius. Whenever it has been incidentally alluded to, he has never condescended to do more than prognosti-cate the advent of a day when those who contemned his action in regard to other matters, would admit his pre-eminent ability with respect to this. It was almost as though ho had said, " You may doubt my administrative " ability, call me corrupt and the causo " of corruption in others, pronounce " me disingenuous, tricky, and childishly " vaiD, but wait until I have explained " the hidden beauties of my contract " with Messrs. Yogel and Webb, and " you who now speak bo disparagingly " of my virtues and talents, will " be compelled to fall down and " worship." No sooner had Mr. Langton resumed his seat, after dis-secting the provisions of this remarkable

bond in a manner that must have been extremely unpleasant to those who were the authors of its being, than Mr. Duffy presented himself, He expressed him-self delighted at the thought that at length the time had arrived when he could clear away all the misrepresentations which had prevented the public at large from recognising the beauty of Tils handi-work. Notwithstanding all his gratifi-cation, however, and all his assurance, he soon began to show signs that he had undertaken a task beyond his strength,

This, however, is no reflection on his, rhetorical»abilities, for it would puzzle a Gladstone, to prove that the arrange-ment entered into with respect to this service was anything but a complete absurdity.

me non. gentleman defended the contract lie had entered into on both political and commercial grounds. As regards the first, he Btated that it was desirable that we should have an alter-native line of communication with Eng-land, and not be dependent on one route which might be closed to us in the event of a European war. It is evident that this Is no argument in favour of the Californian line, for in the event of any power, or combination of powers, ob-taining such a superiority at sea-ii) would close the navigation of the Medi-terranean to English ships, no route would be safe. The safest of all for swift Bhips would be round the Cape of Good Hope, and that would be always open to us. In the event of a war with America the malls which now pass through that country would be ab-solutely stopped, whereas it 1b almost certain that the naval force of Qreat Britain would be abletokeepthe road open by way of Suez. Another reason why Mr. Dotty is anxious to have direct communication with Arnerica 1b that we may bo brought into closer contact with the millions of the great AngloSaxon race who are domiciled therein, That Mr. Duffy should be found anxious to cultivate a closer acquaint-ance with this branch of the human family, is, of course, most gratifying to our feelings; but, as far as we can judge by the reception Mr. Webb's application for a subsidy met with in the American Congress, our kins-men in that part of the world are not actuated by the same benevolent aspi-rations. Before paying thirty thousand a-year to bridge the Pacific, It would bo I as well to assure ourselves that a closer

acquaintance Is desired by the other side. Wo have no doubt Australian

money would prove very acceptable to those American shipowners who are struggling bravely with two difficultiesfirst, to keep their vessels afloat; and, secondly, to. know what to do with thom j but while we wish to entertain the most fraternal feelings towards these gentlemeD, we do not wish to buy their regard at too high a figure,

i Mr. Duffy íb also of opinion that a line of steamers across the Pacific would be the means of creating a large trade with the various groups of islands with which that ocean is studded. Probably in time,' as the European population increases in number, we shall do au extensive business in supplying its wants. But we must not lose sight of the fact that the establishment of this line of communication would bring the traders of California into competition with our own along the entire route. The products of both countries are very similar, bo it is difficult to see what in-terchange is likely to take place between the termini, while the trade with the intermediate ports would bo open to the merchants at both ends. The late Premier speaks about our finding fresh markets for our wine, our flour, and our beer, but we imagine he looks on all 'these things with the eye of the poet,

and not with that of the practical I business man. To him, we sup- I pose, . it appears a great and

glorious thing to find fresh outlets for j

our industrial products, but it ia unde-niable that business men as a rule have but a poor opinion of markets which do not afford a profit on their ventures. Probably a good many members of the mercantile community would doubt the wisdom of paying . a heavy subsidy for the purpose of introducing competition into the South Pacific trade.

We were anxious to hear how Mr. Duffy would prove that not only was a mail by way of San Francisco desirable on political and commercial grounds, but that it also merited con-sideration on the ground of economy. According to the contract he entered into, our share was to amount to £32,500 per annum. Of this sum he reckoned he should receive £2,500 for postage, although, according to returns furnished by Mr. Langton, the average monthly number of letters for 1872 did hot exceed 819 j while in 1871 it only reached G84. However, assuming Mr. Duffy's estimate to be correct, there would be a reduction to £30,000. Having directed the agent-general to apply to the Imperial Government for £20,000 a-year towards this service, he assumes that it will be granted without waiting for a reply, and by appropri-ating one-half, reduces the amount to £20,000. Then in some mysterious manner he proves to his own satisfaction that he should . get ¿£5,000 a-year from the other colonies, which leaves only £15,000 to pay. One might imagine that his resources were exhausted at this point, but those who think so, little know the financial talents of Mr. Charles Gavan Duffy, ' "You pay " the Peninsular and Oriental Com" pany," he says, " according to the " number of letters despatched. All " you have to do is to send fewer by " their vessels, and the amount so " saved will cover this £15,000 also." The reasoning is ingenious, but it will not stand examination. The hon. gentleman tells us that since the steamers have been running to San Francisco, the proportion of the Peninsular and Oriental subsidy which falls to the lot of New Zealand has been decreased by £13,000. From this he argues that our taving would be at least £15,000 ; but he forgets that whereas the New Zealanders are naturally willing to use the eastern route owing to their geogra-phical position, we should always be just as averse to it, except as a subsidiary service. In addition to this, the sum due to the Penin-sular and Oriental Company on their contract has to be made up in some way or other] and although by sending fewer letters we might alter the amounts' payable by the varloua colonies respectively, the saving to us could not be of any great extent. We cannot congratulate Mr. Duffy on the success of his attempt to rehabilitate his character as a man of ordinary business capacity. Fortunately, the Assembly has saved us from the results of his bungling.

By a majority of 35 to 15, the Legislativo Assembly, on the invitation of the hon. the Treasurer, last night declined to ratify the contract entered into by Mr. Daffy and his colleagues for a moil service via New Zealand and San Francisco. In moving the rejection of the proposed contract, Mr. Langton thoroughly exposed the absurd natara of the arrangement which had been entered into, and the facts adduced by bim in support of his position were so convincing that scarce an effort was made to answer or refute them; Mr. Buffy contenting bimsolf ia the main with drawing imaginary pictures of the advan-tages which would result to Victoria by opening up a magnificent trade with the " teeming islands of the Padua" Another difficulty bequeathed by the late Administra-tion to their successors has thus been got

rid of.

The further correspondence on the subject of the Border duties between New South Wales and Victoria was laid on the table of the Legislative Assembly lost night by the hon. the Chief Secretary. Several proposi-tions seem to have emanated from the sister colony. It is only the last one, however, which really demands strict attention. This offers to allow accounts to be taken for 12 months of all the dutiable goods passed into Riverina across the Murray, and imported into Victoria from Kew South Wales across tho border ; an arrangement for three years to be mado in accordance with the balance found to be thus due to the sister colony. This offer has been provisionally accepted by the Government of this colony, and it now only romains to settle the more minute details of the treaty. The treaty, when finally drawn up, will no doubt be submitted to Parliament for its opinion


In reply to questions by hon. members, in the Legislative Assembly yesterday, it was elicited-That all the water was being ran off the Stony Creek reservoir in order that a thorough examination might be made of tbe embankment, which appeared to be in a very unsatisfactory condition -that an inquiry had been ordered to be made into the circumstances under which a mob of diseased cattle had crossed the Broken River, and on receipt of tbe report tho Government would take prompt action (at a later period of the evening the Chief Secretary stated that pre-cautions would be taken at every crossingplace on the Murray to prevent any more such cattle crossing) ;-that the Commissioner of Railways had issued instructions that no

allowance should bo made to engino-drivers for the saving of fuel unless proper time wat also kept ; thoro had been one or two ia. stances of delay lately, but they had been the result of the, bad fuel supplied since coal had become so scarce ;-that it was not intended to issue construction orders to shires during the present financial year to the extent of £100,000 ¡-that, whilst anxious to facilitate the introduction into public buildings of the Grampian freestone if found to be adapted for the purpose, the Oovetnmont could not promise that it should be carried over tho Government railways at the nominal rate of Is. per ton ;-that it was intended to establish a police lockup at Epping ¡-that the Govern-ment granta for certain foreshore reserves in the parish of Moorooduc, in the county of Mornington, had been issued long since to private individuals, and tho Government

could not now interfere j-that nearly all A tho licences under the 42nd clause of 1 the Land Act 1865 had been issued sub- ' ject to what are known as mining oonditiona ; if tho Mining on Private Property Bill passed, probably there would bono difficulty in issuing Crown grants for these holdings containing such conditions as would amply secure to the miners all their privileges and rights ¡-that the streets at Stawell against

the proclamation of ' which the Magdala . Company, Pleasant Creek, protested were actually proclaimed in December, 1871 ¡-that there would not be time during the present session to introduce a moasure making it compulsory on oil marine store keepers and general dealers to keep a registry-book of thoir transactions ; and that the Government would not consent to rofor to arbitration the claim of W. R, Merry for the construction of tho Geelong and Ballarat Railway.

The sitting o£ the Legislative Council yesterday was again a brief one, as owing to the withdrawal by the Government of the Game and Fisheries Bill, there was no business to be transacted of any importance. Mr. Fraser explained that the bill, though introduced by him, was prepared by the Government, but that he hoped in a few weeks to bring forward a measure which would prove acceptable to all parties. The Exhibitors Protection Bill was read a second time and passed through committee. An amendment extending the protection of the act to original paintings, drawings, sculpture, &c., exhibited at all future exhibitions, was agreed to. In reply to questions put by Mr. Highett and Dr. Dobson respectively, Mr. Fraser stated that the case of Clement Martyr, the Ballarat volunteer who acci-dentally shot himself at the Easter review, was under consideration ; and that the Government would decide upon the advisability of calling for competitive designs for the new law courts when the proposed loan was sanctioned by Parliament. Some surprise was expressed by persons in the galleries at the presence of Mr. O'shanassy and Dr. Dobson in the House, it being known that the writs for their re-election had been issued. It appears, however, that when the Constitution Act was last amended provision was made for retiring members retaining their seats until the writs were returned, so as to prevent an inter, regnum in the representation of the provinces they sat for.

The Minister of Railways stated in the Legislativo Assembly yesterday that on Mon-day the contract for the first 14 miles of the railway between Ballarat and Ararat was ac-cepted, and that this morning the contract for the first section of the line hotwoen Castlemaine and Maryborough would also be accepted.

Mr. W. C. Smith called the attention of the Treasurer yesterday to a passage in a leading article contained in Tlie Argus of that doy to the effect that it had been stated that the local paid artillery force had, when called upon to do so, refused to mount some guns. The Treasurer replied that there was not the slightest foundation for such a state-ment, Nevertheless, the statemont was made in the Legislative Assembly on Thursday last hy the late Commissioner of Railways-Mr. Longmore-and we considered it only proper to call attention to it. It is a pity Mr. Lang, ton did not notice the charge at the time it was made by Mr. Longmore, instead of fastening the responsibility on this journal, and making it the subject of an obviously " arranged" question.

Tbe case of Mrs. King, who, it was alleged, had beon improperly detained in the Yarra Bend Lunatic Asylum, was brought before the Legislative Assembly yesterday, Mr. Yale having asked a question on the subject. Tho Chief Secretary read letters from Dr. Poley, the board of visitors, and a report from Dr. Gordon, under whose caro Mrs. King was for a considerable time, all of which stated that Mrs. King was of unsound mind, though when in the asylum she had always been quiet and harmless. She was allowed to leave at the request of her friends on proper security being given for her safe custody. It seemed that this patient laboured under several distinct delusions. One was that her husband had attempted to poison her, and another, that her husband and a man named Mitchell had poisoned the late Dr. Jackson, one of the medical officers at the asylum. Tho board of visitors stated that they saw every patient in the asylum, and verified each by the roll; and that it was impossible that sane patients could be kept for any length of time in any asylum, as in addition to this safeguard, the resident medical officers were bound to report to the inspector the persons whom they wera of opinion should be discharged. A private report, stating the causo of Mrs. King's in-sanity, was also famished to the Chief Secre-tary by Dr. Barker.

The report of the board appointed to inquire into the circumstances attending the recent collision on the Williamstown railway lina was laid before the Commissioner of Railways yesterday. It contained several matters of importance, which Mr. Gillies deemed ad» viaable to fully consider before making public.

We learn from the Tasmanian papers that tbe House of Assembly has refused, by a ma-jority of 15 to 14, to rescind the vote of want of confidence recorded against the Wilson Government. Thereupon the Ministry, who bad resigned, but has been again called upon to take office, advised the Governor to dissolve the Assembly, His Excellency accepted the [advice, and the House will accord-ingly be dissolved. In order, however, that the business of the country might bo carried on without interruption, the Assembly passed in one night an appropriation act, an act to sanction the raising of £60,000 by debentures for the purposes of tho Laun-ceston and Western Railway, which the Government had agreed to toke over from the company, and other measures. The Legis-lative Council, after some demur, agreod to this somewhat hurried legislation, with the exception of the measure relating to the rail-way, for tho consideration of which it was resolved to have a call of the House on tha 15th inst., to which date both branches of tho Legislature stand adjourned.

Mr. Langton presented to Parliament yes-terday a return moved for by Mr. Macgregor thowing the names of the localities, &c, for the extension of telegraphic communication to which provision is proposed to bo mado upon the Estimates for the present financial year. The localities are-Rokewood, com-mencing at Smythesdale; Alexandra, com-mencing at Jamieson; and Alexandra, com-mencing at Seymour. The length of the first extension is 22 miles, and it is estimated to cost from £750 to £900 ; the second is 25 miles, es1 ¡mated to cost from £1,100 to £1,400 ; and the third ia 50 miles, estimated to cost


The Times and Mines Committee sat nearly all day yesterday. The witnesses examined were Messrs. Brough Smyth, Symonds, Agí. Hodgkinson, Steavenson, and Turnor of tho

'Commercial Bank, The committee meets again at 2 o'clock this afternoon,

Mr. Wm. Hollins, solicitor, has boon ap-pointed to be a notary public.

When the steamer Wonga Wonga entered tho Sydney Heads yesterday evening from Auckland information was forwarded to tho Telegraph-office, Melbourne, from some source, that she had on board the Cali-fornian mail. A notice to that effect vas posted outside the office and trans-mitted to tho various country stations, but the error was soon discovered, as the noxt Californian mail is not oven due for a fortnight at least, and need scarcoly be ex-pected for a week after that. Where the blunder occurred we have not learned.

The Melbourne Presbytery investigated yesterday the charges preferred by Mr. James Kifflowall, of Ballarat, against the Rev.

BrSican Fraser, of Heidelberg, with the view of i&icrtaining whether thero was a prima facie case for transmitting them to the General Assembly, of the Presbyterian Church. The chaiKeB resolved themselvos into the following: -That Mr. Fraser had celebrated a marriage between a man and his deceased wife's sister, knowing at the timo of tho relationship between the parties; that he administered a false oath to the said parties, or induced them to take a false oath; that ho was guilty of falsehood in afterwards, and in order to escupo the consequences of his act, affirming that at the time he effected the marriage ho had done so inadvertently and without knowledge of the relationship subsisting between tbe parties ; that he wilfully obliterated and destroyed a public document connected with this marriage, with a viow to escape de-tection, and that he obtained a railway pass to Ballarat under a falso pretence that ho was proceeding there on the business of the presbytory. In connexion with the charges rotating to the marriage, Mr. Fraser admitted that before he celebrated it he knew that the relationship mentioned existed be-tween the parties, but he stated that he did not know at the time that such a marriage was inconsistent with civil law, or prohibited by ecclesiastical law. When he subse-quently ascertained the state of tbe civil and ecclesiastical law with regard to such marriages ho, in ordor to protect the woman chieily concerned, destroyed in hor father's presence, and with his consent, tho " marriage linos." As to the charge about the railway pass, it was proved that Mr. Fraser obtained it on the ground that ho wished to visit Ballarat in connexion with work specially bearing od tho education and moral improvement of the Chinese residents at Ballarat. Mr. M'Dowall alleges, however, that Mr. Fraser's real object in going to Ballarat was to prosecute the charges of plagiarism and falsehood he preferred against tho Rev. Mr. Inglis. It might have been merely an accidental coincidence, but it did happen that the Ballarat Presbytery sat to investigate the charges against Mr. Inglis just at the time Mr. Frasor visited Ballarat. Evidence was adduced, however, which showed that Mr. Fraser had really done some work in connexion with the Chi-nese mission at Ballarat during his visit there on this occasion. After a lengthy and, at times, rather hitter discussion, it was resolved to report, by a mojority of 27 to 7, that there was no prima facie case to warrant any further procedure, that no stain rested on Mr. Fraser's character, and that Mr. M'Dowall was liable to grave censure in bringing forward such serious charges without appa-rently taking tho most ordinary pains to ascertain the real facts of the case.

The commissioners for Victoria at the London International Exhibition noxt year have published the regulations under which exhibits coming under the four divisions eligible for Exhibition will bo forwarded to England. The commissioners will defray the whole of the cost of transit, and at the close of the Exhibition in London tho exhibits will either be handed to tho agent or sold by auction upon his account. In certain cases they will be returned to the exhibitors lin Victoria. It is proposed to erect a Victorian annoxe at South Kensington, but whether in conjunction with tho other colonies is not yet determined upon. All particulars can bo obtained at the offices of the Exhibition, RuEsull-street,

At the sitting of the Foot and Mouth Diseaso Commission yesterday-Mr, White-man, M.L.A., in the chair-a report was presented on the proposed quarantine station at Sandridge Bend, behind the ballast ground, where there is plenty of room for the purposes required. The commission resolved upon recommending the site at Sandridge Bend as a place for tho detention of healthy cattle, and' Duck Island i for cattle that were infected, either during the voyage or at the time of landing. In connexion with tho regulations for the importation of cattle, it was decided that the period of quarantine should be 60 doys, instead of six months, for healthy cattle, with the use of disinfectants weekly. Last week it was reported to the com-mission that the disease had manifested itself at Bairnsdale, in Gipps Land, amongcattle im-ported from New South Walos. The chief in-spector of sheep now informed the commission that the report was groundless ; also that certain cattle at Williamstown supposed tobe infected with foot-and-mouth disease were suffering from no such complaint.

Mr. Image, who goes home to England in tho mail steamer today, will, on reaching London, have accomplished something re» morkable in travelling. He is a follow and assistant tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge, and supposing the usual punctuality of the overland mail service to be maintained, he will have performed the voyage round the 'world, visiting on his way various portions o America and Australia, during the holiday period afforded by the long vacation, which commences on the 21st June and ends on the 1st October. As far as our recollection goes,

no collegian has ever turned a holiday to such

good account before.

In another column will be found a list of tho candidates who have passed the matricu-lation examination and the examination for the Civil Service at the Melbourne University in the July term. Amongst those who passed the matriculation examination were two ladies, viz., Eliza Maria Bromby and Euphemia Baker, the former passing with credit and passing also for tho Civil Service examination, A candidate named Baker also passed the Civil service Examination, but whether this is the lady who succeeded in tho other examination the list does not dis-close.

It has been discovered that the knife with which the convict Weechurch stabbed Mr. Duncan at Pentridge had been concealed under the cover of the prisoner's Bible. He had slit the cover and slipped in the knife, which had probably been kept there for some time while he had the book about with him. He got the knife from the workshop.

The annual election of meniDors of town and borough councils, to fill the vacancies caused by the usual retirement of councillors by rotation, took place yesterday throughout the colony. The results are given in full in tho third page of to-day's issuo.

The application of the Ladies' Sea Bathing Company at St Kilda for a site for baths was once more brought under the attention of the Minister of Lands yesterday by Mr. Cohen, Commissioner of Customs; Mr. G. V. Smi£v M.L.A. ; Mr. Thompson Moore, Îî/Çfkif; and several representatives of the

company. Mr. Casey said he had granted the application, and referred it to the assistant commissioner to determine the Bite. Mr. Smith replied that Mr. Hodgkinson first recommended a site which would not suit the company at all Subsequently the promoters convinced him that no public inconvenience would be caused if the baths wero erected where they wished, near the Victoria Baths ; but Mr. Hodgkinson stated that as he had already made one recommendation, he did

not like to make another of a difforont nature, and he advised them to apply to the Minister. Mr. Casey thought that if the parties had overcome the objections urged by Mr. Hodg-kinson, there need be no further difficulty. Ho should carry out whatever recommenda-tion Mr. Hodgkinson made, but he would not fixa sitehimself. As Mr. Hodgkinson happened to he absent from the office, in attendance beforo a select committee of the Legislative Assembly, the matter was ordered to stand over for a day or two.

lho Commissioner of Railways has for* warded a written reply to the deputation from Ballarat which waited on him on the 7th inst. requesting that a deviation of the line to Ararat should be made to prevont the 'necessity of a lovel crossing at the intersec-tion of Lydiaid and Doveton streets. He states that, after inspecting the proposed crossing on the 10th inst., he has como to the conclusion that as tenders havo been called for and received for the first section of the Ballarat and Ararat line of railway according to the plans and specifications which included the level crossing referred to, and in view of the additional expenditure involved iy tho proposed alteration, he considers it desirable to adhore to the course originally laid


Mr. Orr, M.L.A., yesterday brought under the notice of the Solicitor-General the necessity that exists for appointing additional justices at Jamieson. Mr. Kerferd promised to give immediato attention to the subject.

A deputation from a conference of local bodies in and around Ballarat will wait upon the Chief Secretary at 2 o'clock to-morrow on matters connected with the issue of publicans'


Complaint was recently made to the Solicitor General by a Mr. Thos. Crake of tho insufficiency of tho magisterial attendance at Stockyard Creek. Mr. Belcher, tho police magistrate at Alberton, was directed to make inquiries^ and he has sent in a roport which was satisfactory to Mr. Kerferd. Though Mr. Crake's statements were not all borne out, tho Solicitor-General has thought it desirable to direct, in order to obviate any possibility of complaint, that the police magistrate shall moke arrangements for the court to sit more frequently, so that the local justices may deal with minor cases at intervals between the visits of the police magistrate.

The last of the Nisi Prius cases of the present Supreme Court sittings weredisposed of yester-day. In Hornby v. Livingstone, the plaintiff, a brewer at Williamstown, sued the defendant, who owns a foundry in Little Bourke street, on an acceptance for £53, given by defendant to oblige a friend named Murtón, who kept a publichouse. Mr. Hornby was the endorsee of the bill. The défonce was that Living-stone was ¡io drunk at the time he gave the bill that ho knew nothing at all about it. The jury apparently believed him, for they pavt) a verdict for defendant. M'Donald v. Lloyd was an action by a firm at Geelong, against a publican now at Sandhurst, but who formerly kept the Royal George Hotel, Bal-larat, for £341, for goods supplied, and money advanced. Tho dtfence was that the credit was given to the defendant's wife, who was keeping (he hotel at the time ; that it was arranged between the plaintiff and the defen-dant and his wife, that Mrs. Lloyd alone should manage the business, and that plaintiff should deal with her alone. Mrs. Lloyd has no separate estate, and the question was whether the credit was given to Mrs. Lloyd as agent for her husband, or on her own account. The jury gave a vordict for the plaintiff for the sum claimed.

Early yesterday morning a woman named Esther Brookes made an attempt at selfdestruction. She bad been drinking for some time past, and in a fit of delirium tremens seized a razor, and made several gashes in her throat. She was only prevented from injuring horself fatally by the interven-tion of her daughter, a girl 12 years old, who se zed the razor and wrested it from her. In doing so the child's hand was severely cut. Both mother and daughter wero taken to the Alfred Hospital and attended to.

A large number of persons wero drawn together on the Melbourne football ground yesterday afternoon to witness the opening match for the Buckley Cup between the Church of England Grammar School and the Scotch College. The former wero captained by T. Riddell, the latter by G. Crooke. Mr.

J. Ellis officiated as central umpire. The kick off took place at a quarter-past 2 o'clock, and after about an hour's exciting play, a goal was kicked for the Scotch College by J. M'Donald. The game then becamo very interesting, neither side being ablo to kick a goal, until just as time was about to be called R. Pattison, by a splendid rush, secured a second goal for the Scotch College, which now holds the cup. The play on both sides was remarkably good, the contest being con-sidered to be the most exciting one that has over token place between these schools.

The adjourned special meeting of the Vic-toria Racing Club was held at Menzies' Hotel, yesterday afternoon. The chair was taken by Mr. J. Blackwood. About 40 gentlemen attended. The first rule taken under consi-deration was the postponed rule No. 17, relating to the sale of horses nominated. As there was no opposition the rule was passed. A new rule, proposed by Dr. Bathe, by which the purchaser of a horse with his engagements shall become liable for all forfeits for such engagements, was carried. The amendment on rule 22, moved by Mr. A. K. Finlay, by which a change in the name of a race-horse ran be effected by advertising in ono of the Melbourne newspapers and registering such change with the secretary of the V.R.C., was carried. The new rule on the proper registration of assumed names, proposed by Captain Standish, was also carried. The amendment on rule 41, proposed by Dr.

Bathe, by which it was rendered necessary for

the starter to start horses from a walk, was lost, the meeting being of opinion that the matter should be left in the hands of Mr. Watson. Rule 50, providing the penalty for running under false description, was adopted. Rule 55, by which any person who gave orders to a jockey to pull a horse that had a chance of winning, on a plea of a declaration to win with another horse, should be disqua-lified, caused considerable discussion, and was eventually rejected--19 hands being held up against it, and 15 for it Several of the memberB present did not vote. Rule C8, pro-viding for the registration of colours, was adopted, with an addition proposed by Captain Standish. The new rules relating to racing two year-olds in handicaps, proposed by Dr. Bathe, were rejected. Mr. A. K. Finlay's new rule for making allowance in the weights for ago for all imported horses was also rejected. A new rule proposod by Captain Standish, rendering it compulsory on any nominator of a horse to declare the name of the real owner of such horse to the committee when called upon to do so, was carried unanimously. After a vote of thanks to the chairman, the meet'ng separated.

A good deal of business was done at a late hour last night on the Hawkesbury race meeting which commences to day. Bluo Peter was made a very strong favourite for the Derby, and backed at C to 4 against the field, the bookmakers at last refusing to do business except at 2 to 1 on the colt. 5 to 1 was offered against any of the others. Quack was backed at 50 to 20 for the Handi-cap. Dagworth was taken at 5 to L and the same price was offered against Clansman. Prophet was backed at G to 1. For the Metropolitan, Prophet was taken at 100 to 10, and he afterwards rose to 100 to 12, leaving off firm at that price. Toothpicker was rather firmer, and 100 to 10 was taken abont him, with backers ready to go on. 100 to 12 was offered against Pyrrhus. Quack was in demand at 100 to 6, but the fielders would not give more than 100 to 7. Vixen would have been backed at 100 to 5, but the best offer was 100 to ft Blue Peter and Quack were

taken for the double of Hawkesbury Derby and Metropolitan at 4 to L

Mr. J. W. Fleming, of Brunswick, has just had tho misfortune* to loso a couplo of valu-able greyhounds from poison. As thoy got the poison within a short distance of his own premisos, strong suspicions are entertained that it was wilfully placed for them. One of the dogs, Banker, was valued at £100.

The young fellow Wilson who met with the accident on Monday at Morrisons died yes-terday morning in the Geelong Hospital from the injuries he had received.

A salo of Crown lands was held yostorday at Messrs, Gemmell, Tuckett, and Co.'s rooms, Collins-streot west. There was a good attendance, and the lots (all of which were situate in Hotham) wero the objects of vory keen competition. Tho upset price of the first 12 allotments waa £2 per foot, but the lowest sum realised was £4 IOj. per foot, while in one instance £9 5s. was paid. There was a thirteenth lot of onoacre, situate at the sito of the Glassworks in Ifunstor-torraco, but it was withdrawn from sale. Tho total amount realised was £1,044 7s. Gd.

There was another organ recital at the Town-hall last night, at which Mr. David Leo was the performer. Thero wero not many people'present, and tho performance was of a kind that would have been heard to greater advantage if the place had been better attended. There is only one opinion about the quality of the instrument, namely, that it is admirable. Tho selections given by Mr. Lee were of the most varied description, and his command over "pedals " and "manuals'

was both seen and admired. He can yet improve in the uso of certain " stops " in solo performances, and to enable him to under-stand this he should stand amongst a mixed audience once or twice while some other performor plays the same or somewhat similar pieces. These organ performances will be resumed again on Thursday evening, whon Mr. J. Edwards will bo the organist.

There will be quite an extraordinary at-tendance at the Lyster and Cagli concert at the Town-hall on Saturday night noxt. The extenbion of the space to be occupied by those who have already taken 5s. sittings on the floor of the hall (the balconies being already filled) is surprising. We remind those who wish to be present on that occasion that the plan is open at Messrs. Wilkie, Webster, and Allan's, in Collins-street. Concerning the presentation which is to be made that night to Signora Tamburini Coy, we are per-mitted to state that, in addition to the place already mentioned-namely tho offices of Messrs. Croaker, Scott, and Co,, Marketbuildings ; Mr. W. T. Jones, opposite Hall of Commerce ; Messrs, Berghoff and Touzel, Collins-streot ; and Messrs. Wilkie, Webster, and Allan, have notified their willingness to receive subscriptions towards that object until Friday evening next, at 5 o'clock. This matter having now been fairly undertaken, it were best for the credit of the city that it should bo finished up in a brisk and hearty


The charitable concert undertakon by the Melbourne Philharmonic Society will bo given to-night at the Town-hall. Madame Miranda Hirst, Miss Christian, and in consequence of the indisposition of Mr. Juniper, Mr, Cazaly, of Ballarat, will represent the leading vocal parts. Mr. David Lee, the conductor of the Philharmonic Society, will accompany the whole work on the new organ.

Mr. Marcus Clarke's play of " Plot" was performed for tho second time last night, at tho Princess's Theatre. The attendance was not nearly so good as on the previous evening. The first act has been judiciously pruned, but it still went rather heavily. Mr. Daniels moderated his strong tendency to grotesque fun, with considerable advantage to the piece._ Tho chango of persons represented by Hiss Juno was vory cleverly managed. The audience was very liberal in applause, and the actors were called before the curtain at the end of each act, The afterpiece was the comedy, "His Last Logs."

Tho Polytechnic-hall was very moderately attended last night. The performances con-sisted of the drama entitled " The Momentous Question." After tho drama, the Wieland troupe performed some gymnastic exercises, and Mr. M. Klaer oxhibited his performing


The final arrangements have been made for the opening of the new Prince of Wales Operahouse on the 24th inst. Mr. L. M. Bayless, the lessee and manager, has engaged a dramatic company, the principal members of which are as follows :-Mrs. Mary Gladstane, Miss Dolly Green, Mrs. Alfred Phillips, Miss Patty Holt, Mrs. Lachlan M'Gowan, Miss Kate Arden, Mrs. F. Gladstone, Miss Annie Hamilton, Messrs. James Carden, T. S. Bellair, Wm. Bennoe, W. J. Holloway, Lachlan M'Gowan, James Milne, Sam Poole, F. Gladstone, M. H. Humphreys, T. Lewis, Needham, Taylor ; principal scenic artist, A. Habbe; scenic artists, Messrs. Fry and Clint ; leader of orchestra, Mr. B. Levey ; stage manager, Mr. Lachlan M'Gowan.

Tho correspondence between the Govern-ments of New South Wales aud Victoria on the border duties question, and the results of the municipal elections, will be found in the third page.

Mr. Thomas N. Wade, of Collins-streot, has sont us some specimens from an assortment of photographs of Tasmanian scenery just received by him. The viows forwarded re-present the Fern-tree Bower, Mount Wel-lington, a scene familiar to the picnic loving Victorian tourist. The photographs, which aro well executed, aro by Clifford, of Hobart


The Rev. Wm. Henderson lectures on " John Knox" at Trinity Church, Balaclava, to-night, at 8 o'clock.