Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), Sunday 8 July 1928, page 12

Western Australian Names - Their Dates and Origin - Interesting Historical Facts

No. 23

The nomenclature of Western Aus-tralia is in many respects unique, but there are not many people who are aware how towns, lakes, rivers, moun-tains, etc., derived their names. It is quite a common thing to hear the re-mark, "I wonder how such and such a place got its name." To elucidate many inquiries of that nature, "The Sunday Times" is publishing from week to week in alphabetical or der a list of names obtaining in West-ern Australia, setting out how and vhen each was derived. We have no doubt the information will prove in-tensely interesting to our readers.

The lists we aro publishing were prepared by Mr. X Hope for the Lands Department. It will be noted that opposite some names no history is known. We, therefore, cordir-ily invite anyone wie can thro v.- lignt on the tubjet't to communicate with us, and the missing links will be duly recorded.! Later, if possible, we will publish the]

full list in booklet form, and this should prove a valuable souvenir cf the uomenclature of our greai State.

rErpl&natory Note:-In the list, railway stations or sidings are markea F's, ami the othor abbreviations fatanO for tho following:-ült., mountain; Tn, town; Sp., springs.; R., river; id., is i.-nd; B-, bay; Ck., creek; Ra., range; H., hill; Rks., Tocks; PU nchït; Stn, station; Rf., reef; L., lake; fka, peake; fah., shoal; C., cape J TIERACO. Cl;. TIMOR, Sea.


TIMPERLEY, Rd., named by J. For-

rest, 1874, after W. H. Timperley, Inspector ot Police, Perth.

. TINGERUF. Rs. Tn., declared 1911.

Native name.

TOBIN, L.. named by Staff-Surveyor

Canning, 1ÍI06-T, after one of his parly killed by natives during sur-vey of stock route, Wiluna to Sturt Creek.

¡TOBY. Inlet, named after Captain

Toby, of ship .'Lllen, and of Bus sell's and Molloy's party, 1S34.

ror:D. Ra., -named after Mr. Uater Sir)

Chas. Todd, C.II.G., Postmaster General of. S.A., by J. Forrest, 1S74. TOMKINSON. Rs., ramed by W. C.

Cosse. 1ST3. TONE. Ii.

TOODYAY. Bli. Native name. :

TOODYAY, Rs. Tn., declared 1S60 as!

Nevrcastle. now re-named Tood-yay. The firs? town of Toodyay: (now West Toodyay) was declared 1S33. ..

TOOLBRUNUP. Rs. Tn., native name

of a prominent peak in the Stirling rtaiige- first ascended by Ensign . Dale, 1S32. A very difficult <as


TOOLGANA, R. H. Native name. j TORBAY, B. j TORBAY, Rs. Tn., declared 19G8. ! TORMENT, . Pt., by .Captain J. L.j

Stujres. E..N., 1S3S. So named from thc pressing attention given to the party by swarms of mosquitoes.

TORRENS. C., named by Commander

P. F. King, H.N., ISSO.

TOWERA. H., Stn. Native name.

TOWERANNA, Stn. Native name. TOWEÍUNNIN. L. Native name. TOWNSEND, Sit. TOWNSEND, Ra.

TRAFALGAR, Mt., near Nelson Har-

bor, by Commr. P. P. King. 1818. forming with Mt. Vaterlool two prominent land marks. A high," rocky hill rising precipitously from

the plain. I TRAGEDY. P., in Fitzroy River. ! . TRAINE, R., named by F. H. Hann,!

189f. ' j

TRAINOR, Hs., by L. A. Wells after

Jas. Trainor, fellow member of Calvert Expedition, 1S8Ë-7. TRANSCONTINENTAL, Rly.

TRAYSURIN, H. Native name. TREE. H.

TREVOR, Jit., named by Senior Staff

Surveyor F. S., 1901, af tor Trevor C. Sholl. A hill of ba-


TRIGG, Id., named after II. Trigg, Su-

perintendent of Govt. Works, 1842, or one of same family. TRIM PT.. K.

TRIMOUILLE, Id., named by French

Expedition, 1SC1-3.

TRIO. Mt., 27GSfl. above sea level.

In tile Stirling: Ranges. Named by Lt. J. S. Roe, 1S35. A remark-able insulated hill with throe

p&nked summit, honce name. Na

i live name. Warrungup.

TROTMAN, Hs.:, ramed by W. F. Ru-

dall. 189C, after H. Trotman, a member of search party for lott members of the Calvert Expedi-


TROUGHTON, Id., probably by Com-

mander P. P. King, ' R.N., 1819,' after.the well-known surveying in-strument makers of England. '. ¡ TROY, Mt., probably named after a

Warden of the Goldfields of W.A.

TRUGALLENDEN, P. Native name. TRYAL, (Trial). Ris., ncined 1718 after

English ship Tryal or Trial, said to have been lost upon these in 162C. Is in Montebello Group, and was supposed at one time to be the same with. Barrow or Trimouille Islands.

TUBRIDGI. Pt. Native name.

TUC KN ARRA, Rs. Tn., declared

1S?P. Native name. TUCKER. Mt.

TUCKFIELD, Mt., named by A. For-

rest, 1S79. after Captain R. Tuck-field Goldsworthy, Colonial Sec-retary of W.A.. and an officer through the Indian Mutiny.

TUNKAWANNA, CU. Native name. TUNNEL, Ck.

TUNNEY, Tn-, declared 1909. ' Named

after an old colonist in the vi-cinity.



TURNER, Ck., named after Staff Sur-

veyor G. R. Turner, 1884.

TURNER. Mt., named by F. T. Gre-

gory, 1858, after J. Turner, Assist-ant and Storekeeper to his Expedi-tion. Is 3272ft. in height.

TURNER, R., after G. R. Turner, Staff

Surveyor, 1884.

TURTLE, Id., -Ilots. du Tortues," oí

French Espedition,' 3.SÓ1-3. French name Anglicised.... .

TURTLE DOVE Sh., named after the

Dutch yacht Tcrtelduyff, " 1634, it

discovery.' ......

TWILIGHT, Cove, named, by .Captain

Flinders in'.the Investigator, '1632. TWIN.-RUE. 1

TWISS,-'R-, -named after liri Horace

Twiss." Un dei- Secretary- for?- the Colonies, ÍS20. -"' '

TWO' PEOPLE, "Bay," Port' Des Deus

Peuples, of French Expedition. - 1803-, - "Two vessels of same and an American whaler met here and , f raternised,' thçir . countries being allies and at war with. Britain. ' Hence name, now Anglicised:

UAROO, Stn., native name of sheep

station. - Silver, lead, T¿nd copper ore ^discovered near, 1899. -UHR, Pt.

ULARRING, Rks., native name. Good

water supply discovered by Ernest Giles, 1875, after an anxious time


- ^- - . -^.u ^«jnw>.LU >-ic VIL; I'

ULRIC. Mt. . . .. . . . \ .'


UNDATARRA, Rc. Ta., declared 1913.

Native name.

URANIE,-Banks, east of Dorre Island.

Named after the L'Uranie, Capt. de Freycinet, who visited Dirk Hartogs Island, and . removed Arlaming"s plate at C. Inscription, taking it to France, 1S1E. URARYIE, Mt.

USBORNE, Pt., named by Captain J. 1 L. Stokes, R.N., after Alex. B. Us-

borne (ÍS3S) master of H.M.S.


[USELESS, Harbor, near C. Villaret, 1 named by Capt. J. L. .Stokes, R.N.,

1838, for obvious reasons.

VALENTINE. Id., named by Captain

Stokes. R.N.. 1838.

VANCOUVER, C., named officially af-

ter Capt. George Vancouver, of H.M.S. Discovery. 1791, and who named King George Sound.

VANCOUVER, Reef-, named aftei

same. A dangerous granite' reef " awash, outside King Georg«


VANSITTART, Bay., by Commr. P. P

King, after the then late Chancel-lor of the Exchequer.

VAN TREUER, Tableland, named bj

L. A. V.rells, 1892. VARLEY, L.

VASSE. Tn., declared 1895, named af-

ter French botanist of that nam« in their expedition to Australia 1801, and who disappeared near. VERNON, Mt.


VIEW, H., probably named by Com

mander iP. P. King, 1819. A fin view over Cambridge Gulf. I 7650. In height.

VIGORS, Mt. named by F. T. Gregory,

1858, ' probably after Dr. Vigors, an early W.A. medical officer.

VICTORIA and ALBERT, Mts., named

by Capt. Geo. Grey, R.N-,. 1839,. af-ter Queen Victoria and tile Prince


VILLARET, C., named by the French

Expedition, 1801-3 (Capt. Baudin), after' French Admiral Villaret Joycuse, ,1793. .

VINDEN, Mt., named by F. T. Gregory,


VINE, Headland, named by Commr. P.

¡P. - King, R.N., ^1819, from thick growth of climbing plants thereon. VIOLET, Ra.

VIOLET, named by "Warden A.

Clifton, 1896, after his daughter, and Lieut.-Cclonel Mansbridge'? sister.


VIRGINIA, Ra., named by F. H. Hann,


VIVIEN, T., declared 1905.

VXiAMING, Cape, west end of Rottnest

'island, C. Boullanger, of French.

Named by British after the Dutch navigator.

VLAMIÑG,' Hd., named by Commr. T*.

P. King, ISIS, after Wm. De Vlam ing, the Dutch navigator, of 1696. VOLTAIRE, C., named by French Ex-

pedition. 1801-3.

VON MUELLER, Mt., named after

Baron Von Mueller, Government Botanist of Victoria. "" VULCAN, Is.


WADARA, Ra. Native name.

WADDAWALLA. Native name.

WADOÏ.ÎRING, H./ Native name.

Highest of sropp of bare granite

mounts, discovered by R.. Austin, 1854. Rises 250ft. above plain.

1 WADE, Ck., namea by C. Crossland,

1901, after one of his party.

WAGERLIN, Sp. Native name.

WAGGA WAGGA, Rs. Tn. Nativ«


WAGERUP, Rs. Tn., declared 1899. . A

. timber milling centre..

WAG DC, Rs. Tn., declared 1S9S. Na-

tive name. An agricultural cen-tre. Town founded by the W.A. Land Grant Railway Company.

WAEEL, Rs., on Perth-Goldfields nil

way, 690ft. above sea level. WAIL, Well. Native name. WAITE, Mt.

WALCOTT, inlet, named after Pem-

berton Walcott, by R. J. Sholl,


WALCOTT, Port, named after Pem-

berton Walcott, a member of F. T. Gregory's Expedition, 1861. Name first given to supposed island near. WALDBURG, Ra.

WALKER, Mt. probably after Mr.

Walker, surgeon and naturalist with Captain Grey, 1839, mention-ed in H. M. Lefroy's exploration, 1863, and named by him.

WALKER, Valley, named by Capt

Grey after same. Mr. Walker was the first to arrive in Perth in Grey's disastrous journey from Shark Bay, 1839.

WALL, Mt., named by F. T. Gregory,

1858, after John Wall Hardey, one of the first colonists of W.A.

WALLABI GROUP, Is., part of Hout

man's Abrolhos (which see) prob

I "ably named by Captains Wickham I end Stokes, R.N.. 1S40.

WALLAMBIN, L. Native name. Au

¡ extensive sait basin.

. WAIJ^ÁNGÉRING. Mt. Native name,

j WALLARINGA, Pk. Native name.