Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), Sunday 16 January 1921, page 2

Etènomic Stajres Destroyed

The -biggest fir* that jhas occurred io Perth since tbe.sreat blase when handover's large establishment went up in gmoke" took plao'on vWed^eeday night-or rather, at about . 1 o'clock, ca

Thursday morning.

'It is not quite clear,who first gave the alarm. Ur, Kauffman, manager of .the . Metrpftjjitan Dental ..Co.. wa» on bis way nome with à couple of friends when toé noticed the smell of smoke,' -and on locating.' the 'source .broke > the "Street alarm. It ls said the brigade took a-quarter of an boar: to reach the «pot. although the station is less than. bali a mile ¿way; but the question1 will probably be decided by the inquiry. ] ¡Mr. and- Mrs. Goodin ill. whose ."news- ; "hgency 4 ls north of "the Economic site,

"fetate that i they, also .'raised the alarm. -

find ?declare that the flarfles ,first burst ¿ut from the basement a* we' tear' of' the buildings. '. ' 'i-;1'--.- '.: ) However, when .the brigade got to¡ work -they performed well, and after a' conple of boars' hard battling con-fined rthé flames to the extensive Economic emporium. That was completely

?glutted, nothing in the building being

".: ' While "the fire raged it was a mag"nificent spectacle. Great-. masses of tollingo smoke- rose in-the . air like cloudSj-and every moment ereat flashes of fiame shot upwards amidst the jfemoke, Uke the ßery exmssions from à volcano. Thousands ofcitizens view-ed the" wonderful scene-from balconies "and windows, and many^tiressed and rushed to the spot, -i , - .....>'.

- ? The insurance companies ' were bit badly, the Economic building being In-sured for £29.000 and ithe-. Immense stock for £70,000. There-were" smaller amounts on Tilly's . (chemist) ' and "Breemer's (boot store)". ..- -s--,.

The" proprietor .of. .the .Economic -Stores was Sir ^WOliajm_ Lathlain, -Mayor .of Perth. and;^tts -Bâiai3îé.*lntends to erect a modem BuOainpoñ The