Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), Sunday 20 August 1916, page 15


Footballers/ generally, and many others, will regnet " -to .learn that the

pouojap-. Hedley Tomkins, interstate and East Perth clever rover, who has been fighting- atibe front, has lost bis. right feet,': A» exploded trench mor-tar struck him in 13 places.

Shooting, over the grounds of the Melbourne-'Gun Club recently,- -"Jim," a nom-de-trap whlctà "aides'the identity of a ónce-famous ? Westralian shot. Von the -championship -of the M.G.C. at -starling shooting. There, were 24

«om petitors, and while the majority -were floundering "In" the mire "Jim." grassed bird after bird until he bad a fstring of 14. He then had the contest well won, for the next man, Rowsley, !wjio also shot some magnificent birds, had lost his ninth. He failed again on his 15th,. which made "Jim's" vic-tory doubly sure. Only the winner and runner-up went the fall course.

Mr. James Brennan, having -sold his "training stables and Stud. property, intends disposing of all his horses, with 4he exception of his- three favorites"Hector. Mac, Princess Wilkes and Rockefeller. Amongst the Lits offered for sale are.Breeze, ]jjrd Dudley IX and Princess Derby, . several - youngsters, and some new importations. Mr. Bren-nan is .prepared to give, terms should purchasers wish it The pacing stallion Ureeze landed at Fremantle on Thurs-day after a good journey over. Breeze

is the standard bred stallion selected , by the-W.A. Trotting Association to da stud , duty the coming season in the Northam and York districts, and is spoken of as being a splendid type. That he possesses speed and conies frorii a wonderfully, successful produc-ing strain is beyond doubt Almost every Australasian record put up and lowered has-been a descendant pf the famous Wildwood. Let us in-stance some of them. Ribbon wood 2.S, King Cole 2.8 2-5, and the present holder of the one and two mile record. Country Belie. It would therefore ap: pear that the breeders of the districts

referred to have reason to be well pleased with thc attention the Trot

! ting Association has given them, and -I such a horse placed at the disposal of

breeders at a fee of £2 2s. is indeed, a

commendable move by the governing -body of trotting. _