Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Friday 12 September 1913, page 18



Thursday, the second day of the Spring Show, was so gloriously fine as wholly to make amends for Wednesday's rain. In place of the dull grey canopy of clouds which tempered the success of the opening day, was a clear blue sky and ungrudg-ing sunshine. The attendance materially improved, and the Show, in its manyvaried aspects, was an unqualified success. The stud cattle, sheep, and horses, and the pens of fat stock had in no way lost their interest; and, as if tempted into bloom by the glory of the sunshine, there was a splendid array of flowers. These and the exhibits of fruit and vegetables attracted a great deal of attention. A striking feature of the day was the parade of motor vehicles, which was followed by a parade of cattle and horses. During the afternoon there were several interesting horses-in-action events, the ladies' hacks leading the way at three o'clock. There was a large attendance During the afternoon, and the pageant of the show-ring attracted the almost undivided attention of thousands. Those of a more practical turn of mind and less taste for the spectacular, wandered joyously among the pigs and poultry, the cattle and the sheep, and watched with interest the performances of the mechanical exhibits. His Excellency the Governor and Lady Bosanquet were among the visitors. and Sir Day Bosanquet spent most of the afternoon in the ring watching the events. In the evening a promenade concert was held, and the attendance was large. The Show will be continued to-day, when all the classes will be on exhibition with the exception of sheep. Another concert will

be given to-night.


The party of British legislators touring Australia will arrive in Adelaide on Wednesday next, and the Government are doing all in their power, to arrange a programme for them that will make their short stay in this State pleasurable and profitable. In addition to the arrangements already published;.i^me, of the visitors will be taken for a motor trip round the foot-hills on Thursday, and' will be given an opportunity to see the surroundings of Adelaide that add so much to its charm. They will also inspect some of the public institutions on North-terrace. Mr. -ty". J. Sowden (chairman of the Public Library Board) will receive them at noon-in the new wing of the Public Library.


At Government House on Thursday at noon, his Excellency the Governor presented the certificate of the Royal Humane Society to Captain John Germein, of Stansbury, a retired sea captain, who although 67 years of age, rescued a sixyear-old boy, Victor Ralph Norsworthy, from drowning at Stansbury on August 15. Addressing Captain Germein, his Excellency said he was very glad it had fallen to his lot to present this warrant of the Royal Humane Society, which had been so justly awarded. _ Captain Germein did a very fine thing in rescuing this boy, who had fallen off the pier, and was drifting out to sea. He would inevitably have been drowned if the captain had not jumped in after him. It was on occasions like this that a man's true character was manifested. There was no time for thinking, one must either make up one's mind to go up or stop out. Captain Germein made up his mind to go in; and in so doing saved the boy's life. The community regarded his action with admiration. Captain Germein expressed his thanks to his Excellency and to the Royal Humane Society.



The attendance at the Royal Show on Thursday was 27.185, as compared with 26,014 on the second day last year. The takings amounted to £1,032, against £923. Last night 5,651 persons attended the concert, as compared with 6,492 twelve months ago, the cash ' takings being £166, as against £164. The "gate for Thursday afternoon was the highest on record, this being the first occasion on which the takings of the society have passed the four

figure mark.


In' our Monetary and Commercial" column will be found particulars of the exports of wheat and flour from South Australia for August, and for the nine months of the breadstuff's shipping season, which begins in this State on December 1. The figures were specially compiled for "The Advertiser," and cover all exports from the State, whether to other parts of the Commonwealth or to extraAustralian markets. The returns also give particulars of the ports at which shipments were made and destinations, as well as comparisons with the outward movement for the corresponding periods of previous




The Congregational Union is making an endeavor to perpetuate the memory of the late Mr. Joseph Vardon by erecting a church, to be named the Vardon Memorial Church. A fine block of land has been secured at King's Park with a frontage of 100 ft. to Goodwood-road and a depth of 277 ft., and the property is but a short distance from Mr. vardon's late residence. Mr. Vardon was deeply interested in the work of the Congregational Church, and on several occasions services were conducted at his house. At the meeting of the Congregational Union on Tuesday last the following motion was car-ried "That this meeting approves of the suggestion of the Forward Movement Committee to erect a church at King's Park as a memorial to the late Mr. Joseph Vardon." The committee appointed to deal with the matter consists of Messrs. F. E. Cornish, Peter Wood, John Pickering, G. McEwin. A. E. Norman, A. W. Piper. K.C., D. J. Gordon, C. R. Morris, and H. Savage, and the Revs. A. E. Gifford and Penry Jones.


The South African Soldiers' Association having sufficient funds in hand to meet any demands during the next 12 months for the upkeep of the graves of those South Australian soldiers who fell in the Boer war of 1893-1902, the genelal committee of that body has decided not to take up a collection for this purpose on Sunday afternoon next, the occasion of the annual memorial service to their fallen comrades.


The P. & O. mail steamer Malwa, which will take this week's mails from, the

Commonwealth to Europe, reached the [Outer Harbor at an early hour on Torrs r dar morning from Melbourne. I cargo and

the mails were shipped. and the vessel sailed in the evening. Included in the

cargo were 74 bars of silver for eastern.



I Two deaths occurred on the P. & O

branch service liner Commonwealth during

her trip from London. Mr. William Hudson, the chief steward, died suddenly at 1.40 a.m. on August 24 when the vessel was two days east of Cape Town. Mr. Hudson, who was 34 years of age. was a Londoner, and married, with one child. His remains were committed to the deep. On August "21 Mrs. Howell, who was travelling to Sydney with her husband and child, was missed- from the ship. A thorough search failed to find her, and it was presumed she had jumped

overboard in a fit of mental aberration. Some days previously she had been attended by the ship's doctor.



A glowing tribute to the success of Rose worthy Agricultural College was and by the Minister of Agriculture (the Hon. T. Pascoe) at the annual dinner of the Old Collegians' Association on Thursday. He said the college was second to none in Australia in respect to the class of men it had turned out. The old-fashioned farmer pooh-poohed the idea of an argicultural college, and had no expectation that good would result from the establishment of one. Yet some of those farmers sent their sons to the college, and when they returned with the knowledge they had gained, and coupled with it the business experience of their fathers on the farms, it was seen that those farms began to pay as they never did before. The old prejudice against Rose-worthy had died out. and a farmer who spoke disparagingly of the college would now be laughed to scorn.


The steamer Commonwealth, which arrived from London on Thursday, brought 81 State-assisted immigrants for South Australia. They were met at the Semaphore anchorage by the boarding officer of the Immigration Department (Mr. David-son) and supplied with information relative to their friends and destinations. Of the number 51 were nominated wives and families of previous established settlers, and 29 were domestics. These travelled from London in charge of Mrs. Kressmann, and were met at the wharf by the lady assistant for domestic helpers and escorted by her to the Domestic Helpers' Home at Charles-street. Norwood. The Commonwealth has 108 passengers for Melbourne, and 228 for Sydney, many of whom are

State assisted.



After another year's experience of the working of the universal training scheme. I do not wish to retract a single word I uttered in favor of it at the memorial service last year," said the senior chaplain of the South Australian forces (Archdea-con Samwell) at the annual smoke social of the South African Soldiers' Association on Thursday night. He said as time went on the wisdom of the scheme was being' justified. He travelled over a large portion of the State, and saw a great improvement in the behaviour of the boys. The longer the scheme had been in operation the more it had been found to be justified. It was one of the best schemes ever devised, not for promoting a warlike spirit, but for training the younger generation, and developing among them discipline and good manners. If ever the need should arise. Australians would be well prepared to defend their hearths and homes. Colonel Rowell said evidently the Peace Society thought all that had to be done was to call men into the field. He was glad to hear the remarks of Archdeacon Samwell. Discipline was a great thing for a soldier. He did not care what anybody said about rifle clubs: he would twenty times rather have a body of men who were disciplined and trained for active service than the best of rifle shots. The universal training scheme was going to make men of the boys of South Australia. The training they would receive would also be good for them in civil life. There was a marked improvement in the conduct of the boys already. Mr Frank Johnson also praised, the work the Commonweal in had done in training young



On Thursday Otto Schiebat, the fire-man of the German-Australian steamer Australia, who at the coroner's. inquest on Wednesday was charged with the murder by stabbing of Charles' Richter, a seaman of the vessel, at Port Adelaide, just before midnight on Monday, was removed from the Port Adelaide Casualty Hospital on a stretcher to the Adelaide Gaol Hospital. Schiebat,. in addition to the cut on the left side of his throat, had a cut upon his nose and several in-cised wounds upon his hands. The wound in his throat was regarded as self-inflicted, but his own statement and the cuts about his hands support the theory that his injuries were inflicted by an. assailant. The steamer Australia sailed for the eastern States on Thursday, but Captain Hellerich, her commander, has under-taken to see that the members. of his crew who will be wanted as witnesses are back in Adelaide in time for the


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The Railways Commissioner's Act provides that all members of the permanent service must insure their lives. When the Public Service Superannuation Fund was instituted it was arranged that railway employes should have the right of either entering that fund or of insuring their lives elsewhere. On the regulation first being brought into operation the amount of insurance was based upon the salary or wages earned by the employes, and was increased with each augmentation of wages or salary. This, however, was found to operate harshly in some directions, as, for instance, in the case of employes over 50 years of age, who had necessarily to pay a high rate of premium. The Railways Commissioner took the matter into consideration, and decided to make an altera-tion, with the result that in the Executive Council yesterday the following regulation was confirmed "Any person, before confirmation of his appointment in the railway service. must either become a subscriber to the Public Service Superannua-tion Fund or effect in some life insurance office carrying on business in South Australia, and approved by the South Australian Railways Commissioner, an insurance of £200 on his life. Any employer who has complied with the insurance regulations in force up to September 30, 1913, shall not be, required to insure for an additional amount until his salary or wages exceeds £170 per annum; when this occurs the insurance provision must be increased

to £200."


The Minister of Agriculture, (the Hon. Pascoe) was in humorous vein at the annual dinner of the Roseworthy Old ColI legians' Association on Thursday, and told

some good stories. _ One of them was about a city man who was starting a dairy farm, and he went to a great deal of expense in buying machinery. When he was asked what breed of cow he was going to keep he re-plied "Oh, I'm not going to be bothered with cows I am going to have a milking machine!" Later on the Minister got reminiscent. In speaking of the pranks which are common among all students, he said he had heard of Roseworthy College boys-new boys, of course getting up early to wake the hens and groom the pigs, and he had also heard something about new boys giving the stewards a bath at erred

I night.


The Government Astronomer (Mr. G. F. Dodwell") informs us that in addition to the small comet whose discovery was announced yesterday advice has' been received that a faint comet was discovered by Neeujwin on September 3 in a different part of the sky. The position observed on September 7 was Right aseen, sion, 23n. 49m. 25s.- declination south, 5m. 25s.: daily motion, 20 minutes north-west. This second comet is therefore in the constellation Pisces, and can be seen from Adelaide by those who possess good telescopes. As it is apparently travelling towards the sun, there is a possibility that it may become visible to the naked eye at a later stage.


"The nation has much to answer for in its treatment of the natives," writes the president of the Aborigines' Friends'. Association (Mr. T. W. Fleming in his annual report. "Some of the reserves allotted to them have been sold, their happy hunting grounds taken, and they have been driven into very limited spaces by the advance of civilisa-tion. The white man has invaded their hearths and homes, leaving behind him a serious half-caste problem. The half-castes are to be pitied and sympathised equally with, the full-blooded causes. Then toast

I of color excludes them from the privileges

of the white race. who. though responsible for their existence, object to funds intended 1 for aborigines being devote i to half-castes. These, alone with their darker comrades,

have ever found a home of succor and re- . fuge at Point McLeay. So long as any member of the native tribes remain, the work of the- a--=<x-iat»on will be needed to give life and riddance to untutored minds. call forth hillier aspirations and desires, minister to their physical well-being, and in a Wing and sympathetic spirit smooth the pillow of a dying race."


Conference of Churches of Christ in South Australia begin? to-day. and "will continue until next Thursday. To-day the ladies meet in their sisters' conference, and to-night, under their auspices, there will be a temperance demonstration in the Grote-street Chapel Mrs. Mauger will preside, and addresses will be delivered by Mr. W. Morrow, the president of the General Conference, and Mr. Thomas Hagger, the State evangelist for Churches of Christ in Victoria.


The Sunday and week evening services at the Point McLeay Mission Station for aborigines, have been well sustained, says the report of the Aborigines' Friends' Association, just issued. to the review of the religious and educational work of the mission it will be seen that a good influence has been exerted upon the natives, sometimes restraining them from rice, some times providing an incentive to well-doing Notwithstanding the limitations arising from the condition of a primitive race, some of the natives display fine qualities, and the majority are exemplary in their conduct The mission has been cramped in its work by insufficient funds, the allowance made for its support being totally inadequate to develop the station land and provide work necessary to make the natives self-reliant as well as more useful members of the community. The history, of the association has been one of struggle and difficulty in carrying on its humane work, but it has bravely maintained its mission for the sake of the

native race generally in the State, and particularly for the remaining tribes which have their dwelling-place round the shoresof Lakes Alexandrina and Albert. The asFOC'ation has ever sought, and still seeks, to express in a practical way the sympathy

existing in the hearts of all true colonists for the aborigines, whose very helplessnessshould make a strong and effective appeal to all lovers of justice in the land to deal more generously in meeting the urgent and pressing necessities of their daily lives."


The Young Women's Christian Association has opened a hostel as a boardinghome for young women in Carringtonstreet, near East-terrace. It is a spacious house. with ample grounds, but it does not provide sufficient accommodation for the purpose, and it is proposed to build an addition providing for single bedrooms, so that ultimately the hostel will accommodate between 35 and 40 girls. The Y.W.C.a

has long desired to make a home for girls, which would have an atmosphere of a private home, and some of its comfort, with a garden. This hotel is the realisation of that hope. The rooms on the top floor of the building in Hindmarsh-square held only nine beds for guests, and were at best only suitable as a temporary lodging. The new hostel has been open for boarders only a few days, and is already full Lady Bosanquet will open it formally at 11 o'clock to-day. after which the grounds and building will be open to inspection.

Owing to the great pressure on our business columns, advertisers are requested to hand in their advertisements as early as possible to-day, in order to secure proper classification in "The Advertiser" to-morrow

The Eastern Extension Telegraph Company reports that the latest telegram from Adelaide which arrived in London

up to 10 a.m. on September 15 was timed 5.45 p.m. on the same day. The time occupied in transit was 1 hour 40


The Trade Commissioner in London telegraphed. September 10, to the Govern-ment "Wheat market firm and more enquiry for sailers. May-June shipment bought at 36/6 per quarter. Australian wheat, new crop, buyers at 36/6 per quarter.. Liverpool market quiet, with easier tendency."

A Circuit Court will be held at Mount Gambier on October 13. His Honor Mr. Justice Gordon will preside.

Attention is called to a notice in our

advertising columns relating to the opening of the new Hydro Electro Medication


Judging from the demand for tickets, the country people's excursion to Edithburgh in the Warrawee to-morrow should prove a great success. Numbers of visitors intend staying over the week-end in

order to enjoy the novelty of a sea trip and see the home of the salt industry. _ A band has been engaged, and the outing promises to be thoroughly enjoyable. The Warrawee will leave McLaren wharf. Port Adelaide, on the arrival of the 8.35 a.m. train from the city, and will return in time to catch an early evening train. Between three and four hours will be spent at Edithburgh. '

We have received from the Mount Lyell Chemical Works a copy of a booklet published on the uses of their artificial manures, which will be of interest to farmers who use superphosphates.

No doubt about it, the cheapest boots and shoes are at Gunn's', next Martin's.

255, 8,60

Royal Geographical Society Lecture, Rivers and National Life," by Rev. Principal Bevan, L.L.B., D.D., Friday, September 12 at 8 p.m., Institute Buildings, North-terrace. His Excellency the Governor will preside. Public invited. T. S. Reed, Secretary.

Start your boy on the road to health on a Lewis Bicycle. The exercise in the fresh air will make him strong and healthy. "Lewis" bikes are the easiest running and safest you can buy. Showrooms 114, Gawler-place. 3

Those desiring to learn dancing easily and correctly are advised to go to Professor and Mrs. Adam, the only certificated teachers in the State. The

attention of farmers is drawn to an advertisement of the Loxton Farming

Company in public notices columns inviting applications to farm on shares. To

Show Visitors. Special offer, new shipment of Pianos, all latest improvements, specially manufactured for Australian climate; for this week only greatly reduced rates. Inspection in-vited The C. H. Watkins Piano and Furniture Warehouse, Jetty-road, Glenelg.

To demonstrate that drawn wire Osram electric lamps are practically proof against vibration and shock, no matter how severe, a display is made in. one of Col-ton. Palmer, & Preston's Currie-street windows. Two model tramcars, driven by electric power, each carrying an Osram metallic filament lamp, are brought into violent collision with stationary buffers,

yet the Osram lamps are uninjured.


Country folk should secure our new hardware catalogue and furniture catalogue, containing about 1,500 illustrations with prices. All you have to do is to quote number of article required and we do the rest. Money will be saved by placing orders with us. Posted free.Crooks & Brooker, Ltd., 38, Rundle-street.


Any motorist who is not satisfied with the petrol consumption of his car should try the Stewart gas silver, which not only saves petrol, but increases horsepower. Sole agents, Motors Limited, 44, Flinders-street ' 2526

Dry weather requires the use of Garden Hose. Heavy stocks at W. & T. Rhodes,

Ltd. .317eu:313A4/S I