Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), Sunday 11 December 1921, page 12


When wül the Melville Road Board I

awaken to the fact that two lavatories are not sufficient at the Point Walter pleasure resort? A visit made on Sun-day last revealed a disgusting- state of affairs and reflects no credit at all On either the board or its caretaker.

The seats of the closets were an in- -describable disgrace. Cannot someI rbtng be done to gaol the dirty hooli-gans? Also, why cannot the board erect a few more with penny slots in

the doors?

Wiioever was responsible for the pi»«iMTic and building of the new bogey cars recently placed in oonimission in Fremantle is to be congratulated. Like good music, a ride in one of the new trams would soothe the nerves of the mast djsthyxnic The fitrrngs are a decided improvement «rn any other cars ia the State, the «bnnkrria os the seats being most noticeable- Money would I be well spent in building several more , ¡and «crapping those "MghtxaaresT* now doing duty- Another pat for the Tramway Board. The 'present con-dition of the several waiting «beds is 1 commendable, bot keep on giving them regular attention.

Strips and Snipping.-for the week anding December 8 12 vessels, aggre-gating 62.OÔ0, «ons, entered, and 12 ves-sels, with a total tonnage of 62,000, «leared the Port. Movements of note during the period were the Sealda discharging 1400 tons of general cargo from -Calcutta, Anstralrange 400 tons from the Eastern States, and the in-ters tater Zealandia brought over 3400 tons of general cargo, in addition to livestock. Work on the wharf has been fairly brisk during the week, and the prospects for the beginning of the coming week augur well, two vessels due to arrive early being the Wilt-shire to discharge about 1500 tons of general cargo from overseas, and the Citta di* Genova to lift 3000 tons of wheat and 400 tons of flour.

Flotsam.-Councillor Fothergill was present at the last meeting of the Fre-mantle Council after one month's sick leave. A new move in the administra-tion staff of the Council will operate as from January L Town Clerk Haynes has voluntarily retired from that posi-tion in order to devote the whole of his time to the work of Town Engineer. Mr. Haynes, who was congratulated by the Connell On making this alteration, recommended the appointment of Mr. Shepherd to the dual position of Town Clerk and Chief Accountant, whilst the position of Town Treasurer would devolve on the chairman of the Fin-ance Committee. . . . The sum of £15.000 has now been subscribed to-

wards the Municipal Loan. . . . Coun-cillor Daly again roundly condemned the Premier for not replying to the three letters posted dealing with the proposed trotting at the. Port. . . _ The health authorities' attention is drawn to the state of the ladles' lavatories af the rear of the Town Hall. An in-spection would convince them of the defects.

The Fremantle War Memorial Com-mittee has made excellent progress to-wards the erection of a fitting monu-ment in memory of the men who en-listed from the Port. A deputation from the committee waited on the Fre-mantle Council on Monday last to se-cure that body's co-operation in the movement. The deputationists stated that arrangements bad been made for the erection of an obelisk, 65 feet high, on Monument Hill, which will cost be-tween £4000 and £6000. Thia amount will Include the proper laying out of the ground, and probably the erection of a couple 'of shelter sheds. It was also urged that the present and all future councils assume the obligation

I of keeping the sacred spot in good

repair. The councillors were unani-mous in assuring the deputation of their support in the movement. It is to be hoped that the three municipal bodies in the district will amalgamate and assist in erecting such a memorial ,as will be one of the first objects to draw the attention of the traveller when entering the Port.