Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), Sunday 18 January 1914, page 1


IÎIBTHS »nâ DEATHS, 2*. liaii-u>cb; EXG ÂGE

. KEKTS anâ SL»KKIAG£S,:U.& Inti-ia cfc

ÏXMKMQWAU NUTtCfc.-, 2». ti. k»»1-*0"*; . poetiy. Ci. per lim «ta. ^_*


?TrXïÎDING.-On January 17, al Nar**

Doran"s. ..I.eadbllls,*' 126 Ijtk*street, to Mr. and Uns. S. 3, Hard. lng, of Brisbane-street-a jon.

H HELY.-On January 16, at Nurse

Hall's Private Hospital. 44 Milli-gan-street, the wife of Mr. Geo. Heely, of North Perth-a »on. Both

yell. _,

RUBY.-On January- 13, at Nurse

, Hall s Private Hospital, 44 MBU-'

gan-street, thc wife of Mr. Rubya daughter. No visitors till 2 (th. .


CARSON.-At his son's residence, 2*7

Lincoln-street, Mr. George Carson, late of Guildford, aged 7S.


BREIEN.-The friends of Mr. David I..

Breen, of the Agricultural Depart-ment, Perth, are respectfully in-

vited to follow the.remains of hi« y late beloved wife, Cecily Mary. \<S the place of interment, the An-glican Cemetery, Karrakatta. Tire

funeral is appointed to leave the _ residence of his brother-in-law, ""? Mr. F. E. Weddall. 73 Heytesbury - road. Subiaco, at 3.15 o'clock TO-MORROW (Monday) AFTER-NOON per road. Friends wishing to attend the 'funeral may proceed by the 3.30 train leaving Perth.

BOWRA and O'DEA, Undertakers, 195 Pier-street. Perth. TeX 30».

McMEEKIN.-The friends of Mr. and

Mrs. Robert McMeekin, of Holy-oake, are respectfully invited to follow the remains of their late dearly beloved sou. James, to thc place of interment, the Methodist Cemetery, Karrakatta. The fune-ral is appointed to leave the re-sidence of their brother-in-law. Mr. E. Atkinson, 145 Grosvenorroad. North Perth, at 2.45 o'clock THIS (Sundas-) AFTERNOON per road. Friends wishing to attend

the funeral may proceed by the . 3.30 tram leaving Perth.

BOWRA and O'DEA, Undertakers. 195 Pier-street, Perth. Tel. 80S.

OSBORNE.-The friends ol Mr. and

Mrs. Chas. Miles, of Crawfordroad, Mavlands, are respectfully invited to follow the remains oí their dearly beloved daughter. Beatrice Emily Osborne «wife of Mr. Sydney Arthur Osborne), lo thc place of Interment, the Angli-can portion of the Karrakatta Cemetery. The funeral is appoin-ted to leave her late residence. Wright-street. Beaconsfield, Fre-mantle, at 10.15 o'clock ajn. TO-MORROW (Monday) MORNING, per road. Friends wishing to at-tend the funeral may proceed ty the 11.30 o'clock train from IVrtland Fremantle.


rector. 844 H:iy-street, Perth; and al Adelaide-street, Fremantle. Ttl. 187.

PENNEFATHER.-The friends of tliv

late thc Honorable Richard WïI-~ liam Pennefather. K.C., M.I..C, ar<respectfully invited to f<>llou his.

remains to the place of interment. . the Roman Catholic portioî: of the Karrakatta Cemetery. The fuaen>l

is appointed to leave his late resî- <]BV dence. "Oakham." Shcittoii-nmd. Claremont. THIF (Sundft* t ' AKTKRNOfi.V. the lHtX\ instant,

at ö.ir, o'clock. Friends st- >4V1

tending the funeral r...:y pr<»c*ed

by trains leaving/Perth and ^Fe-d^H mantle at .".30 p.m. ..JflBJ ARTHUR E. I> A VIES aiiü CO.. lâflBBI dertakers. Af arkct-îttreet, Fraoia&2s|BHl (Tel. 225). and opposite the RtámtfsM

Station, Claremont. -