Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), Sunday 5 July 1914, page 29





This is what MISS LYNN ALLSOPP says after using


Trtte Hair Grower

You Con Try it Free

MISS ALLSOPP (from a photo by Crown).

201 Crown-st-, Darlinghurst, Sydney,

Mr. John Craven Burleigh, 2/4/14.

Bear Sir,-I have been using your True Bair Grower for the past few months; and must say that I am delighted with the result. When I com-menced the treatment my hair was about three feet long. It was falling out, and was frightfully thin, but now it is much thicker, has a bright, na-, tura! lustre about it, has completely stopped falling out, -and is three feet eight Inches long, which means that it has grown eight inches longer. Na-turally this is a source of great satisfaction to me, and I must say is more than I expected. My friends notice the difference, and inquire what I have

been using for my hair.

Please send a sample of your preparation to Miss B. Matthews, Lr. Kokotaha, Hokltika, New Zealand. Enclosed find three stamps for same.

Thanking you for what your True Hair Grower has done for me, and wishing you the success your remedy deserves.

I am, yours gratefully., (signed) LYN. ALLSOPP.

MISS ALLSOPP (from a photo by Crown).

I am not an advertising quack, hut am a business man. My hair began to grow thin the time 1 reached the age of thirty. When I had reached the age nf thirty-five the top of my head was quite bald. I had considerable, pride, and sought for . something to cause renewed growth. I invested in' every preparation that I could see or hear of, and here let me say thal not only did I try all the English so-called restorers, but those ol Continental Europe. I also visited specialists. My experimenting cost'me many sove-reigns and considerable time-yet the hairs came not. I had given up the idea of ever growing hair again. One afternoon, while enjoying a brief business respite by an Alpine trip I fe!! in with an old collegiate chemist, whose hair was particularly plentiful. I jokingly remarked that I wished he could spare some of his hair for my benefit. This led him to tell me that he un-derstood the human hair as well as a good dentist understands teeth. He wrote out a formula, and suggested that I have a quantity ot the com-pound prepared. I did this a few days later. I was astonished to see the hair coming forth after several applications, and within six weeks my head was covered by a firm, yet soft, hlackgrowth-of hair. Since then the hab-ón my head has been as luxuriant as when in my school days. Having arranged for the legai right to do so, I have for some time been privately Sellins this marvellous hair-growing compound.

THIS ANNOUNCEMENT Ss oí special interest to every MAN AND WOMAN who has previously tried other HAIR - GROWING PREPARA-TIONS.: If you have HAD NO SUCCESS WITH OTHERS, please write to me. I REFRAIN from expressing any personal opinion as to other preparations, but point to the vast array of letters received from patrons who, HAVING TESTED numerous advertised compounds, washes, etc.. without benefit, used my pomade, and FOUND IT TO BE EXACTLY AS REPRESENTED-A REAL HAIR -GROWER It is always prepared in ac-cordance'with the formula with which my name has become famous, and which is endorsed bv NOTED ANALYTICAL EXPERTS OP ENGLAND, GERMANY, FRANCE, AND THE UNITED STATES. - It can be shown by manv letters which I receive that, IN A FEW DAYS AFTER THE FIRST APPLICATION, THE HAIR BEGINS TO GROW, AND CONTINUES UN-TIL A HEALTHY, STRONG PERMANENT GROWTH IS MANIFEST.

Great Distribution of FREE SAMPLES

My offer is a straightforward, honest proposition, from a business man to sensible men and women. The merit of my TRUE HAIR GROWER is in th« preparation itself, not in the advertising. If you will write to me I Will send you a TRIAL BOX of thc JOHN CRAVEN BURLEIGH TRUE HAIR GROWER. I make this offer because I want YOU to know just what my True Hair Grower wilt do. Package will be sent securely sealed in a plain wrapper.



Cut out this coupon, and send with three stamps to cover postage, etc, and I will immediately post a Trial Box of my True Hair Grower.