Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), Sunday 21 July 1912, page 27


The Settlers and Farmers' Associa-

tion held a meeting on Saturday even- ing, July 13. The item set down for

those present was a lecture by Mr.

Tull on "Fertilisers: Their Compari-

tive Prices."

Rains are still falling, and the

ground is by this time getting quite boggy. Over three inches have fallen here since July commenced, and must be considered most satisfactory to all


The Yornaning Hall is to be opened on July 26 hy the member for the dis-

trict (.Mr. E. B. Johnston). A large number of residents and visitors are expected to be present.

The Yornaning dam is getting a fair amount of water into it. The Fish Acclimatisation Society are talking about stocking this place with fish

when sufficient water has leaked into

it from the adjacent rivulets.
