Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), Sunday 20 August 1911, page 26

The Lionel Logues are back.

+ + +

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Johnson on the arrival of another Little Bulee.

+ + +

Some of the goldfields lacrosseurs DID enjoy themselves during their visit to the coast.

+ + +

A day before the Seydlitz reached Fremantle last week a little immi-grant arrived on board. The proud progenitor announced his intention of christening her Barbara Seydlitz. Poor kid ! When she goes to school she is bound to be known as "Powders!"

+ + +

Extract from a popular novel : "He pressed a burning kiss upon either cheek, and straightway her face be-came ashen." And probably the poor girl hadn't taken out a fire policy. Some of these young bloods are hot


+ + +

Writing from London to a Perth frien, Mrs. Molloy says that the Mayor has had to delay his departure owing to a recurrence of ill-health. They intend coming back by way of America—the doctors having advised the Mayor to dodge the Red Sea route

—and the date of their arrival home is uncertain. + + +

Mrs. T. Bird has had the warmest of

welcomes from various charitable so-cieties, private friends by the score, and especially from the Home of Peace, of which she is one of the hardest working supporters. Mrs. Bird has been absent several months in the Eastern States taking a much-needed

rest, and is looking fresh and feeling

quite set up again in health.

+ + +

"The wriggle of the petticoats and the swagger of the young women at the dance were not the least interest-

ing parts of the show." So says Sena-tor de Largie in a Papuan article he

has contributed to the "Worker." "The

young women," naively adds the Sena-

tor, "were dressed in shell armlets and

petticoats of colored grass." H'm ! I

Mr. de Largie seems to have a clear eye for an attractive landscape. + + +

Mrs. Paton, of Kalgoorlie, is at pre-sent an inmate of a private hospital

in Perth. It will be remembered that Mrs. Paton sustained a broken arm in a vehicular accident a short time ago, and the bone was not properly set. lt was found necessary in Perth to open the arm and re-set the bone, and the patient will probably have to remain in the hospital for a fortnight.

+ + +

One of the kindliest thoughts, in sweet Charity's cause, is that of the Perth Automobile Club, expressed at their meeting last week. It is that

on one of their "meets" in the very near future all the convalescent pa-tients from the Children's Hospital are to be taken for a long motor ride. Given one of our exquisite early spring days, this outing will be marked in very vivid red in the minds and memories of the happy little convalescents.

+ + +

The Alliance Francaise has already got going with a members' roll of over fifty. The first reunion was held on Wednesday, 9th inst., and there was quite a good attendance, though many of the members appeared to be stricken dumb temporarily, except for a be-wildered "Oui, oui," when addressed in the lingua Franca by some more ac-complished friend. However, the Al-liance has come to stay, that's quite certain; and its energetic and accom-

plished secretary, Mons. Alex. Trou-chet, has all its infant interests at heart, and is not afraid of a little hard work in order to keep it going.

+ + +

Copy of a letter read out in a re-cent divorce case:—

I have left you forever: O, for-give me : I still love you. At least I think I do. But I think I love him more. Do I? O, tell me! My head is whirling round. When I think of you, my dear husband, I think I love you best. When I think of him I am certain I love him more. And then again I am not certain. I am certainly not happy. I am very miserable. Write me a line. Your unhappy, devoted, adoring, uncertain wife.

A prosaic judge awarded the dear husband a decree nisi. He deserved it

+ + +

Gay with flags and pot plants has

been the Literary Institute during the week, the occasion being the celebra-tion of the diamond jubilee. On Tues-day evening the members were invited to a concert and dance. Sir Gerald

Strickland was present and Professor Henderson was given a welcome. After

the concert supper was handed round by willing helpers, and the hall being cleared dancing was indulged in. Sir Edward Stone, in his speech, told many interesting stories of Perth's early days, and also mentioned that of the 90 foundation members of the insti-tute only three are in the land of the living.

+ + + +

The cult of the profile has returned

to fashion. After hiding the side view of the clear-cut features beneath the brim of an overwhelmingly large and drooping hat and so arranging the hair that the front view was made the im-portant point it has become the vogue to make the front view a secondary consideration, and to dress the head in order to emphasise the exquisite loveliness of the carefully cultured and delicate profile. The Rubens hat with its sweeping, upturned brim, displays the profile in great beauty, and the

hair, dressed as it is at present so that the contour of the head is not dis-guised, forms a fitting crown for the refined and delicate countenance. The charm of the profile lies not altogether in regular features, admired in bygone times under the title "classical," but very much in color, the choice of the hat and the symmetry of the neck.

+ + +

For the third time lately I noticed at a ball last week a rather appalling vision of a very red-haired woman in a particularly unbecoming shade of yellow emerald green. When I say "for the third time" I mean she was the third ruddy-locked lady, not the same one three times. Emerald green and red hair are all right according to

pictures; but in that case the ladies have their complexions kindly adapted by the artist to the exigencies of the Irish color. Not so in real life—in W.A. especially, where the skin tint is pro-bably sallow and freckled, and altoge-ther unsuited even to the red hair. Shades of terra-cotta or brown, or that indescribable faded green shade, are lovely with those coveted auburn tresses; or even a very dark shade of ruby, strange as it may sound, is often a beautiful setting. But, dear ladies, please don't harrow our feelings by this blaze of yellow-green adorn-


Dolores' return season in Melbourne will open on September 2. Her tour will bring her towards the end of the year to Perth and the West, en route to Europe once more.

+ + +

It will interest the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon-Brown to hear of the birth of twin daughters some six weeks ago in Scotland. Mrs. Gordon Brown was formerly Miss Queenie Brown, of


+ + +

In a London court case, in which Mlle. Helena Rubinstein, the well-known beauty specialist, was concerned, it was stated by an accountant that the takings of the business from March 14, 1908, to September 30, 1909, amounted to £10,905 for "treatments" and £12,823 for preparations and other ar-ticles sold. Each of the assistants' takings averaged £ 28 19s. 3d. per week.

In reply to a question put by the

judge, the fair Helena said that, al-though her charges were considerable, the expenses were heavy—"we spend £20,000 a year in advertising." + + +

In connection with the Melba, grand opera season orders for seats, with cheques enclosed, have been arriving from all parts of Australasia. In many cases the public have evidently made

up their mines that the charge for the

best seats will be £1 1s., for several cheques allowing for that amount per

seat have been handed over to the box office to await attention in order of priority when the arrangements for the season are definitely settled. As a matter of fact, the £1 1s. charge will only be made on the first night, while during the remainder of the perform-ance the price for the best seats will be 15s. The company arrived at Fre-mantle last week. They are all heavy-weights.

+ + +

Although all our concert halls are engaged by biograph shows, yet the picture boom has brought along in its

wake a halcyon time for vocal instruc-

tors and teachers of string and wind

instruments. Almost every singer of

any worth willing to take the work can

get an engagement at some picture show for a time, probably passing on into the country under engagement to a provincial biograph entertainment; while as to strings and wind players they are quite at a premium just now, for each bio. proprietor vies with the other for the best orchestra; conse-quently we are getting in Perth some of the best picture orchestras to be heard in the Commonwealth. Also the most highly-paid ones !

+ + +

We have our beauty parlors in Perth prettily fitted up, and with many of the latest appliances for administering treatment, which will keep us women toujours belles (or at any rate make us think we are), but in only a com-paratively small number of these salons for beauty culture is there any sort of up-to-date method of hair-drying after a shampoo. I don't mean the horrible hot-air dryer, which burns the roots almost out of the head, but a properly construeted draft machine worked by electricity which enables one to get the whole performance through in about three-quarters of an hour. Some of the shampooers resort to the labored and antediluvian method of a hand fan, which is not only painfully slow, but annoying to the fannee. This is one of the things which, managed in an up-to-date manner, means money, and again money !

+ + +

Beautiful dresses there are in plenty in "The Woman in the Case." Miss Mabel Trevor, as the heroic wife, wears four gowns (that is, if you count a "nightie" and a lovely blue crepe tea-gown as a dress). The first is an even-ing gown of white satin Oriental, made in the new narrow short style, with a short train and a tunic of white ninon, which also comprises the bodice and sleeves of this graceful gown. A long pearl necklace is worn with this. In the prison scene she visits her incar-cerated husband in non-committal grey, in which one can be fashionable, though subdued. It is made of cash-mere de soie, with a draped tunic edged with purple braid; the bodice is finished with a deep insertion of Orien-tal embroidery; her hat is black felt with a gracefully sweeping brim, and a tricolor cockade in "shaving brush" fashion at the side. She "goes the pace" in a flaring orange satin, with a heavily embroidered overdress glit-tering with paillettes and bugles. An enormous black velvet picture hat flaunts a huge feather, and a vast chou of tulle; also she carries a black net scarf heavily encrusted with silver em-broidery.

Miss Katherine Gillies' friends will be pleased to hear of her engagement to Mr. Walter Kelly. + + +

Grace Palotta's mother, whom she hurried back from Australia to nurse, died at Vienna last month. + + +

On Tuesday afternoon the marriage of Miss Beatrice Cockshott, daughter of Mr. T. D. Cockshott, of Darlington, to Mr. Marshall Flower, was quietly celebrated at Christ Church, Clare-

mont. + + +

Mrs. Doorwood, who for some months has been visiting the Eastern States, left Perth on Tuesday to join her hus-band at Sandstone., where he has se-cured a lucrative position on the


+ + +

Miss Hope Booth, who for the last 15 years has been connected with the Perth Telephone Exchange, relin-quishes her position of supervisor on September 1. Miss Booth, who has been in bad health recently, is resign-ing to go on the land.


Of the "Woman in the Case" Com-

pany, which commences a season at His Majesty's Theatre on Sat-urday night.

At a recent entertainment attended by the Governor, a wild scramble was made for the door after the last num-ber, his Excellency having to wait till the last. Sir Jerry didn't look disgust-ed, but be must have felt it. + + +

Two more cots have been endowed in the infants' pavilion of the Chil-dren's Hospital. The Modern School undertake the upkeep of one and the boys of the Christian Brothers' Col-lege the other.

+ + +

There's a stack-up miss in the ranks of the skaters. If the boys are good upon the wheels she likes them at the rink, but outside it's another thing. "I can't know people in trade. Mother would never allow that," he says. Yet mother allows, the miss to go a-skating unattended three nights a week. + + +

Son and heir of the Draper family is at present on the high seas. He is go-ing to school in North Wales. + + +

A young and ambitious Terrace ar-tist has joined the no-hat brigade. He

is certainly no advertisement for any

hair restorer. + + +

Miss Bessie Hammond, of Fremantle, went to Kalgoorlie to perform the

duties of bridesmaid at the welding of her brother, Mr. Sydney Hammond,

and Miss Maggie Liddell.

+ + +

A huge All Nations Carnival is be-

ing arranged to take place in the Ex-hibiton Skating Rink on August 23. The object of the carnival is to raise

money for the King Edward Memorial

Hospital for Women.

+ + +

The largest gathering which has as-

sembled at the Museum lectures this

winter mustered to hear Mr. Cooke, the Government Astronomer, discourse

on " In Search of a Shadow." Mr.

Cooke gave a most interesting ac-count of his experiences in the Islands,

whither be went with other scientists to photograph a recent eclipse of the



The following marriages are arranged to take place at an early date :—

Eric Frederick Charles Pohl-

mann, Perth, to Julia Elizabeth

Smend, Perth.

James William Garbutt, Perth,

to Florrie Rothbaum, Perth.

Albert Victor Hull, West Perth,

to Florence Beatrice Murray, East Perth. Francis Rudolf Feldtmann,

Perth, to Florence Louise de Mole, Perth. John Beaton, Boulder, to Cla-

rice May Williams, 213 Fitzger-

ald-street, Perth.

Robert Neillings, Hay-street,

Perth, to Agnes Ellis, Subiaco.

William O'Shannasey, Perth, to Agnes M'Hugh.

Dr. Lorand gives 12 commandments

for the preservation of youth. Here

they are:—

"No. 1.—Be as much as possible in

the open air, and especially in the sun-shine. Take plenty of exercise, with

especial care to breathe deeply and regularly.

"No. 2.—Live on a diet consisting of meat once a day, eggs, cereals, green vegetables, fruit and raw milk of heal-thy cows (as much as the stomach will permit), and masticate properly.

"No. 3.—Take a bath daily, and in addition once a week, or once every two weeks take a sweat bath if the

heart can stand it.

"No. 4.—Keep the system open, even if a weekly purgative be necessary.

"No. 5.—Wear very porous under-

wear, preferably cotton; porous cloth-ing, loose collars, light hat (if any), and low shoes.

"No. 6.—Go to bed early and rise early.

"No. 7.—Sleep in a very dark and

very quiet room with a window open.

Do not sleep less than from six to six

and a half hours, nor more than seven

and a half, and for women eight and a

half hours.

"No. 8.—Have one complete day's rest in each week without even reading or writing.

"No. 9.—Avoid mental emotions and also worries about things that have

happened and cannot be altered, as

well as about things that may happen.

Never say unpleasant things, and avoid

listening to such if possible.

"No. 10.—Get married.

"No. 11.—Be moderate in the use of

alcohol, and also in the use of coffee and tea.

"No. 12.—Avoid places that are over-heated, especially, by steam, and badly ventilated. Replace or reinforce the functions of the organs which may have become changed by age or disease by means of the extracts from the cor-responding organs of healthy animals, but do this under the strict supervi-sion of medical men who are thorough-ly familiar with the functions of the ductless glands."

Commandment No. 10 is not always easy to follow.