Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), Sunday 23 July 1911, page 21


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Mar J ow-drama last night.

The Coronation films grow weari-


Apathy occupies the stage too frequently at the Dandies.

Westralia is liable to see "The Whip" in a month or two.

Gavin v/ood is now about the most popular artist at the Dandies.

The visit of 40 goldfields skaters is booming roller-rinking in Perth.

Julius Knight, seen per bio. in the Coronation Circus, has grown a

mo !

Alf Woods, of the Woods-WUHamson Co., would splendidly play "The Silver King."

We tip the Theatre Royal to be in possession of a vaudeville com-pany before next year.

Contralto Ward, of the Dandies, is a finished artiste, and has the ex-quisite charm of "class."

George Lawrence still continues to screen the most up-to-date fil-ums seen in Fremantle on the Sabbath.

West's Pictures at Queen's Hall are this week showing a programme that sparkles with top-grade pic-


To hand, a new patriotic song by Li. G- Wearmouth. lt is entitled "The Austral Navy." A notice will


If you want an oratorical treat ask Bob Henry, of the Marlow Co., to recite "What Happened When Jones Left Home?"

"The Lion and the Mouse" is a passable short-story incident which is not improved by dragging it out to the length of four acts.

The lydy who plays the she-villain in Spencer's version of "The Fatal Wedding" is without doubt the woodenest dolt that ever spoilt good celluloid.

The new man of the Dandies, N. Gregory, won't do at his present form. The successor to the refined Cuthbert Rose mustn't crack jokes on insanitary sox. It isn't clean, and it isn't even grim Hy clever. It is plain gutter wit.

Nicola, the marvellous "escapolo-gist" imported by J. and N. Tait, is said to escape from a box specially fastened down. He gets out with-out disturbing a nail. The office-bo j attached to this family sheet sug-gests that Nicola might try and es-cape without disturbing his "screw."

"The Lion and the Mouse" is one of those . unconvincing " dollai dramas"- that fails to grip. an Aus-tralian audience in the place wher« its sentiment lives. The Lion is ol the stuffed museum variety, and th« Mouse, from a dramatic standpoint does not rise in the animal work beyond the dimensions of an anae

mic flea.

The Perth City 3and each Sun-day afternoon inhabit Weld Square and blow brazen and other melody to the neighborhood. There is only one flaw, and that is the horde of noisy brats that disport around the bandstand and volley mud, gravel and banana-skins at each other. Á dip in the fountain and sudden ejectment from the Square would be .provocative of much pleasure to the public.

The new soubrette, Irene Vere, improves on acquaintance. Lacking the voice and personal witchery of Maud Fane, she has hard work to fill the place of the latter talented lady, but she works hard, and is generally acceptable. Also, when not occupying the centre of the stage, she sits and looks as if she -were part of the show and not a bored resting-pro. who had dropped in casually to wait until a friend got throngh with a turn.

' The Foss and Wheeler turn at the Shaftesbury, although excellent In the aggregate, will yet stand a lot of . improvement in details. Their clever ? xylophone turn resolves it-self Into _ an ear^screeching atrocity when accompanied by the , band, 'which is playing the same melody in another key. If they are wise, they '. likewise' will in future throw a bag over portion of the band when they are doing their banjo duet turns. The result last Monday night was confused noise, in which even the experienced chocolate urchin was un-able to pick the winner.

Some persons calling themselves the representatives of J. C. William-son bluffed the Empire management last week. A tenor, F. Simpson, was down to sing "Sparkling Eyes," and along swooped an agent of J.C.W., alleged to hold power-of-attorney for the singing rights of all Gilbert and Sullivan's songs. Seguy wisely didn't pay the guinea demanded, and the vocalist sang "Hoses" in-stead (which should have been "Pound Rises"). The joke is that J.C.W.'s agent allowed "Poor Wan-dering One" to be warbled, that ditty being by the same author and composer as "Sparkling Eyes." Now, the attention of "the agents of J. C. Williamson," Professor Seguy, aspiring vocalists and, the public generally is directed to a nctice al-ways printed on Gilbert and Sulli-van's works. It runs to the effect that any of their songs or other numbers may be sung at any concert, etc., "providing' not more than two are on the programme, and must be given without costume and action. Therefore, the next time an alleged copyright-agent comes along to demand a guinea take him aside and sing unto him "Poor Wand'ring One."

Eût the "Continaous Show."

There are two Mysterious Singers at the Empire. <

We were all Börry to lose Come-dian Cuthbert Hose.

Don't miss Charlie Lawrence Vic's Pictures, Fremantle. .

The lady lead of the Marlow Co. is young, pretty and brainy.

Vic's Pictures at Fremantle are relieving the population of its snper

nuous silver.

Dease's new Picture Palace ib Murray-street will be ready tor the ensuing summer.

The Queen's Hall programme, apart from the dreary Coronation him, is bright and sparkling.

Frofessor^Seguy was a proud man when he congratulated the trebly-en-cored Mysterious Singers last Wednes-


Stirling Whyte, here with the Marlow Co., was the original Detec-tive Baxter in George Titheradge'e "Silver King."

The Shaftesbury Orchestra play a splendid overture, "The Fortune teller." It is a noble effort, and well deserved its resultant uproar.

The ordinary programme at the Theatre Royal is good, and deserves a better fate than to be associated with that amateurish spasm, " The Fatal Wedding."

We rise for the third time of ask-ing to inquire why the Inspector of Cruelty to Audiences isn't doing his duty in connection with "The Fatal Wedding?"

-Constant attendance at bio. shows in the gallery of the new Theatre Royal will give the oculists a har-vest The angle of sight ii distorted

45 degrees.

Tb« Johnson-Jeffries film proprie-tary .one day .last week correctly

spelt the name of the show and the j hall they were showing in. This '

was rectified nest day.

The Underclothing Joke never fails. Professor Bernard, of Foss

and Wheeler, gets a long hoarse guf-faw for his betrayal of a lady up-holstering her scragginess.

Some of the novelties to be shown in Perth at the - Star Rink by the 40 goldfields skaters will astound the metropolis. One of the .features of the show is tbe Human Alligator.

Lake the . death of Mark Twain, it is now alleged that the report of the demise of Conductor Alt. Sut-ton is much exaggerated. We will be pleased to print Alf.'s full dé-


The Perth Concert Band's per-formance last Sunday was vastly en-hanced by the singing of Oliver Pea-cock. His "Song ot Thanksgiving" was faultlessly sung and divinely in-terpreted.

The Exhibition and Stir - Rinks have wisely decided not to clash as regards carnivals, skating patrons, the public and charitable' institu-tions' being the better' tor the new modus vivendi.

Vic Newton, ? of ? Vic's Pictures, Fremantle, reports good business. The advent of charlea Lawrence as piano-monolOgist has kept the reve-nue at top-notch, while once they get the audience inside tee show .will hold them in its pictorial grip.

West Perth possesses a double to Lizette Parkes, in dainty Miss Fen-wick, a charming ntcle soubrette, who won a special prize recently at a Guildford ball. The character was a Pyjama Girl," the whole audi-ence concurring In the judge's ver-


The George Marlow-Woods Wil-liamson companies, if combined, would produce a better "Silver King" than the phantasy - lately rioting at His Majesty's. There is no woman in the J.C.W. crowd to get near Maud Williamson as a stage artist, and Woods' himself, though a trifle stagey at times, is a long way the master of Desmond.

This paper invariably tries to be as lenient as it can be to many theatrical calamities who periodically infest'this State, but we intend in future .to fall from a great height with a loud crash on the superfluous : dead-beats who, while they are here, make it a point to sneer and scoff at local pros. This more particularly applies in orchestral circles. A recent instance is the raison -d'etre of this par. A conductor of a recent dramatic show under the J.CW. banner, whose chief merit lies in the fact that he was able to cajole a bateyed management to squander a re-turn steamer ticket on him, after Hav-ing received the usual courtesy of hon-orary membership of a city club, amused himself at a Sunday night concert by openly sneering at the methods of a local conductor and the talented coterie of musicians who followed his batonwagging. If he, the beery visitor, were half as proficient at coaxing melody out of his own team of gut-scrapers as be was at assimilating the honorary hops of hospitality we would have no fault to find. But if the same gifted person was called upon at short no-tice to play "Nelly BIy" for beer his probable dividend would be stale slops. Therefore ye impending musicians and importers, learn that because your dod-dering forefathers blew infectious .breath into brass instruments in the days of Hoskins' Hamlet that doesn't give their progeny the right to come .to this State and gibe at men whose methods are as far ahead of them ar-tistically as the motor car ls of Noah's Ark as 3-^m«ajjs-o£ locomotion.

.A sister of Australia's own Harry Roberts is playing witta, the George

Marlow Co.

- Stirling Whyte will ? assassinate the first pressman or printer who replaces the "y" ia his surname with

an "I."

Comedian Gregory, of the Dan-dies, apologised for the unnoticeable indisposition of Miss Irene Vere. Mr. Gregory should begin'by apologising for himself. He needs it more than does Miss Vere.

Unkind people are remarking tba the-- death of stage-band junia; Jukes occurred shortly alter he ha< ?watched a rehearsal of "lae siivei King," as played by William Des mond and Co.:

Look out for the bio. films o: Swimmer Finlay winning the King ; Cup. And look out lor tue miseraoK mob who refused to give a bob u the fund, but who will loudly orat< of how they "helped io send tun


- Apart from that banal atrocity "The Fatal Weadmg," bpencer i¡ putting on-a"brrgat,--nrave snow, anc the surging ero tod entering and exit-ing is like unto the human wave that beats upon the earl>'-door at a top^grade stousu. ,

We . thought De Rougemont -had gone out of business until we read the type-written pars sent- over tc W.A. from the various theatrical managements over- East. Some ol the yarns therein wouldn't- be be lieved in Toonyiavvalka.

The Mysterious Singers at the Empire Pictures were .last week awarded triple encores. Natheless, "Poor Wañd'ring One" loses half its beauty without the backing up of a quartette of chorus . voices. With four ordinary singers to help, so-prano., contralto, tenor and basso, the effect is harmoniously beautiful. See to it, Seguy.

"How dare you tell me I can't act?" demanded :a has-been of George Marlow. "I knew you when you were selling fried fish and chips." "And I'll know you when you won't be able to act well enongh

: to earn a feed of the same." Which I story would be excellent but for the j fact that it isn't true.

A splendid feature of the Perth Concert Band Sunday recital . was the piano-playing of Mrs. Fred Dan-by, her artistic accompaniment , to the songs of Mr. Peacock consider-ably aiding in the resultant ap-plause. Mrs. Danby is., herself ' a vocalist of top calibre, and ls unex-celled as. an Interpreter of ballads requiring soul and delicate phrasing.

This comes in from -Melbourne nicely typewritten* by Clarke and Meynelfs press agent:

Originally there were to have been 12 English "beauty girls" In the Australian production of "The Arcadians." These were sent out from London to Clarke and Meynell via America, but en .-route six of them were snapped up by Ame- rican managers, and two million-

aires selected wives from the rest, only four of the bunch reaching their - destination, their places having to be filled by others.

Miss Elsie Pike, of Claremont, who has shown great promise as a violiniste, will appear at the Lieder-tafel concert on Tuesday, 25th inst. She gained her diploma of A.T.C.L. when only 17 years of age, and is still in her teens. Contrary to most lady violinists, she produces a very fine tone, and her technique and ex-pression are excellent. She was a pupil for .some years of Mr. Chas. Manby, the well-known Melbourne violinist,, who taught and brought out Mr. Ernest Toy. Miss Pike has been studying with the object. of I appearing as a solo performer on

the" concert pbitform. In addition to her success with the violin. Miss Pike has achieved some distinction as a swimmer, having swum from Point Walter to Claremont, a dis-tance of nearly two. miles, when only

ll years of age. Elp !