Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Friday 16 February 1866, page 4



Hiern.Watbb. law Day.-Morning, 247j after noon.'S.O.: , . , 'i ' ,'

Feb. 16.-9 a-m. : Wind 8.E., light ;, weather | dull, "cloudy. Baromotor, 80 278; thermometer, Of. 1 p.m. : Wind S., light ; weathoi cloudy, fino. Barometer, 80 282; thermometer, 00-5. 4 pin.: Wlnd"S., frosh1; weather Ano,'cloudy. Barometer, 80'1SO ; tbormomoter 68-5. ' '


Mary Warron, ship, 055 tons, J. B. Homowood, from Lond»n November 6 Passengers-Tvvonty-nino in the steerage. W. Crosby and Co., agents.

De Langlo, French barque, 400 tons, E. Dupont, from Mauritius December 20, No passougors. Victoria Sugar Company, agents.

Hindu, hiignntino, 145 tons, R. Houison, from Foo Chow-Foo Docombor 21. No passengers. Connell

and Hogarth, agents. I

Prince Rupert, ship (Thames and Mersey Lino) 1,181 tons, J. Scott, from Llvorpool November 8. Geo. Martin and Co., agents.


Wavo, brig, 105 tons, T. Rossiter, for Newcastle.

Frederick, barquo, 171 tons, H. W. Wigmore, for

Circular Head.

Gulnnro, schooner, 151 tons, E. Jenkins, for Victor


Abbey, schooner, 00 tons, J. Crookott, for Ciáronse


Restless, barque, 258 tous, J. Phillips, for Sydney. Sir Isaao Nowton, brig, 121 tons, S. White, for Willunga.

Porsovoro, cutter, 28 tons, H. B. M'ileckan, far


Brodorlandct, ship, L. Rigaleon, for Callao.

' CLEARED OUT.-Feb. 15.

Balclutha, s s., 272 tons, II. Grainger, for Sydnoy. W. P. White and Co., agents. ,

Flying Squirrel, schoonor, 70 tons, H. A. Pasley, for Pott MacDomiell Pigott Bros, and Co., agouti.

Royal Standard, ship, 1,607 tons, E. Whinoruy, for Liverpool. Lorimer, Marwood, and Rumo, agonts,

Kathleon, brig, 227 tons, M M'Donnld, for New-castle, in ballaai. J. Patorson, agent.

Ann and Marla, bnrquo, 230 tona, D. Bold, for New-castle, in ballast. W. Duthie, agent.

Monarch, barque, 209 tons, J. Jamieson, for New-castle, in ballast. J. L. and O. Clarice, agents.

Victory, schooner, 61 tons, J. Stark, for Circular Hoad, in ballast. J. Qulggin, agent.


FOR London.-Rod Rover, 21th February ; Swllt sure, 20th Fobruary ; Luclbello, 20th February; Sussox, 7th March ; Wellesley, 22nd March ; Goldon Sea, 20th March ; London, 8.8,, 10th April.

For Liverpool.-Groat Britain, about 15th May J Red Jacket, 20th March.

Fob Otago.-African Moid, oarly ; Norman, oarly ; Alliambra, 24th February ; Albion, oarly.

For HOkiTiKA,-Maid of Erin, Stormbird, Trader, Tommy, Mimmlo Dlko, Moyno, Oom, Pat the Hovor, early ; Alma, 17th Fobruary ; Clarendon, 17th Feb-ruary ; Gothenburg, 22ud February ; Albion, oarly.

FOR Grey Rivmt.-Highlander, Jano Ann, Leoni-das, Maid of Erin, Sistors, oarly ; Mary Stewart, 20th Fobruary ; Albion early ; Goldsookor, 20th


For Canterbury.-Alhambra, 21th February : Albion, oarly.

For Sydmsy.-City of Adolaldo, 19lh February; Wonga Wonga, early ; UestloBs, oarly.

For Adelaide.-Aldinga, this day ; Lord Lynd-hurst, 10th Fobruary ; Coorong, 20th Fobruary ; Aloxandra, 20th February.

For Nelson.-Gothenburg, 22nd Fobruary ; Albion, early.

For Launceston.-Black Swan, 19th Fobruarj ; Dorwent, 21th Fobruary.

For Hobart Town.-Southern Cross, 24th February. For Port Albert.-Charles Edward, oarly ; Ant, this day ; Sisters, Mary Ann, early.

For Invercargill.-Leonidas, Jane, Zephyr, oarly. For Portlaj.».-Cores, onrly.

For Warrnambool. - Wostorn, 20th Fobruary; Edina, this day ; Poveril, Jot, early. '

For Balk.-lsabolla, Surprise, Eva, Sarah Ann, Moerangi, early.

For Calcuita.-Southora Eagle, oarly; Akbar, Harkaway, 26th February.

For Girrs Land Lakes.-Pomona, early. For Swan Ru bil-Mary Anne, early.

For San Fkanoibco.-Jenny Pitta, obout 20th Feb-ruary ; Harrow, Anna, early.

For Auckland.-Ellen Simpson, oarly.

For Blum? llAiinouit.-Alhambra, 24th Fobruary. For Vieron Barbour.-Gulnaro, this day.

For G auk -R.M.S.8. Bombay, 21th Fobruary.

For Kimo George's sound.-R.M.S.S. Bombay, Sith February ; Aloxandra, 20th Fobruary.

For Circular Hrad.-Frodoriok, this day. For Brisbane -Florence, early.

IMPORTS.- Feb. 16.

Mary Wairon, from London.-50 quartor-tlorceB tobacco, 260 cbbos portor, Jas. Borvlco and Co. ; 6 hilda. 15 quartor-caska 100 cases brandy, 30 cases mustard, 60 casos pickles, 26 casoi salad oil, 28 cases jolly, 0 cases anchovies, Connell and Hogarth ; 114 packages, G. Cuniiighnm ; 1 package, Dalgoty, Ibbot-son, and Co. ; 13 packngos, Hawkes Brothors ; 1 caso, T. W. Jerson ; 21 solo plates, 80 plough'rests, 17 pack-ngos, Drury and Wright ; 4 tanks malt, 1 box hops, J. Volum ; 100 cascB champagne, R. and 8. Gibbs; 60 tons pig Iron, 40 casks bolts and nuts, 107 coses oilmen's (.tores, L. and S. Spycr ; is casks colours, Uhos. Partlow ; 3 casks oil, M'Phersan and Co. ; 250 casks ale, Graham Brothors ; 2,070 bars 220 bundles 80 sheets iron, 200 boxos tin plates, 21 packagos, Mit-chell and Bonucau ; 12 cases vestas, D Kosonthul ; 600 casca brandy, 1 puckogo, Michaelis, Boyd, and Co ; 47 barrelB brimstone, Grlce, Sumner, and Co. ; 40 quirtur-caska red vi Ino, Rosa and Spowers ; 2 eviks, G. White ; 0 cases, Luoas and Sons ; 6 casos, Wilkie, Welch, and Co. ; 1.20J felloo3, 8 packages, II. Bux and Co. ; 20 cascB, Vlrgoo, Son, and Co. ; 12 packages, Aitken and Bostock; li packngos, W. Ford and Oo. ; 80 b&lOB pnpor, 5 bales, 1 parcel, Dalgoty mid Co. ¡ 8 cases mouldings, J andC. Campi ; I caso, li. Goobol ; 30 bales linons, Amlorson and Marshall ; GO oases wine, 17 packages, Bright Brothers and, Co. ; 2 cases, E, Whitby ; OcasosmarblotiloB.Jas. Turnor; loiso, Morley and Carrick; 1 case, Chug. Stall; 01 caskB sugar,R. To« na and Co. ; SO cases chairs, Beauchamp and Rocko ; 1 caso, J. S. Borlaso ; 4 cases pianos, \V. H. Glen ; 1 ' pnekago. Sprigg and Co. ; 1 pnokago, W. H. Parr ;

280 packages, li. Balnea ; 2 cases, Donaldson and Co.,' 870 paokugos, E. Keep ; 1 case, K. J. Paling ; 17 pack-ages, W. Detmold; 208 quartor-barrols powder, 030 kega colours, Giaham Brothers ; 2 packagos, J. M'Evvan ; 8 tankB mult, Goo. Martin ; 36 quartor caskB, IO cascB, Do Pass Brothors and Co. ; 1 oaso, G. R. Mareack ; OJ packages, Bioatloy Brothers ; O packages, Brisooo and Co. ; 24 casks, H. Jackson ; 5 casks, J. Mueller; 78 pieces iron, 2 packagos, IV. Dawson ; 10 cases galvanlsod iron, J. M'llwrnlth ; C2 packages, W. T. M'Glll ; 2 casos, A. N. Simmonds ; 2,022 bara 133 platos Iron ; 810 ltcgs nails, 6 coses galvanised iron, 124 packagos ropo, 06 packages, 1 engine (completo), J. M'Evvan and Co. ; 60 packages, E. II. Hunt ; 0 packagos, O. W. Glass; 468 quartor-barrols gunpowder, B. Hodg-son ; 16 hilda. 30 quartor-caska rum, Fanning, Nanki-vell, and Co. ; 2 cases brush ware, 8 casos, R. A. Fitch ; 1 cate,"R. Gibbs; 3cases. Charlwood and Sons; 5 packagos, Dalrymple and Co. ; 01 packagos, a. Baruolt ; 144 packages, Lord and Co. ; 20 packages, King and parsons; 13 casca acids, E. and M. Koogh ; 2 casca, E, Grant ; 1 ca«o grlndory, 1 cask, J. E. Cobbnln ; 1 package, T. Copo ; 81 nxlo-arnu), 2 casca. Ashley and Co. ; IO drums oil, 7 caBkB acids, J. and J. O. Young ; 0 casks, G. Bockx aid Co.; 15 packages, E. 8. Dawson; 2 bundles shovels, l8 kegs nailB, 2 casks hardwaro, 30 quartor barróla gunpowder, 8 cosos, Langwill, Craig, und Co. ; 3 casos, Bunk of Australasia; 32 packigos of lamiiwarc, Williams mid Co. ; 1 caso, S. G. Ilonty ; 20 packages, Whitney, Powell, and Uo. ; 2 packngos, GrillithB ; 1 cato, Mrs. Westgarth ; 00B packages, 3j cases sardines, lcasu books, Cal lender anil Co. ; 'Jemos, II. Box ; 8 cases, Martin and Monash ; 007 packagos, Bitscoo and Co. ; 70 koga nails, It. Hodgson and Co, ; 17 oases, Lazarus Brothors ; 510 cnios vvino, R. and P. Turnbull and Co. ; 33 packages, 8 casca, Sands mid M'Dougall ; 3 casos, WHklo, Wolcli, and Co. ; 05 casca, vlrgoo, Son, and Co. ; 6 cases hooka, Rev. J. O. Sjmona; 2 puokngos, W. S Drapor; 62 package», Aitken and Bostock; 40 koga Bultpotio, Mooro, Haw-thorn, and Co ; 1 case harness, T. Mouahau ; 1 case, l'ndley; 200 osbos stout, 02 barrels whiting, 10 Illida, rum, i'00 cu-os staich, 100 casos blue, 00 cases mustard, 26 cases milk, 50 casos cauces, 250 oàao! étudies, 20 cas-s chicory, 100 casos pickles,' 60 casos jelly, 14 cases figs, M'Evvan and Oo. : 1 packngo, Williams ; 7 pnekngos, Hloltolton ; S3 pack ages, W. and S. Gardiner ; 237 packages, Youngman ami Co. ; 59 cases, Geo. ltoburtson; 1 parcel, .Walker 30 barróla, G. Martin and Co. ; 6 tanks, 2 casks, W, Crosby ; O packagcB, Baines ; 40 packages, Koop 60 casks, 10 drumu, 8 oascB, R. A. Fitch ; 2 packages. Kinder; 13 packages, Levy Brothois ¡ 1 evo, Mrs. Frank«; 24 hlids., 001 packages, Samuel and Co. ; li caska minorai vvator, 2 packages machinery, 100 colh Iran w Iro, 27 kegs nails, 12quartor-barroli gunpowder, 50 tlercca O li&lf-tiorccs tobacco, US pocliots hops, 50 casks Bulphato of iron, 60 casos yollow metal, 4 enski nails, 40 oases spirits, 2 c&soa brass goods, 20 tanks malt, 10 package apotliccarlos' waro, 400 bundloi wiro, 77 barrels, 480 drums, 03 casks, 1,126 packages and casos, Ordor.

Do Langlo, from Mauritius.-7,013 bags sugar, Vic-toria Sugar Company.

Hindu, from Foo-Chow-Foo-531 ohosts 701 half chests toa, Connell and Hogarth; 610 packages toa, W. Crosby and Co. ; 2,653 paokagos toa, Ordor.

Prince Rupert, from Liverpool.-1 bin malt, 247 flagstones, 2 steam-ongiiioB, 1,801 bara, 192 bundloi Iron, 100 caaos bottlod boor, Geo. Martin and Co, ; 2{ cases bedsteads, Beauohnmp and Rooke; ISO barron rosin grease, 3 cases apparel, 100 half-barrels horrlngs, CO barrels pearl barloj, Jas. Sorvlco and Gi. ; 7 ca-oi vvlnq, T. II. Wilson; 811 boxes,210 hundios shovels. 852 bundles iron wiro, 1 atoain-ouglno, Alex. M'Fur lano and Co. ; 1 caso. E. Spain ; 10 packages ma chludry, Wllklo, Welch, and Co ; 600 cosos bottloe bocr.'W. S. AndorBon.and Co. ; 2 kogs nails, 8 caski holloware, 20 grindstones, Alfred Shaw; 11 casci niarblo, Jaa. Turner; 21 bales 0 oasos pspor 1 parcol, Callender and Co. ; 20 barrols bacon Filson, Caughoy, and Dalztol ; 4 oases hardwaro Stacey, Poase, and Co, ; S bli di. oarthanwaro, D Goldspink ; 10 Illida, oarthonwaro, J. Dynon ; 22; hales blanket!, 05 packages, Sargood, King, and Go.

70 cases slatos, 20 package«. Goo, Robertson ; 21 packngos inacliliiory, W, Fltrslrnon and J. Honry ; f packages. Johnson and Co. ; 12 bundloi tubs am bucken, 1 truss lndlarubbor, 1 truss hemp, 14 packago hardwaro, IO drums naphtha, Q. and 1. Holmes ; li casos, Bright Brothers and Co. ; 1 coso saddlery, P. F Ross; 7 packages, Linton and Douglas; 24 bundlci buokets, M'Calluin Brothers ; 3 cases saddlory, S pipes hard «raro, R. Hodgson ; 12 boxos, 41 ÍiBckagcB, R. A. Fitch ; CO Arkins butter

iorlmer, Marwood, and Romo ; 2 packages hardware W. Brown ; 12 craies earthenware, Christopher ; 101 catos Bleut, Holm and Balloy ; 8 crates oirthonwaro J. M. Langley ; 1 catling, 2 casos maolilnory, Board o Land and Works ; 660 aacka common salt, 5S0 sacl stovod salt,-M.'Ewaii and Co. ; 20casks 100 drums oil, 41 packagos, 63casca, Uoury Brooke; lbox, J. M'Farland 8 casks glasawaro, G. T. Wy leigh ; 125 packagos ~ Banks Brothors, Boll, and Co. : 21 casos safos, W. Kyro

S3 casks 21 caaos 1 erato hardwaro, li otk planks, ? bundles spades, 63 bundles tubos, 29 kogs nalia, 300 bara, 010 bundles, 61 bollora, Brisooo and Co.

18 cobos, l8 bales, U'Naughton, Love, and Co. ; V packagos, B. H. Rogers ; 30 packages, li. Hodgson 72 caaes bedsteads, Boauchamp and Rocks ; G caaoi Dodgshun, Austin, and Co. ; 11 packages, Dickson Robertson, and Co. ; 3 packngos, W. I'lttiluions ;

boxes, M*Arthur, 8horrard, and Co, ; 2 halos, I Loader and Co. ; 4 packages, Thomas Nicol ; 21 keg nalia, 0 casks 10 paokages hardware, 83 casos marble i bundles tubs, Langwill, Craig, and Co. ; 40 bale

sacks, Michaolia, Boyd, and Co. ; G cases saddlery, B. Towna and Co. ; 125, cases stout, < Connoll and Hogarth ; 0 crates earthenwaro, Ä. Lazarus ; 909 bundles wiro, 15 hhd.' hollowaro, 1 caso cotton wick, J. Honty nod Co. ; C5 crates 42 - oisks 5 hhds. 2hoxoa 1 hamper oarthonwaro, Lovy Bro-thers ; 3,030 bars 300 hundios iron, 200 .bundlos wiro, 12 palra bellona, 60 bundles bucktts, 0 bundles tubs, ' S cases plougha, 38 packages, J. M'Ewia and Co. ; 10

cases copper, 1 cask hardware, 83 ingots Un, Houison Brothers; 8 packages oarthonwaro, Marrott and Snelder8 ; S bollera, 600 hundios iron wire, 80 pack-ages, Wliitnoy, Fowell, mid Co. ; 4. crates 3 oisks cnrthcmiaro, T. S. Foasnoll ; 200 caeea bottled boor, Wilson, Buchanan, and Co. ; 8 cratoa carthènwaro, YV. Thomson; 6B casks groaso, 250 cases stout, Holmes, Whlto, and Co. ; 41 cart arms, Wood Bro-thers ; 4 bales paper, A. Douglass ; 10 quartor-caska whiskey, W. M'Mullon ; 720 bundles fencing wire, 108 bats iron, 123 boiler platos, Uhaa. Sutherland aud Co. ; 3 caaes ploughs} 8 caaka groaso, 40 bundloa iron 'tubes, 05 half-tlorces tobacco, 123 plates iron, 10 hales sacks, 12 casks logwood, 114 tons pig iron, 8,127 Mooring boards, 82 catos galvanised iron, 275 packages, Ordor. '

EXPORTS-Feb. 15.

Balclutha, s.S., for Sydney.-70 lmlf-tioreos 40 three quarter boxea SO cases 40 kegs tobáceo, 20 'barrels raisins, 2 ensoa 'cigars, 000 bags rico, 2 biles

tonna, 5 barrels currants, 72 piceos timber, 100 rod deals, 71 packages drapery and woollens, 65packagoa hardwaro, 4 cases fancy goods, 1O0 boxes maizana, 'iß casks oatmeal, 354 bags potatoes, 5 casos arrow 'root, 14 casos books, 2 sacks seeds, 5 cases ongravlngj,

80 boxes 10 casos sago, 200 bags flour.

Flying Squirrel, for Fort MaoDonne'l.-10 casos brandy, 8 half-chests tea, 2 hogs shot, 40 barrels powder, 2 packages bodateads, 10 colls ropo, 77 pack-ages hardwaro, 2 casks pitch, 5 boxes malzena, 1 bag

harness, 1 bag corks, 6 pieces woodwaro, 180 pleoo* I board, 2 bundles sashes, 25 casks cornent, 25 casos kerosene, 30 bags salt.

Rambler, for Groy Klvor (additional cloaranoo).-4

j cases bottled porter.

! Boj al Standard, s.S., for Liverpool.- 2 boxos

clTccts, 40 butts 63 cases wlno, 1,026 bales wool, 7 oases, 1 box drapory and clothing, 1 box boots, 1 box 'books, 1 barrel china, 3 casos glass, 8 pieces maohl ' ncry, 1 medicino chest, 5 cases Jowollory, 7 cases

cotton wick, 4 cases seeds, 6 cases 2 parcels Jowollory, 4 pareóla 1 box containing l,USoz. 3dwt. gold.


ARRIVED.-Feb. 15.

Princo Kuport, ship, from Liverpool, mainmast


Hindu, schooner, from Foo-Ohow-Foo. Belanglo, barque, from MaurllluB. Truo Briton, ship, from Liverpool. Ceros, schooner, from Belfast.

Sailed.-Feb. 15.

Balclutha, a.s,, for Sydnoy.



Fob. 14.-Kembla, from CJydo River; Spunklo, Wonga Wonga, Bien Hoa, from Molbourno ; Alexan-dra, from Adelaida.


Feb. 14 -Cinderella, for Shanghai ; Anglo-Saxon, for Molbourno ; Mariposa, for Wanganui ; Telegraph, for Brisbane ; You Yangs and Alexandra, for Mol-

bourno ; Saxonia, for Newcastle ; Susannah Cuthbert,

fur Grafton.



Fob. 14,-Alcandro, Drovor, Janet Stowart, Grif-fiths, Planet, Jenny Pitts, Bella Vista, Fanny, Mary Miller, Elizabeth Komblo, and Clutha, from Mel-bourne 15.-Sussox, from Molbourno.



Fob. 14.-Japan, from Fno-Chow-Foo ; Danube, from Gottonburg ; General do Stours, from Sodorham.


Feb. 14.-Ann», for Melbourne ; AmlcuB, for Guam ; Kangaroo, for Wallaroo ; City of Adelaide and Penola, for Melbourne.


Lut. 87deg. 40min. 68scc, S. ; Ion. Oh. 8Dmln.

64-Sscc. £

Time Balls.-Time of Drop, observatory mean time.

Feb. 15.-At Molbourno and at Williamstown, lh.

Omin. O'Osec ; corresponding to

GREENWICH MEAN TIME. Fob. 14.-16b. 20mln. 5*2ice.


Baromotor I Attachod I Temp.

¡at Sea Lovol. Therm.


of Air. 06-0 63 0 OB 2 05-0

07-5 j 08'0 Fob. 14, 0 p.m. Feb. 15, 0 a.m. Feb. 16, S p m.

The s.a. Coorong, which has boon on Wright's Patent Slip for several days past, having hor hull cleaned and ropaiuted, and a now screw propeller fitted, was launched yesterday forenoon.

Tho s.a. Royal Standard, of tho Whlto Star Uno, E, Whineray, commander, steamed from tho rolhvay pler, Sandrldgo, yesterday, at midday. This first class steamer takes a large number of passoogors with har, and quito a concourso of pooplo assembled to witness her departure. The following is her passon gor list :-Cabin-Mr. and Mis. Matthoiv Caution, Mltsos Marla, Louisa, Alico, and Maud Caution (four), and servant ; ltov. Hugh and Mrs. Blair, Miss Eva lina, Masters Murrav, John II, and Thomas B. Blair (three); Mr. and MrB. W. Cochrane and Infant, llUscs Fkra and Ellon Timms, Messrs. William, Henry, Robert, and Charles Timms (four), and ser-vant ; Dr. and Mrs Dearsloy, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. E. W. Poarson, Mrs. Stanley, Mrs. Doolittlo, Messrs. Thomas Dixon, F, W. crlghton, H. J. arlltlths, Jamos Harrison, D. W. HurBt, H. Hurst, William Archi-bald, Georgo Cralb, Ashton Warner, Charles Winter, Robort Whoolor, R. 8mlthwick, William Moffatt, W. ' G. Watson, John Hay, and Isidoro Wittkowski;

tu on ty-four In tho second cabin, and 148 hi tho stcorago. Lorimer, Marwood, and Romo, agonts.

The ship Mary Warren, from London, conilgnod to W. Crosby and Co., and reported off tho Otway on Tuesday morning, has anchored at tho lightship, haiing a quantity of gunpowdor on board. Tho Mary Worren loft tho lslo of Wight on the 6th Novombar, and experienced very fine wcathor tho whole of the passugo, tho topsails not having had occasion to bo reefed once. Tho Madeira Islands wore passod on tho morning of tbo 10th November, and the Canary Isles sighted at noon of tho 23rd November, and San Antonio (Cnpo do Vords) on tho morning of the 20th November. Crossed tho equator on tho 8th Decem-ber, and passod tho meridian of tho Capo of Good Hope on the 8th January. From thonco sho ran the oastlng down In lat. 42dog. south, and arrived hore as above, having been 1O0 days ou tho passage. A pas-senger named Bryan died from consumption during

tho voj ago.

The folio« log vossols woro spokon by tho Mary Warron on horvojago to this port:-On tho 19th Noicmbor, the barque East Lothian, London to Colombo, lat. 81dcg. ?ISiniii. N" long. 2ldog. lOinln." W. 28th Novtmbor, kbip Lady Blessington, Cardiff to Manilla, lat. 18deg. 20mln. N., lontr. 21dog. 48niln. W., twonty-ono days out. SOtli Noi ember, ahlpTIp troo, London to Japon, lat. 13dog. 40mln. N" long. Sfidig. SOniln, W,, twonty-four diis out. 4th Deosin ber, barque Montralnt, Mauritius to Lon ion, lat. Cdcg. SOmln. N., long. 24dog. lOmln. W., fifty days out. Oth December, ship Vero, Calcutta to London, lat. 2dcg. 50nihi. N., long. 2Cdog. SOmln. W., niuoty il»} s out. 8th December, barquo Dol Mira, Arícalo Liverpool, lat. 85m!n. S., long, 28dog, 85oain. W. Oth Jnnunry, ship Jallawar, Londos to Negipatam, lat 88deg. 43inln. S., long. 0 leg. SSniln. E.,al\ty.raur da} s out. 11th January, ship Moira, Leith to Mel-bourne, lat. 80dcg. 20mln. S., long. 25dog. 40mln E.,

olghty-ono dajs out.

By tho J. L, Hall, from London, there woro 20 drums oil, 20 barrels sulphur, and 10 .paokagoj oarthon and gla&s ware, consigned to Levy Brothers.

Tim brlgantln» Hindu, which arrived In port yostor dtiy afternoon, spolio the brig Hosporo, bound to Syd-ney, and the barquo Japan, hound to Adelaide.

THE French boiquo De Langlo, from Mauritius, anchored in tho bay yobtorday, « lib a cargo of sugar for tho Victorian Sugar Company Sho brings dates to the end of December.

' The City of Adelaldo, b.s., as usual, mado another 1 spocdy pa8sngo to King Qoorgo's Sound of ninoty

thrco ' hours-dlstanoo, 1,040 milos- belrg a on ÜHU0U8 spcod of upwards of olovon knots por .hour. Tho mall stoamer Madras arrivod ono hour and a half aftorwards, and roportod favourablo wcathor throughout tho pisingo. Tho return passage of tho City of Adolaldo was porformod in nlnoty.fivo hours. It was confidently anticipated on leaving the Sound that tho Adolaldo malla would bo delivered at tho Post-olBco In less than nlnoty hours ; but twenty, four boura boforo sighting Capo Borda, tho wind drew round ahead to the oastward with streng breozo. -S. A. Register, Kobruary 12.

The s.a. Trio Is still ashoro at tho ontr.inco to the Lukes. Latest accounts roprcaont that thoro aro now fifty feet of sand hetweon hor and tho water, and that thoro ia no likollhood of her being again got alloat until tho ndvont of a high tide and strong westerly winds. Captain Smith, part ownor of tho vessel, nrilvcd in Salo on Sunday morning from Mol-bourno, and at once proceed«! to tho ontrauco vlA Marley Point, for tho purposo, as Is supposad, of ascertaining what is hor truo position.-Gipps Land

Times, Feb. 13.