Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), Sunday 25 September 1910, page 7

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The recommendation of "The 'Sun-day Times'^ that all the local bodies and others interested in the construc-tion of "a railway from Midland Junc-tion to fremantle, on the south side of the river, should form a league has been taken no very enthusiastically bv the municipalities and roads boards concerned in-the proposed line. At a most representative meeting- held in the Builders ¿nd Contractors' Ex-change, on Friday night, a South Swan Ballway League" was inaugura-ted, and it was. determined to leave no stone unturned to press this very necessary work into public recogni-


. The speakers included Messrs. EL Shenton, Downey, Purdie, Morrison, Russell, Pvman, Berry, Beasley, Ba-ker, EÚsoñ, Corbett, W. D- Johnson, M.L.A.. Carter, Bobinson, and Ang-win, M.L.A., and Sir Edward Witte-noom, M.L.C., and a deluge of rea-sons was forthcoming in support of the railway. In fact, Sir Edward Wittenoom said that the arguments appeared unanswerable, both from, a lo-cal and a » national point of view. Mr. Shenton was elected president and Mr. W. H. Dunn secretary. A most im-portant feature of the, meeting was the statement that the Government had the right to resume 5 per cent, of all the oíd Crown grants for public pur-poses, wh3e some of the largest landownacs inthnaied their readiness _ tb give the required land through thenhoidstgs for nothing.