Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), Sunday 20 December 1908, page 5

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In tone, touch, tune, design, wood-work, metalwork, frame, tuning sys-tem, carvings, action, felt, glue, cas-

tors, scones, strings and polish - in ; every detail of material and workman

I ship-in every attribute-the Beale Aus

I traiian Pianos are now admitted to

j be of unsurpassable excellence and ' ] quality. They are built on, the very j latest principles, by thoroughly com: peteni Australian workmen, glided by

skilled management. They . contain

features which do not-AND CANNOT -obtain in any other piano. 1 This re- : ference is intended to apply to Beale's j patent' steel-tuning system, to Beale's patent cross-plied woodwork, to Beale's patent hexagonal bass-strings, i to Beale's patent cast-in hitch-pins.

The system of manufacture is, in many j essentials, superior to that adopted by the principal piano-builders of the Old i World. The materials used by Beale i are the very best money can buy. So! it is easily demonstrable that no for-j eign-made piano can be even equal to the Beale Australian Piano. Beale makes this claim because, the firm's patented inventions, and its improved systems of manufacture, are superior to all others, unquestionably good as many of them are.

The greatest difficulty with 'which piano-builders have been faced for years is that of discovering: an effec-tive means by which an instrument may be made* to retain rte ^tune" or "pitch" for any length of timsf. Oceans of cash have been spent in experiments calculated to surmount the ' trouble, the cause of which lies in the use ol wood, in hen of metal, m. that ,part ci the piano technically known as the wrest-plank. The W.P, is that . sec-tion of the piano's anatomy in winch are affixed the pins to which the wires or strings -are attached. "Bot Beale surrounded this difficulty with ease in the course of a long series of experi-ments. And the device is as simple as falling off the top of Mt. Blanc. lt ls known to the trade as the Beale

Vader patent. It works out ,^h|s way.

Instead of introducing «-":wrest-pin from the front, driven into-Í^JB -wood like a nail, Beale introdub^. a isteel pin from the, back, fitted nicely into a hole drilled ha a solid metal plate. This a-part of the sirop, frame. The result is that tW 'strÄ i bf ? *hs string is taken np securely by the iron

frame, and. the "tune" or '^tch" of

the instrument retained. almost indefi-nitely. The Beale-Vader has« numer-ous other advantages, combining to produce an instrument which is incom-parable m roany respecte. :

A noteworthy event of Beale's work this year was the firm's remarkable^ ex-hibit at the Franeo-British -líbdiítóSon. The Grand prix was - awarded the Beale Piano fdr general excellence, con-structional and tonal qualities. The Commissioners also presented Beale with poid. Medals for factory« orgianisation, inventions and. brass castings. Following on these successes, the cr-mt catering firm of Lyons and Go.. Ltd., placed an order with- toe firm ¡ for, 20 Beale Pianos, to be installed in Lyons's new hotel in "the; Strand : (Sfhs; largest groggery reared m^ the Great Smoke)! Australians' are . displaying so much appreciation in the firm's work that, despite depressed times, Beale's turn-over this year , is -50 per, cent, better than that of 1907.

A beautifully-iSnstrated catalogue is mailed by Beale to all intending.- pur-chasers of pianos, a copy of which may be 'obtained by writing, "to the branch office in 3Hay«tneet, 'Perth- J?** nally, it should be noted that Beale protects Us customers against destruc-tive cracks or warping : in the wood-work of their instruments. -Naff sed I