Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), Sunday 17 November 1907, page 3

Sporting Sparklets

g 7%e Ca/f of I

Jp* . Athleticism^.. I

On Tuesday next Bob Greenshields and Eddie Jessop wül meet in Syd-ney. ^The erstwhile Kalgoorlie lad should beat the little Britisher, who has deteriorated greatly of late.

Stated that the last has been seen | in the ring of ''Cocker" Tweedie, who was one of the cleverest light-weights Australia produced. "Cocker" was easily beaten at Mudgee a week or so ago by Queenslander Jack Bryant; and has beet) advised now by bis friends to turn the game up for good. Poor old "Cocker's" worst friend has been himself-in which respect he may be compared with that light of other days, Jack Cullen.

Last Monday the rowing champion-ship of the North Coast eventuated at Ulmarra between Fogwell and Mitchell the_ latter winning by a dozen lengths

easily. The contest was for a side ¡ wager of £200. At the same regatta Dide Arnst won a scratch race, two miles, beating Noonary and that erst-while "boom," Charlie Towns, with-out any, trouble. Arnst will not now rest till he has had a go for the -championship of this globe.

¡ After all, Jack Wren has ? not re-

tired from promoting boxing contests altogether, though in the future he will only match first-class men. The Mike Williams-Squires' contest, lor in-stance, was a fine proposition from a j financial point of view, and shoved

few hundreds into the pockets of! the little ex-tote man. Victorian sports

are pleased to note that Wren is still j in the game, for he knows just how , I to boom things in any - branch of


Although South Australia cannot claim first-class bowlers, at the same

time the' mammoth score made by the j M.C.C . eleven against the " crows

dispels'ail . doubts as to. whether the | Englishmen are a grand batting' team. Even against the commonest trund-

ling, the fact that four men scored j I centuries would have been suggestive

of excellence with the willow", and wp

are pleased to' note that after all the j j visiting team is strong enough to make things decidedly (unpleasant for thé best eleven Australia can produce.

Still, the bowling of Armstrong, Cot-I I ter, and Noble will undoubtedly be

I much better than that of O'Connor i

i and Wright. , 1

. -.<&? .-»...»/. .'. - .j

" Beware of the athletic face," says

I a Yankee sporting scribe. The &th- j

letic face .ha» variations-the boxer gets a damaged ear, ball players' faces ] j become bronzed from exposure iii the

sun, and wrinkled from constant

squinting, football players sustain; danuigea noses and ears, the sprinter. gets heavy' lines; around ; his ' ^mouth, \ from his habit of clenching his teeth in exciting finishes. All other athletes ¡ have some. special marks on their j faces. The pris»-fighter's plan of bat-.^ I fie is td take a punch and land one,

to ever wade in, .regardless' bf what j I poundings may be administered him, ! providing he can land, on hie-antago-

nist. Naturally, he shows .the marks i of battle./ The "tiri" ear, and < the ; {"cauliflower'' ear are caused/by mer- ; j oiless j abb bigs on the, exposed mem-

ber. Tlie fighter's face is puffed and marked, and, while it is quiet and j harmless, in repose, it takes on a look : of' ferocity ¿iii" battle that is -far froin'l a pretty -picture.t / . .1

. - . ...t ' . j Last-Tuesday, Frank Thorn - wired ! from Melbourne to. a Perth sportsman, | requesting the latter to make a match i I with Paddy* King/for Boxing Dey, ^

I and in all probability these JÍWO ; fea-1 ; therweights will come into '.conflict bri j

the day mentioned. A representative I ot "this paper, in ^oáversation with] King; gnuicä thé information "that the j latter insists oh Thorn battling at

the ninerstone r limit. King is. deter-j

mined ta throw no chances away with his old oppdnent, and recognising the! fact that-' every ounce in ms weight; j will .make a difference lie is determined 1 not to allow Thorn to tip the beam at more than 126th., unless fae for-

feits Ja substantial amount. ' King] suggests that the battle takes place on Boxing morning, instead of in- the' pevenmg; and that it>~be in, the open I " air, as were the Sd'ujres-Mike ' WU- |

liams, and the Thorn-Greenshielda ¡ fights in Melbourne 12 months ago.

Thorn may by this time be on his. way ] I to the West, arid any arrangements in j

connection with the contest'must of j necessity be delayed till he puts in an j appearance in this town.

, * . . , . . .

The 'Canadian sculler,. Duznan, ex-. presses his wuEngness to row the ; Mttoriland champion Webb on the

j Thames for the world's championship, i I and - the 'Sportsman's" cup, .but the j

mari from down under cannot see his way ' "clear " tp taake a trip'to- Eng-

land, for a few months yet. Even ? [ should lie beat Tresidder, he will have

to stay and -defend his title 'against ] Dick Arnst, the cyclist-sculler, now in j I New South Wales. Arnst is at pre- j

/sent displaying splendid form, and only the other day he downed Charlie

j Towns in a scratch race. Arnst has

'been clamoring for a match for a long tune -with, any - of the cracks, who must by this ¿imo have come to the I conclusion that he is no empty skiter. It is. a certainty that ail going well with, him, the big athlete will be hot [foot after the winner of the Tresidder [ -Webb contest next February ; and Arnst is prepared to back himself for a large amount against either of the men mentioned. A few months ago, Arnst was regarded by at most a score of sportsmen in Australia as a I prospective world's champion sculler.

Now there are hundreds who would be ] willing to back him against the pick j of the globe.

Top-notch pugilists find the game in America a highly lucrative one-at least some of them. Joe Gans, for instance, although on several occa-sions the announcement was made that he was "broke" is well in. He's one of the most affluent gentlemen of

the ringjj Gans (says an American : writer) is building a hotel in Balti-more just now. He has bought much property in his home town. And he has a bank account that has to be bled every men th or so to keep it from suffering with se-vere attacks of congestion. Gans has money-and he's riiaking more. Things are coming very easy, for Joe just now. He cleaned up 20,000 dollars or

so with Britt. And there's nothing to stop him from going right on the stage as Othello and making a for-tune. Jonell Sullivan is reported to be worth 60,000 dollars ; Jimmy Britt has 100,000 dollars worth in paying properties in San Francisco, and JimCoffroth, the famous fight promoter, has cleaned up sufficient to keep him in Easy-street for the rest of his life, no matter what happens. Tom Shar-key has over 100,000 dollars, " Kid" M'Coy is rich in his wife's name, and has a bunch of real estate in his own. Jim Corbett is carrying a lot of Long Island real estate ; Gus Buhlin now owns large hunks of Harlem and Long Island. "Terrible Terry" M'Govern has enough to live, on com-fortably for many years, and Battling Nelson's little lot is something like 100,000 dollars. Pugilism in some parts of the world pays better than politics .or writing sporting.

Some talk of a ped. revival on a small scale in Kalgoorlie. The Munici-pal Council has purchased the plant used by fiufe Naylor's club, and may run a carnival or two shortly.

. . * » * *

An English'lady swimmer, Tlilian Maud Smith, swam for four and a hfdf hours alongside Woolf in one of his late attempts to swim the. Eng-lish Channel. In doing so, she beat the time and distance of Ann-ette Kellerman's best endeavor.

The feather-weight pug, Charlie Grif-fin, who has been thrice defeated by Prank Thorn, declares he has done with boxing in Australia, and if he does not hear any jnore of a £300 purse to box Jem Bowker in Eng-land, he will go back to work in New

Zealand. '

Trumper again ! On Monday last, playing far the first eleven of _ New South Wales against the next Thirteen the will ow-wielding genius obtained 160 before being run out. No wonder the Paddington prodigy has been termed by good judges the Prince of Living Batsmen.

. ***.»*

The latest heavy-weight on the pugi-listic horizon is one Costello, of New-castle, who is a finely proportioned young man) only 23,years of age. fie is game as they make 'em, and can punch like i a mule kicking ; but lacks' judgment. However be will improve, and many Eastern sports . already talk of h'"» as a coming champion. He beat Paddy Lynch recently at New-castle in five rounds. He is described as an unassuming -young fellow, who never drinks nor smokes, and in this respect he is like Billi am Squires

used to be.

On the 20th inst, "a novel jumping match is taking place at the Home 'from Home Summer Gardens, Kal

goorlie, between Arthur B. vPostle, the world'6 champion, sprinter, and Dave Strickland, the well-known Coolgardie' athlete. Five'"different styles of jump-ing pre to. be tried-standing high jump, standing long jump, rn fining high jump,'1 rWning. long jump, and hop, step,,ami>jump. "The man .who secures the best ¿wo out .of three

events lifts thé other's 25 govs. ? The

contest is exciting a great deal of iu

terert, 'since Postle will be'seen in the affair in an entirely new role.

A very promising all-round athlète is youno; Norman Griffiths, who won

the Youths''fiáóé at-the Eight Hours'

sports at Applecross, last. Monday. The yoúnj^'táy in 'addition to being." &? sprinter, 'is an expert swhnmer and diver, and should be continue to im-prove in the various% branches ' of ath-letics as he .is" doing at present, he will be heard of ail over this States. Young Griffiths Van last Monday in a manner suggestive of a veteran, rather (than a ' lad -teder 10 . years of age, and he had tte measure: of the oppo-sition as soon jasyObß gun was fired. Griffiths pere affected sprinting1 him-self in the old boom days of Joe Byrne. "'. ';. ? .1 ' ,

*?' * * ,-H6 ? .* ' .

The Melbourne Bicycle Club intend to devote £290 to the minor events and scratch races "of the Austral meet-ing on December ? and lg. . For the Austral Wheel Ea«, 20 per cent, of the 'gross .gate ^jseçeiptB . will T» allot-ted to the éventaient up -as follows :First, 60 per iceni. ; second, 30 per cent. ; .tíiird,-10 per tent. So -that the' competitors - will actually nöi_ know what they 4are ^cing^fpr. How tb^

scheme wUl pan ont is - not known, of course, but as .there- -is-- a- slump ^incycling as compared with tonner tunes' "the chances are! that "the cornil^ ^AuV tra! will be the poórestrendowed: %r

years. i

-..'.'-."' ? .'*"?: .' »- Z. '.''.*'; . ?(».-V";Í;X'.

? ; Sports, who rare interested m pugil-ism are looking forward to a^iniil;be* tween big Jack Johnson, the " colored pug who visited jAustfalia sometime bátk, ; and Toinmy *BurnßV, V jl^nter Bill" Squiifef ' ogá^a¿coT.)'ití»á steúgfcle is expected- io.\foV-4 strenuous one,«, and if the public only ..get the impres-sion 'Hutt V-áátó;-'-ÍMittí¿": '. fis *' on*-' the square,"; " and .tha¿ Mister \ Jobnsing "will not attempt', ¡any <rf his funny business, tlié . attendance <? should be . enormous. Mostof the Yankee scribes" -are of the «pinion that, it is .sure tp be a terrific ' go, and. that it-will ex-tend "over a- long term.'- A writer -in the Vancouver. " Öaily New&v Adver-tiser" says'-:--" Viewed as a commer-cial proposition,, this 'Burns-Johnson fight promises, best results if it is fought on tie level; It's a case where honesty is ? the Üest" money-making policy. It wil£ be;! a hummer^ought

on ' the, square. ^ No " one <"ever accused Tommy Burns J of ' having a yellow streak. He's a great fighter of his in-ches. He is a savage fighting man. For all of. his squat' figure, he will probably tear into the ebony giant as if he were another - Jack O'Brien" or Bill Squires. "' Burns is half a foot shorter than the big Zulu. But he has .a long reach. His-arms ar^just as thick. 'He ls Tjroad shouldered. And he is tough and enduring !as any heavy-weight in the game. He can take a world of punching without los-ing a grain of his courage. This - will surely be a longer fights than the af-fair between Burns and Squires, or the short. one ? between Johnson and crippled Bob Fitzsimmons. To make a long range. prediction, it ought to I go 30 rounds. And that will make a

show worth the price of, J. Coffrothfc ringside seats." _

A Sydney boxing scribe to the Melb. " 'Awklet" has a plea for Bob Rollo, the foxy light-weight pug, who laid down to Tim Hegarty in Kal-goorlie three years or so ago, and who subsequently wrote a confession to the Kalgoorlie "Sun." Since that "schlenter" Rollo has barely been able to obtain a match of any sort, whilst it is only lately that Hegarty has managed to get before the limelight once more. The Sydney scribe says of Rollo : "The worst-treated pug in the game to day is Bob Rollo. The argument put forth is that Bob has sinned so often. How many are in the game now who have erred likewise ? Rollo has admitted his wrong-doings, and I fail to see why he should be hounded out whilst others with oily spruiking advocates can secure mat-ches for their equally guilty charges." This is really humorous, appearing as it does in the same rag which has been "spruiking" for the notorious Hegarty. However, Rollo is one of the cleverest boxers who ever looked over a glove, and it is a great pity that he is so full of little tricks and wiles.

This is really humorous,