Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Wednesday 5 June 1907, page 6


His Excellency the Governor-General (Lord Northcote) and party, who are in the Northern Territory, visited Point Charles Lighthouse on Tuesday.

At the Criminal Court on Tuesday morning the Crown Solicitor (Mr. C. J. Dash- wood) handed to His Honor Mr. Justice Homburg a commission appointing the Chief Secretary (Hon. A. A. Kirkpatrick) as Acting Attorney-General. man. .Mr liruce said he was satisfied, that he c-ounal hud gained talent, and 32 jard Avas fortunate in securing the so* Ihe new member was appointed to the irnance and health committees. Mr. Aloore (Premier of Western Aim. traha) inspected the railway wSoptrt Ipswich, Queensland, on Mond*v. A JL cial train with the Premiew left BrisbSS op Tuesday for Sydney. Among the passenger* for Melbourne 7b* the express on Tuesday afternoon was Miw Ada Ward. A large and demonsintire crowd assembled at the railway station to witness her departure. Several hymns were sung, and as the train moved off enthusiastic cheer;? were given. On Tuesday Mr. W. B. .Wlldnson m« elected a member of the Stock Exchange of Adelaide, Limited. Mr. Uraddon (Neiv Sooth Wales mana* I' °f Dalcety £ Co.) is a nephew of Jlisa «raddon. tho novelist. He hopes to visit her in England in a few months' time. The Mikado granted a special audienctf to Gen. Rooth. of the Salvation Army, dur?ng his visit to Japan last month. tl^P - £**%? who ynn coniniissioitta bt we Lntish Government to make enquiries in Australia regarding the wprldnR of the Arbitration Acts, Wages Beards and Earfy i-iosing AcU.Bstil pursuing his investiaa. tions in South Australia. In a few days he ' *J ]«* ?rokc«» Hill, and leave ibis 6tato^ about 10 days' hence. '^i ln^' rCftfclftiWifo of P'f«or Caw' land, of Uie Sydney University, died on Monday n.ght at a private hospital, aftee a few days' illness. Mn. Cardand iras a daughter of Janet Lady Qarke, and the late hir William Clarke. She was formerly the wife of Hie late Mr. George Cruick' Miank. wlw was a member of the f-*t«. I arliament, and subsequently of the House «f Representatives. She was married to ProfcwOT Carsland in Fcbrmnr. The fune« ? ral will take place to-day at BowraL 'Mrs. Osliornc. aged 65, widow of the lato Mr. Henry Nile Osborne, who was th« eldest son of a family well known in New* ' South Wale*, died at Sydney on Tuesday, She has left two daughter* and one son. 'Ihe condition of Mr. G. A. Parker, oZ liindmarah, who has been laid aside through illness for many weeks, has not improved, and is canting his friends con. siderablc anxiety. ? '?'??.? At the meeting of the Hindmanh Town Council on Tuesday it was 'dedded to for* ward a letter of appreciation to the'nolica authorities for the services of Sgt. Beare, who until recently was in charge of the local fetation. Tho Western Australian papers record the death of Mr. Edward Giliiland, who at one time was a member of tlie Semaphore Corix-ration. Mr. Giliiland was for corns years iu business in Port Adelaide as a newsaReut, iind took a keen interest in municipal matters. tSix years ago Mr. GiU hland. with his family, settled atFremantle, and he became a prominent member of tha Labour Party in that town. In 1001 he was sclcc.t4.-d lo contest the South Fremantla scat for the l^cgislative Council, but failed In win the elect iou.

The notices reeardinjt South Australian uflk-ials in tbc Postmaster-Gene* rat's Department ni.| in The Common* weidlh (Jazettc:— Constance Annie Peirce. telephone alU-niLint. electrical engineers branch. Adelaide, to ix; t--Jephonc monitor, Port Adelaide, vic»5 (io;dcn. transferred; P. C/ollins. tclesrai'li mcs-cncer. Norwood, to be a-i-istant, Maitland. vice Hunter, retinned. ResicniitHins Acv«j-tcd— A. C. Hun* U-r. assistant, Miutland: V. T. Goodcn. in« strument fitter, crade I.. Port Pine. The appointments of the following officers who were appointed on probation, to the positiuns indicateil opiKtsitu their respective names havo iecn conJirmed:— C. A. Marlin. u'lcLTuim Rnndlc street; C. J . R. H isi-ock, 1 clegni ph ines.scnper, Mcningic. A. C. ^laasfii'ld. niCAsenser trade I. dec* trical enpincer's bnincli, to be messcneec urade I., Adelaide Railway; S. N. Gaskell, (Uv'Lttiuit. Adelaido llailway, in he assist;int. electrical enanjcrv' branch; C. Poorc, po.-tmo.-tcT, Frecline. to be postmaster. Port Widsefield. vice Bell, retired; A. L. S. Pcnnifitld, i-o.stma.slcx. Brock's Creek. Io be lmstmastcr. FroelinB. Mr. Natlnniel Sncns, of London, accompanied by his wife and daughter, arrived m South Australia in the steamer Mar. mora, ami is staying al the York Hotel. Mr. Spcns is Cliairiuaii of the Quceni-land Investment and Land Mortpape Company, limited, which recinUjy .sold il* South An*, tralian properUcs U Uie Uritish Enipir* Lind. Mortpi^u. .md Ijur.n IVjiapany, Limited, a Uritish company, of which Mr. Spcu is aUo CliaJrman. 'Hie annual competition for the two scholarKlu- ponied by tlu- Adelaide .So.-K.ty took ptux- at the Lady CWton Wemona H.|| ot. Tuesday eveninj. JI,'M lack, wlm adjudicated, Rave her dccWon in iav«.nr of Mw Olive ntmni ^ ^fr; Mnr. lav Jiirlou*. Tiic liookfellow is responsible for: -the s-ilcmciic that an AurtraKab drama,' by iieaumont Smith (who recently left Ado'aide to work his mange with his pen on ii -trip around tlie world) . and^ »? H. Davis, baaed on 'Out* Selection'' book*, has been provi- ' sionolly accepted, bj' J. C. Wflhanwon. The i manager will pay £100 for the option' of acceptance, and if accepted wi|l'poj; a per* 'ormance royalty of ^£5, £3, or .£!? according to Ihe importance of the towns where the play is given.

Mr. M. McIlrath, brother of the missing Mr. Hugh McIlrath, of Sydney, has re-turned to Hongkong (says The South China Morning Post), after a fruitless search in Shanghai, and is about to pro-ceed to Sydney, taking with him hit??? missing brother's effects, which are all he has been able to trace of him. These were left partly at the Hongkong Hotel and jwrlly with a friend, but they contained.* nothing even in the form of a faint cl???iK to indicate the slightest suggestion as to the midding man's intentions or move-ments, further than that he was going to Canton. The City of Rama has been searched high and low, but neither this effort nor the handsome reward of $5,000 has had the desired effect. The hue and cry has now been raised in Singapore and Saigon. Circulars have been issued, and the oftVr of a rewanl advertised, ami conHdcrahle interest ap|iccir* to have hren uroiwcd. The most fen-siMo idea is thai, Ix-inc a slmngcr. die mu-vins man was done to death on a fampau at nighttime in Ihc middle of the liarlxmr, hir body robbed and dumped outride I!..- limit* ot the colony. When King Xept' culU the roll the niyslery will l-e rolvod. Much symI«lhy musi be exU-ndc.J to Ihc relatives of the ini^in-jj 'iimn iu their arixiou^ btate of uncertainty as t'. Iuh fate. The busiikv- in Sydney inausruuitcd by Mr. Hugh Mcllrath has betrn lor 'fcomc years, and will continue to be conducted by his two brothers— the one who is at present in Hongkong and another.