Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 23 November 1863, page 4


It is a positivo advantage to the com-munity to have a gentleman like Mr. 0. J. JENNER advocating the cause of pro-tection. Let Mr. JENNER be well con-tent with the place lie has secured in the opinion of his countrymen. Very few missions can be so useful as his, nor is it necessary that he should make any apologies for having undertaken his task. To have brought forward the pro-tectionist's argument in so simple and candid a form, will henceforth constitute Mr. JENNER'S claim to be indissolubly connected with the glories of free trade. There was some danger lest, by long disuse of the weapons with which pro-tection has been slain, we might relapse into that condition of apathetic security

so fatal to the cause of truth. But the appearance of Mr. JENKER in the lists affords once moro that wholesome exercise which the Bentincks and the Chowlers used to furnish to the political economists of England.

The simplicity and entireness of Mr. JENNER'S protectionist faith, give him all the advantage, in a popular discus-sion, which the protectionist is, from the nature of things, always enabled to secure over the free-trader. The protec-tionist can always put forth his incom-plete truth in a few words ; while to show that it is incomplete, the free-trader is obliged to enter into a long and dry dissertation. Protec-tion concentrates (to quote BASTIATJ on a giyen point the good which- it effects, and distributes through the mass tie evil which it inflicts. The good ia visible to the naked eye ; the evil can be perceived only by the eye of the mind The very reverse is the case witb free-trade. The good of which it is the cause has to be traced throughout the mass-to be followed in all ti« channels of industry and through all the paths of production.

The thorough and absolute charactei of Mr. JENNER'S commercial creed maj be seen in the fact that he is still, bj his own delibérate avowal, a believer ii tho ancient fallacy of the balance o: trade. He is so far in advance, evei of the latter-day protectionists o Europe, that he is still convinced thal the excess of imports over exports ii ruinous to the exporting country. Hi persists, with a devotion amountini almost to the sublime, in regarding that the income of a country is tha which goes out of it, and the expendí ture, that which comes in. And w< confess that it is a little appalling ti have to encounter so thorough-going ¡ protectionist as him in the present da; The task is as formidable as having t argue with a man who has doubts on th theory of gravitation or is sceptical as t the multiplication table. The point o Mr. JENNER'S argument is, that thi colony is in a depressed and ruinou condition-that we are every year sink ing deeper into the abyss of insolvenc; -and all because our imports exceei our exports by some two millions a-ycai We need not enter into any discusaio: as to the existence of that permanen liability of £27,000,000 which forms s startling an item in Mr. JENNER' schedule ; nor will our readers rt quire of us any categorical explanatio of all the various phases of on condition which have so terrifie the member for the Southern Proving It will bo enough for our purpose if >\ expose the one fallacy which is the ko] stone of Mr. JENNER'S position-th: the.oxcess of our imports over 01 exports represents a yearly-increasin loss to the colony. To show the absu dity of this doctrine we cannot do bette perhaps, than to borrow, for Mr. JEÎ NER'S benefit, a practical iliustratio from M. BASTIAT'S admirable litt work on Popular Fallacies. Let i suppose that we have a merchant i Melbourne who despatches a shi to London, with a cargo of coll nial produce to the value of £50,00' as declared at the Melbourne Custon

house. Let usrHay that this cargo hu incurred ten per cent, of charges on ti voyage, and that it was sold at a proi of twenty per cent, in London. TI value of this cargo would figure in ti Custom-house returns in London ' i £65,000, namely:

First cost .£50,000 Charges, ten per cent.5,000 Profit, twenty per cent ... 10,000


Let us suppose that the net proceeds this venture-that is, the first value the goods, plus the profits (£60,000)were invested, on behalf of the Mt bourne merchant, in articles of Bi tish manufacture of that value. TI return cargo, let us again suppose, i curred charges to the extent of ten p cent. It would then be entered arnot the imports at the Melbourne Cus tor house at the value of- £66,000. Let

suppose from this return cargo the mc chant's profit was again twenty per cen the amount on the double transactii would stand to the merchant's croc .as £22,000. This sum represents to t Melbourne merchant the balance bet we

his exports and his imports, that balance j being his net gain. But, according to Mr. «TENNER'S theory, the transaction ought to be a loss, and not a gain, by the whole excess of the import over the ex-port. The Custom-house figures show us that, on this transaction, goods to the value of ¿£50,000 were exported, and goods to the value of £66,000 were im-ported. How does Mr. JENNER attempt to reconcile this discrepancy 1 How can he show that what is gain to the indi-vidual merchant is loss to the trade of the country i To complete M. BASTIAT'S illustration, suppose that the vessel, freighted with £50,000 worth of colonial produce, foundered at sea, and thero was nothing in the table of imports at the Custom-house to set against the £50,000 of exports-does it follow that in this shipment Mr. JENNER would see a clear net profit to Victoria of £50,0001 Yet, according to the Protectionist theory, it should be so If the country is a gainer by the excess of exports over imports, it

should foliowthat it is better tothrowall our imports into the sea, rather than permit them to come here-to shut up the Custom-house, and to place a barrier at the Heads against all inward-bound ships. This is but the logical conclusion of the principle, that the excess of imports over exports ia a loss to the country.

Excess of imports means, however, not ruin, but abundance. The surplus of imports is not loss but gain-not ex-penditure out of capital, but income. Suppose that the foreign manufac-turers, for their own amusement, should agree to inundate us with all kinds of useful goods, without requiring anything in return-that our imports were trebled in value, and our exports wero nil-how can Mr. JENNER prove that we should be poorer in consequence ? If it is true that the excess of imports over exports represents loss and not gain, then Vic-toria is but following almost every great country in the world on the road to ruin. In every country but in Russia, and perhaps in Japan, the imports exceed the exports - in England, in France, in Germany, in the United States. How is it, then, that these countries increase and grow rich, in spite of this yearly drain upon their resources 1 How does England, which imported last year £225,716,947 worth of goods, and ex-ported only £123,992,264:, continue to stave off a national insolvency ?

Mr. JENNER'S views as to the best form of tariff are but the natural con-sequence of a belief in the balance of trade. The problem being how to raise our revenue, shall we raise it, says he, by discouraging native industry or by encouraging itï His solution is to put on an ad valorem duty on certain articles, which he believes could be produced in this colony as well as in England. But how will this fulfil the conditions of the

problem 1 How is it possible to make the tariff serve both for revenue and foi protection? If the duty is only to the extent of deriving a revenue, without checking tlie importation of the foreign manufacture, how is native industry benefited Î No duty can be protective, se long as it permits any importation of the foreign manufactured article, which it is the interest of native industry to ex-clude. To put on ten per cent., for in-stance, on foreign boots and shoes-how can this equally benefit the colonial

shoemaker and the national revenue? If tli£

duty is so high as to make imported boots and shoes dearer than those of colonial manufacture, every one will buy the lattei inpreferenco, and there willbe no importa tion of the foreign article, and consequent^ no revenue. If the duty is not higí enough to exclude the foreign producer the importation of boots and shoes con tinues, and the colonial artisan is no, benefited. The ten per cent, which th< revenue receives is simply paid out of th( pockets of the consumers, and there ii

no difference in the boot and shoe trade

This is the simple and all sufficient reprj to Mr. JENNER'S elaborate attempt U

construct a tariff which shall be botl

productive to the state and protectivi to local industry. There can be no sucl tariff devised, nor is it possible tha any tariff whatever can encourage nativi industry which stops short of absolut prohibition of foreign manufactures.

Anything calculated to breed among a community a feeling of distrust as to the bona fides of the contract the indi-vidual members suppose to exist between themselves and the offices in which they insure their persons in case of death, or their property in case of fire, should be by all means shunned. The growth of such a feeling should bo jealously guarded against Any course pursued by insurance companies which should justify this feeling, which should shake the confidence of the public in the va-lidity of the contract, would be a national misfortune. The prudent fore-sight which impels men to practise certain present self-denial, in order to provide against possible futuro loss, is not so general or so powerful an attri-bute of human nature as to bear any rough shocks. It should rather be fos-tered by every possible means. And many of our most popular writers have done their utmost to increase it and nurse it, by showing the advantages men of the most moderate means reap from the system. But the success of the defendants in one such case as the great trial, Woolley v. tlie Sun Insur-ance Office, resulting from the burning of Campden House, of which an account appeared in Tlie Argus on the arrival of the Himalaya, and of which a fuller statement is given in another column of our present issue, would do more to arrest the growth of the system-more to shake public confidence in its benefits -than a hundred writers could undo. As it is, even though the Sun Office has happily failed in an attempt to upset the claim, this trial cannot fail to act very injuriously in that direction.

What at first sight appears to be the most important issue raised in this trial, is actually only secondary ; and as far as that issuo is concerned, the result of the trial will rather do good than harm. Any company will now be careful that they have firmer ground to stand upon than the Sun Office had when they virtually accused Mr. WOOLLEY of having committed fraud, perjury, and arson ; for these were the crimes,

[ as Baron BRAMWELL said in summin»

up, the defence, if really established) would go to prove that gentleman guilty of, besides having " very narrowly " escaped the commission of murder." Thus far, the result of the trial will tend to increase rather than diminish the business of insurance offices. Most persons, as says one of the many news-paper writers who commented upon the case-and always adversely to the de-fendants- most persons who insure " feel that the precedent of Mr. WOOLLEY " is not likely to bo followed against " them." After the result of this trial, it is less likely than ever that ordinary insurers will be exposed to gratuitous accusations of setting fire to their houses. But it is a minor issue raised by tho trial that will do the harm. Campden House having been totally destroyed, and having been insured for £30,000 the companies amongst whom the in-surance was divided, and who were represented by the Sun Office, had the "audacity," as it is rightly termed, to ask Mr. WOOLLEY how ho made up this amount of total damage. The evidence proved to tlie satisfaction of the jury that the house was not over insured ; but this was done only after " a great deal of trouble and con" siderablc expense had been incurred " in making out a priced inventory " of the stores of furniture, fittings, and " pictures, with which this old curio3Íty" shop was crammed." A correspondent of The Times, signing himself "An " Insurer of Thirty Years," clearly and forcibly points out the injustice and probable ill effects of this attempt of tho companies to establish their right to have an inventory of every article, and its value proved He says, naturally, that the requisitions of insurance offices on the happening of a fire, ÄS disclosed in this case, " must causo much anxiety " to many insurers, and may prevent " policies from being renewed." The offices, therefore, should show their de-sire to satisfy their customers, by en-dorsement on the policies, or otherwise, that they accept, and aro willing to abide by, tho statements in the policies as to the value of the furniture and effects insured, without further question. Hu puts his own case as doubtless being one of thousands who would "feel particularly re" lieved" if this were done. He was married thirty years ago, and on his marriage his house of fourteen rooms was " well and

" substantially furnished," according to the fashion of the period, at a cost ex-ceeding the amount covered by tho insurance, which was for £1,200. The premises were not examined by the office, " as ought to have been done," but tho policy was accepted, and has ever since been continued and paid. Twenty years ago, he changed his residence and some of his furniture. His furniture, in case of fire, could " not be reinstated for so little as " £1,200." He had expected that ia case of fire be would have "received from " the insurance office £1,200 in money " as the guarantee of the policy," to bo laid out by himself to the best advan-tage in furnishing a now house. But not so. He finds from this trial that the office will, or lately would, requira him " after the fire to give a correct " list of the articles in each room, with " the names of the tradesmen from " whom bought, the dates when, and " the prices paid, so that they might " exercise the option of paying money " or giving new furniture." Now, we can readily believe him when he says he could not do this as to all or greater part of the articles, as after and during thirty years, many of the tradesmen have died, others retired, sold their businesses, and gone to new neigh-bourhoods. Any accounts he might have had by him after such a lapse of years might be destroyed by the fire ; " and, " then, what is to be done 1" " Surely, " this cannot bo right V We should think not either. He adds, "it is to " rectify it," and suggests the follow-ing plan :

" The offices having acsumed or satisfied themselves on tho ¡policy being effected, or now by endorsement, as already suggested, that the furniture and effects would suffi-ciently answer the insurance, they, should, after the ure, requite a simple declaration from the insurer that for one or two years previous to the fire, he had not removed any of tho furniture and effects insured, except, if it should be so, by way of exchange or pur-chase, and that such exchange or purchase was equal in value to that removed, and that tho stock of wines and liquors was equal in quantity to what it was when the policy was effected ; and then, upon this declaration, sup-ported, if neccBeary, by that of a domestic or friend, the £1,200 of insurance money should be paid. The idea of an inventory of articles to tho value of £1,200 that might bo con-tained* in a bouse with fourteen rooms, or even less, seems preposterous. Equally so and unfair that If the Inventory does not, for want of recollection or inability, state articles to the value of the £1,200, or insurance, to the satisfaction of the office, you are to hear tho loss between the sum stated and the £1,200, or insurance, after having insured, al in my case, thirty years ; whilo if in the inventory the articles are stated at their cost thirty years since, with the additions made tberato, and it is thus shown that the house contained furniture and effects exceeding in value the £1,200, or insurant», you render yourself liable to all tha dodges and inquisitorial in-quiries that lawyers and detectives accus-tomed to such business, and anxious to show their peculiar skill and ability in such cases In favour of the ofllce, can do or bring to bear to raise an imputation on your past and present character, and that your claim may be an attempt to rob or defraud the office."

It is quite clear that the public has a right to be protected against these vexatious requirements of the offices. Anyhow, if they bo not, the latter will find their business rapidly fall off; and if the required reform be delayed till the decrease of business becomes manifest, the offices will find it hard work to regain public confidence thus

rudely shaken.

Tho only impottant business to be trans, acted at the City Council meeting to day, which is announced to be held the gazetted holiday to the contiary notwithstanding, has respect to the corporation officials. The 7th order of the day is-" To consider and order upon the report of the Finance Committee No. 1, submitting a list of offices and sltuv tions necessary for carrying ont the provision» of the acts relating to the corporation, to-gether with a list of salaries to b3 poid to the holders of such offices and situation*, and recommending that the same bs adopted. And that the officers and servants now in tha

employment of the corporation be each ap-pointed to the offico or situation which he has ¿lied during tho past municipal year, with 6ncn modifications as ara suggested in the committee's report;" ««danotice of motion Btandlog in the name of Alderman Harbison, <o tho following effect:-" That à call of the norien be made for Monday, 30th November instant, to rescind the vote passed on the 16th instant, fixing the salary of the town clerk, in order to fix the same in proportion io tho other increased salaries."

Speaking of tho recent race for the Mel-bourne Cup, won by Mr. Harper's Banker, tho tfjntiwOiîertjerBays:-"Mr. Harper backed Banker freely, and has bnd for some time cvery confidence in his coming first to the winning-post. A good many of his friends follow« d his example, and havo no cause to repent it. The value of the stakes Is £510, (nd it is stated that in one b¿t alone Mr. Joseph Harper has won £1,000, having taken £100 to £1 that he would win both the Cham-

pion race at Ballarat and the Melbourne '

Cup." I

Somo time ago some bones of an animal of an extinct race were discovered near Talbot,

and forwarded to Professor M'Coy for examl- I nutioD. The Talbot Leader publishes the fol-lowing letter from the professor on the sub-ject;-" I have received and examined with great interest the few fragments of teeth and .connected bono which you were so kind as to tend me, from M'Callum's Creek, and which «¡itf supposed to have belonged to some ancimt kind of ox or buffalo. The dis-covery of fossil ruminating animals, such as tlieto latter, would bo so extraordinary in Australia, that the reference in tho nowspapers which I read of these bones to such animals excited in mo a great curiosity to eee them. I WBB rather disappointed to find such small fragments and so few of them liad leen 6ent down, and if you could induce your correspondent at M'Callum's Creek to care-fully exhume tho valions bones of tho skele-ton (Making them in vory weak hot glue or tize as soon as taken out of the ground, to prevent them foiling to pieces as they dry) a most important and interesting addition would be made to geological knowledge. The fragments sont aro portions of two of the pos-terior permanent molar toeth of a gigantic animal, intermediate, as nearly as I can de* termine, in characters and form between our Urine wombat and native bear, but at least «3 large as an elephant, belonging to tho ex-tinct genus Diptotodon, somewhat larger than that which I described a year or two ago from the clays of Colac ; but on this point, and a number of others which may now p3rhaps be «lived, we must wait the evidence of some of the bones said to have been discovered, and which 1 shall be most happy to determine."

The Tarrengower Times makes the follow-ing complaint against tho Board of Educa-tion :-" An illustration of tho coatomptible circumlocution and delay of the EducitionoCQce in Melbourne was shown us yestorday. Mr. D. M. Kydd, as hon. sec. of tho com-mittee appointed by the now defunct Maldon Common School, addressed two letters to tho Board of Education, one on the 1st of Sep-tember, 1862, and one on the 17th of October, 1802, applying in the usual way for Governmint assistance. No replies were received, and meanwhile the school was established, flourished for throe months, languished for theo more, and finally expired more than fix months ago; and on Mond (ty last Mr. Kydd received a solemn reply to his fourteen months old letters, the replies being dated 12th November, 18C3-just fourteen months and twelve days after tho date of tho first letter."

At Albury Quarter Sessions, a few days ago, the Kcv. - Twomey, a Boman Catholic clergyman, waa tried for solemnizing a mar-riage in presence of one witness only, tho law requiring that two shall be present at the ituemony. The jury acquitted the reverend ginlJeman, who had erred in ignorance of

I ho law.

His Excellency tho Governor again pa-tronised the races on Saturday. There was atoo a large attendance of fashionablo visitors on the Grand Stand. The afternoon's sport «as extremely good, as compared with somo meetings of former times, if it was bolow the standard of the best in our recollection. The All-age Stakes fell to Falcon. Banker, the dinner of the Melbourne Cup, also carried off tbe Metropolitan Handicap. Musldora von the Queen's Plate, beating Barwon, Amma, and others. Donovan Brown won the Steeplechase, and Triumph the Consola-

tion Stakes.

On Saturday, tho matches between tho first and second elevens of the Melbourne and Richmond club3 were resumed-the first elevens playing on the Melbourne, and the ftcond elevens on the Richmond ground. The first mentioned game has not yet been finished, the IUchmond men having in their second inningB two wickets to go down, and about 100 runs to get. The scoro in the second innings of the Melbourne mon was 160, Mr. R, W. Wardell contributing a finely-got fortysix. For Kichmond, the highest scorer was Mr. Gibson, who made twenty, and not out. The playing on both sides generally was good. It will be seen that several matches take place today.

We are glad to leam that Mr. Coppin's enterprise, to which we owe the viBit of the Keans, ÍB not likely to go unrewarded. At the CIOBO of tho season in Melbourno, Mr Coppin has found that his calculation of the receipts, so far, has been exceeded. It maj also be stated that, in six successive nights within a few shillings of £1,400 was taken ai the Haymarket Theatre-a sum, we are as turcd, exceeding by about £150 tho larges 6Uin ever before drawn in tho samo period bj any dramatic entertainment, even the mos golden dayß of the colony, when tickets wer< sometimes sold at a very high rate. Thl fact says much for the appreciation of thi drama in Melbourne, as well as for the popu larlty of Mr. and Mrs. Kean.

The sittings of the Supremo Court la btnc in Hilary term began on Saturday. The cas of Thomot v. Kinnear (the United Miner«' Com pany v. the Nelson Company), involving th " fronteg tem" question, was opened am partly heard. Tho Court adjourned over thl day (a legal holiday) until to-morrow.

A conceit is announced to bo given oi Thursday next, in the Prahran Town-hall ia cid of the fand for tho recent repair of tbo school-house, which is used as

place of worship for the members of th Church of England in the parlBh. Thea repairs have cost upwards of £200, and th trustees are taking this mode of paying oi the debt. The atrangemente aro under th management of a committee. His Excellono the Governor and Sir Francis Murphy hav kindly consented to patronize* the concert.

On Saturday, a number of gentlemen ai stmbled at the inspector of distillerie ground, King-street, for the purpose of mai in g a final inspection of the half-doze scabby sheep which were dipped on the 80t ult., and redipped on the 12th inst., In M W, H. Allen's compound solution. Thei was a manifest improvement ia tho appea ance of the sheep. The skin, instead of bein dry and hard, like parchment, was soft an flexible ; the patts formerly bare and disease were covered with new wool; and the an mala grazed kindly, and did not exhibit an desire to gnaw or rub themselves, as

usually the case when troubled with acw Those of the company who saw the chet

before they were first dipped concurred in opinion that the scab Lad been completely


To-day being the anniversary of the pro-clamation of the New Constitution of Vic-toria, in 1855, will be observed as a holiday in

all the law courts.

To-day being a holiday in the police courts, the cases which were to have been heard "at the City and District Courts ate postponed

till to morrow.

In consequenco of the recent death of the Hon. B. Thomson, one of the representatives of the Eastern Pro vinco in the Legislative As-sembly, the office of chairman of committees In the Upper House has become vacant. We understand that the Hon. 0. Vaughan, who distinguished himself by his performance of the duties in question while tho Hon. R. Thompson was laid np with a broken thigh, is a candidate for the post.

Trains run to Cremorne to-day, and the whole of the statuary will be disposed of under the hammer of Mr. M. L. King, who

officiates as auctioneer.

By the City of Melbourne, wo have our files from Sydney to the 18th inst. The City of Melbourno reached tho bay on Saturday fore-noon, and failed again in the ovening for Adelaide, from whence she will take the South Australian portion of tho November mail for England to King George's Sound.

An ordinary meeting of the Royal Society of Victoria takes place this evening. After the usual loutino business, Mr. T. 0. Christy, C.B., will nod a paper " On Wator Supply and Iirigation," and the Rev. Dr. Bloasdale will read a paper " Oa the Precious Stones of tho Colony," and exhibit specimens.

Help for Poland is the object of a meeting to bo held thiB evening, at tho Globe Hotel, Swanston-street. All who sympathise with the struggles of a gallant nation for freedom will be welcome. It is to bo hoped some means of assistance will bo devised.

The extraordinarily warm weather experi-enced on Friday and Saturday terminated suddenly yesterday forenoon, when heavy clouds, drifting up from the southwards, brought a change of wind from north-east to south, with a tremendous storm of dust, followed by one of the heaviest falls of rain of this singularly rainy year. The streets were flooded. The channels in Swanstonstreet speedily became like little rivers, and Elizabeth street was soon a water-course, down which flowed a broad and rapid


The foundation-stono of tho new wing of the Roman Catholic Orphanage, Emeraldhill, waa laid yesterday, by the Bight Rav. Dr. Gould. Títere were about 200 persons, young and old, present at the ceremony. The pro-ceedings, however, wore brought to a prema-ture close by the un favourableness of tho weather, the heavy rain which, prevailed during the greater part of tho day having sot in shortly after the hour appointed for the laying of the btone. A sermon, appropriate to the occasion, was preached in the chapel in the forenoon by the Rev.- Corbott. The bishop also confirmed a number of youths as

members of the chuich.

There was no business of any consequence at either the Sandridge or Emerald-hill Police Comte on Saturday. Mr. Gardiner and Mr. Haig were the presiding magistrates at the


The floral exhibition which was held on Saturday, in the Church of England echoolrcom, Abbotsford, East Collingwood, more than realized the anticipations of its 'pro-moters. It was originated, not with a vlow of exciting competition amongst florists or amateur gardeners, but simply to gather together such a display of "Nature's jewels" as would afford an attraction to the inhabi-tants of the populous district in which the school-loom is located, and by that means assist to augment the funds for building tho church, to which public reference has been made on different occasions. The collection of both plants and flowers was, however, so large, varied, and beautiful, and so effectively arranged, that the show would have dono no discredit to a regularly established hor-ticultural society. The exhibitors, with one or two exceptions, wera all either members of the congregation assembling I in the school, or residents in the im-

mediate neighbourhood. Amongst thom were Mr. A. Snowden, Mr. Sadler, Mr. Drake, Mr. Moody, Mr. T. Lee, Mr. H. F. Mortloy, Mr. J. Cole, Mr. F. Ritchie, Mr. Lynch, &c. The pot plants were contributed principally by Mr. Cole and Mr. Lee, and, in addition to some splendid fuchBias and geraniums, they comprised a number of exotics, with curious foliage and gorgeouBblossoms. The cut flowers included roses, verbenas, pansies, antirrhi-nums, picotees, and other varieties. Of roses there were several exhibitors, and nearly all the specimens were deservedly admired. In the verbenas and other cut flowers there was an extensive diversity of hue and colour ; and the ¡.charming and variegated character of the scene which met tho eye was in-creased by a multitude of tastefully arranged hand and table bouquets, and other devices in flowers, one of the latter being of gigantic proj ortions, and yet constructed with artistic skill. Tho Rev. T. 0. Colo, Mr. Drake, and Mr. Dyson acted os judges, and honorary prizes were awarded to the most meritorious exhibitors In each class. The show was open, both in the afternoon and evening, and was visited by between 200 and 800 persons. Tho sale of tickets would, therefore, leave some-thing substantial for the Church Building Fund after payment of expenses, and the amount waa further increased by the salo of a number of tho bouquets and plants at the close of the day. It was the first exhibition of the kind held in East Collingwood, and its success, in a horticultural point of view, may probably lead to the formation of a society in the district, for the encouragement of similar displays annually.

The City Police Court was on Saturday last occupied for some hours in dealing with a charge of importing indecent prints. Tho defendant was Mr. Angus May, commercial traveller fox the firm of Eronheimer and Co., and to him, it appeared, was consigned a coso of 500 packs of playing cards, each of which, when held up to the light, exhibited indecent pictures in a sort of transparency. These arrived by the Noitbam mail steamer. For the defence, it was urged that the case, whloh was described as ono of hardware, had been Bent by mistake, the order having boen for cigars. It was proved that Mr. May expressed astonishment when the case was opened, and intended to return them. At the same time, the Bench were reminded, that there had been no concealment about the affair, every facility to the Customs department in seizing tho goods having been afforded. The Bench thought there was by no means snfliolent proof of ignorance on the part of the defen-dant, and fined htm £60, or half the usual penalty. Notice of appeal was given.

A lecture is to be delivered in the Mecha-nics' Institute this evening, by Mr. James Smith, president of the Melbourne Elocution Society. The subject is the tragedy of King Lear, one which Mr. Smith 1B likely to handle ably. Dr. Eades occupies the chair.

It may be interesting to those who are looking forward to the approaching arrival of the English elovon, and who are anxious tint their visit should prove, a success, to mention that His Excellenoy the Governor has thoa early signified to Mr. Marshall his Intention of being present at the opening matoh on New

I Year's Day. The Governor has also oxpreissd

his satisfaction at tho arrangement) now S Eg made in connexion with the new

nd, for the xecoption of himself and his party.

The St. Kilda corps of artillery will have tiic first of their moonlight parades this even-ing, when no doubt there will be a good muster, as the volunteer band is expeoted to be present on the occasion. A considerable number of recruits havejoined, and the corps bldB fair to make up the required number. Gentlemen wishing to join had better glvo in their names immediately, so as to class as effectives, and obtain uniform on the 1st of January. Drill on the parade-ground, Argylostreet^ every morning nt six ; and in tho orderly-ioom on Monday and Thursday even-ings, at half-past seven. Firing at the butts on Tuesday and Friday morniogs, at six. Gar-rison gun diill at the (central) thirty-twopound battery every Wednesday, at halfpast five, and Saturday, at three.

The grand fancy bazaar in the town-hall, Prahran, which duiing the past week attracted some hundreds of visitors, will re-main open to-day and to morrow, in order that the numerous articles yet unsold moy be disposed of. We are glad to state that a large amount bas been realised, and the committee, encouraged by the success already attained, confidently hope, at the close of the bazaar, to be in a position to com-mence building operations. Intending parchasers will do well to visit the bazaar botwceii three p.m. and half past ten p.m., to-day and to-morrow. There will ha a musical entertainment each ovening.

The number of visitors to the museums of natural history, geology, and economic geology applied to mining, agriculture, and the arts, during the week ending the 21st of Novem-ber was 491. The museums aro open to the public daily (Sundays excepted), from ten a.m. till six p.m., in the north sid; of the University.