Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), Sunday 19 May 1907, page 9


'_ ^*GREASEPAlrïr"TA"rTER - ^


TüfáOea ot legitíkpate and- variety Stems-Trun riot over East.

\ * a .* , . * «

f ¡Taking one consideration with tmV *>tfaer, Charles .Waldron's star part.Was "The -Vu^inian."

Hiss ex-actress Ada Ward, now evangehsing Over East, dropped the stage fust before it dropped her.

Seventeen 'teams are doing the sec-ond-sight turn along the south and eastern rim of this long-suffering, con-


Alf Cork Woods shortly shakes off his togs the burrs of S'Africa, and

comes Australia ward s. With flinn comes Miss Maud .Williamson, his leading lady. Latter is a capable actress, who .is also gifted with much ¡dexterity in - the way cf rewritings plays from penny novelettes.

. » * * m m

Trisco ""Argonaut,*' a paper which show manager of thè -prefix "of genial and popular." A Mel boar ne* so-ciety rag recently applied that fawn-ing endearment to a bloated hog, »whose" fawn to superior king-pins . is "Only equalled by his brutal despotism

anyone under his hogsome station^

-Sandow Sisters, at .Palace- Gardens . aforetime, got a shock recently whan, in response, to a- kid-stakes wink a ehickered Johnny climbed from the stalls to the stage and tried to grab, .the most corpulent of the beauteous dyners. And the two Amazons «who nightly amaze the audiences- with ¡their muscular development shrieked and retreated in off-stage fright until ' the orchestral trombone noan blew a blast of beer and onions and asphyx- ; ia ted the intruder.^ j

Trisco "Arganaut," a paper which doesn't usually print hare-brained matter, writes that Miss Nance O'Neil

-is creating ¡a furore in that now-be- -mg-renovated city. Either the great . Crunible-TJp has disorganised the cri

! -tical faculties of the "Argonaut," or \

; sentiment for a compatriot induces)

jthem to be critically kind to the acitive volcano. This paper's opinion of Nance O'Neil, in and out of season,

is that she is as artistic . with her'

huge bulk and 'Murken twang as a polar .bear doing a cake-walk on sha-ky ice. *

» - -* . « * .

Girl's Cross-Eoads."' to be short-ly produced at His Majesty's,, is asser-

ted to be., the true story of a once'famous Australian actress who capti-vated even the blase Duke of Edin-burgh when . on r-is visit here. The .~ Tïlay**: has 4jeeh brbugEt up to,, ¡date.

!with sensational mechanical-, effects, but the dramatic interest has been sustained throughout, and the loyal old ladies of both sexes seeking a gloat on what Royalty does under ' the lap are hereby warned to get in early »to avoid being trodden on by the prawn and peanut chewer whey lines in late , and* prances on everybody's feet and feelings.

Miss Ada Lawrence, the star with (he Anderson Co., at His Majesty's, is a soft-eyed little lady with a good stock of natural talent and earnest-ness. Is a marvellous study, as she carries in her pretty little noddle the script of nearly seventy dramas. Broke all records once by assuming fifteen lady characters in as many nights. Played Eve in Father Duff's "The Two Worlds" over in Ballarat, and con-sidering the fact that she was "sup-

ported" by an Adam, with a hiccough and a protruding bingey, she did re- markably well in the character of the World's First Flossie. Since that

awful drama Miss Lawrence has de- voted her talents to depicting the wronged wife, who, in a garret, re-

jects the villain who offers to buy her prop. diamonds and sealskin jac- kets made from Boodlekine rabbits.

?? The Kelly Gane," produced last "tiieht at His Majesty's, is a pictur; esgue drama - of the "Thunderbolt"

tvne, but built on much more modern | 'Sines. Moreover, as most Australians i over the afee of refusal are acquainted. I with the main episodes in the career < -of the four bushrangers, the play is followed with intense interest by all concerned. None of the chief items in the long reign of the desperadoes are omitted, a capable artist and mechan-

ist having scoured the Kelly country j for detail and data with which to ¡ faithfully embellish the drama. lathe j capable hands of the present Anderson j Co. the play is living and human and of intense value as a method of study-ing the history of the days when cheeks went pale and hearts beat timl orously at the dreaded words, "Bail

[up!" . :

?Tbe aSpríng Chiefer is . blue î r$j&

. . *

'Kelly Gang Bio^-as fofl of vim and ; dash as the "Great American Train..

Bobbery." And latter was the tin- ?? . est Sm. ever exposed in this State.

». . ; . .. ? . . .

In answer to- about.25-enquiries re

a former Belly 'play, it was at the j old Melbourne Princess shortly after ! the execution, of Ned Early and catted "Gstracásed." W. G. Carey, no con-nection with our own George P. "of the "Squaw Man" Co.,' assumed the part of Ned- Kelly, and during the , progress of the play' fired about -100

rounds of powder and > wore armour-1 weighing a hundredweight and a half. After about a week's run the police authorities, exasperated at being held* up to ridicule in the said drama, spoke earnestly to someone in' the Law Department,- latter then passing the sub rosa remark on» to some im-ported judicial big*-wig_-or, other. Be* suit was that "Ostracised" was ? clos-ed down with a deafening bang, and' tons of scenery and props, had to be re-painted and renovated for use in George Bien old's limelight dramas of« Ole Dingland.

. * . -m . m

'At - time of writing a fierce war . 'is raging between the respective proprie-tors of the Kelly Gang drama and tile ? Kelly' Gang biograph. . Owner of. 'the

dramatic rights, Michael Josephs,' lor William Anderson, alleges that the film .show is a distinct contravention of Iiis dramatic, moral, mtellectuak and riparian rights, and that any per

. son caught br assumed, to be part -and.

parcel of the Kelly'Biograph will "be thrown into the wildest , whirlpool i-ot the early-door rush. Oh the, other hand, the Kelly Bio proprietors assert loudly and fiercely that as 4hey produce no dialogue, but mertly a picture show, -their right to. the bushranging" film production is undoubted. , and - Michael Josephs, representing William

Anderson, - can go and masticate greasepaint,, or resin, or -some, other

. condiment used by blue-chinned , pen-

sons who smell of benzine "oh treasury dar.\ ;._ ' ? .'.,,?: - .., ', ';-;

P.S.-Any person suggesting ; that Anderson owns both the Kelly draina . and the* Kelly Bio. and that the pré?

sent . well-advertised squabble is a .weU-artabged ad.'and a schlenter , of Geary-like dimensions is hereby warhr ed off for life,, . r,-. '

'?'.-»' .? ' »,- ."W

Truly the. hide of 1he:- dead : - head lays over all competitors^ While - in Perth entertainer Leslie Harris, : al-ways a cheery Bohemian, .was invited to bring' to the laying - of . a

? foundation .stone' '- of . à ' new-, club;

building, fis talent \; and« thirst - particularly, the former. '"» L.H., anxious to ; oblige, \went alpnjg¿ aiid^a^~the -ensuing ^r^dó^' J -oenvered himself -of a couple -of his latest itemsi He was ; dury thanked '^d , applauded by the club men and' their ' friends,' and unanimously voted a -fine fellow. The Secretary,- like ; mpsfr; in his posi-tion, was cordially invited by 'Harris to come along that night - to his show at Queen's Hall, see the show, and-ria ve a -whisky and soda behind; ' thc scenes. "Just before bis opening item a message- came in to say that Mr. Secretary AND TEN- FRIENDS WERE AWAITING free admission. Harris sent the messenger back tc make sure of his ground. The Secre-tary and i his ten friends were ? the» all right, and were promptly told bj L.H. to go to Gehenna.! -; «

Present storm aroused by the walli of ex-actress Ada Ward anent th« dreadful temptations of the stage,. re-call the shockine faux pas committee by that now defunct theatrical boun-der Clement Scott. Latter was for .t large span of years the acknowledge* leading- dramatic critic of Englanc and environs, and one fine foggj morning started 'the' Great Britisl public by. issuing a pamphlet denoun cing the stage as a- vortex of viet and a near relative to a Port Sa« seraglio. When theatrical Englanc had recovered its astonished self suffi ciently to breathe and collect Hi shattered intellect, it swooped, fero ciously and sarcasticallv and tojo Clement Scott to metaphorical shreds (N.B.-Some of the puffict lydies _ o the perfesh would have also material Iv mauled, him-.) Then when C.S. ha« answered their storm of indignation with further charges and statenaeat that "no woman could be a stage ar tiste and remain pure," etc., etc., i gent with a medium memory arose and tore Scott into the final shred This person produced absolute proo that onlv a' few months before launch imr his invective shrapnel against th stage. Clement Scott "had requested both .personally and by writing a po sition in a well-known dramatic co for his own niece. Thenceforth C.S. ¡ name was 3amp dirt ! . ....