Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), Sunday 21 May 1905, page 11


(By "De La") ? ;

¡ In my first batch of notes- I" pro-mised, to give you Boine- information about one of the new Bugby ¡ clubs ! in the metropolis, viz., The Berths. ' but there was . no hope last week,'-aod as the season started yesterday. J i shall have to curtail my remarks of each individual club, so as to get - a few words in about them all. "Kid" Wild wa» the organiser of tie Perihs, and with him he had S. B.-and. -M. Jago, Jack Molloy, Langley, and many other enthusiasts. They held their first meeting at the pri', and froni the very jump a successful eSort was assured. Jade Malloy . was elec-ted secretary.treasurer, and with- him "Queenie" Lahiff was: elected the club's delegates in.the imiori. ;G."£. Rogers, one of the old-timers, '.also decided to thi-ow in his loï with the

Perths, so they elected bini their fe- j presehtative on the special fcommittee '' of the Union. Andy Maloney has been' elected captain, and blue and white hoops have been registered1 as the club's playing colors. .

Amongst the Perths*. ranks' . some very fine placiers -are- to,,be' \:found, ? namely, Secretary Jack' ^ollóy, ' -the Jago Bros., Micky'Garcia,, and -Ma-loney, f think" are the best. I^gley

is :another likely one. They should; put about the lightest and fastest, team in the field. , " :"

Quite a large concourse pf people congregated on the Esplanade to" wit-ness the first Rugby Union game held in ' Pertii for söme ' years, * and ." good .wishes for the longevity of thé young-ster in tour- 'inids^ were^xn^t; ..lacking. I know one-, ojd^ yaitâ^. /«fco, would have liked to have stripped off, and been amongst "it." /î^-iTÇ^iis... ^the younger ones and the best ' - of ns. .Various members löf ."Jhe District team of Saturday 'week have expressed, the desire to mcet 'the Perth;Conitóha. tion .again, when they think they can

successfully turn tne feSjres* around;.; ? '

There was one very noticeable .fea-ture about the game, and.-that " was the entire absence.of. any ill-feeling or rough play. -Everyone played 'the. game m ,the very'best-spirit, . and proved that Rugbyites are sportsmen. Every man played his- bfest for'bis: side, and for the love of the game, and it will not be the. fault of toeVplayers' if Rugby does not 'flourish here ih s^

season. - . ?

The following is the ¿draw .and/ the | allocation of grounds for, the, . ; first, round of the Alcock trophy competi-

tion. Messrs. Speers,- "Thornton, and; -De I ja Hunty had <a- good . of trouble in allocating grounds, .sp '''as. to dissatisfaction. Owing: to the scattered nature of the grounds, dates of only the first round .could be allocated, but by next week.everything.; should be settled :

MAY 20.

Swan District v. Sydneys* at Wel-lington Square/No; ;3.

Fremantle Pioneers v. Perths, at Central Esplanade. - . -

'Pirates a bvé.

3IA.Y 27.

Swan District v. Pirates, at Mid-land Ballway Co.'s - Reserve. .

? Sydneys "v. .¿Trema tie : Pioneers at Fremantle Park.

Berths a bve,

} ' JUNES,

"Pirates v. Sydneys at Loton Park.

: Swan District v. Berths at". Centra)Esplanade.

Fremantle .-Pioneers, a bye,' <» "-.

JUNE 10.

Pirates v. Perths at Central Espla-nade. ? h r ~

Swan District v. Fremantle Pioneers at Fremanihv Park.

Sydneys -a bve. : !.

JUNE 17.

Pirates, v... Fremantle Pioneers afr Central,. Esplanade.

Perths- v. Sydneys at- Wellington Square, * Ko. 3.* ' 1

Swan District a bye., - : - "