Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Tuesday 3 February 1914, page 10


ITEMS OF .THE WEEF. LONDON, January 3. — Invincibles Recalled.— «

The death is announced from Dublin of Sir Frederick 'FitzJames Cullinan, who was principal clerk in the Chief Secretary's office at Dublin: 'CfaBfle:for 23 veara. ?: ln

1892 Sir Frederick 'had a- narrow', escape from death. Repairs were being earned, out in the Chief Secretarjr's wing of the castle, and the presence of workmen, was seized to. explode dynamite, bombs. Sir Frederick, in response to a bell summoning him to the. Chief 'Secretary's office/had only just left his apartment when an explosion ' occurred, completely . shattering the room which he; had just left. ? ;.'.'? : , r ?.: — Edwin Dropd 'Trial.';— . The defending counsel, Mn W. W.'Crotch and Mr.- Cecil Chesterton, in the mock trial .of John. Jasper for the murder' pf Edwin .Drood before Dickens experts in the King's Hall, Co vent Garden, oh January 7, have spent the week-end at Rochester with, their . principal witness, Bazzard (Mr. C. Sheridan Jones), reconstructing the story and searching for fresh evidence. They made special maps, interviewed inhabitants whose memory covered ? the period (1880), and visited the famous crypt a£ Rochester Cathedral. . ; ; .. —Lord Kitchener in the Airl— Lord Kitchener, for the first time in his life, flew last week with the airman Olivier in an 80-h.p. Farman biplane. ? 'They Btarted from Heliopolis Acrdrome and flew for 15 minutes above the Buburbs.of Cairo. Lord Kitchener seemed impressed with the possibilities of flying for military purposes. Asked for his impressions he exclaimed, 'A 6plendid game!' Lord Kitchener has presented to the airman Olivier a scarfpin as a souvenir of the flight. — Mis3 Marie Lloyd Married.— Miss Marie Lloyd was secretly married in America to Mr. Barnard Dillon in DecemDer 20. Mr. Dillon went to America with Miss I.'oyd from England, and since she waa admitted into the Unrted States after the ^controversy, with the 'immigration authorities he has accompanied her on a tour of the western circuit. . Mr. Alec Hurley, the coster comedian, husband of -Miss Marie Lloyd, died, at Hampstead oa 'December 6la8t.^:;.;j;'v :;;'/_\^v\v ??-.;;? ..?..?'-??;. ; ??;?./.'..' ;:?'— Peeress'as NuiLr1-.; ;- ?, „? ' ?' -? A Peer'a romance is recalled by the announcement that Julia Lady Lyrsden lias entered as a novice the Convent of Poor Clares, ? Edinburgh; : one.'' of ' the severest orders in the world.'' She is now a beautiful 'woman of 35. Seventeen years , ago Miss Julia Kate Emory, as she was then called, was an assistant in a -fancy* shop at Eastbourne. Lord Lyveden, who was 72, a widower, and an invalid, often visited the ruop in his bathchair, and the two became great friends. ' In November, 1896, they were married, -md four years later, after a happy married life,' Lord' Lyyeden died. —Amber Wamonds Adventure.— A great diamond came to town on Tuesday. WdRhinj[178i carats, and much thfl name size as Aoh-i-Nopr, it : was found by Mr. B. Bowter'at Drbogeveld, in the dry oed of the Vaal River; Cape Colony, just as he and his partner were about to abandon their claim and move on in .search of more profitable diamond diggings; ?' it has been brought to London by Mr. Bowker to find a worthy purchaser. To the. uninitiated eye it looks in us rough state for. all the world like a piece of badey. sugar, with polished indentations and rounded-off corners. When held to the light' it shows a clear, translucent colour. .: Diamonds resembling the ' colour of . amber have been sold for hundreds of pounds a' carat. On Tuesday Mr. Bowker walked about London with the fruit of 10 years' toil in his pocicet, .and many jewellers had.the.surprke of tbeyear when a quiet, unassuming man, smoking a piacid cigarette, strolled into their othew and unrolling a' band of wash leather, deposited on their desks a ilittle a-mber-coloured stone worth an unknown sum. The experts treated' the diamond with considerable deference, but were .not to be drawn into an offer for it or any tsnmate of its value. ''A fine, clear stone,' raid one. -'An undoubted amber,' said another. v BnTno one would think of parchasilig it there and then. 'We could hardly make an offer,' said a great firm to the owner. ' 'We must leave that to you.' .One deakr'spoke of Amflterdam, and a 6fth of Paris. 'Rather too much -for us,' frankly said another. 'This would suit »i great. connoiBBeur— some one who could appreciate the fine amber tint.' was a. further reply. 'Now, if thu iad seen a white

atone,' suggested a jeweller of renown. Ordinary ' customers like a whitt -stone; it would be saleable at once.' Other suggestions were to find an Indian1 rajah with lakhs of rupees in his' treasury of an' American millionaire with prompt cash., Mr. Bowker had similar experiences on Wednesday and -Thursday in his efforts to find a purchaser, and the stone up to the present is still, unsold. ? —Heiress's Love 'in Vain.— A romance in the life of the Right Hon. C. P. Villiers, the statesman ? who represented Wolverhampton in P^rliam-n: for 45 years, and died in 1898. is recalled by the death on Wednesday, last \ week of Mr. Hamilton Fane Gladwin, of Seven Springs, Gloucestershire. Mr. Villiers, who was born in 1802, was in hia youth and middle age a strikingly handsome, man. ,. His personality 'attracted the .only child . and heiress .of Mr. John .-Mellish. of , Hammels Park, ' Hertfordshire, who fell; ardently jn loyej with:.him.' ' The; affection was,' not ..reciprocated,'' but nev'erthelessvpn iKer, death Miss Mellish \ made Mr. ? Villiers her ; heirto the Hammels ParkEstiite. He declined to touch the1 fortune, 'and- lived ;3n his ?pension as a former Cabinet Minister. At his death' he passed 'the ?fortune,1intact _to Mr. Fane Gla'dwihJ -who had -married Miss Sophia Mellishv a distant kinswoman ' 61 the lady who had honoured .Mr. Villiers ?with her affection and her wealth. ... . —Cardinal's ? Will Mystery.^The ' death of Cardinal ' .'Bampoila, ^ the former Papal Secretary of State, who succumbed suddenly in Rome on \the night of iDeoember 16 from, .it js stated,' angina pectqris (a disease' characterized by : a' suffocating contraction in -the cheat), has been followed by a singular; will' dispute. Alter his death a will made in 1889 wag found. By: it be. left his '.entire fortune to his sister.- Baroness Perrana, but- hav-ing quarrelled with he'r,.be.then-took over the education of;'the children i' of . his nephew, the, Duke of CampobeJloj, the baroness's eon'. These ' children are not' mentioned in theVffl of 1889.. -The Cardinil's Secretary and servants are convinced, that he made a 'second will inl 1910-.' A blaA casket supposed to contain a second' will is said to^ave disappeared eince his death. The. Baroness Perrana's lawyer stated that no ? second will ? was ever made, and that the .mystery., only exists ?in-'maKcious'ru. monnfc',/'.;;'.';i-V''v:?7'::r-;':'-'^'':'^.'i'i-:.'r.^.-1;.i. —Princess Fined.— Princess Sophia Duleep Singh, of Fara-day House, Hampton Court, made her second appearance at Feltham Police Court, Middlesex, on Monday. She is a member of the Women's Tax Resistance League, and was summoned for keeping a male ser-vant, a carriage, and two dogs without licences. The Magistrate imposed fines of £5 each in respect of the groom and car-riage. and £1 5/ for each of the dogs, with costs amounting, to 18/. ;, ; .;'— Lord Roberta's ', Happy/Idea.— , i ' ' Lord and Lady Roberts, adopted a. novel idea for the Christmas entertaimneni 'of Eheir indoor and outdoor staff.; In- one :pf the*, rooms at EnjdemoTe. ah arctic fsceire was: arranged, in ;the ?..foreground ,beinir;'a hrge ive9?el in .wioter quarters. ' The shin contained seasonable ? presents - for the guests, who were of- all azes. The wiyea and' children of the married servants were invited. . ? -?- j. ? ' -CoL Srely, Lifeboat llan.— ' j Col; Seely'(the Secretary for War), who is a'.'member'of the Brook, *Isle' of Wich'tj lifeboat crew, on Tuesduv donned oOsk'nV and tbpboots and assisted in launcbinir the1 lifeboat for the quarterly practice. -Witfc the; other Kfeboatmen he had to wade' waist-deep in the water before jumphiz info'' thetoat.' Col. SeeTy pulled the stroke oax; on : the, port side. . - - ' ? ? i'.;i A Tomantsc incident on board one of the' steamers ha3. resulted in the cap tain, of the! vessel, an Ulstermah, severing hie connec-i tion with the. fruit carrying trade between! New .York and Jamaica and returning1 home. On the captain's last voyage « lady passenger (an heiress) .and. the purser of; the ' boat' fell, madly in 'love. 'J Xoree .dayal ont from Kingston the! request .'was'inade to the captain to 'marry them. : Both' ' parties to the contract beihg/quite a'greeahje that ? the. ceremony '^should take ? place' on shipboard, the captain bad no objection, and possesjinc thelegal power on high seas! to ' officiate, ' the nuptial knot- was ' tied in the .presence of otlier first-class passengers, and;the entire crew. Subsequently it trans-! pirpd-.that tfhe lady was a Catholic and the: turner a Protestant, and when. the indent i reached/the qar3.*,of.. the 'Ne,w'. York clergy.' i\stornY of indignation' broke ?? out. The- obliging captain was asked to explain by his employers, the upshot being he resigftsd ib command.