Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Monday 29 December 1913, page 9



; -Society Wedding: .Kept Secret.— Besides the parties immediately concerned and f the church officials there, was only one other person (a press repnaenta

;ivt:J- jjieatui at um uau-ivi^o uu iuaibiiay at Christ Church, Down street, Mayfair, of Eady Eva Cholmondeley (sister, of the Marquis of Cholmoodefey) to Mr. H. F. De Parravicini, the ' well-known- ( Ehe officiating clergyman was the Bev. .rf. bi^xm, who, arriving before the chuich doors were unlocked,- could not- get insLe Porrivicind, accompanied by his cou in, Mr. Morice, arrived at the church on io.tshortly after 11 o'clock, but his bride d.d nor appear till 11.30 a.m. She anived witi Lord Cholmondeley in ,the lafc er's motor car. Lady Eva was' married in her travelling dress, a beautiful mole-sobured costume trimmed with black fur, and had a: b^ hat H'ich a Witili leather. Leaning on the arm of her brother, the ex-Lord Chamberlain, she walked up the aisle, and in a few minutes the short service was over. The register 'was signed by Lord Cholmondeley and Mr. ilorice as' witnesses. A pretty incident occurred on the church si ?? o. lihe onr i-ersoh 111 tue -seere!, outside tfiose actually present, was a former Jiy» maid or ,L.3dy ..fc.ya . Coolmondeiey. Lady Eva: is godmother to her old servant's four-year-old girl, end as tie bride came out of ' the church her godchild presented a bouquet of flowers. . The bride and bridegroom left by motor ca for Folkestone on their way to aPri «. Placed prominently on the car were two sets of. golf dubs. Both Lady Eva and her husband are excellent golfers.— Curate's Slander Suit.— -An application was made to the -Lord Chief Justice in the King'sBench Division on Thursday, in the suit by the Rev. Thomas Ghent, curate of- St. Andrew's, Stockwell, r against Polic&«Sgt. Fitzgerald, of Dalyell road, Stockwell, alleging ander. ? After a 10-day9' hearing the jury disagreed. Mr. MoOall said the plaintiff had. at the earliest, possible moment given notice of a new 'trial. Considering the importance of the issue, seeing that Mr. ?hent's character and reputation were at stake, he asked that the new trial should -e commenced on December 9. The Lord Chief Justice apcreed that the re-trial should take place early. Mr. Lewis Thomas, K.C., said he did not oppose on rehalf of Mr. Fitzgerald any application or the expedition of the new trial. At le same tune, he would point out that there were difficulties in the way of the hearing taking place this term. For instance, a principal witness for the defendant was prostrate, and he did not want to agree to a fixed day and then have to ask for postponements, for it might then -e said that the defendant .was unwilling to discharge his duty. Mr. Fitzgerald and his eons had had their funds considerably attenuated, by the last trial, but were making financial arrangements for le new trial, . and he thought be case might be ? ieard about fie, second week in January. The Lord Thief ? Justice said the action had better be heard on- or, about the second day of the' January sittings. : :, —Latchkey Tragedy.— ' ' The fact titat the same atohiey wotM it all three locks in front doors of similar louses in- Obburg street, Hampstead road, led to a fatal accident early on Thursday morning. Mr. George Ellis, who lived at *o. 3i, was returning home, and appeared to have mistaken the door of the next

nouse, JNo. si, for ins own. He entered and Hverifc upstairs to the second floor. He tried a door and found it locked. ' Thinking that his wife waa having- a joke wifch iim he exclxired, 'What's your game?' The occupants seem to have convinced him of tog mistake, and. he began, to go down, A. little later a thud was heard, but no* body seems to have troubled about Itl Subsequently EHis was found on the .first floor landing— dead. He was a heavily built man, and his neck had been broken by, the fall. He bias left a widow ? and several children. ; . . . .. ... , —Married Three Sisters.— ? -v During .the hearing in the Chancery Court at Manchester on ' Tuesday of 'the case of Wallers v. Sharpies an interesting legal point in regard to ehikfcm, arising under the Deceased Wife's Sister's Marriage Act -.of ' 1907, was discovered. Three sisters were married in succession by one man. 'Bythe'frAfc wife there w«re two children, by the' second three. The third was childless. Under the will of their aunt the sisters were' entitled to income from certain, shares, the incomes in the event of their death going to the children. The question 'arose whether the children of the second 'sister could inherit. The Vice-Chancellor .held that although the children by, a deceased wife's sister were rendered legitimate by the Act of 1907, ihfc second section oj the Act provided that their legitimation should not exclude nextof-in from property, and therefore Bett]ed the case against fchq children in question. —Fishermen's Heroic Rescue.— Capt. Christiansen and the 16 men who had formed the crew of the Norwegian barque- Nebo, were loud in their praise of the heroic conduct of the crew of the steam trawler Halcyon, when that vessel took them safely into Grimsby on Monday. The Nebo was bound to Cardiff with tim-ber, but ran into fearful weather on No-vember 17, and two days later she had lost every shred of canvas, had her bulwarks carried away, and was awash from poop to stern. She was drifting helplessly on to the Horn Reef when the Halcyon sighted her distress signals. The trawler bore down, but the weather was altogether too wild to attempt any rescue work, and so for two days the trawler stood by. The storm then moderated, and the Halcyon's mate, Samuel George Inch, a Grimsby man, and William Dennis, of Cleethorpes, the third hand, got out the trawler's boat. The vessels were but a few cables' length apart, but so terrific were the seas that it took the men nearly two hours to reach the wreck. Then they took off seven men, pulled with them to the trawler, and des-pite the great hazard of the journey re- peated it twice, until the 17 seamen had been rescued. The waterlogged barque was left drifting about 270 miles from Spurn. —Battering Bam Used.— Considerable difficulty attended the levying of a distress upon the goods of Mrs. Harvey, of the Tax Resistance League; at Bromley, Kent, on Tuesday. Upon the arrival of a tax collector, a bailiff, and a police sergeant, they found the outer gate locked and the doors of the house barri-caded. The gate offered little obstruction, but to get the door of the house open was a difficult matter, Finally, after a heavy beam was used as a battering ram, the door went in with a crash. The door, how-ever, led only to a narrow passage, where a still more obstinate door barred the way. A crowbar, battering ram, and a smail jemmy were here brought into use, but even with those it was nearly half an honr before the door, almost splintered, gave way. Later, the hall waa entered, where the tax collector was met by Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. Despard. Here was little furni-ture visible, and it was not until a locksmith had forced the door of the dining room that the bailiff was able to place his levy upon goods. The amount of the tax, it is understood, is about £15. —Jack Johnson's New Eole.— Jack Johnson has blossomed out into a

wrestler. An international tournMnen'a has been going on for some weeks tt the Noveaii Orcle, Paris, and Johnson issued a challenge to any bo:wr or w-.'f'stler. It was accepted by Urbaca the German champion. On Tuesday the circuf was crowded. Johnson was greeted With a thunder of applause, and flowers were thrown towards him by ladies when he came to the carpet, whO? the ? Gtrman, who is regarded by Parisians as a very rough iwrestler, was received with hootings, and at the same time Le was pelted with onions, chocolates, and potatoes. Ai the signal for the start the German 'Tiger' made a rush for Johnson with both fiste, and struck him hard in the chest. Johnson jumped out, but did not answer. This created a «ene in the circus, people hooting Urbach. and shouting to Johnson, 'Knock him out. Jack! Kill him!1' During th° 15 minutes that the first round lasted th--German kept on hitting the black mac with his fist and elbows, thus cauring a terrific uproar. Finally Johnson got Urbach by the neck, and made his two shoal ders touch the mat, and was declared' the winner. The second round lasted only eight minutes, Johnson catching Urbach by the neck once more, and floarng hici.The defeated German refused to shake hands with Johnson. . .' —The MiKtant Suffragettes.— 'Woman A' and 'Woman B' were the names applied to two young kdies who were charged with attempted arson at Leeds on Tuesday and refused their names. It was alleged that they had attempted to set fire to. one of bhe big stands at Headingly football ground the previous i/ig'az. it wss said ofia.t paraffin had been poured over the stand, and when a constable seized the women one actually had a lighted match in her hand, and vras stooping' over a pile oi itsin. A suffragette, who interrupted Dr. Mocnamara during a speech at the OM Kent Road Baths on

Friday night. was found to be tied to a chair, and both' woman, and chair had 'to be removed together. ^--Divorce Anomaly.— i (Another, instance: of 'how hardly the divorce laws press on She poor was forthcoming on. Tuesday at the City of London Court, ; when a'- messenger, named Jefferies, was summoned for the nonpayment of £45 4/10, h5s wife's costs in a divorce suit, in. which -he was the successful petitioner. He said he was in receipt of £117 a' year, and that, while tie divorce juit was pending he paid his wife as alimony £2 10/ per month. He had sdready paid £65 foriis.wife's'costs.and he still oWed £45- He iiad obtained; an order -for payment of 'his own costs against the corespondent, but as . that person was r only earning -a few shillings per week he did not know M he would get anything. 'Does 3. successful husband always have to pay jis 'wife's costs?1!' asked Judge LumJey Smith. Mr. Seyd, Jefferies's solicitor, said he did. ? The Court ordered payment of £1 uer month.