Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Tuesday 18 February 1908, page 5


The Acting Premier (Hon. A. A. Bark-' Jetrick) sent. the following telegram to or. Price at Capetown;-'A1I welL Vic- 1 toria decided to refer btmndarv smeeuient

to Parliament Tude statistics last year favourable.' Mr. Price repUed on Monday.— 'Health better; good voyage. Glad to hear good news.' , The Surveyor-General (Mr. W. Strawbridge, LS.O.) returned by the Lund hner Gedoug on Monday from a visit to Great Britain, the Continent, and the United 8tetes of America, Mr. Stmwbridge made enquiries into various matters of interest to Sooth Australia' in the countries visited. He was accompanied by his wife and fa-vaSs. A pleasing littieceremony tookplace in the Surveyor-General's. Office on Monday afternoon, when the staff accorded Mr. W. Strawbridge and his family a welcome home. The Deputy Snrveyor^General. (Mr. E. M. Smith) met the travellers a the railway station, and escorted them to the Government office*. The CommiaMoner of Crown Lands (Hon. L. 0-Looghlin) a hearty welcome, and .Mr. Smith told him how sincerely dad the officers were to see him. Mr. Strawbridge briefly replied. An appropriate emblem was bung on the wall A large design, beautifully framed in asparagus, read:— 'The Actino Surveyor-General and officers of the department tender a hearty welcome to the Surveyor-General on his return, February 17, 1908.' The death is announced, in his eighty, second year, of Mr. Algernon Sidney Clark, who in his prime was a well-known Ade-laide merchant, head of the late firm of Francis Clark & Sons. Grenfell street. The deceased, who arrived in Adelaide in 1850. was a brother of the late Mr. John Ho-ward Clark, sometime editor of The Regis-ter, and of Mr. M. Symonds Clark. of Australasia Chambers. Mr. A. S. Clark, in the later years of his life, conducted an accountancy business in King /William street but at no time took any prominent part in public affairs. The deceased, however, took a keen interest in all matters connected with the trade and commerce of South Australia, and interested himielf in scientific investigation. He acted as secre-tary to the Philosophical Society, as well as the Cremation Society. A widow and four sons— Messrs. E. S., C. S., L. S., and A. S. Clark, and two daughters; Mrs. Mortimer

White and Mrs. Heggie— survive him. The remains of the deceased' gentleman were cremated, at the Adelaide Crematorium on Monday afternoon. Mr. Coneyleer, Ml*., .was a passenger by the Melbourne express which left Adelaide on Monday. Mr. CSftn HiP, a member of the Australian Eleven, left Adelaide by the interstate express on Monday afternoon to take part in the fifth test match, which will begin in Sydney on Friday. Mr. A. E. Johns, an ex-Australian Eleven wicket keeper, who |mu been in Adelaide for a few days,. was a passenger to Melbourne by the same tram. '?' ?' ? It was expected that the Rev. George Griffiths, of Kapunda, who'is on a visit to England, wotild' return in April, but it is stated now that be may accept a call in fhe old county. TMere vns a large attendance at the funeral of Mr. David Byrne, which took p«ee on. Monday at Boorandam Onnetery. Among those which attended were the IJeutonant-Govcrnor (Sir John Madden)', the Prime Minister (Ep. Deakin), the Premier of Vtctoria (Mr. Bent), the VicePresident of the Executive Council (Sr. Bert), the, Attorney-General (Bp. Groom), the Mhnssor for Defence (Bp. Ewing), the Poetmatter-Oeneral (Bp. Manger), the Inspector-General of the Military Forces (Mjr.-Gen. Hosd), and members of the Commonwealth and State Parliaments. The pallbearers were the representatives of the different departments on The Age newspaoer. At the head of the procession, about 230 of the employes of The Age walked to the cemetery. Word has been received of the improvement in health of the Bev. A. G. Fry. of the Kapunda' CVrngregational Churchy and also that of his wife. Mr: Fry expect*to take op his : daties . at , 1$ apnnda next month. ; . . - . . ' . Mr. C Fflgate, who. was well known in racing. circles some years ago, is in the Adelaide Hospital suffering from paralysis in both legs, the result of a long fflness in Singapore.. ? Mr. Q. E. Murdock, him purser .of the B.M.S. Orontes, was a passenger on Monlay by the Ophir. He intends to enter into bonness in Sydney. '- . Mr: John McNeOy, a well-known pioneer iquatter, and owner of Tedbah Stetipn, lied at Tedbah, Queensland, recenty.

On Monday afternoon a, presentation wa* node to sfr. Hndrian Moody, aporttng editor of Tbe^ Register 4nd its- asflcvated journal!, hy the'memben of the.sportuig staffs of the Adelaide press on the eve of his marrnge. Mr. M. C. Hooking, sporting editor of The Advertiser, on behalf of 'his colkajdies, presented Mr. Moody with a sslad. bowl suiUbly inscribed, and referred to the esteem in which the recipient wis held, and wished him all success in. bis future life. Mr. P.O. Hales, representing the Saturday evening papers, and Mr. W. J. Leicher -(White's Press and Telegram Agency); supported. Mr. Moodv acknowledged the compliment t*id to him. : Mr. Bobert E. Bice, assistant stetionmaster at the Burra. has been promote4 to the position of stationmaster at Burfe Banges. He was formerly chief clerk at Qnom Stetion, where for about two yean he had a good many of the duties usballv undertaken by the stationmaster entrusted to him in consequence of that statioo, for some departmental reMon. being without an appointed stationmaster during that period. '

At the afternoon meeting. of the Stock Exchange of 'Adelaide on Moioday Mr. E* wanl Ward was elected a member. The'following. South Australian changes Hi the PostmasterGenenrs Department ore announced:— J. H. Martin, lineman, grade IL, No. 4 party, to be lineman, grade IL, No. 2 party, with present salary, vice Laslett, transferred; A. H. Lariett. lineman, grade n,, No. 2 party, to be lineman, crade IL, No. 4 party, with present salary, vice MvOtin. tnmaferred. Mr. R, R. Garraa, OJkLG. (secretary to the. Federal 4ttoraey*G-nerar- Department), who wept to England a few-months ago. to instruct counsel in tfce income tax cases, returned by the RJLS. .Ophir on Monday; ' The Taxation Departments of tfew South Wales and Victoria asked leave to appeal from the derision of the High Court in respect to. the liability of civil ?ervante to pay income tax. Mr. Qarran confirm* the information previously cabled that the Privy OpuncU refused the State authorities leave to appeal.

The following Broth Australian changes in the Commonwealth military force* are recorded:— Appointments.— 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment (South Australian Mounted Bifles)- Horatio A. Toop, to be second' lieutenant (provisionally). Veterinary Dcpartment-C A. Loxton, to bs veterinary lieutenant. Promotions.— 10th AurtraUsn Infantry Regiment (Adelaide Rifles)- Lieut Miles F. Beevor, to be captain. South Australian Infantry Regiment-Iient. C. H. S. Wflbams, to be captain. Australian Corps of Signallers-^ Second Lieut W. S. Dean, to be lieutenant. Resignation-— South Autralian Infantry Seghnenb-Capt J. Henderson resigns hji commission.' Award of the Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officers' Decoration. ?—Unattached List— Mjr. Maurice Francis Pkisted, Commonwealth Military Cadet I Corns-Lieut, J. A. Mebose resigns his commiadon; Lieut. Milo M. Cudmore resigns his probationary appointment

To-morrow evening the annual opening ceremony of the Schood of Mines and Industries will take place. His Excellency the Governor has consented to distribute the diplomas and prizes won as the result of bat year's work, and the Acting Premier Hfon. A. A. Kirkpatrick, M.L.C.), the Acting Minuter of Education (Hon. A. H. Peake, MJ-.). and the CommisBioner of Crown Lands Hon. L. O'Loughlin, MJP.) will be present- ' ? ,? ? Mr. John Fonyth, one of the best-known bttrinesB. men of Brisbane, died on Monday. In the Mayor's parlour at Norwood on Monday evening a pleasant ceremony took place, in which the Town Clerk of the municipality '(Mr. E. O. Gooden) was the central figure. ^'Md Kajcry, %hp .presided, said Mr. Gooden intended shortly to join the Tanks of the Benedicts, *and all' connec-ted with the corporation wished him happiness and prosperity.' \ lie sentiment was endorsed by other members of the council and representatives of the staff and workmen..'. Many tributes were paid to -the Town Clerk's ability in his .official capacity and to his personal qualities. Cr. Hanton, on behalf of all associated wiuh Mr. Gooden in bis work, presented' him with a comprehensive case of cutlery as a unanimous expression of goodwill. The Town aerie's health' and that of his future' wife were honoured. Mr. Gooden suitably responded. ' ? ' ' The death was announced ip Wellington on Sunday of Dr. Tripe at the age of 88 years. He had been a resident of New Zealand for fib years. ' . ? To facilitate the. working of\the department Mr.. J.,M. Davies will, prior to his departure for London as one ot) the Vktoriaii Froncp-British ExjubiUon Commisnoners, relinquish his portfolio as Solicitor^ Beneral, while, of course, retaining that of Attorney-General and 'Minister for Lands. Mr. Mickey, who is another legal member of tie Ministry, will be sworn in as Solidtot-General. Mr. Mackinnon, one of the honorary Ministers, is to be appointed Actins AUorney-Uenertd.Bp. Bp. Glynn will aoeompany the TreMorer (Hr.jPeake) to Metbourne on Friday. . Professor Peterson and the stadents of be- Melbourne University Conservatorium of Music held a . reception on Monday ., fa honour of Madame Mclba, who wiU-ave Mdbourre ra Friday next. The Premier (Mr. Bent) mid Madame Melba -had done mote ? foe Australia in England than all their agents wd commissioners, ifadanje Melba announced through the- Minister for Education that no matter what her encasement*

were, or where she was, she would come to Melbourne to* open the' new Conservatcrium haD.v ?' At the opening of the Full Court in Sydney on Monday congratulations were extended on behalf of the Bar by the Attorney-General to Dr. Sly on his elevation to the Bench. Jtfr. Wade, K.O., also on behalf of the legal profession expressed regret at the retirement of Sir William Owen from the Bench.-'- Dr. Sly, in reoly, said that Sir William Ow/en was a man of rare judicial qualities, 'and it was difficult to fill his place: ( At a meeting of Kensington and Noiwood Council on Monday evening Or. Leader presided in the absence of the Mayor (Mr. G. BL Proaser), wbp win return from a holiday at Port Elliot on Thursday.