Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 24 December 1860, page 5





At the date of our last summary, Victoria was labouring under a Ministerial difficulty. The Par-liamentary session had just commenced. A for-tuitous combination of individuals—not parties— had offered an opportunity for a blow, unexpected, and apparently unprepared for, by Ministers. The occasion had been seized, and, defeated by a con siderable majority, the Nicholson Ministry had resigned before an opportunity had been given it to place before the country the state of its affairs, or to exhibit the policy it had proposed to follow. The leaders of the Opposition on that occasion declined to form a Cabinet, and the mover of the adverse vote, Mr. Brooke-one of the members for Geelong West-accepted the task, and on the 25th ultimo submitted the following list of his Cabinet to His Excellency:— Chief Secretary .Mr. Heales.

President of Board of Lands

and Survey .Mr. Brooke. Treasurer .Mr. Verdon. Commissioner of Public

Works .Mr. J. S. Johnston. Commissioner of Customs ... Mr. Anderson. Commissioner of Railways... Mr. Loader.

Minister of Mining Affairs... Mr. Humffray. Attorney-General .Mr. Ireland.

Postmaster-General .- -——.

Tho selection was announced to the Assembly on the 29th ultimo by Mr. O'shanassy, on whose motion the House adjourned till the 3rd proximo, to enable Ministers to appeal to their constitu-ents, and prepare their Estimates and measures. A few days afterwards Mr. Loader discovered (after the fact had been made known by the newspapers) that his private business engage-ments were of a nature to preclude him from serving the state in the railway department, and he transferred himself to the Postmaster-General ship, and the vacated Commissionership of Railways remains unfilled.

It cannot be said that names of the new Ministry took the public by surprise, or that they were received with much favour, hope, or expectation. It was first noted that Mr. Brooke finding his close friend and able advisor, Mr. Duffy, somewhat unpopular, had cut him adrift without a wince or a scruple, though Mr. Duffy, on a previous occasion, had made the rejection of Mr. Brooke the ground of his own refusal to join a Government. It was next remarked that, with one exception, the whole of the members of the Cabinet were untried in office, and inexperienced in publio affairs ; and the exception-Mr. Ireland, the Solicitor-General of Mr. O'Shanassy's Go-vernment-happened to be he who was the most unpopular member of the most unpopular Governmont that ever existed in the colony. None of the new Ministors had exhibited in the House much capacity as originators of useful measures ; depth, brilliancy, or originality, as debaters ; or even-with perhaps one exception-a fair average knowledge of the condition, the circum-stances, the laws, the resources, or the require-ments of the colony. Nor had fortune favourod them with opportunities, in their private busi-ness as citizens, from which much benefit to the colony in wise legislation was to be expected. The social position of the new Mi-nisters was no higher than their political. A very respectable coachbuilder, the Chief Secretary, has taken the quite superfluous pains to declare loudly that he does not belong to what he calls the "kid-glove aristocracy." A late house steward of a club-house is the present adminis-trator of the public lands. A merchant's clerk, of some smartness, is in charge of the financial credit of the colony. A potty court practitioner collects our customs. An ex-diggings store keeper, of occult antecedents, is head of the new mining department; and one of the second rate leaders of the extreme democratic faction, called the Corner, has supreme charge of our letters. These were the special fitnesses of the new men for office-the aggregate talents they were seen to throw into the Government. What expectations could the public seriously entertain from them ? Nor was the indifference with which the names were received much lessened when it

afterwards became known that the majority which had been fatal to the Nicholson Administration had relieved Mr. Brooke from the delicate task of selection, by pricking for a Ministry from amongst themselves, and that the accidental list submitted to His Excellency was the first fruit of this new element in the private history of Governments. That a Ministry so chosen, and composed of such materials, and having before it a compact and strong Opposition, has a stormy time and a short career before it, is so plain that even conjecture scarcely exerts itself to speculate on its policy, and its influence for good or evil on the fortunes of the colony.

Ministers were successful in their appeals to their constituents, with the exception of the only man amongst them acquainted with office-the Attorney-General-who was beaten at Mary-borough by Mr. Nathaniel Levi, a Melbourne merchant, and the first Jew who has been re-turned to the Parliament of Victoria. Mr. Heales, Mr. Brooke, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Verdon, and Mr. Humffray were not opposed. Mr. Loader experienced some slight opposition in West Melbourne from Mr. Bligh, of Messrs. Bligh and Harbottle. Mr. J. S. Johnston fought and won a stout battle at St. Kilda, against Mr.

Brodribb, of Messrs. Brodribb, Crisp, and Lewis,


In the course of these contests, and the various speeches occasioned by them, Ministers gave a foretaste of their policy. By the creation, for the first time, of a Minister of Mines, they expressed their intention to give special attention to the development of the gold-fields, and to the legislation necessary to remove the doubts and difficulties encouraged by the con-flicting character of the bye-laws of the various mining boards, &c.; but the Cabinet is divided on that most important subject, mining on pri-vate property. The tariff is to be "revised," and while " that raw material which is essential to the developmont of the colony" (as Mr. Brooke observed in addressing the electors of Geelong) is to be admitted duty free, all other imports are to be charged an 'ad valorem' duty, varying from 2½ to 10 per cent.

In the course of his address, Mr. Brooke


Those who had given any attention to statistics would have observed that, considering the population of the colony, it was the largest consumer of imports of any other colony; and although we raised enormous sums annually from the gold-fields, the pastoral interest, and other sources of industry, yet it was eaten up by an enormous amount of imports brought into the colony. It was true that their imports were de creasing somewhat, but they ranged during one year as high as 17 millions, but had been decreasing and possibly might have got down so low as 12 or 13 millions. Assuming that it were advisable to raise the deficiency the country might suffer from in its revenue at the Custom house, the question arose, how it was to be effected; and it- seemed the most advisable course to lay an 'ad valorem' duty. It was held to be an objection that such an impos-ition opened the door to frauds upon the revenue; but he (Mr. Brooke) was not aware that financiers had been enabled to davise any other scheme calculated on the whole to work so well. The principle of 'ad valorem' duties being accepted, the question arose, how were they to be applied; and it seemed to him, as

way best calculated to advance the domestic in terests of this country, that they should princi-pally lay the burden of taxation on luxuries, on the presumption that, being consumed by the rich, they were in the best posilion to pay to-wards the burden of the state. It was felt it would be advisable to admit all that raw material which is essential to the development of the resources of the colony duty free, such articles for instance as Baltic timber, machinery, printed books, paper, and other things connected with our material and moral development by a gradual scale rising not higher than 10 per cant, or lower than 2½ per cent. Assuming a mean of 5 per cent would be realised, it might be calculated

that £700,000 would be raised during the ensuing year."

" Every man his own emigration agent, saya Mr. Loader, and to enable " ovory man ' to ba BO, Ministers aro to propdso a vote of ¿¡100,000, fro» which will bo paid tho difference in amount between the cost of a passage from Britiia to America and Britain aita Australia, in the case of nil emigrants coming hero on tho nomination of parties already in the colony. Tho scheme, wo need scarcely remark, meets with little favour out of doors, where the old plan of assisted immigration is preferred. Ministers ara not to abandon the gold duty, but they promise to spend on the gold-fields, in water supply and otherwise, the produce of tho taxation special to the gold-fields. The squatting question is not to bj dealt with this sossion, say Ministers. If mora money is wanted than Mr. Brooke anticipates from his revision of the tariff, a stamp duty is to bo pro posed. But theso, and a variety of small maa sures which aro spoken of, may never seo tha light.

Between the present and the lato Treasurer a controversy has arisen. Mr, Verdon asserts that a balance of £600,000 against tho state exists, or will exist, on tho financial year, Mr, M'Cul ]och reports that ho left a large surplus in hand. We shall havo tho conflicting figures tested as soon as Parliament meets.

Dr. Hedley, a resident practitioner, has- baan elected to represent Gipps Lnnd in the Assombly, in room of Mr. Angus M'Millan.

Mr. Thomson was re-elected chairman of committees by the Legislativo Council before its late adjournment.

The lirat Bales of country lands under the now Nicholson Land Bill havo taken place. Thora has been little competition, and as yet scarcely an allotment sold "at the uniform price of a a pound an aore"~ao much insisted on by " tha Corner" during the discussions of the measure. There has been no noticeable rush to the lands, on the part of thoso "crowds" which, according to the democratic orators of the Houso, wera hanging about tho streets of Melbourne, waiting tho settlement of tho land question to boconia tillers of their own soil.

It is proposed to open up a further distance of 27 miles of the Melbourne and Mount Alexander Railway, early in April next - namely, the sec-tion between Sunbury and Woodend. This ex-tension embraces some very heavy works, such as the great viaduct at Jackson's Creek, and the long and heavy rock-cutting beyond that viaduct, through which the line sweeps up for a mile or more, in a semi-circular course, towards the hills. These works have been most sub-stantially executed. Beyond Woodend so much progress has been made that the contractors Messrs. Cornish and Bruce have felt themselves justified in making a movement for a reduction of the rate of wage hitherto paid to the masons. The remuneration insisted upon by the masons' union is 16s. for a day's work of eight hours, and they have superadded conditions making piece-work impracticable, and denying to the employer the right of ascertaining how much labour a man performs for his daily 16s. It is, of course, necessary that the work should be measured in gross, that the contractors may receive their pay from the Government ; but the union permits no detailed measurement, by which the good workman and the bad may be ascertained and classed. While the union has been powerfully enough, however, to insist upon regulations of so arbitrary a charac-ter as far as British masons are concerned, and have been able for years to shut the door of labour against non-union men, they have been unable to bring under their influence the German masons who were brought from Europe by Messrs. Cornish and Bruce, and who have, as a body, faithfully fulfilled their engagements, labouring contentedly at a wage not much more than half that obtained by their English brethren. But the time has now come when the restrictions im-posed by the union, especially as regards sub-contracting or piece work, cannot be sub-mitted to ; and as the advanced state of the masons' work, compared with the requirements of the contract, will permit of a suspension of labour for six months, Messrs. Cornish and Bruce have dismissed all their masons, with the exception of the Germans, and have resolved that future engagements shall be at a reduction of 23 per cent. They profess them-selves ready, however, to engage any number of men at once, at from 11s. to 12s. per day of eight hours. The example, it is said, will be followed on the Geelong and ßallarat line now in progress.

The last communications received from the ex> ploring party were dated from a camp half wai between Menindie, on the Uiver Darling, and Cooper's Creek. It is anticipated that Mr. Burki is now encamped on that creek, preparing fo his journey northwards. Cooper's Creek, ic wil be remembered by readers interested in the pro grcss of Australian exploration, is situate abou midway between Hobsou's Bay and tho Gulf o Carpentaria. Tho expedition wns then ia goo; condition, and in better and much mor hopeful working order than it was bofor the secession of tho second in command as reported in last summary. From tho Darlinj to Cooper's Oroek, Mr. Burke followed a rout) more to the east than any previously taken. II

descubes the country which he crossed as giod for pastoral purposes, and well watered, bu it IB not to bo forgotten that this season has been Éiufaularly wet Stuart and his party from South Australi t are also pushing northwards On the Queenshnd side, the mouth of tho River Bur-dekin has beca explored from seanard by an official p irty It l8 found that the flits of which Capo Bowling green is the seaward termination have been lormed by the earth and stones carried doun by the Bni delan, and the entrance to the river is by numoious channels, none of which are navigable A now port, however, nanwd Port Denison, has beon opened m the Kennedy district of Queensland, the most not them division of that colony at present m course of sottlumont, and Borne reLcut discoveries of copper ore seem to promise well for tho futuro of Q leensland

Storms of ruin and floods in all the livers hivo charucteuz ti our summer No similar season has been lemembered for 16 years The Xarra rose considerably, after l8 hours rain, ou the 8th, 9th and 10th inst, flooded the road to St Kilda, on the Bouth side of Princes Bridge, covered Sandridge load so as to icndci it scarcely fordable, and all but converted the municipality of Emerald Hill into an lsltnd Some damage was done tu

property m Elizabeth street, Thnders street, Bourke street, &,c lhe hay crop has suffered considerably lhe Geolonn and Melbourne Rail-way embankments were injured to some oxtent, and the bridge over the Werribee was swept away, Traffic »as suspendod for a few days, but ha; been resumed Grass has almost net er been se abundant at this season, and stock have becora: so numerous, and beef and mutton so choop, tha some of the squatters talk once more of " botltns down Ltpauraents have been mado, and tin " last resort is seriously contemplated Other of tho squatters, however, aro turning their attea tion to the assistance which chemistry may ¡b able to yield them for the preservation of mea in a fresh state for exportation to Europe Th discovery of some cheap and easily followod me thod of BO preserving meat is or vast importaao

to theso colonies

lhe volunteeis havo now received a partial sup ply of arms, and are enthusiastically busy wit rifle competitions (in which Geelong and Castle maine vie with Melbourne), and in night alarm sham lights, reviews, and bals They ar making excellent progress, and nothing can b better, moro loyal, or enthusiastic than the spir they display 1'he movement has given rise t the " Victorian Review, a Journal of the Volu> teer loree, the first number of which was issue

a few da} s ago

A new gold field has been reported by M Howitt, the leader of one of the Governmet prospecting parties, in North Gipps Land , and rush on an unusually largo scale has takon plat io a locality in the Maryborough district, know as " Mackinuon s station ' Some 12,000 peop' hut o congregated thero within two or three week and the reports at present are favourable Anoth gold held in the direction of the Otens has bet reported by the leader of a Government pare; Ills ropiesentatious of the character of his di cover} aro high, and are at present under exaa nation A fourth new field is announced-ia th instiinco in Kilmore district-and extended dam are asked for bv the prospectors Quartz crushin however, is rapidly taking the place of alluvi

mining, aud is extending over all the minn


The Tasmanian submarine telegraph cable still out oE ordei, but its repairs are now :


l'roin New Zealand wo learn that the Robe lotyo h is arrived at New Plymouth, af tor a rai run of 82 days from Queenstown, wiih a lat portion ot the 2nd battalion of H M 14 h Re ment This reinforcement would, probab enable General Pratt to resume offensive ope

tiotiB »giunst the cueni}

Parluiiuont re assembles early noxt month-I Assembly on tho drd, and the Council on tho 10

lhe October mul fiom the mothor ama ?Has dehtercd hero on the 14th inst, in place the 10th One day s delay occurred betw« Lngland and Galla The Buhar, which eonvej tho m ni from Gallo to Melbourne, c\perien< head winds throughout tho passage, and as I steam power is comparatively small, the voy y os protracted This delay-the first under

new contract-shows the impolicy of plao vcfsels of small steaming capacities on a leng ened voyage, on which, during certain periods the ye ir, adverse ninds must bo calculated on

To mono v. Christmas will be celebrated K all the out-of door demonstrations and m d festivities usual to the season w herevcr Engli men aro met together Business will bo enttr suspended, the daily journals will not raako tb appear ince, mid hviug Melbourne will stream by^soa, by road, and by rail, foi the moro per/ fnjoyment of the holiday FortUnatoly," colouy meets the season when it Is usual to t count and reckoning,1 and solemnly review past, with a favourable balance sheet, and ho ful prospects for the future.


We aro now very near the termination of tin year, and. still without that improvement or in-crease in tho yield of gold whioh was some tima back so oonlidontly looked for. A want of water cannot be nllegod as the reason of the oscorts noi laving lately reached the average of last year, for Inever had the diggers so niucS before at this 'season, when the length of the days and other [favouring circurastaucos enablo them to work tj ¡the best advantage, if they but have his ona

element. ' Other reasons, then, being needed, wa ibelievo these are only to bo found in the oft

(repeatedstatomont, that tberoisnotsuffioient room

lat the new rushes for tho number of minors who

¡take part therein. No new ground of much ox |tent, or likely to, afford remunerative ocoupatioa

to one-fourth of the men who ore or "wero upan it, has been opened of late, and the consequence is that a very largo part of the numerous section of tha digging population who aro always on the look-out forsomething new, havo been spending the greater part of their time, as before? in run-ning about from place to place, or waiting fur the chance of falling in with n likely claim, instead of aotually engaging in the search for gold. With the present limited investments of capital in tho larger undertakings required to give a certainty to this pursuit-limited ia proportion to tho total number of men solely dependent on tho produce of gold-the groat want always is tho discovery of a sufficient extent of moderately rich auriferous tjround to afford room-for the employment of all the disengagod miners without capital. Theso aro mnny, and, tho wish being father to the thought, thero is a natural tendency to magnify the prospect of such traits being found, so that no sooner is a promising dis-covery announced, than more besides the expectant diggers themselves aro ready to suppose that tha great object of desire is to ba attained at last. People remember how different was tho state of affairs on the early diggings, and hopo for a re-turn of such, but apparently in vain. Rich leafs rich deposits, rich reefs-as rich' as havo yet baan found-aro, without doubt, still to be discovera.l ; but these are not likoly to bo as much greater in extent as aro the diggers now ready to take pal session-or, to use the moro appropriate modarrt phrase, to ruBh them-proportionally moro num. j rous than wore the early occupants of Ballarat or Bendigo. In this altered stale of IhingB, capital must furnish with more liberality aids in tha shape of machinery and a copious supply of water, to allow of the poorer ground opon to tha many being worked with anything liko a similar profit to what was afforded to the fow by tha picked portions of tho early fields. Tho numaar and power of the steam-ongincs in connexion with crushing-mills, pumps, and other minia» gear, is steadily increasing, as is tho numbor oE reservoirs and races, but not fast enough to make up for the want of extensivo tracts of now or payable ground, and to restore tho escorta ta even the lowest standard of former years.

Of the new fields opened within the last month or two we have little to say. The latest rush of any consequence has been to the Mountain Creek, in the Avoca district, where good sur-facing was first found ; then a deposit of heavier gold at a depth of 10 or 12 feet ; and, lastly, a few days since, some still coarser gold at a greater dopth, thus affording good grounds for the belief that a main lead will be fairly opened up ere long, and that these diggings will consequently assume a perma nent character. The auriferous ground is appa rently of much extent, and within two or three weeks after the discovery being made known, some 10,000 or 12,000 people had colleoted there, but the general character of this distriot is opposed to the supposition that such a large population will find profitable employment for long at any one spot, however promising the first indications may be. Tbe deep loads at Wahgunyah, near the Murray, have been pretty well tested by this time, and although nunerous, and calculated to pay well in some parts, are not so rich as were the leads opened at the Iudig0 a few miles off, but npw nearly worked out, The other late discoveries in alluvial ground have been of small deposits or branches of old leads at established workings, all limited in ex-tent, but some of them more than usually rich. In regard to quartz-mining, the greatest event of the month has been the crushing of another par-cel of very rich stone from the prospectors' claim on the Columbian Reef, at Inglewood. This was divided into five parts, with the following results The best lot,o£ 70 tons, yielded 3,200oz. ; the next best, consisting of 40 tons, gavo 600 oz. ; the third lot, 80 tons, gave 29 oz. ; and Ihe two re maining lots, of 7 and 9 tons, produced re pectively 18oz. 7dwt, and 23oz. 15 Jwt. - ii nii, 4,138oz. 2Jwt. o£ gold from the 2); tons of " quartz. It will bo remembsra; that a cake of amalgamated gold, weighin 2,247oz. was obtained a couple of months Bina from 22 tons of stone taken out of this sam claim, and the slono raised since the last crush ing is said to bo quite as good, if not superior, ti any yet crushed. After this, even tho best o our other largo yields sinks into insignificance still, except by comparison, theso aro must sati3 factory. Thus, a parcel of ü tons from a non reef near tho Loddon, and ono of several latel.i opened thore, proeluued 252oz. of gold tho wee! before last, and this was said to bo but a part o! much more atono equally good. Another parca of 11 lons from a different reef in the same dis triot, and only opened about three months, pro duced lOOoz. The Morse's Creek reefs, ii tho Ovens district, created quito a sensatior a few months sinco, by their numbers and th.! fabulous richness of some of them ; but the ex pectations raised were doomed to disappointment m regard _ to many, some, however, being sttl worked with much profit, ns may bo supposed when wo Bay that>a crushing of COO tons from oni of them lately gave a return of 4oz. to the ton and 20 tons from another gave 201b. of gold al but loz. Similar instances of good and moderatt yields wo might adduco to a wearisome extent but those, couplod with tho fact that all the reef, mentioned have boen opened within a few months will suffice to show that our quartz-mining in terest continues in a most healthy and pro gressivo stato.


As the unusual and unseasonable character of the weather was the source of much anxiety and loss to the farmers of England at their list harvest, so here the summer has commenced with moro rain and cold weather than was over experienced before at this time of year. Already have the hay crops been seriously, and in too many instances irreparably, injured, ¡md from the low lands near the rivers and creeks much has beon swept away completely by the floods. It being gonerally considered that this particular article of produco would ba very low in price during the coming year, every grower of hay did his utmost to get rid of last season's crop, so that there is scarcely any old hay now remaining on hand, much to the regrot both of the farniora themselves and the proprietors of horsos, who have now to give a high price for what little there is, with tho prospect before them of seeing bul fow loads of really sound hay in the market foi tho next twelvemonth. Although what is in good condition will thus be scarce and dear, compared with the value of grain and, othoi produco, this will form but a small proportion ol the quantity grown, and the loss will bo hoavils felt by tho small farmers near the towns, who have little besides their hay crop to depend on. Thoy have been warned over and over again that this would some day or other fail them but the supposition was, that it would bs come unremunerative from overproduction not, as has now happened, that it would bl epoiled ia the field by heavy and frequea ' rains in December, The season before last vrv | unusually wet up to this time-so much BO thai i much hay was injured, and the wheat and otho

1 grain crops had, oven while standing, such i I weather-stained appearanco as was never before

I perhaps, seen in Australia ; but this year the fal of raia has been much greater, and any mar coming just now will materially interfere witl the harvesting of the grain in good order. As i is, nil the heaviest portions have boen nine beaten down', and arose laid that tho farmers wi have to employ hand labour in reaping to

much greater extent 'than they otherwise would In some districts a Fcarcity of men is anticipatei but of this thero is little fear, as shearing is no over, and the shearers aro almost to a it» reapers also. These, in addition to the me discharged fiom the railways, and others seekio employment in different parts of tho colony, wi be quite enough to secure the crops m good tim with tho aid, where praetictble, of the many oil ci eu I machines now in possession of the farmer; especially as the harvest will be a protracted on Wa have usually wheat fit for tho sickle »t i before Christmas time, but none -has come maturity. yet, and the ground ,is so wet, ai the weather BO gonerally cool,2 not to s: cold, that the ripening will bs slow, at the late sown crops will continue to gre for some time longer. Thus, unless the should be a sudden change to dry and score ing weather, the wheat harvest is not like to be conoiuded until a month later than ordinary seasons. > We have yet the prospect an abundant yield from the grain crops ; but mo rain would be injurious to all but the lightest those uncut, and for another month it will 1 impossible to say witli;certainty what the gener returns will be, or in what condition the gra will bo seeured.-yTbu Australian farmer used i have nothing to fear bootoo.much sunshm while now hu watches every chango of the wa

ther with anxiety, so long as his crops are ia tit* field, and has to bo well provided with tarpaulin*

in.the staok-yard. ,

Besides the extra expenso m securing all, anl the injury already done to some of tho orop3, tha rains have entailed another serious loss _oa individuals and the country, in tho destruottoa of not a few fields of grain and potatoes by the floods on the low alluvial lands. These are, on course, rich, and in ordinary seasons give tho bast returns, but are liable to such contingencies, never, by tho way, sufficiently provided against. Some of our best gardens, too, aro situated oa theso flats, and the loss of vegetables, fruit, and

even trees and plants,' has boen considerable. ~ But these untimely rains havo not been act -unmixed evil, for tbey have prolonged the pariotl of a continuance of good feed for stock, and there is little fear of the present plentiful supply of good meat falling off during the summer. The grass has everywhere taken a strong fraab, growth, and the ground is so well saturatod that the bush fires will belate, and not, most probably, very extensive, and whore they do occur will na quickly succeeded by fresh herbage. In this the stockownors have one great advantage just now, which can bo fully enjoyed by those who have conlincd their attention to sheep, but is qualified to the owners of cattle by tho great risk they run of having pleuro-pneumonia very shortly nmongst their herds. Notwithstanding the spirited effort made by a few of thom wheo, this disease first appeared here, it has spraad over a rather' largo extent of tho thickly settled country near Melbourne, and may paä sibly be even now on some of the large runs of the interior. As to whenco we received it, and how it has been spread here, there can bB no doubt. An imported shorthorn cow brought it from England, although she was to all appear-ance sound when put on board ship and during the whole of the passage. On inquiry, however, after the mischief was done, it turned out that this cow had a slight attack some two years pre-viously, of which sho was declared at the tima to ho perfectly cured, but tho cure was but tempo-

rary and apparent, and the disease broke out ia s her hero in a moro virulent form, quickly spread-ing to the other cattle on the same farm. Had an net been thon passed by tho Legislature to authorize tho inspection of all suspected cattle, the caro of a few weeks or months, and tho oxpendituro of a small sum of money would havo eradicated the disease for tho time, and a strict examination oE all such as aro imported, and tho requirement of Eroof that they had never been affected, would

avo kept the country freo from it ; but our legislators wero not olivo to the danger; and when the act is passed, which will be, wa pre-sume, immediately after tho meeting of Parlia-ment, tho task of eradication will bo a difficult and most expensive one. Among the cittle lately destroyed in a diseased state have basa several working-bullocks, belonging to carriers; engaged ia carting supplies up the country, and bringintr down wool and other producá as return loading ; and in no other way oould the contagion havo been more quickly dissemi-nated, mixing as such teams do at every stopping place wilh other bullocks similarly employed, and frequently wilh the cattle belonging to the different localities through which they pass. Scarcely is one small herd destroyed now before fresh cases are reported, each one showing but too plainly the wider spread of tho disease, and giving moro reason to tear the announcement at any momont of its having broken out ia one or. more of the large herds, whon good-byo to the hope of eradicating pleuro-pnonmonia. Already have some of the stock-owners taken alarm ; and this, coupled with the fear of cattle romiia ing at low prices, while unbroken horses aro almost unsaleable, has caused a greater demand for breeding ewes than has baan known for somo years past. Sheep aro in high favour again, in tho belief that wool will pay better and with moro certainty than meat or ordinary light koree stock. On Friday last soveral of the shorthorns imported by tha Copenhagen wore offered by ouction, but only some were sold. Of the bulls, Mark Antony fetched £210, and Jason £150 ; and of the cows. Harmless fetched £120, Landlady £100, ana. Merrythought £75-prices that will, probably, cover expenses, but certainly not such as ara calculateti to induce muoh speculation in this direction. Tho Prince of Prussia arrived by the same vessel in good condition, and was almost immediately forwarded to his owner's station.


The following is a statement of the traffic re-turns of all the railway lines in operation in Victoria for the month of November :



s. d.

Government Lines 8008 2 5

Melbourne and Hob

son's Bay ..4458 9 3

Melbourne and Sub-

urban .. ..1163 9 3 St. Kilda and Brigh-

ton .. ..1074 12 11

£ s. d.


£ s. d. 6234 14 11 14242 17 4

3238 1 7 7696 10 10 ---- 1683 9 3 7 8 1 1082 1 0

On Saturday the Melbourne and Suburban Railway Company opened their line through South Yarra to the junction with that of the St. Kilda and Brighton Company, for public traffic, thereby affording additional accommoda-tion to the inhabitants of Melbourne, Richmond, South Yarra, Prahran, Windsor, and Brighton. A fine tubular bridge spans the Yarra Yarra at Richmond, the strength of which was thoroughly tested on Thursday and Friday, by Mr. Higin-botham, the Government engineer-in-chief.

The Melbourne and Essendon Railway Com-pany have a branch in process of construction to the Racecourse, which will be completed by the beginning of April, and which will be a great convenience to the public. Its terminus is imme-diately behind the Grand Stand, on a line with the new lawns, which command the entire course from the starting point to the judge's stand. The cost of constructing this line will be small, while the proceeds bid fair to be very consider-


The establishment of a central railway termi-nus on the site formerly occupied by the North Melbourne cattle-yards was made the subject of a public meeting on the 11th inst. It was held by many speakers that the present Spencer street station was most inconveniently situated, and that if the people of the city did not at once move the Government to grant the piece of ground in question, they would lose all chance of obtaining it. A resolution was passed, to the effect that steps should be taken in the matter, and a deputation, consisting of several gentleman well known in Melbourne, was appointed to wait upon the President of Lands and Survey. About 200 persons were present, and a unanimous feeling in favour of the movement was ex-


The half-yearly meeting of the Melbourne and Hobson's Bay Railway Company was held on the 4th inst. The chairman made a long statement respecting the internal and external affairs of the company, after which the regular report was adopted. On the motion of Mr. Day, seconded by Mr. Campbell, a motion was passed autho-rizing the company to use the reserve fund of £23,000, for the purpose of buying up the com-pany's debentures. The only other important business transacted was the appointment of three directors. Messrs. T. T. A'Beckett, Degraves, Easey, and Heape, were duly nominated, and on a ballot being taken, the three first-named were declared duly elected.


A recent isaue of the Government Gazelle con-tained the usual quarterly abstract, showing the) population of the colony on the 30th September. The following table shovs the increase and de-crease for the third quarter of the year, together

with tho division of the sexes :

Population on 80th June,

1800. Incrcaso by excess of Immi-

gration over emigration (by soa)durIngthe quarter ending 30th Sept, 1860 .. Increase by excess of births

over deaths during tho quarter ending 30th Sept. 1800.

Males. iFonialeslPorsons. 830,035


Total.341,82t 203,040 544,077 Incrcaso during the quarter! 2,69r| 3,7i2l 0,115




2,411 3,9041

The returns of the Immigrntion-oOioe aro com-pleted for the month of October. The arrivals at all ports of the colony numbered 2,317, and the departures 2,849, the balance being in favour o£ «migration over immigration to the number of 632, Tho intercolonial movements of the popu-lation were against this colony by 24. From New South Wales, the excess of arrivals over depar-tures was 11Ü, while the departures for the other colonies outnumbered the arrivuls thence, the balance being- for South Australia, 82; Tasmania, 38 ; and New Zealand, 20. The net emigration to the United Kingdom was 1.220, the arrivals thence numbering only 494, while the departures thitherward amounted to 1,714. From foreign ports there was a babraco in favour of the colony ?of 712. Theso results show that tho month'wa» altogether an exceptional one. The intercolonial movements can be readily explained. The tide towards the Snowy River gold-Holds began to ebb early in the month, anti the wanderers from th* other colonies who had como to Melbourne ia order to bo near the field of action when the great rush sot io, found it more pro-fitable to return to their former avoca-tions. The very largo migration to the Unite! Kingdom, at the partioular season of the year, is> a circumstance of somo importance. The ar~ rivals from foreign ports consisted chiefly of Chi-nese. The ages and sexes of the totals may bar thus -ated:-Arrived,-2,317, of whom l,85t

?were adult mains, 253 adult females, 93 malo and 87 female children. Departed,' 2,849, of whom 1,553 were udultl males, 920 adult females, 203 male and 17-'i tómalo children. Of the arrivals, 2,313 landed ¡it Molbourno, and 4 at Geelong. Of the departures, 2,829 sailed from Melbourne, 8 from Geelong, and 12 from other ports. Sub« joined is a short digest of the returns :

Mew South Wales.'. South Australia .. Tasmania ., .'. Kew Zealand

Total neighboiulng colo


Tmltod Kingdom .. JToroign port«

972 1714

10S Totals

Doduct inórenle Kot emigration

2840 2S17 682

ISS» 823


At the date of our last summary we were just on the eve of the first grand rifle match that ever took place in the Australian colonies, and which came off on the 27th Novomber and the two fol-lowing days, in connexion with the annual Caledonian Gathering. Whitworth rifles aro as yet unkiiowD, or, at any rate, unseen here, and it being scarcely to be oxpeoted that we could muster a largo number of practised shots at long ranges', as at home, the distances at which the firing took pluoe were fixed at 200, 400, and 600 yards, all persons firing five rounds at each distance. The whole of the arrangements for the matoh v. ero under the control of Captain G. D. Pitt, of the 80th Regiment, who is Inspector of Musketry in Australia, and holds the local rank of colonel of tho volunteer forces. He was ably assisted on the'occasion by his two staff offioora, Captain C. H. Hall, formerly of the 40th Regi-ment, and Captain W, A. D. Pitt, late of the OOth Rifles. Fortunately for the matoh, the weather during the greater part of the throe days was very line, a slight rain only prevailing for a short time on the second day. The spot ?where tho shooting took place is on the shores of Ilobson's Bay, and a ball passing over the butts goes into tile neu, so that there is no fear of acci-dent. The locality has the disadvantage, howevor, of boing -very open to the southerly winds, ?which sometimes blow very Btrong down tho bay, and right across the line of fire. For the matoh, every arrangement was mado that was require 1; and in addition to tho tents of the authorities, numbers of nmrqueeshad been put upfor the bene-fit of visitors, who,itwasanticipated,wouldbe very numerous; such, however, was not the case, and of ladies the almost total absence was very generally remarked. The rules laid down for the matoh were those:-Bvory competitor was required to score 4 points at 200 yards in order to qualify him for firing at the second range, and he had to mark 7 at the two distances; one of which must have leen a hit at -100 yards, to allow of his continuing his shooting at the lost range. Altogether there were about 2'W who entered their names, and of these all but about 20 made their appearance on the ground. The second day reduced tho num-bers to 174, owing to the disqualifying clause as to the first range, and on the third day only 130 took their at the 000 yards' distance. The highest number of points scored at 200 yards was 9, five gentlemen making that number of points ; seven mado 8 points, and twenty-four obtained 7 points. At 400 j o rds the highest score was 7, three gentlemen making that. At tho 000 yards' range, where the firing possessed by far the greatest amount of interest, the highest score was u--tho same as at Wimbledon. The greatest number of points altogether wa3 37, made by Mr. Edgar, of the Emerald Hill Hides, and who belonged to the Naval Brigade in lhe Crimea. His score was, at tho three dis-tances, 7, 7, anil 3. Three gentlemen scored 16 each, and as thero were only three prizes to bí awarded altogether, these had to shoot for the second and third places. Tho firing, at the ties, ?was excellent, two of tho competitors scoring 5 each, but the third, a Mr. Brown, of the Eme-rald Hill Rifles, only scored 4. - He has since, however, beaton the champion shot, Edgar, in another match, in which about 70 persons com-peted. Messrs. Sargood and Douglas, the two jemainiiig tios. hud then to try which was to be awarded the second prize,and tho result was that the first-named gentleman scored 5, and the se-cond only it. The prizes each consisted of a handsome silver cup, and the successful compe-titors were preheated with them by His Excel-lency the Governor, at the close of the Caledo-nian Gathering, in the presence of about 10,003 spectators, of whom nearly one half were ladies. U.'o givo our readers at home some idea of Mr. Sargood's shooting, we may mention his score-at 200 yards he made 0 points ; at 400, 4 points; and at COO, 6 points. His firing at tho long rango was admirable. Alto-gether he fired 15 rounds at that distance, in-cluding the shooting for the ties, and his score was 16-being 3 centres, and 10 outers. He mado but one miss, and the other shot was a ricochet, which struck tho target, but did not count as a point. The match was wound up on tlio Monday following, Decombor 3, by a review of the volunteer forces. To which we refer below,

?Wo noticed in our last summary the rapid progross that the volunteer movement had made of late, some 2,000 being enrolled in the course of a couplo of months. Besides the great increase to the rifle corps, the artillery regiment has been largely extended, several new companies having lieen formed in the neighbourhood of Melbourne, and it now includes some 600 mon, The arrival of Lieut.-Col. Anderson, the commander of the regiment, from England, where ho had beon for »orno time, was the oocasion of the opportunity Ijeiug taken to render the force in every way efficient, it being both increased in numbers, and having the bonefit of far moro drills than heretofore, and no economical reasons hting allowed to prevent frequent practice with both* shot and Bhell. Thoy aro also, ?we understand, to be taught the use of tho rifle, just ,tho same as tho volunteer rifiomtn- a course that will be of considerable

advantage.' la his endeavours to make his re-giment in^every way efficient, Lieutenant-Colo-nel Anderson has been ably assisted by the ad-jutant of'tho regimont, Captain W. H. Snoe, .who, although he has never served in the line, lias, by the coustaat attention lie has paid to Lib drill, &c, since first joining the corp3 amongst the original volunteers at the time of the Russian war, quite qualified himself for a poit that oven mditary men do not always shine

xn. In imitation of tho National Rifle Associa-tion in England, something of a similar kind has been established here; and although it was only slartedabóut a fortnight ago, the firstrifle matohe3 in connexion with it aro to tako place at the end of this month, and will lost three days. There are', altogether, 20 prizes to be given, a arying from So to £50, mid amounting in the

aggregate to over £500, in addition to the gold

and silver medals of the association. There are to Toe seven matches, the three first of which willba open to Volunteers only, and tho other ifour to any one who chooses to compote. The third match will bo at 600 yards' range, and will be open to the 30 best shots in tho second match, ?which is at 300, BOO, and 000 yards. The prizes for the third match will bo £25 given by the asso-ciation, £25 by the Governor, and tho gold medal. The number of competitors is limited to 240 in each of six matches, and within four days after the time for making the entries thoy were nearly all filled up. The ranges will be from 200 to 600 yards, it being as yot thought inadvisable to go to greater distances. The association purposes having its matches every six months, and in addition to the prizes given byiit, at the next half-yearly meeting, ia Juno, a 100 guinea cup is to bo awarded to the best shot amongst the volunteers, but the compe-tition for, it will not be restricted to Victorian volunteers alone, but may include those of other Australian colonies. The cup is given by the same liberal gentleman who anonymously gave a donation of £1,000 to the Exploration Fund, and who also gives the Argus agricultural prize cup, and offers £1,000 for the discovery of a new payable gold-field. Rifle matches nave now become regular institutions, and "promise to meet with as much support as oricket. Amongst' the matches that have lately taken place, one between about 30 of the volunteer officers ? carno off on Saturday, and three oE the captains of rifle companies carried away the prizes. The winners wore Captain Sturt, of the Melbourne Rifles, Captain Champ, of the Pent-ridge .Corps, and Captain Radcliffe, of the Hotham Company. Matches between coinpanios are also talked of, 10 or 12 good shots from one company being selected to shoot against the same number of another corps. This, boBides encouraging individual shooting, will create a wholesome spirit of rivalry amongst corps. Amidst tho success of the movement in Victoria, great disgust is felt at the non-arrival of arms. Wo have only somo 600 Lancaster rifles, and a third that number of Enlield'a, and those have only baen received within the last three months or co. , Blame must be attachable somewhere, for money sufficient to purchase several thousand uland of rifles was sent home, we believe, over a twelvomonth- back ; and no one seems to know when a further instalment of weapons is to come. As yet, each of the riflo companies, no matter what their strength may pe, have only, except ia two instances," one commissioned officer, the cap-tain; and'for .'those who "have been some tiinö ia the forcef thb^work ""lias Become^ rajhôr hard, they being compelled "to dovote'a considerable »mount of time and attention to (hoir duties, A.

movement, therefore, has been initiated by the 1st St. Kilda Rifle Company, to have tho noooäBary steps taken for the appointment of subal-terns, and a large number of non-commissioned officers ; in faot, to place companies on the same footing as the line in this respect. A meeting of the captains of companies has also been held ia reference to this question, and the matter wai postponed for a month ; but it has been stated bince that most of the older captains were in favour of the proposition, whilst those gentleman ?who had only lately obtained their honours wera averse to it. It happened, however, that the very day the meeting of the officers took plaoe to considor the matter, the meeting of the St. Kilda Company also was held, and it was there decided unanimously hy about 80 gentlemen pre-sent, out of a roll of 112, that a memorial should be presented to Colonel Pitt, requesting that the usual number of subalterns for a com-pany in the line should be appointed ; and fur-ther, that a proper quota of corporals, of whom there aro none now, should be added.

There is another matter connected with the' volunteer movement which wo must not omit to notice, and that is the establishment of a weekly newspaper, devoted, to a considerable extent, to their interests, and which will bo peculorly open to the discussion of all topics affecting them. The paper is styled the Ficlorian Review, and the first number appeared on Friday last. It has ooma forth under good auspices, and there is every reason to believe that it will prosper. Parliament Inst session passed an act authorizing the increase of the force from 2,000 to 10,000 men, but we believe it is intended only to raise it, at present at any rate, to about 5,000.


Tho hopes that tho volunteers, and the publio generally, had indulged in, of a fine day for the review, wore doomed to disappointment. From early dawn on the 3rd instant tho rain came UQWII almost continually, though occasional lulls and threatened breaks in the clouds wero con-stantly leading to the anticipation, destined on each occasion to be erroneous, that a fine after-noon might follow the unpleasantness of the morning. As it was, even had it been fine, the rain that had fallen on .Saturday and Sunday was sufficient to make tho ground remarkably sloppy, and decidedly unfavourable for the volun-teers, as well as JEor visitors. Frequont wero the questions during the morning as to whothor there was any chance of the review being post-poned, but each time was the answer in the negative ; and by tho time that the gatherings of the volunteers in the various parts of the suburbs and town had acquainted tho publio with tho fact that the review was suro to take plaoe, numbers of persons proceeded from all directions towards the parado-ground, lying between tho Sandridge butts and Emerald Hill. By half-past 3 o'clook, the different rifle companies and the artillery wero assembled south of the Hobson's Bay rauway,near the newly-erected platform, and the cavalry wero drawn up opposite the Orphan Asylum. At this time there- must have been 10.000 peoplo on the ground, with hundreds of cabs, and peoplo still continued to flock to the spot. Tho ground was "kept" by a detachment of the 40th, a number of foot police under Inspec-tor Tnylor, and somo mounted troopers, com-manded by Captain Dana. At 4 o'clock pre-cisely the various corps drew up in Uno faoing Emerald Hill, the right resting on the railway, and the . left on the high ground towards the Sandridge Church. Captain W. A. Dean Pitt, acting major of brigade, made the necessary arrangements for the disposition of the troops, ?which was as follows :-On the right wero the cavalry, consisting of about 100 of the Mounted Artillery, Yeomanry, and Mounted Rifles, under Lieutenant-Colonel Ross. Next to these were

tho artillery, consisting of a battery of eight guns, with two supports, the wholo numbering 250 men, commanded by Lieutenaut-Colonel Andorson ; to tho left of the artillery were three battalions of rifles, of 400 men each ; the first battalion, clothed in dark green, formed by the G.elong, North Melbourne, Carlton, and YVilliarast.nn corps, was under tne command of Lieu-tenant-Colonel Rede ; the second battalion, composed of the Pentridge, Fitzroy, West Mel-bourne, and 2nd St. Kilda corps was com-manded by Captain Champ ; and tho third battalion, in which wore the 1st St. Kilda, Emerald Hill, Prahran and South Yarra, Richmond, Collingwood, and Melbourne (pro-per) corps, was commanded by Captain Hall. The 2nd and 3rd battalions were in grey uniform. The lino having been formed, Colonel Pitt took the command of the whole, and upon the arrival of His Excellency the Governor, received him ?erith a royal salute. After riding down the ranks, His Excellency, accompanied by his staff, pro-ceeded to the saluting flag. Tua brigade then murohed past in quick time, with great precision und steadiness-a proof that their training is carefully conducted. After passing in review Older, tho brigade moved into position, ¡nalino ti" contiguous columns, at quarter distance facing the sea, with artillory on tho right and cavalry on tlio left. An engagement followed with. a supposed enemy who hod effected a land-ing. The artillery commenced with a heavy firu ; the 3rd battalion then advanced in skir-mishing order, two companies being extended Tiith supports and roserve; the remaining bat-talions advancing in eschelon from the left ; th9 skirmisherB, having been relieved and the halt sounded, wererecalled, closed on their reserve, and this battalion became tho leading one of tha ctchclon. The order was then given to prepare for cavalry. SquareB were formed by the three battalions and artillery, a heavy fire being kept up from the front and right faces of the

squares. The " ceaso fire " having sounded, the cavalry advanced from the left and charged aor033 the plain. The brigade then formed aline of con-tiguous columns on the 3rd battalion," and de-ployed on No. 1 company of the 1st battalion, the artillery covering the movement ; when the line waa formed they commenced firing by files ire m the right of companies, and then retired in esrjhelon of battalions from the left, were halted, and reformed line on the centre battalion. The brigade then broko into opea column, and, after marching past His Excel-lency, moved off the ground to their districts.

On the 6th, the following order was published by the colonel of volunteers, a well-morited acknowledgement of the efficiency of our volun-teer force :-" The colonel of volunteers has re-ceived the commands of His Excellency the Governor to convey to the several volunteer corpî reviewed by His Excellency on the 3rd inBt. the pleasure and satisfaction he felt in witnessing the progress they had made in their training and discipline, apparent from the steadiness with which they performed both parade and field movements. These movements were executed, indeed, in a manner that was most creditablo to all branches of the service, more particularly when it is remembered that, from the recent augmentation of the force, a great many new members must have been m the ranks. His Excellency has watched with interest the advance of the volunteer movement in Victoria, and is now led to the conviction that in no part of Her Majesty's dominions has it been more earnestly or loyally responded to than in this colony.GEOHCIE DEAN PITT, Colonel of Volunteers. Volunteer-office, Dec. 6."


It is now some few months since some prophetic genius, versed in the art of putting that and that together, informed the public, through our columns, that a grand flood was to be expected this spring, and so singular were the signs of the times, as far as the atmospheric de-monstration were concerned, that more attention than usual was paid to the ill-boding auguries. As is not unfrequently the case with prophets of evil, the event proved their truth, and we have been visited with the severest flood the colony has known since 1849. On the night of Satur-day, December 9, the clouds began to gather,and thunder was frequently heard. As the evening advanced the thunder became more distinct, and short showers prevailed at frequent intervals. A little before midnight a violent thunderstorm burst, and a perfect deluge of rain poured down, and it continued to do so, with hardly any inter-mission, until late on the following day, when the rain gradually decreased in violence, though it still continued to fall. The appearance of Melbourne during the evening was as if it had been subjected to an inundation. The whole of Elizabeth-street, from the Bush Inn, south, was one mass of water, and Flinders-street was the same. Many of the stores and shops were flooded to a considerable depth, and great damage was occasioned. Other parts of the town suf-fered severely and at the foot of Elizabeth-street, which is the lowest street in the city, a horse was drowned in an attempt on the part of a cab-man to rescue a man that was being carried away by the torrent. Amongst the damage done by the rain was the slipping of a mass of earth in the deep cutting, on the Hawthorne branch of the Suburban Railway, and, in consequence, the trains were unable to run further than Church street. On other lines, too, the rain produced a flood; and we were informed that the train that left for Geelong at 9 a.m. had been compelled to return. About the Chapel-street station, Prah-ran, the line was about 18 inches under water for some hundred yards. The St. Kilda-road, below the Immigrants' Home, was completely covered, and the flood rushed over it in a torrent to the southern side. Nor was this all. On the Mon-

day following the rains recommenced with nearly as much violence as ever, subsiding, however, on Tuesday, when, in a few hours, a dust storm ensued. Up to midday on Tuesday, however, the Yarra rapidly increased in volume, until it again swept over the St.-Kilda-road;- beyond-Prince's Bridge, in a rapidly-flowing; stream some 15

inches over the crown of the road, while the whole flat between the bridge and Emerald Hill was one sheet of water, excepting a por-tion of land close to the new embankment. Very considerable injury was done to the Gee-long Railway line, the Skeleton Creek bridge being swept away. The trains even now can-not cross the bridge, but run up to each side of the scene of the accident. Up country, as far as the Dividing Range, the rains have been almost as severe as in Melbourne; and be-yond Castlemaine, in the direction of Ballarat and Maryborough, the creeks were so flooded on Monday week that the coaches were unable to cross them. On Ballarat, particularly, the damage done was very great, and the injury sus-tained by the mining companies and the farmars has been very considerable. The winter alto-gether is very late, and the season is somewhat analogous to that which appears to have been experienced in England last spring.


Sinco tho date of our last summary ohongoî of considerable moment to the members of the theatrical profession in this part of the world have taken place. The Theatre Royal has changed hands, and the patrons of the estab-lishment havo been rather scandalized by the disclosures which have been mado. Mr. G. V. Brooke, whoso affairs appear to havo been ia au unsatisfactory position from the date of his first becoming the proprietor, in April, 1859, now

figures in the character of a weekly tenant i under Air. Ambrose Kyto, to whom tha

theatre has been sold for the sum of £0,000, '

The history of tho transaction has beon the subject of a lengthened correspondence ia the papers, whioh has failed greatly to oulightea

the subject. Mr. Kyto, Mr. Brooke, and Messrs. ! Edwards and Fawcett, his managers, have all ' addressed letters to the press, containing state-ments considerably at variance with each other. Tho upshot of the whole is, that Mr. Brooke has lost evciything ; and Mr. Kyte, unless ho can bo set »Bide by a court of law, to which it is said an appeal will be made, remains the solo pos-sessor of this valuable property. The position of Mr. Brooke's affairs has brought about anothor nine dnyß' wonder-tho reconciliation, through the agency of mutual friends, of Messrs. Coppin and Brooko. Messrs. Edwards and Fawcett have beon relieved from their duties as joint managers of the Theatre Royal, and the management, for tho next six months, has been assumed by Mr. Coppin, The event was signalized by a special performance at the Theatre Royal, on Thursday, tho 20th instant, when Messrs. Coppin and Brooko performed together in tho "Honeymoon" and the "Serious Family." The building was crowded to excess, and the two performers were received with ex-travagant tokens of satisfaction by the audience. Mr. Coppin mado a speech, in which ho briefly glanced at tho circumstances of tho theatre. Meanwhile, we may notice that, as Christmas pieces, die Theatre Royal produces "Little Jack Horner," in which Mr. W. M. Akhurst has had,the principal hand ; the Princoss's and the Pantheon both produce "Jaok the Giant-killer." Miss Avonia Jones's engage-ment was far moro successful towards its close than at the commencement. Sho took her benefit before a capital house as Rosalind, in "As You Like It." On tho 13th, a .complimentary benefit was given at the Theatro Royal to Mr. S. Nelson, the veteran composer, on which occasion Mr. Brooke and Miss Jones, and Miss Octavia Hamilton, Miss M. Nelson, Mrs. F. Youugo, Messrs. Edwards and Fawcett, Harwood, R. Stewart, and others performed. Mr. F. Younge nppearod as Cousin Joe. Mr. Brooko took a benefit on the 10th, before a good house, The Pantheon Theatro is a favourite place of amuse-ment, chiefly owing to the very complete manner in which the pieces produced aro put upon the stage. The Marsh children ave still at the Prin-cess's, playing to moderate houses. The Prince of YValcs has again beon resorted to by the San Francisco minstrels. Mr. Fawcett réassumas tho direction of the Princess's Theatre. Mr. G. n. Rogers, one of tho Pantheon company, {¡oes to ¿lie Royal, as do also Mademoiselle Thérèse and M. Schmidt, for the pantomime, Mr. and Mrs. Greville, Miss Julia Mathews, and the Edouin family remain as tho staple attractions at Cremorne. Signor and Signora Bianchi aro at Sandhurst, where tho now theatre, under the management of Mr. R. Younge, has been very successfully opened with opera. _ Sir YTillinm and Lady Don have arrived, and will appear at the Theatre Royal about the 20th January.


During the four weeks last past several of the most important provincial race meetings have been held, and these'havo, like the metropolitan gatherings, shown a marked improvement on tho management and the results of former years.

Ballarat, Bendigo, Castlemaine, Smythesdale, with several other places of less importance, have had their two or three days' meetings, and the best racers in Victoria have not disdained to competo for the liboral prizes offered. The pre-sent champion of tho colony would appear to bo tho Flying Jib, a four-year-old son of Prei mier, the latter imported hero some 12 years

since by Mr. Mostyn. This horse has produced a larger number of speedy horses than any other i Victorian siro has done. The horse who ha3

this season most successfully opposed the pre-tensions of the Flying Jib in all-aged raceä, is Othello (also by Premier), who has ex-perienced during his career all the vicissi-tudes to which colonial horse-flesh is or may bo subject ; neglected in his early years, half trained in his first maturity, unfor-tunate in not ripening in the hands of a good trainer, then stolen, impounded, and hacked as an unknown of some paca and promise, it is only on arriving at eight or nine years old that his quality has boon developed. Othello's biography, narrated by himself, would, to equine readers, be probably as interesting as the rolation of tho adventures of tho Moor of Vonico to the ears of humanity. It appears to be now settled that the great Fisher-man is to como to Victoria, where we cannot doubt that, although a high figure must neces-sarily be put upon his services, he will command tho attention of tho owners of breeding studs, Since tho purchaso of this famous horse by Mr. Hurtle Fisher, thon of South Australia, wo havo heard rumours of other turf celebrities being purchased for this colony, or of large commispions being sent home to secure them, if thoy com3 into the market; so that it wouldappoar that Australia may at some period not very far dis-tant bo a formidnblo competitor with America, France, Germany, and Russia for the best blood ef the English horse-stock. The sporting men of tho metropolitan district havo two days' raciwr next week at Williamstown, but the bporl, which might havo boen expected to bo good, was wollnigli marred through the influence of o gentle-man of some local importance- in turf matters, whoso disposition towards the national pastime bus more tnan once shown iteolf in oblique novonients, rather than in the straight and unsuspected

course pursued by the magnates of the British turf. The provinces will also, in the Christmas week, be busy wi.h race meetings, Tarrengower, Woodend.Daylesford, and Goulburn Diggings hav-ing each announced a good sporting programme for

moderate and second-class horses. The Produce Slakes of the two Metropolitan Racing Club3 enter and closo oa tho 1st of January, and WA expect to have to record a very largo increase on tho number of any entries in former years ; tlu importance of these stakes is now fully recog-nized by breeders hero, and it may reasonably ¿io expected that in each ensuing year the num-ber of nominations will progress until these racc3 i ¡val their English prototypes in the extent of the fields which contest for the rich prizes offered. Our absurdly named all-aged race, the Two Thousand GuineasStakes, continues toattract a considerable amount of speculation, but as the entries do not take place until the 1st of February, long prices are asked about all tho horses not yet named iu the books. The Flying Jib and Zoe are the best favourites ; and the juveniles (now two years old) aro the next in demand. The race will be raa in the Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 1861,


The absorbing topic of interest in the cricketing world during the post month has been the "doings" of the United Victorian Eleven-a club recently formed from among our best players. The Eleven made their first essay on tho Melbourne ground, playing againBt 15 of the metropolitan club; but owing to the un-favourable weather, the match was not concluded before they had ¡to fulfil their gold-fields ap-pointments. Sandhurst, tho township name for Bendigo, was the first place visited, and great pieparations wero mado by the good peoplo thero for thejeceplion of the Eleven. Eighteen of the Bendigo mon wero seloctod to represent lhe district, and wero the first to go tojthe wickets. In the first innings they made a acore of 87, tho Eleven following them with a score of 108, Bryant and Elliott each making 26, the latter carrying out his bat. In the second innings the eightoon wero less fortunato, 66 being the total. The Eleven sent in four men, who together mado a scoro,of 47,,Bryant contributing 2S to_it._ On

Je'aviiig Sandhurst, the" .Melbourne., irïeu .pro- '-j "cecded to'the'township of MaryBoroughJ or," àV ?ft was "termed id "its. Infancy^.' "Simpson's

Ranges'.'i Hero again th'oy wero oppôsod/ tVi

l8, . and here/ also, they obtained a vic-tory, beating the" Maryborough team by oae innings, and 67 runs-the respectivo scores . being 182 and 115. The greatest number

of runs was made by John Huddlestone, who has frequently distinguished himself this Boasoa. The Maryborough mon did not appear to such advantage as those of Sandhurst-a fact attri-butable to want of practice. Castlomaino was the next field to witness a victory gained by tha Eleven. Eighteen of tho townspeople were pitted against them, but notwithstanding the numerical odds, the Eleven scored 132 with four wiokets ta tho good, against 131 made by their opponents. This game concluded the first trip of the nsw team, and, taken in every aspect, it may be con-sidered as a success, although, owing to the great expense of tiavelhng, it may not have heal attended with the pecuniary results anticipated. It is the commencement, however, of a series of visits between the up-country and the metro-politan players ; and the unbounded hospitality shown by the former, judging from tho report; of the Eleven, augurs well for many a pleasant day's amusement, and also for the establishment of that good feeling which invariably exista j between cricketers, ovon when unsuccessful. | After Christmas Ballarat will bo visited by the | Eleven, an event much looked forward to by all

partieB. A large meeting has been held during the month of those intorestcd in the visit of the "great Eleven," and a committee was appointed to draw up a prospectus. Much interest is taken in the matter by the sister oolonios, and the array of patrons shows tho namaa of the principal men in tho Australia). Whilst, however, speaking of the great elevens, we must not forgot noticing some of the younger members of the community. With them, orioket forms a portion of education-a prize being re-cently given by the Scotch College for the bast cricketer in that institution. Every municipality can boost of its club, and tho Government havo hardly over failed to grant the use of land when I applied to, although, in some instances, they have

refused to allow any "improvements " to be made, such as fencing. Each Saturday finds theso sub-urban grounds patronized, and on thom that mimic warfare is waged whioh, contrary to that between nations, secures a kindly feeling of respect for each other among all grados of society, and all ages. Tho Richmond Club, after a struggle with 15 men from the Emerald Hill Club, still hold tho Coppin ChalI lengo Cup, and at present there appears but

little likelihood of their having to part with it. For tho information of cricketers in the old

country, wo append the names of the United Eleven, many of whom will bo familiar to thom : -Bryant, Hammersley, Mace, YYills, Elliott, Boss, J. and T. Huddlestone, J. B. Thompson, Hopkinson, and G. Marshall.


The commercial world has been quiet during the month, the season having boen wet and un. favourable to business. The English October mails, which wero not delivered until the after noon of tho 14th instant, have produced a better feeling amongst holders, but, with the exception of thoso for some few artioles, whioh will ba found moro particularly referred to in our marka S "report, prices have romained stationary. Tha falling off in shipments from British ports has not yet given rise to speculation. Our markets aro so fully supplied that some months of mode-rate importations must bo passed over before any great relief will be experienced.

The yield of tho gold-fields has scarcely been maintained. For three months ending on Satur-day, tho total quantity brought down by escort has been only 500,434oz, against 520,D08oz. for the corresponding period of last year. Tho tottl quantity for the year has been l,'J70,810i(oz, Up to tho sn'me dato of last year 2,171,864joz. had passed through the gold-office. The shipments of the metal have also exhibited a falling off, the total for tho current year being only 2,050,939oz. against 2,211,8G4oz. tor the same period of 1859.

There has been a very steady demand for gold for shipment, and no chango to report in the markct.this week for the precious metal. Tho banks have been buyers of all parcels offering at last week's rates, based on from £3 14a. 3d. to £314s. 6d. per ounco for standard gold, deli-vered at Melbourne. This, added to the export duty of 2s. Cd. per ounce, brings the cost on board bhip to from £3 16s. 9d. to £3 17s., oxclusive of charges. Tho brokers quote prices at-For Omeo, 08s. to 71s. Od. ; Pleasant Creok and Goulburn, 74s. to 75s. ; Sandhurst and Castle-maine, 75s. to 76s. ; Maryborough, Dunolly, Avoca, Amherst, Fiery Creek, and Ararat, 70s. Gd. to 77s. Cd. j Ovens and Yackandandah, 70s. 6d. to 78s. Gd. j Ballarat, 77s. Cd. to 78ä. Cd.

per ounco.

In tho following table the escorts for the past week aro compared side by sida with thoso of the corresponding week of last year, togothor with the totals for both periods up to date ¡


of Gold field.

Castlemaine . 'Maldon..


¿1er} borough .


Bick Creek «Dunolly.. «Inglowood

Ballarat.. "Crthwlck

.Clunos ..

.letchworth . *Ynckandandah "indigo .. .Heathcote "íliiíhworth

.Kilmore.. ' ., ».Horse's Creek .. Buckland

Totals for the weeks Previous otcorts

Totals for the years..j 1,070,810 16


oz. dwt. 8,458 10 1,(102 10 0,360 10

804 0 432 10

1,227 10

s;S05 0

1,000 0 1,080 0

381 0 2,745 " 0

41,614 0 1,020,802 15

4,605 0

1,217 10

2,124',205 10

2,171,864 10

The escorts from tho places marked thus * arc fort i.iuhlly, tho rest weokly.

In the following table, the quar'tties brought into Melbourno weekly by the es- »rta from all tbo gold-fields aro given separately for three months, ending on the 21st inst. In tho last column will be found tho totals for the cor



g l § I 1 I I I I I I I I | Mono'« Crook.





ilsggiilllslg *"*""?«''.





I'll I


¡ISIS I Inglowood.





» | | | 3 I Buckland. ililli

¡5 I g I S Yackandandah.


flfl I lIndlK0'





g1 I I g1 »I I I I g1 |glhnoro.

Ig¡l_l§l§l§l§l | Blackwood.

lll|l|l|l|l|l j-T»

'I'i'S'l'g's' ¡"^ow* 'a'l's'l'i'J' \*"*

I |l|l gl|lgl|l | Pleasant Crook. l|l|l|l|l|]|l | Smythesdale.

«> C4 O» CO *. (r) I-» »t. M CO M ^ I

"S-S-e-S¿í§§S£S§Cf Total os. 1860.

». ta «t co i»-c


S> í*Íaí,J*í"íif'í*í».fcrí--j«' I Totaloï. 18B9

" SSlilillüIM

Subjoined is a statement of the average weekly yield for tho several quarters since the beginning

of 1857:

Weekly Average, t 1857,

dint quarter .' ft .lluond-quM-ter .. ,Tblrd quarter., -fourth quarter..

41AI* «4,408., £1,3(0 55,611


48,215 13,017


41,832 .44,417 ?u¿n ?80,034

36,811 S9,51T

' The shipments of the'week have been, as I follow:- ? ' * c

By the Blondín'» Dudley, for Calcutta

" liorltshlro, for'Crrimtti

" Franklin Havnn, for Hong Kong .. ,, Joshua Ritos, for Hong Kong

,, Monarch, for.London. ,, Ocoaii Chief, for Llvorpaol

Provioua shteuionta, corrected by corn-

il triton with ,tho entries possod at the

Customs .


7,037 2,010 0,621 8,113 22,497 22,070


Total for tho yoar ._ £,050,037 Or 85 tons 14cwt. 111b. 7oz. troy, of the value, at £4 per ounoo, of £8,227,750. Up to the cor-responding date of lost yoar tho shipments amounted to 2,211,864oz., or 93 tons 3owt. 221b. troy, of the value, at the same ratio, of £8,817,453.

The following is a list of tho gold ships whioh havo bailed since tho 1st of November :



SWolbaloy .. IG Strathdon ..

16 Guiding Star

10, Wonga. Wonga


230hatnplon of tho


20'Salaotto ..

281 Hobo

28 Rangatlra,.

4 Moravian .. 4 Lincolnshire i Thames OYdalo

l8 Blandlnia Dudley 13 Franklin Haven . lS.'Joshuo Bates l8 Monarch .. l8 Ocoan Chief 22 Berkshire ..


London .. London ,. Gilcutta.. Sydnoy .. London..

Liverpool Gallo .. London ,. Sydnoy .. London ,. London .. London ,. London .. Calcutta..

Hong Kong Hone Kong London .. Liverpool


32,854 49,010 2,510 4,020 11,816

15,117 ' 29,837

7,310 2.80Î 2,413 13,070 11,739

7,937 '

0,521 8,143 22,407 22,070 2,040

Tho money market has been tight throughout the mouth, with a steady demand and a not very abundant supply. The succession of holidays and tho unseasonable weather have interfered greatly with trade, and there has been, as a con-sequence, less money in activo circulation. The decrease which has taken place in values of pro-perties during tho year has led to the calling in of capital invested on mortgage to a considerable oxtont, and to more than tho ordinary pressure of the season for tho balancing up at the close of the year. Thora has beon a tendency to Bettie down ia values in all classes of securities, and this har-binger of a sounder condition has not boon with-out the usual discomforts which attend a recovory nf tor an excess. There has boen a disposition to balance up, or to call in advances, in order to re-adjust values, whicli has perhaps impartod to the market the appearance of being under the in-fluence of a greater demand than exists in reality. Caution has been, and is, tho feeling of the day with capitalists, and this feeling, overstrainod, often creates pressure when none is called for. In busiuess ctrolcs, tho heavy stooka oE goods still remaining in the warehouses continue to check speculation, and to render trade dull and tho circulation limited. Tho bank rates of discount continue as follow :-For two months' bills, 7 par cent, per annum ; for throo months', 8 per cent, ; for four months', 9 por cent. ; for over four months', 10 per cant. ; for cash credits, 10 per cent. ; for overdrawn accounts, 12 per oout. Interest is allowed on time deposits at tho follow-ing rates:-For deposits, at 30 days' notice, from IA to 2 per cent, per annum ; at three months' notice, from 2 to 2A par cent. ; at six months' notice, from 4 to 4J per cent.

Tho soiling rates of exchange on England aro quotod at par for GO days' sight for largo amounts, and 1 par cent, promium for 30 days' sight for bills under £50, Freight on gold by sailing vessels is from 2d. to 3d. per ouuco, deli-verable in London: insurance, ljper cent. By tho ovorlancl routo, tho froight to the Bank of Eng-land, including insurance and transit duty, is 2 per cent. ; exclusive of insurance, 1 per cent.

Comparing the prosont with the aarlior months of the closing year, and especially with the cor-responding period of last, many important changes have to be noticed. The period has been rife in valuable lessons. At tho close of 1859 the share market was at .its zonith of prosperity. Speculation was abroad, and almost ovory one, according to his means, was tempted to try tho wheel of fortune. The first great rogo in com-panies quickly drew the public into its vortox, and now the inevitable result follotvs. Depres-sion and prostration aro upon ua with full force. ¡Not one of tho many fortunes that were then thought to bo within easy grasp have been realized, and scarcely au instance can bo quoted where loss, and in somo caseB ruin, have not ac-crued to thoso who embarked in t he various projects. Numerous causes may bo assigned for the failure and loss attaching to mining enterprises-tho too anxious desire for speculation; the groat want of experience on the part of those appointed to the management ; tho blinded ignoranoa with, which all entored into theso speculations. In looking down tho list of rapid growth, it is some satisfaction, however, to find a fow companies woll formed and well conducted, and paying regular and increasing dividends, and to leora that tho majority of tho3o not doing so have scarcoly got into full operation, or havo failed for tho time to obtain tho looked-for resulta. Mr. I Edwin Bryant reports of transactions :

"Tho prosent month has boon ono of general de-pression, relieved only byan occasion ii and transient spurt in soiuo favoured mock. Ko particularly good featuro has shown Itself In any olio company, and the amount of business transacted has been below tua general average, briefly quoted as follows ¡-Bank shares generally havo met with a fair Inquiry, niora particularly Bank of Victoria, which havo been fre-quently dealt lu at from 84} to 361; thmo of tho Lou-don registry botng obtainable at 87. National Banks also havo boen In better favour ellice tho reduction of the shares from £4 to £3 4s. writing off tho estimated load of £52,280, according to tho deed of suttlouiont it being one-sixth of tho capital. Numoroustransactloas havo talton placo at from £214s 6d. to £217s. Od., with " tin upward ten louey. Colonial retain their usual steidl

DCIS; £0 8s. Ud. to £6 6s. havo been tho dealing prices. A very largo parcel may bo had at a Blight advance. New South Willoi aro not much dealt lu hero ; they may bo quoted 35 to 30}.

" Gas companies shares do not moot with the uttoiilion thoy onco couinnndod. Salos aro intrcquont, except In Melbourne, willoh havo gradually fallon to 11} and 12 per cont. premium. iTieynro, however, well held, and a few large sa'os havo boon made at about 15 per cent, premium. Ballarat may bo qui to i <'«, i .' Bendigo, 2, 3 ; Uasllomnlno, 2,3 ; Collingwood,

"Hallways havo mot with thoir suppoitors at low price J. Uobson's Diy nude a fair oxiiosltlou of thoir i'fl'alrs at thoir last meeting. A dividend of 10 par

ant. wes declared ; tho rosorvo fund was to bo applied to the taking up of the dobonturos. The Stndrldji 1'lcr was to Ue extended a further 300ft., at a C03t ot £0,6C5. Tho libaros wore dolls in prior to the dlvldond, ut 51 and 64}, and »Ince ut Stand 62. Tho probability is, with tho «von lOpor oeut, dlvldond, thoy will re-main about this figure. Suburban will dsubtlo33 laerrase in value as tliotraflklrnprovoa from tho cxtonsb i of the Uno. Salos luvo boon made at from 7} to 8 J. ¿lolbourno and li«scndon thoro has boen no business

in. lit. Kilda and Brighton romain at a groat dis-count; £0 and £7 on the £26 eluros havo mot with one or two puicha;or¿.

" In the ininliij niarki-t, from the doarlh of Bitislictory intelligence, but a comparatively small amouu-, ot'huslneos lin hoon transacted. Tho dlvldend-payliir ji ¡noa naturally engrow the attention of dealors, bit tho mijurity of othors are dormant, or dwlndltn; iulououiy. Of the fermor, Albion, which wore 32s., have »auk to 22;. ; Atlas, 42i. 0J. to 47s. Od. Boohlves jomaln no,v ulaost stitbnary-from £7 5s. to £à 10a. business has boon dono. Capper's Reif do not find purchasers, being oflbrcd at 12s. 01. C.thorluo Roel stand very weil, although doprossol w 1th tho rent ; 15s i 10s, au ii 17s. are prices at which they havo been sold, but they aro now about 14s. 61. Clunes aro rarely dealt ia Ea^lohawlc (H'fiair'd), llu'ie liai nut bö.u s 1 mush business In of late ; »OJIOthing fresh appoarj necessary to onllveu thom. Xljrcalcs, Ironbark, and United Urown's aro hardly inirl.ttable. Nelsou have again f.tllon from 25s. to IO)., Htweoii which prices numerou« transactions hive tnfcon piuca. Vnuijhan's aro little noticed. Victoria Jtcef -Thoro has boen much businoss at timos, from 17s. to 22s. UJ. With rcBpoct to progressive minos, httlo need be Billi, na tiny cannot Intorost our sliarjticaling friends In Lon'lon, for whom tbls repjrt Ii piii.clpilly written-sutlloo It to Bay that mxny of 'hem aro still In existence, mil u:lll holding out Ir per, to tho faithful shareholder,).

" DobBcturen, It Is gratifying to find, ovon in tliB rull state of business on tho Loudon Stock Kxchange, Bland at tho sumo high price (ox div.), but with Ilttlu ¡ni,luck«. Men of niauy years' «landing on tho Lond JU Ki cci Exchango, who hâve loft this colony, as well as ihciowho remain, must fool an Interest In tho protress of a similar Institution hero, and bo glad to know that'tho attempts to form suob aro fast roaohlng m\turlty, until which time our business cannot be con-ducted upon right principles, nor can the froquoit c nvlaiut of the publie as to wldo prices, &c., bo tnspi-U«l. The want of unanimity and los« jealouiv, « mblncd, perhaps, with more oxperienco, are tho oat/ cleg to so useful and legitimate an Institution."

The import provision trade carno to an open rupture on the question of tares at the begin-ning of the month, importers refusing to give way in the matter of butter-firkins, and second louses declining to purchase, except at " actual tares." It certainly must bo admitted that tho purchaser of an article ought to roceivo the weight for which ho pays, or that which wu actually that weight when shipped. It is not contended that tho butter in a firkin over did weigh the quantity charged by the shippers to tlic importers, and by them to the dealers. Tho custom of unnecessarily adding to the weight of the firkin, and charging this unnecessary weight as butter, has grown up so rapidly that soma check is absolutely necessary ; and until it haï given place to a moro enlightened method of packing, tho dealors are certainly not ovor-oxaoting when they sook to throw upon tho original shoulders tho troublo of tho multifarious calcula-tions necesBary to enable both buyer and seller to arrive at the actual quantity, of butter undor negotiation. A kind of strike continued for some days, and concessions wero made at two auction sales: but the movement appears to havo almost died out for .the present.

In the import market thero have been fov movements "calling- for remark. In exports prices have Boon sùojebted'to' numerous fluctua-tions, and trade,has boen unsettled;. The follow; <itig 'table'give's't&o' do'clared values of both im-port's and exports at the port of Melbourne, woolc

>y,week for the carrent year and Us prodo ¡essor._

Imports. Week iending 1859,

227.507 200,810

440,206 174,848 878,137 255,415 420,017 211,853 211,478 132,754 032,010 476,658 209,895 174,088 180,188 237,800 212,859 818,640 103,784 800,118 350,849 288,203 116,710 221,054 282,871 454,824 909,388 701,352 244,420 844,717 241,068 237,122 400,001 120,859 240,810 116,088 228,205 400,770 100,010 135,020 247,761 105,410 682,010 121,903 185,550 440,830 100,149 410,101

Exports. 1860.


111,793 872,812 222,831 680,180 476,010 404,614 166,888 484,905 102,644 884,814 287,927 861,801 201,930 105,971 421,484 821,224 180,179 479,046 459,491 177,780 242,610 153,231 88,482 200,821 215,692 805,177 280,030 248,801 425,023 86,814 140,444 93,877 617,041 229,208 93,508 269,740 649,783 817,730 243,678 277,794 291,054 400,800 176,509 230,051 288,408 149,244 212,437 008,106 120,364 200,620


88,484 420,823 287,623 803,005 200,213 878,720 128,084 280,479 233,245 209,118 195,236 201,817 166,683 252,026 274,418 120,695 899,000 61,601 878,807 258,241 242,010 172,836 180,507 609,720 312,218 194,400 879,446 280,069 880,051 232,518 261,622 09,874 821,884 897,673 44,103 280,460 330,043 87,000 380,105 88,863 210,826 200,789 120,800 847,713 205,600 287,446 216,251 168,817 243,873 112,611

14,022,820| 18,799,630112,261,8501 11,510,303

In the first porlod the account stood thus :

Imports.£14,022,320 Exports.12,261,860 Balanco of Imports over oxports .. £1,770,404 In the second porlod :

Imports.£13,700,639 Exports.11,619,303 Balanco of imports over oxports .. £2,280,170

A special meeting of tho shareholders of tho National Bank of Australasia was held on the 3rd instant, when it was resolved that tho bank losaos, amounting to £52,286, should bo wholly written off from tho capital of the company, subject, however, to a power givon to the directors to set apart from the net profits of the establishment such Bums as they may deem expedient, with a view to the ultimate restoration of the amount so

written off.

A groat deal of uncertainty has attonded tho wool trado Binco tho dolivery of the English Sep-tember mails, and up to the receipt of the Behar advices, to tho 26th October. Sinco tho latter event two sales have been hold, for particulars of which wo refer to our market report, in another column. ".»

i The following is a statomont of all dutiablo atticles bonded in Melbourne from the 17th No-vember to the 22nd December :-Brandy, 488 hhd. 2,348 cases ; rum, 114 hhd. ; geneva, 13,300 cases ; whiskoy, 117J hhd. 1,149cases; old tom, 10 hhd. 1,500 cases ; cordials, 140 cases : other spirits, 120 hhd. 58 cases; wino, 218hhd. 1,123 cases; beer, 377 hhd. 45S cases and casks ; tobacco, 186 tierces, 592 threc-quartor boxes, 1,511 cases and boxes; cigars, 19C cases; toa, 25,799A chests;

sugar (raw), 27,798 bags 78 packages ; "molasses, 20O hhd. ; chicory, 170 packages ; opium, lo packages. Tho deliveries for home consumption during tho month have been-Brandy, C62A hhd. 7,002 cases ; rum, 2G2A hhd. 14 cases ; geneva, G.701A, cases ; whiskey, 120 hhd. 4,013 cases ; old tom, 38A. hhd. 2,548 cases ; cordials, 218 cases ; spirits of wine, 11 hhd. ; other spirits, 33A. hhd. 158 cases ; wine, 377a hhd. 3,G0O casos ; beor, 1,075 hhd. 123 cases and casks ; tobacco, 17 hhd., 355 bales, 38A, tierces, 580 three-quarter boxea, 1,703 cases and boxes ; cigars, 140 oases ; snuff, 1 pack-age ; toa, 7.984A, chests ; sugar (raw), 25,629 bags 139 packages ¡ molasses, 3»4 hhd. ; chicory, 123 packages ; opium, 2 chests 26 packages. The de-li leries for exportation wero-Brandy, 121 hhd. 787 cases ; rum, 73A, hhd, ; geneva, 940 cases ; whiskey, 13 hhd. 22ü cases ; old tom, 231 caso3 ; cordials, 5 cases ; other Bpirits, A hhd. 4 cases ; wine, 50 hhd. 0 cases ; beer, 21 hhd. 3 cases and casks ; tobacco, 9 hhd., 43A tierces, 09 threoquarter boxes, 206 cases and boxes ; cigars, 14 cases ; tea, 722 chests ; sugar (raw), 2,292 bara G packages ; molasses, 80 hhd. ¡opium, 2 pack-ages. The stocks on the 22nd December weraBrandy, 7.551A. hhd. 73,974 cases; rum, 3,073J hhd. 94 cases ; geneva, 105} hhd. 36,651 cases; whiskey, 1,394 hhd. 69,910 cases ; old tom, 1,043J hhd. 13,785 cases ; cordials, 4,137 cases ; spirits cf wine, 123A hhd. ; other spirits, 1.228A hhd. 5,591 cases ; wine, 3,001 Mid. 33.888 cases"; boar, 5,499 hhd. 2,870 enses and casks; tobacco, 52L hhd., 1,729 bales,562J tierces, 8,222three-quarter boxes, 7,741 cases and boxes ; cigara, 9G2 cases ; snuff, CG packages; tea, 25,070A, chests: coffee, iObogs 5/ barrels; sugar (raw), 72,346 bags 395 packages ; molasses, 132 hhd. ; chicory, 466 paoknges ; opium, 37 chests 84 packages.

Tho Insolvency Circular for November, gives the usual summary of insolvency business for the month. There wore 93 schedules filed, ohiefly involving small amounts of liabilities. With tho c xception of thoso of Mr. YVilliam Hammil!, who hinten his liabilities at £54,827, and his assets at £13,631, and four others, of £5,809, £5,031. £3,00G, and £2,12G respectively, thoy aro all btlow £2,000, 49 being below £200. The trades and callings of tho insolvents may bo thus described :-1 attorney, 4 auc-tioneer, 3 architects, 3 blacksmiths, 1 boot-maker, 1 broker, 1 brewer, 1 b">' cr, 1 butcher, 1 cabinetmaker, 4 carpenters, dorks,

1 civil engineer, 1 coal merchant, 3 contractors,

1 confectioner, 2 drapers, 2 engineers, 1 gar-dener, 17 gonoral dealors, 1 gentleman, 3 labourers, 1 merchant, 1 milliner, 2 master mariners, 11 miners, 1 medical practitioner, 1 milk seller, 1 painter, 8 publicans, 1 printer, 4 reitaurateurs, 1 sailmaker, 1 shoemaker, 1 upholstoror, 1 veterinary surgeon, 1 surgical instru-ment maker, 1 calling not specified. The assignmints during the month for tho benefit of credi-tors numbered 7. Dividends were declared in 8 estates, and plans of distribution filed ia 30 estates. Certificates were granted to 54 and

refused to 2 insolvents.


At tho Port of Melbourne during the mouth

of November, 1860, compared with the corre-sponding period of 1859.

Agricultural im-


Alkall-Soda, tons Apparel and slops Ammunition


rowdor, lb. bhot, tons Anna

Gnus and pistols Auowroot, lb. Dogs and sacies Btuk, tons


Bottled.. Draught

Biscuit, tons

Lltmkcts and wool-

lens Eooka

]:rots and shoes.. Brun, bushels Bricks

Building, No.



Building material» Iiuttor, tons Cubbago-troo

Condies, tona t aucllowick Canvas


Ciirrlago.-, carts,


Casks, empty Crnicnl, tons Cheese, tous Chlc-ory .. Chinawaro Oidor

Coala, tons

Uccoa and choco


Cocoanut Qbro Cólico

Coko and fuel, tona Confectionery Copper, tons

Copper ore, do. Copporwaro

Coreiago, tons


Cottons ..

Cotton waste Cutlery .. Drapery .. Drugs

Druggists'ware ..

Eaithenwaro Eggs

Fancy goods

Felt .. Fish

Fresh .. Preserved

Salted, tous F«x

2,063 2,674 65,798



0,916 27,798



7,438 70,190 4,776



1,878 20,181




780 6,877 1,301

030 192


847 186 307 244






718 10,409

11 867 133.910



8,436 1,016 4,083




1,870 86,337

1,154 0,461


27,498 18,073


0,191 0,858 71,280 6,844


80 2,086 2,632 20,781






00 2,073 6,842





310 400 3,484 2,460 1,745 7,090 11,000 1,027 0,206 8,192 20,101

610 1,276 73,804 14,210

182 2,280 1,389 4,0»)







49,006 20,000






~~ 2

"~ 6




0,671 7,090

8,212 6,000

77 050

- .2_~L

£,312 8!

100 -


Flour, tonB Fruit-,


Dried, tons

Green, buflb. Furniture. Glass

Sottlcs.. riato .. Window Glassware Gluo


Earloy, bush. Gram, tons

Maize, bush. Halt, do. Oats, do.

Rico, tons

Wheat, buah..

Undcseribod,do.¡ Grindery ..


Hnhordasliory Hair, tons..

Hardworo and|

Ironmongery Bats and caps Hay, tons.. Hides, No.. Hollowaro

Honoy, lb,. Hops, do..., Hosiery ..

Ice, tons.. .. i

Indlarubbor goodsj


Hfuslcal.. Sciontific Iron, tons

Jenellory.. Lead, tons

Leather, cwfc. Lcr-thorwaro linen

Live Btook

Horned cattle,!

No. .. ' Horses, do. Pigs, do.


Sheep, No. Machinery

Morblo ..



0,222 7,880 4,011



2,130 0,148 4,020 20,452 15,146


450 4SI 216



20,443 8,205

140 200 805 060 ».I



8,010 1,802 17,838 0,080 2,004

767, 1,480

150 5,000

143 132





670 0,811 8,002 8,205



1,022 2,787



4,100 10,078 20,800 80,781 31,000 07,116 1,183 2,005

28,40d 6,031






8001 82,387 0,876 3,534


8: 1,5«



1850. j 1800.''

3,800 ...»

7 395> « 7¿95| 0,033


215 41,832

8 000



21,5531 1.030






Salted, tons Quicksilver

Ballway materials


Saddlery .. Sago, lb.

Salt, tona..


SUIts Skins Slabs

Slates, No. Snuff

Soap, tons.. Specie)

Specimens of tía

tumi Hlstoiy .. Splcca


Brandy . ?

Cordials .. Gin .. M Perfumed Bum


TJndoscrlbod .. Starch and blue .. Stationery Stcol, tons Stone

Building, tons.. -Paving

Stonoii aro Sugar

Tapioca, lb.



Doola, Ko.

Laths, bundlos.. Palinga, No. .. Loirs and plica,

do. -.

Posts and rails,

do. ..

Sawn, foot

Shingles, No.

MlEcollanooiis.. Tin..

Time aro Tobacco

Cigars ..

Tobacconists' waro, Uooleand utensils, ToyB mid turnery

Turpentine, gals..' Tw ino and thread,


Vinegar, gals.

?\Vatcncsaiidclocksl Whiting, tons Wicker« aro TVlno

Woodonworo YVool, lb... Zlno.tons..


'180 1,053

1,670 11,230

100 8,708



480 10,725



7,2841 3,184 1,687





8,80t 11,014

1,300 5,350!

1601 2,8661

670| 8,641

4501 5,775

l18 142 1,050


997 5,260




47 6,054 1,031 8,676 4,042 1,137

800 17,702








193 2,139



150 0,122 3,424


470 323' 8,285,




828 4,401 2,872 14,0951

3,709 2,248 3,182

600 1,134




m 879|

3 020 692 400' 9,40t


26 V


9481 1,606



070 204 604


856 1,001

442! 611

2,854 19,156

1,655 02,874

008 8,537



746 2,024


1,550 35,500

80 007




000 0,0731 2,45«

072 608 10,2801 4,922



sis 206! 1,781 2,103

105 11,180

58 1011



0,452 0,880

200 4,423

890 431 165 8,080 3,200

140 876 21,010 2,184 0,670



456 2,010!

012 2,500







8,220 1,585 432,7iq

13,700 ¡1,430,731







3,913 1,03S 1,335 20,231



109 207

1,30» 1,159 883,759

4,109 1403,225


1,015 29,251


110,70» EXPORTS.

Agricultural Im-


Alkali-Soda ... Apparol and slops

Aims and ammu-


Arrowroot, lb. .. BngB and sacks .,


Bottled, gala... Draught, do. .. Block sand, do. .. Blankets and wool


BonoB, tons ..


Boots and shoes.. Bran, bush.

EruBhwaro ...

Building matoriahj|

Butter ..

Candles, tons ..

Comas ..

Curpotlng.. .. Carriages, carts,

Ac. Casks, ompty .. Coûtent, tons .. Chccso, tons Chlnawaro

Gc&lt, tons .. Cocoa and choco

lato, lb.


Confoollonory .. Copper oro, tons.. Copporware

Cordage, tons ..


Drapory .. Drugs

Earthenwaro .. lanoy goods


fcalted, tons .. Preserved Flour, tons Fruit

Dried, tons .. Oreen, bush. .. Furnlturo aioBswaro Olass

Plato .. "Window

Gold, ounces Grain

Barley, bushell Beans and poos,

do. ..

Valse, do. Malt, do. Oats, do.

Klee, tons

Wheat, bushols dunno, tons

¡Uabordashory -

Hardware and

Ironmongery .. Ilata and caps . Hay, tons..


llollowaro ., Hops, lb. ..

IIoius and hoofs., Ice, tons .. ,, Instruments -


.. Scientific ...

lion andstool, tons Jewellery., lead, tons

lud oro. do.'


129! 10,0001


282' 10,9601



40 17& 1,000

978 140 745

08 104



402| 76


22 897 038 26 165 248 200 160





20, ,127

303 0201








l8 679 55


606 627' 2,5421




107 787 112

10 35


100 1,214





12,0701 10,010



' 49







12S 692



¿eather, do.

Leatherwato Tjme, bush. Eveitock

Cattio, No. Hornes, do. Sheep, do. Machinoryj Marble ..

Matches and vestas Mats and rugs .. Meal-Oat. tons.

Metal-Yollow,do, Millinery..

Miscellaneous .. Molasses .. Nails, tons Naptha

Campbino, gal. Nnts

Oils, gals,

Oilmen's stores .. Opium

Paints and varnish Paintings and on


Paporhanglngs ..


Pipes-Tobacco .. Pitch and tar .. Plants and seeds.. Plato and plotcd



Printing matorlalB Frovisious

Preserved .. Salted, tons .. Quicksilver Hogs, tons Hesln

Saddlory ..

Sago, lb. galt, tons..

Shlp-chainllory ..

Silks Skins

Sletes, Ko.. Soap, tons


Specimens natural

history Spices


Brandy, gals. .. Cordials, do. .. Gin, do. Of wlno, do. .. Perfumed Rum, g.i!p.

"Whiskey, do, .. Undcscribod, do, Starch end blue .. Stationery Stoneware Sugar

Tallow, tons


Tents and


Timber .. Tin .. î? .. Tlnwaro .. Tobacco ..

Cigars ..

Toolsand utonslls .Jur|.entlno, gals.. Tv, lue and thread,

t oils

Vinegar, sol«,

batches & clocks Wine, gals.

Votdcnwuro Wool, lb...



1869. I













"~01 ~077



100 247 84,005



1401 1,02c

IE1 3,1071 5,646





1800. £







308 5,608 1,674

705 122 222 180 1,070






4 1,271


034 268 04


4 0,670 3,883 11,101



8,083. 1,122



120] 800,634





871 1,400



140 3.440





3,000 11,010 ,610,008







14 75


31 75




4,72 i


710 451

0.05Î 3,070,201


lim Milts.-Demand has boon activo throughout I ho week, and a good trade buslnoss carriod on. Prloai havo been unchanged. Fino flour £17 por ton ; llnxall' nuil Gallego, 40s, per barrel; bran, Is, 81. 1 cr bushel ; wheat, 0a. to 0s. Od. por bushel; oatmeal, Bancroft's colonial milled, £25 por ton.

RETAH, M ABUKTB.-Butchers' Meat-Boot, 8d. to 61. per lb. ; mutton, 3d. to 4d. do. ; veal, 8d. to 9d. do. ; park, lOd. to lid. do. Poultry-Turkeys, 10i. to 22s. Od. eich; geeso, 15s. to 18s, per pair; ducks, 8s, to 10s do.; fou li, 7s. to 8s. do.; rabbits, 5s. to 7s. per brace ; butter, frcab, Is. 4d. to Is. Od. per lb. ; ogg«, 2s. Od. to 3s. par dozon; milk, lOd. por quart« Eroad, 7d to 8d. the 41b. loaf.

HAT MARKET.-Messrs. Butler and Moss report that Hie weather being favourable for Hold operations, a short supply has ensued, producing a succession of brisk markets, at au ndvanco on former quotations, tho closing prices being-Old hay, prime, £8103. to £010s. ; second, £7 to £8 ; now, prime, £0 10s. to £8 ; new, othor sorts, £4 10s. to £fl; straw, £4 10s. Mr. Janies Fenton'o roport staten that tho supply and c'cir.nnd bus been about equal. Sales havo boca elRctod with loss difficulty, and noarly tbo whole of tho ivet hay has boen cleared off. Prices rango fro ai

£4 10s to £0 IUB.

EABTERN MARKET.-Tho concourse of produce oarts this morning was the groatest that has over been In tho Eastern Market, and all sorts of seas i.tablo pro dine was in gioat abundance. Tho first apricots of the season appeared to any, and woro sold at very Illili prices. Poultry woro very plentiful and ohaip On the wholo, buslnoss was dull at tho followlnr prices.-Asparagus, 1«. to 4s. per 100 ; huons (broad), 3d. pir lb. ; do., kidney, ljd. to 2d. per lb ; beet, Is. per dozen ; bouquets, 4s. to 8s. por dozoa ; cabbages, IB. to 0). per dozon; carrots, Od. to Is. per dozon bunches ; caullfloworB, 2s. to 3J. per doüän ; watercress, Is. to Is. Od. por dozen bunchos; cucuji bera (prickly), 10s. per dozen; do., long spine, 8i. to 6s. per braco ; hoKoradlsh, 01. to Is. per bundle ; leek, Od. to Is. per dozen bunches; lottuco, 01. to li. per dozen; marjoram, Od. tola, per dozen buneaei; mint, Is. per dozon bunches; onions (dried), 7s. Od. t> 10s porcwt.;do. (green), 8d.toOd. per dozen bunchei ; parsley, Od. co Is. per dozon bunches; parsnips. Is. per dozen bunchos; poos, ljd. to 2d. per quart; pott ices, 4s. Od. to 7s. per cwt. ; radian, Od. por doua bunches; rhubarb, 2». Cd. to 0s. por dozon bunch:)i; cage, Is io 2s. per duzon bunehes ; savoys, 2s. por dozen ; . fplnaeb, Id. per lb. ; thyme, Od. to Is. pof doz > i bunches ; turnips, Is. Oil. te 2s. per dozen bunchoi ; vegetable uiarrowa, Is, Od. to 4.'. per dozon. Fruits. Almonds, Od. per lb. ; apples, Od. to 0J. por lb, ; apri-cots, 3s. Ud. to fls. per dozen ; cherries, 8d. to 2s. pir lb ; cunatits (red), Is. 3d. to Is. Od. per lb. ; goois bcrrlcs, Od. to 8d. per quart; loquat«, 0J. to Is, , per lb. ; plums, Dd to IB. Cd. per lb. ; raspbcrrlos, Is, por lb. ; Btrawborrios, 2a. to 8s. porlb. Dalry Produoî. -Butter, Is. 3d. to Is, 0d. per lb. ; cheese, 81. to lOd. por lb. ; ducks, 5s to Os. por pair ; oggs, 2s. to 2s. Oil. per dosen; geoso, 12s. to 20a. per pair; lions,-li. to 0s. pot' pair ; honey, Is. per lb. ; pigeons, 2s. par pair; rabbits, 4s. to OJ. nor pair ; sucking pigs, 83. Od. to 10s. each; turkeys, 14s. to 20s. por pair.

«Woob, TAULOW, HIDES, &o.-Mossrs. J. H. Clough and tho following reportofthoiornarkots:-"Wool -lu our roport of the 24th ult., por Salsotto, ws re-marked upon tbo Improvement of tho weather and th J consequent arrival In town of largo quantities of tho now clip, which hascontlnuod to como forward so ra-pidly as to Induco tho belief that our wool season this year will como to a oonoluslon much oarllor ihm imul, us, on referonco to tho published oitaloguoj, wo lind the quantity that has already boon submlttol hero and m Goolong for public competition amounts to upwards of 28,000 bilOJ. Of this, ho wovor, wo m vy remark that a considerable quantity comprises woo's that hive boen ofToroi and bought lu, and thou again brought forward at subsequent sales, making tho total appear somewhat largor than It reilly Is, which iii howovor, considerably greater thin, un any previous soasan up to tho sam J date, Tho Improved facilities of carriage and tho ninplo supply of labour at a moro roasonablo ra'.o, now nt tho command of tho settlors, thau has boon the OMI einco the discovery of gold In this colony, havo not only conduced te this result, but havo onablcil more caro ant attention to bo pild to the satisfactory gotting up of tbo clip this season. Tho want of rain, however, at tb.3 oarly part of wlntor, compelled many to shoar l-i prenso, and the subsequent copious »howers, which have continued, with moro or less Intermission, durln? the wholo of Bhoarlng(tIme, havo, In many cases, pre-vented the wool being in as good condition as th) grower would wish, from inability to got the shoo? dry after washing as quickly as la deslrablo, by «filch a sullied appearance and yolky handling will bo observable In many flocks which, otherwise, would not have boen so. The clip, as a wholo, may, howovor, bo considered as above an avorage; and shortly after this report ia in tho hands of our readers, thoy will bo able to judge to someextont for thoa. SCIVCB, as sumo of tho oarly shlpmonts may be expected lo arrlvo In London in time to be offered in tho February soi les of sales. There will bo an unusual quant.ty of scoured wools arriving homo from this markot this season, a very largo quantity of greasy wool having boon purchased and scourod botora shipment, the general character of which will be lound, wo think, much superior to that of formar loasons. Since tho opening salts hero, thora hu been a brisk demand for both greasy and washed, fleece wools, of full-bodied, lound, well-grown, long-stapled descriptions, for combing purposes, qua-lity not appearing to bo so muou an objeot us formerly, light weight and bright colour being the piii.clpal considerations; fine short-grown clothing ?KOOIS havo, thorcforo, been soiling comparatively cheaper, reference being had to quality only. A con-siderable quantity of the best descriptions havo basa purchased for continental mo, and a largo proportion abo goes dlrsct Into the manufacturing districts. Altor tho departure of tho vessels loading for the February Loudon sales, several large buyers wlth diawlng from tho market, a slight docllne was esta-blished, and not quita so much oagornesg was displayed by buyors. Tho arrival of the Bohir, on the 14th loBt., with conflicting accounts or homo mai hot prospeets, caused a further eabsldonji of the market, aud prices may now be quoted about jd. per lb. on greasy wools, and Id. per lb. on washed ilecco wools, lower than was ruling six wocks ago. Tho pi lino c'ipsof the colony, however, that hivo bion sub-mitted at publlo auction, have maintained their p >sl tien, and av last Monday's sales as high as 2s. 2Jd. pjr lb, was obtained for one fkvourito brand ; some othor lupcrior lot«,sold on the same day, also realized* i-hliht advance, » hilo middle and inferior qualities suf-fered a email declino Since our last Customs clear-ances have boon effected, from November 17 to Dj combcr 15, 5,C65,884lb, valuo £802,630; add previous clearances from October IO, 1,410,8031b., vtlue£100,231. fotil 0,602,0371b., valuo £408,703. Tho shlpmonts have been from Geelong-Mbvoraborl8, Iudcmnlty2,034bilei; l»ovcinbcr 16, Clutha, 8,260 bales; November 24, S ii Star, 1,722 batos; from Melbourne-November 2i, Champion of the 8eu, 4,403 bales ; November 23, liebe, 1,004 bales; December 4, Moravian, 2,420 bilei; L'ncolnsblro, 1,437 bales; December 0, Ydalo, 1,8to bales ; Docombar l8. Monarch, 2,101 bales ; Ooei i Chief, 2,351 bales; December 20, Black Kigle, 813 bales ; add shipments by othor vessols since October 10, already reported, 7,801 bales; making a total of 80,921 biles already sailed, In addition to which th) Botult and Calliance, now loading and about to sill In tho cuurse of a fortnight, will have about 0,000 bales on board. Our quotations we-For

miporlor. greasy wort*, 1B. to IF. 2d. ; nvorage do., 10cVtóll$dr; suporlor'fleoco, ls.'"lld. to' 28.»21d.'; ave rogo do., l8. 8d. to Is. lOJd. ; interior do,, Is 6d. to Is. 7jd. j' aconrcd,' hot wator,'suporlor, 2s 81. to 2a. Od.; scoured, ordinary', 2s. to 2s.-2}d. ¡.hand washed and Bllpo, Is. 8d. to Is. lid." Messrs. It. Goldabrough and Co.'s report is as follows: "We have to report that since our last Bummary thora has been alargo amount of business transacted In this market. After the departure of the Bhlpa which had been loading for the February London Saloa, thora was an evident roluctance on tho part of buyers to tier ato at tho high prices whloh had boon ruling, Lolng apparently under tho impression that In the Stay series a decline on tho rates of February would bo established. The aspect of political lifTairBln Europe, also, according to the advices rocoived, was by no rreaDB encouraging, and it was evident that caution ought to bo oxorcisod, as in tho event of a ruptura between England and any of tho continental powers, there would probably bo a considerable fall In tho price of this staplo. This roluotanco to oporato at formor ratos was very ovldont at the flrafc sales after the departure- of tho provous mall, when, out of 3,742 bales catalogued at the auc-tion eales in Melbourne and Goolong, only 1,768 bales wore sold, moro than half tho woola bolng eitbor withdrawn or bought in, growors being evidently not tlbpoBed to moot tho market ; whilst, on tho other hand, the buyers were equally detormined not to givo previous quotations. In tho succeeding wooli, how-ever, wo again tested tho market, and growors and tuycrs mutually making a slight concession, wo had, contrary to almost general expectation, a brisk sale, ond succocdod in placing at auction and by private contract about 1,000 bales. At thoto roducod ratos, Ibero has boon a fair amount of business doing; and ' since tho dopnrturo of tho last mail 13,471 bales hive

been brought to tho hammer In Melbourno and Goo-long, of willoh quantity aboutlO.OOO bales havo found purchasers, at auction and by private contract, at o jeduotlon of from Id. to ljd on greasy wools ant lad-conditioned fleece, fully Id. on middling deacrlp lions, and from Jd. to Id. por lb. on superior. Tho high est prico reallzea during tho season for washed wooli in 2s. 2Jd. por Ib., which figuro wo obtained at our sall of Decombor 17, for a lot of 280 balos, branded R O It diamond, MB under, from tho station of T. P. Hows E»q., at llonnt Battory, Tho getting up of tbia lot o \» ool la moat crodltablo to tho growor, and tho prie, cbtaincd will bo anothor inducement to our friend the wool-growors to take ovory possiblo caro in gottlni Iholr clips to market tn good condition. Woalao oh lained tho highest prico for greasy lambs', viz, Is, 6Ú Ter lb., and cannot concludo without expressing on ! gratification at tho marked iaipiovcmmt in tho con I ditton of Vlotorian wools generally this Benson, am

alto at tho manner in which our advlco to realizo ii this market, in preference to the risk of shipment t Ing'and, has boen takon, moro wool having boo cold In Molboumo than in any previous yon up to tho suma porlod, our own ealos alon during tho month amounting to about 5,000 haloi Pilcos Current -Suporlor scoured, 2s. 4d. to 2s. Od oioinary do., 2s. to 2s. 2d. ; bnndwashed, Is, 8d. t 1 ». lOd, ; superior floeco, la 1 Id. to 2s. 2}d. ; ord ' nary to good, Is. 7d. to Is. lOd. ; Inferior, Is. 4d. t

Is. Od.; groasy (good), 13d. tola. 2d. ; greasy (ord jinry), Od, to lOd. The folio« intr ships havo oleare during tho month with wool on board : -November 2 -Hebe, Hansen, for London, 725 bales. Decombor 4 Woiavian, Edward, for London, 2,480bales; Lineo!i shire, Roo, for London, 1,127 boloa. Dsconiberfl Ydalo,Boo, for London, 1,231 bales. December l8 Ocean Ohlof, for Liverpool, 1,270 bales; Monaro! Gill, for London, 2,101 bales. December 20-Bloc Eoglo, Savio, for London, 813 bales. Total, 10,01 balea. From the 25th of Scptembor to date i last summary, 20,091 bales Total, 30,104 bale K Idea.-Tho unfavourable advices rccelvoel from ti homo markot by last mall havo Btill further dopro'si prices, and although largo pareóla in shipping cone! tion arc nominally quoted at from 14s. to 15s. each,

wculd bo difficult to find buyers at that figuro. T! following ships have cleared with hides during ti month :-Dccorabcr Otu, Ydalo, 1,014 hidos, for Lo con; Decombor 20lh, Black Eaglo, 2,030 do.,de Ctilllanco, loading. Tallow.-No alteration to ropm Although the advices by last mall are moro fnvourabl end report nu advance, lins markot lins not boi riucted. YVo quota shipping paroclB:-Boof, £33 £42 ¡mutton, £44 to £40 per ton."

LIVE STOCK-atesara. Ryan and Hammond rope tho fat cattlo markot as largely supplied, 1,733 ho having been ponncd. " The majority of aloe* were pood and fair quality, hut nothing very primo. Owii to tho heavy etook, hualncss was dull throiighot hut moro so upon Monday than upon the remiinh n »rtct days. Averagoa for tho several lots.-Hurst from tho Lachlan, heavy and good quality bulloc! £6 Ifle. ; cows, ¡C4 10* Br-ttghton's, f'rom tho Bill bong, fair quality but light weights, Bold hy us-Bl leeka, £4 17s. 7d. ; cows, £3 19s. Id. Mr. Olas. fiom tho Murray, hoavy and usoful quality bulloc! £6 8s, ; cows, gocd quality, £4 l8 J. Od Mr. Uonty from tho Uppor Billabong, good quality and Ita! bullocks, £6 lia ; cows, £14». Messrs. Harvey at Allcyno's, trom tho llurruinhldgoo, fair to iiilddli quality bullocks, £415s. ; cowa, £3 10s. Konnedy from tho Billabong, good quality, light wolgh s,

10s. ; cowa, £4 2s. 4d. Elliott's, fromthelMurrunibldp -mlddlingqunlity bullocks, £-1 4s. 7d.; cows, £3 8s. I Inrg's, from tho Lowor Murrumbidgee, about li tho mob hoavy useful cattlo, somo good quality, t bt8t sale of tho week-bullocks, £6 lOe. ; cows,. 17f. 3d. Fat Calves.-A largo supply; 205 to li ir and prices low. Gond quality, 40s. to 65s. Wo hu 1 sild 40 head at from 20a. to 60.=. Fat Sheep.-By !

the largest supply wo havo hvl f^r somo tltno, t wurdB of 15,00l> having boon lu the yards this week fc.w primo and good, and remainder middling quali Good wothors, 12s. to 14s. ; a few very primo, l63. Iflr, 9d. ; middling quality wethers, 0s. t'j 11'., ncco: ii g to weight. Kwoa of good quality sold ntSj. 0J. ils. ; middling quality and aged, 7s. to 8f. Wo ho tola 200 very primo heavy wethers from Rocltba station at fruin 16s. Od. to 10s. Od. ; 15 head htilf-bt and heavy, 20s. 3d. ; a »mill lot of wothora, 2 Staughton'«, light wolghts, at 13.. ; 850 hoi ¡Mr. Taylor's, at 12s. ; a ttv of Mr. Stóunto mee at 9a. and 10s.; 527 hoad old owes, fr. Rockbank station, at 0s. Oil. to 7s. 6d Lan have been well supplied, but not at all oqml the large domand. 1,6S0 hold carno forward up "Wednesday, and others had to bo sont for to compl ordcis. Middling quality, 8s. Od. to Ila. ; good quail 13s. to 143. 2d. Wo havo sold 826 from Rookh» Station, from 12s, Od. to 14s. 2d. ; a taw KB. Od." Messrs. Powor, Rutherford, and C cinulnr reports as'follows:-" Fat Cattle.-Nura in, 1,800 head ; country, 341 : trado, 1,6¿5. Prices r considerably yestorday towards tho closo of tho mnrl 1 ho quality of thoso offered, with tho excoptlon of t lots, was far from primo ; somo very inferior a ur.dor atora prloos. It Ia perfectly uaeloas at this ti to forward any but good stock ; as tho market la glutted, a Suporlor description of bocf only ia saleal Wo havo Bold 210 head, half sexes, good quality. 1 lient) 'fl, from tho Billabong (brought down In 1 order), at £5 12s. for bullocks ; £4 4s. for oowa. A1 100 head, Mr. Elliott's, Indlll'ernnt, bullock, £4 4 cowB, £3 3.1. Pilcos oro-Bu<t bullocks, £0 to £7 í tuend do., £3 10s. to £5; boat cowa, £4 to £51 second do., £2 to £3. Olives-A very full supj Inferior, 14s. to 30s. ; host, 40a. to 05s. Fat Shoop. goc d supply forward ; quality not very firat-rato. fr dull, coi.flt.ed almost wholly l'o the first two days of wuk. Number in, 15,210; alilpping, 1,137 ; grazl 8,860 ; trade, 8,676 ; sont out, 2,139. Prlcea aro-for 1 wethers, 12s. to 14s., primo ; second do , 0s, 0d. Iii». ; boat owos, 7a. Od. to 8s. Od. Wo havo sold al.d near the markot-P. Cameron's, 2,000 wotlura li* Od. to IBs. ; owos, 8s. to 0a M. Pattersons, 1, wether«, 12s. ; owos, 88. Od, Cock's, 380 weth Bs. to 9B. Od. ; owes, 7a. Od.; Purtor'«, 42 weth 8... Od. ; Chlrnaldo'a, 460 do., 12a. ; Kelly's, 160 10a. to 10/. Od. ; M'Pherson's, 2,300 do,, 10s. to

Outside saloa, 4,000, at 10s. 0d. (wothors) In addli to tho abovo-lu all, 11,163 fat shoop, Lambs - Sut not equal to domand. High prices ruling, viz.-fi ia fld. io 14s. Wo sold-147 (Porter's), 8s,to0s. ; (Cock's), 10s. 0d,;210 (Edol's), shorn, primo, li 32s. J 216 (Dowling'a), 10a. 0d. : total, 802 hoad. SI Cktllo -Tnero Is still vory little doing with thlae of stock, and wo cannot look for any material

riovcmara until let cattlo command better prices. As

it 1B at present, tho difference bctwocu tho valuo of nine mid fat cattle Is so meagre as to mako cattle fattening a very unprofitable investment ; and wo would Blrongly urge on ovorland dealers to act with extremo camion, othorwlso heavy losses must bo sus-tained. Quotations-all bullocks, £8 5s. to £3 10s ; ¡?¡¡.yea cows, £2 15s. to £3; equal sexes, £3 lis. to £3; Inferior rough lots, £1 10s. to £â. In giving the above quotations, wo may say that tho io arc tho prices asked, but actual sales have boon so few nru 1er between lately, as to make It a difficult matter lo tay What roally Is the saleable figure. Store sheop. -Iho main feature In this market at prosont le, rnoit dtcldodly, tho demand for brooding owes, which, wo do not h es1 ta to to say. Is brlskor than has been oxpo iknced for years ; and this, In a great measure, may I c attributed to tho low prices ol cattle, causing many Imgc holders, as well as partios stocking now country, to turn their attention to sheop as the most profitable Inuktniont. And hero wo would counsel caution, as tt-is may be overdone, and many, whon too late, wish to retrace tholr stops. The purchase« for Now Zea-lot d havo largely ten dod towards tliobrliknci, at least 30,000 to 40,000 having been Bold by us this year for that market, and all at piyablo rates fur tho Uccder. Wethers and owes for fattening are in-quired for, but talos not so roadily effected. Pricos, ht-wovcr, are gradually improving. Quotations : -AY ethel s, four, six, and eight tooth, from 10s. ] to 11s. : owos, fall mouthod, for fattening, 8s. ;

breeding owos, two, four, and six tooth, Os. to 11s. ; Uno broeds, 11s. Od. to 12s. Od. Our sales aro :-< 2,(00 ewes, two tooth, 10s. Bil. ; 3,000 to 4,000 do., two tooth, to bo tupped and six months'credit, l18. Od. Al d sheep advertised by us have boen sold prlvatoly, viz :-2,000 owes, six tooth, very fino, 12s. ; 18,000 do., two and four tooth, 11s. The following Is from our Deniliquin agoncy.-I am g'ad to Inform you tint no fat cattlo lnvo crossed the .Edward silica Tuosday, tho lltb, Messrs M'Klnnon and Lydlard's being tho lait, nor do I hoar of any closo to. Bho p -None. Sloro Cattle.-Thoro aro still threo lots, viz., MesBrs. Dutkett's, Dargan's, and Bartlet'». Mr. M'Klnnon, of [Corio, is In treaty for Mr. Bartlot's bullocks." Messrs. Dalmahoy Campbell and Co, report:-" Fut Cattle.-Tho total numbor offered amounted to 1,800 head of good to second "qualities. Tho sales have pniscd off without muoh spirit on tho part of buyers, and no improvement in prices bra boon ob-tained. HurBt's lot averaged-bullocks, £5 10i.; cons, £4 11s. Broughton's-bullocks, £4 17a 7d.; cows, £319s. Id. Glass's-bullocks, £5 Ss. ; cows, £4 li», Od. Hciity's-bullocks, £5 12s.; cows, £4 43. Hervoy and Allcyno's-bullocks, £4 15», ; cows, £3 10». Kennedy's-bullocks, £4 10i ; cows, £4 2s. öd. Elliott'«-bullocks, £14s. 7d. ; cons, £3 8«. Od. Dr. lung's-bullocks, £5109. lOd. ; cow», £4 17s. Od. The tiodc took 1,626, country buyers 311. Fat snoop.-? 16,210 havo been offered ot all qualities Tho amount of business dono was much heavier thin mua!, inoit of tho good quality lots having found purchasers at within a trillo of last wcok's rates, notwithstanding the hoavy supply. A few picked wethers of tío leicester cross brought from 10s. to 10J Dd ; about 20c'o, heavier weights, 20B. 3d.; prluioqualltyuothon. ordinary wolghte, from >18s. tol4s.; good do., from 11». Cd. to 12s. 0 J. ; second lo inferior qualities, fr nu, ÏS (Id. to 10s ; good quality owos from 8*. Od. to Ds ;

iiifirior do., from 7e. to 7s. Od. We sold ono draft of items. Watson and Ifowitt's wether», at 14s ; at>o c1 llctsrs. T. und Vf. Wragg's, at from 11s. to 12s. Ths trndo took 8,576 ; grazlors, 3,369 ; shippers, 1,137 ; and 2.1E0 remained untold. Fat Oalves.-A large supply (\ ti., 206) hoad was offered. Wo sold 103 lied. Good quality, at from 40s. to 66s. ; others, from f8s. upward?, lamb?.-Ovtr 2,000 havo been disposed of, nt fair pi lees, say, primo, from 12s. to 14«. 2d. ; good, from lfp. to 11s. ; others, from 8«. fld. upward«. Wo oold CP2 at from 11?. to 11s. Od. Tho demand In tho latter i-tit of tho week lnereasod, andan advance could have liten obtained, had good lots been brouirlit forward." I'cssrs. W. E. mid Ä. S. King Gupply the iolUwmi nport:-" Wo report tho market to havo bon t im-plied with good useful cattle, larl u exco ¡i i f t'.u a ? luii.d, which wai veiy limited. A ptnno ljt \i-£

offered yestorday, bot no improvement can be regprtod Monday.-Wo sold 803 head of good'cattle from the lachlan-142 bullocks from £4 5s. to £7 6*., avorage £& I6s. Od. ; 161 cows from £3 6s. to £6 15a, average £i Ila. Mr. W. Broughtons lot from the Billabong sold-199 bullocks from £3 10s. to £6 6s., average £A 17s. 7d. ; 80 cows from £B to £5, average £8 10s. Id. Mr. Glass's lot of good cattle sold bullocks from £2 10s. to £7, avengo £5 8s. ; cows, £3 10s. to £5 6s., avengo £4 18s. Od. Tues-day.-Messrs. Hervey and Alleyno'a cattlo wore sold Sullocks, at £310s. to £6 5s, average £416a ; cows, at £2 to £415a., average £8 10a Mr. Henty'?, from the Billabong-Bullocks, at £6 12s. ; cows, at £4 4s. Also, Mr. Konnedy's, from the Billabong-Bullocks, at £410s. ; cowa, at £4 2s, 4d. .Thursday.-A prime lot of cattle from Lang's, on the Murrumbidgee, slid -68 bullocks, £310s. to £7 5s, average £5 10s. lOd. ; 40 cows, £3 10s. to £0 10s., average-, £4 17s. Od. Calves.-This markot has been largely supplied. Good quality brought from 40s. to 65s. ; Inferior do., 26s. to 80s. Shoop.-This markot has been heavily supplied, and a large amount of business dono, at about last woek's quotation. A few picked Loloester wothors brought 10a. to 10s. Od. ; a small lot of 20 do. brought 20s. 3d. ; prime quality wothors may bo quoted at 18s. to 14s. ; good do., 11s. to 12s. ; owes, a few picked brought 10a. ; good quality may be quoted at 8a. Od. to 0B." Messrs. ROW, Kirk, and CO , roport:-"FatCattle -Up to this ttmo the market has been well-supplied with cattle of about average quality. There was, how-ever, to be a lot of primo olfered this day (Thursday), the reault of which we hivonot yot heard. Saloa were effected at the early part of tho week, at low prices, and it waa only by tho assistance of tho graziers that wo cleared out, On Monday wo sold 160 heal-Glass's Cattle.-Bullocks, at from £7 to £210s. ; cowa, from £516s. to £8 10s. On Tuesday, 215 Hervey and Alleyno'a bullocks, £016a. to £310a.; cows, £4 16s. to £2 per hoad. Calves -Thora has boon an excosslvo supply-prices for pilme quality ranged as high as 55s, Sheep -Tho supply has boon considerable, but tho quality has not been equal to that of previous weeks. Primo sheep Bold at fair ratos, say-boat wothors, 13s. to 14a ; others, Ila. Od. to 12s.'0d. Beat owes, 8a Od. to 9a. ; others, 7s. to7s Od. A fow picked Loieoators realised higher prices. Limbs cams to hand in Bufflclent numbers in the early part of tho week ; towards the el-so the domand exceeded tho supply. They Bold at from 8e. Od. to 14s. 2d. each."

HOBBS MAUKKT.-Messrs. JOB. Henderson and Co. report :-" A considerable amount of business has boen transacted during the past week, a decided improve-ment having taken place In tho demand, and sales have beon moro eaay to effect. During tho past week we havo disposed of 00 head thoroughbred stock, from tho stud of Messrs. Jas. and A. M'Lean Hunter, by the well-known sires Dolo and Joo Banka. The at-tendance was large, competition briak, and satisfice -tory prlcos obtained. On Thursday 15 head belonging to Mr. Jackson, brokon and unbroken, lu fair condi-tion, at from £9 to £2510s. Our ordinary »ales have consisted of second clasB saddle and harness horses at from £20 to £80 ; inforlor and stock horsos from £6to £121.B." Messrs. Purcell and Keighran re-port that tho market was well supplied with fresh st cok this week, and thoso lots that were In condition

se Id at good prices. "There are a few buyers for horsos ne'npted for tho Now Zealand and India markets, bub lew class and light stock can scarcely bo sold at any trico. Since last roport wo havo sold, on Thursday, I ho first draft of colts and fllliod unbrokon, fit for coachers and backnoys, from the station of John Rutherford, Esq , averaging £810s 4d. ; tho first draft of the lato Mr. Hugh Mlddlomiss's horses, broken, at from £410a. to £17, averaging £818s Od. Sams day, the second draft of Mr. Fook's, from the Lachlan, un-broken, avornglng £9. On Monday, tho remainder of Mr. M iddlomtes's, at £510s to £12, nvorago £810s. 8d. ; tho romalndor of Mr. Rutherford's, at from £4 16a. to £16108., avoi aging £9 4s Gd. ; and 100 hoad, fit for coachers, mostly colts, from Yass, at £10 per head. Wo alto cold a good number of town draught horses, at from £10 to £20 10s. : al-o a lot cf rough horsos, lit for saddlo, at from £4 to £10 " Mossrs. Hawloy aud Co. report a brisk domand during the past week." A mobof a middling qua'lty, from tboBeas, sultablo for llghtharneas, were all Bold on Tuesday for coaching Îimposes, and icallsed an average of £13 10s per

lead. Uood draught horses aro very scarce, und much innulrod for. Prleos Current-Flrst chiEB draught hirses, £50 to £70; light har-ness, £16 to £36 ; eaddlo hacks, £5 to £30." Messrs, E. Row, Kirk, and Co.'J roport states: "llóreos.-Trade WOB moro active thiawcek, and a fair amount of business was trauenctod. Tho yard < Mero well attondod tlnoughout, and a largo supply of »tock lias brought forward, almost all of willoh changed hands; tho prlcos realised, however, were lu most cases rather under last week's quotations, bcr. tho quality of tho atflck oil', rod was gouerally vor/ light and inferior, and by no means suoti as to justit/ tho expectation of high ratos. The domand for flrst clasB heavy draught horses was rather slack, and prices dcolinod ; seeond-chss wera more easily disposed of at £28 to £30. First-class backs and good coaching stock in activo demand at full rates. Middling and in feriorstook aro prosscdon the market In large numbers, and prleos aro consequentlylow. Oursalosof unbrokon steck commcn:ed on Monday with a mob of colts and fllliea from the station of Messrs. Bakewell and Lyall ; they woro In good condition, but very light (only di. for light harness), and wore not, as we expected, tho progeny of Messrs. Bakewell and Lyall's imported Suffolk Punch horse and cart mirea. The prloo-i ranged from £5 to £1010), per head. On Tuesday wo disposed of a lot from the station of Messrs. Hdiiry BaviB and Oo., some of which weio broken In, at ratet Which, though in somo cases not quito up to tho von-don' expectations, on Hie whole showed a pretty satis-factory avorogo. On Wednesday, wo moved off tho Bccond draft of tho samo stock with a similar result."

LABOUR MAICKET. - A moro activo demand Ins existed this iveok than for somo time past, nior." parti-cularly for domeatlo servant?, both malo and female. For all claascs sultablo for inns, ¿to , there has been the customary extra demand which usually onsuei just prior to tho Christmas holidays commencing. Married couploa for country service, good ploughmen, and general farming mon, havo also moro readily mat with engagements; but for tradesmen, mechanic-, skilled workmen, and labourers', thero la no Improvj.i demand to roport. Tho following continue about tho current ratos of wages, reductions bolng in soma In-stances made to moot circumstances :-Married coupla*, with families, £00 to £70 per annum ; gardonora, £62 to £00 do.; grooms, 20s. to 25s. per week; slnp herds, £35 to £ 10 per year ; h u t keepers, £20 to £25 do, ; gcnorol farm servants, 15a to 20a. por wcok; mowers, 4a. 6d. por acre ; hayniakors, 20a. per week ; plough-men, 20s. por week ; bullock drivers, ou road, 2is. do. ; do., on farms and stations, 15s. to 20s. do ; men cooks, for farms and stations, 20s. to 26s. do. :

cooks for hotolo, from £2 to £4 do.; general servants, £26 to £80 per year ; nursemaid», £10 to £25 do. ; laundresses, £30 to £36 do. ; houso maidB, £20 to £30 do.; parlourmaids, £26 ta £30 do. ; carpenters, 11B. to 12s. a day ; masons, brick-layers, blacksmiths, 11s. to 18s. do. ; plck-ond-shuvol men, 7s. 61. do. ; carters and storo labourors, 40s. to to», a week ; quarrymen, 10a. to 12B. por day ; fencers, 2s. 3d to 2s, 0J. a rod ; splitting posts an i ulla, 20s. to 80í. por 100. -

BEAIIBN'S YVAQES.-Inquiry for soamon is brisk, mil In exccBS of the general supply. Kates of wagos aro, howovor, unaltered, £4 per month bolng the currone rato paying for all voj ages.

OAaTAOB.-Loading has boon offering freoly during the wcok, and a considerable supply of goods for war dod up country. The number of wool drays seek-ing return leading has, however, rather dupreasol prices, and numerous teams bo'.ug still in town and coming in, rates aro not for tho present likely to im-prove. The following aro about the ruling rates fof general loading ; for timber, machinery, &a, prices bolng subject to special arrangement. Bullock ttonis-Albury, £8 8a. ; Avoca, £4 10s. ; Booch wortb, £716s. ; Bendigo, £4 ; Buckland, £9 ; Deni-liquin, £8; Dunolly, £4 10a.; Echuca, £6; In-digo, £7.10s. ; Jim Crow, £4 ; Maryborough, £4 to £1 On. ; Mount Korong, £6 10a. ; M'lvor, £i ; Wanga ratio, £7; Yackandandah, £3 10s Horse team« Albury, £11 10».; Avoca, £5 10s ; Beechworth, £10 10s. ; Bocdlgo, £5 ; Buckland, £16 ; Castlemaine, £1 ; Deniliquin, £11; Dunolly, £0; Daisy Hill, £0; Echuca, £8 ; Fryer's Creek, £4 ; Forest Creek, £ 1 16B.; Indigo, £10; Inglewood, £5; Jim Crow, £5 10s.; Maryborough, £5 10s.; Mount Korong, £j ; M'lvor, C5 10s.; Rushworth, £8 ; Swan Hill, £U ; Tarrengower, £6; Taradalo, £3 10i. ; Wangaratta, £9 10a ; Yackandandah, £11 to £12.



A rotrospoct of the import markot during tho past month doos not supply many subjects calling for remark, transactions have boon of so uniform a character, and prices BO unchanged. The roport of shortened shipments from the homo markots has cer-tainly created a degreo of firmness amongst holders genorally, but tho effects of long-continued ship-ments weigh heavily on business, and proveut all prospect of any early general Improvement in prices. Storos .aro crowded with imported goods of nearly all descriptions, and although a steady country trade has been, and Is still doing, the reduction In stocks is moro than counterbalanced by tbe continued arrivals, for, be it remembered, demand Is confined to Immodlato consumption. Speculation cannot bo said to exist, and, unremuncratlyo as price» generally aro to importers, buyers cannot be induca t to purchase on speculation. The prlcos of sound good« ore, moreover, nfloctod by the constant sale of largo quantities of such goods as, from long holding, havo become unsound, and aro forced off by auction at any procurable rates. But business, if not ex-tensive, is in a moro satisfactory condition. Shortened credits have reduced the extent of purchases, bat have considerably lossened losaoi, and purchasers como moro frequently to mar-ket. The reports of tho English hop market luva ¡educed holders, moro particularly of late season i' gowths, to advanco their demands ; and, as stock,

seen, high prlcos aro lookod for. Tho intelligence by the last mall has unsettled the market for brandi', without amending prices ; holders are firmer, ami evlnco no Inclination to soil in any quantities at pre- ' sent prices. Beers have Improved both in inquliyj and prices, and aro still looking up. Butter Is over-, dono, and lower In price. Candes improving in value.

Parcels of sound good choeao in inquiry, and of ready! sale. YVlth theso remarks we proceed to moro detaiUdl particulars of tho loading imported articles of gonoral! consumption. I

Ale and Stout.-An improved demand and moro! moderate supplies havo firmed the market, and price ii aro Blowly creeping up for both draught and bottled! sorts of tho most preferred brands. Quotations are:-. Ale-Bus's No. 8, £8 6s. to £310a. ; Allsopp's, £8 ¡I other Burton brewers*, £0 to £7 ; Joule's Stono.i £7 10s.: Tennont's, £0 10a. to £0 15a. per hill ;

Byau's bottled, 9s. Od. ; other bottlers', 8s. 01- t.'' Sa. 3d. per dozon. Stout-Boat brands, £7 10a ; other brewers', £610s. per hhd. ; bottled-Guinness'-, 10s. ; Byois's, 0s. 6d. to 10s.; other branda, 8s. to 8'. Od. per dozen.

Bags and Sacks.-A fair demand continues for throe bushel sacks, and the late advanco in prico is well su > tallied. 'Tho quantity required this season will bo unUBually largo, and is fast bringing forward tin heavy stocks. Woolpacks aro in but little demand,' flcckowncrs being generally supplied. Good quality three-bushel Backs are selling at from l18. Od. to Iii. tier dozon; heavy packs cannot be quoted at abo» o 8s. to 8e. Sd. each.

Butter has been unable to Bustain the Improvomont mentioned In our' last. Stocks aro very heavy, and the large and Increasing supplies of fresh keep the conitimptlon of imported lu chock, price of now!/ landed cloublo roso Cork. lid. to li jil. The discussion , cn the subject of lue tares In future proposed to bo

allowed on this articloappearstohavodledout, ani the old roto is,'wè beliévô,~generally being contlnuod..

CandloB.-In the absoneo of any late arrivals, stool«, have bocomo very mucirrcducocl.' Bslmonts and lib. Hackets are scarce, and In good inquiry. . Quotations oro:-Nova stéarine, Is. 4}d.; Belmont sperms. Is 81d. . Ocloby's, Is. 8d.; Halo's, Is. 3d.; French, 1B! 2d. por lb. Light weights in but iittlo inquiry.

Comont continues unimproved. Arrivals havo bsen largo and Inquiry moderate

Confeotlonery has beon In bottor inquiry, and small assortments havo boon movod off at from about lOJd.

to lid. por lb.

Oordogo remains at about last quotod prices ; there haB been rather an improved inquiry, but aupplles-aro largo. Beaming twlno Is scarco, and In demand. Quo-tations aro :-Europe, £30 to £35 per ton ; Russian, £40 por ton ; coir ropo, £30 per ton ; Manilla ropo, assorted sizes, £48 to £50 per ton ; shop twine, 8d. to fld. per lb. ; Bowing twlno, Is. per lb. ; oakum, £25

per ton.

' Coals.-Notwithstanding tho-advanced season, tho

light supply of English coals at market has advanced their value, and prices «re quoted at from 35?. to 40». in tho bay. Newcastle (colonial) fairly supplied, and bting from 82s. to 84s. on tho wharf.

Drugs.-In thoso articles thoro is bnt little altera-tion to noto. Stocks of soda crystals are hoavy, and value unimproved. Flour of sulphur declining in prico, the season for its donmnd boing noarly closed. StockB of soda ash aro becoming rodueed, and pi leo improving. Opium remains dull, and pricis un-changed. Patna, £205 to £270 por chest; prepared, 80s. to 31s. por canister. Soda crystals, £0 to £0 tOs. ; soda ash, £14 10s. to £15. Sulphur (flour), £18 per

Earthenwaro has undergone no tmprovomon', is heavily stocked, and (hows no oirly prospect of ad

vaneo In prices.

Fi-h (Drlod and Saltod).-Now parcels of good Snality ling aro Inquired for, but of this thoro is but

ttle In the market ; 4Jd. por lb. ia quoted as tho pre-sent value. With inforlor sorts tho market Is over-stocked, and sales aro difficult to effect. White norring^ ure In rathor bettor inquiry, but for red thoro Is no


Flour and Grain.-Tho imports of flour from Cali-fornia, Oblll, and tho Eastern States of Amorloi coming heavily to hand just In tho faoo of tho colonial harvest, had a depressing effect, and tho earlier prrtlon of tho South AustralUn harvest havln« abo como in l'rooly, prlcos stoadily receded, until within tho last wcok, when tho markot somewhat rallied, and tho downward progress has for tho presen! been arrested. Wheat lias also arrived in heavy sup-plies, and prlccB havo doclinod about Is. Od. to 2s. poi nui hoi, at oven which, demand for foreign sorts is veri limited. Oats continue depressed, and dull of sall at quotations. Stocks aro hoavy, and supplies iron: the now crop aro c-xpootod to bo largo. Malt Is ir gocd request, mid tho markot lightly suppliod. Oit meal (imported) quite neglected. Gram is not ir much inquiry, owing to the high prices sought for, bu' with any reduction de-maud would increase. Quota tiona aro ¡-Flour, Adelaide, £10 to £17 10a ; Chiilau £1610s. to £10 ; United States, 3fis. to 40s per barro!

wheat, 0s. 8d. to 0s. Oil. per bushel ; oats', colonial, 3? Od. to 4s. ; Irish and Scotch, 8s. to 3s. 8d. ; Dutch, 3i Sd. ; Calcutta, Si 8d. ; ltusslan, 3s ; DaniFh, 8i Gd.

Californian, 8s. 9d per bushel ; maize, Now Soatl Wales growth, 8s. 7ci. to 38 8d. pot bushol; malt, 1H per bushel ; gram, £14 per ton.

Fruits, dried.-S carcely any demand exists. Cou lli.ued attempts to forno salos by auction havo be-' unido, but small lots only havo beon got rid <

rmil tlitfo at miserable rates. Nominal quotation «re ¡-Almonds, Jordan, is. Id. to le. Od ; soft sholl £d. ; currants (Patias), 3d. to 4d ; raloins-Muían (layéis), 6Jd. tu Od ; Capo, 6d. to 0}d. ; French plu-r (bottles), Hil. to lOd. ; figs, 4jd. to 0J. ; Barcolon nuts, 3d. to id. ; dried apples (American), id. lo ii.

per lb.

Glassware.-There havo boon a fow inquiries f.)

prossotl tumbler;. Cut glass is rathor scarce, b.i

demand dull.

Hardware and Ironmongery.-Thoro Is no Itnprov« mont whatever to report; the trade aro woll suppliai

oiiel sales aro difficult to effect.

llollowaro.-Ironmongers arc slocked, and with ir creasing supplies thoro ¡s no demand.

Hops, as wo have elsewhere ronarked, aro bcoomln scarce, and prices steadily advancing ; best Kent c (.lusex aro worth from 3s. lOd to 4s. por lb.

Giocerles.-ïho market for teas has of Uto boo lully testod bynuctlon sales. Tho trade havo, howevei i alher held back, ot luoing but Kitto disposition to bu; i be-up, h importen aro ihm, aud prices iustalnoi iced useful congous bringing about £10 to £10 10 ) tr chest. Tho cargo, ex Gazelle1, is roported to hav ti ungid illunie, hut the prico has nut tranrplru I elites movo off steadily, without nny fresh arrivals i impoitniico Sugiirs,owlngt08everalarrivnlsfrom Mai i iilus simultaneously, hivo boen rather oasler. Price have, however, again rallied, and quotations arc prott jiuch os when labt g.veii. dtlco is ilrmor, and woll ho (or an advanoo. Inquiry, however, ia not very bris Quotations aro ¡-Teas (ctuty paid)-Congou, good ort j.try to flue, £10 10s. to £12 lus. perchest; Infurli to ordinary, £8 to £0 lös. por chest; hjsonski1 ¿7 to £7 10s. per chest ; gunpowdor, 2s. Od. to 3s. I!d Imperial, 2s. Od. to 3s. ; hyson, 2s. 9d. to 3s. ; oran: ¡ekc-c, scented, 2s. 4tl. to 2s. Od. pur lb. Coffee ( Lind)-Ceylon plantation, Is. 2d. to 1B. Sid i r.llve, Is. per lb. Sugar-Cosslporo, No, 1, 47 io 48s. ; Mauritius, crystallized white, 42s. to 41a low to (ino yellow, 05s. to 41s. ; low to Iii lro«n, 28s. to 31s. ; syrups, 24s. to 20s. per cwt lico, Patna, ISs. Od. to 19s. per owt.

Mntches and voätas aro well supplied, nnd price3 u


Metals.-Bar ¡ion continuos to arrive in hoavy qua lilies, adding to already lal go stocks. Corrugat galvanized, cf host brands, Is In good demand. Stoe e f plain galvanized light, and in inquiry. Anglo ni '£ iron over-supplied, and dull of salo, Shoc-t, hoo end plate, In lair demand at quotations. For she lied there Is scarcely any demand, and notwithstan ing the light Khipmoats announced prices show no a jjtoronco of advancli g. Ziuu Is lu fair request, a tt eeles moderato BUck wiro has been of more rea tale, and prices likely to improve. Tin plates are lust In sotno inquiry, tho excessive stocks appen- to nduclng, and coming supplies more madúrale. Prie ero:-Iron, Morowoud'a patont corrugated gin uized tinned, 24 and 20 gaugos, £80 per ton ; Mo; vocid's corrugated galvaulzcd, No. 2, or unilnni Í83 do. ; Tuppor's do., £33 do. ; Hamilton's

other English maker's, £81 do. ; Scotch, £28 do Mcrewood'a galvanized tinned pliin, 20 and 28 gang £46 do. ; Tupper'.*, or othor English maker's, £42 de fccotch, do., £35 do.; rod and bar, best Staffordsh brands, BBII, £11 do. ; do., Scotch, £10 do. ; pla £11 do. ; sheet assorted, £14 10s. do. ; angle and ' £10 do. ; hoop, £12; pig, £5 do.; Swodl. r.o talo. Lead-Pipe, absorcod sizes, £2d to £20 di fhoet, milled, assorted, £27 10s. do. ; bhot,' assorti £82 do. Quicksilver, 2B. 3d. por lb. Stool-Bust £2 6s. per owt. ; cast, £2 lfls. do. Tin-Bio Is. Od. to Is. Od. per lb. ; plates, charcoal, ; plates, charcoal, IX, 20 per cent, advmico. W -Fencing, black, £14 per ton; galvanized, Nos to 6, £17 do. Zlnc-Itollod, light, £36 do. ; do. na

£2 8s. to £2 10s. per owt

Oilmen's Stores.-Tho market continues much

last reported. Pickles are barely supplied, and good demand. Salmon and sardines scarce, and quircei for. Sahul oil also is In good request. VIUP¡ very dull cf sale. Stooka havo accumulated to cnoimous extent. Quotations are as follow :-Bl thumb, OJd. per lb. ; ourrla powdor, qunrts, 13a. to J Íior dozon; fruits, bottled, quarts, Ho. do. ; Jams i

cilles, lib. tins, Ils. do. ; lobsters, Jib. tins, Auioric is. do ; mnccaronl and vermicelli, white, Naj and "Genoa, 7d. per lb. ; mustard, in bulk, . 2, 7jd.- do. ; do., in lib. bottles, 11s. Od. per dozi do,, in; Jib. bottles, 7B. Od. do. ; oatmeal, £20 ton;"o}'Btora, preserved, lib. tins, 14s. per dozon ; c ¡db. tins, 17s, to £1 do. ; pickles, quarts, 10s. to Ile. do. ; do., pints, 8s. do. ; preserved moats,

tins, wantod; salad oil, pinta, 18i. per dozi do., lialf-piiits, Os. Od. do. ; salmon, preserved, lib. t 10s. do. ; sardines, halvos, 0s, cid. to 10s. d do., quarters, 6s. 9d. to 0s. 8d. do. ; sauces, assort half pints, 8s. do. ; do., Worcestershire (Lea

Fermi's), 12s. to 12s. Od. do.; starch (Colmar tù. per lb. ; vinegar, brown (Champion's 24) 2s. (¡ellon; do., concentrated, quart«, 0s. to 10s. dozon ; whlto wino, l8. Od. to la. Od. per gallon.

Oils, Paints, &c-rho market (or linseed oi firmer, ns Btocka appear to bo reiluclnir. Colza and turpentine In fair request, mid prices looking ChlnoBO oil ia botter supplied, and easier in pr Whitelead Is in rather moro inquiry. liodKadd In paints thero ÍB nothing doing. Quotations are Ilmced oil, raw, Ss Od. to Ss. Od. ; Polled, Sa. Ddl 4s. ; colza, 4s. Ou. to 5s. ; Chinese, 6s. 8d. (in til turpentine, 4s. Od. per gallon ;'white lead, best, St red load, 2KB. por cwt.

Provisions gonorally havo undergone but li chango. Hams and bacci are not in much rcqu Prices aro, however, slightly firmer. Good choos very scarce, and fetches oxtromo ratos. Quotat aro ¡-Butter, douhle-roso Cork, now, lid. toll actual tares, 18d. tj 13Jd. ; old, Od. per lb. ; h.i Tarcy's, Od. to Oíd.; Sinclair's, Bjd.tolOd. ; Co ton'e, 8d. to Sill. ; hams, Varey's, 12d. to 12) Sinclair's, lljd. ; Cumberland, lid. to Hid. ; \\ phalia, 7àd. to 8d. per lb. ; clieeso," doublo Gloueo« is. Id. to Is. lid. ; Wiltshlro, Is. 1 jd. to le. I Cheshire, Is. Id. ; Gouda, 7Jd to Sd. per lb. ; p Irish tu cus, £510s. por barrol ; beef, £6 per tiorco.

Powder.-Hoavlly etooked, and dull of sile. Bl ing, of good brand, is quoted at Old. per lb.

Salt-Fino is largo in atocle, and dull of Balo,

coane there Is a fair inquiry, and price rather proving. Liverpool fine Is quoted at £4 ; coarso

10s. to £6 per ton.

SlatcB. - Pricos aro uncliaugod, steeles cont heavy, and demand of lato has boen lighter. Quotat aro ¡-Blue Bangor duchess, £16 10s. ; countess,

15s. to £12 por 1,000.

Spirits.-The market for brandy is rather unset The advices by tho last mall havo not given ii impetus to price, but the principal fielders ha withdrawn, thero Is overy appoaranco of n further Hum has lately boon in moro Inquiry, and te parcels havo changod hands at quotations. Go maintains prices, and stocks are steadily passing consumption. Whiskey and old tom continu very limited Bale Prices rule as . follow ¡-S; (in bond).-Brandy, Martell'a dark, 11s. per Ion; Hennessy'a do., 10s. Od. do.; Otard's, 10s TJ. V. Proprietors'do., 9s. Od. do. ; Champagne ) yard Proprietors* Coirjpany's"do,, pale, 10s.

Vinegrowers', 8s. do. ; other branda do, to 8s. do. ; palo, Martell'a, 12s. do. ; do., do Honnessy'o, 84s. per dozon case ; " do., TJ. V.

priotors', 20s. do.; Vlnegrowors', 24s. do.; C1 pagno Vineyard Proprietors' Company's, 23s.

Clouzoau'B, 20s. do. Geneva, JDKZ or key brand, Od. per 4-gallon caso ; do., do., Ss. Od. per balf-caso other brands, 10s. to 18s. per caso, Gin-Loi old tom, best branda, 2s. to 2s, Od. per gai Ub., do., 13s. Od. per dozen. Bum-East Indi, to 80 o.p., Is. Od. to 2s. 8d. per gallon ; Wost I 10 to 12 o.p., 3s. to 3s. 3d. do. ; do., 20 ti o,p., 43. do. Whiskey, Irish, Mohan's, 4s. do. ; Scotch, best, 4s. Gd. do. ; do., best brands,

per dozen caso.

Timber.-Scotch flooring lj worklnc/ down at le in stock, but arrivals ol' American havo como free hand,. In deals and battens thero Is a decldci provoment in tho demand, and prices aro like advance. Amciican doors; Ss. Od. to 10s. each EasbeB, 5s. Od. to ISs. per pair ; do., hard-pine Hoc £13 ; do., laths, Bawu, 4 foot, 10s. to 10s. per 1 do., clear pino, li to 2 Inch, £15 16s. to 17s. Od. per l.uOO feet ; do., whlto

tongued and grooved, 1-inch, £12 to £18 do. ; spruco scantling, £5; do., shelving, 1-Inch, £12 to Baltic-Deals, rod, 9x3, Od. por foot ; do., li x 8, 0}d. to OJd. do.; do., white, 0 x3, C1; do., do.,llx 8, 0}d. to OJd. do.; floe tongued and groovod, OJ x lj.läd. do.; log, 1 do."Oedar-Inch boards, 44d. to 6d. do. ; log, £1S to £16S. por 100 super. Laths- Vatt 'ljlemon's J 3B. to 4s. per 1,000. Gara.-Ash, overstocked. P.i -Van Dlomen's Land, 6ft., 7a to 7s. Sd. pal Pino.-Now Zealand, 10s. to Ils. per 100. Post Halls.-Stringy buk, £2 5s. to K2 7s. Cd. «hi

-Yan Dlemoii'a Land, 12a. to Its. per 1,000 ; di. otrgo, full cut, 0s. to 10a. Od. per 100 feet; do., f market cut, 6a. to Oa. 6d. do.

I Tobacco.-Domand Is very itoady, and prices vari-

ent little from our last quotations, and aro given aï IOUOWB:-Tobacco-Cigars (In bond)-Havaunah, real, per 1,000, £12 ; Imitation do., do, £8 to £10 ; Ma ' sill» cheroots, No. 2, do., £2 15a. to £2 17a. Od. ; Ko. 2, Havannah shape, do, £2 8s. to £2 101. Tobacco-Barratt's anchor brand, per Ib., 2s. ; do , crown do., do., 2s. ; Eagle, do., do., Is. lid. to2i. do. ;

honeydew, 201b. boxes, half-lb.'lumps, lOJd. to lid. , do. ; honeydew. 8's and 10's, lOd. to lid. ; tiorr's

| brand, 1B. lOd. to Is. lid. do ; CB. S. and Co.'s, I

none ; & sterling do, none ; Sheuard do., nono ; sheep-

wash, 4d. por lb.

| Wines.-Ports of good quality aro in fair demand.

Sherry has been a little more in Inquiry, but for ths season of the year la still very dull Tho wosther has been (gainst the sale of light wines, for which wo have to report a very inactivo market.



ARRIVAIS AND CLEARANCES BUICK OUR LAST SUMMARV. IB., British ; A., American ;. Au., Austrian ; Da,,

Danish ; D., Dutch ; F., French ; Oh., Chilian ; P., Portuguese ; H., Hamburg; ; N., Norwegian; S., Swedish ; Belg., Bolglan ; Br., Bromen ; Pr., Prus-sian ; s., ship ; b,, borquo ; br., brig ; se., senoonor; St., steamor.i i


24. impress of the Seas, B. a., 1,040, J. T. Bragg, '

Liverpool.-Bright Brothors and Co. ' 24. Calliance, B. s., 822, G. T. Brown, London.-Dal-

gety and Co

24. Belle of tho West, A. s., 033, W. F. Howes, Boston.

-Wilkinion Brothers and Co.

24. Carl, Da. b., 173, Mauritius.-Swire Brothers and


24. Chantillón, F. s., 600, - Bonnin, Calcutta,-Cap- -


26. Kleber, A. s. 448, O. M. Blgeloiv, San Francisco.

-Dickson, William», and C<<.

26. Gazehound, B b, 382, W. Boy, Foo-Chow-Foc

Downie and Murphy.

26. Herman and Emma, H. t., 702, G. F. Kayair,

Tome -Bright Brothors and Co.

25. Southampton, B. s., 1,000 B. Tonkin, London.

W. P. White and Co.

26. Konradino Locbman, H. b,, 300 N. Quodons, Foo-

chow-Foo.-Dalgety and Co.

26. Copenhagen, B. B , 1,200, J. B. Godfrey, London.

Dalgety and Co.

20. Eagle, B. s., 1,050, M. Murphy, Llvorpc-ol.-Bright

Brothera and Co.

26. Sarah H. Snow, A. b , 475, W. S. Higgins, New

York -W. Dogravoa and Co.

2Í. Southern Eagle, A. s, 724, YV. Caldwell, Naiv

York.-Fisher, Ricarda, and Co.

VI. Olympia, H. b., 008, A Tobias, Manilla -Haogo

and Prell.

27. Undaunted, A. s. 1,224, YV. Froeman, London.

Michaelis, Boyd, and Co.

28. Morning Star, B. P., 1,827, O. Matthews, London.

Bright Brothers and Co.


1. Golden Eagle, B. b., 877, R. L. Oldham, Foo

Ohow-Foo.-Fanning, Nankivell, and Co.

1. What Ch-er, A. b,, 8'4, S. J. Raymond, San Fran

OIBCO.-M'PherBon, Francis, and Co.

1. Gazeilo,[D. br,, 270, H. T. Johanneen, Foo Ohow

Foo.- Oaptiin.

t, Ln.kett, B. a , 677, J. J. Topham, San Francisco.

-¡Ui. kBOii, Williams, and Co.

4. Peking, D. b, 800, H. Croese, Amsterdam.

Joshua Btithors.

7, Cil» A. Clark, A. s, 1,077, A. F. Barloa, Londm.

-Cleve Brothers and Co.

X1. Samuol Falos, A. s., 761, J. L. Randio, Now York.

-R. Towns and Oo.

12. Bweepstakos, A.B., 1,785, YV. A-M'GI11, Now York,

-R. Towns and Co.

14. Bebar, B. Bt, 1,800, W. F. Norio, Galle.-J.


16. Formosa, B. b., 400, J. Lowrie, Mauritius.

Joshua Brothers.

16. St. Dunstan, B. b., 441, J. Wynn, Mauritius.

Fanning, Naokivol), and Co.

16. Owen Glendower, B. s" 1,000, - Dickenson, Lon-

don.-W. P. White and Co.

16. Kont, B. s, 1,000, M. T. Clayton, London.-YV. P.

White and Co.

10. Elizabeth, Br. s, 611, H. Smith, Now York.

Lord and Co.

10. BluoJackot, B. s, 1,442, J. YVhlto, Liverpool.

Lorimer, Mackie, and Co.

17. Oscar, H. b., 293,,C. Matthieu, Foo-Chow-Foo.-J.

Henty and Co.

17. Meteor, A. b., 613, G. Colson, Calcutta,-Newell

and Co.

21. Norman, B. b, 261, F. Orfeur, Mauritius.-Dick-

son, Williams, and Co.


26 Merlin, B. s, 1,031, G. Borlase, Callao.-Bright

Brothers and Co.

26. Salsotto, B. st., 068, B. Methven, Gallo.-J.


27. Camilla, B. b, 261, J. U. Russell, Guam.-Miller

Brothors and Co.

28. Hobo, N. b" 460, W. Hanson, London_Gibbs,

Ronald, and Co.

28. Ladoro, B. s, 800, T. Gardiner, Gallo.-Swire


18. Union, A. s., 1,009, J. Skillinga, Guam_Cleve

Brothers and Co.

Î0. Rising Sun, A. B., 1,400, S. Skolfield, Callao.-Da

Pass Brothors and Co.

20, Western Chief, A. s., 1,144, O. H. Wordiny, Callao.

-Campbell Brothers.

80. Trave, H. b., 410, Y. Volguardson, Callao.-Josko

Brothers. ¡Dec.

4. Moravian, B. s, 907, W. Edwards, London.- Dal

£ety and Co.

Incolnshlre, B. s., 1,025, R. Roo, London.-W. P.

Whito and Co.

E. KronPiInson, S.a., 817, O. E. Bothon, Guam -

Kaufmann, M'Callum, and Co.

6. Mayotto ot Nosslbo, F. b., 293, E. do Boaufo:t,

Mauritius.-Dalgoty and Co.

0. Ydalo, N. b, 420, O. Boo, London -J. O. Murphy. 10. Francis Banileld, B. b., 856, J. Thomas, cluain.

Donnistoun Brothors and Co.

11 Seringapatam, B. s, 637, L. E. BIndon, Akyab.

Ralelghs, Daugllsh, and Co.

13. S. Gildoraleove, A. s, 849, J. M'Cullum, Callao.

Swire Brothers.

14. Behar, B. st, 1,001, YV. F. Norie, Sydney.-J.


14. Hindoo, Da b., 470. J. Basmusson, Galle -

Bright Brothers and Co.

14. Warren Goddard, A. s , 180, W. M. Ruhl, Mauri-

tius.-Ralelghs, Daugllsh, and Co.

] 5. Joshua Bates, A. s, 047, J. B. Chuko, Hong Kong.

-R. Towns and Co.

16. Morning Star, a s., 1,327, O. Matthowa, Callao.

Bright Brothers and Co.

l8. Blandina Dudley, A. s., 800, H. Attwood, Calcutta.

-Katzenstoin aud Co.

l8. Colonist, B s., 694, E. Ellis, Callao.-Bright Bro-

thers and Co.

l8. Franklin Haven, A. s" 1,094, J. H. Pears, Hong

Kong.-De Pass Brothors and Co.

l8. Monarch, B. s , 1,232, J. W. Gill, Loudon.-W. P.

White and Co.

l8. Ocean Ohiof, B s., 1,021, W. Brown, Liverpool.

Bright Brothors and Cr.

20, Black Eagle, B. s, 1,869, H. Davie, London.

Holmes, Whlto, and Co.

20. Gazelle, Du. br., 242, H. J. Johannson, Guam.

Dennistoun Brothers and Co.

20. Goldon Eagle, B. b., 278, R. L. Oldham, Guam.

Fanning, Nnnkivilo. and Co.

20. Wild Ranger, A. e., 1,045, E. Chase, Calcutta_


21, Bello of the Woet, A. s., 849, W. F. Howes, Guam ~

Wilkinson Brothors and Co.

21. Undaunted, A. p., 1,224, YV. Freeman, Amherst.

Michaelis, Boyd, and Co.

22. BcrkBhlro, A. s, 067, J. S. YVllliams, Calcutta -

Downie and Murphy. '

22. White Swallow, A. s., 1,055, F. Crosby, Guam -

Gibba, Ronald, and Co.

22, Sjdnoy Griffiths, B. b., 308, H Harrison, London,

lia Portland,-J- Henty and Co.



Nov.., 26.

Balsette, for Point do G 'lo.-For Ceylon : Messrs. Pandolffnl and Laurence. For Singapore : Mc Hewett. For Colcutta : Mr. N, Illotdau. For Mar nellies : Mr. and Mrs. White, and Messrs, J. Robinson

and E. Levi.

DEC 0.

Moravian, for Loudon-Mr. and Mrs. Crombie and family (4) and Servant; Mr., Mrs., and Misa Bradshaw, Mrs. Edwards, Mr. James Rae, and Dr. Thompson.

Lincolnshire, for London.-Mrs. Crawloy, Mr. Ciawloy, Mr. Blssell, Mr. and Mrs. W. Grlpo. family, and servant ; Mrs. J. Grlpo, Miss Buckland, Mi*, au t Mrs. Kcroyd, Mr. Battner, Mr. and Mrs. Luman,

and Mrs. Stewart.

DEC 10.

Monarch, for London.-Mr. R. Rutledge, Mrs. Rutledge, family, and servant ; Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Mies Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock, Miss Bayley, Mistes E. and Constance Bayley, Master Staub op J Bayley, and two servants ; Mrs. Clarke, family, an I Btrvant ; Miss Blakesley, Mr. and Mrs. Amos, Mr. ami Mrs. Johnston and family, Mr. and Mrs. Davis au 1 family, Mr. Fowler, Dr. Morgan.

SEO. 20.

Ocean Chief, for Liverpool.-Mr. and Mrs. Charlo < Poole, Mrs. Clair and child. Captain Grey, and Moain. S. T. Davis, R- Oherevoy, J. Margetion, John Ml'lcr, and H. 0. Harrington.




Department of Trade and Customs,

Melbourne, Dec. 10

The accompanying notice, relative to vessels enter-ing the port of Rangoon with stone ballast on board. Is published for the information of masters of vosseli bound to that port.


Commissioner of Trado and Customs.


VasolB entering the port cf Rangoon with stone bal -last (not thlnglo) on buard can dispose of It to tho ex-ecutive engineer of that town, for road motalling, m the rate of (4) four annas per ton, freo of all expense

of boat blre lor landing ; shingle suitable for the sam > purpose will also be landed free, though not paid for

It is hoped that this offer will bo an inducement t . commanders of vessels bound for Rangoon to u..

stono, whenever procurable, in preference to any other


F. N. SMITH, Captain,

Offg. Executive Engineer, Rangoon Town Division.

Executive Engineer's Office,

Rangoon Town Division, Aug. 89.



NOV. 20

Champion ot tho

Sets .. Hebe

Moravian .. Lincolnshire Hale

lonarch .. Ocean Chlif Black Eng c


London .. London .. London .. London .. London .. Jverpool ^undun ..

4,403 1,004 2,420 1,437 1,310 2,101 Î.0M