Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 3 October 1859, page 5


The race for the championship of the Austra-lian colonies is over—witnessed by 35,000 people, and won by a Victorian horse. Flying Buck, when the prospects of Victorian pre-eminence were dubious, came to the rescue, saved the national reputation, and achieved a victory. He come as other heroes have come—from whence he was least expected; of respect-able pedigree, but unknown, he held a place in the rearward rank; he has, however, won, and henceforth will be famous. All that his competitors can complain of is his extreme

ill-breeding in leaving them so far behind. New South Welchmen may sneer, Tasmanians look dismayed, and South Australians bewail over their "Barber," but the laurels remain with

Victoria. Having said so much, we will, before describing the race itself endeavour to give

some account of the features connected with it.

For days previous to the race steamers from the neighbouring colonies and the seaboard of

Victoria have been crowded with passengers ; while from Ballarat and Dunolly, from Bendigo

and the Ovens, they came in as great numbers as the conveyances available would contain. From an early hour on Saturday morning Melbourne became the entrepôt of eager expectants of the sport from the suburban districts. By river, by road, and by rail, in vehicles and on foot, they poured in thousands. Brigh-ton the seaward, Kew the Arcadian, St. Kilda the secluded, Prahran the spacious, Col-lingwood and Richmond the noisy, each con-tributed its quota. At 10 o'clock the streets load-ing to the Spencer-street Railway Terminus began to be traversed by continuous streams of people, and within an hour afterwards the station was completely blockaded. The authorities to the last appear to have shown great inaptitude, and to have totally disbelieved the popular state-ment as to the numbers who would avail them-selves of that route. The platform at the Salt-water River completed, they seemed to imagine that all the necessary preparations were made, and that there was no occasion to obtain the aid

of police or erect barriers of any description to prevent the ingress of the crowd. The three ordinary "pigeon-holes" were alone used for the sale of tickets, and, until a late period of the day, only three or four policemen were in attendance, and as if to make matters as awkward as possible,

the first-class tickets were only to be obtained at the aperture nearest the entrance, and where the great majority who wished 2s. tickets, had to struggle to get past, thus increasing the confu-sion. On the platform matters were no better. The first-class carriages were placed in various parts of the train, and no one know where to find them, and they were rushed by second-class passengers. In one train 33 persons, most of whom held first-class tickets, had to ride down shut up in a luggage-van, without light and almost without air. It is said that some hundreds went down without paying at all ; certain it is, that, in many instances, the tickets were never asked for. At 12 o'clock the crowd had increased nearly across the street, and the rush to obtain tickets and seats was overwhelm-ing. It was not until after this period that any attempt, by closing the entrances, or otherwise, was made to check the crowd ; those who got in a line with the doors were impelled forward by the pressure from behind, and to retreat was im-possible. Several women fainted, and their cries, and the screams of children resounded on every side. To meet this exigency not the slightest prepara-tion had been made; and we are credibly in-formed that no application was made for the assistance of the police until Saturday morning, and then not until after they had been otherwise disposed of. Altogether the arrangements (or rather want of arrangements) were most repre-hensible. At the racecourse-platform matters were managed very differently, and the precautions

taken at the one end was a remarkable contrast to the absence of any at the other. The whole of the

mismanagement is attributable to the stubborn refusal on the part of the anthorities to appoint places in the city at which tickets might be obtained. Having disposed of this somewhat

unpleasant matter, and mentioned the route by which some 10,000 or 12,000 persons found

their way to the course, we now turn to the road. Full of forebodings were the "cabbies," when they heard that there was to be a station at the course, and dejected were their countenances when they saw thousands wending their way westward; while the cry "Now for the races, met with no response. There stood the cabs in long ranks, while their owners might be heard muttering " curses, loud and deep," at the railway. But in the midst of

their gloom and dejection a ray of hope shot up, and fortune smiled once more on this much-maligned race. Mysteriously enough, hundreds were soon coming from the direction of the rail-way. Cabs were hailed, and increased fares were

paid unquestioned. Cabby soon saw what " was in the wind." Shares in cabs went up, and 5s. were demanded for a seat, and agreed to more

readily than half-a-crown an hour before. Great was the exultation of the cabmen, and many were the sneers that the disappointed railway ex-curtionists had to submit to. The tide had turned, and cab after cab rattled off along the Flemington-road. Steady-going drays, filled with steadier people—furniture vans, going tandem American waggons, four-in-hand well-to-do citi-zens and their wives in decent traps—patricians in broughams—spreeish clerks in dashing turn-outs, all jostled, sworn at, and put in bodily terror by the invading swarm of cabs. Hack horses that had trotted to St. Kilda and back twice a-day for the last two years, and had never known that there existed any other four miles of road on the earth's surface, suddenly found themselves jour« neying to new regions. From the hill, at the cattle-yards, the point of junction of the two roads leading from Melbourne, the scene was most exciting. Flocking over the whole space

from the direction of North Melbourne, Colling-wood, and Carlton came troops of pedestrians, among them large numbers of those who were unable to obtain railway tickets. Much enduring fathers perspired under the weight of their pater-nal responsibilities, while mothers were not less burdoned with provisions. Heaven preserve Messrs. Horne, Darbyshire, and "them what's to blame," for the ill-wishes they got. To those who rode in vehicles the desideratum was two or more wheels and a horse ; the rest sank into in significance. Of well-appointed carriages there were great numbers. Next after them in point of importance came at intervals all the omnibuses that Melbourne possessed. Of cabs rushing to and fro we have said enough. Bakers', butchers', and sodawater-manufacturers' carts followed. Then came as many American waggons as hap-pened to be off the roads, and all the drays that could be found. Tho labouring quadrupeds were as diversified in point of age, strength, and value, as the vehicles. Wheels were the de-sideratum in the one case, legs in the other. As time were on, and the thousands' of whom we speak became concentrated in the vicinity of the race-course, the coup d'œil was magnifi-cent--a sight such as never has been wit-nessed in the Southern Hemisphere, and one never hitherto witnessed in Victoria, and which could only be obtainod when Britons, true to their instincts, were bent on the enjoyment of that which to them ie of all others the most en-gaging of entertainments—a horse-race. But we forget the weather I and speak as if there were none othor than fine days in Australia, and hot winds wer as rare as snow-storms. The cynical Vicar of Laracor, when he questioned the existence of fine days, had not in his brightest visions dream't of an Australian sky, or he would have known better. The day, al-though warm, was all that could be desired. The black threatening clouds which had been hovering around for days before, had dispersed, and the hot wind and dust (so soon

to follow) were in abeyance. As train after train disgorged its passengers on the platform, and

steamers from Melbourne and Geelong come up the Saltwater River with their living freight,

vehicle followed vehicle with loads, and troops of horsemen, mingled with pedestrians, entered the course at all points, the scene became most animated. Those who had their own conveyances ranged them round the 'course, in positions from which the race could be best seen, and the greater portion of those who came down by railway (excepting the holders of

tickets to the stands), betook themselves to the

hill. The appearances at this quarter, especially at the earlier period of the day, were those of enjoyable pic-nic parties. Broughams, buggies, and dogcarts, as well as less pretending vehicles, had found their way to the top, and the horses were taken out and left quietly feeding ; hampers were unpacked, and the lids knocked off cases which bore prominently the brands of Her Majesty's Customs; knives and forks were clamoured for, and " good things" unsparingly dispensed, the races being only one portion of the entertainment. Scattered over the side of the hill there were other groups; hard-working

men, their wives, and children—less ostentatiously, in appearance, and feasting less sumptuously, but with an appetite, both for the viands and the races, probably as keen as that of their superiors. It was noticed as an especial feature in the " events" of Saturday, that it was the first occasion of the kind at which respectable persons of all classes had turned out with their families for the purpose of a day's enjoyment. The prevailing good order and the respectability of the concourse was a general theme. Of course there was both drunkenness and disorder, but not to any great extent, and, apart from the immediate vicinity of the booths, there was little or none. In short, we may venture to say, in spite of Leagues of Progress and stump orators, that no other city of the size of Mel-bourne in the world could have poured forth from the ranks of its population so large a num-ber of persons bearing the evidence of the enjoy-ment of worldly comforts as appeared on the Race-course on Saturday. If there was little splendour, there was less poverty ; if not honoured by the presence of peers, it was not disgraced by the company of black-legs. As the hour of the first race drew near, the hill became densely crowded from summit to base. The number of persons on it during the Champion race were computed at 10,000. The stands, of course, oxcepted, the best view of the races was to be had from the hill, particularly from the southern end of it, and it is a matter of surprise that more persons did not visit it. The public conveyances were ranged as near as possible to the winning post, and sums varying from 2s. 6d. to 5s. were charged for standing room, and even then it was scarcely possible to obtain a glimpse of the course. Outside the charmed circle there was very little in the way of betting, and the general feeling appeared to be an enjoyment of the race, as such, or else that " the books" had been made up before.

Long before noon, fully four times as many persons as ever visit the races, even on the steeplechase day, had assembled on the course, and each succeeding moment added its tens and twenties to the already vast proportions of the multitude. For fully three hours the unbroken tide rolled on, while all the time—

" The horsemen and the footmen were pouring in


Yet, prodigious as was the number of new comers, the course absorbed all, with little apparent in-crease to the magnitude of the crowd already col-lected. Quite an hour before the first saddling bell rung, all three stands were fully occupied, the centre one, set apart for ladies, presenting a peculiarly gay appearance. Here every possible uovico of tho roillinor's art had been resorted to ; and to complete the general effect, every manu-facturing city in the world must have been laid under contribution. Such gentlemen as ventured into that dangerous place were scarcely less gaily attired, the least sporting amongst them being got up in the most " racy" manner. Every third man had a double-barreled " Dolland". slung over his shoulders, and none without a long waist-coat, a square-flapped shooting coat, and a bat-ting-book, embellished on the back with a large gilt race-horse, seemed to meet with the slightest consideration. A scarcely less animated appearance was presented in the enclosure on the other side of the course, the inner portion of which was closed to all carriages not flying the

yellow flag : while the blue, or l/- ticket, was

sufficient open Sesame to the lower end. In the neighbourhood of the booths progression had already become a matter of difficulty, and pro-curing refreshments almost an impossibility. It was, perhaps, on account of the crowd that less music and acrobatism were provided than is usual on a race day. Some enterprising Anglo-Ethiopians, and a wandering minstrel or two, plied their vocations under momentarily increas-ing embarassments ; and the " fancy" mustered very strong in front of a " temple of art" erected in a night. Here practical illustrations of the noble science of bruising were given at short intervals, and, after all, one got a good deal for his money. A study of physiognomy, such as would be obtained in no other place than at the Panopticon, or home short time ago on board Her Majesty's hulk Success, was here provided for the small charge of 1s., and the additional ex-citement of watching all your pockets at once was thrown in. In a secluded portion of the river bank a few speculative proprietors of roulette tables, and other less ex-pensive gambling apparatus, plied for a time a

lucrative trade. But the "little game" was too good to last, and a swoop that Mr. Dana's func-tionaries made spoilt the innocent amusement.

summary confiscation of the appliances ensued and cool, but rather dark quarters, were provided in the van for those who were not fortunate enough to elude capture. Still, as we have said, with all the pushing, cramming, and excitement, amid the babel of tongues, the drawing of sweeps, and perpetual nobblerising, a more orderly crowd was never assembled on any great public occa-

sion. Every one seemed bent upon thorough enjoyment, and minor inconveniences were ut-terly disregarded. This desirable state of things

was greatly brought about through the fore-thought of the management, which had put a strict veto on the admission of any vehicles to this portion of the course. Those who had been former sufferers from the intermixture of horses and cars with the crowd on foot fully appreciated the absence of the objectionable ingredients.

But that unmusically-toned bell in the enclo-sure rings for the saddling ; we will, therefore, at once adjourn to the paddock to witness that inte-resting operation.

Animals which had been led about for the last half hour, mysteriously and wonderfully clothed, nothing of them being visible but their noses, eyes, legs, and tails, are now denuded of their raiment, and connoisseurs flock in from all quarters to scan their condition. This quadruped is pronounced the fleshy, and the other too fine-drawn, to go two miles, while the bandage on the near fore leg of a third at once precludes him or her from a place in the coming race. It being the first day of the season, more than ordinary attention was be-stowed upon the appearance of the nags, and old

favourites and maiden horses passed alike undor the critic's eye. The fairness of the handicapping was well attested by the fact, that 16 out of the 17 animals entered for the first race both ac-cepted and came to the post, the only absentee being Mr. Lord's mare Flora, who broke down in

her training a few days ago. Considerable anxiety was evinced to see the New Zealand horse Camden, who has before now successfully competed with Mr. Redwood's flyers and the Sydney favourite Zoe. The horse stript in excellent condition, having got rid of the superabundant flesh with which he was burdened a short time ago. Mr. Austin's hand some chesnut Nimbletoe also met with a good deal of attention: a glance, however, showed that he was far too fat to go well for more than a mile—a judgment confirmed by his subsequent running. Woodpecker also was pronounced unfit ; and though a partial favourite some days previously, at once receded in the market. Mr. Duppa's Wildrake, own brother to Phœbe, was declared to be a weed, and Mr. Tait's Jessina also unequal to the work out out for her. Beeswing, Gaffer Grey, and Green Linnet, each had their admirers ; and Bendigo was not altogether with-out support. Camden, however, had a very de-cided call, not more than 2 to 1 against him, and that reluctantly, being obtainable at the start. Of the remaining horses, Sheet Anchor was con-demned as not astayer, and the pace was expected to be rather too good for Warhawk, Leger, and Gay Lad. The latter's forward position in the race surprised many, and it was thought by some that had not Holmes taken too much out of him under the hill, the finish would have been closer.

The process of clearing the course was soon ac-complished by Mr. Rowe and his assistants, and every bit of vantage ground from which a view of the race could be had was presently occupied. A slight delay, owing to the late arrival of Camden and Wildrake, caused the start to take

place about half-an-hour after the appointed


Mr. Burt's maiden effort in Victoria with the red flag was not successful. At the second at-

tempt the horses got well away, the lead being taken early in the nice by Nimbletoe, of which he was not deprived until arriving at the gate

turn. Gay Lad shortly after singled himself from the ruck, and took up the running at a strong race. Here the tailing began, Jessina, Nimble-toe, Woodpecker, and Peterborough being amongst the beaten ones. Camden challenged at the hill, and running up to Gay Lad, who seen cried enough, came first up the distance, and ultimately landed a winner by a couple of lengths, second honours going to Gay Lad, Tiger

and Beeswing finishing third and fourth. The official time of 3 min. 46½ sec. is very good.

Mr. Redwood, and other gentlemen in the habit of timing races, we believe think the Han-

dicap occupied several seconds longer ; while it is also stated that the Champion Sweepstakes was run in three or four seconds less than 5 min. 57½ secs., as given by the chronometer. Consider-

able cheering greeted the New Zealand victory. By it we understand Mr. Duppa, has netted upwards of 20.000Z., independently of the stakes, a wager of 2 to 1 having been laid that he would not win a single race during the

late and following spring meetings. As an hour was to elapse between the Handicap and the great event of the day, there was now an imme-diate rush to luncheon, which all, some in booths, others in carriages, and a vast number on the grass, seemed to enjoy amazingly, no alarm about their books being all wrong operating as a bar to appetite. The scene now presented a very beau-tiful appearance ; the vast multitude on the hill were breaking up into little groups, while every moment fresh hundreds were seen hurrying over the green sward to the immediate scene of action.

About this time it was known that the London had arrived from Sydney, having on board a number of gentlemen anxious to see the race.

But it is time to re-visit the saddling paddock, where the clothing is being already removed from the eighteen horses yet remaining in the Champion race, Zíngara having been scratched after the Handicap. Alice Hawthorn was the first out, and was loudly cheered as she took her canter past the stand. Critics said she was a little too fleshy, but as she is never trained very fine we think there was not much fault to find with her condition. Tomboy seemed in tolerable fettle, though evidently short of work. He were a ban-dage on the shaky leg, and was taken down the course at the gentlest of canters by Monaghan, under whose able guidance, he was placed.

Mr. Redwood's trio emerged nearly together, the mares being perfect pictures, and the old horse in very racing form. Sir Hercules and Quickstep followed. The black horse is a very showy annual, and had a coat as sleek as satin. His admirers were more numerous than those of Quickstep, who seemed rather small for a three miler, although displaying all that trainer's art could do towards rendering her fit for the work.

The Champion swimmer, the Barber, met with littlo notice ; chiefly, we believe, because he was not recognised. He seems to be a nice cob, and admirably adapted to carry weight, but certainly not the class of animal we should have thought would have been selected to represent South Australia. Sailor and Quiz-the-wind stript re-markably well, and reflected great credit on their trainer, Johnny Cutts. Nutwith was anything but the mammoth of flesh he looked about a fortnight ago, and his style of going inspired confidence in those who backed the Beechworth crack at outside prices. The bob-tail Camel, of Tasmanian celebrity, had few believers ; neither was his condition as it should have been, as his subsequent bad running proved. Nor did Swords-man, big strong horse as he is, look like a winner. Phœbe was evidently not all there, nor did the public seem to think that there would be a repe-tition of the former race in Mr. Duppa's favour. Praxiteles turned out in fine condition, nor did his performance on the course do Mr. Keighran any discredit. The Moor was saddled in front of the furthest stand ; he was shivering, and seemed fidgetty and nervous, as if by no means anxious to take upon his shoulders the responsi-bility of putting Victoria at the top of the poll. Zoe, the Sydney beauty, met with great admira-tion from all, and found exceeding favour in the ladies' gallery.-Zoe,

" Musically made, so light upon the grass."

Whole boxes of gloves were unhesitatingly trusted to her fleetness, nor were the fair sex so much out of their reckoning as they usually are in matters appertaining to the turf. Flying Buck, the only three-year-old in the race, whose very favourable weight and reputed trials had in-spired the confidence of many backers, came out the picture of health and condition, and galloped with such a fine stride, and such apparent ease to himself, that many who were dead against him in their books were glad to get out at the last moment on far less favourable terms than could have been obtained a couple of days sooner. The little boy who rode him, a son of that well known and respected sportsman, Mr. Yeend, seemed, quite capable of executing his delicate mission to the satisfaction and profit both of his owner and of his breeder.

A few details of the pedigree and performances of Flying Buck, the winner of the greatest race ever run in the colonies, may not be unaccept-able. Flying Buck, a bay gelding, now the pro-perty of Mr. Yuille, was bred in 1856, by Mr. Hector Norman Simson, being foaled in the Sep-tember of that year, Both Romulus and War hank have claims to his parentage, but proba-bilities are in favour of the latter being his actual sire. His dam was Wilhelmina,

was by Romeo, out of Moss Rose by Emigrant, out of the Driver mare imported, and is thus half-brother to some of the best horses in the colony, amongst whom may be named Jeannette, Hurricane, Balloon, and Fly-ing Doe. Commencing his racing career at Tul-larook in December last, he gave little promise of future excellence. Brownlock, who unfor-tunately broke down at the end of the season, having found no difficulty in beating him for the Moss Rose Challenge Cup, a mile race. The colt was certainly not in good trim at the time, but when brought out subsequently at Melbourne, again disappointed his backers, Annot Lyle, a filly of the same age as himself, and a near rela-tive, beating him, after a splendid race home, by half a neck. His only victory up to the present time has been over Mainroyal, whom he defeated easily, in a mile match. At the Ballarat Autumn Meeting, he was defeated both by Buzzard and Flying Jib, the former coming home five lengths in advance, and the latter securing second place by a neck. Williamstown then became his place of residence, where he has been during his gallops under judicious tutorage. His last trial of three miles was run, we understand, in a con-siderable number of seconds less than the time of the Champion Sweepstakes.

But to return to the race. As the horses were marshalled in front of Mr. Burt, it was curious to witness the dense mass of anxious faces straining eagerly forward to catch a glimpse of the start. The crowd all down the straight run-ning, posted in favourable positions, was as closely wedged together as ever was the case on a Derby-day at Epsom. All the stands were crammed, and the space between the lowest one and the rails was unceremoniously jumped and filled to overflowing. Every carriage and car groaned with occupaats, and not a single spot in the neigh-bourhood was vacant, whence even the slightest glance at the horses could be obtained, except the top of the Grand Stand, which for safety's sake was kept closed. No loud sound was heard, and only a deep hum of expectation showed the absorbing interest felt. Even the bookmakers were silent; and the dog, whose scampering about the course at the last moment usually causes such amusement, was this time scarcely noticed. The hill hy this time was black with human beings, and the rising ground across the river held its hundreds of eager spec-tators. From various sources we have arrived at the conclusion that not less than 40,000 per-sons were present, about one-fifth of whom had no opportunity of witnessing the race. The pains and penalties consequent upon infringement of rules had been already told by the stewards to the jockeys, who assembled for the purpose in solemn conclave. Mr. Burt had, therefore, no very difficult task of it, and at the first offer the horses all got away well together. And now began the noise, for every one began to ask ex-cited questions about his particular favourite at the same moment, which of course were never answered except by some neighbour whose interests lay in the same direction. The race may be described in a couple of lines. Praxiteles, after leading for a mile, resigned in favour of the Flying Buck, who was never caught, and won as he liked by a dozen lengths—in fact, for the last two miles the race became a colt-hunt—nor was it all tho pursuers' that could keep the flying quarry in view. They were all outpaced front end to end, and many of the riders finding their chances hopless, pulled up, and came slowly home, preferring to save their nags for another day's journey to racing for places. Owing to the enormous crush in that portion of the stand which was supposed to be set apart for the exclusive use of the Press, it was quite impossible for us to go into minute de-tails. Below, however, will be found as close an account as could be gathered.

The result took every one by surprise, as the winner had previously done nothing in public to justify any belief in his victory. When it is re-membered, however, how much he has improved and that he carried 52lb. less weight than Zoe, who finished half-a-dozen lengths before the re-nowned Strop, the wonder becomes considerably less, and, as almost a natural conclusion, it fol-lows that, had not Flying Jib broken down in his training, the two three-year-olds would have had it all to themselves. A revision of the scale of weights, therefore, in future national racing events becomes imperative, for it is quite clear that aged horses, who have done much work in their time, and are past their prime, cannot give away nearly 4 stone to youngsters, whose mile-gallops previously have only been play to them. Notwithstanding this, Victoria may well be proud of her champion, and in future contests, with so

much good young stock growing up, need not

fear to re-enter the lists against all comers. As the winner cantered past the post, ten thousand hoarse voices shouted him a welcome, and the cry was caught up and re-echoed on the distant

hill. One enthusiastic Irishman, who had bottled up his feelings during the race, at length gave vent to his delight in the characteristic

exclamation, " By the hole in my coat, it's the Buck." Could the proprietor of the lucky animal altogether restrain the exuberance of his

transport? A minute after and the course became , a troubled sea of heated and excited beings, the

multitude extending several hundredyards above and below the judge's chair. It was with diffi-culty that a lane could be formed through which

the winner could be conducted. Hardly was the boy off his horse, and the weight declared all

right, than he was caught up and carried in triumph on to the course, fresh and pro-longed acclamations greeting his re-appearance. He was then presented to the Governor,

who congratulated him, the boy taking off his cap, and cheering as loud as his youthful lungs would permit. We understand that he will receive 500l. for winning the race, which is 20 per cent, on the net stake. We trust his sudden fortune will not turn a modest and

well-behaved lad into one of those ruffians in miniature, to whom gambling is already a pro-fession, and pool playing a source of revenue, Mr. Yuille we hear nets some where about 10,000l.,

and Mr. Norman Simson about half that amount, many friends of theirs also coming in for

a good stake. There is a report current that the pigmy jockey, as he cantered past some friends in the enclosure, said, with a grin, " You didn't expect to see me here, did you?" which, if true, shows an amount of presence of mind, under ex-citing circumstances, which many a child of larger growth would have failed to exhibit. The numbers wero hardly up bofore the news, which we need scarcely say has put all the prophets to the blush, was flashed simultaneously to all parts of Victoria, and to the capitals of the neighbouring colonies, by a wire which was laid down to the course for the occasion.

The hurdle race, which was run about an hour afterwards, excited considerable interest, the old favourite, Modesty, being first favourite at almost even against the field. All the numbers went up, and a capital start was effected. Sam Slick took a decided lead, and on coming round the last time looked very like a winner, but, un fortunately, he fell at the hurdle in the straight running, his rider. Joe Smith, suffering a com-pound dislocation of the thumb. Flying Fox, fell opposite the Grand Stand the first time round, his rider escaping without serious injury, although a good deal shaken. The horse was mounted by a man who had been pledging the success of Victoria rather too freely, and who was very shortly unshipped. This brief ride ended in the

amateur rider being carried off the course sense-

less. Prompt medical attention, fresh air, and cold water soon brought him round. The race terminated in a victory for an Adelaide horse named Buck, who, being favourably weighted, made Modesty confess the last half mile was too much for 11st. 12lb. Pioneer made a capital race home for second place, but failed in reach-

ing the old mare.

The Selling Stakes, really the best race of the day, was not witnessed by more than two-thirds of the attendance, Sir Henry Barkly's depar-ture and a desire to get home in safety operating

to accelerate dispersion. The Governor, both as he went and came, was heartily cheered, and his turn-out of four bays was generally admirad.

The race was won by Cheeryman, beating a field

of six others. We heard of no accident on the

way home, either by rail, road, or river, although the railway authorities found it a mattor of some difficulty to convey the enormous multitude to their different destinations. On leaving the plat-form the passengers per Williamstown train gave a lusty cheer in commemoration of the triumph of their favourito nag the Flying Buck.

TilH CITY Ol' MELBOURNE HANDICAP PURSE, Of 100 sovs., with a sweopstakes of 10 sovs.

added, 5 forfeit. The second horso to receive 20 tovs., and the third to save his stake. Two

, miles.

1 Iii. Duppa's b h Camdon, aged, by Callender

Calandra, Out. 101b. (Snell).1 Mi G. Watson's br g Gay Lad, ß yrs, 8st. lllb.

(Holmes) .2

Mr. W ilson's br g Tiger, aged, 8st. 71b. (Morrison) 3 Mr. J. Lang's gr g Woodpecker, agod, lOst. lib. , (tang).

' Mr. Tait's bl n» Zíngaro, aged, Ost. 101b. (Aflh. " worth).

Mr Plnllips's gr g Gaffer Groy, aged, Ost. 01b.


, Mr. Kelly's bra Grcon Linnot, aged, Ost. (Perkins). Mr. J. Abbott's b g Warlmwk, 0 yrs, 8st. lllb.


Mr. Scott's b g Bendigo, aged, Bst. 01b. (Simpson).

Mr T. Austin's eli c Niinblotoe, 4 yrs, Bat. 51b.


Mr. Henderson na bro Peterborough^ yrs, by End i grant-Horoino, 8st. iib. (Soddlor).

Mr. Duppa's b g Wildrako, 4 yrs, by Sir Hercules Woodstock, 8st. 41b. (Jenkins).

Mr. Tait's br f Josslna, 4 yrs, by Cossack, Sst. 41b.


Mr. Ew'art'e gr g Sheet-anchor, agod, 8st. 31b.


?Mr. "W~. >G. Wood's oh g Baron, 0yrs, 8st. 31b. ! (Waldock).

Mr. Leahy's br m Beeswing, agod, 8st 8lb.

(J. ¡Smith). t

Betting at starting ;-2 to 1 agst Camdon, 3 to 1 agst Gaffer Grey, 6 to 1 agst War hawk, 5 to 1 agst Green Linnet, 8 to 1 agst Gay Lad, 8 to 1 agst Beeswing, 10 * to 1 agst Bendigo, 12 to 1 agst any other.

After one false start the Linnet, War hawk, and Nimblotoe went off at a good Euee, the only horse not getting a good start

eing Tiger. Opposite the Stand, Nimbletoo had a lead ot a clear length, Peterborough^ running Fécond. At tho turn Beeswing deprived the Colonel's colt of his position. Zíngara following closo in their waite. At the back of the course tho pace becamo too severe for many of the horses, as Gaylad had taken up the running at his full siieed, vice Nimbletoo resigned. This EosLion maintained to tlio turn undor the

ill, when Snell let his horso out. A brief struggle lesulted in tho retirement of Gaylad to tho becond place. Camden was never after caught, and cunio home a winner by a couple of lengths^ running well within himself. Gaylad second, and Tiger a tolerable third. Beeswing was obliged to bo content with fourth place, ano the rest carno stiaggling home. Amongst the very last woro Jessma, Nimbletoo, and Wood-pecker. Timo, 3 min. 401 seo.



Of 100 sovs. each, half forfeit, vi Uh 500 sovs.

added ; tho second horse to receive 200 sovs. out of tho stakes if three start, or save his stake if two only start; tho third horso to receive 50 sovs. Tbreo milos. Weight fot age : 3 yrs old, fjBt. 81b. ; 4yrs, 9st. ; 5 yrs, 9st. 121b. ; G yi-s and aged, lOst. 41b. ; mares and goldings allowed 31b. Not value of the stake, 2,750/.

Mr, Yuillo's b g Flying Buck, 3 yrs, by War

liawk-Wilhelmina. (Yeend) .1 Mr. Tait's elim Zoe, by Sir Horcules-Flora M'lvor

(ABhwortli) .a

Mr. llcllly IIB Mr. M'Lood's cb g Nutwith, agod,

by 'loin Jones-Joannotto (Bcntloy).3 Mr. Goldabrough us gr m Alice Hawthorn, aged, by

De)o|iro-Polly M'l¿uoon (Higgeison)

Mr. W. Field's b g Daraol, agod, by Conrad-Black

Sal (Gill),

llr. ltcdwood'sb m Io, 4 yrs, by Sir Horcules-Flora

M'lvor (Turner).

Mr. Itcdueod'a b m Miss Itowo, 0 yrs, by Sir Horcules

-Mis, Millar (E. Cutts).

Mr. G. Duppa's ch m Phoobo, 6 yrs, by Sir Heroulos Woodstock (Snell).

Mr. Keighran's br h Praxiteles, 4 yrs, by The Premier

-Delaware Girl (Cunnington).

Mr. J. Lords b m Quickstep, 0 yrs, by Lugar-Espla-

nade (Cuok).

MI . Hendcison nsbrh (Jui^-tbo-wlnd, aged, by Dolo

BOBobud (Mahon).

Mr. Houdcmon nab g Sailor, 6 yrs, by Sailor-Mold

of tho Forest (J. Cutts).

Mr. J. Lord's bl g Sir Hercules, C yrs, by Lugar

Min or (Waldeck).

Mr. Redwood's b g Strop, aged, by II Barbiore-Jessie»

(G Cutts)

Mr. J. Field's b h Swordsman, 6 yrs, by Jorsoy-Ora

cillx (koop).

Mr. W. Filgato's br g the B&rbor, aged (Simpson).

Mr. W. I*. SimonB's bl g Tho Moor, agod, by Walrus

Madcap (Lang).

Mr. DoughartyB brg Tomboy, agod, by the Premier

Flight (Monaghan).

Mr. T. Bavin's gr g Flatcatcher, 5 yrs ; and Mr. Lung's br c Flying Jib, 3 yrs, were scratched : and Mr. Tait's bl m Zingaia, aged, was declared not to start after the Handicap.

Betting at Starting.- 3 to 1 agst Strop, ß to 1 agst lo, ß to 1 agst Zoe, 6 to 1 agst the Moor, 10 to 1 agst Flying Buck, 8 to 1 agst Quickstep, 10 to 1 agst Sir Hercules, and 25 to 1 agst Nut-


A splendid start was effected at the first fall of the flag, Piaxitcles obtaining a trifling lead,

which ho maintained for about a mile. In the first rank wcie Tomboy, the Moor, Alice Haw-thorne, Flying Buck. Sir Hercules, and one of the New Zealand lot,-the rest well up with the exception of Camel, who both got oil and galloped badly. Swordsman also declined to go far ut the same pace as tho leading horses, and towards the end of tho journey officiated as whipper-in. A littlo beyond the gate Praxiteles n signed in favour of tho three-year old, who from time out maintained a oommanding lead. Bounding into the straight running, the Moor looked as if he was going up, and AHoo Hawthorn was galloping well and strong. The Buck passed tho stand several lcngthB a-hoad, hard held, tho next horses being either Io, or Zoo, with the Moor and Alice racine; together Several of the .others were!«di up. At the gate tho Moor took a fancy to tho road for Molbourno, and was with some difficulty pulled straight by Lang; no moro, however, was seen of tho white jacket. Under the hill, Io made a game attempt to reach the leading horse ; but being out-paced, dropped into the ruck, and was pulled up at the distance. Strop and Miss Howe then -oanio to the rescue, but were as unfortunate as thoir stable companion, while Zoe, whose rider had bccnwutcluug the Now Zealand division, now

came with »rush. But tho race was gone, for the Buck, who ii as expected to shoot his bolt in about two miles, «tout on as strong as ever.

Bentley, who lind been steadily piloting Nutwith, failed in his attempt to oierhnul the Sydnoy maro, and finished third, Strop beating Miss Rowe on the post by a neck for fourth place.

Sailor, Quiz-the-wind, and Alice Hawthorn | finished in the order named. Tho Moor, who, ran sulkily up the straight running, was ninth ; most of tho others pulled up. Time, 5 minutes 573 beconds.


Of 100 sovs. Entrnnco, 10 sovs. Two miles and

a half.

Mr. Filgato's b g Buck, aged, Ost. 21b. (Simpson).. 1 îlr. Key's gr in ¿lodosty, aged, list. 121b. (Mahon) 2 Jil. Hawloy's gr g Ploncur, ngod, lOst. 81b. (Wont). S Mr. Phillip's hr g Flying Fox, aged, lOst. 12lb.

Vi. Kiitland's b in Countess, aged, by Littlejohn,

dam by Wanderer, lOst. 01b. (Bontloy)

Sir. W. G. Wood's ch g Baron, 0 yrs, lost. (Ewing). Jir. Allen's b g Kindlon, aged, «st. 71b.

Jlr. Robortson's br g Sam Slick, aged, 8st. 101b. (S.


Betting at starting :-6 to 4 agst Modesty, 3 to 1 Pioneer, 5 to 1 Countess, 0 to 1 Sam Sliok, 0 to 1 Buck, 10 to 1 Flying Fox.

Sam Slick rattled off irith a strong lead, fol-lowed by Modesty and Pioneer, Buck and Countess well up, and the Boron looking as if he had already dono enough for ono day. Flying Fox fell at tho Stand hurdle. The same order ?was kept to tho bock of tiie course, where tha Buck went up and took second place, assuming the lead when Sam Slick carno to grief. Modesty, who had been jumping well throughout, failed ia catching the Buck, who ran home an easy winner, a couple of lengths separating the groy mare fiom Pionosr. Kinchen ran gamely throughout, but was clearly out-footed.


I Of 50 sovs., with a sweepstakes of

2 sovs. added. One mile and a half. Weights for ago : two years, a feather ; throe years, 7st. 41b. ; four years, 9st. 41b. : five years, .Jst. 121b. ; six years and nged, 10st.4lb. Horses entered, &o.

K . Allen's b g Chooryman, aged, 8st. lib.1 Mr. J. Lang's bl 0 Toby, 4 yrs, hy Dolo-Nutbrowa

Maid, £60, 7st. lllb.2 Mr. O, Hunter's h f Brunette, 4 yrs, £f>0, 7st. 81b. 0 Mr Honderson ns oh g Phlzzor, aged, £80, 0s. lib. 0 Mr Ctirr'sbgWar Eagle, aged, by Walrus, £80,

Obt. lib.0 Mr. Abbott's br g Chief Justlqo, 6 yrs, £50,8st. 8lb. 0 Mr. l.ovoy ns rn g Foxhuntor, aged, £30, 8st. lib. 0 j This race, in which War Eagle led to the hill,

was won by Cheerymon, after a fine run up the distance with Toby, whom, however, he beat by a couple of lengths. The same botweon second

and third.

The last race terminated about half-past 4 o'clock, and the excursionists began to wend their I way homownrd with extraordinary rapidity. Three i or foin trains woro in waiting, and wero freighted I « ith comparatively littlo confusion. On the road I thtro was tho same animated scene-perhaps a, I "littlemore boisterous," but nothing approaoh I ing to disorder. Before duBk nearly the whola

I had returned to town.

Wo have heard of some few accidents. Au omnibus was overturned, with 10 or 12 pas I sengers, but it appoars that no one was hurt. 1 An accident of a much moro serious nature I oceuned at the cattlo-yards,-a car capsized, and

rolled over the brow of the hill. A female pas-senger was taken up insensible, and with a I set ero wound on the forehead. There were

j several other acoidents, such as breaking of I shnfts and injury to vehicles, but, on the whole, I it may be said that tho pleasure of the day was

mai rod by very few disasters.


The following entries wero made at the Union Subscription-room on Friday night for the forth-coming meetings of the Jockey and Turf

Clubs :



Of 100 sovs. Entranoo 5 sovs. One milo and a

half. Weight for age. Mr. Harcoau'b b g Tramp, aged.

Mr. Keighran's br c Praxlteles, 4 yrs. Mr. J. Lung's gr g Woodpecker, aged. Mr. Redwoud's b f Io, i yrs.

Mr. Redwood's b m Miss Rowo, aged.

Mr. Ewart's gr g Shoot Anchor, aged. Mr. Duppa's b li Camden, aged.

Mr. Duppa's eli m Phaibo, â yrs. Mr. Tait's b f Jeasina, 4 yrs.

Mr. J. Ohirnsiilo's b g Boldoro, 5 yrs, by Dolapro. -Mr. Phillips'» gr g Gaffor Groy, agod.

Mr. Clilrnsido's gr m Afleo Hawthorne, ngod. Mr, J. Lord's bl g Sir Hercules, aged. Mr. Honderson lias br g Sailor, 6 yrs. Mr. Yuillo'a b f Birdswing, 8 yrs.

THE SPRING SAPLING STAKES, " ~* Of 100 sovs. Entrance 5 sovs. For tw o-year-old

colts and lillies. Three-quarters of a mile. Weight, 8st. ; 31b. allowed to fillies.

Mr, W. P. Simons'« b c Donation, by Julo-Cuín

Siicizor-Widow's Pot.

Mr. K. F. Greene's b Í Flying Colours, by Dolo


Mr. Baker's b 0 Corsair, by Conrad-Haidee. Mr. Keighran's br c Pundit

Mr. Yeend'» br 0 Mozart, by Surplice-Mystery.

Mr. Henderson us br 0 Dauntless, by Dolo-Audacity. Mr. Eecles'» b 0 Mountaineer, by Dolo-Mountain


Mr. Ecclo»'» oh g Adrian, by Joo Banks-Juliet.

Mr. Yulllo's b f Bonillo Koso, by Warhawk-Rosebud. ,

The Third Year of tho Victoria Jockey Club

Derby, of 150 sovs., with a sweepstakes of 15 sovs. For three-year-old colts and fillies. Entry elosod.

Mr. Philllps's b f Phlltpino, by Premier-Matilda. Mr. Lang's b 0 Banjo, by Premier-Tambourine.

Mr. It. F. Groeno's b f Dollarina, by Dolo-Norah

Crun ia.

Mr. W. O. Yulllo's b g Flying Buck, by Romulus-»


Mr. J Orr's b 0 Buzzard, by Warhawk--Rosebud. Mr. Milner'» oh f Crucifix, by Dolo-Alice Groy.


TLATE, of 150 SOVS. Mr. Filgato's bl g Tho Barber, aged.

Mr. W. p. Simoun'» bl g Tho Moor, aged. Mr. W. P. bunoua's b o Daniel, i yrs.

Mr. W. 1'. Simons'» brg Harold, 8 yrs. Mr. J. Orr's br g Tomboy, aged. Mr, Johnson'» b g Hero, aged.

Mr. llarcoau's b g Tramp, aged.

Mr. Kelly's b in Hi ecu Linnet, aged.

Mr. 'i'. Aubtin's eli 0 Nimble too, i yrs,

Mr. Wood s b g btonn, lato Tomboy, 5 yrs, Mr. Keighran's br c Praxiteles, 4 yrs. Mr. J. Field's b li Swordsman, S yrs. Mr. W. Fiold's brg Carool, aged.

Mr. Bathe's b g Van Tronip, aitcd. Mr. Leahy's br in Beeswing, »god.

Mr. C1. Watson's br g Gay Lad, aged. Mr. J. Lang's grg Woodpecker. Mr. Redwood's b g Strop, aged,

Mr. Redwood's b m Miss Rowe, 6 yrs. Mr. lluil»ood'» b f Io, 4 yrs.

Mr. Ewart's gr g Sheet-anchor, agod, Mr. Scott's b g Bendigo, agod.

Mr. Duppa's b h Camdon, aged.

Mr. Duppa's ch m Phobo, 5 yrs.

Mr. Duppa's b g Wildroko, i yrs. Mr. Tait'? ch m Zoo, aged.

Mr. lail'i- bl in Zíngara, aged. Mr. Tait's br f Joaslna, 4 yrs.

Mr. PhillipB's gr g Gaffor Groy, aged. Mr. Phillips'» br g Flying Fox, 0 yrs.

Mr. Chirnside'» gr m Alico Hawthorne, aged. Mr. Abbott's b g Warhawk, 0 yrs.

Mr. Abbott's brg Ohlof Justice, 0 yrs. '

Mr. Rutland's br g Cossack, 0 yrs, by Premier. Mr. Lord's bl g Su- Hercules, aged. Mr. Lord's b m Quickstep, agod.

Mr. Allen's oh g Ued ttovor, 0 yrs. Mr. Allen's b m Sunbeam, 4 yrs.

Mr. Allen's brg Swiss Boy, 8 yrs. Mr.'s bg Rod Rover, 4 yrs.

Mr. Henderson ns b g Sailor, S yrs.

Mr. Heudorsou 113 b 0 Peterborough, 4 yrs.

Mr. Honderson ns b h Quiz-tho-Wind, 8 yrs.


Of 50 sovs. Entrance, 2 sovs. Three-quarters

, of a mile. Weight for age. Mr. W. P. Sinions'sb c Daniol, 4 yrs. Mr. Ritchie's ch g Warrigal, agod.

Mr.Bathe's,bro Saddler, 4 yrs, by Milton-Maid of


Mr. J. Lang's br 0 Toby, 4 j rs.

Mr. Abbot ' di 111 Kangaroo Jonny, aged. Mr. Allen's b g Chorryinan, aged.


Of 100 sovs. ' Entrance, 5 sovs. One milo and a

half. Heats. Mr. Fldgato's b g Buck, aged.

Mr. Key's gr m Modesty, agod. ' . Mr. Garden's br g Sam alick, aged. Mr. Woods'» eli g Baron, 0 yrs.

Mr. G. Watson's br g Gay Lad, 6 yrs. Mr. Rutland'» b m Countess, aged. Mr. Yuillo'a b g Orphtn, aged.

Mr. Hawloy's gr g Pionoor, aged.



Of ISO sovs. Entrance, S sovs. One mile and


Mr. W. P. Slmons's br g Harold, 8 yrs. Mr. R, Groeuo's b ( Dularina, S yrs.

Mr. J. Field'» br h Swordsman, 6 yrs. Mr. Bathe's b c Banjo, 8 yrs. Mr. Redwood's b f Io, 4 j ra.

Mr. Harper's br 0 Rollo, 4 yrs.

Mr. Ev>art's grg Shoot-Anchor, aged. ' Mr. Duppa's b g Wildrako, 4 yrs.

Mr. Duppa's b ui Corralina, 0 yrs, by Jersey-Queen

of Trump».

Mr. Chirnside'« b g Boloro, S yrs.

Mr. Brownleys'» b g Pick-Mo-Up, agod. Mr. Allan's br g Swiss Boy, 8 yrs.

Mr, Henderson ns b 0 Peterborough, 4 yrs.


Of 150 sovs. Entranoe. 5 sovs. Two milos.

Weight for age.

Mr, W.P. Slmons's bl g Tho Moor, aged. Mr. J, Orr's br g Tomboy, aged. Mr. Wood's oh g Baron, (j yrs,

Mr. J. Laug*» ar g Woodpoekor, aged.

Mr. Redwood's b m ¿llssRowo, 6 yrs. ' / Mr. Scott's b g Bendigo, aged.

Mr. Duppa's b li Camden, aged. ' Mr. Duppa's oh m Phoebe, 0 yrs.

Mr. Tait'» bl m Zíngara, aged. < Mr. Phillips'» br g Flying Fox, 0 yrs.

Mr. Ohumide's gr m Alice Hawthorne, age«. Mr. Lord's big t>ir Hercules, aged. . -Mr, Henderson ns b g Sailor, G y».


Of 100 sovs., with 25 sow, for the second horse. '

Enti mee, 5 sovs. Throe-quaiters of a mile, For two and three year oldB.

Mr. W P. Slmons's oh g Sir Edward, S yrs. Mr. W. P Slmons's b o Donation, 2 yrs. Mr. J. Orr'fl b o Buzzard, 8 yrs

Mr. B. F. Groone's b f Flying Colours, 2 yrs. Mr. Dowlings b o Corsair.

Mr. Hondorson ns br e Dauntless, 2 yrs.

Mr. Abbott's br f Oh My ! 8 yrs, by J oo Banks-Water


Mr. Ecc cs's b o Mountaineer. "?« Mr. Yuilio'a b f Birdsvving, by Blrdcatoher-Haldos.


Of 200 sovs. Entrance, 10 sovs. Three miles.

AVoight for age.

Mr. W. P Simons's bl g The Moor, aged.

Mr. W. Field's br g Camol, agod. *?

Mr. Redi» ood'B b g Strop, aged. i

Mr. Duppa's b li Camdon, aged. , Mr. Tint's oh m Zoo, asea.

Mr. Chirusido's gr m Alico Hawthorne, aged. Mi Lord's b m Quickstep, aged.

Mr. K. P. Greene's b f Dollartna, 3 yrs. Mr. ltellloy's eli g Nutwith, agod.


Of 100 sovs. Entrance, 5 sovs. One milo and


Mr. Wood's b g Storm (lato Tomboy), 5 yrs, £60. Mr. Keighran's ch h Donnybrook, 4 yrs, £80. Mr. Bathe's b g Van Tronip, aged, £80.

Mr. Ycond's eli m Despatch, fi years, £30. Mr. Bavin's b g Red Door, 4 yrs, £160.

Mr. W P. Slmons's b e Daniol, 4 yrs, £30.


Of 100 sov. Entrance, 5 BOVS. About one nvila

and a-half.

M» Koj 's gr m Modesty (not to bo sold). Mr. Garden's br g Sam Slick, aged, £30. Mr. Wood's bl f Brunetto, 4 years, £60.

Mr. G. Watson's bl g Vanguard, 6 yrs, £80. Mr. ltutlaud's b m countess, aged, £50.

Mr, Hatvley's gr g Pioneer, aged, £160. ,



Of 150 sovs. Entrance. 10 sovs. ; 6 ft. if doolarel

on Friday, 7th October. Distance, about fouc


Mr. Wood's cb g Baron, 0 yra. ' Mr. G. Watson's b g Walkover, aged.

Mr, G Watson's bl g Black Boy, aged. Mr. Rutland's b m Countess, aged.

Mr Henderson's b g Hector O Halloran, 0 yrs. Mr. Abbott's br g Boyal Charlie, aged. Mr Abbott's bl a White Squall, agod. Mr. Alum's b g Klnchon, aged.

mr. T. Honry's br g Prluco Albert, aged.


Of 250 sovs. ; entrance, 10 sovs. Two milos,

The winner to give the second horso 25 sors. Mr W. Filgate's bl g The Barber, aged.

Mr. W. P. Simons's bl g The Moor, aged, Mr/. J. Orr's br g Tomboy, agod.

Mr. AVood's b a Storm (lato Tomboy), 6 yrs. Mr. Keighrans br c Praxiteles, 4 yrs. Mr Ltahj's br in Boeswing, aged.

Mr. J Lang's gr g Woodpecker, aged. .Mr ltcdwood's b f Io, 4 yrs.

.Mi. Duppa's bli Camdon,aged.

Mr Duppa's oh m Phoobo, 6 yrs. Jlr. Tint's eli m Zoo, agod.

.Mr. Tait's brf JesBina, 4 yrs. , - ,, ilr. Philllps's gr g Gafier Grey, aged. j Mr. Plilllipi's brg Flving Tox, 6 j rs.

Mr. Chinisldo's gr in Alice Hawthorne. Mr. Lord's bl g Mi Horculo«, agod.

Mr. Lord's b m Quickstep, aged. » Mr. Henderson us b g Sailor, 6 yrs.

Mi. Henderson us b c Peterborough, 4 yra. Mr. 11. F Greeno's b f Dollarina, 3 yrs.


Of 50 sovs., with a sweopstakes of 3 sovs. added,

foi all horses beaton during the meeting. Ona milo and a half. Post entry.


Of 150 BOVS. Entrance, 10 sovs. Three miles.

Welter weights for ago.

Mr W. P. Simoua's bl g Tlio Moor, aged.

Mr. W. P. Slmons's eli g Sir Edward, 3 yrs. Mr. W Field's br g Camol, aged.

Mr. ltcdwood's b m Miss Rowe, 0 yrs. , Mr. Redwood's b g Strop, aged. Mr. Tait's bl m Zíngara, aged.

Mr. Henderson's b g Sailor, 6 yrs. Mr. lloilloy'sch g Nutwith, aged.


Of 50 bovs. Entrance 2 sovs. One mile. Weights

for age. Tho winner to bo sold for J340, and any surplus to go to the fund.

Mr. W. P. Slmons's b o Daniol, 4 yrs. JUr. Batho'a br e Saddler, 4 yrs. Mr J Long's b c Toby, 4 yrs.

Mr. Abbott's eli m Kangaroo Jenny, agod. Mr. Al'cn's b g Chorryman, agod.


Of 25 sovs. Entronco, 1 sov. One mile and a

half. Catch weights. The winner to be sold for 25 sovs., and any surplus to go to the fund. Post entry. _


The Turf Club Handicap of 200 sovs., with a

sweepstakes of 25 sovs., for all horses. Dis-tance, three miles. The v. eights to be pub-lished in Hell's Zife on Saturday, the 29th of October, and acceptance», accompanied with, 15 bovs., at tho general night of entry, Mr, Henderson ns b g Sailor, C yrs.

Mr. Henderson us br g Peterborough, 4 yrs. Mr, Filg.Ue'8 bl g Tho Barber, aged. Mr. Austin's c1» c Nimblotoo, 4 yrs.

Mr. Cliirnside's gr m Alico Hawthorne, agod. Mr. J. Lord's b m Quickstep, 6 yrs. .Mr. Itcdw ood's b g strop, aged. Mr. ltcdwood's b in Io, 4 yrs.

Mr. Duppi's b li Canidou, aged,

Hr. Dui pa's c1» m Phoebe, ß yrs.

Mr. Philllps's gr g Gaflor Groy, aged > -Mr Philllps's br g Flying Fox, 6 yrs ' Mr. Field's b g Camel, aged.

.Mr. Allen's ch g Bed llovor, agod. . Mr Batho's b g Van Tronip, aged.

Mr. K. Grcono's b f Dollarlno, S yrs. Mr. Lang's gr g Woodpockor, aged.