Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Monday 10 September 1906, page 8



[By Canadia.l i

Tbe nineteenth year of association mk cnxwe in Adelaide ended on Saturday* While tbe standard of the game, both from an interstate and a local point of view

was fully maintained public interest in tha pastime was not so keen as it has been in former seaMms on account of the overwhelming strength of one club settling; tha premiership early in the season. The Lacrosse Association adopt* do artificial me* thod of always bringing that honour to & play-off, and since June 30 tbe premiership bud been quite beyond doubt There wan too much inglorious certainty- about the garnet. No advance in the public estimation of lacrosse can be claimed this year. People say tliat they cannot, see the ball, while many are not appreciative enough of science in sport to be educated in the line points of the {same. Tbe fact that tbe interstate campaign was located in Melbourne this year further tended to detract from the interest in Adelaide lacrosse: but an improvement in this direction wfll be recorded next year. It is aba hoped that tlie residential shuffle* of re* cess ?will brine the clubs more into equality/and that the imposition of electorate condition* will yet be justified. Thw WM the fifth year of Jthe electorate system. The following table shows the doings of tha five senior clubs for tbe season: — SENIOR ASSOCIATION. , -* i '-Sfcuu- l!i = I % i Port Adelaide .. 12. ? 10 — 71 182 * —Unbeaten in Two Years.— and the third in tbeir history Sturt hare won the premierehip. They had a bril!fiPm* 5*2* 'I*1 througl. without ? Sk TV^tPredaefy the same thing in 1005-mdeed, Sturt have not suffered^ reverse since June 2S. 13W, on which occasion they mmed victory by only 1 eoaL Their total of 174 goals establishes a scmor record for a season's scoring, beating the 109 thrown by the same club last rear, blurt Mcured an average of 14 coals ? match, and a fen- of their scores were:— 27 to 3, 25 to 2, 19 to 9, H to 3. 13 to 4, 13 to 6. and 13 to 2-fimire* which prove convincingly their complete superiority. The premiers owe their success Jo perfect combination, which ther hare acquired by constant practice and intelligent coaching.' The,- are entitled to hold the TwnbowSj Shield for (another 12 months. The runners-up are Xorth Adelaide. They have not filled that position or any better one since 1898, and tbe recovery is a very welcome one. in view of what thm dub has done foe lacrosse in tbe past. North Adelaide lost 3 out of their 12 matches, ad to Start, but they ran tbe premiers dose on twooccasjons, when tbe scores were only 8 to 6 and 6. to 3 agu'nrt them. Thee were the only two matches durins ibe year in which the Unley team failed to rcswter double figures. East Torren* again occupy tbe midway position they have filled ever since the electorate condiliciis were established; while Unirerrity and Port Adelaide are on the mm level that they were last year, fourth and fifth respectively. The premiership table for the past 10 yean is a reminiscent one:—. PfUBwrx* nwum*tipu Season. lESS-North Adelaide Adelaide 18»-Sorth Adflaid* AdebinV lfflO-UnivenitT Adelaide sMm 1841— Unhendtr lioqtwU . mt 1WS— Iroqnoi* I'nifffsitr ^M 18BJ-Iroouoii -' tarrcrsttr -^ lBW-UnireniU- North Adelaide 1805-CniTenitr Nortli AdeUIdt . ISBft-Onhrenitv North Addaldt 1887— North Adfttalde Ilnrrtrsitr laS-t'nivmitT North Adelaide 18S9-Iroqiiol|i L'nrrersMy lQOO-TrooooU mhrfratty ? IWt— Ircquob rnrrersitjr 1«H— Cnhwnitj- Start iflOS— Start rnrrersttr KM- Port Adelaide Start l-n$-Aturt East Towns 1£©*-Sturt ' North Adetatde —The Goalthrowerr.— The goal figures provided an interesting study for many weeks on account of the even {coring of three men in tbe Start bat' tcrf . One or two point* separated the trio for match after match until toward tlic end of the season W. NoMet was unable to fulfil one engagement. This left the feme between A. Presirrave and L. TTnmnhiis. and the former cained the proud

distinction of being at the head of all the dubs' coa!gettcr». with his two duhraatei mentioned fccond and thirrl respectively.. Preserave's performance i.« a creditable one. for he ha* displaced in Humnhrw one of the most prolific scorer* Australian lacrosse ha* known, and one who topped the list in \-m. 1S04. and 1905. and holds the individual Sooth Australian record. LEVOrSG GOALTHROWKRS. A. Prwcrave (S.) .. SS G. K. Hiomu I- Ilumnhri* (S.) S3 (N.A.) ? 5-W. Noblet (S.) .. » M. MrBeaa (X.A.) » U. Taylor Oi.A.) -0 P. ?Wfltomore fP.A-- IS H. Grremrav (I*.) 31 A. S. Mum (E.T.1 IS P. Jaffrey (P.A.1 S8 J. U Gower (EX) 11 C. A. Opp (E.T.) ?6 J. Verco &)?? ?? W T. Simmon (P.A.) SI h. Balbas (KA.).. 19 J. M. Smith (K.T.- !0 ' — Interrtate Campaign.— South Australia again held its ow* ngninst its strongest rival in lacrossse. Practicnllv the l-est team went to Melbourne mid detailed Victoria by 10 goals to 5. This match was played under (}ie auspices of the Australasian lacrosse Union, the unwdldine*« of wliich as :i -»n trolling lwdy liax l-ci'n proveil, uilh the roult that the sews. sinii --f tlif Smtli Au-rtruli.-in Asrociafion at an early date is likely. A minor phase of (lie interstate l-roznimme was a visit from a reprv-cntinz the Melbourne l:niver-sity. whii-h wa* defmled Uy the Adelaide University by 17 goal* to 1. — lunior Association. — In I lie .lunior Association UoldfaM. Bat Ht-n the iircniicrship in both grades, the A team poirifi throuch the season without defeat. They put ut- d record for the State by throwins 179 coals, to which aggregate the principal contributor); were B. Harrv 5S: B. Healy. 32: A. Pinch, 25: Allen Pinch. 24: and X. Jaffrev. 15. . Since Holdfast Riv is a separate cjeotnrate condition in lacrosse, it is hoped that the club which did to well in junior ranks this vear «-»

more into thc Senior Association next .season. The following table shows the satatiTe pootaoosof the junior dubs;— AOBADB. PW. T. L. n. Pi*. BoUbstBsrA .. J» 12 - - 54 v&mmr b .. - n s -4 * ._ i,$ KbrtBfAdelaide B . is ? 5 1 13 Stwt B ? 15 5 S S It fort Adelaide B .. IS 4 7 1 9 Deaf Votes ? IS 2 S 2 8 ittst Torrtm B „ 12 . 1 9 2 4 B OSADE. Hjd. ?: W. L. I-. Pti. B&a&t Bar B .. .1*. 11. * 13 Start C ? 14 TI 3 — 2! Nora Adelaide O . H M- 4 — 9-Port Adelaide C .. 14 «? 8 1 H tniTcnitr C .... 14 4 10 — S ?EBt Torrent .. .. u _ it _ — *East Torrent loifeited eray match. .—The Officers.— At the beginning of the season thc Senior association made two important chance* m it* wMnqi^Tn; officer?. Jlr. C. A. EdBnmds succeeded Jfr. W. O. Aiild as Chairman, and Mr. L. L. Jones took over the secretaryship and control of the funds from. Mr. G. Rlocfcev. Both scntteraen nav* done excellent service, and the nstocation will be fortunate if it is able to 'xefatn them. — Saturday's Matches.— The results of Saturday'? matches Stiir*. 25 (piofc: Port Adelaide. 2. North Adelaide, S goals; UmrersKy, 1.