Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Thursday 9 April 1903, page 4


Several vessels « which have recentlj touched at Part Adelaide have reported adverse weather, and those from the east ern states have been particularly unfori

tunate. UU Uie utway the Jiurruinbeei was struck by a wildly agitated sea, and one of tbe crew was Eeverely injured, -whil-the last arrival— the Mintaro, from New castle — was assailed by three differeni gales, which protracted her passage froit the New South Wales port to 7J days in stead of five. She was looked for las) Sunday, but did not show up till Wedj nesday afternoon. The Mintaro loaded with coal, left Newcastle on April 1 afc .noon, in lighj variable aira and a calm sea. Three houn later a heavy hailstorm 'struck her, iinc by 8 p.m. a gale was blowing from th-south, and raising a high sea. For the next 12 hours a stiff breeze blew, and in (hi afternoon of April 2 a rough head sea was encountered. After rounding Wilson's Pn-montory with the wind fresh from the west on Saturday afternoon, a tempest ol wind und water swooped down on the veal sel, and lasted throughout Sunday. Then orj Monday there was a big swell off Cap-Northumberland. The day before arrival a fresh gale blew up from the west- sou'* west, and at 1.15 p.m. the vessel shipped a. heavy sea, which did considerable dam) age. The anchors in the well deck pullei out the bolts and broke adrift, one skj] light was completely and another partiallj smashed, and the sea demolished woodworl and minor fittings in its attempt to dis appear into its original depths. By wa; of variation, of which the ship's complc ment had almost given up hope, a ligh wind prevailed during the passage up th gulf, and port was made in almost a caln sea. His Excellency tlie Governor-General am Lady Tennyson have forwarded to Adelaid eight photographs of themselves for prcsen tation to the members of the Mouatei Police Force who have on various occasion formed an escort to Lord Tennyson at olli rial functions. The R.M.S. Himalaya left Frcmantle aj 4 p.m. on Tuesday. The commander advises that he expects Uie vessel -o arriv{ at largs Bay at 11 a.m. on Saturday. j Mr. J. li. Angas received a telegrani on Wednesday from the Sydney Short Grounds stating that Ins Shorthorn cattle had taken six first prizes and one second prize in the seven classes in which h^ exhibited. Mr. Angas also secured twe champions for bull and cow, and two resen ved champions, and also the champion prize for the best group of one male and three female Shorthorns bred by the cxhi bitor. in the Hereford class Mr. Angd secured one first prize. The railway earnings from July I, 1902 to April 4, amounted to £834,037, as com pared with £S53,478 for the corresponding period of last year, showing a decrease 0! £19,441. The Maoris; arc progressing in civiliiaiioij (writes the Duncdin correspondent of The Melbourne Argus), as shown by the fact of Taiawhio Te Tau and other Maori chief^ suing another Maori named Oporo, tty writer, and MahuMnn, the publisher of a Maori paper at Grcytown, for an alleged libel, for which £100 damages was claimed! The matter arose out of an alleged evasion of the dog tax. Plaintiffs contended tha| the article reflected on. them as being dis' honourable and degraded, and consequently unfit, to hold tribal rights. After the case had been opened in the Masterton Districj Court the parties conferred, and a com; promise was arrived at on defendants payj ing £15 into Court, with costs, and publish) ing a withdrawal of ihe words used. ' Our Hobertstown correspondent writes:-* 'Great faith is placed in Mr. Giddons's fore' casts, but this time they have received-' so far as this locality is concerned— a severe knock. A farmer out east was recently persuaded by his better half to clean out the tunic (an underground one), because next week it was sure to get full, as Mr( Giddons had 'ttiid so in his almanac.' Shd got her point, her trump card being, 'It's down in black and white that we are tq have floods next week.' This, of course^ «u-ried the castle, and the diligent man set to work. After a miscellaneous heap had been raised, including many drayloads o{ sand, they calmly proceeded to await tha storm, with the result that now drinking wter has to bo carted a considerable dis-lance.' Our London cbrrespindenfc wrote on March 6:— 'Practically tlie whole of the 50 Canadian delegates from Manitoba and the north-west provinces of Canada have reached Great Britain, and have entered upon their missionary labours. They are a robust, hearty set; of men, whose appear* anee is a splendid advertisement for the teiritories which they hope to people with suitable emigrants' from the old country. Thcyhavetirranged to distribute themselves here as follows: — London and the south and west of England, IS: Birmingham dis-trict, 11: Liverpool district, 10; Glasgow, 5; Cardiff (for Wales), 4; Belfast (Ireland), 2. The delegates will be free to use their own methods in communicating with their brother agriculturists throughout the ccuntry. They will tell the tale of their own experiences, and will bear personal testimony to the productiveness of the soil they have cultivated. Thg outcome of these missionary efforts is expected to be prodigious, and there is reason to believe that the expectations will be fulfilled. In illustration of the extent to which the stream of emigration is setting towards Cai nada it may be mentioned that one slea-mer, the Parisian, cleared out on March 5 for Canadian ports with 2,000 emigrant on board. At this moment the Dominion is the pet of the press and the people of the United Kingdom.'

The true strength of the churchgoing Icntiment cannot be ganged by counting lie heads of those who are present Sunday ifter Sunday. The right test would be, if 5'ou could apply it, how much of the Sunday is carried into the rest of tl\j days of the week.'— Ep. Deakin at North Bsen4on. Attention is drawn by advertisement in another column tliat the Public Library and the reading rooms (in the institute building, Xorth terrace) will be open till li p.m. on Saturday, April 11, and Monday, April 13. The Art Gallery and -Museum will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on those days. An advert isementin our columnsannounces that a collection will be taken in aid of the TownsrQle Methodi.-t Church Wrccfa Fund at Kent Town Methodist Church on Uocd Friday morning. The Eastern Extension, Australasian, and Oiina Telegraph Company notify that the Litest telegram from Adelaide which arrived in London up to 10 aan. on April 8 was timed 5.20 p.m. on the same date. The time occupied in transit was 1 hour 43 minutes. There are 18 entries this year in all subjects in connection with the pharmaceutical course. Of the number 11 are taking inor-ganic chemistry, 6 organic chemistry, and 5 pharmacy. Tbe entries for botany will come later on in May. This year Mr. Harding Bickford will assist Mr. Whitbread in the evening work of the pharmacy class, and coming as he does, so recently and so well recommended, from Dr. Muter's laboratory, the quality of the teaching promises to be good, it may not be out of place to have this copy of a testimonial inserted here:— 'We the undersigned have much pleasure in stating that during the three years Mr. Harding Bickford has been in our laboratory he has proved himself a most conscientious and accurate worker and it is with perfect confidence that we can testify, now his course is complete, to his thorough capability in dealing with the analyses of water, food, and drugs.— John Muter, F.R.S.E., F.I.C., F.C.S.A.. H. H. Muter. F.I.C., F.C.S., Charles A. Hackman, F.I.C. Mr. Bickford can himself write F.C.S., and as Mr. Whitbread is a first-class, advanced and second honours of South Kensington, as well as major. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, the probability is that we can do very well for the present.''— From The Chemist and Druggist, April 1.